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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a reporter gene assay for PXR mediated CYP3A4 induction

Nylén, Frank January 2008 (has links)
PXR mediated elevation of CYP3A4 expression is a costly problem in drug development as well as a clinical problem due to clinically important drug interactions caused by the enzyme induction. CYP3A4 is responsible for the metabolism of more than 50% of the drugs commonly used today. Many of these, as well as other compounds e.g. in herbal medicines can induce transcription of CYP3A4 and thereby enhance the metabolism of other drugs, rendering them ineffective or more toxic. By using an in vitro assay for CYP3A4 induction, tests can be performed on candidate drugs early in development and thereby save time and resources since CYP3A4 inducers are eliminated from further development. A reporter gene assay was constructed by inserting three modules, which includes PXR binding sites isolated from the CYP3A4 sequence, in front of a luciferase gene. This construct was transfected together with PXR into HEK 293 cells. Induction was evoked by adding rifampicin, a known CYP3A4 inducer, to the medium. After lysis of the HEK cells and addition of luciferase substrate, luminescence intensity was recorded as a measure of induction. The construct worked and consistently showed induction by rifampicin, but could be further improved to yield higher sensitivity.

Development of a reporter gene assay for PXR mediated CYP3A4 induction

Nylén, Frank January 2008 (has links)
<p>PXR mediated elevation of CYP3A4 expression is a costly problem in drug development as well as a clinical problem due to clinically important drug interactions caused by the enzyme induction. CYP3A4 is responsible for the metabolism of more than 50% of the drugs commonly used today. Many of these, as well as other compounds e.g. in herbal medicines can induce transcription of CYP3A4 and thereby enhance the metabolism of other drugs, rendering them ineffective or more toxic. By using an in vitro assay for CYP3A4 induction, tests can be performed on candidate drugs early in development and thereby save time and resources since CYP3A4 inducers are eliminated from further development. A reporter gene assay was constructed by inserting three modules, which includes PXR binding sites isolated from the CYP3A4 sequence, in front of a luciferase gene. This construct was transfected together with PXR into HEK 293 cells. Induction was evoked by adding rifampicin, a known CYP3A4 inducer, to the medium. After lysis of the HEK cells and addition of luciferase substrate, luminescence intensity was recorded as a measure of induction. The construct worked and consistently showed induction by rifampicin, but could be further improved to yield higher sensitivity.</p>

The suitability of estrogen and androgen bioassays for the measurement of endocrine activity in different water matrices

Ngcobo, Silindile January 2017 (has links)
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are ubiquitous in the environment and their presence in water bodies is documented. They discharge into surface water (SW) unmonitored, posing a threat to both aquatic and terrestrial lives. This is a challenge as not all populations have access to treated drinking water (TDW). The EDC contaminated serves as a route of exposure, together with ineffective treatment plants. Given the complexity of the endocrine system, EDCs may mimic or antagonise natural hormones or disrupt their synthesis, metabolism and excretion. The associated health effects include testicular dysgenesis syndrome, metabolic disorders and cancers. Policy and internationally standardised test methods are however sti ll limited. This study therefore aimed to assess the suitability of two assays used for screening estrogenic activity and one for androgenic activity in different water sources. The study consisted of two phases. In phase 1, water sample (tap, surface and treated wastewater) were collected from a catchment area in Pretoria. The samples and a spiked MilliQ laboratory water sample were extracted with solid phase extraction (SPE) and sent to Germany for distribution to participating laboratories. Samples (n=24) from six different countries were received to test for androgenic activity in the MDA-kb2 reporter gene assay. In phase 2, SW and TDW samples were collected from April 2015 until March 2016. The samples were filtered, extracted using SPE and assayed with the YES assay, T47D-KBluc reporter gene assay for estrogenic activity and MDA-kb2 reporter gene assay for androgenic activity. In phase 1, androgenic activity was detected in 4 out of 24 (21%) samples and ranged from 0.23 ± 0.040 ng/L to 0.008 ± 0.001 ng/L DHTEqs. In phase 2, estrogenic activity was detected in 16 out of 24 (67%) SW samples in the T47DKBluc reporter gene assay and ranged from 0.31 ± 0.05 pg/L to 10.51 ± 5.74 pg/L EEqs. It was below the detection limit (dl) in the YES assay. Androgenic activity was detected in 4 out of 24 (17%) SW samples, ranging from 0.0033 ± 0.0050 ng/L to 0.090 ± 0.040 ng/L DHTEqs. Androgenic and estrogenic activity was higher i n pretreatment samples compared to post-treatment in both treatment plants. In phase 1, the MDA-kb2 reporter gene assay was successfully applied to water samples from different sources. Androgenic activity was highest in treated wastewater. In phase 2, treatment plants proved to be effective in removing estrogens detected in the SW samples, as the TDW samples were below the dl. Estrogenic activity is within the ranges reported in other studies. Positive samples were below the 0.7 ng/L proposed trigger value for health risk assessments. Detected androgenic activity was lower in TDW samples compared to the SW samples supplying the two treatment plants indicating that they were both effective in removing the androgenic activity detected. Few studies have reported androgenic activity in tap water. This study strengthens the argument for using a battery of assays when monitoring endocrine activity as EDCs occur at low concentrations in mixtures. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH) / MSc / Unrestricted

Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Victorian Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents

Cindi Mispagel Unknown Date (has links)
The project involved the study of 12 Victorian municipal wastewater treatment plant discharges. These included lagoon-based plants and those with activated sludge based processes. Permission was obtained from all the relevant water authorities to collect samples of final effluent at point of discharge to the environment, whether that was to a creek, a river, the ocean, or the land. Samples were collected in November 2003, and then again in April and June 2004, and subjected to a number of biological and chemical analyses, including toxicity tests, measurement of hormonal (estrogenic) activity using yeast-based bioassays, and the measurement of specific hormonal concentrations (17-estradiol) using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Almost all of the effluents examined showed estrogenic activity, to a greater or lesser extent (no response to 55 ng/L 17β-estradiol equivalents). On the whole, the levels of estrogenic activity observed were to the lower end of the range observed overseas in the northern hemisphere, and comparable with that recently reported in Australia and New Zealand using similar, human-estrogen receptor based assays (no response to ~ 10 ng/L 17β-estradiol equivalents). The reassuring low/no assay response is bolstered by the chemical assessment of estradiol concentrations by ELISA, which returned concentrations of these compounds for the most part in the range 2-5 ng/L. From an aquatic environmental perspective, it is difficult to say with any certainty what the potential risk to aquatic organisms in waters receiving these effluents will be. Typically, in environmental risk assessment one first looks to agreed national or international guideline or trigger values for the type of waters being assessed. In this case, there are as yet no guideline values. Without guideline values to drive the assessment, then one compares a chemical’s concentration in a sample (in this case a WWTP effluent) with data obtained from toxicological experiments in which the concentration known to elicit a specific effect has been determined. In this case, levels of 17β-estradiol were typically between the lowest reported level to induce the production of Female-indicative proteins in male fish (plasma vitellogen; 1 ng/L), and the lowest concentration of known to induce intersex in fish (8 ng/L). Consequently, such levels in a WWTP discharge are likely to be an environmental risk if there is little or no dilution of the discharge by the receiving water, i.e. discharge represents major component of stream flow. In short, to truly assess the risk (hormonal impact) of these WWTP effluents, in vivo testing needs to be undertaken, ideally with a representative native species but failing that with a ‘standard’ species such as the fathead minnow. When this programme began, the ‘watching brief’, being held in Australia on the topic of endocrine disrupting chemicals and their potential effects on aquatic wildlife was considered too passive by many. It still is, by some. Despite the assurance the results may provide (of minimal impact in most cases if there is significant dilution), there is still a need for further extensive on-ground, reassurance research to provide data for higher-level risk assessment by industry and government agencies.


