Spelling suggestions: "subject:"glycosides"" "subject:"glycoside""
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β-glicosidases e β-tioglicosidases de insetos / β-glucosidase and β-tioglicosidases of insectLucas Blanes 02 April 2004 (has links)
No tubo digestivo das larvas de Anastrepha fraterculus e Anastrepha pickeli há β-glicosidases capazes de clivar dissacarideos, β-glicosídeos tóxicos produzidos por plantas e substratos sintéticos. As β-glicosidases de A. fraterculus são pouco ativas e as de A. pickeli são bastante ativas sobre alguns compostos, entre eles linamarina, um glicosídeo cianogênico. Esse composto está presente, em altas concentrações, no fruto da mandioca do qual a larva se alimenta. A. fraterculus alimenta-se do fruto da goiaba e aparentemente consegue o carboidrato que necessita por ação de α-glicosidases, que são bem mais ativas do que as β. O fruto da mandioca não é tão nutritivo e A. pickeli deve aproveitar a glicose da linamarina para obter energia e consegue desintoxicar-se do aglicone tóxico. Rhynchosciara americana apresenta quatro β-glicosidases nas membranas microvilares intestinais, sendo três delas β-galactosidases. Dessas, duas são ativadas por Triton X-100 sendo que a glicosidase, de maior mobilidade eletroforética é ativada por este composto, com uma Ka de 4µM, um α de 0,5 e um β de 2. β-tioglicosidases foram demonstradas em afideos. Nós verificamos que ocorre a clivagem do tioglicosídeo sinigrina após separação das β-glicosidases digestivas do Lepidoptera Diatraea saccharalis por cromatografia hidrofóbica. Nesse inseto, a mesma enzima é capaz de clivar O- e S-glicosídeos com atividades semelhantes. Enzimas com essas características nunca foram descritas anteriormente. Esses experimentos ilustram a viabilidade das adaptações dos insetos na utilização de compostos formados for ligações β-glicosídicas, viabilizando a exploração de nutrientes normalmente inacessíveis a outros animais. / Anastrepha fraterculus and Anastrepha pickeli have in their midguts 13-glycosidases able to hydrolase dissaccharides, synthetic substrate and plant toxic β-glucosides. β-glycosidases from A. fraterculus have low activity and the enzymes from A. pickeli may be highly active depending on the substrate used. Linamarin, a cyanogenic β-glucoside present in A. pickeli food (Manihot fruit) is easly hydrolysed by A. pickeli β-glycosidases (A. fraterculus eats on guava fruits and may obtain carbohydrate through the action of α-glycosidases, that are much more active them the β-glycosidases). A. pickeli probably uses glucose derived from linamarinan avoiding the effects of the toxic aglycon. Rhynchosciara americana has 4 β-glycosidases (3 galactosidases and I glucosidase) in their intestinal microvilar membranes. Two of these enzymes are activated by Triton X-100. In β glucosidase the activation has Ka= 4µM, α=0,5 e β=2. β-thioglycosidases occur in Aphids. One digestive β-glucosidase from Diatraea saccharalis resolved by hydrofobic chrornatography hydrolyses sinigrin. The same enzyme may hydrolyse O- and S-glucosides with the same efficienly. Enzymes with this specificity have never been described before. In this study we shown some adaptations of insects to use substrates with β-glycosidic bonds, allowing these organisrns to explore nutrients usualy avoided by other animals.
