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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of privatisation on socio-economic rights and services in Africa: the case of water privatisation in South Africa.

Mwebe, Henry January 2004 (has links)
This study generally centres on the debate about the impact of privatisation on socio-economic rights and services. The specific objective of the study is to establish whether the privatisation of water services in South Africa has led to denial of access, either through the lack of availability of a commercialised, cost-recovery service, or denial of access because of hight rates and resultant inability to pay. The study analysed how this has impacted on the states constitutional and international human rights obligation and how the resultant problems can be addressed. It examines whether or not privatisation, which is basically aimed at improving service delivery and bringing countries in line with globalisation principles, has actually achieved that objective.

Gender-aware policy and planning: a feminist analysis of aspects of the Mental Health Care Bill, 2000 and the Skills Development Act, 1998.

Orner, Phyllis January 2000 (has links)
No abstract available.

Perceptions of water scarcity: the case of Genadendal and outstations.

Noemdoe, Simone Beatrice January 2006 (has links)
<p>The water resources management regime has shifted from one focusing almost exclusively on augmenting supply to one where ensuring access, equity and sustainability are an integral part of the process. A growing demand for water and the fact that the amount of fresh water is constant raises the impression of water scarcity will occur. Indications are that the notion of access to water for basic needs as well as access to productive water underpins perceptions of scarcity. This thesis interrogated perceptions of scarcity in a small rural community in order to understand the role water can play in developing sustainable livelihoods.</p>

The effect of South African provincial road condition on the efficiency of forest product transport