Daoud, Mohamad January 2014 (has links)
Biologiska läkemedel är stora molekyler som har renats eller producerats från ett biologiskt ursprung. De används idag i stor utsträckning runt om i världen på grund av deras effektivitet att minska symtomen som kan uppstå vid olika mycket svåra sjukdomar. Detta arbete fokuserar på biologiska läkemedel som hämmar cytokinet tumörnekrotisk faktor (TNF). Läkemedlen används bland annat vid svåra autoimmuna sjukdomar. Vid autoimmuna sjukdomar aktiveras cellerna i immunsystemet vilket leder till utsöndring av olika cytokiner till exempel interleukin 1 och TNF. Dessa cytokiner påverkar kroppen på olika sätt genom att aktivera eller inhibera vissa produktionsprocesser i kroppen. Syftet med projektet var att verifiera en cellbaserad metod som används för koncentrationsmätning av det biologiska läkemedlet Infliximab (en TNF antagonist) i patientserum. Metoden som används i detta projekt kallas för reporter gene assay och den baseras på användning av en iLite cellinje. iLite är humana erytroleukemiceller K562 som är transfekterade med nukleär faktor kappa-B. Denna faktor aktiveras när TNF binder sig till TNF receptorer på cellytan. Aktiveringen av denna faktor leder till produktion av enzymet Eldflugeluciferas. Produktionen av enzymet är indirekt proportionell mot koncentrationen av TNF antagonist i serum. Dessutom innehåller cellerna en reporter gen för Renilla luciferas som uttrycks konstant. Renilla luciferas används som en internkontroll för att normalisera variationer som kan orsakas av provhantering samt transfektionseffektivitet. Luminescensen som utvecklas på grund av inverkan av Eldflugeluciferas på luciferas substrat samt inverkan av Renilla luciferas på stopp substrat mäts med hjälp av en luminometer. Dag-till-dag variationen för fem analyserade prov som analyserades vid fyra olika tillfällen var mellan 5 - 28 %, lot-till-lot variationen för fyra prov som analyserades fyra gånger vid fyra olika tillfällen var mellan 14 - 21 %. Alla normala serumprover från friska frivilliga blodgivare var negativa med en koncentration av Infliximab mindre än 0,65 µg/ ml. Resultaten visar att metoden är stabil och känslig jämfört med Biomonitors resultat. Dessutom visar resultaten att medelvärden av de olika körningarna från Euro Diagnostica (ett laboratorium som tillverkar immunologiska kit, Malmö) korrelerar väl med resultaten från Biomonitors laboratorium i Köpenhamn. Korrelationen för 19 analyserade prov var 0,99. / Biological drugs are large molecules that have been purified from or produced from a biological origin. They are used in great extent around the whole world because of their efficiency in reducing the symptoms of very severe diseases. The present work focus on biological drugs that inhibit tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Biological drugs are used for treatment of different autoimmune diseases. In autoimmune diseases activated cells of the immune system leads to secretion of various cytokines such as interleukin 1 and TNF. These cytokines affect the body in different ways by activating or inhibiting certain processes in the body. The purpose of this project was to verify a cell-based method which used for concentration measurement of the biological drug Infliximab (a TNF antagonist) in patient serum. The method which used in this project is called the reporter gene assay, and it is based on the use of an iLite cell line. iLite are human erythroleukemia K562 cells which are transfected with the nuclear factor kappa-B. This factor is activated when the tumor necrosis factor binds to its receptors on the cell surface. The activation of this factor leads to the production of the enzyme Firefly luciferase. Production of the enzyme is indirectly proportional to the concentration of TNF antagonist in the serum. Moreover, the cells contain a reporter gene for Renilla luciferase which is under constant expression. Renilla luciferase is used as an internal control to normalize the variations that may be caused by sample handling and transfection efficiency. The luminescence developed due to the influence of Firefly luciferase on luciferase substrate and Renilla luciferase on stop substrate is measured by using a luminometer. Day-to-day variations for five samples were analyzed at four different times were between 5 - 28 % while variations of lot-to-lot of 4 samples were analyzed at four different times were 14 - 21 %. The concentration of Infliximab in all the serum samples from healthy volunteer blood donors were less than 0.65 µg / ml. The results show that the method is robust and sensitive as compared to Biomonitors results. Furthermore, the results show that the mean value of the different runs from Euro Diagnostica (a laboratory that produces immunological kits, Malmö) for day-to-day and lot-to-lot variation agrees quite well with those from Biomonitors laboratory in Copenhagen. The correlation for the nineteen analyzed samples was 0.99.

