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Kodin ergonomian merkitys ikääntyneiden kaatumisissa – ergonomisen systeemimallin kehittäminenPirinen, M. (Markku) 19 December 2003 (has links)
The associations between home ergonomics and falls among the elderly were studied with the aid of an event theory system model.
The subjects comprised 76 persons receiving home nursing services and their 71 homes. The study consisted of observation and measurements of the homes, interviews and charting mobility and functional ability.
Ergonomic shortcomings were commonly observed both in home structures, fixed furnishing and loose furniture. In over half of the cases lighting capacity fell short of recommended levels. There were fewer ergonomic shortcomings in sheltered housing than in privately owned homes. In private homes, more ergonomic shortcomings were classified in houses than in link houses or flats.
The association between individual factors predisposing to falls and ergonomic features of the home was shown to be minor, although ergonomic shortcomings of furnishing and equipment did occur less often in the homes of elderly persons with both significant proneness to falls and significantly impaired mobility and balance.
During the one-year follow-up, 30% of the subjects reported a fall at home. However, no significant differences in ergonomic shortcomings were observed between the homes of fallers and non-fallers. When the fall events were studied within the system, it was shown that ergonomic features were closely associated with the falls. In general, ergonomic factors had a positive impact on falls.
The study failed to show a connection between classification of ergonomic factors and falls. Significant propensity to falls as well as significantly impaired mobility and balance increased the risk for falls and the occurrence of repeated falls. Significantly impaired vision did not, however, increase the occurrence of falls.
A more individual approach towards evaluation of ergonomics is called for. Looking at the fall event systems indicated that the underlying reasons behind falls among the elderly were more often intrinsic, apparent failures in risk recognition, rather than ergonomic shortcomings.
The study provides a good starting point for further work, because by looking at the fall event systems it is already easier than before to spot things that need improvement in home ergonomics, and to recognise persons in need of safety solutions, improved risk recognition or other measures promoting functional ability. / Tiivistelmä
Kodin ergonomian yhteyksiä ikääntyneiden kaatumisiin tarkasteltiin tutkimuksessa tapaturmateoreettisen systeemimallin avulla.
Tutkimusjoukoksi valittiin 76 kotisairaanhoidonpiiriin kuuluvaa itsenäisesti asuvaa ja liikkuvaa ikääntynyttä ja heidän 71 kotiaan. Tutkimus koostui kotien havainnoinneista ja mittauksista, ikääntyneiden haastatteluista, liikunta- ja toimintakyvyn kartoituksista sekä kahdesta puhelimitse puolen vuoden välein toteutetusta seurantahaastattelusta.
Ikääntyneiden kodeissa todettiin yleisesti ergonomiapuutteita niin rakenteissa, kiintokalustuksessa kuin irtokalustamisessakin. Tilojen valaistus luokiteltiin usein riittämättömäksi, ja yli puolet valaistusvoimakkuuksista jäi valaistussuositusten tasosta. Palveluasunnoissa ergonomiapuutteita oli vähemmän kuin omistus- ja vuokra-asunnoissa. Yksityisasunnoista omakotien ergonomiatekijöissä luokiteltiin enemmän puutteita kuin rivi- ja kerrostaloissa.
Yksilöllisten kaatumiseen altistavien vaarojen yhteydet kodin ergonomisiin olosuhteisiin todettiin vähäisiksi. Kalustuksen ja varustuksen ergonomiapuutteita oli kylläkin vähemmän sellaisten ikääntyneiden asunnoissa, joilla oli sekä merkittävä kaatumisalttius että merkittävästi heikentynyt liikuntakyky ja tasapaino.
Seurantavuoden aikana 30 % ikääntyneistä ilmoitti kaatuneensa kotona. Kaatuneiden ja kaatumattomien kodeissa ei kuitenkaan todettu merkitseviä eroja ergonomiapuutteissa. Kaatumistapahtumien tarkastelu systeemissä tosin osoitti, että ergonomiatekijät olivat kiinteästi läsnä kaatumisissa, vaikkakin niiden vaikutukset kaatumistapahtumissa vaihtelivat huomattavasti. Yleensä ergonomiatekijä kuitenkin myötävaikutti kaatumiseen.
