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As despesas familiares com educação no Brasil e a composição de gênero do grupo de irmãos / Family expenses with education in Brazil and the gender composition in the children`s groupSérgio Carlos de Carvalho 31 March 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se a existência de viés de gênero nas escolhas familiares em gastar recursos na educação dos filhos e filhas. Foi obtida uma amostra de 11386 famílias da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares - POF 2002-2003 do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). As famílias tinham filhos e filhas entre 7 e 20 anos de idade, com pelo menos um deles matriculado e sem que outro membro da família, pais ou outros parentes, também estivesse matriculado. Curvas de Engel para as despesas com educação e para gastos com grupos de itens de despesas educacionais foram estimadas. Entre as variáveis explicativas estão o número de filhos e número de filhas matriculados e o número de filhos e o número de filhas não matriculados segundo faixas etárias. Outras variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas controlaram as demais características familiares. Como 2066 famílias não apresentaram despesas com educação, as curvas de Engel foram estimadas com a utilização de modelos Tobit. As curvas de Engel também foram estimadas por Mínimos Quadrados e os resultados comparados com os obtidos pelos modelos Tobit. A igualdade entre os parâmetros estimados do número de filhos e filhas matriculados em cada faixa etária foi verificada com testes de Wald, isto para os dois procedimentos de estimação utilizados. Os resultados econométricos foram consistentes com a hipótese do trade-off quantidade qualidade existente nas decisões familiares de alocar recursos para a prole, pois o número total de filhos e filhas pressionou as despesas com educação a taxas decrescentes. As análises das despesas com educação, realizadas com os dois procedimentos de estimação, indicaram diferenças significativas no impacto causado por filhos e filhas matriculados nas faixas etárias de 7 a 10 anos e de 15 a 20 anos, com viés pró-feminino. A análise dos gastos com mensalidades escolares com modelos Tobit indicou diferenças significativas para duas faixas etárias, de 11 a 14 anos e de 15 a 20 anos, com viés pró-feminino na última faixa. Com Mínimos Quadrados houve viés pró-feminino na faixa de 15 a 20 anos, nas demais faixas não houve diferenças significativas. Quando foram analisados os gastos com cursos não regulares com um modelo Tobit, foram observadas diferenças significativas de 7 a 10 anos e de 11 a 14 anos, as duas pró-femininas. Ao analisar os gastos com cursos não regulares por Mínimos Quadrados, detectou-se viés pró-masculino na faixa etária de 11 a 14 anos e viés pró-feminino nas demais faixas. Entre as demais estimativas não houve diferenças significativas ou elas foram pró-femininas, independente do procedimento de estimação. Os resultados indicam que a formação das jovens não sofreu discriminação no que tange à disposição das famílias de gastarem com a formação de sua prole, salvo as duas exceções mencionadas. Estes resultados mostraram-se consistentes com o cenário favorável à escolarização feminina no Brasil já apontado em outros estudos. / This study investigated the gender bias presence within the family choices about spending resourses with their children\'s education. A sample of 11386 families was obtained from Household Budget Survey - POF 2002-2003, of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic - IBGE. The families had children between 7 and 20 years old, with at least one of them enrolled, considering that no other member of the family, parents or relatives, was enrolled. Engel curves for the overall expenses and for expenditures with educational item groups were estimated. The number of sons and daughters enrolled and the number of sons and daughters not enrolled according to age level are among the explanatory variables. Other socioeconomics and demographic variables controlled the rest of the family characteristics. As 2066 families did not showed expenses with education, the Engel curves were estimated using Tobit models. The Engel curves were also estimated by the method of Least Squares and the results were compared to the ones obtained by Tobit model. The equity between the estimated parameters of the number of sons and daughters enrolled in each age level was verified with Wald test for both the estimation procedures used. The econometric results were consistent with the hypothesis of quantity-quality trade-off which exists within the family decisions when allocating resourses for their children because the total number of children pressed the educational expenditures at decreasing rates. The analysis of total expenses with education, accomplished by both the estimation procedures, indicated significant differences in the impact caused by sons and daughters enrolled at the age level from 7 to 10 and from 15 to 20 with pro-female bias. The analysis of the expenditures with school monthly fees with Tobit models indicated significant differences for both age levels, from 11 to 14 and from 15 to 20, with a pro-female bias in the latter level. With the Minimum Square method there was a pro-female bias in the level of age from 15 to 20 years old, in the other levels there were no significant differences. When the expenditures with non regular courses were analyzed with Tobit model, significant differences were observed from 7 to 10 and from 11 to 14 years old, both pro-female. When the expenditures with non regular courses were analyzed with the Minimum Square method a pro-male bias was detected in the age level from 11 to 14 and a pro-female bias in the other levels. Among the other estimations there were no significant differences or they were pro-female, despite the estimation procedure. The results show that the young girls\' education did not suffer any discrimination related to the family disposition of spending with their children\'s education, apart from the two exceptions mentioned. These results are consistent with the favorable scenario to the female education in Brazil already pointed out in other studies.
