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Moder, trälinna eller sköldmö? : en undersökning av vikingakvinnans roll i populärkultur / Mother, slave or shieldmaiden? : a study of Viking women in popular cultureFogelström, Susanne January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur vikingakvinnan framställs i två stora populärkulturella medier. Detta för att närmare förstå vilken bild som förmedlas via film och skönlitteratur, och i förlängningen vad som når den stora publiken. De fyra populärkulturella titlar som undersöktes valdes ut på grund av deras popularitet samt att de ger analysen ett större tidsspann. Dessa fyra titlar var Vikingarna (Fleischer, 1958), Vikingablot (1995), Tusenårsriket (Gulløv, 2019) samt The Northman (Eggers, 2022). Analysmetoden utgjordes av både kvantitativ samt kvalitativ analys för att säkerställa att resultatet blev så empiriskt och uttömmande som möjligt. Den kvalitativa analysen bestod av frågor att besvara medan den kvantitativa utgick från frågor i tabellform. Båda analysmetoderna byggde på könsnormativa nyckelord. Den kvantitativa analysen visade på androcentrism, ett manligt fokus, men även på att kvinnor filmtekniskt inte missgynnas. Den kvalitativa analysen identifierade flertalet stereotypa element, men samtidigt även sådant som inte befäste normativa könskonstruktioner. Fem kvinnoroller identifieras; Trälinnan, Nornan, Sköldmön, Modern och Frillan. Dessa kan kombineras, med undantag Trälinnan. Dessutom identifieras vilka aktiviteter som vikingakvinnor upplevs utföra i de utvalda populärkulturella medierna samt vilken social ställning kvinnor upplevs ha i dessa framställningar av vikingatid. Slutsatsen blir att då kvinnan inte upplevs äga sin egen kropp kommer hennes sociala ställning aldrig att vara annan än låg, oavsett andra statusindikationer. / This paper took a closer look at the gender roles within popular culture that portraits the Scandinavian Viking age. Both a quantitative and a qualitative analysis was used to identify the roles that Viking women play in the chosen novels and movies. The analysis was able to detect five different roles and several activities performed by Viking women in the novels and movies, along with the conclusion that the women’s social status is low since they never are in power of their own bodies.
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Arqueologia da prataria Mapuche: gênero, cosmovisão e resistênciaPagnossi, Nádia Carrasco 20 July 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / El presente estudio pretende comprender la producción de la platería (joyería) Mapuche durante su período auge (siglos XVIII-XIX) y sus cambios en el presente, a partir de un análisis museográfico de las piezas de tres museos en Chile, de una experiencia etnoarqueológica y experimental. Los marcos teóricos de la investigación son: la arqueología post-procesual, la arqueología de género y la etnoarqueología; con el objetivo de una unión entre la platería histórica y la actual, y dar voz a las personas que colaboraron con ese estudio. Se exploran algunas cuestiones relativas a la cosmovisión, espiritualidad, identidad y resistencia del pueblo Mapuche, y sus implicaciones simbólicas en las piezas de la platería. La interpretación de las joyas se basó en un análisis entre la bibliografía sobre el tema, las entrevistas y observaciones realizadas durante el trabajo de campo. Uno de los focos fue el entendimiento de las relaciones de género en el pasado y presente, y principalmente el vínculo entre el cuerpo de la mujer y las joyas. Como conclusión, la platería Mapuche sigue siendo un fuerte símbolo de resistencia e identidad cultural de esa población, siendo resignificada y reinventada según el contexto histórico y social. / This study aims to understand the production of the Mapuche silverware (jewellery) during its peak period (XVIII-XIX centuries) and its present changes, based on a museographic analysis of pieces from three museums in Chile, of an ethnoarchaeological and experimental experience. The theoretical references of this research are: post-processual archaeology, gender archaeology and ethnoarchaeology. Aiming a union between historical and current silverware, and to provide a voice to the people who collaborated with this study. Some questions regarding the cosmovision, spirituality, identity and resistance of the Mapuche people are explored, and their symbolic implications in the silver pieces. The interpretation of the jewels was based on an analysis between the bibliography about the subject, the interviews and observations made during the field work. One of the major focus was the understanding of gender relations in the past and present, and especially the link between the woman's body and the jewels. As a conclusion, Mapuche silverware remains as a symbol of resistance and cultural identity of this population, being reinterpreted and reinvented according to the historical and social context. / O presente estudo visa compreender a produção da prataria (joalheria) Mapuche durante seu período auge (séculos XVIII-XIX) e suas mudanças no presente, a partir de uma análise museográfica de peças de três museus do Chile, de uma experiência etnoarqueológica e experimental. Os referenciais teóricos da pesquisa são: a arqueologia pós-processual, a arqueologia de gênero e a etnoarqueologia; visando uma união entre a prataria histórica e a atual, e dar voz às pessoas que colaboraram com esse estudo. São exploradas algumas questões relativas à cosmovisão, espiritualidade, identidade e resistência do povo Mapuche, e suas implicações simbólicas nas peças da prataria. A interpretação das joias se baseou em uma análise entre a bibliografia sobre o tema, as entrevistas e observações feitas durante o trabalho de campo. Um dos focos foi o entendimento das relações de gênero no passado e presente, e principalmente o vínculo entre o corpo da mulher e as joias. Como conclusão, a prataria Mapuche segue como um símbolo de resistência e identidade cultural dessa população, sendo ressignificada e reinventada conforme o contexto histórico e social. / Laranjeiras, SE
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Manliga och kvinnliga vapengravar : En arkeologisk genusstudie kring vikingatida vapengravar. / Male and female weapon burials. : An archaeological gender study regarding Viking Age weapon burials.Ljungberg, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to perform a gender study focusing on Viking Age weapon graves. A female weapon burial, a male weapon burial and a female burial are studied in this thesis. It is necessary first to discuss the meaning of a weapon burial. Thereafter the thesis will discuss if it is possible to find any differences in the gender interpretation of weapon burials belonging to men and females. The weapon graves will also be interpreted in relation to a female burial. The research history is primarily based on Conkey & Spector’s (1984) article regarding archaeological androcentrism. The result of the thesis states that a weapon burial must consist of at least one of following weapons: sword, shield, spear, axe, horse equipment or arrowheads. The results also state that the interpretation of a weapon burial depends on the sexual identity of the buried individual. It is easier to state that the buried individual is a warrior if the individual is assumed to be a male. It is also possible to see differences regarding male and female burials in general where the interpretation of rich female graves is questioned due to the absence of a man in the grave. The graves are still interpreted in traditional gender roles, where the gender roles are based on the grave goods.
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Frater, soror, contubernalis : greedy institutions and identity relationships in the auxiliary military communities of the northern frontier of Roman Britain in the first and second centuries A.DMatthew, Robert January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a reassessment of the concept of the ‘fort community’ and analysis of the people who dwelled within it, utilising archaeological evidence from the northern frontier of Roman Britain. Traditional approaches which have focused on military functions or on military-civilian dichotomies cannot provide a full account of discrepant identities (Mattingly 2011). A holistic approach which acknowledges and incorporates non-military activities can provide an important alternative perspective into how the inhabitants of Roman fort communities related to one another. The thesis utilises Lewis Coser’s concept of the ‘greedy institution’ (1974) to resituate the imbalance of power affecting identity within the Roman military. The discussion is framed within nested layers of identity and community. In the first chapter, a historical overview of Roman military scholarship is presented that contextualises the current archaeological climate and illustrates key issues of bias. Three core forms of identity are analysed in the second chapter in the context of the Roman auxilia; socio-cultural, gender, and ethnicity. This discussion positions the auxiliaries as a group both empowered and subjugated, consisting of ‘martial races’ exploited within a military role. In the third chapter, the textual evidence for identity on the northern frontier is analysed, using epigraphy and the Vindolanda tablets. Within these the discrepant identities of members of the fort communities are identified. In the fourth chapter, I analyse the architectural underpinnings of military identity through an examination of the development and ideology of the ‘standard plan’ fort. In the fifth chapter, I analyse the material evidence for the habitus of fort community life, focusing on three activity contexts; military display, craft and industry, and bodily consumption. The thesis concludes by assessing the strengths of the ‘greedy institution’ approach and outlining its significance with regards to future research.
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