Yksittäisten ergonomiatekijöiden ergonomialuokitusten yhteys kaatumisiin jäi tutkimuksessa osoittamatta. Yksilöllisistä kaatumiseen altistavista vaaroista merkittävä kaatumisalttius sekä merkittävästi heikentynyt liikuntakyky ja tasapaino lisäsivät kaatumisriskiä ja toistuvien kaatumisten ilmaantumista. Merkittävästi alentunut näkökyky ei kuitenkaan lisännyt kaatumisten ilmaantuvuutta, eikä kyseisen vaaraluokituksen käyttö nykymuodossaan ole perusteltua.
Kodin ergonomian tarkastelu tiloittain tilankäytön ja järjestyksen, kulkualustojen, kalustuksen ja varustuksen sekä valaistuksen suhteen selkeytti ja laajensi ergonomiatietämystä ikääntyneen kodista. Silti ergonomiaa olisi kyettävä jatkossa arvioimaan yksilöllisemmin. Kaatumistapahtumien systeemien tarkastelu viittasi myös siihen, että ikääntyneen kaatumisen perussyinä olivatkin ergonomiapuutteita useammin ikääntyneen ns. sisäiset syyt ja ilmeiset riskintunnistuksen häiriöt.
Kehitetty arviointimenetelmä ei kuitenkaan sovi tällaisenaan laajempaan käyttöön, vaikkakin jo nyt kaatumistapahtuman systeemin tarkastelulla on aiempaa helpompi havaita kodin ergonomian korjauskohteita sekä löytää ikääntyneet, joille ergonomiset ja geronteknologiset turvaratkaisut, riskintunnistuksen kohentaminen tai toimintakykyä muutoin tukevat toimenpiteet ovat tarpeen.
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Technology-based Health Communication within the Home EnvironmentPiculell, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Background: To be able to live independently, older persons can use technology-based health communication (HC) for support, guidance, and contact with health care professionals within their home environment. Informal caregivers who assist in different situations can also find support in their caring role using technology. The study of mobile technologies is an important research area in gerontechnology. Nevertheless, there is a gap of research in technology-based HC utilized by older persons, including preferences related to cognitive impairment (CI) in a home environment. Aim: The overall aim of the thesis was to define the concept and describe experiences of HC within the home environment from a gerontechnological perspective. The aim of Study I was to identify and construct the meaning of HC from the perspective of older persons in need of care in the home environment and their informal caregivers. The aim of Study II was to describe how older persons with CI experienced technology-based HC through the use of a mobile application in order to facilitate a sense of coherence. Method: This thesis has a naturalistic approach. In Study I, the evolutionary model of concept analysis was used, based on a systematic literature review including 29 studies. In Study II, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 older persons with CI. The transcripts were analyzed with a deductive thematic analysis. Findings: The defining attributes of the concept HC identified in Study I were: Resources of the recipient, Influence on decisions, and Advantages of tailored information. These attributes led to the following descriptive definition of HC: Tailored information, based on needs and resources of the recipient influence care decisions. The findings of Study II resulted in an overall theme: A technology that supports but creates challenges. Further, the analysis yielded the following three themes, with associated subthemes: Making sense of mobile technologies, Mastering mobile technologies, and Added value to use mobile technologies. Conclusion: Technology-based HC utilized by older persons and their informal caregivers within the home environment emphasizes suiting needs, capacity and preferences to be considered useful. Influences of the context, the home environment also needs to be taken into account when developing technology-based HC and mobile technologies for this purpose.
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Investigating The Impact and Privacy Alignment Of IoT Cybersecurity, in Sweden’s Elderly Care : From a user-centric perspectiveSandberg, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
There is a growing need for at-home healthcare and real-time monitoring in elderly care. The increase in elderly and chronically ill patients causes the need forhigh-demand services in healthcare. There is a lack of research regarding the elderly and technology in general. The Internet of Things provides several advantages and functionalities which could be applied to the healthcare domainand provide invaluable services. Healthcare revolves around confidential patient information which raises skepticism about the natural heterogenous devices and network infrastructure IoT relies upon in terms of security and privacy. This research aims to identify the impact of IoT and how privacy is included in the field of cybersecurity in Sweden's elderly care. Researchers, security experts, and IT departments may utilize the research to evaluate the advantages and issues of realizing IoT in elderly care. The research is based upon a systematic literature review, the data were acquired and collected using three different index services. The services were ACM digital library, IEEExplorer, and ScienceDirect. The acquired articles were then analyzed using thematic coding based on the user-centric aligned McCumber Cube framework. This provided relevant themes based on the framework and relevant articles to the research aim. In total, the review provided 47 articles, divided into three themes that connected nine categories. When the thematic coding had been applied, the study could provide feasible answers to the research aim. The study showed that privacy aligns with cybersecurity and personal information, it was barely accounted for in personal communication and behavior.