Nicholls, Stephen John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The context of the study is concern over declining provincial road condition due to insufficient government funding of road maintenance. These roads are by their public nature used by a wide variety of commercial and private interests contributing a variety of axle loads. There was no information available on the use of these roads by forest companies and the road conditions. Consequently a survey was conducted to determine condition and length of each segment of provincial road in use by forestry companies and the volume of wood transported over them. In addition data was gathered on other users and their contribution to the volume transported over each section. The questionnaire indicated that the provincial roads are in a poor state. The literature review suggested a significant reduction in total cost of transport can be achieved by maintaining or rebuilding these roads. South African forest companies provide the majority of the heaviest axle loading to these roads and must theretore take responsibility tor damage caused to them. Also a variety of forest companies use the same roads and consequently collaborative studies between companies are needed. A modified Dijkstra's algorithm was used to quantify the effect of the condition of South African provincial roads on the efficiency of the transport ottorest products. The model requires digitised raster road and forest map layers combined with transport vehicle specification as input. The products of the model are optimum routes from all source points to a single exit point or sink, the total volume transported across all road nodes and the total cost to extract all wood from a map section. This output allows managers to identify critical roads tor management attention and make tentative estimates of possible reductions to total cost by altering the road condition. The manager is able to test the sensitivity of the solution to changes in variables and gain a better overall picture of the interactions within the system. The model results, and improved understanding, will provide input to more specific and collaborative studies. South African forest managers can respond to the poor provincial road network by conducting ad hue maintenance to these roads to prevent them becoming completely impassable or to rebuild them to their design state and maintain them at that state. The cost of taking no actions is that these roads would eventually become impassable. The road network model determined that, for the study area, a unilateral decision to rebuild and maintain all roads would result in a net increase in transport costs ofR 2 million/year. When compared to the cost of ad hue road improvements for the same area of R 8 million it is obvious that proper road management is a better option. It was shown that 75% of the reduction in total cost is generated by improving only 31 % of the provincial road surface. Consequently, by improving selected roads (20% of the total provincial road network for the area) it was possible to generate a net cost R 2.9 million lower than if the roads were left as they are. If reductions in operating costs are included the net cost to the forest industry is R 3.1 million/year lower than leaving the roads as they are. In addition to the cost being lower, an improved road network would be in place and the current ad hue spending would be unnecessary. On a larger scale it was estimated that poor provincial road management costs the industry as a whole R 26 million or R 1.52/m3/year. This money can be used to offset the costs of maintaining and upgrading roads. It is therefore concluded that the South African forest industry needs to assess its policy on provincial road management and become more active in the managing of these roads. The tool developed and presented is intended as a prototype decision support tool in developing future policies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die inhoud van hierdie studie handelaar die verval van provinsiale paaie as gevolg van die regering se onvoldoende fondse vir die instandhouding van die paaie. Hierdie paaie word as gevolg van hulle publieke aard deur 'n wye verskeidenheid kommersiële en private belange gebruik, wat bydra tot 'n verskeidenheid van asladings. Daar was geen inligting oor die bosbou maatskappye se gebruik van paaie of die toestand van die paaie beskikbaar nie. Gevolglik is 'n opname gemaak 0111 die kondisie en lengte van elke segment van die paaie wat deur die bosbou maatskappye gebruik word, vas te stel, asook die volume hout wat oor die paaie vervoer word. Data oor ander verbruikers van die paaie is verder ingesamel, asook hul bydrae tot die volume wat oor die paaie vervoer word. Die vraelys het aangedui dat die provinsiale paaie in 'n baie swak toestand is. 'n Literatuurstudie het getoon dat 'n beduidende daling in die totale vervoerkoste moontlik is deur hierdie paaie te onderhou afoor te bou. Die Suid-Afrikaanse bosbou maatskappye voorsien die meerderheid van die swaarste asladings op hierdie paaie en moet dus verantwoordelikheid neem vir beskadigde paaie, 'n Verskeidenheid bosbou maatskappye gebruik die paaie; gevolglik is gesamentlike studies tussen die maatskappye ook nodig. 'n Aangepaste Dijkstra algoritme is gebruik om die effek van die toestand van Suid- Afrikaanse provinsiale paaie op die effektiwiteit van die vervoer van bosbou produkte, vas te stel. Hierdie model benodig digitale inligting oor die hoofen bosbou paaie, asook die spesifikasies van die voertuie wat gebruik word. Die resultaat van die model is die optimale roetes vanaf alle bronpunt oorspronge tot by 'n enkele bestemming, die totale volume vervoer oor al die padnodusse en die totale koste verbonde aan die verwydering van alle hout uit 'n afgemerkte seksie op die kaart. Hierdie produk of result ate stel bestuurders in staat 0111 kritieke paaie vir aandag te identitiseer en om tentatiewe voorspellings van moontlike afname in die totale kostes te maak indien die toestande van paaie verbeter sou word. Die bestuurder kan die sensitiwiteit van die oplossing vir variasie in die veranderlikes toets en sodoende 'n beter geheelbeeld kry van die interaksie binne die sisteem. Die resultate van die model en n beter begrip daarvan, kan insterte lewer in meer spesitieke studies en gesamentlike studies tussen maatskappye. Suid Afrikaanse bosbou bestuurders kan teen die swak provinsiale padnetwerk optree deur ad hoc instandhouding toe te pas op hierdie paaie om te voorkom dat hulle totaal en alonbegaanbaar word. Ofhulle kan die paaie restoureer tot hul oorspronklike toestand en hulle dan in stand hou. Die kostes daaraan verbonde om nie op te tree nie, is dat hierdie paaie uiteindelik on-gaanbaar sal word. Die padnetwerkmodel het gewys dat vir die spesitieke studie area, 'n eenparige besluit 0111 alle paaie te herbou en onderhou, 'n algehele toename in vervoerkostes van R2 miljoen/jaar tot gevolg sal hê. Wanneer dit vergelyk word met die R8 miljoen wat die ad hoc padverbeterings kos, is dit duidelik dat geskikte padbestuur 'n beter opsie is. Daar is bewys dat 75% van die daling in totale kostes genereer kan word deur verbeteringe aan die oppervlaktes van slegs 31% van die provinsiale paaie te maak. Gevolglik was dit moontlik om netto kostes van R2,9 miljoen ruinder te genereer as vanneer geen instandhouding gedoen is nie. Dit is bewerkstellig deur verbeteringe aan geselekteerde paaie aante bring (20% van die totale provinsiale padnetwerk vir die area.) As die daling in bedryfskoste ingesluit is, sal die netto koste vir die bedryf R3.1 millioen/jaar ruinder wees as om die paaie so te los sonder enige aandag. Verder, tot laer koste sal daar 'n verbeterde pad netwerk in plek wees en die huidige ad hoc spandeering aan die paaie nie meer nodig wees nie. Op groot skaal, is die benaderd voorspelling dat 'n swak provinsialepadbestuurstelsel die bosbou bedryf R26 millioen of R 1.52/m3 uit die sakjaag. Hiedie misbruikde geld kan eerder teruggeploeg word in pad onderhoud en opgradeerings werksaamhede. Dit is dus nodig dat die bosbou bedryf sy beleid weer in oonskou moet neem in verband met die bestuur van provinsiale paaie en ook meer aktief die voortou sal moet neem in die instandhoudind van provinsiale paaie. Die metodiek hier ontwikkel kan 'n inleidende doel dien in die ontwikkeling van toekoemstige besluit neeming rakend die bestuur van provinsiale paaie.

