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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Transcriptional regulation of 12/15-lipoxygenase expression and the implication of the enzyme in hepoxilin biosynthesis and apoptosis

Pattabhiraman, Shankaranarayanan 03 November 2003 (has links)
Die 12/15-Lipoxygenasen (12/15-LOXs) gehören zu einer heterogenen Klasse Lipid-peroxidierender Enzyme, deren biologische Rolle noch nicht vollständig geklärt ist. Eine Reihe experimenteller Daten deuten darauf hin, dass diese Enzym an Reifungs- und Differenzierungsprozessen beteiligt sind und auch für die Pathogenese verschiedener Erkrankungen (Asthma bronchiale, Entzündung, Atherosklerose) bedeutsam zu sein scheinen. Die Expression von 12/15-LOXs wird in vielen Säugetierzellen durch TH2-Zytokine reguliert und die Zytokin-induzierte Signaltransduktionskaskade verläuft über die Aktivierung van JAK-Kinasen und STAT6. Nach einer Stimulation von A549 Lungenkarzinomzellen mit Interleukin-4 (IL-4) kommt es erst nach 12 Stunden zu einer Hochregulation der 12/15-LOX mRNA Expression. Untersuchungen zum Induktionsmechanismus haben gezeigt, dass Genistein, ein Hemmstoff von Tyrosinkinasen, die Phosphorylierung von STAT6 und dessen Bindung an den Promoter des 12/15-LOX Gens verhinderte. Damit konnte die Induktion der katalytisch aktiven LOX geblockt werden. In Gegensatz dazu verhinderte Zykloheximid, ein spezifischer Hemmstoff der Proteinbiosynthese, die Expression der 12/15-LOX mRNA nicht, Dieses Ergebnis deutet darauf hin, dass die Neusynthese eines Transkriptionsfaktors im Rahmen der IL-4 induzierten Transduktionskaskade unwahrscheinlich ist. Weiterhin wurde beobachtet, dass IL-4 die zelluläre Histonacetyltransferase-Aktivität stark erhöhte und dass dieser Effekt überwiegend auf die enzymatische Aktivität des (CREB-bindenden Protein)-bindenden Proteins (CBP) zurückzuführen ist. Transfektion der Zellen mit E1A, einem viralen Protein, welches als Hemmstoff der Histonacetyltransferase-Aktivität von CBP/p300 bekannt ist, führte zu einer Unterdrückung der 12/15-LOX Expression. Andererseits stimuliert Natriumbutyrat, ein Hemmstoff der Histondeacetylase, die 12/15-LOX Synthese. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Acetylierung von Histonproteinen und von STAT6 ein essentieller Prozesse bei der IL-4 induzierten 12/15-LOX Expression in A549 Zellen ist. Weiterhin belegen diese Daten, dass sowohl die Phosphorylierung als auch die Acetylierung von STAT6 an der transkriptionellen Aktivierung des 12/15-LOX Gens beteiligt sind, obwohl beide Prozesse eine unterschiedliche Kinetik aufweisen. STAT6 Phosphorylierung erfolgt innerhalb der ersten Stunde nach IL-4 Stimulation, während die Acetylierungsreaktion zeitlich verzögert abläuft. Zusammenfassend kann die Signaltransduktionskaskade, die in A549 Zellen zur Expression der 12/15-LOX führt, wie folgt beschrieben werden: IL-4 induziert über die Aktivierung von JAK-Kinasen eine Phosphorylierung von STAT6, dessen Bindung an den 12/15-LOX Promotor jedoch zunächst durch nicht-acetylierte Histonproteine verhindert wird. Nach 9-11 Stunden werden Histone und der phosphorylierte STAT6 durch die Acetyltransferase-Aktivität von CBP/p300 acetyliert. Diese Reaktion führt zu einer Veränderung der Histonstruktur, wodurch die Bindung von modifizierten STAT6 und damit die Expression des 12/15-LOX Gens ermöglicht wird. Als wesentliche zellphysiologische Konsequenz der IL-4 induzierten 12/15-LOX Expression in A549 Zellen, wurde eine Apoptoseinduktion beobachtet. Das endogene 12/15-LOX Produkt 15-HETE bindet an den Kernrezeptor PPARg und induziert damit den programmierten Zelltod. Vorinkubation von A549 Zellen mit dem LOX-Hemmstoff NDGA oder der Einsatz von PPARg Dominant Negativ Vektor verhinderten die Apoptose. Mechanistische Untersuchungen zum Ablauf des durch IL-4 induzierten Zelltodes zeigten, dass der Prozess überwiegend dem extrinsischen Mechanismus folgt, bei dem Kaspasen-8 direkt zu einer Aktivierung der Effektorkaspase-3 führt. Der mitochondriale Mechanismus (Spaltung von Bid bzw. initiale Cytochrom C Freisetzung) scheint dabei nicht involviert zu sein. Die IL-4 induzierte Apoptose könnte von patho-physiologischer Bedeutung für den Verlauf von Lungenerkrankungen sein, bei denen Zellen mit hoher konstitutiver 12/15-LOX Expression, z.B. eosinophile Granulozyten, beteiligt sind. Hepoxiline sind bioaktive Mediatoren des 12/15-LOX Weges der Arachidonsäurekaskade, die durch Isomerisierung des primären Oxygenierungsproduktes 12S-HpETE gebildet werden. Zu Beginn unserer Untersuchungen war überwiegend unklar, welche Enzyme an der Isomerisierungsreaktion beteiligt sind. Bei der Suche nach geeigneten zellulären Modellen für die Untersuchung dieser Fragestellung fanden wir heraus, dass in den Ratteninsulinom-Zellen Rinm5F, die wegen ihres Mangels an Glutathionperoxidasen eine geringe Kapazität zur Reduktion von 12S-HpETE aufweisen, die Synthese von Hepoxilin A3 (HXA3) besonders hoch ist. Da wir vermuteten, dass 12/15-LOXs für die Isomerisierung von 12S-HpETE zu HXA3 verantwortlich sein könnten, verfolgten wir eine duale Forschungsstrategie um experimentelle Hinweise für unsere Arbeitshypothese zu finden. In den 12/15-LOX exprimierenden Rinm5F Zellen führte eine Immunopräzipitation mit 12/15-LOX spezifischen Antikörper zu einen vollständigen Verlust der 12/15-LOX- und der Hepoxilinsynthase-Aktivität eines Zelllysates. Beide Aktivitäten wurden fast vollständig im Immunopräzipitat wiedergefunden. 2. Transfektion von HeLa Zellen, die selbst keine 12/15-LOX exprimieren, mit 12/15-LOX und gleichzeitige Hemmung der zellulären Glutathionperoxidasen (Depletion von GSH mit Diethlmaleat) führte zu einer deutlichen zellulären Hepoxilinsynthese. Bei entsprechenden Kontrolltransfektanten wurde diese Aktivität nicht beobachtet. Weiterhin konnte festgestellt werden, dass rekombinante 12/15-LOXs (Expression in E. coli) in vitro eine intrinsische Hepoxinsynthase-Aktivität aufweisen, wenn 12S-HpETE als Substrat angeboten wird. Diese Daten belegen, dass 12/15-LOXs neben den bisher beschriebenen katalytischen Aktivitäten (Oxygenase, Hydroperoxidase, Leukotrienesynthase) auch Hepoxilinsynthase-Aktivität aufweisen. / 12/15-Lipoxygenases (human 15-LOX-1, rat 12/15-lipoxygenase) belong to family of lipid peroxidising enzymes. The enzyme has been implicated with roles in a variety of pathological conditions such as asthma, atherosclerosis, inflammation and in cellular differentiation. The enzyme expression in most human cell types is tightly regulated by Th2 cytokines, interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interleukin-13 (IL-13). Interleukin-4 (IL-4) induces expression of reticulocyte-type 15-lipoxygenase-1 (15-LOX-1) in various mammalian cells via the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6) signaling system. 