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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attraktiv arbetsplats : En kvalitativ studie av generation X och generation Y's upplevelser / Experiencing an attractive workplace : A qualitative study of representatives of Generations X and Y

Larsson, Petronella, Henningsson, Elvira January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka generation X och generation Y’s upplevelse av vad som utgör en attraktiv arbetsplats. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ ansats där datamaterialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Genom ett bekvämlighetsurval valdes 12 respondenter ut (N=12), varav sex personer tillhörde generation X, och sex personer tillhörde generation Y. Insamlade datamaterial analyserades via en tematisk analys och resulterade i tre övergripande teman. Resultatet visade att det fanns både likheter och skillnader i vad generation X och generation Y upplevde utgör en attraktiv arbetsplats. Generation Y uttryckte att en attraktiv arbetsplats utgjordes av arbetstillfredsställelse, där resultat och utvecklingsmöjligheter var viktigt. Generation X ansåg att arbetsförhållandena var viktigare, där de framhöll ledarskap och relationen till kollegor som attraktiva faktorer. Gemensamt för de båda generationerna var att organisationen i sig kunde upplevas som mer eller mindre attraktiv, där bland annat organisationens värderingar ansågs avgörande. Deltagare från båda generationerna uppskattade även att organisationen var innovativ och erbjöd flexibilitet.

Does the cookie taste good when learning what it consists of? : A quantitative study on online behavior advertising and generation X & Ys attitude regarding it

Gharam, Jean January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the different consumption attitudes of generation X & Y and their privacy concerns regards to company’s use of online behavior advertisement (hereafter referred to as OBA) Research questions: RQ1. What are the differences in consumption behavior between generations X and Y regarding the effect of OBA? RQ2. What are the differences between Generation X & Y regarding privacy concerns about OBA? Method: Due to this thesis’s purpose and research questions, a quantitative method was chosen which investigated 3 hypotheses that are used to answer the purpose and research questions. The survey was distributed through Facebook and led to the respondent group consisting of 281 respondents from both generations X & Y. The answers were analyzed by using t-tests in IBM SPSS 26. Conclusion: This thesis concluded that there is a significant difference between generation X & Y. Generation Y are less concerned about their privacy and have a more positive view of personalized content. Generation Y is more likely to click on advertisements that come up for them as well as appreciating adapted advertisements. This could explain why OBA has gained increased interest over the years from marketers and companies. The results also indicated that a majority never clear their web browser from cookies which is one of the cornerstones for OBA to work, which may indicate that both generations want customized content when using the internet and social media

Generationella skillnader inom arbetsmotivation

Ahmic, Rijad, Andersson, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a difference in workmotivation between two generations (generation X + millennials) through examininghow the generations estimated their basic needs of satisfaction and whether there was asignificant difference in how the generations estimated their intrinsic and extrinsicmotivation in the workplace. The study was of a quantitative approach and wasconducted through a survey in which 53 participants participated. The instruments usedin the study were Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction Scale - Work Domain(BPNSFS) and Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale (WEIMS). BPNSFSmeasured the participants basic needs at work and WEIMS their inner and outermotivation as is based on the Self-Determination Theory. The results showed nosignificant difference in how the generations estimated their basic psychological needsat work. However there was a significant difference between the generations where themillennials rated their intrinsic motivation in the workplace higher than generation X,no significant difference was found in how the two generations rated their outermotivation.

Generation X and Generation Y: An Exploration of Student Motivation to Learn and Technology Use

Hutchins, LaDonna 01 May 2021 (has links)
Student motivation and technology use are important considerations for higher education institutions. With increasing proportions of institutional funding being tied to student success and retention outcomes, gaining an awareness of how students tend to be motivated as well as their comfort and skill level with technology is critical for supporting student success in the collegiate classroom. The purpose of this study was to examine motivations for learning and technology use by specific generations, Generation X and Generation Y, among participants in two learning settings, a four-year university and a two-year community college. Differences in motivation type including intrinsic, extrinsic, and amotivation, and technology proficiency were also assessed based on respondent gender and institution type. Results found that students from Generation Y had significantly higher scores on extrinsic motivation and amotivation compared to Generation X. Students in the two-year institution group scored significantly higher on intrinsic motivation compared to students from four-year institutions, and students from four-year institutions demonstrated significantly higher levels of amotivation. Female participants scored significantly higher than males on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and male participants scored significantly higher than females on the amotivation dimension than females. For technology use, participants from Generation X and participants from four-year institutions scored significantly higher than students from Generation Y and students from two-year institutions. No significant differences in technology use were found between male and female respondents.