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Acceptation des technologies par les aînés : analyse et conceptualisation dans le cadre de la conception participative d’un calendrier interactif / Understanding technology acceptance by elderly : an analysis grounded on the participatory design of an interactive calendarPorcher, Amandine 04 June 2018 (has links)
Pour assister les aînés, les technologies apparaissent a priori comme des ressources intéressantes. Encore faut-il qu’elles soient acceptées. Les modèles théoriques d’acceptation des technologies existants s’ancrent difficilement dans les cadres disciplinaire et empirique de la gérontologie. L’objectif de cette recherche est donc de proposer une théorisation du processus d’acceptation des technologies qui tienne compte du vieillissement biopsychosocial. Une démarche scientifique empirico-inductive est mise en œuvre. Il s’agit d’une Théorisation Ancrée (TA) dans l’expérience vécue par des aînés associés à la conception d’un calendrier interactif (Amelis). Les études psycho-ergonomiques conduites pour la conception avant et pendant l’usage d’Amelis montrent que les AME ont plusieurs fonctions utiles pour les aînés. Mais des obstacles d’usage apparaissent concernant l’apprentissage, la crédibilité du système, ou encore ses sollicitations corporelles, émotionnelles et cognitives envers l’utilisateur. La compréhension de cette réalité vécue par les aînés assure l’ancrage empirique de la TA dont les résultats mettent en évidence la centralité du concept de temporalité. Ce concept se décline selon les dimensions chronologique, adaptative et axiologique du temps. Ainsi, dans un contexte gérontologique, l’acceptation d’une technologie se rapporte à des moments spécifiques, à des processus développementaux et adaptatifs mais aussi aux perceptions et valeurs accordées au temps. Intégrer le concept de temporalité et ses déclinaisons aux modèles d’acceptation des technologies renforcerait leur cohérence théorique et empirique avec le vieillissement. / Technologies may support older adults in their aging process. However, to be useful, they have to be accepted. Existing technology acceptance models are not well adapted into the gerontological context. These models probably neglect aging-specific acceptance factors. The aim of this study is to understand the technology acceptance process by the older people. We develop an inductive and empirical approach for conceptualising the acceptance dimensions related to the biopsychosocial experience of aging. We used an adaptation of the Grounded Theory (GT) methodology to investigate older participants’ experience during the participatory design of an interactive calendar called Amelis. Both the design studies and the usage studies highlight that Amelis can be useful for the elderly in different ways. Nevertheless, we identify barriers to the use of such technology. They are related to the learning process, the credibility of the electronic device, and various loads for users (i.e. cognitive, emotional, physical). Understanding user experience represents the empirical basis of the GT. The GT results emphasize that time is a key concept to analyze technology acceptance by the elderly. Three conceptual dimensions appear regarding time: chronological, adaptive, axiological. The gerontological context gives precise meaning to those dimensions. Accordingly, technology acceptance by the elderly especially depends on (1) specific moments (2) adjustment process regarding aging changes (3) time value. Underlining the importance of time provides directions for further research within the elderly. It also supports the evolution of professional practices as well as institutional choices.
