Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gelatina A"" "subject:"gelatinization A""
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Μοριακή ανάλυση και διαπίστωση μεταβολών δομικών και λειτουργικών μακρομοριακών συστατικών στον καρκίνο του λάρυγγαΤσιρόπουλος, Γαβριήλ 11 October 2013 (has links)
Εισαγωγή: Ο καρκίνος του λάρυγγα, ιδιαιτέρως σε προχωρημένα στάδια, είναι μία καταστροφική νόσος η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από αυξημένη διηθητικότητα και μεταστατικότητα. Η ανεύρεση ενός δείκτη πρώιμης διάγνωσης, παρακολούθησης και πρόγνωσης της νόσου θα ήταν ιδιαίτερα ευπρόσδεκτη. Συνεχώς αυξανόμενα δεδομένα στη βιβλιογραφία υποστηρίζουν την προγνωστική αξία των ζελατινασών και τον πιθανό ρόλο τους ως μοριακών δεικτών μεταξύ άλλων και στον καρκίνο του λάρυγγα.
Σκοπός: Η διαπίστωση μεταβολών στα επίπεδα ορού των ζελατινασών Α και Β σε ασθενείς με καρκίνο του λάρυγγα μετά από εφαρμογή θεραπείας, καθώς και η πιθανή συσχέτιση με διάφορες κλινικοπαθολογικές παραμέτρους πριν και μετά τη θεραπευτική παρέμβαση.
Υλικό και μέθοδος: Σαράντα εννέα ασθενείς και 8 υγιείς μάρτυρες συμπεριλήφθηκαν στη μελέτη. Ελήφθησαν προεγχειρητικά και μετεγχειρητικά δείγματα ορού τα οποία στη συνέχεια υποβλήθηκαν σε ζυμογραφία ζελατίνης. Η παρουσία ζελατινασών επιβεβαιώθηκε με την τεχνική western blotting. Οι ζώνες λύσης ποσοτικοποιήθηκαν με τη χρήση Scion Image PC. Η ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων πραγματοποιήθηκε με το πρόγραμμα SPSS 17 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA).
Αποτελέσματα: Στα ζυμογραφήματα αποτυπώθηκαν μόνο οι λανθάνουσες μορφές των ενζύμων (προένζυμα). Τα προ της θεραπείας επίπεδα και των δύο ζελατινασών στον ορό του αίματος των ασθενών με καρκίνο του λάρυγγα ήταν σημαντικά υψηλότερα σε σχέση με αυτά των υγιών μαρτύρων. Ασθενείς με υπεργλωττιδικό καρκίνωμα και ενεργοί καπνιστές είχαν σημαντικά υψηλότερα επίπεδα proMMP-2 σε σχέση με ασθενείς που έπασχαν από γλωττιδικό καρκίνωμα και με πρώην καπνιστές αντίστοιχα. Ασθενείς με πρωτοδιαγνωσμένη νόσο και ασθενείς με λεμφαδενικές μεταστάσεις είχαν σημαντικά χαμηλότερα προ της θεραπείας επίπεδα proMMP-9 σε σχέση με ασθενείς που προσήλθαν με υποτροπή και με ασθενείς στους οποίους δεν διαπιστώθηκε επιχώρια νόσος αντίστοιχα. Κατά τη διάρκεια της συστηματικής παρακολούθησης τα επίπεδα της proMMP-2 στον ορό παρουσίασαν σημαντική αύξηση τις πρώτες 10 με 15 ημέρες μετά την εφαρμογή θεραπείας, για να μειωθούν σταδιακά εντός των επόμενων μηνών. Οι ενεργοί καπνιστές παρουσίασαν σημαντική μείωση των επιπέδων της proMMP-2 κατά την περίοδο παρακολούθησης, σε αντίθεση με τους πρώην καπνιστές οι οποίοι εμφάνισαν σημαντική αύξηση κατά το ίδιο χρονικό διάστημα. Οι ασθενείς σταδίου ΙΙ είχαν σημαντικά χαμηλότερα επίπεδα proMMP-2 σε σχέση με ασθενείς προχωρημένων σταδίων πέντε με οκτώ μήνες μετά τη θεραπεία, όπως και οι ασθενείς οι οποίοι υποβλήθηκαν σε συντηρητική αντιμετώπιση σε σχέση με τους χειρουργημένους ασθενείς. Τα επίπεδα της proMMP-9 στον ορό επίσης παρουσίασαν σημαντική πτώση μετά την εφαρμογή θεραπείας. Διαφορές στο ρυθμό μείωσης των επιπέδων της proMMP-9 παρατηρήθηκαν μεταξύ των διαφόρων ομάδων ως προς το στάδιο, τη διαφοροποίηση, την εντόπιση, τον τύπο της νόσου (πρωτοδιαγνωσμένη ή υποτροπή), τις λεμφαδενικές μεταστάσεις, τον τρόπο αντιμετώπισης και την κατανάλωση αλκοόλ. Ωστόσο αυτή η διαφορά δεν διατηρήθηκε πέντε με οκτώ μήνες μετά την εφαρμογή θεραπείας, με εξαίρεση την ομάδα των χειρουργημένων ασθενών, οι οποίοι διατήρησαν σημαντικά υψηλότερα επίπεδα ενζύμου στον ορό. Αύξηση των ζελατινασών παρατηρήθηκε στον ορό ασθενών που εκδήλωσαν υποτροπή μετά από αντιμετώπιση πρωτοδιαγνωσμένης νόσου σε σχέση με αυτούς που δεν υποτροπίασαν. Ωστόσο εξαιτίας του μικρού δείγματος δεν είναι δυνατόν να εξαχθούν ασφαλή συμπεράσματα.