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Compostos bioativos com potencial ação no controle da homeostase glicêmica / Bioactive compounds with potential action in the control of glycemic homeostasis.Ana Marla Duarte de Souza 18 April 2017 (has links)
Diversos estudos buscam identificar novas moléculas com ações regulatórias sobre a via de sinalização da insulina e consequentemente na homeostase da glicose. Assim, este trabalho visa avaliar o potencial de extratos de frutos no controle da homeostase glicêmica. Os frutos avaliados foram o morango (cv. Toianoca, Camarosa, Oso Grande e Camino Real), a amora-preta e a framboesa vermelha, em dois tempos de amostragem, sendo considerado como tempo A1 e tempo A2. As amostras foram caracterizadas quanto ao seu conteúdo de fenólicos totais, conteúdo de antocianinas monoméricas, capacidade antioxidante, avaliada pelos métodos DPPH e ORAC, ácido elágico total, capacidade de inibição da alfa-glicosidase e captação de glicose e lipólise em tecido adiposo de camundongos (ensaio explante). Dentre os frutos, no primeiro tempo de amostragem, a amora-preta e o morango, cv Oso Grande, foram os que apresentaram maior conteúdo de fenólicos totais (62,36 e 34,89 mg AG/g, respectivamente) no entanto não foram mantidos esses valores no segundo tempo de amostragem, com concentração 30% e 60% inferior, respectivamente; e maior concentração de antocianinas monoméricas (45,33 mg/g e 3,09 mg/g, respectivamente). Em relação a inibição da enzima alfa-glicosidase, avaliado em extrato metanólico, o fruto framboesa vermelha e o morango cv. Camino Real foram as que apresentaram alto potencial inibitório nos dois tempos de amostragem (IC50 0,47 mg FT e IC50 0,57 mg FT para framboesa vermelha e IC50 0,50 mg FT e IC50 0,46 mg FT para Camino Real). Quando avaliado os extratos enriquecidos em fenólicos, o valor de IC50 com maior potencial dentre os frutos avaliados foi da amora-preta, nos dois tempos A1 e A2 (0,0023 mg FT e 0,0021 mg FT, respectivamente). Para captação de glicose em tecido adiposo explate, ao utilizar a insulina para estimular a captação de glicose juntamente com o tratamento (extrato), esse estimulo foi efetivo no aumento da captação de glicose somente com as amostras cv. Camino Real e cv. Oso Grande. Isso pode ser explicado pela alta correlação encontrada de antocianinas identificadas no fruto, como pelargonidina-3-O-glicosídeo. Por outro lado, somente a amora-preta A1 aumentou a lipólise em condição basal, mas nenhuma fruta foi eficiente para reduzir a lipólise em condição estimulada pelo isoproterenol. Sendo assim, frutas vermelhas podem ser boas fontes de compostos bioativos, principalmente antocianinas, as quais podem ter corroborado positivamente com os resultados. / Several studies seek to identify new molecules with regulatory actions on the insulin signaling pathway and consequently on glucose homeostasis. Thus, this work aims to evaluate the potential of fruit extracts in the control of glycemic homeostasis. The fruits evaluated were strawberry (cv. Toianoca, Camarosa, Oso Grande and Camino Real), blackberry and red raspberry, in two sampling times, being considered as time A1 and time A2. Fruits were evaluated for total phenolic, monomeric anthocyanins and contents, antioxidant capacity, evaluated by DPPH and ORAC methods, alpha-glycosidase inhibition capacity and glucose uptake and lipolysis in adipose tissue of mice (explant assay). Among the fruits, in the first sampling period, blackberry and strawberry, cv. Oso Grande, showed the highest total phenolic content (62.36 and 34.89 mg AG / g, respectively), with a decrease of the 30% and 60%, respectively, in the second sampling time; and higher monomeric anthocyanins concentration (45.33 mg/g and 3.09 mg/g, respectively). The methanolic extracts of raspberry and the strawberry cv Camino Real (A1 and A2) presented the highest alpha-glucosidase inhibitory potential. Otherwise, the enriched-polyphenol extract of blackberry (A1 and A2) presented the highest potential among the evaluated fruits. Adipose tissue treated with strawberry cv. Camino Real and cv. Oso Grande was effective in increasing glucose uptake stimulated by insulin. This can be explained by the high correlation with the anthocyanins pelargonidin-3-O-glycoside identified in this fruit. In addition, blackberry A1 was the only sample to increase the lipolysis in basal condition, but all other fruits were not effective to decrease lipolysis in stimulated condition. Thus, berries could be a good sources of bioactive compounds to maintain the glucose homeostasis.