Individanpassad marknadsföring och den personliga integriteten : En komparativ studie kring påverkan av individanpassad marknadsföring sett ur generation X och generation Z:s perspektiv / Personalized marketing and personal integrity : A comparative study on the impact ofpersonalized marketing from the perspectives of Generation X and Generation Z

Larsson, Ellen, Nilsson, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Genom dagens digitalisering har den traditionella marknadsföringen utvecklats till en mer individanpassad marknadsföring, där företag i större utsträckning riktar sig till konsumenter på individnivå. Detta för att kunna nå konsumenten på ett personligt plan och därmed skapa annonser anpassade utefter den enskilda individen. Detta sker genom att data kring konsumentens beteenden och preferenser samlas in via cookies och röstassistenter. Med dessa möjligheter till informationsinsamling medförs även risker och utmaningar i säkerheten, i form av integritetsintrång. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur denna marknadsföringsmetod påverkar två generationsgrupper, generation X och generation Z. Studien utgick från en abduktiv ansats och har genomförts med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Det empiriska materialet samlades in via tre fokusgrupper med totalt 16 medverkande individer. Resultatet som framkom av undersökningen var att attityderna till individanpassad marknadsföring skiljer sig åt beroende på generationstillhörighet. Generation X visade sig ha en skeptisk attityd kring individanpassade annonser, medan generation Z som är infödda i den digitala världen ser det mer fördelaktigt. Vad gäller generationernas personliga integritet visade resultatet att mängden kunskap kring ämnet är av betydelse för att kunna avgöra huruvida den personliga integriteten påverkas eller inte. Studiens resultat påverkades till viss del av konformitet då somliga respondenter ändrade åsikt utefter vad majoriteten i gruppen ansåg. Avslutningsvis visade resultatet att samtliga respondenter var överens om att avlyssning via röstassistenter frambringar en obehagskänsla, därmed anses rösten mer integritetskänslig.

Impulse Purchase: Factors Antecedents and Post-purchase Satisfaction. : A Qualitative Study of Generation X and Generation Y.

Quicanga, Amélia, Ogbere, Louis January 2022 (has links)
The study of impulsive purchase is a facet of consumer behavior that has intrigued the interest of academics for decades. The research primarily focuses on the variables that influence this behavior, indicating the impact of various antecedents. Recent research has shown that age has an impact on customer behavior when it comes to impulse purchases. Furthermore, the results are still few and provide contradictory conclusions. The goal of this study is to close this gap by examining the antecedent elements that affect each person's unique traits, such as extrinsic and extrinsic determinants of impulsiveness, and then comparing post-purchase happiness across generations X and Y. To study the elements that underlie their impulsive buying behavior and the consequences on satisfaction after the purchase, the researchers used largely a qualitative technique, including a questionnaire, interviews, and observation of the phenomena. The findings show that generation X is less prone to impulse purchases than generation Y. In both generations, females were shown to be more prone than males to buy on impulse. The purpose of this study is to contribute to future research because it is critical to further identify the fundamental elements of impulsive purchase and their impact on generations X and Y in order to develop more successful strategies.

INDIVIDANPASSAD ELLER ÖVERVAKAD? : En kvantitativ studie om olika generationers attityder gentemot individanpassad marknadsföring.

Eriksson, Nils, Gissler, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Date:                       2022-01-12   Level:                      Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr    Institution:           School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University    Authors:                Eriksson Nils, 95/11/20               Gissler Robin, 93/09/27                           Title:                       Personalized or monitored?                                  A quantitative study regarding different generations’ attitudes towards  personalized marketing.   Tutor:                     Ulf Andersson    Keywords:             Personalized Marketing, Personal integrity, Attitude, Generation X & Z   Research questions:              RQ1:   In which aspects does the attitude towards personalized marketing                                           differ between consumers in Generation X and Generation Z?                                     RQ2:  How does the attitudes of consumers within Generation X and Generation Z affect their consumption of products from companies using personalized marketing?     Purpose:                The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the attitude towards personalized marketing differs between Generation X and Generation Z. Furthermore, the paper aims to give insights to the relation between attitude and purchase intent.     Method:                 In order to answer the research questions of this study a deductive research approach was used, with a quantitative method of collecting data. The primary data was collected through an internet-based survey, in which a total of 114 respondents chose to participate.      Conclusion:          The two hypotheses constructed for this study shows that the attitude towards personalized marketing does affect purchase intent in both Generation X and Z. However, the results show no significant importance regarding the ages of the respondents. The attitude towards personalized marketing doesn’t show any significant difference between the two generations. / Datum:                   2022-01-12   Nivå:                       Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp    Institution:           Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens universitet   Författare:            Eriksson Nils, 95/11/20               Gissler Robin, 93/09/27             Titel:                        Individanpassad eller övervakad?                                   En kvantitativ studie om olika generationers attityder gentemot individanpassad marknadsföring.   Handledare:         Ulf Andersson    Nyckelord:            Individanpassad marknadsföring, personlig integritet, Attityd,                  Generation X, Generation Z.     Frågeställning:    FF1:  Hur skiljer attityden gentemot individanpassad marknadsföring      hos konsumenter i Generation X och Z?   FF2:  Hur påverkar attityden gentemot individanpassad marknadsföring individer i Generation X och Z:s köpbenägenhet mot företag som brukar denna typ av marknadsföring?     Syfte:                      Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om attityden till individanpassad marknadsföring skiljer sig mellan Generation X och Generation Z, och hur attityden påverkar köpbenägenheten.      Metod:                    För att kunna besvara denna studies forskningsfrågor användes en deduktiv forskningsansats med en kvantitativ datainsamlingsmetod. Studiens primärdata samlades således in via en internetbaserad enkätundersökning, varav 114 respondenter valde att medverka i.     Slutsats:                 Studiens två hypoteser påvisar att attityden till individanpassad marknadsföring har en påverkan av köpbenägenheten hos både Generation X och Z. Det som dock framkom i studien var att åldern inte hade någon signifikant betydande utifrån den insamlade empirin. Attityden till individanpassad marknadsföring generationerna emellan skiljer sig således inte på någon signifikant nivå.

