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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du coccolithe au réservoir pétrolier - Approche phénoménologique du comportement mécanique de la craie en vue de sa modélisation à différentes échelles

Schroeder, Christian 31 January 2002 (has links)
La thèse se présente comme un bilan de plus de 25 ans de fréquentation de la craie, dans divers domaines, principalement dans le domaine pétrolier. La phénoménologie du comportement de ce matériau atypique craie est présentée dans ses divers contextes, dans une optique pluridisciplinaire. Le mémoire comprend quatre parties principales : -la première partie concerne la craie en elle-même: sa constitution, sa répartition stratigraphique et géographique, sa structure, ses propriétés physiques et pétrophysiques générales; -la deuxième partie pose les problèmes des réservoirs pétroliers de Mer du Nord; -la troisième partie, la plus volumineuse, aborde le comportement mécanique de la craie comme roche réservoir; -la quatrième partie expose certains développements en cours et considère les perspectives de développements futurs.

Nano-Engineering Geology of clay-leachate interactions

Schmitz, Robrecht Maria 16 June 2004 (has links)
How can the suitability of a clay to act as a barrier to the flow of a specified fluid be determined? This question is directly related to the different mechanical and chemical stresses to which a clay barrier will be exposed. In spite of these mechanical and chemical stresses it must be guaranteed that the clay will fulfil its barrier function during the entire required containment period. This required technical life could be very long in engineering terms: 100-10000 years. During this period the clay barrier can neither be repaired nor maintained. Therefore it must be known which chemical or physical reactions will occur and how these reactions will influence the geomechanical properties of the clay. Because there was no standard approach to test the suitability of natural clays as barrier on the long-term, this had to be developed. Based on literature it was shown that the reactions between clays and fluids could be decomposed in reactions on the particle level, the interlayer level and the TOT/TO level of clay minerals: - Micrometer: Reactions on the particle level are the most frequent, the fastest to accomplish (instantaneous when leachate arrives) and have the least impact on the geomechanical properties of clays. It was shown that the double layer theory presents a valuable framework to analyse the changes in geomechanical properties upon clay-leachate contact. The properties of the fluid that are taken into account are the concentration of cations and the relative dielectric constant. Other processes on the particle level not captured by the double layer theory are e.g. the dissolution of calcitic cement and the oxidation of pyrites. The acids produced by the latter process influence reactions on the lower interlayer and TOT/TO level as well. It was shown that the natural clays possess themselves a rich variety of cations. These concentrations must be included in the analysis. New tools developed on the particle level were: - Integration of the chemical composition of the natural fluid contained in the clay in further analyses. - The discretisation of clay samples into a discontinuous but homogeneous assembly of discrete clay particles (finite element mesh) with the use of information from petrographical studies of thin sections and oedometer tests. - The implementation of a constitutive law into a numerical code to simulate the interparticle distance to interparticle fluid chemistry and mechanical stress. - Nanometer: Reactions on the interlayer level include clay mineral alteration processes. To link these processes to geomechanical properties, the clay mineral sample preparation was modified to include all clay minerals and not only the fraction smaller than two micrometers. Next a method was developed to link clay mineralogy to geomechanical properties (equivalent basal spacing). New tools developed on the interlayer level were: - The equivalent basal spacing (EBS) - Relation between the equivalent basal spacing and the liquid limit With these tools a link can be made between the clay mineralogy and geomechanical properties. Leachate - clay interactions can be analysed as well as other processes like the mixing of clays and the reactions of clays upon heating etc. - Ångström: Reactions on the TO/TOT level include the disintegration of TO arrangements, which will result in a complete destruction of a clay mineral. Of all three levels considered, changes on the TO/TOT level will cause the greatest change in geomechanical properties. Fortunately the processes on this TOT/TO level take a long history of subsequent physical and chemical reactions (hundreds to thousands of years in situ). Because changes on this level fail to be reproduced in the laboratory one must rely on natural analogues. New tools developed on the TO/TOT level were: - The link between the clay leached in the laboratory to natural analogues using thin sections and XRD diffraction analysis. Examples are shown that the aforementioned approach can be applied in any geomechanical problem involving clays.