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Attribution des technologies de l'information et de la communication pour les activités sociales des personnes âgées / Allocation of information and communication technology for social activities of the elderlyAtarodi, Siavash 29 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse, inscrite dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche européen, s’intéresse au problème des réticences des personnes âgées à l’usage des TIC. Plus précisément, elle porte sur les facteurs psychosociaux influençant les attitudes des personnes âgées de 62 ans et plus à l’égard des TIC. Nous avons mené six études dans ce cadre, répartis en deux axes. Le premier axe, comportant deux études, concerne les stratégies publiques et pratiques d’orientation des personnes âgées vers les TIC. Dans la première nous avons analysé les pratiques des organismes impliqués dans l’orientation des personnes âgées vers les gérontechnologies en Lorraine. Il en ressort que les parcours d'accès sont très différentes en fonctions des départements et des localités, mais aussi en fonction du premier interlocuteur sollicité par la personne âgée et ses proches. La seconde étude avait pour objectif d’analyser les stratégies publiques et réglementations visant à inciter et faciliter l’usage des services basés sur les TIC destinés aux personnes âgées dans six régions d’Europe. Différentes étapes de développement de ces stratégies en sont ressorties et un décalage Nord/Sud a été constaté. Dans le second axe, comportant quatre études, nous avons étudié sous différents angles les facteurs influençant les attitudes des personnes âgées à l’égard des TIC. La troisième étude visait à connaître les perceptions des personnes âgées à l’égard des TIC et leurs besoins perçus. Nous avons identifié 22 items relevant de perceptions, répartis en huit composantes formant une échelle des perceptions à l’égard des TIC ainsi qu’une échelle des besoins perçus en deux composantes. La quatrième étude a évalué l’impact de l’expérience antérieure avec les TIC sur les perceptions à l’égard des TIC. Nous avons réalisé des analyses de variance des perceptions à l’égard des TIC en fonction de la possession ou non d’un ordinateur et du suivi ou non de cours d’initiation à l’informatique. Les résultats ont montré que la possession d’ordinateur et le suivi de cours associés à des perceptions significativement plus positives des TIC. La cinquième étude a analysé l’impact de la région d’habitation sur les perceptions à l’égard des TIC. Nous y avons comparé les perceptions des personnes âgées de six régions de l’Ue. Nous avons constaté une cohérence entre les stratégies publiques d’orientation des personnes âgées vers les TIC et les perceptions des personnes âgées à l’égard des TIC. Enfin, notre dernière étude portait sur l’analyse des facteurs influençant l’attitude à l’égard des TIC en fonction de différents types d’activités. Suivant la variable dépendante, différents facteurs ont été trouvés, incluant des perceptions à l’égard des TIC, des besoins perçus, l’expérience antérieure, la région d’habitation et des variables sociodémographiques. / This thesis, which was part of a European research project, focuses on the problem of the reluctance of elderly people to use ICTs. More specifically, it focuses on the psychosocial factors that influence the attitudes of people aged 62 and over to ICTs. We conducted six studies in this framework, divided into two areas. The first axis, containing two studies, adresses public strategies and practices for orienting older people to ICTs. In the first one we analyzed the practices of the organizations involved in the orientation of the elderly towards gerontechnologies in the Lorraine region of France. It emerges that the access routes are very different according to the counties and communities, but also according to the first interlocutor requested by the elderly person and his / her relatives. The second study aimed to analyze public strategies and regulations encouraging and facilitating the use of ICT based services for the elderly in six regions of Europe. Different stages of development of these strategies emerged and a north / south lag was observed. In the second axis, with four studies, we examined from different angles the factors influencing the attitudes of the elderly towards ICTs. Our third study examined the perceptions of older persons regarding ICTs and their perceived needs. We identified 22 perceptual items divided into eight components forming a scale of perceptions of ICTs as well as a scale of perceived needs including two components. The fourth study assessed the impact of previous experience with ICTs on perceptions of ICTs. We carried out analyzes of the variance of ICT perceptions depending on whether a computer was owned or not and the followup of computer literacy courses. The results showed that computer ownership and course tracking were associated with significantly more positive perceptions of ICTs. The fifth study analyzed the impact of the region of residence on perceptions of ICTs. We compared the perceptions of the elderly in six regions of the EU. We found coherence between public strategies for orienting older people to ICTs and the perceptions of older people regarding ICTs. Finally, our latest study focused on the analysis of factors influencing attitudes toward ICTs for different types of activities. Depending on the dependent variable, different factors were found, including perceptions of ICTs, perceived needs, prior experience, region of residence and sociodemographic variables.