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Synthesis and studies of carbohydrate mimetics as glycosidase inhibitors and molecular switchesBrazdova, Barbora 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Part I . We explored the synthesis of a C -glycoside synthesis from L-fucose and malononitrile in the presence of a base catalyst. The reaction was much faster than the previously studied Henry condensation, and went further---to a double cyclization of 2:1 adduct with a novel dioxabicyclic structure. It provides a new route for the synthesis of chiral polysubstituted dihydropyrans and dihydropurans. A series of carbasugars was synthesized and tested for inhibitory activity towards fungal glycosidases from Aspergillus oryzae and Penicillium canescens . In order to reveal the dependence of inhibition on the alkyl group R, several derivatives with variable alkyl chain lengths were prepared and screened. Part II . Cyclohexane-based conformationally controlled ionophores, an emerging new class of molecular switches, provide a new and promising approach to allosteric systems with negative cooperativity. Protonation of trans -2-aminocyclohexanols was observed to cause dramatic conformational changes: due to an intramolecular hydrogen bond, a conformer with equatorial position of ammonio- and hydroxy-groups becomes predominant. This signal is mechanically transmitted by the structure of the molecule, inducing a conformational change in the second site and decreasing its affinity for an appropriate guest. Thus, these structures can serve as powerful conformational pH-triggers. The trans -2-aminocyclohexanol moiety has been used for pH-triggered conformational switching of crown ethers and podands, and their complexes with metal ions. The variation of the NR 2 group allows broad tuning of the conformational equilibrium, and thus tuning of the complexing ability of these allosteric ionophores. Heterotropic allosteric systems with high negative cooperativity may find many applications, such as membrane transport and drug delivery.
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Enzyme Exploitation: Manipulating Enzyme Function for Therapy, Synthesis and Natural Product ModificationO'Neil, Crystal L. 10 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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La pomme de terre produit des glycoalcaloïdes comme la plupart des Solanacées. Deux composés, en particulier, l’α-solanine et l’α-chaconine, sont produits en plus grande quantité lorsque le tubercule est exposé à la lumière et subit des dégradations. Ces molécules sont toxiques et peuvent représenter un danger pour le consommateur et des nuisances pour l’environnement. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, les teneurs en α-solanine et α-chaconine dans la chaire de pomme de terre verdie, en germination ou en décomposition retrouvées sur les marchés d’Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) ont été analysées. Les résultats ont montré que la chaire de ces pommes de terre contient des quantités élevées de ces deux composés, dépassant 2 à 5 fois la limite recommandée. Pour des raisons de sécurité sanitaire, ces pommes de terre doivent être proscrites de l’alimentation humaine. En revanche, la teneur élevée en glycoalcaloïdes dans ces pommes de terre représente une source de solanidine, un précurseur pour la synthèse d'hormones et de composés pharmacologiquement actifs, qui mérite d’être exploitée. Dans cet objectif, nous avons développé une méthode chimio-enzymatique simple, comprenant un traitement acide partiel suivi d’une hydrolyse enzymatique par la β-glycosidase de la blatte Periplaneta americana dont le gène a été isolé à partir d’une librairie génomique de cDNA afin de détoxifier ces composés et produire la solanidine. / Potato produce glycoalkaloids as most plants of Solanaceae family. The principal glycoalkaloids, α-chaconine and α-solanine are produced in greater quantities when potato tubers are exposed to light and are subject to deteriorations. These compounds are toxic and can represent a real danger for the consumer and the environment where they are discharged during their degradation. In this work, the estimation of glycoalkaloids in the flesh of different types of decayed potatoes usually found in different market places of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) was evaluated. The results showed that turned green and also sprouting or rotting potato flesh contain high amounts of toxic solanine and chaconine, exceeding by 2 to 5-fold the recommended limit. For safety consideration, these decayed potatoes should be systematically set aside. The accumulation of α-chaconine and solanine in potatoes can be seen as an attractive source of solanidine that is an important precursor for hormone synthesis and some pharmacologically active compounds. To this end, we proposed herein a simple chemo-enzymatic protocol comprising a partial acidic hydrolysis followed by an enzymatic treatment with the β-glycosidase from Periplaneta americana whose gene was isolated from a cDNA genomic library in order to detoxify these compounds and produce solanidine.
