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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boys' experience of an absent father: a gestalt therapeutic description

Patrick, Louise Copeland 31 March 2006 (has links)
Summary With the rise of the divorce rate and the decline of the nuclear family, boys are more frequently being deprived of a father-presence in their homes. The aim of this study was to qualitatively explore and describe boys' experiences of their relationships with their absent fathers. Three boys from different racial and cultural groups were chosen as case studies and worked with from a Gestalt Play Therapy Perspective. Data was gathered from the therapeutic sessions, as well as from semi structured interviews with the childcare workers of the boys. The findings of the study appear to concur with existing literature, namely that boys with absent fathers experience difficulties in the areas of emotional, social, cognitive and moral development. Recommendations are made as to how boys with absent fathers may best be supported. Opsomming Met die toename in egskeidings en die afname van nukleêre gesinne, word daar gevind dat seuns meer dikwels die teenwoordigheid van die vader in die huis ontneem word. Die doel van hierdie studie is `n kwalitatiewe ondersoek en beskrywing van seuns se ervaring van hulle verhouding met hulle afwesige vaders. Drie seuns van erskillende rasse- en kulturele groepe is gekies vir die gevallestudies en vanuit `n Gestalt Spelterapeutiese perspektief is met hulle gewerk. Data is versamel vanuit die terapeutiese sessies sowel as vanuit semigestruktureerde onderhoude met die seuns se kinderoppassers. Die bevindinge van die studie blyk ooreen te stem met bestaande literatuur, naamlik dat seuns met afwesige vaders probleme ondervind ten opsigte van emosionele, sosiale, kognitiewe en morele ontwikkeling. Aanbevelings word gemaak oor hoe om dié seuns ten beste te ondersteun. / SOCIAL WORK / MDIAC (PLAY THERAPY)

Bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld = Empowerment of adolescent victims of family violence

Olivier, Annelie 30 November 2005 (has links)
The research deals with the empowerment of adolescent victims of family violence. The purpose of the study was to give an account of the therapeutic intervention process of two case studies, by means of a descriptive, qualitative type of research. This research was executed via semi-structured interviews by the researcher. The population in the study was limited to adolescent victims between the age of twelve to eighteen years, who are victims of family violence. The sample in this study was two respondents. The children are students at a high school in Roodepoort. After completion of the empiric study it was concluded that the adolescent who is exposed to family violence, is empowered if a therapeutic process - like the one suggested by Oaklander (1994:289) which applies gestalt play therapeutic techniques - is followed. As clearly shown in the literature, the researcher came to the conclusion that family violence has a destructive effect on the adolescent and that he can be empowered by gestalt play therapy. OPSOMMING Die navorsing handel oor die bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld. Die doel van die studie was om deur middel van 'n beskrywende, kwalitatiewe tipe navorsing die terapeutiese intervensieproses van twee gevallestudies te beskryf. Hierdie navorsing het met behulp van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudvoering geskied. Die populasie in die studie was begrens tot adolessente slagoffers tussen die ouderdom twaalf tot agtien jaar wat slagoffers van gesinsgeweld is. Die steekproef in hierdie studie was twee respondente. Die kinders is verbonde aan 'n hoërskool te Roodepoort. Daar is na afloop van die empiriese studie tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat indien 'n terapeutiese proses - soos wat deur Oaklander (1994:289) voorgestel word met die benutting van gestaltspelterapeutiese tegnieke - deurloop word, die adolessent wat aan gesinsgeweld blootgestel word, bemagtig word. Soos ook uit die literatuur duidelik blyk, het die navorser die afleiding gemaak dat gesinsgeweld vernietigend op die adolessent inwerk en dat hy deur gestaltspelterapie bemagtig kan word. / Social work / MDIAC (PLAY THERAPY)

'n Gestaltbegeleidingsprogram ten einde smartiewerk as projeksietegniek in lewensvaardighede met die kind te benut

