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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of Driver Performance While Making Unprotected Intersection Turns Utilizing Naturalistic Data Integration Methods

Aich, Sudipto 18 January 2012 (has links)
Within the set of all vehicle crashes that occur annually, of intersection-related crashes are over-represented. The research conducted here uses an empirical approach to study driver behavior at intersections, in a naturalistic paradigm. A data-mining algorithm was used to aggregate the data from two different naturalistic databases to obtain instances of unprotected turns at the same intersection. Several dependent variables were analyzed which included visual entropy, mean-duration of glances to locations in the driver's view, gap-acceptance/rejection time. Kinematic dependent variables include peak/average speed, and peak longitudinal and lateral acceleration. Results indicated that visual entropy and peak speed differs amongst drivers of the three age-groups (older, middle-age, teens) in the presence of traffic in the intersecting streams while negotiating a left turn. Although not significant, but approaching significance, were differences in gap acceptance times, with the older driver accepting larger gaps compared to the younger teen drivers. Significant differences were observed for peak speed and average speed during a left turn, with younger drivers exhibiting higher values for both. Overall, this research has resulted in contribution towards two types of engineering application. Firstly, the analyses of traffic levels, gap acceptance, and gap non-acceptance represented exploratory efforts, ones that ventured into new areas of technical content, using newly available naturalistic driving data. Secondly, the findings from this thesis are among the few that can be used to inform the further development, refinement, and testing of technology (and training) solutions intended to assist drivers in making successful turns and avoiding crashes at intersections. / Master of Science

Se om din hund har varit en Good Boy med hjälp av glanceable feedback : En designforskning för att implementera glanceable feedback I aktivitetsenheter för hundar / See if your dog has been a Good Boy through glanceable feedback : A design research to implement glancable feedback in activity trackers for dogs

Klaar, Sandra, Klasson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka hur glanceable feedback kan implementeras i aktivitetsenheter för hundar för att skapa en bättre användarupplevelse och minska den teknologiska störningen i kommunikationen mellan människa och hund. Tidigare studier visar att utvecklingen hos aktivitetsenheter för hundar är långt ifrån lika framgångsrik jämfört med den för aktivitetsenheter för människor (Ramokapane, van der Linden & Zamansky, 2019; Väätäjä et al. 2018; Zamansky; et al. 2019). Väätäjä, et al. (2018) har påpekat vikten av att teknologin bakom aktivitetsenheten, så som mobiltelefoner, inte ska komma mellan hundägaren och hunden. Den får inte agera som ett störningsmoment som distanserar kommunikation eller interaktion mellan hund och människa (Väätäjä et al. 2018). Detta är idag oundvikligt i dagens aktivitetsenheter för hundar då användaren är helt beroende av mobiltelefonens tillhörande applikation (Väätäjä et al. 2018). Genom frågeställningen (Hur kan glanceable feedback appliceras i aktivitetsenhet för hundar för att ge hundägaren direkt information om hundens aktivitet?) undersöks hur glanceable feedback kan appliceras i aktivitetsenheter för hundar och undvika att kommunikation mellan hund och ägare störs med tekniken. Resultatet är aktivitetsenheten Good Boy. Enheten är försedd med en display och ett mekaniskt hjul som byter mellan de olika kategorierna distans/steg, puls/kroppstemperatur, info/kontaktuppgifter och led/lampa. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how glanceable feedback can be implemented in activity units for dogs to create a better user experience and reduce the technological disruption in human-dog communication. Previous studies show that the development of activity units for dogs is far from as successful as activity units for humans (Ramokapane, van der Linden & Zamansky, 2019; Väätäjä et al. 2018; Zamansky et al. 2019). Väätäjä, et al. (2018) have pointed out the importance of the technology behind the activity, such as the mobile phone, unit not coming between the dog owner and the dog. It must not act as a disturbance that distances communication or interaction between dog and human (Väätäjä et al. 2018). This is inevitable in today's activity units for dogs as the user is completely dependent on the mobile phone's associated application (Väätäjä et al. 2018).  The question (How can glanceable feedback be applied in an activity unit for dogs to give the dog owner direct information on the dog's activity?) Investigates how glanceable feedback can be applied in activity units for dogs and avoid that communication between dog and owner is disturbed by technology. The result is the Good Boy activity unit. The unit is equipped with a display and a mechanical wheel that switches between the different categories distance / step, pulse / body temperature, info /contact information and LED/lamp.

