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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

‘n Ondersoekende studie na die verband tussen leesvaardighede en leerdervordering van Graad 10 leerders.

Thorne, Meldeane Mercia Glennis. January 2007 (has links)
<p>Lees l&ecirc / die grondslag van leer en studie en is deel van elke opgevoede mens se toerusting (Meyer, 1987). Die fokus en hoof doelwit van die navorsing was om die verband tussen leesvaardighede en leerdervordering van Graad 10 leerders in &lsquo / n Afrikaans medium ho&euml / rskool in die Wes-Kaap na te vors. Die navorsing poog ook om strategie&euml / te identifiseer vir die bevordering van effektiewe leesonderrig en leervaardighede om leerderprestasie te verbeter. &lsquo / n Gevallestudie benadering was<br /> toegepas om &lsquo / n indiepte studie van die spesifieke ho&euml / rskool te verseker. Die twee groepe leerders in Graad 10 was volgens hulle leesvermo&euml / ns en leerdervordering op<br /> akademiese gebied gekies.</p>

‘n Ondersoekende studie na die verband tussen leesvaardighede en leerdervordering van Graad 10 leerders.

Thorne, Meldeane Mercia Glennis. January 2007 (has links)
<p>Lees l&ecirc / die grondslag van leer en studie en is deel van elke opgevoede mens se toerusting (Meyer, 1987). Die fokus en hoof doelwit van die navorsing was om die verband tussen leesvaardighede en leerdervordering van Graad 10 leerders in &lsquo / n Afrikaans medium ho&euml / rskool in die Wes-Kaap na te vors. Die navorsing poog ook om strategie&euml / te identifiseer vir die bevordering van effektiewe leesonderrig en leervaardighede om leerderprestasie te verbeter. &lsquo / n Gevallestudie benadering was<br /> toegepas om &lsquo / n indiepte studie van die spesifieke ho&euml / rskool te verseker. Die twee groepe leerders in Graad 10 was volgens hulle leesvermo&euml / ns en leerdervordering op<br /> akademiese gebied gekies.</p>

n Ondersoekende studie na die verband tussen leesvaardighede en leerdervordering van Graad 10 leerders

Thorne, Meldeane Mercia Glennis January 2007 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / Lees le die grondslag van leer en studie en is deel van elke opgevoede mens se toerusting (Meyer, 1987). Die fokus en hoof doelwit van die navorsing was om die verband tussen leesvaardighede en leerdervordering van Graad 10 leerders in n Afrikaans medium hoërskool in die Wes-Kaap na te vors. Die navorsing poog ook om strategie te identifiseer vir die bevordering van effektiewe leesonderrig en leervaardighede om leerderprestasie te verbeter. n Gevallestudie benadering was toegepas om n indiepte studie van die spesifieke hoërskool te verseker. Die twee groepe leerders in Graad 10 was volgens hulle leesvermoëns en leerdervordering op akademiese gebied gekies. / South Africa

Musiekintegrasie in graad R : 'n teoretiese raamwerk gebaseer op 'n gevallestudie / Mignon van Vreden

