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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chesterton's heroes

Burke, Rebecca Jane January 2010 (has links)
Typescript, etc. / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Estratigrafía, sedimentología y estimación de la permeabilidad en rocas sedimentarias de la sucesión volcanoclástica de Cura-Mallín

Pedroza Rodríguez, Viviana January 2017 (has links)
Magíster en Ciencias, Mención Geología / Los trabajos de terreno y nuevas datación de U-Pb en circón detrítico en la Formación Cura-Mallín alrededor de Lonquimay, Chile sur-central, nos permiten redefinir esta sucesión como Grupo Cura-Mallín, compuesto por la Formación Guapitrío (volcano-sedimentaria), Formación Río Pedregoso (sedimentaria), y la Formación Mitrauquén. La Formación Río Pedregoso se puede subdividir en tres unidades formales, de base a techo Miembro Quilmahue, Miembro Rucañanco y Miembro Bío-Bío. La base del Miembro Quilmahue tiene un contacto lateral interdigitado con la Formación Guapitrío que aflora entre las localidades de paso Caracoles y paso Rahue esta última localidad datada en trabajos anteriores en 22,0±0,9 Ma por el método K-Ar, la cual fue aparentemente descartada por los mismos autores, quienes no la mencionan en publicaciones posteriores. Sin embargo, esta edad es consecuente con la posición estratigráfica del Miembro Quilmahue y nuestras nuevas dataciones de circón detrítico en las unidades suprayacentes, y coincide con el comienzo de una fase extensional en la Cuenca Cura-Mallín. La deposición del Miembro Quilmahue continuó durante todo el Mioceno temprano, como indican una edad de 17,5 Ma obtenida en trabajos previos y una nueva datación de 16,5 Ma en el estudio actual. La deposición del Miembro Rucañanco ocurrió alrededor de 12,6 Ma durante el Serravaliano, y la del Miembro Bío-Bío en el límite entre el Serravaliano y Tortoniano a los 11,6 Ma. Aunque los tres miembros fueron depositados en un ambiente fluvio-lacustre, han sido dominados por lagos, llanuras de inundación con derrames de llanura, márgenes lacustres con barras de desembocadura, deltas tipo Gilbert y ríos entrelazados distales y meándricos. Los restos de un ave fósil (Meganhinga chilensis) y un mamífero (Protypotherium sp.) han sido vinculados a una edad Mamífero Santacrucense (17.5 16.3 Ma), sin embargo nuevos datos geocronológicos e interpretaciones estratigráficas de este estudio indican que son evidentemente más jóvenes (~13 Ma). Adicionalmente datos de permeabilidad y porosidad en capas de arenisca del Miembro Rucañanco y una posición estratigráfica favorable permiten considerarlo como un potencial reservorio geotérmico. / Este trabajo ha sido financiado por Proyecto Fondecyt N° 1130006 "Tertiary Successions in Chile"

Robust and Misspecification Resistant Model Selection in Regression Models with Information Complexity and Genetic Algorithms

Liu, Yan 01 August 2007 (has links)
In this dissertation, we develop novel computationally effiient model subset selection methods for multiple and multivariate linear regression models which are both robust and misspecification resistant. Our approach is to use a three-way hybrid method which employs the information theoretic measure of complexity (ICOMP) computed on robust M-estimators as model subset selection criteria, integrated with genetic algorithms (GA) as the subset model searching engine. Despite the rich literature on the robust estimation techniques, bridging the theoretical and applied aspects related to robust model subset selection has been somewhat neglected. A few information criteria in the multiple regression literature are robust. However, none of them is model misspecification resistant and none of them could be generalized to the misspecified multivariate regression. In this dissertation, we introduce for the first time both robust and misspecification resistant information complexity (ICOMP) criterion to fill in the gap in the literature. More specifically in multiple linear regression, we introduce robust M-estimators with misspecification resistant ICOMP and use the new information criterion as the fitness fuction in GA to carry out the model subset selection. For multivariate linear regression, we derive the two-stage robust Mahalanobis distance (RMD) estimator and introduce this RMD estimator in the computation of information criteria. The new information criteria are used as the fitness function in the GA to perform the model subset selection. Comparative studies on the simulated data for both multiple and multivariate regression show that the robust and misspecification resistant ICOMP outperforms the other robust information criteria and the non-robust ICOMP computed using OLS (or MLE) when the data contain outliers and error terms in the model deviate from a normal distribution. Compared with the all possible model subset selection, GA combined with the robust and misspecification resistant infromation criteria is proved to be an effective method which can quickly find the a near subset, if not the best, without having to search the whole subset model space.

