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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konsumenters syn på trovärdighet och användbarhet av reklam på sociala medier

Fesahaye, Johanna, Holmlund, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Social media is a phenomenon that has expanded fast during the recent years and has become a part of people’s everyday lives. Social media has developed to not only deal with updating others about what is happening and uploading pictures. Today social media plays a big part in marketing. Therefore advertising is not only exposed in traditional media such as; TV, radio and newspapers, but also on the internet and the social media platforms. Advertising on social media appears in different forms; sponsored posts (paid ads), User Generated Content (non-paid ads) and Electronic-Word-of-Mouth. These different forms of advertising on social media are experienced differently by consumers and therefore this study aims to gain an understanding to which extent consumers find different forms of advertising on social media credible and useful. A qualitative method has been used for this study. For the collecting of data semi-structured interviews have been conducted. This study has been divided into three themes, namely; advertising on social media, attitude of consumers and perceived credibility and usefulness. It turned out that consumers experienced User Generated Content as the most credible form of advertising on social media. Sponsored posts were seen as the most useful, since this form of advertising was perceived as inspiring and informative. / Sociala medier är ett fenomen som utvecklats väldigt fort och blivit en del av människors vardag. Det har utvecklats till att inte enbart handla om att uppdatera andra personer om vad som försiggår i ens liv och att lägga upp bilder. Idag används sociala medier även av företag och andra profiler i marknadsföringssyfte. Reklam exponeras därmed inte bara i traditionella kanaler såsom TV, radio och tidningar, utan även på internet och de sociala medieplattformarna. Reklam på sociala medier förekommer i olika former; sponsrade inlägg (betald reklam), User Generated Content (icke-betald reklam) och Electronic Word of Mouth. Dessa olika former av reklam i sociala medier tas emot på olika sätt av konsumenter och därför ämnar denna uppsats att få förståelse för i vilken utsträckning konsumenter finner olika former av reklam i sociala medier trovärdiga och användbara. Studien har ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt där insamlingen av data skett genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Studien har delats in i tre olika teman nämligen; reklam på sociala medier, attityd hos konsumenter och uppfattad trovärdighet och användbarhet. Det framkom att User Generated Content upplevdes som mest trovärdigt bland de olika formerna av reklam. Däremot ansågs sponsrade inlägg som mest användbart då denna form av reklam uppfattades som inspirerande och informationsrik.

Un modèle narratif pour les jeux vidéo émergents / A narrative model for emergent videogames

Chauvin, Simon 27 November 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de créer et évaluer un modèle narratif pour les jeux vidéo émergents dont une part importante du contenu est générée de façon procédurale. Elle propose pour cela une application dans le jeu vidéo Minecraft. L'approche classique de la narration dans les jeux vidéo s'adaptant difficilement à des expériences de jeu plus libres nous proposons de donner au joueur les moyens de transformer le récit en temps réel et de manière explicite grâce à une forme narrative modulaire et adaptative au contexte de jeu courant. Dans un premier temps, la thèse explore les liens entre narration et interaction par le biais de l'étude des rôles de la narration dans les jeux vidéo. Puis, dans un deuxième temps, nous identifions les propriétés qui caractérisent les jeux vidéo émergents afin d'exposer les enjeux narratifs de ce type d'expérience de jeu. Dans un troisième temps, nous détaillons notre proposition d'un modèle narratif adapté aux jeux vidéo émergents ainsi que l'architecture logiciel permettant au joueur de transformer le récit en temps réel. Finalement, nous présentons deux expérimentations visant à vérifier nos hypothèses et à évaluer notre modèle narratif. / This thesis aims to create and evaluate a narrative model for emergent videogames that make extensive use of procedurally generated content. As such, an application of this model is presented within the videogame Minecraft. The usual approach to narratives in videogames can hardly be applied to experiences of play that involve more freedom from the player's perspective, such as what offer emergents videogames. Thus, we aim to provide players with the means to explicitly alter the story in real time, thanks to a context sensitive and modular narrative form. First, we explore the relationship betweenstorytelling and interactivity by studying the various roles held by narratives in videogames. Then, we identify the properties that define emergent videogames to better expose the narrative challenges they represent. Next, we detail our proposal of a narrative model suitable for emergent games as well as the architecture allowing players to transform the story in real time. Finally, we present an experiment in which we evaluate the validity of our narrative model in the context of emergent videogames.