Van Vreden, Mignon January 2014 (has links)
Graad R verwys volgens die nuutste Afrikaanse beleidsdokumente na die voorskoolse opleiding wat tans in die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolstelsel ingefaseer word, alhoewel die Departement van Basiese Onderwys beoog dat alle leerders eers in 2019 toegang sal hê tot formele graad R-programme. Uitdagings vir onderrig in vroeë kinderontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika is onder meer ʼn tekort aan gekwalifiseerde onderwysers, asook leer- en ondersteuningsmateriaal van ʼn hoë gehalte. Die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) vir graad R bestaan uit drie vakke: Huistaal, Wiskunde en Lewensvaardighede. Lewensvaardighede bestaan uit vier studie-areas, naamlik Aanvangskennis, Skeppende kunste, Liggaamsopvoeding, asook Persoonlike en Sosiale Welsyn. Slegs dertig minute per week word as deel van Skeppende kunste toegestaan aan formele musiekonderrig. Wanneer musiek in die dagprogram met ander aspekte van graad R-onderrig en -leer integreer word, word die holistiese ontwikkeling van die leerder bevorder. Graad R-onderwysers het egter selde in musiek gespesialiseer en is onseker oor die implementering daarvan in hul onderrigprogramme. Uitvoerbare moontlikhede word in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek om musiek in die graad R-dagprogram te integreer ten einde ʼn bydrae te lewer tot die sosiale, fisiese, emosionele, intellektuele en geestelike ontwikkeling van graad R-leerders. Die hoofnavorsingsvraag wat hieruit ontstaan, is watter teoretiese raamwerk verduidelik hoe musiek in graad R geïntegreer kan word. Die navorsingsbenadering wat gevolg is om hierdie vraag te ondersoek, is ʼn kwalitatiewe, veelvoudige gevallestudie vanuit ʼn interpretatiewe perspektief. Aanvanklik is ʼn literatuurstudie gedoen om huidige tendense ten opsigte van die integrasie van musiek in graad R te beskryf. Daarna is die onderrig en leer in vyf multikulturele graad R-klasse in die Potchefstroom-omgewing waargeneem met die doel om die maniere waarop musiek in die praktyk geïntegreer word, in te samel. Die data is toe met behulp van Atlas.ti 7.1.6 georganiseer en gekategoriseer, waarna ʼn oorkruis gevalle-analise gedoen is. Die bevindinge is geverifieer deur langtermyn-waarneming en deelnemer-kontrole. ʼn Teoretiese raamwerk is ontwikkel deur die ses temas wat uit die data-analise gegenereer is in verband te bring met ʼn geïntegreerde literatuuroorsig. Hierdie aspekte vir die integrasie van musiek in graad R waardeur onderrig en leer kan plaasvind, is geïdentifiseer as oor musiek, uit musiek, op musiek, met musiek, in musiek en deur musiek. In die raamwerk word elke aspek van integrasie verbind met aktiwiteite wat gebaseer is op die leerbeginsels vir graad R, naamlik spel, ontdekking en praktiese ervarings, ten einde die ontwikkeling van die graad R-leerder te bevorder. Alhoewel die bevindinge spesifiek is tot die Potchefstroom-omgewing, hou die teoretiese raamwerk verskeie moontlikhede in vir nasionale en internasionale toepassing in voorskoolse onderrig. Dit impliseer dat musiek suksesvol in die graad R-dagprogram geïntegreer kan word deur musiekspesialiste sowel as onderwysers wat nie in musiek gespesialiseer het nie. / PhD (Music), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Musiekintegrasie in graad R : 'n teoretiese raamwerk gebaseer op 'n gevallestudie / Mignon van Vreden