Simondon et la philosophie de la nature /

Barthélémy, Jean-Hugues. January 2005 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Th. doct.--Lettres, sci. sociales et humaines--Paris 7, 2003. Titre de soutenance : Sens et connaissance, à partir et en-deçà de Simondon. / Bibliogr. p. 241-254.


Hampus, Carlsson, Martina, Öhlund January 2015 (has links)
The majority of the UWB radars available on the market today are expensive and often closed forfurther development due to proprietary rights. Therefore it is difficult to fully understand and adaptthe functionality of an available UWB system to fit one’s needs. The consulting-firm Addiva purchasedan UWB radar to be used in a safety system. However, the radar had limitations and the functionalityof it was partly unknown. This master thesis was inspired from this issue to examine the possibilitiesof developing a low-cost UWB radar, with main focus on research of human detection. The systemshould be easy to understand and modify, as well as reporting reliable data from the scanning. Theresults indicate that such a system can be developed. However, further development to the UWB radarneeds to be made in order to have a complete system.

Le raisonnement selon Anscombe, Harman et Broome

Brunet, Josée January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude porte sur la notion de raisonnement. L'hypothèse principale que je défends est que ce que l'on appelle communément un raisonnement comporte un aspect processuel et un aspect inférentiel. L'aspect processuel consiste dans le fait qu'un raisonnement est un enchaînement causal d'actes ou d'états mentaux, et l'aspect inférentiel consiste dans le fait que les états mentaux en question ont des contenus propositionnels qui peuvent entretenir entre eux des relations logiques. Lorsqu'on accepte cette distinction, il apparaît qu'une théorie adéquate du raisonnement doit expliquer comment ces deux aspects sont reliés. L'objectif de cette étude est d'examiner de quelle manière différentes approches du raisonnement traitent de la relation entre ces deux aspects. Cette thèse est divisée en quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre, à caractère introductif, présente le contexte philosophique général dans lequel s'est posée la réflexion sur le raisonnement (pratique) au cours des dernières décennies. Le deuxième chapitre s'amorce par une analyse critique de la thèse d'Anscombe (1957) selon laquelle l'action est la conclusion de l'inférence pratique. J'y montre comment cette suggestion l'oblige à rendre compte du caractère processuel du raisonnement en termes inférentiels et qu'une telle solution conduit à une compréhension inadéquate de la relation entre les aspects processuel et inférentiel de ce type de raisonnement. Dans la section qui suit, je présente l'hypothèse qui est au coeur de cette étude: j'y explique ce qui distingue les aspects processuel et inférentiel du raisonnement en indiquant quelques conséquences qu'entraîne cette distinction dans l'étude du raisonnement. J'examine ensuite comment il serait plausible, à la lumière de la distinction introduite, de rendre justice à l'intuition d'Anscombe. Le troisième chapitre porte sur la conception du raisonnement de Harman (1986). Après avoir présenté sommairement l'esprit de sa théorie et les principes de révision qu'il identifie comme étant ceux que suivent ou doivent suivre les agents lorsqu'ils raisonnent (section 1), je tente ensuite de déterminer comment Harman conçoit cet aspect processuel, et si sa théorie permet d'expliquer de manière adéquate la relation entre les aspects processuel et inférentiel du raisonnement. J'examine d'abord quelle fonction il reconnaît aux notions d'implication et d'inconsistance, et montre ensuite que si le processus dans lequel s'engage celui qui raisonne peut être conçu à la manière de Harman, c'est-à-dire à la 3ème personne, il doit aussi être conçu du point de vue de l'agent qui raisonne, c'est-à-dire à la 1ère personne. Après avoir discuté des limites inhérentes au fait de concevoir l'aspect processuel du raisonnement d'un point de vue essentiellement externe, à la 3ème personne; j'identifie quelques conséquences que fait apparaître la perspective de la 1ère personne, dans le but de montrer pourquoi une théorie adéquate du raisonnement ne peut en faire l'économie. En dernière section, j'explore quelques conséquences de la distinction proposée, notamment quant à la question de savoir quelles notions pourraient être mises en parallèle à celles de prémisse, conclusion et validité lorsqu'il est question du raisonnement. Le quatrième chapitre porte sur la conception du raisonnement de John Broome. Après avoir exposé sommairement les thèses que défend Broome (1999, 2002) sur le terrain de la normativité puisqu'elles sont déterminantes dans sa théorie du raisonnement, je montre que la distinction qu'il établit entre un raisonnement de croyance et un raisonnement d'intention s'accorde (au moins en partie) avec la distinction raisonnement/argument suggérée (section 1). Je propose ensuite une analyse critique de la position qu'il défend dans Broome (2006b) en m'opposant à l'exigence de double expression qui est nécessaire, selon lui, pour pouvoir raisonner avec des attitudes autres que des croyances. Je montre qu'une telle conception du raisonnement est beaucoup trop exigeante, et qu'elle a le désavantage principal de faire en sorte que pour pouvoir raisonner avec des attitudes autres que des croyances, vous devez vous mettre en position de 3ème personne (section 2). Dans le cadre de la dernière section, je montre que la divergence entre nos conceptions respectives du raisonnement a son origine dans les thèses qu'il défend concernant la normativité de la rationalité et la normativité des raisons. J'identifie quelques-unes des conséquences de ces thèses pour une théorie du raisonnement. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Raisonnement, Argument, Inférence, Raisons, Rationalité, Normativité.