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Conception et synthèse d’iminosucres di- à tétravalents comme sondes mécanistiques et agents thérapeutiques potentiels / Design and synthesis of di- or tetravalent iminosugars as mechanistic probes and potential therapeutic agentsStauffert, Fabien 27 November 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte où les iminosucres multivalents représentent, en tant qu’inhibiteurs puissants de glycosidases, des structures privilégiées pour le développement de nouveaux agents thérapeutiques, nous nous sommes intéressés à ce type de composés pour le traitement de deux maladies génétiques rares. Le premier axe de recherche a consisté à synthétiser des iminosucres di- à tétravalents en série 1-désoxymannojirimycine dans le but d’inhiber l’α1,2-mannosidase I du réticulum endoplasmique qui est impliquée dans la destruction de la protéine delF508-CFTR chez les malades atteints de la mucoviscidose. Un effet multivalent fort sur la correction de cette protéine mutée a alors été mis en évidence avec un composé trivalent basé sur le pentaérythritol. Efficace à des concentrations submicromolaires, ce dernier s’est montré 140 fois plus efficace que le modèle monovalent correspondant. Le second axe de recherche a consisté à identifier de nouveaux chaperons pharmacologiques de la β-glucocérébrosidase, l’enzyme lysosomale impliquée dans la maladie de Gaucher. Pour cela, nous avons préparé une série d’iminosucres hétérodivalents conçus pour cibler simultanément le site actif et un site secondaire de cette enzyme. Même si cet objectif n’a pas encore été atteint, nous avons malgré tout mis en évidence des chaperons monovalents capables de quasiment quadrupler l’activité de la β-glucocérébrosidase portant la mutation G202R. En marge de ces deux axes principaux, une sonde mécanistique basée sur un C-glycoside multivalent a également été développée dans le but de préciser les mécanismes à l’origine des effets multivalents puissants observés pour l’inhibition des glycosidases. / Because multivalent iminosugars represent, as potent glycosidase inhibitors, privileged structures for the design of novel drugs, we took a particular interest in this class of compounds for the treatment of two rare genetic diseases. The first research topic was dedicated to the synthesis of di- to tetravalent iminosugars in the 1-deoxymannojirimycin series in order to inhibit the endoplasmic reticulum α1,2-mannosidase I involved in the destruction of delF508-CFTR, the mutant protein responsible of cystic fibrosis. A strong multivalent effect for restoring its activity in cells was reported with a trivalent analogue based on pentaerythritol. This submicromolar corrector was found to be 140-fold more potent than the corresponding monovalent model. The second research topic focused on the identification of novel pharmacological chaperones of the β-glucocerebrosidase, the lysosomal enzyme involved in Gaucher’s disease. For this purpose, we developed a series of heterodivalent iminosugars designed to both bind to the active site and a secondary site of the enzyme. This goal could not be reached yet, nevertheless we identified monovalent chaperones which were able to fourfold increase β-glucocerebrosidase activity in G202R cell lines. Next to these main research topics, a mechanistic probe based on a multivalent C-glycoside was also developed to investigate the multivalent effect of iminosugar clusters in glycosidase inhibition.
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The synthesis and biology of iminosugars and their precursorsAyers, Benjamin James January 2014 (has links)
Iminosugars are carbohydrate mimics, where the endocyclic ring oxygen has been replaced by nitrogen. This substitution affords these compounds their inhibitory activity towards sugar-processing enzymes (glycosidases) and, as a consequence, their chemotherapeutic potential in the treatment of a broad range of diseases. Several iminosugars are currently in clinical trials or have entered the market as approved drugs. This has consequently led to increasing levels of research into their synthesis and application, both in terms of the development of efficient methodology to access naturally occurring examples, and also to elaborate novel scaffolds. The presence of multiple chiral centres within iminosugars provides a considerable challenge in accessing these targets by asymmetric means, whereas carbohydrates pose a more attractive chiral pool. As such the majority of literature methods have employed this latter method. The focus of the thesis is on the elaboration of robust methodologies to access both naturally occurring and novel iminosugars, and their precursors, from readily available carbohydrate starting materials. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to iminosugars, including an overview of glycosidase inhibition by this class of sugar-mimic, their historical medical usage and the basis for their potential employment in treating diabetes, lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) and cancer. This chapter also gives a general review of the methods employed in the literature for the assembly of iminosugar scaffolds. Chapter 2 is concerned with the synthesis of iminosugars from the carbohydrate glucuronolactone. This versatile chiron has previously allowed for access to many homochiral targets, and in this thesis is used to access DGJNAc on a gram-scale. This iminosugar has been shown to be a potent α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase inhibitor and is potentially extremely valuable in the treatment of late-stage cancer. Both enantiomers of glucuronolactone are also utilised in the divergent synthesis of every stereoisomer of two classes of five-membered iminosugars; the pyrrolidines (including DMDP), and the proline amides. These compounds demonstrate remarkable biological activity against a panel of glycosidases and hexosaminidases, allowing for the analysis of the structure-activity relationship between these compounds and the target enzymes. Chapter 3 describes the development of a novel, one-pot methodology - a tandem Strecker reaction and iminocyclisation - for the assembly of trihydroxy piperidine α-iminonitriles from a range of unbranched and branched pentose monosaccharides. These piperidine α-iminonitriles are precursors to pipecolic acids which may also be potentially valuable targets in the treatment of cancer.
