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Elemento óptico difrativo de luz branca gerado por computador / White light computer-generated elementGonçalves, Cristhiane 07 December 2007 (has links)
Hologramas podem ser produzidos utilizando-se técnicas tradicionais de holografia ou podem ser gerados também por computador, conhecidos como hologramas gerados por computador (HGCs). A maioria destes hologramas opera usando luz monocromática. Por outro lado, os hologramas podem também operar com luz branca. Estes elementos de luz branca são usados em diversas aplicações, como segurança, para verificar a autenticidade dos cartões de crédito e outros documentos, porque seus processos de fabricação são difíceis e caros de serem reproduzidos. Entretanto, os hologramas de luz branca convencionais operam baseados na reflexão da luz, e apresentam alguns efeitos indesejáveis, como distorções cromáticas, como o efeito rainbow. Neste trabalho foi proposto um elemento óptico difrativo de luz branca gerado por computador. O elemento é calculado baseado na técnica de halftoning e na coerência espacial parcial de uma fonte de luz branca estendida. Os elementos da fase são produzidos através de técnicas de fabricação bem estabelecidas de circuitos integrados, e as simulações óticas são apresentadas. Não há necessidade de métodos iterativos. Os resultados das reconstruções ópticas e simuladas deste elemento de luz branca são muito semelhantes e produzem imagens nítidas, não sendo observadas distorções cromáticas. O elemento de luz branca ainda não foi descrito na literatura, e algumas de suas aplicações podem ser um correlator óptico ou arte holográfica. Este trabalho foi realizado no laboratório de óptica do departamento da engenharia elétrica do EESC, e financiado por CAPES (Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior). / Holograms can be produced using traditional holography techniques or may be also generated by computer, which are known as CGHs(Computer-generated holograms). Most of these holograms operate using monochromatic light. On the other hand, holograms can also operate with white light. These white light holograms are used in several applications, such as security, to verify the autencity of credit cards end other documents, because their fabrication processes are dificult to reproduce and are expensive. However, convencional white light holograms operate based on reflection of light, and present some undesirable effects, like chromatic distortions, such as rainbow effect. In this work it was proposed a computer-generated phase optical difractive element designed to operate under white light illumination. The element is calculated based on the halftoning technique and in the partial spatial coherence of a white light extended source. Phase elements are manufactured using well-established integrated circuits fabrication techniques and optical simulations are shown. No iterative methods are necessary. Simulated and optical reconstructions results are very similar and produce good clear images, and no chromatic distortions are observed. The white light element was not yet described on literature, and some of its applications may be an optical correlator or holographic art. This work was carried at the laboratory of optics of the department of electrical engineering of the EESC, and supported by CAPES (Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento dePessoal de Nível Superior).
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Ultracold atoms in flexible holographic trapsBowman, David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis details the design, construction and characterisation of an ultracold atoms system, developed in conjunction with a flexible optical trapping scheme which utilises a Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator (LC SLM). The ultracold atoms system uses a hybrid trap formed of a quadrupole magnetic field and a focused far-detuned laser beam to form a Bose-Einstein Condensate of 2×105 87Rb atoms. Cold atoms confined in several arbitrary optical trapping geometries are created by overlaying the LC SLM trap on to the hybrid trap, where a simple feedback process using the atomic distribution as a metric is shown to be capable of compensating for optical aberrations. Two novel methods for creating flexible optical traps with the LC SLM are also detailed, the first of which is a multi-wavelength technique which allows several wavelengths of light to be smoothly shaped and applied to the atoms. The second method uses a computationally-efficient minimisation algorithm to create light patterns which are constrained in both amplitude and phase, where the extra phase constraint was shown to be crucial for controlling propagation effects of the LC SLM trapping beam.