Dygden och dårskapen : En studie av mamsell Malmstedts översättningar från franska och latin

Gullstam, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Anna Maria Lenngren (née Malmstedt, 1754-1817) was an eminent poet in Sweden during the 18th century and she is still known as one of Stockholms Posten’s sharpest satirists. The early stage of her career as a translator, when she was recognised as “mamsell Malmstedt”, had a great impact on her following work, which has been largely neglected. This master’s thesis analyses her largest translations: Lucile (1776), Zemire och Azor (1778), Arsène (1779), and Dido til Eneas (1778), in comparison with their originals. Throughout the work with comparing the translations to their originals, it became clear that two expressions, often used to describe the female main characters in the texts, are frequently added and/or emphasized in mamsell Malmstedt’s translations: virtue (dygd) and folly (dårskap). Through these expressions, Malmstedt changes the stories and themes of the original texts, and through her use of virtue and folly in her translations, we get access to a background, to a world of ideas, that can give us a greater understanding of her own poems and of her thoughts about being a writing woman in Sweden during the 18th century. To develop a better understanding of this world of ideas, this thesis takes its starting-point in the history of virtue, and uses a feminist literary theory by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, which explains how and why women’s roles in literature, as either angels or monsters, have had a great impact on female writers throughout history. Gilbert and Gubar’s theories are of great interest for this thesis since the female main characters in Anna Maria Malmstedt’s translations, defined by either virtue or folly, could be seen as ancestors of the angelic and monstrous characters that Gilbert and Gubar are discussing.

Ferromagnetic Resonance as a Probe of Magnetization Dynamics : A Study of FeCo Thin Films and Trilayers