Van Heerden, S. J. 02 1900 (has links)
Summary in English and Afrikaans / This study focus on a Gestalt guidance programme in order to utilize smartiewerk as projection technique in life skills with children The strategy used in the research was case studies. An in depth literature review guided the study‟s theoretical background. A specific focus on the gestalt therapeutic process and gestalt play therapy as such was given to the study. Further literature reviews on the child and life skills was done. In the completion of this study the researcher made use of case studies. The sample existed of non-probability sampling with criteria for inclusion focusing on the child with emotional distress and some form of loss without coping skills as such. The researcher conducted between seven and eight sessions with the three children. In all three case studies it was evident that smartiewerk as projective technique had value in dealing with life skills. / Hierdie studie is onderneem om „n Gestalt begeleidingsprogram te ontwikkel waarbinne smartiewerk™ as projeksietegniek in lewensvaardighede met kinders benut kan word. Die strategie wat vir die navorsing gevolg is, het gevallestudies behels. Daar is ook „n literatuurstudie onderneem wat spesifiek op die Gestalt-terapeutiese benadering en Gestaltspelterapie gefokus het. Verdere literatuurstudie oor die kind en lewensvaardighede is onderneem. In die uitvoering van hierdie studie is daar drie gevallestudies beskryf en die steekproef het berus op „n nie-waarskynlikheid-doelgerigte steekproeftrekking. Die kriteria vir insluiting tot die studie was kind er swat emosionele nood in die vorm van verlies ervaar en gevolglik nie effektief hul eie balans kon herstel nie. Daar is tussen sewe en agt sessie met hierdie kind ers terapeuties gewerk. In al drie gevalle het dit na vore gekom dat smartiewerk™ as projeksietegniek benuttingswaarde het ten einde lewensvaardighede vir die hantering van disekwilibrium by die kind te herstel. / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Bemagtiging van enkelouerkinders in hulle laat middelkinderjare in 'n middestad konteks deur gestaltgroepwerk (Afrikaans)

Winter, Carla Marika 26 January 2004 (has links)
The single parent family in an inner city context is confronted with a problematic life situation. The demands, which are brought about by single parenthood as well as residence in an inner city environment, often lead to inappropriate parenting. The single parent child is often disrupted on an emotional and social level as a result. In many cases the child handles this disruption inappropriately. The single parent family has a need for resources in the community in order to ensure the continuous emotional, social, psychic and physical well being of its separate members. Involvement in gestalt group work can already be regarded as such an important resource available to the single parent child. Through this research study an investigation was made into the efficiency of a gestalt group work programme in the empowerment of the single parent child to handle the negative experiences of the single parent situation, such as feelings of guilt, anger, confusion, fear, inadequacy, loss, and sorrow and depression. Gestalt group work offers an opportunity to the child to share feelings and experiences regarding the single parent situation within the group context and to receive support from the therapists and other group members. This process strengthens the child’s inner self and the child is empowered to self-support. A complete and refined gestalt group work programme was developed and evaluated from the findings of a literature study and empirical study. The process of intervention research was followed during the empirical study. Data was obtained from seven single parent children in their late middle childhood years in an inner city context and their single parents. The combined quantitative-qualitative approach was used for this purpose according to the dominant-less-dominant model of Creswell. The single-systems design was used to test the effectiveness of the programme. The quantitative findings were obtained by self-developed questionnaires for the child respondents and their single parents, before and after the gestalt group work programme. The qualitative findings were obtained by unstructured observation during the gestalt group work sessions. According to the integration of the quantitative and qualitative findings, the conclusion can be made that the gestalt group work programme brought about an improvement in the child respondents’ emotional and social levels of functioning and their appropriate handling of feelings. The findings obtained, suggest that the developed gestalt group work programme can be implemented with confidence with single parent children in their late middle childhood years in an inner city context. Further research on the development and evaluation of a gestalt group work programme, specifically presented to the single parents, in order to guide and support them in the handling of their experiences of the single parent situation, is strongly suggested. / Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

‘n Maatskaplikewerkintervensieprogram vir die adolessente leerder met spesifieke leerhindernisse (Afrikaans)

Galloway, Helena Johanna 11 September 2007 (has links)
The adolescent with specific barriers to learning often exhibit socio-emotional problems. Conversely, adolescents experiencing socio-emotional upsets do not achieve academically. The exact nature of the relationship is difficult or nearly impossible to elucidate. The aim of this study was to establish the specific challenges that the adolescent learner with barriers to learning with an average or above average intelligence, experiences on socio-emotional level and to take these feelings, experiences and needs as a lancer basis to develop and implement a social work intervention programme. Also to evaluate the effect of this programme on the socio-emotional functioning and academic progress of the adolescents involved. The process of intervention research was followed during the empirical study. The combined, two-phase approach of Cresswell was used for data gathering. The one group pre-test post-test was utilized for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the social work intervention programme. The Child functioning inventory High School (CFI – High) was used to gather information during the quantitative phase. This study focused on the socio-emotional functioning and challenges of the adolescent learner with specific barriers to learning and used Gestalt play therapy within a group context to address these challenges. During the qualitative phase two focus group discussions were held where the experiences, emotions and challenges of adolescents with specific barriers to learning were discussed with a group of five girls and five boys. Based on data gathered from these discussions, and a literature study a social work intervention programme was developed and implemented. This programme consisted of play therapy techniques within the Gestalt therapy framework. The social work intervention programme consisted of ten group sessions of about 90 minutes each, with a group of five girls and a group of five boys. The respondents were between 14 to 16 years, of an average to above average intelligence, and were referred to the social worker of a branch of Child Welfare: South Africa, Mpumalanga because of socio-emotional problems. This study attempted to incorporate the essential elements of Gestalt therapy, various play therapy techniques and the dynamics of group work into a programme to address socio-emotional issues experienced by the adolescent learner with barriers to learning. Socio-emotional aspects that were conceptualised and specifically evaluated are: positive functioning elements, self perception, trauma dynamics, interpersonal relationships and decision making abilities. Based on the findings, the conclusion could be made that the social work intervention programme brought about an improvement in the socio-emotional functioning and the academic progress of the respondents. / Thesis (PhD (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Social Work and Criminology / PhD / unrestricted

Bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld / Empowerment of adolescent victims of family violence

Olivier, Annelie 30 November 2005 (has links)
The research deals with the empowerment of adolescent victims of family violence. The purpose of the study was to give an account of the therapeutic intervention process of two case studies, by means of a descriptive, qualitative type of research. This research was executed via semi-structured interviews by the researcher. The population in the study was limited to adolescent victims between the age of twelve to eighteen years, who are victims of family violence. The sample in this study was two respondents. The children are students at a high school in Roodepoort. After completion of the empiric study it was concluded that the adolescent who is exposed to family violence, is empowered if a therapeutic process - like the one suggested by Oaklander (1994:289) which applies gestalt play therapeutic techniques - is followed. As clearly shown in the literature, the researcher came to the conclusion that family violence has a destructive effect on the adolescent and that he can be empowered by gestalt play therapy. OPSOMMING Die navorsing handel oor die bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld. Die doel van die studie was om deur middel van 'n beskrywende, kwalitatiewe tipe navorsing die terapeutiese intervensieproses van twee gevallestudies te beskryf. Hierdie navorsing het met behulp van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudvoering geskied. Die populasie in die studie was begrens tot adolessente slagoffers tussen die ouderdom twaalf tot agtien jaar wat slagoffers van gesinsgeweld is. Die steekproef in hierdie studie was twee respondente. Die kinders is verbonde aan 'n hoërskool te Roodepoort. Daar is na afloop van die empiriese studie tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat indien 'n terapeutiese proses - soos wat deur Oaklander (1994:289) voorgestel word met die benutting van gestaltspelterapeutiese tegnieke - deurloop word, die adolessent wat aan gesinsgeweld blootgestel word, bemagtig word. Soos ook uit die literatuur duidelik blyk, het die navorser die afleiding gemaak dat gesinsgeweld vernietigend op die adolessent inwerk en dat hy deur gestaltspelterapie bemagtig kan word. / Social work / MDIAC (PLAY THERAPY)

Gestaltbegeleidingsprogram ten einde smartiewerk as projeksietegniek in lewensvaardighede met die kind te benut

Van Heerden, S. J. 02 1900 (has links)
Summary in English and Afrikaans / This study focus on a Gestalt guidance programme in order to utilize smartiewerk as projection technique in life skills with children The strategy used in the research was case studies. An in depth literature review guided the study‟s theoretical background. A specific focus on the gestalt therapeutic process and gestalt play therapy as such was given to the study. Further literature reviews on the child and life skills was done. In the completion of this study the researcher made use of case studies. The sample existed of non-probability sampling with criteria for inclusion focusing on the child with emotional distress and some form of loss without coping skills as such. The researcher conducted between seven and eight sessions with the three children. In all three case studies it was evident that smartiewerk as projective technique had value in dealing with life skills. / Hierdie studie is onderneem om „n Gestalt begeleidingsprogram te ontwikkel waarbinne smartiewerk™ as projeksietegniek in lewensvaardighede met kinders benut kan word. Die strategie wat vir die navorsing gevolg is, het gevallestudies behels. Daar is ook „n literatuurstudie onderneem wat spesifiek op die Gestalt-terapeutiese benadering en Gestaltspelterapie gefokus het. Verdere literatuurstudie oor die kind en lewensvaardighede is onderneem. In die uitvoering van hierdie studie is daar drie gevallestudies beskryf en die steekproef het berus op „n nie-waarskynlikheid-doelgerigte steekproeftrekking. Die kriteria vir insluiting tot die studie was kind er swat emosionele nood in die vorm van verlies ervaar en gevolglik nie effektief hul eie balans kon herstel nie. Daar is tussen sewe en agt sessie met hierdie kind ers terapeuties gewerk. In al drie gevalle het dit na vore gekom dat smartiewerk™ as projeksietegniek benuttingswaarde het ten einde lewensvaardighede vir die hantering van disekwilibrium by die kind te herstel. / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Terapeutiese perdry ter bevordering van bewustheid by die kind met Fetale Alkohol Sindroom