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Atributos discriminantes baseados em sentimento para a predição de pesquisas eleitorais : um estudo de caso no cenário brasileiro / Sentiment-based features for predicting election polls : a case study on the brazilian scenarioTumitan, Diego Costa January 2014 (has links)
O sucesso da mineração de opiniões para processar automaticamente grandes quantidades de conteúdo opinativo disponíveis na Internet tem sido demonstrado como uma solução de baixa latência e mais barata para a análise de opinião pública. No presente trabalho foi investigado se é possível prever variações de intenção de voto com base em séries temporais de sentimento extraídas de comentários de notícias, utilizando três eleições brasileiras como estudo de caso. As contribuições deste estudo de caso são: a) a comparação de duas abordagens para a mineração de opiniões em conteúdo gerado por usuários em português do Brasil; b) a proposta de dois tipos de atributos discriminantes para representar o sentimento em relação a candidatos políticos a serem usados para a previsão, c) uma abordagem para prever variações de intenção de voto que é adequada para cenários de dados esparsos. Foram desenvolvidos experimentos para avaliar a influência dos atributos discriminantes propostos em relação a acurácia da previsão, e suas respectivas preparações. Os resultados mostraram uma acurácia de 70% na previsão de variações de intenção de voto positivas e negativas. Estas contribuições são importantes passos em direção a um framework que é capaz de combinar opiniões de diversas fontes para encontrar a representatividade de uma população alvo, de modo que se possa obter previsões mais confiáveis. / The success of opinion mining for automatically processing vast amounts of opinionated content available on the Internet has been demonstrated as a less expensive and lower latency solution for gathering public opinion. In this work, we investigate whether it is possible to predict variations in vote intention based on sentiment time series extracted from news comments, using three Brazilian elections as case study. The contributions of this case study are: a) the comparison of two approaches for opinion mining in user-generated content in Brazilian Portuguese; b) the proposition of two types of features to represent sentiment behavior towards political candidates that can be used for prediction, c) an approach to predict polls vote intention variations that is adequate for scenarios of sparse data. We developed experiments to assess the influence on the forecasting accuracy of the proposed features, and their respective preparation. Our results display an accuracy of 70% in predicting positive and negative variations. These are important contributions towards a more general framework that is able to blend opinions from several different sources to find representativeness of the target population, and make more reliable predictions.
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CFD modelling of gas turbine combustion processesUyanwaththa, Asela R. January 2018 (has links)
Stationary gas turbines manufacturers and operators are under constant scrutiny to both reduce environmentally harmful emissions and obtain efficient combustion. Numerical simulations have become an integral part of the development and optimisation of gas turbine combustors. In this thesis work, the gas turbine combustion process is analysed in two parts, a study on air-fuel mixing and turbulent combustion. For computational fluid dynamic analysis work the open-source CFD code OpenFOAM and STAR-CCM+ are used. A fuel jet injected to cross-flowing air flow is simplified air-fuel mixing arrangement, and this problem is analysed numerically in the first part of the thesis using both Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) method and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) methods. Several turbulence models are compared against experimental data in this work, and the complex turbulent vortex structures their effect on mixing field prediction is observed. Furthermore, the numerical methods are extended to study twin jets in cross-flow interaction which is relevant in predicting air-fuel mixing with arrays of fuel injection nozzles. LES methods showed good results by resolving the complex turbulent structures, and the interaction of two jets is also visualised. In this work, all three turbulent combustion regimes non-premixed, premixed, partially premixed are modelled using different combustion models. Hydrogen blended fuels have drawn particular interest recently due to enhanced flame stabilisation, reduced CO2 emissions, and is an alternative method to store energy from renewable energy sources. Therefore, the well known Sydney swirl flame which uses CH4: H2 blended fuel mixture is modelled using the steady laminar flamelet model. This flame has been found challenging to model numerically by previous researchers, and in this work, this problem has been addressed with improved combustion modelling approach with tabulated chemistry. Recognizing that the current and future gas turbine combustors operate on a mixed combustion regime during its full operational cycle, combustion simulations of premixed/partially premixed flames are also performed in this thesis work. Dynamical artificially thickened flame model is implemented in OpenFOAM and validated using propagating and stationary premixed flames. Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) methods are used in the modelling of turbulent stratified flames which is a relatively new field of under investigation, and both experimental and numerical analysis is required to understand the physics. The recent experiments of the Cambridge stratified burner are studied using the FGM method in this thesis work, and good agreement is obtained for mixing field and temperature field predictions.