Entwicklung eines Dual-Luciferase-Reportergen-Assays zum Nachweis der Induktion antioxidativer Enzyme durch Nahrungsbestandteile / Establishment of a reporter gene assay for the determination of induction of antioxidative enzymes by food components

Wiencierz, Anne Maria January 2008 (has links)
Die Induktion antioxidativer Enzyme gilt als eine Möglichkeit, die antioxidative Kapazität von Zellen zu steigern und dadurch mit oxidativem Stress assoziierten Erkrankungen (z. B. Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Neurodegeneration, Atherosklerose) vorzubeugen. Ausgehend davon wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit der Dual-Luciferase-Reportergen-(DLR)-Assay zum Nachweis der Induktion der antioxidativen Enzyme Katalase (CAT), zytosolische Glutathion-Peroxidase (GPX1) und Kupfer-Zink-Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD1) entwickelt. Im Zuge dessen wurden drei Säugetierzelllinien (CaCo2, IEC-18, V79) auf ihre Eignung zur Modellzelllinie untersucht. Aufgrund der Transfektionseffizienz wurde die Fibroblastenzelllinie V79 ausgewählt. Zur Gewährleistung eines hohen Substanzdurchsatzes des DLR-Assays wurden bei der Etablierung Parameter wie Kulturplattenformat, DNA-Menge, Luciferasen-Kinetik berücksichtigt. Nach erfolgreicher Etablierung des Versuchs im 96-Well-Format wurden L-Carnitin, Catechin, Epigallocatechingallat, Genistein, Wasserstoffperoxid (H2O2), Natrium-Ascorbat, Paraquat, Quercetin, 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetat (TPA) und Trolox in nicht-zytotoxischen Konzentrationen hinsichtlich der Aktivierung des Ratten-CAT-, des humanen GPX1- und des humanen SOD1-Promotors untersucht. Die Bestimmung der maximal tolerierbaren Behandlungskonzentration erfolgte im Vorfeld mittels Resazurintest. Von den zehn Verbindungen zeichneten sich drei Substanzen als potente Induktoren für die SOD1 und die GPX1 aus. Die 24-stündige Behandlung von mit Reportergenkonstrukten transient transfizierten V79-Zellen mit 100 µM Paraquat resultierte in einer Verdopplung der relativen SOD1-Promotor-Aktivität und einer Erhöhung der relativen GPX1-Promotor-Aktivität auf 1,6 bzw. 1,7. Die Stimulation mit 20 µM Genistein oder 10 µM Quercetin führte wiederum zu einer Verdopplung bis Verdreifachung der relativen SOD1- und GPX1-Promotor-Aktivität. Der Promotor der Rattenkatalase konnte demgegenüber nur durch 50 µM H2O2 aktiviert werden (1,5fach). Für diesen DLR-Assays bieten sich folglich Genistein, Quercetin wie auch H2O2 als Referenzsubstanzen an. Um aber eine qualitative Charakterisierung der einzelnen Verbindungen hinsichtlich ihres Induktionspotentials zu gewährleisten, sollten von allen getesteten Substanzen Dosis-Wirkungskurven aufgenommen werden. Zudem wird für den routinemäßigen Einsatz die Verwendung stabil transfizierter Zellen zur Vermeidung von mit der Transfektion verbundenen experimentellen Schwankungen empfohlen. / The induction of antioxidative enzymes might be an opportunity to elevate the cellular antioxidative capacity and, thus, to prevent oxidative stress associated diseases (e. g. cardio-vascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, atherosclerosis). Based on this idea the dual luciferase reporter gene (DLR) assay was developed to demonstrate the induction of three antioxidative enzymes: catalase (CAT), cytosolic glutathione peroxidase (GPX1), and copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1). In the course of the development three mammalian cell lines (CaCo2, IEC-18, V79) were tested for their ability to serve as a model cell line. The line V79 was chosen due to the transfection efficiency. To give consideration to a high-throughput several parameters were studied (e. g. format of the cultural plates, amount of DNA, kinetics of the luciferases) and the DLR assay was successfully established in 96 well plates. Subsequently, L-carnitine, catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, genistein, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), sodium ascorbate, paraquat, quercetin, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and trolox were tested in non-cytotoxic concentrations for the activation of the rat CAT, human GPX1 and human SOD1 promoter. The maximally tolerable concentrations were determined by resazurin test in advance. Three out of these ten compounds were identified as potent inducers of GPX1 and SOD1. Stimulation of reporter gene construct transient transfected V79 cells for 24 hours with 100 µM paraquat caused a duplication of the relative GPX1 promoter activity and a 1.6-/1.7-fold increase of the relative SOD1 promoter activity. The incubation with 20 µM gen-istein or 10 µM quercetin resulted in duplication to triplication of both, the relative GPX1 and SOD1 promoter activity. In contrast, the rat CAT promoter was activated by 50 µM H2O2 (1.5-fold). Consequently, genistein, quercetin, and H2O2 are considered to be suitable reference substances for this DLR assay. To further characterize the inducing potential of the tested compounds all of them should be tested in different concentrations. Furthermore, for the routinely performed DLR assay it is recommended to use stably transfected cells to eliminate transfection caused variations.