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Usability Engineering Framework for Persuasive Mobile Health Apps to Effectively Influence Dietary Decisions of Older AdultsWen-yu Chao (9739448) 15 December 2020 (has links)
<p><b><u>Introduction</u></b>: Mobile health applications (mHealth apps) have the potential to assist patients in adhering to their physician’s advice in chronic disease management through the use of persuasive nudge. However, systematically developing the persuasive features of a mHealth app for the major user demographic of older adults is challenging. The current usability engineering framework could ensure the user-friendliness of the app but not the persuasiveness. It is necessary to extend the current framework with appropriate measures to better understand the effectiveness of persuasive design elements in an iterative design process.</p><p> </p><p><b><u>Methods:</u></b> A pilot design project was run, a persuasive mHealth app for dietary management was developed using the user-centered design approach (persona, use scenario, task analysis, and cognitive walkthrough), the pilot testing result showed high potential of technology acceptance of older adults. To further evaluate persuasiveness, a food choice experimental protocol and human decision performance metrics based on Signal Detection Theory (SDT) were proposed. A mixed-methods, full factorial user testing study was conducted with twenty older adults aged over 60 and twenty students age 18-35. Critical persuasive User Interface (UI) design variables included decision paradigm (digital nudge), nutrition information format (information nudge), and the system default pre-selection (default nudge). The proposed SDT metrics to evaluate persuasiveness were then compared with confusion matrix metrics which are frequently used to validate system decision-making performance. The relationship between the human performance, subjective workload, and perceived usability of the proposed mHealth app was also investigated.</p><p> </p><p><b><u>Results:</u></b> The ‘Two Alternative Forced Choice’ layout significantly increased the d-prime and accuracy (persuasiveness), the system default pre-selection decreased persuasiveness. The interpretative FSA Nutri-scores label reduced time of response and workload, and increased perceived ease of use, perceived ease of learning, and satisfaction. Among older adults, results differed by age, computer proficiency, and health literacy.</p><p><b><u> </u></b></p><b><u>Conclusion:</u></b> The findings of this study imply the proposed framework is a valid persuasive design research approach. And digital nudge is an effective persuasive design for mHealth app, while default nudge may give rise to negative effects. A generalized human-centered digital nudge design framework along with ageing-centered guidelines were suggested for the similar research and design projects for persuasive technology performed in the future.
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Perceptions of Swedish older adults on the use of smart vacuum cleaners to support ageing in placeSingh, Satya Jeet, Poursadeghi Khiavi, Sahand January 2023 (has links)
This sequential study explores the perceptions of older adults and careworkers in Sweden regarding the benefits and challenges of smart vacuumcleaners. With a rapidly ageing population, understanding attitudes towardsthe use of such technology becomes essential. A mixed-methods approach,including questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, was used to gatherdata and provide a detailed understanding of the perceived benefits andchallenges associated with these devices. Findings suggest that older adultsperceive smart vacuum cleaners as beneficial in reducing cleaning assistancedependence and enhancing life quality. Concerns centred around affordabilityand fear for social isolation. Care workers saw potential for time-saving,leading to improved care. Despite some reservations, both groups recognizedthe potential benefits of smart vacuum cleaners. The study suggests the needfor larger, longitudinal studies to further explore these perspectives anddetermine the potential of smart vacuum cleaners in supporting ageing inplace.
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De l'ancrage mémoriel aux matérialités gérontologiques : approche anthropologique de la maladie d'Alzheimer en maison de retraite : la situation du centre René Fortin à Bohars (Finistère) / The anchorage of memory to gerontological materiality : an anthropological approach to the Alzheimer's disease in retirement homes : the situation from the René Fortin center to Bohars (Finistère)Guyomar, Marine 17 January 2014 (has links)
La maladie d'Alzheimer, figure archétypique de la "mauvaise" vieillesse, et véritable désordre dans I'univers de la personne, implique de nombreux acteurs et particulièrement les accompagnants familiaux. Pour soulager ce qui est souvent désigné comme un "fardeau", de nombreuses initiatives sont prises dans le domaine des gérontechnologies. Conçues pour répondre aux besoins des personnes âgées,elles représentent un axe de recherche et de développement - scientifique et industriel - en plein essor. Cependant, peu de ces technologies sont réellement insérées dans le quotidien des personnes âgées et beaucoup de projets stagnent à un stade embryonnaire ou, édités sous forme de prototypes. Elles peuvent également être considérées comme salvatrices mais lorsque la "technologie" ne fonctionne plus, mal ou reste à l'état de prototype, le monde construit autour de la personne atteinte de la maladie bascule dans les désillusions. L'approche anthropologique est intéressante pour comprendre les mécanismes d'appropriation de l'espace en maison de retraite. Les lieux aident à la construction de la personnalité et de l'identité de chacun et, pas l'approche du "lieu anthropologique" [Augé,1992a], les accompagnants peuvent se rendre compte des capacités effectives des personnes. Ces compétences doivent aider à la construction d'outils gérontechnologiques pertinents. / Alzheimer's disease is most often regarded as the bad ageing disorder. It wreaks havoc in the physical and psychological lives of individuals concerned, and requires the support and help of numerous persons, in particular family caregivers. In order to reduce this burden many initiatives have been taken in the field of gerontechnology. Research and development in gerontechnologies are presently booming, both scientifically and industrially. Although these technologies were originally conceived to respond to the elderly's needs, few of them have actually been implemented in the aging persons' environment. Many projects stagnate at the conceptual level, others do not go beyond the building of a prototype. Nonetheless, sometimes these technologies arouse great hopes. When, however, they function badly or not at all, or when they are not developed beyond the prototype stage, disillusionment slowly destroys all the hope that patients and caregivers had invested in these technologies. M. Augé's anthropological approach helps us understand how people lay claim to public space, in a retirement home, for example. Places and spaces help shape each individual's personality and identity. Using the "lieu anthropologique" (anthropological place or space) [Augé, l992a] caregivers can more easily get to know the elderly's effective capacities in this domain. These skills should be analyzed in order to improve the construction of pertinent gerontechnological tools.