Urban greening in South Africa : an analysis of present trends and recommendations for the future

Meyer, Dawid Frederik 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The abolishment of Apartheid and the transition to a democratic political dispensation has ushered in a new era for urban development in South Africa. This change implies a range of challenges for managing urban areas which also includes the urban environment. Urban environmental creation (defined as activity to green the urban environment) holds the potential to mitigate the consequences caused by Apartheid to South Africans and in addition, if planned properly and applied sensibly, can contribute significantly towards social and economic prosperity in this country. Relatively few attempts to date have been made to research urban greening within the so-called new South African context. Currently a lack of vision exists regarding strategy development for future urban greening and dissension regarding the objectives of urban greening has been identified as a key problem area. This makes it particularly difficult to take decisions at project execution level. From the outset, the aims of this research were two-fold, namely to measure progress at project co-ordination level and further to conceptualise a theoretical framework for future decision making. The literature review documents the agendas for urban greening, both past and present. An, analysis of various urban planning and design strategies, together with South African central government policies which refer to urban environmental management, has shown that a paradigm shift is occurring within the urban greening discipline. This shift is characterised by a movement away from urban greening which focuses on secondary social needs of people, and a shift towards urban greening which is more sensitive to the primary social and economic needs of cities' inhabitants. This research uses a case study approach to measure progress gained in urban greening practise and to determine the current state of affairs. A sample of projects for analysis was obtained from four organisations. Information gathered was then analysed in terms of selected characteristics. In addition, the execution processes (planning, implementation, construction and maintenance) of four urban greening development projects, which were selected randomly from the sample, are described. The research is concluded with a synthesis of findings and recommendations into a conceptual framework for future decision making. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beëindiging van Apartheid en die oorgang na 'n demokratiese politieke bestel het 'n nuwe era vir stedelike ontwikkeling in Suid Afrika ingelui. Hierdie verandering hou 'n reeks nuwe uitdagings vir stedelike bestuur in, wat onder andere ook die bestuur van die stedelike omgewing insluit. Stedelike omgewingsskepping, wat gedefinieer kan word as aktiwiteit om die stedelike omgewing te vergroen, besit die potensiaal om skade wat Apartheid aan Suid Afrikaners berokken het te temper en kan voorts, indien dit deurdag beplan en aangewend word, bydra tot sosiale en ekonomiese welvaart in Suid Afrika. Tot hede, is daar nog betreklik min navorsing oor stedelike vergroening binne die sogenaamde Nuwe Suid Afrika konteks onderneem. Daar bestaan tans groot leemtes aangaande die gedaante wat stedelike vergroening binne 'n post-Apartheid konteks behoort te verbeeld, weens twee-spalt wat heers met betrekking tot doelwitte. Gepaardgaande hiermee, bestaan daar ook geen aanvaarbare strategie vir die toekoms nie. Al hierdie probleme tesame bemoeilik sinvolle besluitneming op grondvlak. Hierdie navorsing stel dit dus breedweg as mikpunt om die konteks van stedelike vergroening in Suid-Afrika te bepaal, vordering wat sedert demokratisering in die veld bereik is te meet en verder om 'n raamwerk vir die toekoms daar te stel. Die agendas vir stedelike vergroening (soos wat dit in die verlede was en hoe dit tans uitsien), word in die literatuuroorsig gepeil. 'n Ontleding van 'n verskeidenheid van stadsbeplannings en - ontwerp strategieë tesame met 'n ontleding van Suid Afrikaanse sentrale owerheidsbeleid wat betrekking het op stedelike omgewingsbestuur, bevestig meegaande 'n hipotese wat gestel is, naamlik dat 'n paradigma verskuiwing besig is om plaas te vind in die stedelike vergroenings veld. Hierdie paradigma verskuiwing word gekenmerk deur 'n beweging weg vanaf stedelike vergroening wat gefokus is op die sekondêre sosiale behoeftes van mense en 'n beweging na stedelike vergroening wat fokus op die primêre sosiale en ekonomiese behoeftes van stedelinge. 'n Navorsingsprojek is onderneem ten einde die huidige stand van gekoordineerde stedelike vergroenings ontwikkeling, aldus stedelike vergroening wat spesifiek gemik is op die ontwikkeling van gemeenskappe wat deur die vorige politieke stelsel in Suid Afrika benadeel is, te meet. 'n Steekproef vir analise is verkry, deur 'n vraelys ondersoek te loods onder vier organisasies wat as gevallestudies deel neem. Stedelike vergroenings ontwikkelingsprojekte wat deur hierdie organisasies gelys is (die steekproef elemente) is dan aan die hand van geselekteerdekenmerke en eienskappe vergelyk en ontleed. Gepaardgaande hiermee volg daar ook 'n prosesbeskrywing van vier stedelike vergroenings ontwikkelings projekte wat subjektief uit die vier gevallestudies geselekteer is. Die doel hiervan is om gedetailleerde insae te verskaf tot die wyse hoe stedelike vergroenings ontwikkelings projekte tans tot uitvoering gebring word. Die navorsing word saamgevat deur 'n sintese van bevindings en aanbevelings in 'n teoretiese raamwerk vir toekomstige besluitneming.