15-LOX-1 mRNA expression was first observed only 12h post IL-4 stimuation and required a minimum of 11h exposure to the cytokine. The mechanism of 15-LOX-1 induction in A549 lung epithelial cells and the observed delay was studied and it was found that genistein, a potent tyrosine kinase inhibitor, prevented phopsphorylation of STAT6, its binding to the 15-LOX-1 promoter, and the expression of catalytically active enzyme. In contrast, cycloheximide did not prevent 15-LOX-1 induction. Surprisingly, it was observed that IL-4 up-regulated the histone acetyltransferase activity of CREB-binding protein (CBP)/p300, which is responsible for acetylation of nuclear histones and STAT6. The acetylation of both proteins appears to be essential for the IL-4-induced signal transduction cascade, because inhibition of CBP/p300 by the viral wild-type E1A oncoprotein abrogated acetylation of both histones and STAT6 and strongly suppressed transcriptional activation of the 15-LOX-1 gene. Moreover, the inhibition by sodium butyrate of histone deacetylases, which apparently suppress 15-LOX-1 gene transcription, synergistically enhanced the IL-4-stimulated 15-LOX-1 expression. These data suggest that both phosphorylation and acetylation of STAT6 as well as acetylation of nuclear histones are involved in transcriptional activation of the 15-LOX-1 gene, although these reactions follow differential kinetics. STAT6 phosphorylation proceeds within the first hour of IL-4 stimulation. In contrast, CBP/p300-mediated acetylation requires 9-11 h, and similar kinetics were observed for the expression of the active enzyme. Thus, the results suggest that in the absence of IL-4, nuclear histones may be bound to regulatory elements of the 15-LOX-1 gene, preventing its transcription. IL-4 stimulation causes rapid phosphorylation of STAT6, but its binding to the promoter appears to be prevented by nonacetylated histones. After 9-11 h, when histones become acetylated, STAT6 binding sites may be demasked so that the phosphorylated and acetylated transcription factor can bind to activate gene transcription. The proinflammatory cytokine IL-4 is secreted in large amounts during allergic inflammatory response in asthma and plays a pivotal role in the airway inflammation. IL-4 has been shown to up-regulate 15-lipoxygenase and produce 15(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15(S)-HETE) in A549 cells via the Janus kinase/STAT6 pathway under coactivation of CREB binding protein/p300. IL-4 has also been shown to up-regulate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARg ) nuclear receptors in macrophages and A549 cells. In this study it is observed that 15(S)-HETE binds to PPARg nuclear receptors and induces apoptosis in A549 cells. Moreover, pre-treatment of cells with nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a 15-lipoxygenase inhibitor, prevented PPARg activation and apoptosis. The latter was accomplished by the interaction of the 15(S)-HETE/PPARg complex with the adapter protein Fas-associating protein with death domain and caspase-8, as shown by transfection of Fas-associating protein with death domain dominant negative vector and cleavage of caspase 8 to active subunits p41/42 and p18. Whereas IL-4 and PPARg ligands failed to induce cleavage of Bid and release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, they caused translocation of the proapoptotic protein Bax from cytoplasm to mitochondria with a concomitant decrease in the Bcl-XL level. The cells were, thereofre, observed to follow the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis where caspase-8 directly activates the effector caspase-3, bypassing the mitochondria. The data also suggests that in IL-4-stimulated cells the 15(S)-HETE/PPARg complex down-regulates Bcl-XL, and the translocation of Bax to the mitochondria commits the cell to apoptosis. The IL-4-induced apoptosis may contribute to severe loss of alveolar structures and infiltration of eosinophils, mononuclear phagocytes, etc., into the lung tissue as observed in chronic asthma patients. The 12(S)-lipoxygenase (12-LOX) pathway of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism after dioxygenation to 12(S)-hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoic acid is bifurcated in a reduction route to formation of 12(S)-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HpETE) and an isomerization route to formation of hepoxilins. Interestingly, rat insulinoma RINm5F cells, which are devoid of cytoplasmic glutathione peroxidase (cGPx)/phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPx), were observed to produce solely hepoxilin A3 (HXA3). Since HXA3 synthesis was abolished in heat-denatured or cGPx- or PHGPx-transfected cells, suggesting that a HXA3 synthase activity regulated by cGPx/PHGPx is present. To confirm this assumption AA was incubated with HeLa cells overexpressing the rat 12/15-LOX. Neither HXA3 nor 12(S)-HETE were detected due to abundance of cGPx/PHGPx. But, pretreatment of transfected cells with diethyl maleate, an inhibitor of glutathione and PHGPx, restored HXA3 synthase and 12-LOX activities. Moreover, recombinant rat 12/15-LOX produced HXA3 when incubated with 12-HpETE. Further confirmation was obtained by immunoprecipitation with 12/15-LOX specific antibodies. Immunoprecipitation of Rinm5F lysates results in the depletion of hepoxilin synthase activity. The hepoxilin synthase activity was localised in the immunoprecipitated protein. Thus, cells containing rat 12/15-LOX also possess an intrinsic HXA3 synthase activity, which is activated by inhibition of cGPx/PHGPx. In normal cells HXA3 is down-regulated by cGPx/PHGPx, but, it is persistently activated in oxidatively stressed cells deficient in cGPx/PHGPx, such as Rinm5F. Furthermore, formation of corresponding epoxyhydroxy products was observed when 15-HpETE was used as substrate, indicating a broad range of specificity for the enzyme.