Is less actually more? : A qualitative study of how lifestyle minimalism is communicated by generations X and Z / Is less actually more? : A qualitative study of how lifestyle minimalism is communicated by generations X and Z

Deußing, Lea January 2022 (has links)
In the last few years, the concept of lifestyle minimalism has gotten more and more attention. Since discussions about climate change and sustainability have gotten louder, negative aspects of consumption have surfaced. Minimalism seems to be the answer to the problem of consumption and its unsustainable aspects, so why is there so little communication about it when it seems to be a simple way to improve life and live more sustainably? This study examines how minimalism is communicated and defined by generations X and Z by conducting semi structured qualitative interviews within a framework in the areas of minimalism, sustainability, consumption, and well-being. The outcomes are that there is no difference in the perception of minimalism when it comes to the generations, but there are differences depending on how someone is already involved in topics like sustainability and minimalism. With these findings, a model was developed to visualize the “bubble process”, which explains how people find their way into the bubble of sustainability/minimalism and can extend it.

Blir du mer sparsam av en utbildning? : Hur bidrar akademisk utbildning till ett ökat sparande hos generation X?

Lindau, Oskar, Ganning, Carl January 2022 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Generation X är den kommande generationen som ska gå i pension och kommer därmed påverkas av hårdare pensionsreformer. Ett förlängt arbetsliv kombinerat med privat pensionssparande anses vara lösningen till problemet. Erkända teorier framhåller att psykologisk bias, finansiell bildning, numerisk förmåga och demografisk bakgrund påverkar individers sparande. Dessa faktorer sammantaget motiverar en kvalitativ studie för att undersöka dess påverkan till ett privat sparande hos generation X. SYFTE: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga hur pensionssparandet i generation X skiljer sig åt mellan de som saknar en akademisk utbildning och inte. GENOMFÖRANDE: Studien är baserad på 10-semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer tillhörande generation X. Frågorna har utformats på ett sådant sätt att intervjurespondenterna har haft möjlighet att själva reflektera och analysera sina egna svar i syfte att få en nyanserad bild av hur de upplever sitt eget sparande. SLUTSATS: Studiens resultat visar att det finns ett generellt intresse för ett privat sparande hos respondenterna tillhörande generation X. Samtidigt påvisas tendenser till bias i form av överoptimism. Utbildningsnivå verkar inte samvariera med ett ökat sparande mer än att det kan leda till en bättre planeringsförmåga.

An Analysis Of Generational Differences And Their Effects On Schools And Student Performance

Paniale, Lisa 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study examined the effects of generational differences on student achievement of students in Brevard Public Schools, Brevard County, Florida. The independent variable was the generational cohorts (Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Generation X, and Millennials). The dependent variable was the factors of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and work motivation. A second dependent variable was Value-Added Measure (VAM) scores calculated by the Department of Education for the state of Florida for each teacher of grades K-12. These VAM scores were derived from the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) Reading and Math Developmental Scale scores to show a teacher’s effect on student achievement. A convenience sample of teachers was surveyed from the population of all Brevard Public Schools teachers, and respondents’ VAM scores were analyzed for differences in the means. Findings showed that there was a statistically significant difference in job satisfaction among the generational cohorts based on the benefits factor. Baby Boomers found benefits to be a more important aspect of job satisfaction than did Millennials. There was also a statistically significant difference in organizational commitment among the generational cohorts based on career at current school. Baby Boomers found spending the rest of their career at their current school significantly more important than did Millennials. There was no statistically significant difference among the generational cohorts in work motivation or means of VAM scores. Recommendations were made for future studies that generalize the finding to other counties in Florida, other states, and other countries. The possibility of generational impact being a cultural experience would be addressed. Another possible future study included examining individuals within a single generational cohort. Gender considerations are one area iii for study. Furthermore, it is recommended that future studies move beyond one timeframe for gathering data. A longitudinal study of the same people within a generation from the beginning of their career to the end to determine if values change due to aging and gaining experience as compared to belonging to a generation should be conducted

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