Street trading in Cape Town CBD : a study of the relationship between local government and street traders

Van Heerden, Schalk Willem 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996) states that local governments are responsible for the creation of a socioeconomic environment that enables citizens to make a living for themselves. It is on the grounds of this responsibility that the study is based on the relationship between street traders and the City of Cape Town within the Cape Town CBD. This relationship is investigated with the aim of assessing what the nature of the relationship is between street traders and the City of Cape Town. A survey was conducted wherein 71 street traders were interviewed and to complement the survey interviews were conducted with individuals from local government and the private sector who deal with street traders on a daily basis. The survey results indicated that there is a positive relationship between traders and the City of Cape Town, but that local government does not live up to expectation when it comes to the facilitation of informal business development. At the hand off these findings; policy interventions are put forth that would lead to the creation of a facilitative relationship between the City of Cape Town and street traders. Proposed policy interventions are focussed on the improvement of channels of communication between street traders and local government. The proposed policy framework places emphasis on the active participation of local government in the formalisation process of informal traders. The study concludes by proposing policy intervention that would promote a facilitative relationship between street traders and local government and contribute to a sustainable street trading economy in Cape Town. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die grondwet van die Republiek van Suid Afrika (1996) daag elke plaaslike owerheid uit met die taak om ’n sosio-ekonomiese omgewing te skep wat dit vir landsburgers moontlik maak om ’n bestaan te kan maak. Dit is op grond van hierdie verantwoordelikheid dat die studie gebaseer is op die verhouding tussen straathandelaars, binne die sentrale sake kern, en Kaapstad se plaaslike owerheid. Die verhouding tussen straathandelaars en die Stad Kaapstad is ondersoek met die doel om die aard van die verhouding te omskryf. ’n Vraelys is uitgedeel aan 71 straathandelaars en om die opname te komplementeer is onderhoude gevoer met individue van beide die openbare en privaat sektor wat saam met straathandelaars werk op ’n daaglikse basis. Die resultate van die vraelys het gewys op die positiewe verhouding tussen handelaars en die Stad Kaapstad, alhoewel dit aan die lig gekom het dat plaaslike owerhede nie voldoen aan verwagtinge ten opsigte van die fasilitering van informele besigheidsontwikkeling nie. Beleidsmaatreëls wat ’n fasiliterende verhouding sou bewerkstellig; sowel as ’n beleidsraamwerk word voorgestel aan die hand van die bevindinge van die opname. Die voorstelle is grootliks gegrond op die verbetering van kommunikasie tussen die plaaslike owerhede en straathandelaars sowel as die aktiewe deelname van die plaaslike owerheid in die formaliseringsproses van informele handelaars. Deur die implementering van die voorgestelde beleidsmaatreëls is die studie van mening dat ’n fasiliterende verhouding tussen straathandelaars en plaaslike owerhede gevestig kan word met die doel om ’n bydra te maak tot ’n volhoubare straathandel-ekonomie in Kaapstad.