Συμπεράσματα: Αν και δεν υφίστανται φυσιολογικές τιμές, το πρότυπο μεταβολής των επιπέδων της proMMP-9 στον ορό μετά από θεραπεία καταδεικνύει πιθανές ιδιότητες μοριακού δείκτη. Ωστόσο υπάρχουν ενδείξεις ότι και οι δύο ζελατινάσες θα μπορούσαν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την εξατομικευμένη παρακολούθηση ασθενών με καρκίνο του λάρυγγα. Περαιτέρω έρευνα απαιτείται για την αποσαφήνιση του ζητήματος. / Introduction: Laryngeal cancer, especially in the advanced stages, is a highly devastating disease, characterized by increased invasiveness and high rates of metastasis. The identification of reliable tumour marker for prompt diagnosis, surveillance and prognosis would be highly desirable. There is a growing body of evidence with regard to the prognostic value of gelatinases and their possible role as tumour markers.
Aim: To identify the pattern of alteration of serum gelatinases A and B in patients with laryngeal cancer following treatment, and a possible correlation with various clinicopathological parameters prior to and past treatment.
Materials and methods: Forty nine patients and 8 healthy controls were included in the study. Pre-treatment and post-treatment serum samples were collected and processed by gelatin zymography. The presence of gelatinases was verified by western blotting. The zymograms were scanned by a digital scanner and the lysis bands were quantified by Scion Image PC. Analysis of the quantitative results was performed by using SPSS 17 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA).
Results: Only the latent forms of MMP-2 and -9 (proforms) were identified. Both gelatinases were increased in the serum of laryngeal cancer patients compared to healthy individuals. Patients with supraglottic tumours and active smokers had significantly higher pre-treatment levels of proMMP-2 than patients with glottic tumours and ex-smokers, respectively. Patients with primary disease and patients with lymph node involvement showed lower proMMP-9 pre-treatment levels than patients with recurrence and patients without neck disease, respectively. During the follow-up period the proMMP-2 serum levels increased significantly in the first ten to fifteen days after treatment, gradually decreasing over the following months. Smokers showed a very high decrease rate of proMMP-2 levels during the follow-up period, whereas in ex-smokers proMMP-2 levels significantly increased. Stage II patients showed significantly lower levels of circulating enzyme compared to patients with more advanced disease five to eight months past treatment. Similarly, conservative management was associated with lower levels of serum proMMP-2 compared to surgical management five to eight months following treatment. The proMMP-9 serum levels also showed a gradual decrease after treatment, which was statistically significant. Significant alterations in the rate of decrease developed among groups with regard to stage, grade, location, type of disease (primary or recurrence), regional disease, treatment modality and alcohol consumption. Nevertheless those differences were not maintained five to eight months past treatment, with the exception of patients who underwent surgery and who maintained higher levels of proMMP-9. An increase to the levels of both gelatinases were observed in patients with recurrent disease after having been treated for a primary compared to patients who did not develop a recurrence. However, the small sample of patients with recurrent disease during the follow-up period does not allow extrapolating sound conclusions.
Conclusions: Although as yet normal values have not been established in the literature, the post-treatment alteration pattern of proMMP-9 serum levels indicates that this enzyme might play a role as a tumour marker. Nevertheless this study provides evidence that both gelatinases might be useful for surveillance on strictly individual basis in laryngeal cancer patients. Further research is necessary to clarify the contribution of both gelatinases to the disease progress and determine their role as prognostic factors and tumour markers.
