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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förskolans möte med särbegåvade barn : En intervjustudie om erfarenheter och möten med särbegåvning

Wetterlind, Anette January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att belysa några förskolechefers syn på förskolebarn med särskilda förutsättningar, särbegåvade barn, barn som tidigare än andra visar mycket goda förmågor inom olika områden som till exempel språkliga och logisk-matematiska. För att erhålla respondenternas erfarenheter av särbegåvning genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fem förskolechefer som ansvarar för åtta förskolor verksamma i en kommun i Mellansverige svarade positivt på en mailförfrågan om medverkan i studien. Deltagarna bestod av fem kvinnliga förskolechefer samt en kvinnlig lärare som medverkade tillsammans med sin förskolechef under intervjun. Intervjuerna baserades på en intervjuguide med öppna frågor. Fokus lades på respondenternas erfarenheter och möten med särbegåvade barn i förskolan med avsikt att definiera olika teman i deras utsagor. I resultatet framkommer respondenternas uppfattningar om särbegåvning utifrån erfarenheter, pedagogiska utmaningar samt förskolans mötande verksamhet. Analysen av svaren visar på överensstämmelser mellan respondenterna men även variationer i talet om förskolans möte med särbegåvade barn. I diskussionen framförs respondenternas tankegångar och ambitioner med utgångspunkter i behovet av att ge ökade utmaningar och stimulans till barn i en inkluderande förskoleverksamhet. Med utgångspunkt i respondenternas synsätt samt deras bemötande av barn med särskilda förutsättningar beskriver studien hur de har utvecklat olika strategier samt praktiska metoder i förskolans möte med dessa barn.

Nadaný žák a jeho začlenění do kolektivu třídy / Gifted student, and its integration into the classroom collective

Přindová, Zdeňka January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to familiarize the reader with the inclusion of the gifted child into the classroom collective. The theoretical part focuses on the identification of gifted children, their behavior among peers and role in groups. Furthermore, the roles of the teacher, his education and ways of working with gifted. The practical part is engaged in the exploration, how teacher work in teams with gifted children, at 1st grade of elementary school.

Strategie výuky nadaných žáků na 1. stupni základní školy / Strategies of teaching gifted children at primary school

Dohnalová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis aims to describe the strategies, methods and forms of work, which are effective in teaching gifted pupils at primary school. Another aim is to compare the possibility of their applications in integrated and segregated forms of gifted education. The theoretical part summarizes findings about this issue and the aim is to specify the issue of gifted children in relation to the intelligence, creativity and heredity. Based on the analysis of Czech, but mostly foreign literature, this work definine the strategies and methods of teaching gifted students, which are nowadays used in the classroom. The practical part is focus on a qualitative research method aimed at comparing the work of teachers of gifted students in integrated and segregated forms of teaching. Based on the analysis of teaching and subsequent in-depth interviews with teachers, this thesis is trying to figure out how the teacher in a particular form of teaching is working with talented pupil, which teaching strategies he or she is selecting and how these strategies correspond with the literature search in the theoretical part. In terms of research, it is possible to observe the individual approach of teachers who were surveyed on the issue of gifted.

Nadané dítě mladšího školního věku v alternativních školách / Gifted children at the elementary alternative schools

Kulhavá, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
Key words: gift, talent, individual access, alternative schools, inovate schools. This graduation these is focused on question of suitability to situate the gifted children into the alternative schools. In the theoretical part will be defined the concept gifted child and will be analysed the principles of chosen alternative schools. In the end of the theoretical part of theses will be evaluated how the alternative schools can be usefull for gifted children. In the experimental part will be confronted theoretical informations with reality. I try aswer the question if and which way is realized the care of these children in reality of the chosen types of the alternative schools. The research for this graduation theses will use an analyse of documents, an observation and a dialog. The elementary basis of theses is supposition that the schools of the alternative types like the schools with the edge for a respect to a child and its individual needs are potencional suitable for the extra gifted children.

Gabių mokinių intelekto ir nerimo sąsajos keturioliktaisiais - penkioliktaisiais gyvenimo metais / Connection between intellect and anxiety of gifted pupils of age 14-15