Avaliação de fontes de selênio para ovinos / Evaluation of selenium sources to ovines

Paiva, Fernanda Alves de 22 September 2006 (has links)
O experimento foi conduzido na FZEA/USP com objetivo de comparar a utilização de fontes orgânicas de selênio (Se) com o selenito de sódio na dieta de cordeiros, pela análise da concentração de Se nos tecidos, da atividade da enzima glutationa peroxidase no fígado, do balanço metabólico e do cálculo da biodisponibilidade. Foram utilizados 40 cordeiros Suffolk, os quais foram submetidos a três fontes e três níveis de Se suplementar por 84 dias. Os tratamentos foram: tratamento 1: sem suplementação; tratamentos 2, 3 e 4: 0,2; 0,8 e 1,4 mg/kg de Se suplementar na forma de selenito de sódio; tratamentos 5, 6 e 7: 0,2; 0,8 e 1,4 mg/kg de Se suplementar na forma de Se-levedura; tratamentos 8, 9 e 10: 0,2; 0,8 e 1,4 mg/kg de Se suplementar na forma de Se-metionina. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue para dosagem sérica de Se e ao final do experimento, os animais foram abatidos para colheita de amostras de fígado, músculo e rim, para determinação dos teores de Se e da atividade da glutationa peroxidase (fígado). Nos últimos cinco dias de experimento foi realizado um balanço metabólico de Se. A biodisponibilidade foi calculada através da técnica “slope ratio", utilizando como parâmetros a concentração de selênio no fígado, músculo, rim e a atividade da glutationa peroxidase. Não houve efeito da fonte de Se utilizada na ingestão, absorção aparente e retenção de Se, atividade da glutationa peroxidase e nas concentrações de selênio no fígado, rim e soro; porém, as concentrações de selênio no músculo foram maiores nos animais suplementados com fontes orgânicas do que nos outros animais (P<0,0001). A biodisponibilidade de Se no músculo foi maior quando foram utilizadas fontes orgânicas de selênio. O uso de fontes orgânicas de Se promove maior acúmulo de Se no músculo de cordeiros e promoveria maior ingestão de Se por consumidores de carne ovina. / This research was carried out at FZEA/USP to compare the utilization of organic selenium (Se) sources to sodium selenite in lambs’ diet, through analyses of tissues Se concentrations, liver glutathione peroxidase activity, metabolic balance of Se and bioavailability assay. Forty Suffolk lambs were used and submitted to three sources and three levels of supplementary Se for 84 days. Treatments were: treatment 1: no supplement; treatments 2, 3 and 4: 0.2, 0.8 and 1.4 mg/kg of supplementary sodium selenite-selenium; treatments 5, 6 and 7: 0.2, 0.8 and 1.4 mg/kg of supplementary selenoyeast-selenium; treatments 8, 9 and 10: 0.2, 0.8 and 1.4 mg/kg of supplementary selenomethionine-selenium. Blood samples were taken to Se serum dosage and in the end of the experiment the animals were killed and samples of liver, muscle and kidney were taken to Se concentrations dosage and glutathione peroxidase activity (liver). In the last five days of the experiment, a Se metabolic balance was realized. Bioavailability was calculated by “Slope Ration Assay", using liver, muscle and kidney Se concentrations and glutathione peroxidase activity as parameters. Se sources did not affect Se intake, apparent absorption and retention, glutathione peroxidase activity and Se concentrations in liver, kidney and serum; however, selenium concentrations in muscle of animals supplied with organic sources were higher than in other animals (P<0.0001). Se bioavailability in muscle was higher when organic Se sources were used. Using organic Se sources provides higher accumulation of Se in lambs’ muscle which would provide higher Se intake to consumers of sheep meat.

Influência dos polimorfismos Pro198Leu, -602A/G e Arg5Pro na atividade da enzima glutationa peroxidase e no estado nutricional de indivíduos adultos com relação ao selênio / Influence of polymorphisms Pro198Leu, -602A/G and Arg5Pro in the glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity and at the nutritional status of adult individuals with respect to selenium.