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The synthesis of azetidine and piperidine iminosugars from monosaccharidesLenagh-Snow, Gabriel Matthew Jack January 2012 (has links)
Iminosugars are polyhydroxylated alkaloids, and can be generally defined as sugar mimetics in which the endocyclic oxygen atom has been replaced with a basic nitrogen. A common affect of this atomic substitution is to bestow these compounds with the ability to inhibit various sugarprocessing enzymes; most significantly the glycosidases (glycoside hydrolases) which areintimately involved in a huge array of biological functions. Compounds which inhibit these enzymes concordantly possess much potential as medicinal agents for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Several iminosugars have already achieved market approval as drugs, and many more are promising candidates in the late stages of clinical development. As such there remains considerable interest in this class of compound, both in terms of the exploration of novel iminosugar structures, as well as the continual development of more efficient general methodology for their synthesis. The densely-packed functionality and stereochemical information present in iminosugars makes them challenging targets for asymmetric chemical synthesis, whereas carbohydrates are clearly very attractive as chiral-pool starting materials for this purpose. Indeed, the majority of the most successful syntheses of iminosugars use the latter approach, and such is the focus of this thesis. Chapter 1 presents a relatively brief introduction to iminosugars, including their types of structure, natural occurrence and biological mode of action. The rationale behind their use as therapeutic agents for the treatment of some significant disease targets is also discussed. Chapter 2 is concerned with the preparation of a number of novel polyhydroxylated azetidines, and their evaluation as glycosidase inhibitors. Such compounds represent an almost entirely neglected class of iminosugars within the literature. An overview of natural and synthetic products incorporating an azetidine motif is given, as well as a brief review of preparative methods and known azetidine iminosugars. A highly efficient and flexible method for the key azetidine ring formation is demonstrated by the cyclisations of 3,5-di-O-triflates of pentoses and hexoses, and of a 2,4-di-O-triflate of glucose, with various primary amines. In this manner, many azetidine triols and tetrols were prepared in good yield. Furthermore, this process is readily adaptable to the installation of added functionality to the azetidine scaffold, as demonstrated by the preparation of 1-acetamido analogues. The initial biological screening of these compounds showed a promising array of glycosidase inhibition, including that of selective inhibition of fungal enzymes. Chapter 3 describes a strategy with which to prepare all sixteen stereoisomers of a known piperidine iminosugar, alpha-homonojirimycin (alpha-HNJ), in a highly divergent manner from just four of the possible thirty-two 6-azidoheptitols using traditional chemical synthesis in tandem with biotechnological transformations. One half of the execution of this strategy is described in this thesis. Two 6-azidoheptitols were prepared from D-mannose, thereby providing access to four 6-azidoketoheptoses through a combination of microbial oxidation and enzymatic epimerisation. Catalytic hydrogenation of these 6-azidoketoheptoses furnished four diastereomeric mixtures of 2,6-iminoheptitols, with varying degrees of stereoselectivity. Purification of these mixtures allowed six 2,6-iminoheptitols to be isolated, two of which have never previously been tested for glycosidase inhibition. Significantly, one of them was found to be a potent and highly selectiveinhibitor of alpha-galactosidases, and may therefore be of interest in the treatment of Fabry disease.
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Isolamento e caracterização de α-fucosidases digestivas em Arachnida. / Isolation and characterization of digestive α-fucosidases in Arachnida.Silva, Rodrigo Moreti da 16 November 2010 (has links)
Os artrópodes constituem as formas mais abundantes de vida animal no planeta. O sistema digestivo dos Arthropoda é uma das mais importantes superfícies de contato com o ambiente. Pouco se conhece a respeito do sistema digestivo dos aracnídeos. Identificamos as principais carboidrases digestivas em três Arachnida modelo: Tityus serrulatus, Amblyomma cajennense e Nephilengys cruentata. As α-fucosidases são glicosídeo hidrolases que catalisam a hidrólise de ligações glicosídicas entre uma fucose ligada a outro carboidrato ou outro tipo de molécula. Estas enzimas são fundamentais no processamento de glicoproteínas e glicolipídeos. Observamos altas atividades de α-fucosidases em todas as espécies estudadas e estas enzimas foram isoladas e caracterizadas. / Arthropods are the most abundant animal life form on the planet. The digestive system of Arthropoda is one of the most important areas of contact with the environment. The study of Arachnida digestive enzymes has been sporadic and remains a largely unexplored area. We identified the most important digestive carbohydrases in three Arachnida models: Tityus serrulatus, Amblyomma cajennense and Nephilengys cruentata. The α-fucosidases are glycoside hydrolases that catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic links between a fucose linked to other carbohydrate or another type of molecule. These enzymes are essential in the processing of glycoprotein and glycolipids. We showed that all models tested presented high activities of digestive α-fucosidases and these enzymes were isolated and characterized.