In vitro 3D fluorescent cell-based assay reporting gene regulation for high-throughput drug screening

Li, You 27 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Using effect-based methods to evaluate the presence of bioactive compounds in food contact materials made of paper and cardboard

Wänn, Mimmi January 2021 (has links)
Food contact materials are materials that are intended to come into contact with food, and we are exposed to different types of chemicals that exist in the packages on a daily basis. In this study, a battery of effect‑based in vitro cellular bioassays was used to evaluate the presence of bioactive compounds in commonly used food contact materials made of paper and cardboard, retrieved from the Swedish market. Sample extracts were tested at concentrations 0.3, 1, 3 and 10 mg food contact material/mL cell culture medium. The use of effect-based bioassays allowed for screening of multiple health-relevant endpoints in a non-targeted approach. Hence, taking unknown substances and mixtures into consideration when addressing potential toxicity of the materials. In essence, detection of bioactivity could be considered as moderate to high in assays of positive effects. Antiandrogenic and antiestrogenic effects were found in 72% of the samples, followed by 47% bioactivity in the Nrf2 assay. No androgenic effect was detected. Usage of effect-based bioassays allows for high sensitivity and low detection limits, and these can be used as a first approach to evaluate package materials to ensure the safety of consumers. / Livsmedelsförpackningar är material som är avsedda att komma i kontakt med livsmedel. Vi exponeras för olika typer av kemikalier som existerar i dessa förpackningar varje dag. I denna studie användes ett batteri av effektbaserade in vitro bioanalytiska metoder för att undersöka förekomst av bioaktiva ämnen i vanligen använda livsmedelsförpackningar tillverkade av papper och kartong, insamlade från den svenska marknaden. Provextrakten testades i koncentrationerna 0.3, 1, 3 och 10 mg livsmedelsförpackning/mL cellmedium. Att använda effektbaserade bioanalyser möjliggör undersökning av flertalet hälsorelevanta effekter genom en icke-riktad strategi. På så sätt tas okända substanser och komplexa blandningar i beaktande. Andelen bioaktiva prover kan anses måttlig till hög för positiva analyser. Antiandrogena och antiöstrogena effekter detekterades i 72% av proverna, följt av 47% bioaktivitet i Nrf2 analysen. Ingen agonistisk androgen effekt observerades. Att använda effektbaserade bioanalyser möjliggör hög sensitivitet och detektion vid låga koncentrationer, därför kan dessa användas som ett första steg för att evaluera förpackningsmaterial för att säkra konsumenternas hälsa.

