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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Our lively arts American culture as theatrical culture,1922-1931 /

Schlueter, Jennifer , January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-349).

Gilbert Foliot and the two swords law and political theory in twelfth-century England /

Hill, Christopher P. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2008. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

A criança desvendando a arte: um olhar antropológico

AMARAL, Maria das Vitórias Negreiros do 03 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Falcao (caroline.rfalcao@ufpe.br) on 2016-05-25T19:04:37Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) 39A485c Dissertação.pdf: 14460290 bytes, checksum: de5694c4941d6b241b3f68b3e73daf2a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-25T19:04:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) 39A485c Dissertação.pdf: 14460290 bytes, checksum: de5694c4941d6b241b3f68b3e73daf2a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2000-03 / Esta pesquisa tem como fio condutor a Teoria do Imaginário, baseada em: Gilbert Durand, Edgar Morin, entre outros. Para compreender como os sujeitos sociais apreendem a arte, fui a quatro escolas que têm como proposta a inserção da arte em seus currículos. Com o objetivo de observar as crianças que estão iniciando o processo de ensino-aprendizagem escolar, foi feita pesquisa de campo em quatro turmas de Infantil 2, crianças com faixa etária entre 4 e 6 anos. Analisando o material recolhido no campo: etnografia, testes AT-10 (Teste Arquetipal de 10 elementos), entrevistas e os históricos escolares, constatei que essas escolas têm um discurso explícito de criar um "espaço feliz", que tem como base do aprendizado o lúdico e a arte. Pode-se ver esse discurso como sendo regido pelo mito de Orfeu, que doma as feras e diante de quem as árvores se dobram, ao som de sua lira. Entretanto, as crianças vivem no mundo de Dionísio, vivem num mundo de jogo e de brincadeira. Inserida nesse mesmo discurso há outra dimensão, a do tácito, o que está nas entrelinhas do explícito e é através dele que a escola (instituição escolar) passa as regras e normas sociais para a formação de um "futuro homem" ou um "homem de futuro" num mundo competitivo, onde o que tem "valor” é um produto a ser consumido. Essa dimensão do discurso é regida pelo mito de Prometeu, o mito do progresso. Para passar de Orfeu a Prometeu, a escola utiliza a figura mítica do sacipererê como um mediador, um mensageiro entre a escola e as crianças. Mensageiros também, Hermes e Exu, são identificados como Trikster, personagem que representa a primeira fase da infância, personagem travesso, alegre e brincalhão. Esses mitos foram tomando corpo no decorrer das análises das imagens e dos símbolos encontrados na pesquisa. A noção de arte é repassada para a criança, pela escola, através de três encaminhamentos: arte como prazer, transformada em arte como crescimento, que é um dos objetivos da escola; e o terceiro encaminhamento, o aprendizado da arte , aulas de arte propriamente dita, com o objetivo da prática e do conhecimento da arte. Quando a escola realmente acredita na relevância do ensino da arte e investe nesse terceiro encaminhamento, a criança continua com seu aprendizado após a educação infantil. Quando a arte é usada apenas como um aperfeiçoamento da coordenação motora, um "trampolim" para o ensino fundamental, a criança deixa de se interessar por" coisa de criança" (arte e o fazer artístico), deixa para trás o mundo dionisíaco em que vivia e passa para o prometéico, um mundo sério, de "coisas importantes", em que não há lugar para a arte.

Down-Converter Gilbert-Cell Mixer for WiMax Applications using 0.15μm GaAs HEMT Technology

Almohaimeed, Abdullah Mohammed H January 2014 (has links)
The Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, or WiMax, is a wireless communication technique based on IEEE 802.16 standards. Its advantage of sending high data rates over long distances, while using a single base station to cover a large area, has made this technique a flexible and reliable solution for public wireless networks. WiMax has two main types of networks: Fixed and Mobile. The most popular transceiver used in WiMax applications is the “Direct-Conversion Architecture” due to its high level of integration and less component requirements, which leads to reduced power dissipation. In Direct Conversion Architecture, the mixer is a key block in the transceiver chain. Depending on design specifications and constraints, different types of mixers may be considered. However, the most appropriate down converter mixer for WiMax applications is the Gilbert-cell mixer. This thesis will then explore the design of a down converter Gilbert-Cell Mixer within the realm of Fixed WiMax technology. This design was achieved in the commercial circuit simulator Advanced Design System (ADS) using the 0.15mm InGaAs pHEMT technology process provided by Win Semiconductor Crop.