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Biomarcador urinário NGAL em pacientes com cirrose: acurácia diagnóstica para predizer desenvolvimento ou progressão da lesão renal aguda e resposta ao tratamento da síndrome hepatorrenal / Urinary biomarker NGAL in patients with cirrhosis: diagnostic accuracy to predict acute kidney injury development or progression and response to therapy of hepatorenal syndromeXimenes, Rafael Oliveira 07 April 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Lesão renal aguda (LRA) é uma complicação comum da cirrose frequentemente desencadeada por infecções bacterianas. A mortalidade de pacientes com cirrose e LRA varia de 10 a 100% a depender do estádio da cirrose, etiologia e progressão da LRA e tratamento recebido. Pacientes com LRA que progride possuem mortalidade intra-hospitalar consideravelmente maior do que aqueles que não progridem. Os critérios diagnósticos da LRA baseiam-se na creatinina sérica. Porém, esse biomarcador tem acurácia diagnóstica limitada, já que demora até 48 horas para se alterar e não distingue a etiologia da LRA. Essa última limitação é particularmente importante em pacientes com suspeita de síndrome hepatorrenal (SHR), já que o seu tratamento envolve o uso de medicações de alto custo (albumina e terlipressina) e eficácia limitada. O NGAL (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin) é um biomarcador de necrose dos túbulos renais e sua dosagem tem sido proposta como marcador diagnóstico mais acurado da LRA na cirrose, pois se altera mais precocemente e seus níveis urinários variam conforme a etiologia e gravidade da LRA. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos primários do trabalho foram avaliar a acurácia do NGAL urinário para predizer: a) desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; b) resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com diagnóstico estabelecido de SHR. Os objetivos secundários foram: a) acurácia de marcadores de disfunção hemodinâmica em cirrose (atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica) na predição do desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; b) acurácia de marcadores de função hepática, parâmetros hemodinâmicos, marcadores inflamatórios e testes laboratoriais de lesão renal tradicionalmente utilizados na prática clínica na predição do desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; c) acurácia de marcadores de disfunção hemodinâmica em cirrose (atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica) na predição de resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com diagnóstico estabelecido de SHR; d) acurácia de marcadores de função hepática, parâmetros hemodinâmicos, marcadores inflamatórios e testes laboratoriais de lesão renal tradicionalmente utilizados na prática clínica na predição de resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com diagnóstico estabelecido de SHR; e) comparar o conceito tradicional de LRA em cirrose com a nova classificação ICA-AKI para predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar, em 30 e 90 dias em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; f) acurácia do NGAL para predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Critérios de inclusão: a) cirrose; b) ascite e/ou hidrotórax hepático; c) idade maior que 18 anos; d) concordância em participar no estudo; e) LRA e/ou infecção bacteriana. Critérios de exclusão: a) comorbidades graves; b) choque; c) nefropatia intrínseca; d) uso de drogas nefrotóxicas; e) diálise prévia; f) transplante hepático. Foram coletadas amostras de urina para dosagem de NGAL e sangue para dosagem de atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica no momento da inclusão do paciente no estudo. Os pacientes com SHR receberam o tratamento padrão atual com albumina e terlipressina. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 199 pacientes: 179 com infecção bacteriana para avaliação de desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA e 58 com SHR para avaliação da resposta ao tratamento (38 pacientes foram avaliados nas duas partes do estudo). O NGAL urinário apresentou associação com a progressão da LRA (AUC: 0,67; p=0,002), mas não com o seu desenvolvimento (p=0,973). Outras variáveis associadas à progressão da LRA foram INR (p=0,033), MELD (p=0,012), FEUr (p=0,026) e relação proteinúria/creatinina urinária (p=0,023). Houve associação entre NGAL urinário e a resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com SHR (AUC: 0,70; p=0,007). Outras variáveis associadas à resposta ao tratamento da SHR foram INR (p=0,028), MELD (p=0,004) e relação proteinúria/creatinina urinária (p=0,003). Combinando o MELD com o NGAL urinário foi possível identificar subgrupos de pacientes com taxas de resposta ao tratamento com albumina e terlipressina distintas (9,1% x 48,1% x 80,0%, p < 0,001). Tanto o conceito tradicional de LRA na cirrose quanto a classificação ICA-AKI foram capazes de predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar, em 30 e 90 dias (p < 0,05). O NGAL urinário também foi capaz de predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar (AUC: 0,71; p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: a) NGAL urinário aumentado foi associado à progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; b) atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica não se correlacionaram ao desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; c) NGAL urinário foi preditor de resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com SHR; d) atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica não se correlacionaram à resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com SHR; e) tanto o conceito tradicional de LRA em cirrose quanto a classificação ICA-AKI mostraram-se adequados para predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar, em 30 e 90 dias em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; f) NGAL urinário aumentado foi associado à maior mortalidade intra-hospitalar em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana / INTRODUCTION: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent complication of cirrhosis, and is often triggered by bacterial infection. The mortality of patients with cirrhosis and AKI varies from 10 to 100%, depending on the stage of cirrhosis, etiology and progression of AKI, and treatment. Patients with AKI that progresses have a higher in-hospital mortality than those with AKI that does not