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The influence of user-generated content on brand trust and purchase intention: a South African perspectiveDemba, Diana Y. January 2016 (has links)
MCom (Marketing) in the School of Economic and Business Sciences at the University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg / With the increasing development of new technologies, organisations are encouraged to integrate these new technologies into their business model in order to be competitive and respond to consumers’ quick adaptation. Today, consumers drive organisations’ strategies across most industries including electronics. The electronic sector is a fast-paced industry and has been steadily growing in South Africa. Businesses need to consider the consumer voice in order to be successful and take into account that consumers are more influenced by their peers rather than a business advertising campaign. The internet has facilitated the communication between businesses and consumers who are using the internet more and more as a tool to seek information about a product or share information about a brand or a product; thus creating content. Therefore, businesses are no longer the sole content generators online.
The aim of this study is to explain the importance of user-generated content in making sales and creating long lasting relationships with consumers. In addition, this study will highlight the factors that will enhance the positive attitude of internet users toward the use of user-generated content (UGC). For the purpose of this study, six variables were identified. Subjective norm, information quality and source credibility are the predictor variables of the study. Attitude towards UGC use, followed by brand trust, are both mediator variables and, finally, purchase intention is the depend variable in this study. The nature of the survey was quantitative research and the survey was administered to 400 individuals. Both self-administered and online surveys were distributed to women and men from 18 years to 55 years and older. Findings reveal that there is a positive relationship between the use of UGC, brand trust and purchase intention. However, it was also found that subjective norms, information quality and sour credibility were affecting the use of UGC for decision making. To improve the relationships amongst the different variables, the study suggests few recommendations that
marketers need to apply for the benefit of the brand and the satisfaction of the consumers. Main recommendation is firstly that marketers get to know online audience and learn to engage consumers as well as find an opinion leader or influencers to endorse the brand. This will contribute to improving quality of the information, drive individuals to share information with each other and increase the perceived credibility of the source. Secondly, the firm platforms such as the website and social media pages need to be up to date, regularly assessed, measured and promoted through different tools in order to build brand trust and lead eventually to purchase intention. Overall, this study will assist marketers in understanding the factors leading to brand trust and purchase intention through the influence of UGC and the factors affecting it. / MT2017
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Effects of Video Game Streaming on Consumer Attitudes and BehaviorsFoster, Lisa B 01 May 2016 (has links)
Video game streaming has introduced to consumers a new method of creating branded content. Popular streaming platforms receive millions of broadcasters and viewers every month, and the current examines the influence of this type user-generated content on consumer attitudes and behaviors. The goal of this study is to understand how video game streams function as a marketing tool. To investigate this, a quantitative survey was designed and measured participants’ video gaming habits and their perceptions of credibility, usefulness of content, group identification, and purchase intention. Heavier gaming habits were found to be positively related to perceived credibility in a user-generated stream condition. Group identification and stream familiarity were found to be positively related to perceived credibility. These findings hold implications for using video game streams as a marketing tool, as heavier gamers were found perceive user-generated streams as a credible source of information.
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This paper determines whether monoid rings with the two-generator property have the strong two-generator property. Dedekind domains have both the two-generator and strong two-generator properties. How common is this? Two cases are considered here: the zero-dimensional case and the one-dimensional case for monoid rings. Each case is looked at to determine if monoid rings that are not PIRs but are two-generated have the strong two-generator property. Full results are given in the zero-dimensional case, however only partial results have been found for the one-dimensional case.
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Cooperative behavior of motor proteinsBeeg, Janina January 2007 (has links)
The cytoskeletal motor protein kinesin-1 (conventional kinesin) is the fast carrier for intracellular cargo transport along microtubules. So far most studies aimed at investigating the transport properties of individual motor molecules. However, the transport in cells usually involves the collective work of more than one motor.