Aufbau eines Reportergenassays zur Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung endokriner Disruptoren mit der T 3-regulierten Transaktivierung

Hofmann, Peter Josef 27 August 2008 (has links)
Das Schilddrüsenhormon Triiodthyronin (T3) ist ein essenzieller Regulator physiologischer Prozesse der Entwicklung, des Wachstums und im Intermediärstoffwechsel. Täglich werden zahlreiche natürliche und synthetische Stoffe aufgenommen, die mit dem endokrinen System interferieren und deshalb als Endokrine Disruptoren (ED) bezeichnet werden. Zur Untersuchung einer direkten Interferenz von ED mit den Schilddrüsenhormonrezeptoren (TR) und ihrer transkriptionellen Aktivität wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein neues Luziferase-basiertes T3 Reportergensystem mit TRalpha1-transfizierten humanen Leberzellen aufgebaut. Durch Validierung mit dem synthetischen TR-Agonisten GC-1 und dem Antagonisten NH-3 konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass dieser Assay ein hoch-sensitives System zur Analyse von agonistischen sowie antagonistischen Effekten von Testsubtanzen darstellt. Zur Bestimmung der endokrinen Aktivitäten einiger humanrelevanter Vertreter aus den Stoffkategorien der Nahrungsmittel, Kosmetika, Pestizide und Industriechemikalien wurden Dosis-Wirkungskurven in Aktivierungs- und T3-Kompetitionsexperimenten ermittelt. In mikromolaren Konzentrationen wirkten von insgesamt 21 Testsubstanzen einige als reine Agonisten oder Antagonisten während andere gemischt agonistische/antagonistische Effekte hatten. Aufgrund ihrer hier beobachteten Effekte und der gegebenen Humanexposition wird eine eingehendere Analyse von 4-Methylbenzyliden Campher, 4-Nonylphenol, Acetochlor, Benzophenon 2, Benzophenon 3, Bisphenol A, Genistein, Octylmethoxycinnamat, Tetrabromobisphenol A und Xanthohumol empfohlen. Außerdem erwiesen sich einige Metaboliten von Schilddrüsenhormonen als potente Agonisten im T3-Reportergenassay und bedürfen weiterer Aufmerksamkeit. Für die molekulare Charakterisierung der Einflüsse solcher Substanzen auf die T3-regulierte Transaktivierung konnte mit dem hier etablierten Bioassay ein zuverlässiges neues Testsystem für reproduzierbare Screeningserien geschaffen werden. / Triiodothyronine (T3) is a crucial regulator of many physiological processes during development, growth and metabolism. A variety of natural and synthetic substances, which are collectively termed endocrine disrupters (ED) due to their interference with the endocrine system, is taken up on a daily base. A novel luciferase-based T3-responsive reporter gene system employing a human liver cell line transfected with thyroid hormone receptor (TR) alpha1 was established in this work to elucidate the potential molecular interference of certain ED with TR and their transcriptional activity. This assay was validated to be a highly sensitive and reliable tool for analyzing agonistic and antagonistic effects of test compounds using the synthetic TR agonist GC-1 and the antagonist NH-3. Dose-response data of test compounds contained in food, cosmetics, pesticides, plasticizers and other industrial chemicals were obtained after applying the substances alone in activation assays or in combination with T3 in competition assays. In total 21 test compounds were screened of which some acted as pure agonists or antagonists while others were mixed agonists/antagonists in the micromolar concentration range and only one was without effect. Follow-up studies are recommended for some of these substances with regard to their effects as determined in this bioassay and in light of information known on human exposure, i.e., 4-methylbenzyliden camphor, 4-nonylphenol, acetochlor, benzophenone 2, benzophenone 3, bisphenol A, genistein, octylmethoxycinnamate, tetrabromobisphenol A and xanthohumol. In addition some endogenous metabolites of thyroid hormones were surprisingly potent agonists in the T3 reporter gene assay and merit further attention. The novel bioassay established here represents a reliable tool for the screening and molecular characterization of substances interfering with T3-mediated transactivation of gene expression.

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