progress. AKI diagnostic criteria are based on serum creatinine. However, this biomarker has limited diagnostic accuracy, taking up to 48 hours to rise, and does not distinguish the etiology of AKI. This latter limitation is particularly important in patients with suspected hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), because treatment involves high cost medication (albumin and terlipressin) with limited efficacy. NGAL (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin) is a biomarker of renal tubular necrosis which has been proposed as a more accurate AKI biomarker in cirrhosis because it rises earlier than creatinine and its urinary levels vary according to the etiology of AKI. OBJECTIVES: The primary endpoints were the establishment of the accuracy of urinary NGAL to predict: a) development or progression of AKI in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; b) response to treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with diagnosed HRS. The secondary endpoints were: a) accuracy of biomarkers of hemodynamic dysfunction in cirrhosis (renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline) to predict AKI development or progression in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; b) accuracy of biomarkers of hepatic function, hemodynamics, inflammation and kidney injury routinely used in clinical practice to predict AKI development or progression in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; c) accuracy of biomarkers of hemodynamic dysfunction in cirrhosis (renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline) to predict response to treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with diagnosis of HRS; d) accuracy of biomarkers of hepatic function, hemodynamics, inflammation and kidney injury routinely used in clinical practice to predict response to treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with diagnosis of HRS; e) compare the traditional definition of AKI in cirrhosis with the new classification ICA-AKI to predict in-hospital, 30-day and 90-day mortality in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection. f) accuracy of urinary NGAL in predicting in-hospital mortality in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Inclusion criteria: a) diagnosis of cirrhosis; b) presence of ascites and/or hepatic hydrothorax; c) age over 18 years old; d) consent to participate in the study; e) AKI and/or bacterial infection. Exclusion criteria: a) severe systemic comorbidities; b) shock; c) intrinsic nephropathy; d) nephrotoxic drug use; e) previous dialysis; f) liver transplantation recipient. Urine and blood samples were collected for urinary NGAL and renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline measurement at the inclusion. Patients with HRS received standard treatment with albumin and terlipressin. RESULTS: 199 patients were included: 179 with bacterial infection for the analysis of AKI development or progression and 58 with HRS for the analysis of response to treatment (38 patients were analyzed in both parts of the study). Urinary NGAL was associated with AKI progression (AUC: 0.67, p=0.002), but not with AKI development (p=0.973). Other variables associated with AKI progression were INR (p=0.003), MELD (p=0.012), FEUr (p=0.026) and proteinuria/urinary creatinine ratio (p=0.023). There was also an association of urinary NGAL with response to HRS treatment with albumin and terlipressin (AUC: 0.70, p=0.007). Other variables associated with response to HRS treatment were INR (p=0.028), MELD (p=0.004) and proteinuria/urinary creatinine ratio (p=0.003). Combining MELD and urinary NGAL we could identify subgroups of patients with distinct response rates to treatment with albumin and terlipressin (9.1% x 48.1% x 80.0%, p < 0.001). Both the traditional definition of AKI in cirrhosis and the classification ICA-AKI predicted in-hospital, 30-day and 90-day mortality (p < 0.05). Urinary NGAL was also associated with in-hospital mortality (AUC: 0.71, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: a) High urinary levels of NGAL were associated with AKI progression in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; b) renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline were not associated with AKI development or progression in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; c) urinary NGAL was associated with response to combined treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with HRS; d) renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline were not associated with response to combined treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with HRS; e) both traditional definition ok AKI in cirrhosis and ICA-AKI classification were able to predict in-hospital, 30-day and 90-day mortality in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; f) high urinary levels of NGAL were associated with in-hospital mortality in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection
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Biomarcador urinário NGAL em pacientes com cirrose: acurácia diagnóstica para predizer desenvolvimento ou progressão da lesão renal aguda e resposta ao tratamento da síndrome hepatorrenal / Urinary biomarker NGAL in patients with cirrhosis: diagnostic accuracy to predict acute kidney injury development or progression and response to therapy of hepatorenal syndromeRafael Oliveira Ximenes 07 April 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Lesão renal aguda (LRA) é uma complicação comum da cirrose frequentemente desencadeada por infecções bacterianas. A mortalidade de pacientes com cirrose e LRA varia de 10 a 100% a depender do estádio da cirrose, etiologia e progressão da LRA e tratamento recebido. Pacientes com LRA que progride possuem mortalidade intra-hospitalar consideravelmente maior do que aqueles que não progridem. Os critérios diagnósticos da LRA baseiam-se na creatinina sérica. Porém, esse biomarcador tem acurácia diagnóstica limitada, já que demora até 48 horas para se alterar e não distingue a etiologia da LRA. Essa última limitação é particularmente importante em pacientes com suspeita de síndrome hepatorrenal (SHR), já que o seu tratamento envolve o uso de medicações de alto custo (albumina e terlipressina) e eficácia limitada. O NGAL (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin) é um biomarcador de necrose dos túbulos renais e sua dosagem tem sido proposta como marcador diagnóstico mais acurado