Détection de textes générés automatiquement / Detection of automatically generated texts

Nguyen, Minh Tien 03 April 2018 (has links)
Le texte généré automatiquement a été utilisé dans de nombreuses occasions à des buts différents. Il peut simplement passer des commentaires générés dans une discussion en ligne à une tâche beaucoup plus malveillante, comme manipuler des informations bibliographiques. Ainsi, cette thèse introduit d'abord différentes méthodes pour générer des textes libres ayant trait à un certain sujet et comment ces textes peuvent être utilisés. Par conséquent, nous essayons d'aborder plusieurs questions de recherche. La première question est comment et quelle est la meilleure méthode pour détecter un document entièrement généré.Ensuite, nous irons un peu plus loin et montrer la possibilité de détecter quelques phrases ou un petit paragraphe de texte généré automatiquement en proposant une nouvelle méthode pour calculer la similarité des phrases en utilisant leur structure grammaticale. La dernière question est comment détecter un document généré automatiquement sans aucun échantillon, ceci est utilisé pour illustrer le cas d'un nouveau générateur ou d'un générateur dont il est impossible de collecter des échantillons dessus.Cette thèse étudie également l'aspect industriel du développement. Un aperçu simple d'un flux de travail de publication d'un éditeur de premier plan est présenté. À partir de là, une analyse est effectuée afin de pouvoir intégrer au mieux notre méthode de détection dans le flux de production.En conclusion, cette thèse a fait la lumière sur de multiples questions de recherche importantes concernant la possibilité de détecter des textes générés automatiquement dans différents contextes. En plus de l'aspect de la recherche, des travaux d'ingénierie importants dans un environnement industriel réel sont également réalisés pour démontrer qu'il est important d'avoir une application réelle pour accompagner une recherche hypothétique. / Automatically generated text has been used in numerous occasions with distinct intentions. It can simply go from generated comments in an online discussion to a much more mischievous task, such as manipulating bibliography information. So, this thesis first introduces different methods of generating free texts that resemble a certain topic and how those texts can be used. Therefore, we try to tackle with multiple research questions. The first question is how and what is the best method to detect a fully generated document.Then, we take it one step further to address the possibility of detecting a couple of sentences or a small paragraph of automatically generated text by proposing a new method to calculate sentences similarity using their grammatical structure. The last question is how to detect an automatically generated document without any samples, this is used to address the case of a new generator or a generator that it is impossible to collect samples from.This thesis also deals with the industrial aspect of development. A simple overview of a publishing workflow from a high-profile publisher is presented. From there, an analysis is carried out to be able to best incorporate our method of detection into the production workflow.In conclusion, this thesis has shed light on multiple important research questions about the possibility of detecting automatically generated texts in different setting. Besides the researching aspect, important engineering work in a real life industrial environment is also carried out to demonstrate that it is important to have real application along with hypothetical research.

Rückführung von User Generated Content in Lernmaterialien: Ein Klassifikationsschema zur Bewertung des Lernkontextes

Lorenz, Anja January 2011 (has links)
Lerncontentmodelle beschreiben den modularen Aufbau von Lernmaterialien auf verschiedenen Komplexitätsebenen von Assets bis hin zu fertigen Kursmaterialien. In Autorenwerkzeugen wird diese Untergliederung oft unterstützt, bspw. durch Mediendatenbanken, modularisierte Inhaltsstrukturen oder pädagogische Metadaten zum unterstützten Lernszenario. User Generated Content in Social-Software-Anwendungen entsteht nicht auf diesem strukturierten Weg, sondern spontan und abhängig von den bereitgestellten Funktionen. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass sie sich aber weiterhin bezüglich ihrer Abhängigkeit vom Lernkontext klassifizieren lassen. Als Abstufungen ergeben sich Assets, Informations- und Lernobjekte, zielgruppenbasierte Zusammenstellungen und Kursunterlagen. Damit soll einerseits eine taxonomische Grundlage geschaffen werden, um User Generated Content als Lernmaterialien einzuordnen, es ist aber vornehmlich ein erster Schritt hin zur deren systematischer Re-Integration in institutionelle Lernmaterialien.