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Estudo da multiplicidade de formas de ß-glicosidases de Aspergillus versicolor / Study of ß-glycosidases from Aspergillus versicolorSomera, Alexandre Favarin 12 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho procurou avaliar algumas isozimas envolvidas com o processo de degradação de polissacarídeos da parede celular vegetal, encontradas em Aspergillus versicolor, fungo pertencente a um gênero onde a multiplicidade de componentes enzimáticos com a mesma atividade oscila de uma a três. Duas ß-xilosidases foram purificadas por meio de DEAE-celulose e precipitação com sulfato de amônia. Ambas mostraram-se enzimas que, quando deglicosiladas por PNGaseF, apresentam mesmos mapas trípticos. A glicosilação mostrou-se importante para a manifestação de diferenças bioquímicas relacionadas às interações com ambiente eletrolítico adjacente, visto as mudanças das curvas de pH e alterações de comportamento frente a sais de íons metálicos, tão bem como para a manutenção do funcionamento das enzimas. Também foi verificado que as diferentes formas glicosiladas periplásmicas são produzidas em meios distintos (xilana e xilose), cujos pH finais corresponderam aos pH das enzimas encontradas. Por meio de zimogramas, verificou-se que estas não eram produzidas de imediato, mas selecionadas ao longo do tempo de cultivo. Esta seleção foi inicialmente independente do pH, visto este, mesmo tamponado, ser corrigido pelo fungo, de modo a se apresentar, ao final de 48h, correlato com o da enzima selecionada. Exame cromatográfico em Concanavalina-A das enzimas deglicosiladas por EndoH mostraram que a oriunda de xilana tem aporte maior de ramificações biantenárias, que são ricas em galactose. Ambas apresentaram mapas trípticos iguais. A ß-xilosidase induzida por xilana apresentou proporções de manose, galactose e glucose iguais a 69,68 : 30,25 : 0,056 %, respectivamente, enquanto que ß-xilosidase induzida por xilose apresentou proporções iguais a 85,35 : 14,54 : 0,094%, respectivamente, resultado que corrobora com a resultado anterior. Duas ß-glucosidases de superfície micelial foram purificadas por meio de DEAE-Sephacel e DEAE-celulose. Ambas mostraram-se mais semelhantes entre si que as ß-xilosidases, e independentes de fonte de carbono ou pH. No entanto, apresentaram diferenças frente à inibição por celobiose (acentuada a partir de 10mM para ß-glucosidase I e 20mM para B-glucosidase II) e, embora sutis, a pH. Após serem submetidas a 45 ºC por 30min (temperatura que induziu segunda conformação estável) mostraram curvas de pH muito distintas, que foram eliminadas nas enzimas submetidas ao mesmo experimento após deglicosilação por PNGaseF. Ambas apresentaram mapas trípticos iguais. A ß-glucosidase I mostrou-se constituída de Man:Gal:Glu em proporções iguais a 78,36%:21,61%:0,033% do carboidrato total, respectivamente, e a ß-glucosidase II, Man:Gal:Glu iguais a 83,59%:16,38%:0,028%, respectivamente. Ambas também apresentaram sinergismo quando juntas. Sobre celobiose, foi verificado apenas em pH acima de 5.5. Sobre celooligossacarídeos, manifestou-se em pH 5,25. A ß-glucosidase I foi menos ativa que a ß-glucosidase II quando em ausência de glucose e celobiose na solução de reação inicial, situação na qual o contrário foi verdadeiro. O sinergismo foi drasticamente eliminado após deglicosilação por PNGaseF. Não se sabe se este resultado foi oriundo de mudanças cinéticas provocadas pela deglicosilação ou de uma possível eliminação de agregação anteriormente existente entre glicosiladas. O componente ß-glicosidásico extracelular foi purificado por meio de DEAE-Sephacel e Octyl-Sepharose, e se revelou um heteroagregado de fosfatase ácida com ß-glicosidase, que se mostrou estável e ativo em ampla gama de temperaturas e pH, com ótimos de 55ºC e 5,5, respectivamente. Entretanto, os perfis das curvas foram distintos entre as enzimas componentes. Somente concentrações superiores a 0,8mM de cloreto de cobalto apresentaram efeito desagregador, podendo ser empregado em conjunto com DEAE-celulose para purificação das enzimas isoladas. Quando separadas, fosfatase mostrou-se 260% mais ativa e ß-glicosidase, 50% menos ativa. Nesta condição, as faixas de pH se