da LRA na cirrose, pois se altera mais precocemente e seus níveis urinários variam conforme a etiologia e gravidade da LRA. OBJETIVOS: Os objetivos primários do trabalho foram avaliar a acurácia do NGAL urinário para predizer: a) desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; b) resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com diagnóstico estabelecido de SHR. Os objetivos secundários foram: a) acurácia de marcadores de disfunção hemodinâmica em cirrose (atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica) na predição do desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; b) acurácia de marcadores de função hepática, parâmetros hemodinâmicos, marcadores inflamatórios e testes laboratoriais de lesão renal tradicionalmente utilizados na prática clínica na predição do desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; c) acurácia de marcadores de disfunção hemodinâmica em cirrose (atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica) na predição de resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com diagnóstico estabelecido de SHR; d) acurácia de marcadores de função hepática, parâmetros hemodinâmicos, marcadores inflamatórios e testes laboratoriais de lesão renal tradicionalmente utilizados na prática clínica na predição de resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com diagnóstico estabelecido de SHR; e) comparar o conceito tradicional de LRA em cirrose com a nova classificação ICA-AKI para predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar, em 30 e 90 dias em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; f) acurácia do NGAL para predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Critérios de inclusão: a) cirrose; b) ascite e/ou hidrotórax hepático; c) idade maior que 18 anos; d) concordância em participar no estudo; e) LRA e/ou infecção bacteriana. Critérios de exclusão: a) comorbidades graves; b) choque; c) nefropatia intrínseca; d) uso de drogas nefrotóxicas; e) diálise prévia; f) transplante hepático. Foram coletadas amostras de urina para dosagem de NGAL e sangue para dosagem de atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica no momento da inclusão do paciente no estudo. Os pacientes com SHR receberam o tratamento padrão atual com albumina e terlipressina. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 199 pacientes: 179 com infecção bacteriana para avaliação de desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA e 58 com SHR para avaliação da resposta ao tratamento (38 pacientes foram avaliados nas duas partes do estudo). O NGAL urinário apresentou associação com a progressão da LRA (AUC: 0,67; p=0,002), mas não com o seu desenvolvimento (p=0,973). Outras variáveis associadas à progressão da LRA foram INR (p=0,033), MELD (p=0,012), FEUr (p=0,026) e relação proteinúria/creatinina urinária (p=0,023). Houve associação entre NGAL urinário e a resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com SHR (AUC: 0,70; p=0,007). Outras variáveis associadas à resposta ao tratamento da SHR foram INR (p=0,028), MELD (p=0,004) e relação proteinúria/creatinina urinária (p=0,003). Combinando o MELD com o NGAL urinário foi possível identificar subgrupos de pacientes com taxas de resposta ao tratamento com albumina e terlipressina distintas (9,1% x 48,1% x 80,0%, p < 0,001). Tanto o conceito tradicional de LRA na cirrose quanto a classificação ICA-AKI foram capazes de predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar, em 30 e 90 dias (p < 0,05). O NGAL urinário também foi capaz de predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar (AUC: 0,71; p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: a) NGAL urinário aumentado foi associado à progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; b) atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica não se correlacionaram ao desenvolvimento ou progressão da LRA em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; c) NGAL urinário foi preditor de resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com SHR; d) atividade plasmática de renina e noradrenalina sérica não se correlacionaram à resposta ao tratamento combinado com albumina e terlipressina em pacientes com SHR; e) tanto o conceito tradicional de LRA em cirrose quanto a classificação ICA-AKI mostraram-se adequados para predizer mortalidade intra-hospitalar, em 30 e 90 dias em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana; f) NGAL urinário aumentado foi associado à maior mortalidade intra-hospitalar em pacientes com cirrose e infecção bacteriana / INTRODUCTION: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent complication of cirrhosis, and is often triggered by bacterial infection. The mortality of patients with cirrhosis and AKI varies from 10 to 100%, depending on the stage of cirrhosis, etiology and progression of AKI, and treatment. Patients with AKI that progresses have a higher in-hospital mortality than those with AKI that does not progress. AKI diagnostic criteria are based on serum creatinine. However, this biomarker has limited diagnostic accuracy, taking up to 48 hours to rise, and does not distinguish the etiology of AKI. This latter limitation is particularly important in patients with suspected hepatorenal syndrome (HRS), because treatment involves high cost medication (albumin and terlipressin) with limited efficacy. NGAL (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin) is a biomarker of renal tubular necrosis which has been proposed as a more accurate AKI biomarker in cirrhosis because it rises earlier than creatinine and its urinary levels vary according to the etiology of AKI. OBJECTIVES: The primary endpoints were the establishment of the accuracy of urinary NGAL to predict: a) development or progression of AKI in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; b) response to treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with diagnosed HRS. The secondary endpoints were: a) accuracy of biomarkers of hemodynamic dysfunction in cirrhosis (renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline) to predict AKI development or progression in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; b) accuracy of biomarkers of hepatic function, hemodynamics, inflammation and kidney injury routinely used in clinical practice to predict AKI development or progression in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; c) accuracy of biomarkers of hemodynamic dysfunction in cirrhosis (renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline) to predict response to treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with diagnosis of HRS; d) accuracy of biomarkers of hepatic function, hemodynamics, inflammation and kidney injury routinely used in clinical practice to predict response to treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with diagnosis of HRS; e) compare the traditional definition of AKI in cirrhosis with the new classification ICA-AKI to predict in-hospital, 30-day and 90-day mortality in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection. f) accuracy of urinary NGAL in predicting in-hospital mortality in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Inclusion criteria: a) diagnosis of cirrhosis; b) presence of ascites and/or hepatic hydrothorax; c) age over 18 years old; d) consent to participate in the study; e) AKI and/or bacterial infection. Exclusion criteria: a) severe systemic comorbidities; b) shock; c) intrinsic nephropathy; d) nephrotoxic drug use; e) previous dialysis; f) liver transplantation recipient. Urine and blood samples were collected for urinary NGAL and renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline measurement at the inclusion. Patients with HRS received standard treatment with albumin and terlipressin. RESULTS: 199 patients were included: 179 with bacterial infection for the analysis of AKI development or progression and 58 with HRS for the analysis of response to treatment (38 patients were analyzed in both parts of the study). Urinary NGAL was associated with AKI progression (AUC: 0.67, p=0.002), but not with AKI development (p=0.973). Other variables associated with AKI progression were INR (p=0.003), MELD (p=0.012), FEUr (p=0.026) and proteinuria/urinary creatinine ratio (p=0.023). There was also an association of urinary NGAL with response to HRS treatment with albumin and terlipressin (AUC: 0.70, p=0.007). Other variables associated with response to HRS treatment were INR (p=0.028), MELD (p=0.004) and proteinuria/urinary creatinine ratio (p=0.003). Combining MELD and urinary NGAL we could identify subgroups of patients with distinct response rates to treatment with albumin and terlipressin (9.1% x 48.1% x 80.0%, p < 0.001). Both the traditional definition of AKI in cirrhosis and the classification ICA-AKI predicted in-hospital, 30-day and 90-day mortality (p < 0.05). Urinary NGAL was also associated with in-hospital mortality (AUC: 0.71, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: a) High urinary levels of NGAL were associated with AKI progression in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; b) renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline were not associated with AKI development or progression in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; c) urinary NGAL was associated with response to combined treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with HRS; d) renin plasma activity and serum noradrenaline were not associated with response to combined treatment with albumin and terlipressin in patients with HRS; e) both traditional definition ok AKI in cirrhosis and ICA-AKI classification were able to predict in-hospital, 30-day and 90-day mortality in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection; f) high urinary levels of NGAL were associated with in-hospital mortality in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infection
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Inibição da metaloproteinase 2 por dois monômeros amplamente utilizados na formulação de adesivos dentinários / Inhibition of metalloproteinase 2 by two monomers thoroughly used on the dentin bonding formulation.Carvalho, Rodrigo Varella de 30 January 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-01-30 / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) on the inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2). Mouse gingival explants were cultured overnight in DMEM and the expression of secreted enzymes was analyzed by gelatin zymography in buffers containing 5 mM CaCl2 (Tris-CaCl2) in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer with the addition of HEMA and TEGDMA at different concentrations (0.62, 1.25, 2.5 or 5.0% (v/v)). The gelatinolytic proteinase present in the conditioned media was characterized as matrix metalloproteinase by means of specific chemical inhibition with 0.5 mM of EDTA and 0.5 mM of NEM. The matrix metalloproteinases present in the conditioned media were characterized as MMP-2 by immunoprecipitation.The eletrophoretic bands were scanned and the transmittance values were analyzed with ImageJ software. Data was plotted and submitted to linear regression to investigate MMP-2 inhibition as a function of HEMA and TEGDMA concentration. Three major bands were detected in the zymographic assays. Those bands were characterized as MMP-2. Zymogene (72 kDa), intermediate (66 kDa) and active forms of MMP-2 (62 kDa) were inhibited by HEMA and TEGDMA in a dose-dependent way. These findings suggest that HEMA and TEGDMA could inhibit MMP-2 expression even at small concentrations. / O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes
concentrações de 2-hidroxietil metacrilato (HEMA) e trietilenoglicol dimetacrilato (TEGDMA) na inibição da metaloproteinase da matriz 2 (MMP-2). Tecidos gengivais de ratos foram incubados em DMEM e a expressão das enzimas secretadas foi analisada por zimografia em tampões de incubação contendo 5 mM de CaCl2 (Tris-CaCl2) em 50 mM de Tris-HCl com a adição de diferentes concentrações de HEMA e TEGDMA (0,62; 1,25; 2,5 e 5%) em volume. Para caracterizar as enzimas como MMPs foi realizado ensaio de inibição química específica com 0,5 mM de EDTA (um conhecido inibidor de MMPs) e 0,5 de NEM (um conhecido inibidor de proteinases serinas).Para caracterizar as enzimas como MMP-2
foi realizado o ensaio de imunoprecipitação. As bandas produzidas no gel foram escaneadas e os valores de transmitância foram analizados com o auxílio do programa ImageJ. Os resultados foram submetidos a regressão
linear em função da concentração de HEMA e TEGDMA. Três bandas foram identificadas após a zimografia. Essas bandas foram caracterizadas como MMP-2. O zimogênio (72 kDa), a forma intermediária (66 kDa) e a forma ativa da MMP-2 (62 kDa) foram inibidas pelo HEMA e pelo TEGDMA de forma dose-dependente. Nossos resultados sugerem que o HEMA e o TEGDMA podem inibir a expressão da MMP-2 mesmo em pequenas concentrações.