Konzeption und Entwicklung einer E-Learning-Lektion zur Arbeit mit der Kartenherstellungssoftware OCAD

Goerlich, Franz 14 December 2011 (has links)
In dieser Bachelorarbeit wird eine Beispiel-E-Learning-Lektion zum Import von GPS Daten in die Kartenherstellungssoftware OCAD erstellt. Dabei liegt im theoretischen Teil der Hauptschwerpunkt auf nutzergenerierten Daten (Volunteered Geographic Infor-mation; kurz: VGI). Nach einer kurzen, allgemeinen Einführung wird auf die Bedeutung der Kartographie im Zusammenhang mit VGI eingegangen. Der zweite Teil beinhaltet Didaktik mit Schwerpunkt E-Learning. Dazu werden das Goal Based Scenario Modell und das Cognitive Apprenticeship Modell kurz vorgestellt und anschließend das Projekt GITTA mit der enthaltenen ECLASS-Struktur näher erklärt. Den immer wichtiger werdenden Content Management Systemen (CMS) widmet sich der dritte Theorieteil. Für die Realisierung der zu erstellenden Lektion wird das Open-Source CMS Joomla! ausführlicher erläutert. Die Implementierung beschreibt die Umsetzung der E-Leraning-Lektion mittels Joomla! und die Nutzung des ECLASS-Modells. Bevor auf die Vorgehensweise eingegangen wird, enthält der Implementierungsteil die Erstellung eines groben Gesamtkonzeptes für eine komplette E-Leraning-Anwendung zu OCAD mit entsprechenden Erläuterungen. Anschließend folgen eine Zusammenfassung und ein Ausblick über die Weiterführung der E-Learning-Anwendung.:Zusammenfassung III Aufgabenstellung IV Abbildungsverzeichnis V Tabellenverzeichnis V Abkürzungsverzeichnis VI Inhaltsverzeichnis VII Selbständigkeitserklärung IX 1. Einführung 10 1.1 Ziele 11 1.2 Hintergrund 11 2. Nutzergenerierte Daten 13 2.1 Einführung 13 2.2 Nutzergenerierte Daten in der Kartographie 14 2.3 Nutzergenerierte Daten in OCAD 22 3. Didaktik 26 3.1 Allgemeine Bedeutung 26 3.2 Lernen 26 3.3 Lernprozess 27 3.4 Lernen mit digitalen Medien 28 3.5 E-Learning 28 3.5.1 Was ist E-Learning? 28 3.5.2 E-Learning Modelle 29 3.5.3 Vorteile und Nachteile von E-Learning 32 3.6 Das Projekt GITTA 32 3.6.1 Übersicht 32 3.6.2 Entwicklung von Lernmaterialien 33 3.6.3 ECLASS Modell 34 4. Content Management Systeme 35 4.1 Einführung 35 4.2 Definitionen 36 4.3 Eigenschaften von CMS 37 4.4 Ausblick 38 4.5 Joomla! 4.5.1 Einführung 39 4.5.2 Geschichte 39 4.5.3 Versionen 40 4.5.4 Funktionen 41 4.5.5 Aufbau 42 4.5.6 Auswahlkriterien für CMS 43 5. Implementierung 44 5.1 Motivation 44 5.2 Modellerstellung 46 5.3 Wahl der zur Umsetzung nutzbaren Systeme 48 5.3.1 ECLASS-Modell 48 5.3.2 Joomla! 49 5.4 Umsetzung der Lektion in Joomla! 49 5.4.1 Vorbereitungen 50 5.4.2 Konzeptübertragung 51 6. Zusammenfassung 54 6.1 Zusammenfassung der Praktischen Arbeit 54 6.2 Ausblick 55 Literaturverzeichnis LVI Literaturquellen LVI Internetquellen LXII Anhang LXIV Anhang 1 - Gegenüberstellung ausgewählter kartographischer Funktionalitäten in Adobe Illustrator und OCAD LXV Anhang 2 - Abdruck der Beispiel E-Learning Lektion LXVII

Konsumentgenererat innehåll : En marknadsstrategi eller ett kulturellt uttryck? / Customer-Generated Content : A Marketing Strategy or a Cultrual Expression?