Beyond bigger and better: Gilbert White and America's new approach to floodplain management

Rumsey, Brian Edward 01 May 2010 (has links)
Until the early twentieth century, Americans generally responded to the risk of floods by building protective levees. By the late 1800s, this approach was firmly entrenched in federal policy. Because of the singular focus on levees, floods actually became more severe, with a prime example occurring in 1927. The floods of 1927 demonstrated that levees-only was an untenable policy, but a new approach to managing flood risk took several decades to fully materialize. The geographer Gilbert Fowler White played a central role in developing the nation’s new approach to floods. In his 1945 doctoral dissertation, White laid out a multiaceted approach to flood risks that promoted the accommodation of nature at times, rather than relying exclusively on ever-greater works of engineering to address the risk of flood. The passage of the National Flood Insurance Act in 1968 demonstrates the acceptance of White’s ideas into federal policy.

Towards a philosophy of imagination : a study of Gilbert Durand and Paul Ricoeur

Joy, Mavourneen M. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Le visuel chez Gilbert Sorrentino : figures et couleurs du purisme / The visual in Gilbert Sorrentino's writing : figures and colours of purism

Nicolini, Juliette 12 November 2011 (has links)
Gilbert Sorrentino est souvent présenté comme un auteur postmoderniste. Pourtant, loin du nivellement postmoderniste, il privilégie des principes modernistes selon une posture moralisante et exclusive. Ce travail, qui porte sur la couleur et sur le visuel, s’appuie notamment sur cinq œuvres : The Sky Changes, Steelwork, Splendide-Hôtel, Aberration of Starlight, Crystal Vision. Les valeurs intermédiaires du gris impliquent une indécision qui renvoie à l’informe et au mal. Le poids d’une éducation religieuse est sensible dans l’opposition des valeurs sombres, qui sont associées au péché, et de l’éclair lumineux qui s’oppose à l’apathie grise pour redonner vie et forme à l’espace. La radicalité de Sorrentino s’exprime par un goût pour les contrastes colorés, notamment dans Splendide-Hôtel. Noir et blanc forgent un contraste plastique extrême, comme dans la peinture de Franz Kline. La posture élégiaque de l’auteur s’appuie sur l’opposition entre le rouge et le gris. Le goût pour la synthèse mène à une schématisation des formes et des couleurs, proche du Minimal Art. On note un tropisme vers l’abstraction immatérielle et immuable. L’auteur se limite aux termes génériques pour dire la couleur. Ce respect des spécificités du langage évoque le purisme de Clement Greenberg. Écrit à partir de sources disparates (le Rider deck conçu par A. E. Waite et Steelwork), Crystal Vision instaure une tension entre la symbolique noble du tarot et la réalité misérable du roman. En posant une dichotomie entre le visible profane et l’invisible sacré, la vision de Sorrentino rejoint la sensibilité platonicienne et médiévale. La transposition ironique des images participe d’un idéalisme déçu. / Gilbert Sorrentino is often presented as an emblematic postmodernist writer. This study focuses on colour and the visual in five works in particular : The Sky Changes, Steelwork, Splendide-Hôtel, Aberration of Starlight and Crystal Vision. Far from the egalitarianism of postmodernism, modernist principles go along with a moralizing and exclusive viewpoint. Intermediate values of grey imply uncertainty which refer to the amorphous and to evil. The burden of a religious education is felt in the opposition between dark values, which refer to sin, and flashing light which breaks into the mournful grey, giving life and form to space. The radicalism of Sorrentino’s aesthetic position shows in his taste for contrasts in colour, namely in Splendide-Hôtel. Black and white set up a sharp contrast, as in Franz Kline’s paintings. The elegiac stand of the author is asserted by the opposition between red and grey. A taste for synthesis leads to a simplification of shapes and colours which evokes the Minimal Art movement. A propensity for immaterial and immutable abstraction is noticed. Sorrentino expresses colour by using generic terms, thus taking account of the inability of language to encompass the real. This respect of the language idiosyncrasy matches Clement Greenberg’s purism. Crystal Vision is based on two ill-assorted sources (A. E. Waite’s Rider deck and Steelwork) which produces a tension between the high symbolism of the cards and the sordid reality of Steelwork. By setting a dichotomy between the secular visible and the sacred invisible, Sorrentino goes towards the platonic and medieval mind. The ironic transposition of images proceeds from a defeated idealism.