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Migration Stimulating Factor : the search for inhibitorsFlorence, Margaret Mary January 2013 (has links)
The oncofetal protein Migration Stimulating Factor (MSF) is a truncated isoform of human fibronectin which exhibits numerous bioactivities that are pertinent to cancer progression. The MSF protein (70kDa) has potent motogenic activity, with only femtomolar concentrations required to produce half-maximal. The proteolytic degradation of MSF generates the functionally equivalent 43kDa Gel-BD domain and 21kDa IGD peptide. The screening of conditioned medium (CM) for bioactivity revealed two sources of MSF-inhibitory (MSF-I) activity; the spontaneously immortalised human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) and endothelial cells (ENDO 742) specifically when exhibiting a cobblestone phenotype. The CM from the HaCaT keratinocyte line was fractionated by both molecular weight and ionic charge, followed by sequence analysis which identified the inhibitor as Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (NGAL). Both recombinant and cell-produced NGAL neutralise the motogenic activity of MSF. This novel bioactivity for NGAL is not dependent on its iron transportation capability or direct binding to MSF. HaCaT cells also secrete MSF; the bioactivity of which is masked by the co-expression of NGAL. The relative expression levels of the pro- and anti-motogenic factors, MSF and NGAL, were assessed using an in vitro model for human skin carcinogenesis, the HaCaT –ras clones. The shift in tumorigenic potential from benign to metastatic was characterised by a decrease in NGAL and an increase in MSF expression, indicating their potential role in tumour progression. The protein responsible for the MSF inhibitory activity is cell- type specific; NGAL is not expressed by endothelial cells in vitro. MSF stimulates the generation of sprouting endothelial cells from a cobblestone monolayer and acts a survival factor for spontaneously sprouting cells within a 3D matrix. NGAL does not selectively the target sprouting phenotype of endothelial cells, but induces apoptosis in all endothelial cells. Fractionation of endothelial CM revealed that both sprouting and cobblestone cells express bioactive MSF and a MSF-I. Endothelial MSF-I was located in fractions of MW 70kDa, 40kDa and =25kDa; further investigation is required to identify the protein responsible.
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Urinary tract infection and renal scarring /Chromek, Milan, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Genomic clues to secondary injury mechanisms in brain trauma /Gertten, Christina von, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Efeitos da combinação do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos básico e fator de transformação de crescimento beta na proliferação, expressão de genes para colágeno tipos I e III, metaloproteases-1 e -2 e TIMPs 1,2 e 3, e na modulação da síntese destes próprios fatores de crescimento pelas células do ligamento periodontal de humanosRuiz, Karina Gonzales Silvério [UNESP] 06 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2005-06-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:23:26Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
ruiz_kgs_dr_arafo.pdf: 357284 bytes, checksum: 93541a495590ca3b701f6cf9ef876131 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da combinação do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos básico (b-FGF) e fator de transformação de crescimento beta (TGF- beta) na proliferação, expressão de genes para colágeno tipos I e III, metaloproteases -1 e -2 e TIMPs 1, 2 e 3, e na síntese destes próprios fatores de crescimento pelas células do ligamento periodontal de humanos. A avaliação da proliferação celular foi realizada após os períodos de 24 e 48h na presença dos fatores de crescimento, através da mensuração do nível de MTS reduzido a formazan pelas células viáveis, e a síntese de b-FGF e TGF-b pelo teste ELISA empregando a técnica sandwich. Conclui-se que as associações do bFGF e do TGF-b atuaram de maneira dose-dependente no estímulo à proliferação celular, o aumento na expressão de genes para colágeno e TIMPs e redução para as metalproteases e modulação da síntese deles próprios. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of association of basic fibroblast growth factor and transforming growth factor beta on the proliferation, expression of colagen type I e III, matrix metalloproteinases-1 e -2 e TIMPs 1, 2 e 3, and on the modulation of the syntheses oh these growth factors by humans periodontal ligament cells. The cellular proliferation was evaluated to 24 and 48 hours of incubation by the colorimetric method. The synthese of bFGF and TGF-ß was verificated by ELISA method, using a sandwich techinique, and mRNA expression by Real Time - PCR. In conlusion, the associations of bFGF e TGF-ß influenced of dose-dependent manner on the cellular proliferation, on the increasing of the expression to collagen and TIMPs, and on the reduction to metaloproteinases and, the modulation of these own synthesis.
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Impact du bicarbonate de sodium sur la prévention de la néphropathie induite par le produit de contraste en chirurgie endovasculaire pour anévrysme de l’aorteBrulotte, Véronique 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction: L’approche endovasculaire pour la réparation d’anévrysmes aortiques s’associe à une utilisation importante de produit de contraste, qui peut causer une néphropathie induite par le produit de contraste (NIC) en postopératoire. L’hydratation intraveineuse peut réduire l’incidence de NIC, mais quel produit utiliser reste incertain. Nous avons évalué le bicarbonate de sodium, comparé au NaCl 0,9%, pour réduire l’incidence de NIC.
Méthode: Nous avons mené une étude prospective, randomisée et contrôlée à double insu chez 34 patients subissant une chirurgie endovasculaire pour anévrysme aortique. Les patients des deux groupes (17 patients par groupe) ont reçu du bicarbonate de sodium ou du NaCl 0,9% à raison de 3 mL/kg/h pour une heure avant l’intervention puis 1 mL/kg/h jusqu’à 6 h après la fin de la chirurgie. Tous les patients ont reçu du N-acétylcystéine. L’objectif principal était l’incidence de NIC, définie comme une élévation de plus de 25% de la créatinine sérique 48 h suivant l’exposition au produit de contraste. Des biomarqueurs précoces de lésion rénale ont été mesurés.
Résultats: Une NIC s’est développée chez 1 patient (5,88%) appartenant au groupe bicarbonate, comparé à aucun patient (0%) dans le groupe NaCl 0,9% (P = 0,31). Les biomarqueurs de lésion rénale étaient significativement augmentés dans les deux groupes après l’exposition au produit de contraste.