Flashing boobies and naughty no-no’s: a media-historiographical overview of the pornographic magazine in South Africa, 1939 to 1989

Boonzaier, Christiaan Nicolaas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)-- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pornography in South Africa has only been legal for a mere 16 years, but is preceded by a 126-year history of inutile South African government attempts to suppress and curb it at its borders. To date, pornography as a research field has been largely overlooked by South African researchers, who have either mostly opted to choose fields that are socially more acceptable, or assumed that pornography was not present in the country before the 1980s and 1990s. This research, however, prefers to differ. The study investigates a minute part of a broader scope of pornography history in South Africa, by studying what international and domestic pornographic magazines were first seized and thereafter banned in the country between 1939 and 1989. By theoretically implementing an authoritative theoretical framework, the Annales’s functional structural approach, and applying the historical methodology to unearth unobtrusive historical data, the study compiles a narrative of events that ties a 50-year history of the pornographic magazine in South Africa together. The study eventually identifies 1 033 individual volumes, editions and issues of various pornographic magazine genres, including, among others, pulp and pin-up, naturist and nudist, soft-core, hard-core, male and female homosexual, bisexual, bondage, Asian, female impersonation and biker magazines, of which some, of course, are local South African pornographic magazines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Pornografie is nog net 16 jaar wettig in Suid-Afrika en word voorafgegaan deur ’n geskiedenis van 126 jaar se sensuur wat deur die regering afgekondig is om pornografie buite die land se grense te hou. Tot op hede is pornografie as ’n navorsingsveld deur Suid-Afrikaanse navorsers oorgesien omdat hulle óf studies aanpak wat sosiaal meer aanvaarbaar is, óf aanneem dat daar voor die 1980’s en 1990’s geen pornografie in die land was nie. In dié verband wil hierdie studie met dié aannames verskil. Die navorsing ondersoek ’n klein deeltjie van ’n groter geskiedenis van pornografie in Suid-Afrika deur te kyk na watter buitelandse en binnelandse pornografiese tydskrifte tussen 1939 en 1989 in die land gevind en kort daarna verban is. Teoreties is die outoritêre en die Annales se funksionalisties-strukturalistiese raamwerk ingespan, en die historiese metodologie is gebruik om historiese data na te vors om ’n narratief saam te stel wat 50 jaar se pornografiese tydskrifte in Suid-Afrika saamsnoer. Die studie identifiseer uiteindelik 1 033 uitgawes van verskeie porno-grafiese tydskrifte, wat, onder meer, pulp- en prikkelpop-, nudistiese, sagte, harde, manlike en vroulike homoseksuele, biseksuele, knegskap-, Asiër-, fopdosser- en motorfietstydskrifte insluit; sommige van dié genres is, natuurlik, ook plaaslik in Suid-Afrika gepubliseer.