Wei, Yajun January 2015 (has links)
The high frequency dynamic magnetic responses of FeCo thin films and structures have been investigated mainly using ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) technique. The FMR resonance condition and linewidth are first derived from the dynamic Landau- Lifshitz-Gilbert equation, followed by a study of the conversion between FMR field and frequency linewidths. It is found that the linewidth conversion relation based on the derivative of resonance condition is only valid for samples with negligible extrinsic linewidth contribution. The dynamic magnetic properties obtained by using FMR measurements of FeCo thin films grown on Si/SiO2 substrates with varying deposition temperatures is then presented. The effective Landé g-factor, extrinsic linewidth, and Gilbert relaxation rate are all found to decrease in magnitude with increasing sample growth temperature from 20oC to about 400–500oC and then on further increase of the growth temperature to increase in magnitude. Samples grown at about 400–450oC display the smallest coercivity, while the smallest value of the Gilbert relaxation rate of about 0.1 GHz is obtained for samples grown at 450–500oC. An almost linear relation between extrinsic linewidth and coercivity is observed, which suggests a positive correlation between magnetic inhomogeneity, coercivity and extrinsic linewidth. Another major discovery in this study is that the Gilbert relaxation decreases with increasing lattice constant, which is ascribed to the degree of structural order in the films. A micromagnetic model is established for an asymmetric trilayer system consisting of two different ferromagnetic (FM) layers separated by thin non-magnetic (NM) layer, treating the magnetization in each FM layer as a macrospin. Based on the model, numerical simulations of magnetization curves and FMR dispersion relations, of both the acoustic mode where magentizations in the two FM layers precess in phase and the optic mode where they precess out-of-phase, have been carried out. The most significant implication from the results is that the coupling strength can be extracted by detecting only the acoustic mode resonances at many different unsaturated magnetic states using broadband FMR technique. Finally, trilayer films of FeCo(100 Å)/NM/FeNi(100 Å) with NM=Ru or Cu were prepared and studied. The thickness of the Ru and Cu spacer was varied from 0 to 50 Å. For the Ru spacer series, the film with 10 Å Ru spacer shows antiferromagnetic coupling while all other films are ferromagnetically coupled. For the Cu spacer trilayers, it is found that all films are ferromagnetically coupled and that films with thin Cu spacer are surprisingly strongly coupled (the coupling constant is 3 erg/cm2 for the sample with 5 Å Cu spacer). The strong coupling strength is qualitatively understood within the framework of a combined effect of Ruderman-Kittel- Kasuya-Yosida interaction and pinhole coupling, which is evidenced by transmission electron microscopy analysis. The magnetic coupling constant decreases exponentially with increasing Cu spacer thickness, without showing an oscillatory thickness dependence. The results have implications for the design of multilayers for spintronic applications.

Built Form and Culture: A Case Study of Gilbertese Architecture

Hockings, John Unknown Date (has links)
The last two decades of architectural studies have been marked by a renewal of interest in human behaviour and how it is related to the environments we inhabit. This interest has stemmed from the recognition that much contemporary architecture, in its pursuit of economic technological efficiency, pays little or no attention to its human context. As part of the attempt to re-establish this context, designers and scholars alike have seen the need to increase our understanding of the nature of the relationship between man and his spatial environment. The aim of this thesis is to examine the aspect of this relationship which emerges from the premise that the formal 'rules' of culture are one of the means used by man in the process of interpreting his spatial environment. Based on a field study in the Gilbert Islands in the western Pacific, this research outlines the specific nature of the cultural rules used by the Gilbertese in this process, and examines how the process has changed over time. The thesis is divided into four sections. The Introduction outlines the argument for this type of study in more detail, and explains the theoretical framework developed to relate man, culture, and built form. Also included are the research methodologies used, and a brief physical description of the study area. In the second section, Part One, four distinct units of traditional Gilbertese settlement pattern are identified - the home, the clan hamlet, the meeting house, and the island as a whole. Each is analysed as a physical environment, the arrangement and use of which were developed by the Gilbertese in accordance with certain relevant cultural practices. Taken as a whole Part One gives an overall outline of the important traditional relationships between built form and culture. In the third section, Part Two, the impact of Western occupation and influence upon the traditional pattern of relationships is examined. Through an analysis of the manner in which the Gilbertese manipulated those relationships in response to such influences, it became possible to draw conclusions as to the workings of Gilbertese built form and culture, one against the other. The eventual understanding of the built form/culture relationship, arrived at through the analyses conducted in Parts One and Two, is outlined in the final section, Concluding Remarks. The argument is again supported by notable examples cited earlier in the main text. The specific conclusions so drawn are then synthesised into a more general conclusion of interest to scholars and practitioners of architecture alike. The thesis begins with the premise that culture would be a determining factor of much of the meaning which people read into their spatial environment. But, as evidence is collected and conclusions drawn, it is shown that such a view (suggesting that culture is used by people as a means of comprehending their architectural environment) cannot be sustained, and that the Gilbertese in fact use their architecture to explore and explain cultural ideas. So it is deduced that it is preferable to treat architecture as a means to a cultural end, thus avoiding the temptation, inherent in the initial premise, to attribute a falsely deterministic role to culture. Most importantly, it allows architecture to be seen as an active element in the cultural process rather than as a passive receptacle of cultural meaning.

A critical comparison of the views of C.D. Broad and Gilbert Ryle on the concept of self-knowledge

Huber, C. E. January 1962 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1962. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [122]-123).

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