Svedberg, Tilda, Restrup, Evelina January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie är ett examensarbete utfört i Grafisk design och kommunikation vid Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet. Studien syftade till att undersöka till vilken grad konsumentgenererat innehåll används av företag och användare samt användarnas motiv till varför de skapar konsumentgenererat innehåll. Vidare kommer studien undersöka hur konsumentgenererat innehåll gestaltas samt vilka tillvägagångssätt som finns för att uppmana till konsumentgenererat innehåll och vilket som fungerar bäst. Med hjälp av tre olika metoder kunde syftet besvaras. Studien innefattade en empirisk förstudie, semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som har förstahandserfarenhet av konsumentgenererat innehåll samt genom en observation och bildanalys på två utvalda företags Instagramkonton. Resultatet av studien påvisar att det finns flera olika tillvägagångssätt för företag att uppmuntra till konsumentgenererat innehåll på Instagram. Det framkommer även varför användare motiveras till att skapa konsumentgenererat innehåll, en av dessa motivationer är att bidra till informationssökning. Innehållets gestaltning tenderar att spegla företagets värderingar. / This study is a bachelor dissertation project carried out at the program Graphic Design and Communication at the department of Technology at Linköping University. The study aimed to investigate the extent to which consumer-generated content is used by companies and users as well as users' motives for why they create consumer-generated content. Furthermore, the study will examine how consumer-generated content is designed and what approaches are available to encourage consumer-generated content and which works best. Using three different methods. Using three different methods, the purpose could be answered. The study includes an empirical feasibility study, semi-structured interviews with people who have first-hand experience of consumer-generated content and through an observation and image analysis on two selected companies' Instagram accounts. The results of the studies show that there are several different approaches for companies to encourage consumer-generated content on Instagram. It also appears why users motivate the creation of consumer-generated content, and one of these motivations is to contribute to information retrieval. The design of the content tends to reflect the company's values. / <p>Examensarbete utfört i Grafisk design och kommunikation vid Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet</p>

Konsumentgenererat innehåll : En marknadsstrategi eller ett kulturellt uttryck? / User Generated Content : A Market Strategy or a Cultural Expression?

Restrup, Evelina, Svedberg, Tilda January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie är ett examensarbete utfört i Grafisk design och kommunikation vid Tekniska högskolan vid Linköpings universitet. Studien syftade till att undersöka till vilken grad konsumentgenererat innehåll används av företag och användare samt användarnas motiv till varför de skapar konsumentgenererat innehåll. Vidare kommer studien undersöka hur konsumentgenererat innehåll gestaltas samt vilka tillvägagångssätt som finns för att uppmana till konsumentgenererat innehåll och vilket som fungerar bäst. Med hjälp av tre olika metoder kunde syftet besvaras. Studien innefattade en empirisk förstudie, semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som har förstahandserfarenhet av konsumentgenererat innehåll samt genom en observation och bildanalys på två utvalda företags Instagramkonton. Resultatet av studien påvisar att det finns flera olika tillvägagångssätt för företag att uppmuntra till konsumentgenererat innehåll på Instagram. Det framkommer även varför användare motiveras till att skapa konsumentgenererat innehåll, en av dessa motivationer är att bidra till informationssökning. Innehållets gestaltning tenderar att spegla företagets värderingar. / This study is a bachelor dissertation project carried out at the program Graphic Design and Communication at the department of Technology at Linköping University. The study aimed to investigate the extent to which consumer-generated content is used by companies and users as well as users' motives for why they create consumer-generated content. Furthermore, the study will examine how consumer-generated content is designed and what approaches are available to encourage consumer-generated content and which works best. Using three different methods. Using three different methods, the purpose could be answered. The study includes an empirical feasibility study, semi-structured interviews with people who have first-hand experience of consumer-generated content and through an observation and image analysis on two selected companies' Instagram accounts. The results of the studies show that there are several different approaches for companies to encourage consumer-generated content on Instagram. It also appears why users motivate the creation of consumer-generated content, and one of these motivations is to contribute to information retrieval. The design of the content tends to reflect the company's values. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Using hotel reviews to assess hotel frontline employees’ roles and performances