Conclusions: Nous avons démontré un faible taux d’insuffisance rénale suivant une chirurgie endovasculaire aortique, que l’hydratation soit effectuée avec du bicarbonate ou du NaCl 0,9%, malgré une élévation des biomarqueurs de lésion rénale. / Background: The endovascular approach for the repair of aortic aneurysm involves the administration of large quantities of contrast media, which can cause contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) in the post operative period. The only proven strategy to prevent CIN is intravenous hydration, but what type of infusion to use is not clear. We evaluated the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate, compared with NaCl 0.9%, to reduce the incidence of postoperative renal failure.
Methods: We conducted a prospective, controlled, double-blind, randomized study in patients presenting for endovascular aortic aneurysm surgery. Patients in group A (n = 17) received sodium bicarbonate 3 mL/kg/h for 1 h before the procedure and then 1 mL/kg/h until 6 h after surgery, whereas patients in group B (n= 17) received the same amount of NaCl 0.9%. All patients received N-acetylcysteine. The primary end point was CIN, defined by serum creatinine greater than 25 % above baseline 48 h post operatively. Biomarkers of renal injury were measured.
Results: CIN developed in one patient in the bicarbonate group (5,88%), compared with no patient in the NaCl 0,9% group (0%) (difference 5.88%;95% CI -5.3% to 17.06%, P = 0.31). Interleukin-18, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase and Kidney Injury Molecule-1 increased significantly in both groups after exposure to contrast media.
Conclusions: We demonstrated a low rate of renal failure following endovascular aortic surgery using contrast media, regardless of whether bicarbonate or NaCl 0.9% was used for hydration, despite significant elevation in biomarkers of renal injury.
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Impact du bicarbonate de sodium sur la prévention de la néphropathie induite par le produit de contraste en chirurgie endovasculaire pour anévrysme de l’aorteBrulotte, Véronique 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction: L’approche endovasculaire pour la réparation d’anévrysmes aortiques s’associe à une utilisation importante de produit de contraste, qui peut causer une néphropathie induite par le produit de contraste (NIC) en postopératoire. L’hydratation intraveineuse peut réduire l’incidence de NIC, mais quel produit utiliser reste incertain. Nous avons évalué le bicarbonate de sodium, comparé au NaCl 0,9%, pour réduire l’incidence de NIC.
Méthode: Nous avons mené une étude prospective, randomisée et contrôlée à double insu chez 34 patients subissant une chirurgie endovasculaire pour anévrysme aortique. Les patients des deux groupes (17 patients par groupe) ont reçu du bicarbonate de sodium ou du NaCl 0,9% à raison de 3 mL/kg/h pour une heure avant l’intervention puis 1 mL/kg/h jusqu’à 6 h après la fin de la chirurgie. Tous les patients ont reçu du N-acétylcystéine. L’objectif principal était l’incidence de NIC, définie comme une élévation de plus de 25% de la créatinine sérique 48 h suivant l’exposition au produit de contraste. Des biomarqueurs précoces de lésion rénale ont été mesurés.
Résultats: Une NIC s’est développée chez 1 patient (5,88%) appartenant au groupe bicarbonate, comparé à aucun patient (0%) dans le groupe NaCl 0,9% (P = 0,31). Les biomarqueurs de lésion rénale étaient significativement augmentés dans les deux groupes après l’exposition au produit de contraste.
Conclusions: Nous avons démontré un faible taux d’insuffisance rénale suivant une chirurgie endovasculaire aortique, que l’hydratation soit effectuée avec du bicarbonate ou du NaCl 0,9%, malgré une élévation des biomarqueurs de lésion rénale. / Background: The endovascular approach for the repair of aortic aneurysm involves the administration of large quantities of contrast media, which can cause contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) in the post operative period. The only proven strategy to prevent CIN is intravenous hydration, but what type of infusion to use is not clear. We evaluated the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate, compared with NaCl 0.9%, to reduce the incidence of postoperative renal failure.
Methods: We conducted a prospective, controlled, double-blind, randomized study in patients presenting for endovascular aortic aneurysm surgery. Patients in group A (n = 17) received sodium bicarbonate 3 mL/kg/h for 1 h before the procedure and then 1 mL/kg/h until 6 h after surgery, whereas patients in group B (n= 17) received the same amount of NaCl 0.9%. All patients received N-acetylcysteine. The primary end point was CIN, defined by serum creatinine greater than 25 % above baseline 48 h post operatively. Biomarkers of renal injury were measured.
Results: CIN developed in one patient in the bicarbonate group (5,88%), compared with no patient in the NaCl 0,9% group (0%) (difference 5.88%;95% CI -5.3% to 17.06%, P = 0.31). Interleukin-18, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase and Kidney Injury Molecule-1 increased significantly in both groups after exposure to contrast media.
Conclusions: We demonstrated a low rate of renal failure following endovascular aortic surgery using contrast media, regardless of whether bicarbonate or NaCl 0.9% was used for hydration, despite significant elevation in biomarkers of renal injury.
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