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The experiences of female sport administrators in the Western Cape: gender bias in the WorkplaceTitus, Simone January 2008 (has links)
Magister Artium (Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science) - MA(SRES) / Research indicates that the advancement of women into top management positions is steadily increasing. However, it seems as if gender divisions in the workforce do not encourage equal opportunities for women in the labor sector. In the world of sport, gender equity has been promoted with some progress. However, this progress, both globally and in South Africa, is still limited both quantitatively and qualitatively. There has been very little research on the experiences of women in leadership positions, specifically in the field of sport. This study explored the experiences of female sports administrators in the workplace. This study employed a qualitative research methodology. Purposive sampling was used to select suitable candidates in the field of sport and recreation in the Western Cape, South Africa. Data was collected by using semi-structured interviews and data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results indicate that participants in this study experience gender bias in the workplace in terms of differential treatment, organizational fit and harassment and intimidation. Conclusions and recommendations are also offered. / South Africa
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Experiences of Subtle Sexism Among Women Employees in the National Park ServiceAshcraft, Audrey Marie 01 January 2019 (has links)
Although blatant sexism persists in the workplace, there is a subtler type of sexism that is not often discussed. Some of the harmful outcomes that concern organization employees and leaders include decreased job satisfaction and morale, increased stress and turnover, damaged workplace relationships, barriers to career development for women, and decreased feelings of safety in law enforcement employees. Subtle sexism is often disguised as friendliness or chivalry, and therefore is difficult to detect, so it is often ignored or trivialized. The harms are cumulative and compound over time. The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to gather data about how women experience subtle forms of sexism in the National Park Service (NPS) workplace.
Semistructured telephone interviews assisted with the gathering of data from 12 women employed by the NPS. Feminist theory and critical theory guided the research process. Moustakas’s phenomenological method was used as an approach to data analysis. The findings that emerged included: (a) impacts on workplace culture, (b) harmful effects on individuals, (c) coping with subtle sexism, (d) organizational impacts, and (e) organizational change. The study promotes positive social change by providing a more nuanced understanding of how women experience and perceive subtle sexism. The results could help organizations to find more effective ways of dealing with this type of sexist behavior and decrease the negative outcomes.
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Upplevd diskriminering vid arbetsrekrytering : en experimentell studie av upplevd diskriminering i ett könsneutralt yrke beroende av den arbetssökandes namn / Perceived job discrimination in hiring : an experimental study of perceived job discrimination in a gender neutral occupation depending on the job seeker´s nameStrömberg, Helena, Carlén, Elina January 2018 (has links)
Sverige är ett av de mest jämställda länder i världen när det kommer till arbetsmarknaden mellan kvinnor och män (Magnusson, 2002). Omfattande fältexperiment (Carlsson & Sinclair, 2017) har visat att det förekommer mycket lite diskriminering utifrån kön när män och kvinnor med motsvarande meriter söker samma tjänster. Med tanke på att arbetsmarknaden trots detta är ojämställd i flera avseenden (Magnusson, 2002) är det möjligt att man trots allt upplever diskriminering vid anställning (Andersson, 2011). Studien är experimentell med syftet att undersöka upplevelse av diskriminering i anställningsprocessen. Frågeställningen var om det finns skillnader i upplevd diskriminering för ett typiskt kvinnligt-, manligt- samt könsneutralt namn på den arbetssökandes CV till ett könsneutralt yrke. 180 studenter besvarade en enkät med en fiktiv historia om en arbetssökande som blev nekad till 7 av 10 arbetsintervjuer. Tre olika formulär delades ut, ett med ett typiskt kvinnligt-, manligt och könsneutralt namn som sedan bearbetades statistiskt. Resultatet från studien tyder på att arbetssökande i scenariot med ett könsneutralt- och kvinnligt namn upplevdes mer diskriminerad än arbetssökande med ett manligt namn. Slutsatsen av studien är att arbetssökande med ett kvinnligt- samt könsneutralt namn upplevs bli mer diskriminerad under en arbetsrekrytering till ett könsneutralt yrke än vad en arbetssökande med ett manligt namn upplevs bli.