Hu, F., Trivedi, Rohit, Teichert, T. 20 April 2022 (has links)
Yes / This study aims to explore how marketers can use text mining to analyze actors, actions and performance effects of service encounters by building on the role theory. This enables hotel managers to use introduced methodology to measure and monitor frontline employees’ role behavior and optimize their service. Design/methodology/approach: The authors’ approach links text mining and importance-performance analysis with role theory’s conceptual foundations taking into account the hotel industry’s specifics to assess the effect of frontline hotel employees’ actions on consumer satisfaction and to derive specific management implications for the hospitality sector. Findings: This study identifies different actors involved in hotel frontline interactions revealing distinct role behaviors that characterize consumers’ perspectives of service encounters with different role types associated with front-office employees. This research also identifies role performance related to role behavior to improve service encounters. Practical implications: Customer–employee interactions can be assessed by user-generated contents (UGC). Performance evaluations relate to frontline employee roles associated with distinct role scripts, whereby different hotel segments require tailored role designs. Insights of this study can be used for service optimization, market positioning as well as for improving human resource management practices in the hotel industry. Originality/value: This study contributes to the service encounter literature by applying role theory in the text mining of UGC to assess frontline employees as actors and the effects of their actions on service quality delivery. / Science Foundation of Ministry of Education, PR China (Grant No. 21YJA630031)

Evaluación de la calidad de la traducción automática de reseñas turísticas en línea desde la perspectiva de la localización

Rosa Sorlozano, Maria Carmen 21 June 2024 (has links)
[ES] Los usuarios de internet han pasado a ser contribuidores activos en la Web 2.0. Estudios recientes revelan que siete de cada 10 usuarios de internet en todo el mundo confían en la opinión y las reseñas publicadas en línea por otros usuarios. De la misma forma, según estadísticas recientes de las agencias españolas de turismo, el uso de internet ha crecido más de un 29 %: casi todos los usuarios (99,2 %) lo usan para buscar información, un 76,5 % lo usa para hacer reservas y el 52,4 % para el pago de servicios. A pesar del gran potencial y el volumen de negocio de este sector, las plataformas de reseñas (tanto de viajes como de reservas de restaurantes) solo utilizan la traducción automática (TA) de las opiniones que los consumidores dejan en dichas páginas sin procesamiento ni revisión. En paralelo, los estudios de traducción han concedido un papel clave durante los últimos 30 años a la subdisciplina de la localización, consistente en adaptar el mensaje a las preferencias lingüísticas y culturales específicas del usuario. Por este motivo, esta investigación se centra en el análisis de un corpus de reseñas traducidas automáticamente para identificar patrones de error y sus efectos en la calidad del texto según parámetros estudiados en la localización. Áreas como el turismo, las finanzas y el marketing podrían verse beneficiadas si mejoran sus procesos de traducción, puesto que un mejor entendimiento de los servicios anunciados facilita la interacción del consumidor con dichos productos y servicios. / [CA] Els usuaris d'internet han passat a ser contribuïdors actius en la Web 2.0. Estudis recents revelen que set de cada 10 usuaris d'internet a tot el món confien en l'opinió i les ressenyes publicades en línia per altres usuaris. De la mateixa forma, segons estadístiques recents de les agències espanyoles de turisme, l'ús d'internet ha crescut més d'un 29%: quasi tots els usuaris (99,2%) l'utilitzen per a buscar informació, un 76,5% l'usa per a fer reserves i el 52,4% per al pagament de servicis. Malgrat el gran potencial i el volum de negoci d'este sector, les plataformes de ressenyes (tant de viatges com de reserves de restaurants) només utilitzen la traducció automàtica (TA) de les opinions que els consumidors deixen en estes pàgines sense processament ni revisió. En paral·lel, els estudis de traducció han concedit un paper clau durant els últims 30 anys a la subdisciplina de la localització, consistent a adaptar el missatge a les preferències lingüístiques i culturals específiques de l'usuari. Per aquest motiu, esta investigació se centra en l'anàlisi d'un corpus de ressenyes traduïdes automàticament per a identificar patrons d'error i els seus efectes en la qualitat del text segons paràmetres estudiats en la localització. Àrees com el turisme, les finances i el màrqueting podrien veure's beneficiades si milloren els seus processos de traducció, ja que un millor enteniment dels servicis anunciats facilita la interacció del consumidor amb aquests productes i servicis. / [EN] Internet users have become active contributors to the Web 2.0. Recent studies reveal that seven out of 10 internet users worldwide rely on the opinions and reviews posted online by other users. Similarly, according to recent statistics from the main Spanish tourism agencies, Internet usage has grown by more than 29%: almost all users (99.2%) use it to search for information, 76.5% use it to make reservations and 52.4% use it to pay for services. Despite the great potential and turnover of this sector, review platforms (both for travel and restaurant reservations) only use machine translation (MT) of the reviews that consumers leave on these pages without processing or review. In parallel, translation studies have attributed a major role over the last 30 years to the sub-discipline of localization, which consists of adapting the message to the user's specific linguistic and cultural preferences. For this reason, this research focuses on the analysis of a corpus of machine-translated reviews to identify error patterns and their effects on text quality according to parameters studied in localization. Areas such as tourism, finance and marketing could benefit from improving their translation processes, since a better understanding of the advertised services facilitates consumer interaction with those services. / Rosa Sorlozano, MC. (2024). Evaluación de la calidad de la traducción automática de reseñas turísticas en línea desde la perspectiva de la localización [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/205487