In the present work, we have studied the movement of beads as artificial loads/organelles pulled by several kinesin-1 motors in vitro. For a wide range of motor coverage of the beads and different bead (cargo) sizes the transport parameters walking distance or run length, velocity and force generation are measured.
The results indicate that the transport parameters are influenced by the number of motors carrying the bead. While the transport velocity slightly decreases, an increase in the run length was measured and higher forces are determined, when more motors are involved. The effective number of motors pulling a bead is estimated by measuring the change in the hydrodynamic diameter of kinesin-coated beads using dynamic light scattering. The geometrical constraints imposed by the transport system have been taken into account. Thus, results for beads of different size and motor-surface coverage could be compared. In addition, run length-distributions obtained for the smallest bead size were matched to theoretically calculated distributions. The latter yielded an average number of pulling motors, which is in agreement with the effective motor numbers determined experimentally. / Kinesin-1 (konventionelles Kinesin) ist ein Motorprotein des Zytoskeletts, das für den schnellen intrazellulären Lastentransport auf Mikrotubuli verantwortlich ist. Das Hauptinteresse vieler Studien lag bisher auf der Erforschung der Transporteigenschaften von Einzelmotormolekülen. Der Transport in der Zelle erfordert aber gewöhnlich kollektive Arbeit von mehreren Motoren.
In dieser Arbeit wurde die Bewegung von Kugeln als Modell für Zellorganellen, die von Kinesin-1 Molekülen gezogen werden, in Anhängigkeit von der Motorendichte auf der Kugeloberfläche und unterschiedlichen Kugeldurchmessern in vitro untersuchten. Die Transportparameter Weglänge, Geschwindigkeit und die erzeugte Kraft wurden gemessen.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Transportgeschwindigkeit leicht abnimmt, wohingegen die Weglänge und die erzeugten Kräfte mit steigender Molekülkonzentration zunehmen. Die tatsächliche Anzahl der Motoren, die aktiv am Transport der Kugeln beteiligt sind, wurde bestimmt, indem die Änderung des hydrodynamischen Durchmessers der mit Kinesin bedeckten Kugeln mittels dynamischer Lichtstreuung gemessen wurde. Außerdem wurden sterische Effekte des verwendeten Transportsystems in die Berechnung einbezogen. Damit werden Ergebnisse vergleichbar, die für unterschiedliche Kugeldurchmesser und Motorkonzentrationen ermittelt wurden. Zusätzlich wurden die Verteilungen der Weglängen für die kleinste Kugelgröße mit theoretisch ermittelten Verteilungen verglichen. Letzteres ergab durchschnittliche Anzahlen der aktiv am Transport beteiligten Motormoleküle, die mit den experimentell bestimmten Ergebnissen übereinstimmen.
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The non-cancellation groups of certain groups which are split extensions of a finite abelian group by a finite rank free abelian group.Mkiva, Soga Loyiso Tiyo. January 2008 (has links)
<p>  / </p>
<p align="left">The groups we consider in this study belong to the class <font face="F30">X</font><font face="F25" size="1"><font face="F25" size="1">0 </font></font><font face="F15">of all finitely generated groups with finite commutator subgroups.</font></p>
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War for a Ball : The impact of user-generated-content over the behavior of media consumer in times of crisis. A Footbal case studyEl Joundi, Halima January 2010 (has links)
The recent breakthroughs in communication technologies have reintroduced the user to Internet. Media consumers became empowered with the capabality to produce, and will gradually shift from the traditional role of an audience to generate content, compete with mainstream media and construct new social and cultural realities. The impact user-generated-content is having over individuals and groups is still ambiguous and requires a better understanding of both the nature of UGC and the particularity of social media platforms as a channel. The pupose of this paper is to further the discussion on how user-generated-content impact audiences in terms of opinion and behavior, particularly during periods of crisis.
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