restringiram, acidificando-se, localizando-se entre pH 4,0 e 5,5. Aparentemente, a agregação reforça a atividade celobiásica. Fosfatase foi ativa sobre farelo de trigo e fitato de sódio e adsorveu fortemente em farelo de trigo. ß-glicosidase apresentou atividade sobre farelo de trigo, xilana e Avicel (liberando apenas glicose desta última), revelando-se enzima com atividade celobioidrolásica inespecífica, embora ávida por celobiose. As atividades foram determinadas como oriundas do mesmo sítio catalítico. ß-glicosidase não foi seqüestrada por farelo de trigo quando desagregada, resultado invertido quando reagregada. O seqüestro por farelo de trigo, aparentemente, deveu-se a interações entre sítio catalítico da fosfatase e substrato. / This study explored enzyme multiplicity on hemicelllulose and cellulose degrading systems. It first demonstrates the differences of PNGaseF deglycosylation and EndoH deglycosylation on forms of two ß-glicosidase activities present on surface of mycelia from Aspergillus versicolor grown on several carbon sources. Aspergillus versicolor produces ß-xylosidases with different biochemical properties and different degree of glycosylation, when grown on xylan or xylose. Were investigated the biochemical properties of these ß-xylosidases after deglycosylation. The purified enzymes were deglycosylated with endo-H or PNGase F. After this treatment both enzymes migrated faster in PAGE exhibiting the same Rf. On SDS-PAGE both enzymes showed similar migration. The optima temperature of xylan-induced and xylose-induced ß-xylosidases was 45 ºC and 40 ºC, respectively, and of 35 ºC after deglycosylation. The xylan-induced enzyme was more active at acidic pH than the xylose-induced enzyme. After deglycosylation the optimum pH of both enzymes was 6.0. The thermal resistance of the enzymes at 55 ºC showed a half-life of 15 min and 9 min for xylose-and xylan-induced enzymes, respectively. After deglycosylation both exhibited half-lives of 7.5. Native enzymes exhibited different response to ions, while deglycosylated enzymes exhibited identical sensitivity to ions. Limited proteolysis yielded coincident profiles in SDS-PAGE for both deglycosylated enzymes. All data suggest that the two A.versicolor ß-xylosidases share a common polypeptide core with differential glycosylation, apparently responsible for their biochemical and biophysical differences. Aspergillus versicolor also produced ß-glucosidases with different biochemical properties and different degree of glycosylation independently of carbon source. ß-Glucosidase I differed from ß-glucosidase II principally considering the amount and composition of carbohydrate, sensitivity to ions and pH. The purified enzymes shared the same tripitic maps and molecular masses after deglycosylations. All results showed that the biochemical differences observed for two enzymes were directly linked to PNGaseF- deglycosylation. Considering that Rfs, elution profiles on Con-A and residual glycosylation of both enzymes treated with EndoH or PNGaseF were the same, but differed on the mannose/galactose ratio, we inferred differences on proportion of hybrid-type/high-mannose-type glycans. The significance of this glycoform diversity was stressed in analysis of the action of mixture of both ß-glucosidases on celooligosoccharides and on cellobiose. This synergism was abolished after PNGaseF deglycosylation. These results are the first to show synergism between glycoforms of glycosil-hydrolases, representing a new class of synergistic type. The work also described a new form of aggregation between enzymes. Generally, ß-glycosidases are described as soluble components, attached to cell wall or free in the culture medium. This work verified that it could be extracelular adsorbed to wheat straw when aggregated with an acid phosphatase. The results strongly suggested that phosphatase is the component responsible for the process of adsorption on the substrate. The disaggregation was cobalt mediated, being not observed for another ions. The aggregation state has positive effects on glycosidase activity, extending pH ratio and increasing hydrolysis velocity. The opposite was found to phosphatase activity.
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