Topological analysis and mitigation strategies for cascading failures in power grid networks

Pahwa, Sakshi January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Caterina M. Scoglio / In recent times, research in the field of complex networks has advanced by leaps and bounds. Researchers have developed mathematical models for different networks such as epidemic networks, computer networks, power grid networks, and so on. In this thesis, the power grid has been modeled as a complex network. The power grid is being used extensively in every field today. Our dependence on the power grid has exceeded to an extent that we cannot think of survival without electricity. Recently, there has been an increasing concern about the growing possibility of cascading failures, due to the fact that the power grid is works close to full utilization. Furthermore, the problem will be exacerbated by the need to transfer a large amount of power generated by renewable sources from the regions where it is produced to the regions where it is consumed. Many researchers have studied these networks to find a solution to the problem of network robustness. Topological analysis may be considered as one of the components of analysis of a system's robustness. In the first part of this thesis, to study the cascading effect on power grid networks from a topological standpoint, we developed a simulator and used the IEEE standard networks for our analysis. The cascading effect was simulated on three standard networks, the IEEE 300 bus system, the IEEE 118 bus test system, and the WSCC 179 bus equivalent model. To extend our analysis to a larger set of networks with different topologies, we developed a first approximation network generator the creates networks with characteristics similar to the standard networks but with different topologies. The generated networks were then compared with the standard networks to show the effect of topology on the robustness of power grid networks. A comparison of the network metrics for the standard and the generated networks indicate that the generated networks are more robust than the standard ones. However, even if the generated topologies show an increased robustness with respect to the standard topologies, the real implementation and design of power grids based on those topologies requires further study, and will be considered as future work. In the second part of this thesis, we studied two mitigation strategies based on load reduction, Homogeneous load reduction and Targeted range-based load reduction. While the generic Homogeneous strategy will only mitigate the severity of the cascade when a non-negligible load reduction is performed, our newly proposed targeted load reduction strategy is much more efficient, reducing the load only in a small portion of the grid. The determination of this special portion of the grid is based on an algorithm, which finds the paths supplying power from the generators to the nodes. This algorithm is described in details in the Appendix B. While the Homogeneous strategy is easier to implement, efficient results can be obtained using the targeted strategy.

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