De Villiers, Jolandi 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with a summary in Afrikaans and English / The motivation for this study was to use animal-assisted therapy to the advantage of the child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of therapeutic horse riding in Gestalt therapy and its influence on the awareness levels of the child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome that present with Attention deficit/Hyperactivity disorder. For the purpose of this study a quantitative research approach with a descriptive nature was used. Semi-structured interviews were used to compile information about a single child in a therapeutic milieu. This information was combined with information gathered from the literature to compile guidelines for the counsellor. In this study horse riding was effectively combined with Gestalt play therapy to enhance the awareness levels of the child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. / Die motivering van hierdie ondersoek was om diergefasiliteerde terapie tot voordeel van die kind met Fetale Alkohol Sindroom te benut. Die doel van die studie was om die benutting van terapeutiese perdry in Gestaltspelterapie en die invloed daarvan op die bewustheidsvlakke van die kind met Fetale Alkohol Sindroom wat met Aandagafleibaarheid/hiperaktiwiteitsindroom presenteer te beskryf. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is kwalitatiewe navorsing met 'n beskrywende aard benut. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gebruik om inligting in te samel rakende 'n enkele kind in 'n terapeutiese milieu. Hierdie inligting is gekombineer met die inligting uit die literatuur ten einde riglyne vir die berader op te stel. In hierdie studie is perdry effektief by Gestaltspelterapie geintegreer om die kind met Fetale Alkohol Sindroom se bewustheidsvlakke te verhoog. / Practical Theology / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Benutting van gestaltspelterapie met adolessente wat gedragsprobleme openbaar

Van Dalen, Nanette 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om deur die benutting van Gestaltspelterapie, adolessente wat gedragsprobleme openbaar, bewus te maak van hulself, ten einde hul toe te rus om hul lewenssituasie meer toereikend te hanteer. Daar is veral gefokus op die aspekte van die Gestaltterapeutiese proses wat die bewustheidsvlakke van die adolessente verhoog het. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik is die navorsing kwalitatief benader, spesifiek deur ‘n deeglike literatuurstudie en die beskrywing van individuele en groepsgevallestudies. Die informasie is ontleed deur die data-spiraal analise. Vanuit die informasie wat verkry is, deur die integrasie van die literatuur en die empiriese ondersoek, kon die benutting van Gestaltspelterapie met adolessente wat gedragsprobleme openbaar, verken en in diepte beskryf word. / The main purpose of this study was to utilize Gestalt Play therapy with adolescents that display behavior problems, to make them aware of themselves, in order to equip them to handle their life situation more effectively. The focus were specifically on that aspects of the Gestalt therapeutic approach that increase the levels of awareness. In order to achieve this goal the research was approached qualitatively, specifically through a thorough literature study and the describing of individual and group case studies. The information was processed and analised by using the data-spiral analysis. From this information it was possible to explore and describe the utilization value of Gestalt Play therapy with adolescents that display behavior problems. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Terapeutiese perdry ter bevordering van bewustheid by die kind met Fetale Alkohol Sindroom

De Villiers, Jolandi 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with a summary in Afrikaans and English / The motivation for this study was to use animal-assisted therapy to the advantage of the child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of therapeutic horse riding in Gestalt therapy and its influence on the awareness levels of the child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome that present with Attention deficit/Hyperactivity disorder. For the purpose of this study a quantitative research approach with a descriptive nature was used. Semi-structured interviews were used to compile information about a single child in a therapeutic milieu. This information was combined with information gathered from the literature to compile guidelines for the counsellor. In this study horse riding was effectively combined with Gestalt play therapy to enhance the awareness levels of the child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. / Die motivering van hierdie ondersoek was om diergefasiliteerde terapie tot voordeel van die kind met Fetale Alkohol Sindroom te benut. Die doel van die studie was om die benutting van terapeutiese perdry in Gestaltspelterapie en die invloed daarvan op die bewustheidsvlakke van die kind met Fetale Alkohol Sindroom wat met Aandagafleibaarheid/hiperaktiwiteitsindroom presenteer te beskryf. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is kwalitatiewe navorsing met 'n beskrywende aard benut. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gebruik om inligting in te samel rakende 'n enkele kind in 'n terapeutiese milieu. Hierdie inligting is gekombineer met die inligting uit die literatuur ten einde riglyne vir die berader op te stel. In hierdie studie is perdry effektief by Gestaltspelterapie geintegreer om die kind met Fetale Alkohol Sindroom se bewustheidsvlakke te verhoog. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

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