Almondes, Kaluce Gonçalves de Sousa 16 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o estado nutricional relativo ao selênio em indivíduos adultos relacionando-o com polimorfismos no gene da enzima GPx e sua influência sobre a enzima e o balanço redox. Foram selecionados 343 estudantes da Universidade Federal do Piauí entre 20 e 50 anos, de ambos os sexos, selecionados de acordo com critérios de inclusão adotados, como ausência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) dentre outros. Sangue venoso foi coletado para análise de Se, genotipagem dos SNP da GPx1 (Pro198Leu, -602A/G e Arg5Pro), da atividade das enzimas antioxidantes (GSH-Px e SOD) eritrocitárias, malondialdeído (MDA) e capacidade de absorção de radicais de oxigênio (ORAC) plasmáticas. A análise de Se foi realizada por meio de espectrometria de absorção atômica por geração de hidretos, a genotipagem por PCR em tempo real em Step One Plus, as enzimas em analisador bioquímico automático utilizando kits comerciais, o MDA em cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e ORAC em um leitor de microplaca. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do software R 3.0.2. Foram realizados testes de comparação de duas e de mais que três médias entre as variáveis genéticas e os parâmetros de avaliação do Se e do balanço redox. Análises de regressão linear e linear generalizada foram realizadas para identificar a influência das variáveis genéticas, antropométricas, do perfil lipídico e estilo de vida sobre o Se sanguíneo e as variáveis do balanço redox. Os dados foram considerados significativos com p menor que 5%. A idade média dos participantes foi de 24,4±5,0 anos sendo 57,7% do sexo feminino. Entre os participantes, 95,7% eram carreadores do alelo Leu do SNP Pro198Leu e G do -602A/G e não possuíam quantidades mínimas de Se plasmático para otimizar a atividade da GPx. A atividade da GPx foi significativamente mais baixa e de ORAC mais alta nos indivíduos com o genótipo Leu/Leu em relação ao Pro/Pro do SNP Pro198Leu. Os indivíduos com o genótipo Arg/Pro apresentaram atividade da GPx significativamente maior que aqueles com o genótipo Arg/Arg do SNP Arg5Pro. Não houve diferença significativa entre as médias de MDA e SOD e os genótipos dos três SNP. As variáveis genéticas, de avaliação antropométrica, do perfil lipídico e estilo de vida mostraram influência sobre os marcadores do balanço redox, alterando o perfil antioxidante dos participantes. Os indivíduos são deficientes em Se e aqueles com o alelo Leu do SNP Pro198Leu apresentam em seu organismo maior concentração de ORAC, provavelmente para proteção contra radicais livres. O alelo variante do SNP Arg5Pro mostrou-se benéfico para o estado nutricional relativo ao Se. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status relative to Se of adult individuals relating it to polymorphisms in the GPx enzyme gene and its influence on the enzyme and the redox balance. We selected 343 students of the Federal University of Piauí between 20 and 50 years, of both genders, selected according to inclusion criteria, such as the absence of chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCD) among others. Venous blood was collected for analysis of Se, genotyping of SNP of GPx1 (Pro198Leu, -602A / G and Arg5Pro), the activity of antioxidant enzymes (GSH-Px and SOD) erythrocyte, malondialdehyde (MDA) and absorption capacity of plasma oxygen radicals (ORAC). The analysis of Se was performed by atomic absorption spectrometry through hydride generation, genotyping by real time PCR in Step One Plus, enzymes in automatic biochemical analyzer by the use of commercial kits, MDA analysis was conducted in high-performance liquid chromatography and ORAC in a microplate reader. Statistical analysis was obtained using the software R version 3.0.2. Comparison tests were performed with two and more than three averages between the genetic variables and the evaluation parameters from Se and redox balance. Linear regression analysis and generalized linear were carried out to identify the influence of genetic variables, anthropometric, lipid profile and lifestyle on the sanguine Se and the variables of the redox balance. Data were considered significant for p less than 5%. The average age of participants was 24.4±5.0 years and 57.7% were female. Among the participants, 95.7% were allele carriers Leu of SNP Pro198Leu and G of -602A/G, and they did not have minimal amounts of Se plasma to optimize the activity of GPx. The GPx activity was significantly lower and that of ORAC was higher in subjects with the Leu/Leu genotype compared to Pro/Pro of SNP Pro198Leu. Individuals with the Arg/Pro genotype had GPx activity significantly higher than those with genotype Arg/Arg of SNP Arg5Pro. There was no significant difference between the means of MDA and SOD of the genotypes of the three SNP. The genetic variables, anthropometric measurements, lipid profile and lifestyle showed influence on markers of redox balance by changing the antioxidant profile of the participants. Individuals are deficient in Se, and those with the Leu allele of SNP Pro198Leu present in their bodies highest concentration of ORAC, probably to protect against free radicals. The variant allele of the SNP Arg5Pro proved to be beneficial to the nutritional status of the Se.

Avaliação do estresse oxidativo sob a resposta imune de bovinos infectados pelo vírus da leucose enzoótica bovina / Evaluation of oxidative stress on the immune response of bovine leukemia virus-infected dairy cows

Souza, Fernando Nogueira de 21 May 2010 (has links)
Foi demonstrado o envolvimento das espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) na patogênese de algumas retroviroses, levando muitas vezes à progressão e/ou persistência das mesmas. No entanto, o papel das espécies reativas de oxigênio resultante da modulação do sistema antioxidante, e seu envolvimento na infecção de bovinos naturalmente infectados pelo VLEB, até o presente trabalho, não tinha sido ainda investigado. Desta forma, o presente estudo objetivou-se avaliar o envolvimento do estresse oxidativo na infecção pelo VLEB em bovinos naturalmente infectados, associado ou não ao estabelecimento da linfocitose persistente (LP). Assim, a avaliação do estresse oxidativo se deu pelo teor de malondialdeído, concentração de glutationa reduzida, atividade da glutationa peroxidase e da superóxido dismutase, e pela atividade antioxidante total; e a resposta imune pela quantificação das subpopulações de linfócitos, função fagocítica e produção intracelular de peróxido de hidrogênio de leuccitos polimorfonucleares, morte celular e proliferação linfocitária, além da avaliação hematológica e sorodiagnóstico da leucose enzoótica bovina (LEB). Os resultados do presente estudo apontaram para o envolvimento do estresse oxidativo na infecção pelo vírus da leucose enzoótica bovina, dado pela menor concentração de glutationa peroxidase e a tendência a menor atividade da superxido dismutase eritrocitárias nos animais infectados pelo VLEB, não podendo, contudo, ser associado à fase da infecção. Ademais, os marcadores de estresse oxidativo não apresentaram alterados nem sequer a atividade antioxidante total destes animais. Além disso, o presente trabalho apontou para menor proliferação de linfócitos e redução da apoptose de células CD5+ nos animais infectados pelo VLEB manifestando LP, corroborados pelo significante aumento da população de linfcitos B (CD21+), e dos principais co-marcadores das células infectadas, no caso células CD5+ e CD11b+, nestes animais. No entanto, não observou diferenças significativas na população de linfócitos T destes animais, nem sequer alteração da capacidade fagocítica e produção intracelular de peróxido de hidrogênio pela população de leucócitos polimorfonucleares nos animais infectados. / Abundant observations of multiple pathogenic interactions between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the pathogenesis of some retroviruses have drawn attention to role of ROS on disease progression and/or persistence of infection. Therefore, the role of the oxidative stress resulted from the modulation of the antioxidant system in dairy cows naturally infected with BLV has not been studied yet. So, the present study tries to investigate the involvement of oxidative stress in dairy cows naturally infected with BLV associated or not with the persistent lymphocytosis (PL). Thus, the oxidative stress was evaluated by the malondialdehyde, reduced glutathione content, and by the activity of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase, and also total antioxidant activity. The immune response was also evaluated by the quantification of lymphocyte subsets, lymphocyte proliferation, polymorfonuclear leukocytes phagocytosis and intracellular hydrogen peroxide production, and cell death. The results of the present work point out to an involvement of oxidative stress in dairy cows naturally infected with BLV, given by a lower glutathione peroxidase activity and also a tendency towards lower superoxide dismutase activity, but it can be not associated with PL. Futhermore, the oxidative stress markers and also the total antioxidant status was not altered in infected animals. The present study also showed a lower lymphocyte proliferarion and apoptosis rates of CD5+ cells, strengthen by a higher B cells (CD21+) counts and also by a significant augment of CD5+ and CD11b+ positive cells that are often co-expressed by the infected cells. Although, no significant difference was observed in T cells counts. Moreover, the phagocytosis rates and the intracellular hydrogen peroxide production by the polymorphonuclear leukocytes are not altered in BLV infected dairy cows.