Miljögeoteknisk 3D-modell för markexploatering / Environmental 3D Model for Land Development

Kalin, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
Vid exploatering av mark måste ofta stora volymer jordmassor schaktas bort för grundläggning av hus och anläggning av ledningar och vägar. Dessa jordmassor skickas många gånger till en deponi, vilket orsakar emissioner av miljö- och hälsofarliga gaser från transporter, förbrukning av naturmaterial och innebär även en ekonomisk kostnad. I Johannelund i västra Stockholm har Stockholms stad planerat ett nytt bostadsområde, och stora mängder jordmassor kommer att behöva schaktas bort under exploateringen. Stockholms stad lät skapa en miljögeoteknisk 3D-modell för att få en översikt över markkvaliteten och bestämma vilka massor som kunde återanvändas för utfyllnad inom området. Med en miljögeoteknisk 3D-modell menas här en CAD-modell i 3D baserad på provtagningar, geotekniska undersökningar och planerad bebyggelse i området. Då detta examensarbete påbörjades var planeringen av Johannelundsprojektet klar och 3D-modellen skapad, men själva bygget hade ännu inte påbörjats. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att avgöra om miljögeotekniska 3D-modeller bör användas i framtida exploateringsprojekt, och målet var att utvärdera och ge råd om framtida användning av modellen samt att undersöka möjligheterna med att återanvända schaktmassor. En fallstudie gjordes av Johannelundsprojektet där de miljömässiga och ekonomiska konsekvenserna av masshanteringen utvärderades och åsikter om problematiken undersöktes genom intervjuer med myndigheter och intressenter. Vidare bestämdes det underlag som behövs till modellen och en lämplig arbetsordning togs fram. Denna information baserades på beräkningar, eget arbete i 3D-modellen samt intervjuer med involverade i Johannelundsprojektet. Utvärderingen av Johannelundsprojektet visade att återanvändningen av schaktmassor reducerade kostnader för masshantering med 67 % och emissioner från transporter med 85 % jämfört med om den totala volymen schaktmassor skulle ha skickats på deponi. Vidare visade intervjuerna att myndigheter och intressenter har vitt skilda åsikter vad gäller riktvärden, hantering av schaktmassor och miljögeotekniska 3D-modeller. Studien visade även att om arbetet med 3D-modellen ska bli lyckat krävs bland annat ett fullgott dataunderlag och investering i viss kunskapsutveckling hos personalen. 3D-modeller används allt mer inom samhällsbyggnad, och stora ekonomiska och miljömässiga vinster kan göras genom verktygets möjlighet till effektiv planering och kommunikation. Användning av en miljögeoteknisk 3D-modell rekommenderas i framtida byggprojekt där det förekommer ställvis förhöjda halter av markföroreningar och en omfattande volym schaktmassor beräknas uppkomma. / Land development can cause a great deal of excessive soil masses due to shafting. The total volume of excessive soil is many times transported to a landfill, causing gas emissions, use of natural resources and a significant economical cost. In a land development project in the area of Johannelund in Stockholm much of the soil masses were planned to be reused instead. To overview the soil quality and decide on what soil masses to reuse and where an Environmental 3D Model for Land Development was used by the City of Stockholm. This means a 3D Model based on soil samples, geotechnical investigations and planned shafting. When the work with this thesis begun the Project Johannelund was already planned and the 3D Model had been created, but the land development had yet not been started. The aim of this thesis was to decide if Environmental 3D Models should be used in future land development projects, and the goals were to evaluate the model, give advice on future use and to investigate the possibilities to reuse soil masses. A case study of the environmental and economical effects of reusing soil masses in the Project Johannelund was done. Public authorities and stakeholders were interviewed and advices on how to use Environmental 3D Models were given, this includes the data needed to create a model as well as a suggested way of work. The information is based on calculations, personal experience with the 3D Model and interviews with people involved in the Project Johannelund. The evaluation of the Project Johannelund showed that the reuse of soil masses reduced the costs of transports and land fill fees with 67 %, and the gas emissions from transports with 85 %. The opinions of public authorities and stakeholders vary greatly. Advices on how to use the Environmental 3D Model includes a thorough database and that the staff will need support in order to use the 3D Model properly. 3D Models are used to a larger and larger extent in Urban Management. There are economical and environmental benefits with using the Environmental 3D Model for a more efficient project planning and communication. The City of Stockholm is recommended to use the 3D Model in future land development projects with heterogeneous soil contamination and a large volume of expected excessive soil masses.