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Prejudice Asymmetry: The Cultural Acceptance of SexismKuchynka, Sophie 03 July 2019 (has links)
Sexism tends to be a culturally accepted form of prejudice. I propose the relatively strong trivialization of societal sexism stems from the unique benefits that men receive from the gender status hierarchy, compared to other types of group-based hierarchies. Three studies examined why people, men in particular, trivialize or justify gender bias in relation to other types of group-based biases. Study 1 was a correlational study that examined whether participants downplay the existence and social harm of gender bias in relation to racial, religious, and sexual orientation bias, moderated by participant gender. Participants reported stronger trivialization and denial of gender bias, compared to other three types of bias. Study 2 experimentally tested whether White men’s justifications for gender bias, in relation to racial bias, stems from the dyadic benefits men receive in interpersonal relationships with women. White men high in proximal benefits reported stronger essentialist justifications in the gender bias, compared to the racial bias condition. Study 3 examined whether heterosexual men, compared to heterosexual women and gay men, endorse stronger justifications for gender bias, compared to sexual orientation bias. Heterosexual men endorsed stronger essentialist justifications in the gender bias, compared to the sexual orientation bias condition. Implications of these findings are discussed.
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Barriers to Elected Office: Does Gender Matter?Tackett, Tracey 22 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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How Early-Career Female Physicians Experience Workplace Mental Health and Leaves of Absence In OntarioMihailescu, Mara 06 July 2021 (has links)
The intersection of gender and early-career stage on the mental health of physicians is emerging and evident. This qualitative, interview-based study explores the perspectives of early-career female physicians regarding their mental health in the context of their work, their experiences with taking a leave of absence from work, and promising practices and supports that can support early-career female physicians in the workplace with regards to mental health and leaves of absence. Nine interviews with female physicians in the first ten years of practice in Ontario were conducted and analyzed thematically. A conceptual framework borrowed from the Healthy Professional Worker (HPW) Partnership was employed and revised based on the findings. The findings suggest that increased awareness of the challenges faced by early-career female physicians may contribute to the destigmatization of mental health and leaves of absence and foster supports at work. Policy makers and regulatory bodies should consider developing equitable leave of absence policies for physicians and reframing how seeking mental health care is viewed to contribute to positive culture change.
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Parental Perceptions of Elementary Aged Children Learning to CodeDaniel, David 12 April 2022 (has links)
Little research has been conducted to understand the role that parents play in children learning to code even though coding has become a necessary skill for students to successfully study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subjects. After identifying five factors that would influence parental perceptions, we developed a survey and administered it to parents of elementary aged children. We validated the survey using a confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. To be considered valid, factors needed to meet three of the following four fit statistics: RSMEA < 0.08, SRMR < 0.08, CFI > 0.9, TLI > 0.9. Items needed to have a factor loading > 0.3 with a significance of < 0.05. The results confirmed two factors, Parent & Child Interaction with Technology and Parents' Attitudes Towards Coding and Gender. The parent's coding experience and age, child coding experience, and living in the Western United States are significant in predicting the Parent & Child Interaction with Technology factor. The child's grade level and experience coding and living in a suburban area in the Western United States are significant in predicting the Parents' Attitudes Towards Coding and Gender factor. Although these factors proved significant, difficulties with the data make the model limited and additional revisions to the survey are needed. The revised survey will need to be administered again to validate a more robust model.
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Female Trombonists' Experiences of Gender BiasPoff, Em 01 August 2022 (has links)
Female trombonists are underrepresented throughout the United States especially in collegiate teaching positions. Is the underrepresentation of female trombonists as professional musicians and teachers causing less females to pursue playing the trombone? After discussing the expected roles of females and acceptable instruments for women to play during the 1800’s, this document mentions many women who were able to surpass the norms of female musicians and make their own musical choices. The purpose of this study is to discover if there is any relevance of gender bias towards female trombonists in society today and potentially determine how these biases affect their musical opportunities. This study and the survey questions were inspired by Melissa Ewing’s dissertation, Examining the Under-Representation of Female Euphonium Players in the USA, which examined the lack of female euphonium players in the United States. In order to create a trombone-centered survey, I used questions from Ewing’s survey as a guide while adding other questions to help gain useful information from trombone professors and female-identifying trombone students in the USA. The names of college trombone professors in the United States were collected from the College Music Society directory and this determined the professors who were surveyed and asked to provide their studio gender ratio and questions about identifying as female when applicable. In addition, the professors forwarded the student survey invitation to female-identifying students in their studios to provide their individual experiences as female trombonists in college. This document will serve as a resource for future studies on female-identifying trombonists and gender studies in general regarding music education and performance.
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Investigating Gender Bias in Word Embeddings for ChineseJiao, Meichun January 2021 (has links)
Gender bias, a sociological issue, has attracted the attention of scholars working on natural language processing (NLP) in recent years. It is confirmed that some NLP techniques like word embedding could capture gender bias in natural language. Here, we investigate gender bias in Chinese word embeddings. Gender bias tests originally designed for English are adapted and applied to Chinese word embeddings trained with three different embedding models. After verifying the efficiency of the adapted tests, the changes of gender bias throughout several time periods are tracked and analysed. Our results validate the feasibility of bias test adaptation and confirm that word embedding trained by a model with character-level information captures more gender bias in general. Moreover, we build a possible framework for diachronic research of gender bias.
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