Perfil redox da classificação clínica de polipose nasal / Profile redox of the clinical classification of nasal polyps

Canata, Diego Mena January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A polipose nasal (PN) é considerada uma condição inflamatória crônica da mucosa da cavidade nasal e seios paranasais de etiologia não muito clara. Há poucos dados sobre alterações epiteliais em PN e sua relação com a ação dos radicais livres. Muitas doenças estão ligadas a danos causados por espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e de nitrogênio (RNSS) e ocorrem de um desequilíbrio entre eles e antioxidantes, o que for maior atividade de espécies reativas, o que chamamos de estresse oxidativo. Objetivo: O objetivo principal deste estudo é avaliar o estresse oxidativo em pólipos removidos cirurgicamente em 3 grupos de pacientes com polipose nasal (com PN unicamente, PN associado à asma e PN associado à asma e intolerância ao ácido acetilsalicílico) a fim de elucidar possíveis diferenças no perfil redox nestes grupos. Material e Métodos: Cinquenta e nove pacientes com diagnóstico de polipose nasal foram divididos em três grupos clínicos: um grupo controle PN unicamente, um grupo asma (PN associado à asma) e um grupo Widal (PN associado à asma e intolerância ao ácido acetilsalicílico). Medição e Resultados Principais: Neste trabalho defesas enzimáticas (superóxido dismutase, consumo de peróxido de hidrogênio, glutationa peroxidase e glutationa S-transferase) e defesas não enzimáticas (glutationa total, nitritos e nitratos, vitamina C e E) foram analisados. Também foi realizada a medição de danos em lipídios (malondialdeído) e proteínas (carbonila). No grupo asma, o consumo de peróxido de hidrogênio, atividade da glutationa peroxidase, níveis de malondialdeído e vitamina E foram significativamente menores do que no grupo de controle. Também foi realizada a medição de danos em lipídios (malondialdeído) e proteínas (carbonila). No grupo Widal foram encontrados níveis significativamente maiores de glutationa e nitritos e nitratos em relação ao grupo controle. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos em relação ao nível de carbonila e glutationa, tamanho dos pólipos, atividades da superóxido dismutase e S-transferase. Conclusões: A classificação redox dos grupos de PN foi parcialmente alcançada. Os pólipos do grupo asma possuem alterações nas defesas enzimáticas relacionadas com o peróxido de hidrogênio e a peroxidação lipídica, enquanto pólipos do grupo Widal apresentaram alterações nos níveis de óxido nítrico e glutationa. / Introduction: Nasal polyposis (NP) is considered a chronic inflammatory condition of the mucosa of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses of etiology is not very clear. There are few data on epithelial changes in nasal polyposis and its relation to the action of free radicals. Many diseases are linked to damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrogen (RNSs) and occur from an imbalance between them and antioxidants, whichever is greater activity of reactive species, what we call oxidative stress. Objective: The primary objective of this study is to evaluate oxidative stress in polyps surgically removed in 3 groups of patients with nasal polyposis, in order to elucidate possible differences in redox profile in these groups. Methods: Fifty nine patients diagnosed with nasal polyposis were divided into three groups: a control group, an asthma group (NP with asthma) and a Widal group (NP with asthma and aspirin intolerance) in which patients had an association of NP, asthma and aspirin intolerance. Measurement and main results: In this work enzymatic defenses (superoxide dismutase, hydrogen peroxide consumption, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase) and non-enzymatic defenses (total glutathione, measurement of nitrites and nitrates, vitamin C and E) were analyzed. Also the measurement of damage in lipids (malondialdehyde) and proteins (carbonyl) was conducted. In the asthma group, hydrogen peroxide consumption, glutathione peroxidase activity, malondialdehyde, and vitamin E levels were significantly lower than in the control group. The Widal group showed significant higher glutathione levels, nitrite and nitrate levels than found in the control group. No differences were found among the groups regarding carbonyl level, polyp size, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione S-transferase activities. Conclusions: The redox classification of the groups of NP was partly achieved. Polyps of patients with asthma have changes in enzymatic defense pathways related to hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxidation while polyps of patients with Widal triad present changes in nitric oxide and glutathione.

Influência dos polimorfismos Pro198Leu, -602A/G e Arg5Pro na atividade da enzima glutationa peroxidase e no estado nutricional de indivíduos adultos com relação ao selênio / Influence of polymorphisms Pro198Leu, -602A/G and Arg5Pro in the glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity and at the nutritional status of adult individuals with respect to selenium.