Self-Burrowing Mechanism and Robot Inspired by Razor Clams

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: The Atlantic razor clam burrows underground with effectiveness and efficiency by coordinating shape changings of its shell and foot. Inspired by the burrowing strategy of razor clams, this research is dedicated to developing a self-burrowing technology for active underground explorations by investigating the burrowing mechanism of razor clams from the perspective of soil mechanics. In this study, the razor clam was observed to burrow out of sands simply by extending and contracting its foot periodically. This upward burrowing gait is much simpler than its downward burrowing gait, which also involves opening/closing of the shell and dilation of the foot. The upward burrowing gait inspired the design of a self-burrowing-out soft robot, which drives itself out of sands naturally by extension and contraction through pneumatic inflation and deflation. A simplified analytical model was then proposed and explained the upward burrowing behavior of the robot and razor clams as the asymmetric nature of soil resistances applied on both ends due to the intrinsic stress gradient of sand deposits. To burrow downward, additional symmetry-breaking features are needed for the robot to increase the resistance in the upward burrowing direction and to decrease the resistance in the downward burrowing direction. A potential approach is by incorporating friction anisotropy, which was then experimentally demonstrated to affect the upward burrowing of the soft robot. The downward burrowing gait of razor clams provides another inspiration. By exploring the analogies between the downward burrowing gait and in-situ soil characterization methods, a clam-inspired shape-changing penetrator was designed and penetrated dry granular materials both numerically and experimentally. Results demonstrated that the shell opening not only contributes to forming a penetration anchor by compressing the surrounding particles, but also reduces the foot penetration resistance temporally by creating a stress arch above the foot; the shell closing facilitates the downward burrowing by reducing the friction resistance to the subsequent shell retraction. Findings from this research shed lights on the future design of a clam-inspired self-burrowing robot. / Dissertation/Thesis / Video for section A1 of APPENDIX A / Video for section A2 of APPENDIX A / Video for section A3 of APPENDIX A / Video for section B8 of APPENDIX B / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2020

Zajištění stavební jámy na stavbě RD / Foundation pit design

Valkó, Attila January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with securing of foundation pit of family house in given geological conditions situated in Brno-Kohoutovice. The aim of the thesis is to list possible solutions of securing foundation pits in general and solve this geotechnical problem with an appropriate solution. Static calculations were performed by geotechnical software GEO5.

Zajištění stavební jámy na stavbě RD / Foundation pit design

Valkó, Attila January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with securing of foundation pit of family house in given geological conditions situated in Brno-Kohoutovice. The aim of the thesis is to list possible solutions of securing foundation pits in general and solve this geotechnical problem with an appropriate solution. Static calculations were performed by geotechnical software GEO5.

Zajištění hlubokého zářezu v sesuvné oblasti / Securing of Deep Cut in Slide Area

Pargač, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The thesis called Securing of Deep Cut in Slide Area focuses on the basic analysis of the problems connected to landslides and securing of the slopes. It also presents a solution of a certain problem, where the slope stability, potencional landslide launchers and subsequent remediaton are discussed.

Utveckling av markinfästning för bruk i låghållfast jord / Design of ground anchoring for use in low strength soil

Andersson, Michael January 2023 (has links)
För att fästa diverse konstruktioner i marken finns det i dagsläget endast ett fåtal alternativ. De vanligaste och mest tillgängliga metoderna för markinfästning är att antingen gjuta fundament eller att installera en markskruv. Dessa metoder har sina för- och nackdelar, varvid nackdelarna gör dem olämpliga för snabb och enkel installation för enskilda och oerfarna privatpersoner. Detta arbete har haft som mål att utveckla ett koncept som kan komplettera existerande metoder, med fokus på att kunna säkra grepp i låghållfast jord och i jord med högre hållfasthet men med ett grunt djup. Särskild fokus har legat på att utveckla ett koncept som är enkel att installera för en användare, och som är enkel att tillverka för att på så sätt erbjudas till ett lågt pris. Slutresultatet är ett fäste bestående av två nästlade plattor, genom vilka ett antal spett drivs ned i marken. Spettens neddrivningsvinkel har bestämts med hjälp av hållfasthetsberäkningar på jord typisk för svensk mark. Arbetet har skett som ett examensarbete på Karlstads universitet, och har skett på uppdrag för företaget Invencon AB. / To anchor various structures in the ground, there are currently only a few options available. The most common and readily accessible methods for ground anchoring are either pouring concrete foundations or installing ground screw. While these methods have their advantages and disadvantages, the disadvantages make them unsuitable for quick and easy installation by individual and inexperienced homeowners. The goal was to develop a concept that can complement existing methods, with a focus on securing anchoring in low-strength soil and in soil with higher strength but at shallow depths. Emphasis was placed on user-friendly installation and cost-effective manufacturing. The result is an anchoring system comprised of two nestled brackets, through which several piles are driven into the ground. The pile angle has been determined with calculations on the shear strengths of typical Swedish soils.  This work has been carried out as a bachelor’s thesis at Karlstad University, commissioned by the company Invencon AB.