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Cost-effectiveness analysis of an mHealth application (SMART4MD) and analysis of the effect of dialysis treatments on labor market outcomes : Health technology assessment of two treatment methodsGhani, Zartashia January 2020 (has links)
Health Technology Assessment is an important factor for decision making in the healthcare sector in Sweden. It helps to curtail the rising costs associated with the healthcare sector and aids in the efficient allocation of scarce public health resources. This thesis investigates the cost-effectiveness and the effectiveness in general of two health technologies, addressing the following research objectives: i) assessing the cost-effectiveness of mobile health (mHealth) interventions designed for older adults diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, and ii) assessing the effectiveness of peritoneal dialysis (PD) treatment on labor market outcomes in comparison with institutional hemodialysis (IHD) treatment in Swedish settings. Study I and Study II are related to the first research objective. In Study I, we summarized and critically assessed the current evidence on the cost-effectiveness of mHealth interventions focusing on older adults; we found some evidence supporting the cost-effectiveness of these interventions. In Study II, we conducted a within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis of the software application Support, Monitoring and Reminder Technology for Mild Dementia (SMART4MD) from a healthcare perspective for a period of six months. A total of 345 Swedish dyads (MCI patient and informal caregiver) participated in this study. For a short time period of six months, we found that SMART4MD is not cost-effective for MCI patients (statistically insignificant); however, a trend was observed that indicated that it might be cost-effective for informal caregivers, although results remained statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). Study III is related to the second research objective. In Study III, we investigated the effect of PD on labor market outcomes (employment rate, work income, and disability pension) in comparison to IHD. We found that PD is associated with a treatment advantage over IHD in terms of increased employment, work income, and reduced disability pension in the Swedish population after controlling for non-random selection for the treatment.
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Silver Games : étude des facteurs humains dans le développement de jeux vidéos adaptés aux personnes âgées / Silver Games : human factors study in design of video games for older adultsLegouverneur, Gregory 28 November 2014 (has links)
Depuis de nombreuses années, la recherche dans le domaine du vieillissement s'attache à comprendre ce phénomène complexe et à identifier des solutions aux problématiques médicales, psychologiques, économiques ou sociologiques qui en découlent. Dans ce cadre, le présent travail rend compte des résultats obtenus dans l'identification des facteurs d'utilisation des jeux vidéo comme support de la stimulation cognitive. Afin de répondre à cette question, deux études ont été mises en place : une première expérience s'est attachée à explorer la jouabilité de la console Wii de Nintendo, tandis qu'une seconde visait à déterminer les facteurs d'acceptabilité des jeux vidéo par les seniors. Les travaux portant sur la Wii se sont focalisés sur le critère d'apprenabilité, en s’appuyant sur le cadre théorique de l'utilisabilité dans les Interfaces Homme-Machine. L'objectif était donc d'analyser les données recueillies au terme d'une observation comportementale, afin d'évaluer l'évolution de la maîtrise de l'interaction entre le joueur et le jeu. Les deux jeux retenus étaient le Bowling et le Tennis, auxquels les participants devaient jouer lors de 4 séances comprenant chacune deux parties de chaque jeu. Trois groupes de participants ont été ainsi constitués, comprenant des sujets jeunes, des seniors sans troubles cognitifs, et des seniors souffrant d'un MCI. Trois patients souffrant de la Maladie D'Alzheimer ont également participé à cette étude. Les résultats confirment un effet de l'âge, modéré par l'effet d'apprentissage ; l'effet du profil cognitif s'est avéré plus discret, et l'étude individuelle des trois volontaires souffrant de démence nous encourage à postuler la préservation d'un apprentissage moteur implicite, mais aussi à la présence obligatoire d'un médiateur humain. L'investigation des représentations de nos aînés sur un divertissement « réservé aux jeunes » a été opérationnalisée grâce à la constitution de deux focus groupes. L'objectif était de proposer une prise en main de différents jeux modernes, et d'explorer l'univers des jeux vidéo sous différents aspects, incluant le gameplay, les questions éthiques ou l'investissement financier. Les différentes thématiques étaient abordées de manière à susciter un libre échange entre les participants. Le