Kaluce Gonçalves de Sousa Almondes 16 June 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o estado nutricional relativo ao selênio em indivíduos adultos relacionando-o com polimorfismos no gene da enzima GPx e sua influência sobre a enzima e o balanço redox. Foram selecionados 343 estudantes da Universidade Federal do Piauí entre 20 e 50 anos, de ambos os sexos, selecionados de acordo com critérios de inclusão adotados, como ausência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) dentre outros. Sangue venoso foi coletado para análise de Se, genotipagem dos SNP da GPx1 (Pro198Leu, -602A/G e Arg5Pro), da atividade das enzimas antioxidantes (GSH-Px e SOD) eritrocitárias, malondialdeído (MDA) e capacidade de absorção de radicais de oxigênio (ORAC) plasmáticas. A análise de Se foi realizada por meio de espectrometria de absorção atômica por geração de hidretos, a genotipagem por PCR em tempo real em Step One Plus, as enzimas em analisador bioquímico automático utilizando kits comerciais, o MDA em cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e ORAC em um leitor de microplaca. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do software R 3.0.2. Foram realizados testes de comparação de duas e de mais que três médias entre as variáveis genéticas e os parâmetros de avaliação do Se e do balanço redox. Análises de regressão linear e linear generalizada foram realizadas para identificar a influência das variáveis genéticas, antropométricas, do perfil lipídico e estilo de vida sobre o Se sanguíneo e as variáveis do balanço redox. Os dados foram considerados significativos com p menor que 5%. A idade média dos participantes foi de 24,4±5,0 anos sendo 57,7% do sexo feminino. Entre os participantes, 95,7% eram carreadores do alelo Leu do SNP Pro198Leu e G do -602A/G e não possuíam quantidades mínimas de Se plasmático para otimizar a atividade da GPx. A atividade da GPx foi significativamente mais baixa e de ORAC mais alta nos indivíduos com o genótipo Leu/Leu em relação ao Pro/Pro do SNP Pro198Leu. Os indivíduos com o genótipo Arg/Pro apresentaram atividade da GPx significativamente maior que aqueles com o genótipo Arg/Arg do SNP Arg5Pro. Não houve diferença significativa entre as médias de MDA e SOD e os genótipos dos três SNP. As variáveis genéticas, de avaliação antropométrica, do perfil lipídico e estilo de vida mostraram influência sobre os marcadores do balanço redox, alterando o perfil antioxidante dos participantes. Os indivíduos são deficientes em Se e aqueles com o alelo Leu do SNP Pro198Leu apresentam em seu organismo maior concentração de ORAC, provavelmente para proteção contra radicais livres. O alelo variante do SNP Arg5Pro mostrou-se benéfico para o estado nutricional relativo ao Se. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status relative to Se of adult individuals relating it to polymorphisms in the GPx enzyme gene and its influence on the enzyme and the redox balance. We selected 343 students of the Federal University of Piauí between 20 and 50 years, of both genders, selected according to inclusion criteria, such as the absence of chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCD) among others. Venous blood was collected for analysis of Se, genotyping of SNP of GPx1 (Pro198Leu, -602A / G and Arg5Pro), the activity of antioxidant enzymes (GSH-Px and SOD) erythrocyte, malondialdehyde (MDA) and absorption capacity of plasma oxygen radicals (ORAC). The analysis of Se was performed by atomic absorption spectrometry through hydride generation, genotyping by real time PCR in Step One Plus, enzymes in automatic biochemical analyzer by the use of commercial kits, MDA analysis was conducted in high-performance liquid chromatography and ORAC in a microplate reader. Statistical analysis was obtained using the software R version 3.0.2. Comparison tests were performed with two and more than three averages between the genetic variables and the evaluation parameters from Se and redox balance. Linear regression analysis and generalized linear were carried out to identify the influence of genetic variables, anthropometric, lipid profile and lifestyle on the sanguine Se and the variables of the redox balance. Data were considered significant for p less than 5%. The average age of participants was 24.4±5.0 years and 57.7% were female. Among the participants, 95.7% were allele carriers Leu of SNP Pro198Leu and G of -602A/G, and they did not have minimal amounts of Se plasma to optimize the activity of GPx. The GPx activity was significantly lower and that of ORAC was higher in subjects with the Leu/Leu genotype compared to Pro/Pro of SNP Pro198Leu. Individuals with the Arg/Pro genotype had GPx activity significantly higher than those with genotype Arg/Arg of SNP Arg5Pro. There was no significant difference between the means of MDA and SOD of the genotypes of the three SNP. The genetic variables, anthropometric measurements, lipid profile and lifestyle showed influence on markers of redox balance by changing the antioxidant profile of the participants. Individuals are deficient in Se, and those with the Leu allele of SNP Pro198Leu present in their bodies highest concentration of ORAC, probably to protect against free radicals. The variant allele of the SNP Arg5Pro proved to be beneficial to the nutritional status of the Se.

Avaliação de fontes de selênio para ovinos / Evaluation of selenium sources to ovines

Fernanda Alves de Paiva 22 September 2006 (has links)
O experimento foi conduzido na FZEA/USP com objetivo de comparar a utilização de fontes orgânicas de selênio (Se) com o selenito de sódio na dieta de cordeiros, pela análise da concentração de Se nos tecidos, da atividade da enzima glutationa peroxidase no fígado, do balanço metabólico e do cálculo da biodisponibilidade. Foram utilizados 40 cordeiros Suffolk, os quais foram submetidos a três fontes e três níveis de Se suplementar por 84 dias. Os tratamentos foram: tratamento 1: sem suplementação; tratamentos 2, 3 e 4: 0,2; 0,8 e 1,4 mg/kg de Se suplementar na forma de selenito de sódio; tratamentos 5, 6 e 7: 0,2; 0,8 e 1,4 mg/kg de Se suplementar na forma de Se-levedura; tratamentos 8, 9 e 10: 0,2; 0,8 e 1,4 mg/kg de Se suplementar na forma de Se-metionina. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue para dosagem sérica de Se e ao final do experimento, os animais foram abatidos para colheita de amostras de fígado, músculo e rim, para determinação dos teores de Se e da atividade da glutationa peroxidase (fígado). Nos últimos cinco dias de experimento foi realizado um balanço metabólico de Se. A biodisponibilidade foi calculada através da técnica “slope ratio”, utilizando como parâmetros a concentração de selênio no fígado, músculo, rim e a atividade da glutationa peroxidase. Não houve efeito da fonte de Se utilizada na ingestão, absorção aparente e retenção de Se, atividade da glutationa peroxidase e nas concentrações de selênio no fígado, rim e soro; porém, as concentrações de selênio no músculo foram maiores nos animais suplementados com fontes orgânicas do que nos outros animais (P<0,0001). A biodisponibilidade de Se no músculo foi maior quando foram utilizadas fontes orgânicas de selênio. O uso de fontes orgânicas de Se promove maior acúmulo de Se no músculo de cordeiros e promoveria maior ingestão de Se por consumidores de carne ovina. / This research was carried out at FZEA/USP to compare the utilization of organic selenium (Se) sources to sodium selenite in lambs’ diet, through analyses of tissues Se concentrations, liver glutathione peroxidase activity, metabolic balance of Se and bioavailability assay. Forty Suffolk lambs were used and submitted to three sources and three levels of supplementary Se for 84 days. Treatments were: treatment 1: no supplement; treatments 2, 3 and 4: 0.2, 0.8 and 1.4 mg/kg of supplementary sodium selenite-selenium; treatments 5, 6 and 7: 0.2, 0.8 and 1.4 mg/kg of supplementary selenoyeast-selenium; treatments 8, 9 and 10: 0.2, 0.8 and 1.4 mg/kg of supplementary selenomethionine-selenium. Blood samples were taken to Se serum dosage and in the end of the experiment the animals were killed and samples of liver, muscle and kidney were taken to Se concentrations dosage and glutathione peroxidase activity (liver). In the last five days of the experiment, a Se metabolic balance was realized. Bioavailability was calculated by “Slope Ration Assay”, using liver, muscle and kidney Se concentrations and glutathione peroxidase activity as parameters. Se sources did not affect Se intake, apparent absorption and retention, glutathione peroxidase activity and Se concentrations in liver, kidney and serum; however, selenium concentrations in muscle of animals supplied with organic sources were higher than in other animals (P<0.0001). Se bioavailability in muscle was higher when organic Se sources were used. Using organic Se sources provides higher accumulation of Se in lambs’ muscle which would provide higher Se intake to consumers of sheep meat.