Caractérisation des systèmes sédimentaires profonds en contexte de rift actif : étude intégrée des affleurements Plio-Pléistocène et des données sismiques du Golfe de Corinthe, Grèce / Deep-water syn-rift sedimentary systems from Plio-Pleistocene outcrops and seismic lines of Gulf of Corinth deposits (Greece)

Rubi, Romain 29 October 2018 (has links)
Le profil de dépôt syn-rift d’un Gilbert-delta et de son prodelta du Pléistocène moyen est documenté dans le Rift de Corinthe en Grèce, à partir d’études de terrain et d’un modèle photogrammétrique. Les études de terrain ont permis de mettre en évidence quatre typologies de bottomsets avec des facies, des associations de facies et des géométries spécifiques : (1) des bottomsets de sables et de graviers, (2) un épisode d’érosion et de bypass, (3) un bottomset de sables fins et de silts, (4) un bottomset de sables massifs. Ces typologies sont intégrées dans le cadre stratigraphique du delta. Dans le prodelta associé, deux moats actifs remplis de sables et de conglomérats sont limités par un drift confiné. L’axe des moats migre à contre pente et est perpendiculaire au delta. Dans l’axe des moats, une séquence normale est remaniée en une séquence inverse dans la partie avale sous l’action des courants de fond. Le drift asymétrique développe une sediment-wave sur son flanc long avec deux séquences : (1) une séquence turbiditique strato- et grano-décroissante directement sur une surface d’érosion et (2) une séquence contouritique bi-gradationelle avec des rides de courant, des bancs ondulés, de la bioturbation et des encroutements ferrugineux. De nouvelles cartes d’horizon, structurales, morphodésimentaires et d’épaisseurs sont proposées à partir de l’interprétation des données sismiques avec un pas de temps de 100 ka. Ces éléments documentent la formation d’un système mixte contouritique et turbiditique profond dans le Golfe de Corinthe. Au Sud deux systèmes se développent en pied de pente : un système de bottomsets gravitaires et un système de moat érodant et remobilisant les sédiments pour former des drifts. Au Nord, la pente est remaniée en sediment-wave et par des moats perchés qui produisent des plastered drifts. A 0,4 Ma, un système dominé par les coutourites, dans le Golfe de Corinthe, indique une possible ouverture à l’Est et à l’Ouest. / Middle Pleistocene Gilbert-type delta and prodelta in the Rift of Corinth, Greece, are investigated combining field methods and photogrammetric 3D model to document an entire early synrift sedimentological profile. Field works document four different dynamics in Gilbert-type bottomset deposits, each one of which is characterized by a specific range of facies, facies associations and geometries: (1) the sandy-gravelly bottomset, (2) the erosional-bypass stage, (3) the fine-grained bottomset and (4) the massive-sandy bottomset. The bottomset typologies are integrated within the stratigraphic delta context. In the associated prodelta, two active sandy-conglomeratic moats are limited by a confined drift. The prodelta moat axis are perpendicular to the delta and migrate upslope. In the moat axis, a normal-to-inverse grading sequence evolution is correlated down-flow under bottom-current processes. The asymmetric drift presents a sediment-wave architecture on its long side within two sequences : (1) a normal turbidite sequence with a sharp erosional base and massive silt to shale and (2) a contourite bi-gradational sequence affected by red crust, wavy bedding, current ripples and bioturbation. New interpretations of seismic data resulting in horizon, structural, morphosedimentary, and thickness maps, for the offshore Corinth Rift, at a 100 kyr time scales document a mixed turbiditic and contouritic deep water system. The Southern slope break presents a mixed system between gravity-driven bottomset and bottom-current moats which rework and depose drifts. The Northern slope is meanly reworked by sediment-wave and perched drift which can produced plastered drifts. At 0.4 Ma, a contouritic sedimentary system dominates the Gulf of Corinth and indicates an opening at both West and East tips.

G. K. Chesterton: Twentieth Century Catholic Reformer

Blackman, Amanda Hasbrouck 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis attempts to discover the basis of Chesterton's theories and the link between his religion and politics. The main sources for this paper are the religious and political non-fiction works by Chesterton and his collaborators. The first chapter brings G. K. from his birth in 1874 to 1908 and the publication of Orthodoxy. The second chapter describes his conversion to Roman Catholicism, and the third discusses his distinctive Christian theology. The fourth outlines G. K.'s political solution for Englands economic and social ills and how his theory--distributism-- fit into British intellectual tradition. The conclusion identifies G. K.'s romance with the Middle Ages as the link between his religious beliefs and his political utopia.

Gilbertův syndrom / Gilbetr syndrome

Šimáková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The mail focus of this thesis is to assess a genealogical frequency of homo- and heterozygotes for a mutation in a promotor region of UGT 1A1 gene. This mutation is typical for Gilbert's syndrome. It explains a genesis, symptoms, pathology and also a therapy of this syndrome. It discusses a possibly protective effect of this polymorphic mutation that might result in a lower incidence of vascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis, pulmonary embolism). An important contribution is also an attenuation of stress due to hyperbilirubinaemia. This thesis was worked out in a cooperation with GENVIA Ltd.

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