Blekaitytė, Rasa 28 August 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti gabių mokinių intelekto ir nerimo sąsajas keturioliktaisiais – penkioliktaisiais gyvenimo metais. Šiuo darbu siekiama nustatyti ar gabūs mokiniai patiria aukštesnį nerimo lygį, juos lyginant su vidutinius gabumus turinčiais mokiniais ir ar geriau besimokantys vaikai patiria aukštesnį nerimo lygį lyginant su prasčiau besimokančiais vaikais. Taip pat buvo siekiama sužinoti ar vaikų mokymosi pažangumas priklauso nuo tėvų mokslinių pasiekimų ir ar gabių moksleivių tėvai yra labiau išsilavinę. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas naudojant R. Amthauerio IST-70 testą, vaikų intelektui nustatyti, nerimo lygiui nustatyti buvo naudotas T. A. Нeмчин „Nerimo pasireiškimo skalės“ antrasis testas. Šiomis metodikomis buvo ištirti vienos Kauno gimnazijos 199 mokiniai iš 8 devintųjų klasių, 3 anketos buvo atmestos, dėl neatsakytų klausimų. Gabiųjų mokinių kategorijai buvo priskirti tie mokiniai, kurių IQ lygus arba didesni už 115. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad nerimo lygis nesusijęs su tuo ar vaikas yra gabus, ar pasižymi vidutiniais gebėjimais, statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas nestebimas (p>0,05). 44,4% geriau besimokančių mokinių patiria aukštą nerimo lygį kai tuo tarpu aukštą nerimo lygį patiria tik 25,3% prasčiau besimokančių mokinių, šios grupės statistiškai reikšmingai skiriasi (p<0,019). Tyrimas atskleidė, kad moksleivių intelektiniai gebėjimai nesusiję su lyties faktoriumi, bet nerimo lygis susijęs – mergaitės pasižymi didesniu nerimu nei berniukai (p<0,0001). Buvo nustatyta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the work is to determine a connection between intellect and anxiety of gifted pupils of age 14-15 and to find out whether gifted pupils experience a higher level of anxiety compared to pupils of the average talent, as well as whether pupils who learn well are more anxious than pupils who learn worse. This Master’s thesis also aims to analyze whether pupils’ progressiveness depends on their parents’ study achievements and whether pupils who learn well have better educated parents. R. Amthauer test (IST-70) was used to measure children’s intellect level and T. A. Нeмчин second test of The Scale of Anxiety Manifest was used to measure children’s anxiety level. These methods were used in a survey involving 199 9th year pupils from one Kaunas gymnasium, 3 questionnaires were rejected due to unanswered questions. Pupils, who IQ were equal or more than 115, were classified to gifted children. The research showed that the level of anxiety does not depend on whether a child is gifted or has an average talent, a statistically significant difference was not observed (p>0,05). 44,4 % of pupils who learn well experience a high level of anxiety compared to only 25,3 % of pupils who learn worse and also experience a high level of anxiety, a statistically significant difference was observed (p<0,019). The research also revealed that pupils’ intellectual capabilities do not depend on sex, but the level of anxiety does: girls are more anxious than boys (p<0,0001). It was established... [to full text]

Didaktika nadaných žáků na 1.stupni základní školy / Didactics of Gifted Children at Primary School

Jůzová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis aims to describe the methods, form of work and educational strategies used in teaching gifted students and to verify their effectiveness in practice though action - based teacher research. The teoretical part contains the results of czech and foreign literature research concerning the issue of gifted education. It focuses mainly on methods, forms and content of education, but also defining the basic concepts of be gifted and be talented, models of giftedness, characteristics and typologies of gifted pupils, their motivation and attitude of teacher, who plays an essential role in the education process of (not only) gifted pupils. The practical part contains the course and evaluation of action teacher research, where I will apply theoretical knowledge to primary school classes with gifted children and verify their effectiveness in practice. The research is divided into two cycles. The first cycle is focused on observing teaching. The other one cycle includes the planning, implementation and reflection of self teaching, into which the theoretical knowledge is applied. The research results showed that the most of knowledge gained in theoretical part of the thesis was verified as effective. Especially creation of own materials, choice of interesting and actual topics. Key words:...

Etudes psychopathologiques quantitatives d’enfants intellectuellement surdoués : associations avec l’inhomogénéité intellectuelle / Quantitative psychopathological studies in intellectually gifted children : associations with intellectual inhomogeneity