Entwicklung eines Dual-Luciferase-Reportergen-Assays zum Nachweis der Induktion antioxidativer Enzyme durch Nahrungsbestandteile / Establishment of a reporter gene assay for the determination of induction of antioxidative enzymes by food components

Wiencierz, Anne Maria January 2008 (has links)
Die Induktion antioxidativer Enzyme gilt als eine Möglichkeit, die antioxidative Kapazität von Zellen zu steigern und dadurch mit oxidativem Stress assoziierten Erkrankungen (z. B. Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Neurodegeneration, Atherosklerose) vorzubeugen. Ausgehend davon wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit der Dual-Luciferase-Reportergen-(DLR)-Assay zum Nachweis der Induktion der antioxidativen Enzyme Katalase (CAT), zytosolische Glutathion-Peroxidase (GPX1) und Kupfer-Zink-Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD1) entwickelt. Im Zuge dessen wurden drei Säugetierzelllinien (CaCo2, IEC-18, V79) auf ihre Eignung zur Modellzelllinie untersucht. Aufgrund der Transfektionseffizienz wurde die Fibroblastenzelllinie V79 ausgewählt. Zur Gewährleistung eines hohen Substanzdurchsatzes des DLR-Assays wurden bei der Etablierung Parameter wie Kulturplattenformat, DNA-Menge, Luciferasen-Kinetik berücksichtigt. Nach erfolgreicher Etablierung des Versuchs im 96-Well-Format wurden L-Carnitin, Catechin, Epigallocatechingallat, Genistein, Wasserstoffperoxid (H2O2), Natrium-Ascorbat, Paraquat, Quercetin, 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetat (TPA) und Trolox in nicht-zytotoxischen Konzentrationen hinsichtlich der Aktivierung des Ratten-CAT-, des humanen GPX1- und des humanen SOD1-Promotors untersucht. Die Bestimmung der maximal tolerierbaren Behandlungskonzentration erfolgte im Vorfeld mittels Resazurintest. Von den zehn Verbindungen zeichneten sich drei Substanzen als potente Induktoren für die SOD1 und die GPX1 aus. Die 24-stündige Behandlung von mit Reportergenkonstrukten transient transfizierten V79-Zellen mit 100 µM Paraquat resultierte in einer Verdopplung der relativen SOD1-Promotor-Aktivität und einer Erhöhung der relativen GPX1-Promotor-Aktivität auf 1,6 bzw. 1,7. Die Stimulation mit 20 µM Genistein oder 10 µM Quercetin führte wiederum zu einer Verdopplung bis Verdreifachung der relativen SOD1- und GPX1-Promotor-Aktivität. Der Promotor der Rattenkatalase konnte demgegenüber nur durch 50 µM H2O2 aktiviert werden (1,5fach). Für diesen DLR-Assays bieten sich folglich Genistein, Quercetin wie auch H2O2 als Referenzsubstanzen an. Um aber eine qualitative Charakterisierung der einzelnen Verbindungen hinsichtlich ihres Induktionspotentials zu gewährleisten, sollten von allen getesteten Substanzen Dosis-Wirkungskurven aufgenommen werden. Zudem wird für den routinemäßigen Einsatz die Verwendung stabil transfizierter Zellen zur Vermeidung von mit der Transfektion verbundenen experimentellen Schwankungen empfohlen. / The induction of antioxidative enzymes might be an opportunity to elevate the cellular antioxidative capacity and, thus, to prevent oxidative stress associated diseases (e. g. cardio-vascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, atherosclerosis). Based on this idea the dual luciferase reporter gene (DLR) assay was developed to demonstrate the induction of three antioxidative enzymes: catalase (CAT), cytosolic glutathione peroxidase (GPX1), and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1). In the course of the development three mammalian cell lines (CaCo2, IEC-18, V79) were tested for their ability to serve as a model cell line. The line V79 was chosen due to the transfection efficiency. To give consideration to a high-throughput several parameters were studied (e. g. format of the cultural plates, amount of DNA, kinetics of the luciferases) and the DLR assay was successfully established in 96 well plates. Subsequently, L-carnitine, catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, genistein, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), sodium ascorbate, paraquat, quercetin, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and trolox were tested in non-cytotoxic concentrations for the activation of the rat CAT, human GPX1 and human SOD1 promoter. The maximally tolerable concentrations were determined by resazurin test in advance. Three out of these ten compounds were identified as potent inducers of GPX1 and SOD1. Stimulation of reporter gene construct transient transfected V79 cells for 24 hours with 100 µM paraquat caused a duplication of the relative GPX1 promoter activity and a 1.6-/1.7-fold increase of the relative SOD1 promoter activity. The incubation with 20 µM gen-istein or 10 µM quercetin resulted in duplication to triplication of both, the relative GPX1 and SOD1 promoter activity. In contrast, the rat CAT promoter was activated by 50 µM H2O2 (1.5-fold). Consequently, genistein, quercetin, and H2O2 are considered to be suitable reference substances for this DLR assay. To further characterize the inducing potential of the tested compounds all of them should be tested in different concentrations. Furthermore, for the routinely performed DLR assay it is recommended to use stably transfected cells to eliminate transfection caused variations.

Das Selenoprotein Glutathionperoxidase-2 : physiologische Funktion und Einfluss auf die entzündungsassoziierte Colonkarzinogenese / The selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase-2 : physiological function and influence on inflammation triggered coloncarcinogenesis