En rasande detaljplaneprocess - Jordskredet i Stenungsund : En undersökande studie om jordskredet i Stenungsund / A Groundbreaking Zoning Plan Process – The Landslide in Stenungsund : An investigative study on the landslide in Stenungsund

Georgsson, Martin, Lindqvist, Alexander January 2024 (has links)
Detta arbete är författat på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm inom kandidatprogrammet Fastighetsutveckling med fastighetsförmedling. Undersökningen kommer att ligga som stöd för Statens Haverikommissions utredande rapport om jordskredet i Stenungsund. Den 23 september 2023 skedde ett jordskred i Stenungsunds kommun. I ett av de områden där jordskredet utlöstes antogs nyligen en detaljplan. Den aktuella detaljplanen för det utsatta området är Munkeröd 1:12 m.fl. Detaljplaneprocessen för Munkeröd 1:12 m.fl. började redan under 2008, när ett planförslag skickades in med önskan att ändra markanvändningen från närrekreationsområde till industrimark. Under detaljplaneprocessen utfördes flera utredningar med syfte att pröva markens lämplighet för industri. Det utfördes flera geotekniska undersökningar där markens lastrestriktioner ändrades under åren. Syftet med studien är att analysera detaljplaneprocessen för Munkeröd 1:12 m.fl. samt att analysera de geotekniska undersökningarna som har skett, i syfte att ta reda på vart i detaljplaneprocessen som markens lastrestriktioner har reviderats och varför. Detta har gjorts genom en litteratur- och dokumentstudie samt en rättsvetenskaplig metod. Studien visar vart i detaljplaneprocessen som lastrestriktionerna har ändrats och varför. Revideringarna har alla skett i samband med samråd och utställningen. Det har inkommit flera yttranden under detaljplanearbetets gång med synpunkter på b.la de geotekniska undersökningarna. Studien visar även vikten av noggranna och transparenta utredningar i detaljplaneprocesser, särskilt när det gäller områden med hög skredrisk. Även om de juridiska och strukturella aspekterna av planeringen följdes, påvisar denna undersökande studie att ytterligare granskning och försiktighet är nödvändig vid stora avvikelser från gällande översiktsplaner och när markanvändningen ändras betydligt. Denna slutsats understryker behovet av att framtida planer och beslut baseras på robust och aktuell information för att minimera riskerna och säkerställa hållbara och säkra markanvändningar. / This work is authored at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm within the bachelor program in Property Development and Agency. The study will assist the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority's investigative report on the landslide in Stenungsund. On September 23, 2023, a landslide occurred in the municipality of Stenungsund. In one of the areas where the landslide was triggered, a detailed zoning plan was recently adopted. The current detailed zoning plan for the affected area is Munkeröd 1:12 et al. The detailed planning process for Munkeröd 1:12 et al. began as early as 2008, when a planning proposal was submitted with the desire to change the land use from a local recreation area to industrial land. Several investigations were carried out during the detailed planning process to test the suitability of the land for industry. Several geotechnical investigations were conducted where the load restrictions of the land were changed over the years. The purpose of the study is to analyze the detailed planning process for Munkeröd 1:12 et al. and to analyze the geotechnical investigations that have taken place, with purpose to find out where in the detailed planning process the land's load restrictions have been revised and why. This has been done through a literature- and document study as well as a legal scientific method. The study shows where in the detailed planning process the load restrictions have been changed and why. The revisions have all taken place in connection with consultations and exhibitions of the proposed plan. Several comments were received during the detailed planning work with views on, among other things, the geotechnical investigations. The study also shows the importance of thorough and transparent investigations in detailed planning processes, especially regarding areas with high landslide risk. Although the legal and structural aspects of planning were followed, this investigative study demonstrates that further scrutiny and caution are necessary in the case of major deviations from current comprehensive plans and when land use is significantly changed. This conclusion emphasizes the need for future plans and decisions to be based on robust and current information to minimize risks and ensure sustainable and safe land uses.

Advances in laboratory geophysics using bender elements

Rio, J January 2006 (has links)
Bender element transducers are used to determine the small-strain shear stiffness,G0, of soil, by determining the velocity of propagation of mechanical waves through tested samples. They are normally used in the laboratory, on their own or incorporated in geotechnical equipment such as triaxial cells or oedometers.Different excitation signals and interpretation methods are presently applied, each producing different results. The initial assumptions of unbounded wave propagation, generally used in bender element testing and inherited from seismic cross-hole testing, are quite crude and do not account for specific boundary conditions, which might explain the lack of reliability of the results.The main objective of this study is to establish the influence of the sample and transducer geometry in the behavior of a typical bender element test system. Laboratory and numerical tests, supported by a theoretical analytical study, are conducted and the results presented in order to achieve this goal.An independent monitoring of the dynamic behavior of the bender elements and samples is also carried out. Using a laser velocimeter, capable of recording the motion of the subjects without interference, their dynamic responses can be obtained and their mechanical properties verified.A parametric study dealing with sample geometry is presented, where 24 samples with different geometries are tested. Synthetic rubber is used as a substitute for soft clay, due to the great number of samples involved and the necessity of guarantee the constancy of their properties.The numerical analysis makes use of three-dimensional finite difference models with different geometries. A regressive analysis is possible since the elastic properties of the system are pre-determined and used to evaluate the results. A numerical analysis also has the benefit of providing the response not only at a single receiving point but at any node in the model.

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