matériel recueilli a par la suite été soumis à une analyse de contenu thématique : les différents extraits des échanges recueillis lors des deux focus groupes ont été étiquetés au moyen de mots clé, et les étiquettes ainsi obtenues ont permis de construire un arbre thématique. Les résultats de cette étude nous ont permis de mettre en évidence un intérêt très variable pour les jeux vidéo, mais un souci prégnant de préserver ses facultés cognitives. L'amusement est possible mais semble répondre à des critères très hétérogènes ; un consensus sur des jeux impliquant de la réflexion, de la créativité et l'acquisition de nouvelles connaissances s'est néanmoins dégagé. D'un point de vue plus pragmatique, il existe un refus clair d'investir financièrement dans du matériel spécifique (consoles) ou dans les jeux eux-mêmes. Enfin, les jeux de type First Person Shooter, mis en avant pour la sollicitation du réseau visuo-attentionnel, sont massivement rejetés en raison de la violence associée au gameplay. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, ces résultats sont d'abord mis en relation avec les données de la littérature afin de dégager les apports réalisés et les limites expérimentales des études décrites. Notre réflexion se termine sur une synthèse des recommandations sur l'implémentation du jeu comme support d'entrainement ou de réhabilitation cognitive, mais aussi sur les questions de recherche et les problématiques identifiées au terme de ce cheminement intellectuel et humain. / For many years, research in the field of aging has focused on understanding this complex phenomenon and identifying solutions to medical, economic, psychological or sociological issues linked to it. In this context, the aim of this thesis was to identify factors that facilitate the use of video games as a medium for cognitive stimulation in older adults. To answer this question, two studies were carried out: the first one focused on exploring the gameplay of the Nintendo Wii, and the second one aimed at determining the factors of acceptability for video game in older adults. The work on the Wii was focused on the criterion of learnability, based on the theoretical framework of usability in Human Machine Interfaces. The objective was to analyze the data collected throughout a behavioral experimentation in order to assess the process by which the older adults were able to master the game (either bowling or tennis). Participants had to play four sessions and each session encompassed two sets of each game. Three groups of participants were implemented: younger patients, older adults without cognitive impairment and suffering from Mild Cognitive Impairment respectively. Three patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease also participated in this study. The results confirm an effect of age, which is moderated by the learning effect. The effect of the cognitive profile was more subtle. The analysis of the data for each volunteer with dementia showed that positive results in the games were probably due to the preservation of implicit motor learning, but also required the mandatory presence of a human mediator. The investigation on older adults' representations of entertainments "dedicated to young people" was carried out in two focus groups. The aim was to let older adults play with different modern games, and explore the world of video games from different angles, including gameplay, ethical issues or financial investment. Different themes were brought up in order to encourage free discussion between participants. The collected material was subsequently subjected to thematic content analysis: the different items of material collected during the two focus groups were labeled with key words, and then the tags that we obtained were used to build a theme tree. The results of this study showed that older adults had various interests in video games, but a strong desire to preserve their cognitive functions. For older adults, fun is possible when playing videogames but seems to be linked to very heterogeneous criteria. However, our results showed a consensus among older adults on criteria for appropriate games such as stimulating thinking, creativity and new knowledge. From a more pragmatic point of view, there is a clear refusal to invest in specific equipment for games. Finally, games like First Person Shooter, put forward because of their potential benefit on visual and attentional functions, were rejected because of the violence associated with the gameplay. In the last part of this work, we compared our results with those of the literature in order to identify our contributions as well as the experimental limits of our studies. Then our reflection focused on a summary of guidelines for the implementation of games aiming at supporting cognitive training or rehabilitation. We also analyzed the research questions and issues identified at the end of this intellectual and human process.
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