Effective implementation of school environmental education policies in a school district in Gauteng

Deenanath, Geetha Devi 30 November 2004 (has links)
The main objective of this descriptive research is to determine how effective the implementation of school environmental education policies is and how this can be improved upon. If schools do have an environmental education policy, how successful are they in implementing it. The school environmental education policies provide incentives and frameworks for the development of strategies and action plans which result in the environmental education goals being achieved effectively and efficiently. For the effective implementation of the school environmental education policies within an OBE paradigm, educators need to be knowledgeable, skilled and motivated. Overall, teacher education is probably the biggest challenge to the implementation of the school environmental education policies. This research leads to the recommendations at school level to promote the effective implementation of the school environmental education policies. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Environmental Education)

For the benefit of current and future generations : prospects for intergenerational equity in South Africa

Littleford, Sarah-Jane January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines a crisis of governance in the Republic of South Africa (RSA), a crisis which threatens Constitutionally guaranteed intergenerational rights to water, meaning these rights are unlikely to be upheld. RSA's post-1994 Constitution incorporated a number of historically unparalleled human rights, based on fundamental principles of human dignity and equality. This includes the right to water resources for current and future generations - making RSA one of a few countries to enshrine intergenerational rights in law. Under law, Government acts as fiduciary trustee with duties to protect the water resources for current and future generations of citizens. The thesis asserts that influences of Emmanuel Kant, John Rawls and Edith Brown Weiss are reflected in the Constitution and subsequent laws. However, historical and on-going impacts from extractive industries in the province of Gauteng are negatively impacting upon intergenerational water rights. Acid mine drainage is an acidic wastewater produced as a by-product of mineral extraction - particularly gold. It is polluting ground- and surface-waters across the province. A lack of effective government response to this issue has meant that AMD is acting as a catalyst accelerating the country's already problematic governance processes to a crisis level. As it has no long-term management plan, the government is neglecting its intergenerational responsibilities and abrogating Constitutional purpose. This situation is exacerbated by multiple, often conflicting, understandings in different sectors of society of the significance of intergenerational equity, further reinforcing the governance crisis. Due to lack of government response, non-State agents, specifically the mining and financial sectors, are becoming increasingly involved in political decision-making and governance. This has positive short-term effects in ensuring that the rights of communities that were previously affected by water shortages and pollution are upheld. Yet there are potential serious long-term repercussions for democracy in RSA as a result: non-State actors are not best equipped to determine outcomes of governance, and this may result in procedures of deliberative democracy being contravened. Robert Dahl's theories inform this thesis's understanding of deliberative democracy. Consequently, although RSA's Constitution guarantees intergenerational equity in theory, it is hard to achieve in practice. This is due to the governance crisis that has been precipitated by acid mine drainage, so that intergenerational rights to water are an unlikely long-term outcome for this developing nation.

The right of the HIV/AIDS patient to treatment

Hoffmann, Toinette January 2001 (has links)
The objective of this treatise is to establish whether a right to social security exists in South Africa, which would entitle HIV positive persons in South Africa citizens to medical care. A study was made of various articles in journals and on the Internet to determine the South African government's policy on a right to social security and to providing medical treatment. It was found that South Africa lacks an integrated, holistic approach to social security and does not guarantee the right to social security, merely the right to have access to social security. The same was found with the right to medical care. Although there seems to be a general right to medical care which extends to and includes HIV-positive patients, the state merely guarantees the right to apply for medical treatment but does not guarantee the granting thereof. It is submitted that the Department of Health's refusal to implement a vertical transmission prevention programme and the failure to offer treatment as an alternative, for whatever reason, is "penny wise and pound foolish". In the long run more money is spent dealing with pediatric AIDS. It was further found that although the government attempted to lay a groundwork with the formulation and acceptance of the national AIDS plan, the successful implementation thereof is seriously hindered due to the lack of inter- and intra-departmental collaboration, essential health services and funding.

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