Guenolé, Fabian 12 September 2018 (has links)
La santé mentale des enfants « intellectuellement surdoués », une des appellations désignant les enfants présentant des aptitudes intellectuelles jugées particulièrement supérieures à la norme, suscite des questionnements scientifiques en raison de leur vulnérabilité psychologique supposée.L’objectif principal de la thèse était d’explorer les profils psychopathologiques d’enfants surdoués en situation de difficulté psychologique et de rechercher des facteurs cognitifs et psycho-comportementaux associés à la santé mentale chez les enfants intellectuellement surdoués.L’investigation psychopathologique quantitative d’un groupe (n = 143) d’enfants intellectuellement surdoués (QI ≥ 130) amenés à consulter auprès de professionnels de santé de l’enfance pour des difficultés scolaires et/ou d’adaptation sociale a montré des problèmes émotionnels et comportementaux significatifs et variés. Les problèmes émotionnels et comportementaux internalisés prédominaient sur les problèmes externalisés. Un très haut QI (≥ 145) ne semblait pas associé à plus de problèmes émotionnels et comportementaux, en revanche, un profil intellectuel inhomogène était associé à significativement plus de problèmes émotionnels et comportementaux, plus particulièrement des problèmes externalisés et tout particulièrement des comportements agressifs. Le profil intellectuel inhomogène était également associé à plus de syndromes émotionnels et comportementaux complexes (syndromes mixtes). Des investigations supplémentaires concernant l’inhomogénéité intellectuelle, menées dans le même groupe d’enfants et dans deux autres de recrutement comparable (n = 111 et 12 ; respectivement), ont suggéré son association avec certaines variables psychopathologiques, en particulier la dysrégulation émotionnelle et l’hétérogénéité des processus de raisonnements piagétiens.Enfin, une étude menée en milieu scolaire chez 118 collégiens a suggéré que l’inhomogénéité intellectuelle présentait un lien négatif avec l’estime de soi chez les jeunes intellectuellement surdoués.Le principal résultat de la thèse est la mise en évidence d’une association chez les enfants intellectuellement surdoués étudiés entre l’inhomogénéité du profil intellectuel et certaines variables psychopathologiques et de santé mentale, en populations cliniques et scolaire.De nouvelles études, épidémiologiques et cliniques sont néanmoins nécessaires pour mieux cerner la notion d’enfant intellectuellement surdoué elle-même, et préciser les vulnérabilités qui y sont éventuellement associées. / Mental health in intellectually gifted children (IQ ≥ 130) raises scientific questions because of their supposed psychological vulnerability. The main objective of the thesis was to explore the psychopathological profiles of clinically-referred gifted children, and to investigate cognitive, emotional and behavioral factors associated with mental health in gifted children. A quantitative psychopathological investigation of a group (n = 143) of gifted children who were clinically-referred for academic and/or social adaptation problems showed significant and varied emotional and behavioral problems. Internalized problems predominated over externalized ones. A very high IQ (≥ 145) was not associated with more emotional and behavioral problems. An inhomogeneous intellectual profile was associated with significantly more emotional and behavioural problems, particularly externalized ones, and more particularly aggressive ones. Intellectuel inhomogeneity was also associated with more complex emotional and behavioral syndromes (mixed syndromes). Further investigations of intellectual inhomogeneity in the same group of gifted children and in two other ones similarily recruited (n = 111 and 12; respectively) suggested its significant association with certain psychopathological variables, particularly emotional dysregulation and heterogeneity of Piagetian reasoning processes. Finally, a school-based study among 118 secondary school students suggested that intellectual inhomogeneity had a negative relationship with self-esteem among intellectually gifted youth. The main result of the thesis is the evidence for an association in intellectually gifted children between the inhomogeneity of the intellectual profile and certain psychopathological and mental health variables in clinical and school settings. Additional studies are however needed in odrer to better the significance of intellectual giftedness in children and its potentially associated psychological vulnerabilities.

Nadané dítě v předškolním věku / Gifted child in a pre-school age

Pernicová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This Master degree dissertation focuses on issue of gifted pre-school children. The text is dividend into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, a complex general introduction into the gifted children field is presented; characteristics of such children, possibilities of their identification, and the following support and development of their talent is discussed. As for the goal of the second part, it is to find out an approach of the kindergarten teachers to gifted children. The work presents a case study of the attitude and behavior of a particular gifted child.

Učební strategie nadaných žáků na prvním stupni ZŠ / The gifted pupils' learning strategies at the Primary School

Kotrčová, Alžběta January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the learning styles in a connection with the teaching strategies, especially their use by the gifted pupils from the fifth year of the primary school. The theoretical part describes the concepts of learning style and learning strategies from the several authors' point of view of, but it also deals with the characteristic features of a talented pupil in the younger school age. The theoretical part prepares the reader to understand the empirical part, which is crucial for the diploma thesis. The subject of the study is a group of eight gifted pupils from the fifth grade of the primary school who are attending an educational program for the exceptionally gifted pupils. The aim of the empirical part is to analyze pupils' own preference of the learning strategies and to map their situation. Thanks to the methods of the research such as the interviews, an observation, methods for developing the learning strategies and a questionnaire research, the goal of the qualitative empirical work has been fully achieved. After a month of work with the gifted pupils and their classmates, I have found that their own choice of the learning strategies is greatly influenced by the inner motivation, an in-depth learning style, a strategic learning style, and overall approach to the learning...

Role pedagoga ve vzdělávání nadaných / Teachers' role in the education of gifted children

Tichavová, Denisa January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the role of a teacher in the educational process of gifted children. The main objective of the thesis is to examine teachers' attitudes toward gifted children and the ways in which these attitudes impact the development of potential and educational motivation in gifted children. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses the issues of gifted children. Next, the thesis focuses on the teacher's profession and describes factors through which teachers can influence the education of gifted, particularly teachers' attitudes toward gifted and communication and interaction styles between teachers and gifted children. The empirical part of the thesis involves a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with teachers of gifted children, as well as with gifted children themselves, focused on the perceived influence of teachers on the education and motivation of gifted children. The findings of the qualitative analysis bring insights into the teachers' influence on the educational process of gifted students, as perceived from both the perspectives of teachers and gifted children.

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