Krehl, Susanne January 2011 (has links)
Bei der Entdeckung der Glutathionperoxidase-2 (GPx2) wurde zunächst davon ausgegangen, dass die Funktion dieses Enzyms im Kryptengrund des Colons einzig in der Reduktion von H2O2 besteht. Im Laufe der weiteren Erforschung zeigte sich, dass GPx2 auch in verschiedenen Tumorgeweben vermehrt exprimiert wird. Dabei wird diskutiert, ob die Wirkung von GPx2 im Tumor eher als pro- oder als antikarzinogen einzustufen ist. Mehrere Experimente in vitro und in vivo zeigten antiinflammatorische Eigenschaften der GPx2. Aufgrund dieser Befunde wird derzeit über weitere Funktionen der GPx2 spekuliert. In dieser Arbeit wurde die physiologische Funktion von GPx2 näher erforscht, dazu wurden Wildtyp- und GPx2-Knockout-Mäuse in Hinblick auf Veränderungen der Enzymexpression und der Colonmorphologie untersucht. Es wurden drei verschiedene Selendiäten verfüttert: selenarmes, selenadäquates und selensupplementiertes Futter. Unter physiologischen Bedingungen ist am Kryptengrund des Colons, innerhalb der proliferierenden Zone, die Mitoserate am höchsten. Der Großteil der apoptotischen Zellen ist hingegen an der Kryptenspitze vorzufinden. Durch den Knockout von GPx2 kam es zu einer signifikanten Erhöhung der Apoptoserate am Kryptengrund. Dabei war der größte Effekt auf selenarmem Futter zu verzeichnen. Hierbei wurde sogar eine Veränderung der Colonmorphologie dokumentiert, da die Verschiebung der Proliferationszone in Richtung Kryptenspitze eine Verlängerung der Krypten nach sich zog. Im Wildtyp wurden keine Apoptosen im Kryptengrund detektiert. GPx1 wird unter physiologischen Bedingungen im Gegensatz zur GPx2 in der Kryptenspitze exprimiert und ist im Selenmangel nicht mehr detektierbar. Der Knockout von GPx2 erhöhte die GPx1-Expression im Kryptengrund auf allen drei Selendiäten. Diese Überexpression von GPx1 am Kryptengrund soll vermutlich den Verlust von GPx2 an dieser Stelle kompensieren. Da jedoch dort die massive Apoptoserate detektiert wurde, kann die GPx1 nicht die komplette Funktion von GPx2 kompensieren. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Funktion von GPx2 nicht nur in der Reduktion von H2O2 liegt. Vielmehr kann eine Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung der Homöostase von Zellen postuliert werden. Ein weiterer Bestandteil dieser Arbeit war die Klärung der Frage, welchen Einfluss GPx2 auf die entzündungsassoziierte Colonkarzinogenese ausübt. In dem hierfür verwendeten AOM/DSS-Model wird der karzinogene Prozess durch Entzündung vorangetrieben. Es erfolgte sowohl im Wildtyp als auch im GPx2-Knockout zum einen die Bewertung des Entzündungsstatus des Colons und zum anderen wurde die Anzahl von ACF und Tumoren verglichen. Das Colon im GPx2-Knockout war wesentlich stärker entzündet als im Wildtyp. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen die für die GPx2 postulierte antiinflammatorische Funktion. Normalerweise führt eine Erhöhung der Mitoseanzahl zur Regeneration des entzündeten Gewebes. Jedoch beeinflusst der Verlust von GPx2 vermutlich den Ablauf der Entzündung, indem beispielsweise die Regeneration des Gewebes durch die enorm hohe Apoptoserate am Kryptengrund verlangsamt wird. Des Weiteren hatten sich im GPx2-Knockout tendenziell mehr Tumore entwickelt. Somit korrelierte die Entzündung des Colons mit der Entwicklung von Tumoren. Der Verlust von GPx2 begünstigte vermutlich sowohl die Tumorinitiation als auch die Tumorprogression. Allerdings stimulierte die Expression von GPx2 ebenfalls das Tumorwachstum. Es kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass eine adäquate GPx2-Expression vor Entzündung schützt und somit das Risiko für Colonkrebs senkt. Ob GPx2 aber insgesamt pro- oder antikarzinogen wirkt, hängt vermutlich vom Stadium des Colonkarzinogenese ab. / Since the detection of glutathione peroxidase-2 (GPx2) it was assumed that reducing hydroperoxides is the only function of this enzyme in the crypt ground of the colon. But further studies showed that GPx2 is also highly expressed in tumor tissue. However, it is not known whether it acts a pro- or anticarcinogenic manner at this site. In vitro and in vivo experiments elucidate antiinflammatory features of GPx2, based on these findings additional functions of GPx2 are discussed. In this dissertation the physiological function of GPx2 was investigated. For this purpose in wild type and GPx2-knockout mice, changes of enzyme expression and colon morphology were analyzed. The mice were fed three diets containing different selenium concentrations: selenium deficient, selenium adequate and selenium supplemented. Under physiological conditions the mitosis rate is highest in the proliferating zone in the crypt ground of the colon. The majority of apoptotic cells are located at the tip of the crypt. The knockout of GPx2 significantly increased the rate of apoptosis in the crypt ground. The greatest effect was documented on the selenium deficient diet. Here, changes of the colonic morphology were detectable, because the shift of the proliferating zone towards the tip of the crypt lead to an extension of the crypts. In the wild type mice no apoptotic cells were detected on the crypt ground. Under physiological conditions GPx1, in contrast to GPx2, is mainly expressed on the top of the crypt, and this enzyme is no longer detectable under selenium deficiency. The knockout of GPx2 increased the expression of GPx1 in the crypt ground of the colon on all three selenium diets. It is likely that this over expression of GPx1 compensates for the loss of GPx2. However the massive apoptotic rate in the crypt ground shows that GPx1 can not compensate the complete function of GPx2. These results elucidate that GPx2 not only functions as a hydroperoxide reducer, but that it is also important for the maintenance of the stem cell character and the homeostasis of cells. The question if GPx2 influences the inflammation triggered by the coloncarcinogenic process was next assessed in this dissertation. Therefore the AOM/DSS model was used to trigger the carcinogenic process through inflammation. The amount of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and tumors in the colon were analyzed in both wild type and GPx2-knockout mice. However initially the inflammation status was compared between the two genotypes. The inflammation of the colon was stronger in the GPx2-knockout mice than in wild type. These results support the postulated antiinflammatory features of GPx2. The loss of GPx2 may influence the inflammation process by decelerating the regeneration of the tissue caused by the increased apoptotic rate in the proliferating zone. Additionally, the GPx2-knockout mice developed more tumors in the colon. Therefore the inflammation of the colon correlated with the development of tumors. The loss of GPx2 may have enhanced both tumor initiation and progression. But the expression of GPx2 also stimulated the growth of tumors. These results indicate that an adequate GPx2-expression can protect from colonic inflammation, and therefore decrease the risk of developing colon cancer. Whether GPx2 acts in a pro- or anticarcinogenic manner appears to depend on the state of the carcinogenic process.

Characterization of a novel soybean candidate glutathione peroxidase/thioredoxin-dependent peroxidase under salt stress

Adams, Ruqaiyah January 2012 (has links)
The study aimed to investigate the following: 1. Investigate a putative glutathione peroxidase gene (Glyma17g34110) within Glycine max by an in silico analysis and spatial expression. 2. Determine the effects of exogenously applied nitric oxide on the expression of Glyma17g34110. 3. Investigate the antioxidant mechanism with attention to Glyma17g34110,reactive oxygen species and cell death in the response to salt stress. 4. Establish whether Glyma17g34110 is a glutathione peroxidase or thioredoxindependent peroxidase gene. / Magister Scientiae - MSc

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