Eyes on the Road! : Off-Road Glance Durations when Performing Tasks on In-Vehicle Systems while Driving in a Simulator

Wahlberg, Linnea January 2013 (has links)
The 85th percentile off-road glances while performing three tasks on an in-vehicle system while driving in a simulator was investigated. The tasks were a radio task, a telephone task and a sound settings task which were performed at three occasions each. The distribution of 85th percentile off-road glance durations for each subject and task showed that durations differed between individuals rather than between tasks. It also turned out that durations longer than 2.00 seconds were not rare and 2 of 16 subjects had durations longer than 2.00 seconds in the radio task. Even though the distribution showed small differences between tasks on an individual level, differences on a group level were found between the tasks. A tendency of a learning effect was found, which implied a decrease in 85th percentile off-road glance durations as the tasks were performed at several occasions. A tendency of a floor effect in 85th percentile off-road glance durations, when the subjects are familiarized with tasks, was also found. Performance on a computerized trail-making test, measuring ability of visual search, motor speed and mental flexibility, was found not to be related with 85th percentile off-road glance durations.

Blicken på barnet - blicken på pedagogen : En essäistisk undersökning av blickars betydelse i förskolan

Teern, Anna January 2023 (has links)
I denna essä undersöker jag blickarnas betydelse i förskolan i relation till de yngsta barnen. För att få en kontrast som förtydligar och tillför mer komplexitet får mitt umgänge med hästar och ridning vara med. I min undersökning av blickarna utgår jag från en glidande skala mellan en varm mjuk blick och en kall hård blick. En klok erfaren pedagog vet vilken blick som passar när och kan snabbt läsa av olika situationer. Metoden för undersökandet blir egna erfarenheter, reflektioner över deltagande observationer där också barns teckningar blir ett medel för att få fatt på deras blickar på pedagogerna samt essäskrivandet. Essäskrivandet blir en undersökande metod som låter de egna reflektionerna, de deltagande observationerna och teorin bilda en väv av reflektioner och skapar nya tankar.  Det finns inte mycket forskning om blickens betydelse i förskolan, mer om hur vi använder blicken i olika sammanhang, både barn och pedagoger. Det finns studier om hur barn med funktionsnedsättningar som berör ögonkontakt agerar och om hur man använder blicken i olika situationer. Inom den praktiska kunskapens teori finns det forskning om blickar inom sjukvården som kan kallas kliniska men där de kombinerar faktakunskap med erfarenhet för att fatta kloka beslut. De teoretiska perspektiv som jag använder i min analys är filosofen Hannah Arendt och då främst hennes tankar om politiskt handlande och hur vi binds samman av en väv av relationer samt filosofen Maurice Merleau-Ponty och hans tankar om att jaget/subjektet och kroppen inte kan skiljas åt, vi är en kropp och vi har en kropp. Att kategorisera blickar är svårt och redan idén om den mjuka och den kalla blicken färgar tankarna. Med utgångspunkt i mitt material har jag valt ut några olika typer av blickar som man kan resonera runt, som också blir olika beroende på vilken som tar initiativet, barnet eller pedagogen. Jag låter blickarna speglas i omständigheter och mina valda filosofiska perspektiv samt mina erfarenheter med barnen men ibland också med hästar.  Blickar har betydelse både som de är direkt öga mot öga och som metaforer för ett sätt att förhålla sig till världen. Den här essän hoppas att kunna lyfta betydelsen av att diskutera hur vi använder våra blickar. / In this essay I examine the importance of the eyes in preschool in relation to the youngest children. To get a contrast that clarifies and adds more complexity, my interaction with horses and riding is included. In my examination of the gazes, I start from a sliding scale between a warm soft gaze and a cold hard gaze. A wise, experienced educator knows which gaze is suitable when and can quickly read different situations. The method of investigation becomes own experiences, reflections on participatory observations where children's drawings also become a means of catching their eyes on the educators and essay writing. Essay writing becomes an investigative method that allows one's own reflections, participatory observations and theory to form a web of reflections and create new thoughts. There is not much research on the importance of the gaze in preschool, more on how we use the gaze in different contexts, both children and educators. There are studies on how children with disabilities that concern eye contact act and on how to use the gaze in different situations. Within the theory of practical knowledge, there is research on gazes in healthcare that can be called clinical but where they combine factual knowledge with experience to make wise decisions. The theoretical perspectives that I use in my analysis are the philosopher Hannah Arendt and then mainly her thoughts on political action and how we are bound together by a web of relationships and the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty and his thoughts that the self/subject and the body cannot be separated, we are a body, and we have a body. Categorizing glances is difficult and the very idea of the soft and the cold gaze colors the thoughts. Based on my material, I have selected a few different types of glances that you can reason around, which also become different depending on who takes the initiative, the child, or the educator. I let my eyes be reflected in circumstances and my chosen philosophical perspectives as well as my experiences with the children but sometimes also with horses. Glances are important both as they are directly face to face and as metaphors for a way of relating to the world. This essay hopes to highlight the importance of discussing how we use our gazes.

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