Van Vreden, Mignon January 2014 (has links)
Graad R verwys volgens die nuutste Afrikaanse beleidsdokumente na die voorskoolse opleiding wat tans in die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolstelsel ingefaseer word, alhoewel die Departement van Basiese Onderwys beoog dat alle leerders eers in 2019 toegang sal hê tot formele graad R-programme. Uitdagings vir onderrig in vroeë kinderontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika is onder meer ʼn tekort aan gekwalifiseerde onderwysers, asook leer- en ondersteuningsmateriaal van ʼn hoë gehalte. Die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV) vir graad R bestaan uit drie vakke: Huistaal, Wiskunde en Lewensvaardighede. Lewensvaardighede bestaan uit vier studie-areas, naamlik Aanvangskennis, Skeppende kunste, Liggaamsopvoeding, asook Persoonlike en Sosiale Welsyn. Slegs dertig minute per week word as deel van Skeppende kunste toegestaan aan formele musiekonderrig. Wanneer musiek in die dagprogram met ander aspekte van graad R-onderrig en -leer integreer word, word die holistiese ontwikkeling van die leerder bevorder. Graad R-onderwysers het egter selde in musiek gespesialiseer en is onseker oor die implementering daarvan in hul onderrigprogramme. Uitvoerbare moontlikhede word in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek om musiek in die graad R-dagprogram te integreer ten einde ʼn bydrae te lewer tot die sosiale, fisiese, emosionele, intellektuele en geestelike ontwikkeling van graad R-leerders. Die hoofnavorsingsvraag wat hieruit ontstaan, is watter teoretiese raamwerk verduidelik hoe musiek in graad R geïntegreer kan word. Die navorsingsbenadering wat gevolg is om hierdie vraag te ondersoek, is ʼn kwalitatiewe, veelvoudige gevallestudie vanuit ʼn interpretatiewe perspektief. Aanvanklik is ʼn literatuurstudie gedoen om huidige tendense ten opsigte van die integrasie van musiek in graad R te beskryf. Daarna is die onderrig en leer in vyf multikulturele graad R-klasse in die Potchefstroom-omgewing waargeneem met die doel om die maniere waarop musiek in die praktyk geïntegreer word, in te samel. Die data is toe met behulp van Atlas.ti 7.1.6 georganiseer en gekategoriseer, waarna ʼn oorkruis gevalle-analise gedoen is. Die bevindinge is geverifieer deur langtermyn-waarneming en deelnemer-kontrole. ʼn Teoretiese raamwerk is ontwikkel deur die ses temas wat uit die data-analise gegenereer is in verband te bring met ʼn geïntegreerde literatuuroorsig. Hierdie aspekte vir die integrasie van musiek in graad R waardeur onderrig en leer kan plaasvind, is geïdentifiseer as oor musiek, uit musiek, op musiek, met musiek, in musiek en deur musiek. In die raamwerk word elke aspek van integrasie verbind met aktiwiteite wat gebaseer is op die leerbeginsels vir graad R, naamlik spel, ontdekking en praktiese ervarings, ten einde die ontwikkeling van die graad R-leerder te bevorder. Alhoewel die bevindinge spesifiek is tot die Potchefstroom-omgewing, hou die teoretiese raamwerk verskeie moontlikhede in vir nasionale en internasionale toepassing in voorskoolse onderrig. Dit impliseer dat musiek suksesvol in die graad R-dagprogram geïntegreer kan word deur musiekspesialiste sowel as onderwysers wat nie in musiek gespesialiseer het nie. / PhD (Music), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Graad nege-leerders se beskrywing van negatiewe groepdruk / H.M. Roux.

Roux, Hilda Maria January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the description of negative peer pressure by grade nine learners. The study took place within the context of adolescence, which is often described as a phase where negative peer pressure plays a significant role in the lives of adolescents. A literature study on the topic showed that peer pressure is a complex phenomenon that is experienced by all adolescents at some point. Literature also indicated that the voice of adolescents regarding their own unique and subjective description of negative peer pressure has not been recorded often enough. It became evident that especially grade nine learners are vulnerable to negative peer pressure. This grade or age group forms part of the middle adolescent phase, which is especially characterised by the forming of an own identity. The forming of an own identity is influenced by the different develop-mental tasks that are associated with adolescence, namely their emotional, cognitive, moral and social development. During this developmental phase the membership of a peer group becomes increasingly important and exclusion from the group is feared. This fear often leads to conforming to negative group norms and behaviour. From this context, the study is necessary. The researcher has undertaken a qualitative, phenomenological study, during which unstructured interviews were conducted with twelve grade nine learners from public high schools in the Drakenstein area of the Boland, Western Cape. These interviews were transcribed and the data analysed so that specific themes concerning negative peer pressure could be identified. From these empirical findings it was evident that the mutual relationships of the participants as well as the dynamics and norms within their respective groups, impacted severely on their description of negative peer pressure. Group formation in the middle adolescent years seems to be a complex process. It appears as if the smaller, more intimate group of friends can protect adolescents against negative peer pressure on the one hand, but can also exert pressure on group members to partake in negative activities. Therefore smaller groups often change as members move in and out of the group to find a group where they feel at home. According to the participants, conforming to negative behaviour and norms takes place more readily in the bigger or wider and more diverse peer group. Within these bigger groups it is easier for individuals to lose their identity, and therefore adolescents that are still in search of a personal identity and value system, give in to negative pressure and behaviour easier. A wide range of causes are named for this giving in to pressure, but according to the participants, their need for acceptance and recognition by the peer group as well as the accompanying fear of exclusion are the most important causes. From the study it was further evident that the relationships that adolescents find themselves in, play a deciding role in their description of negative peer pressure. The participants indicated that their relationship with their parents, their peer group, as well as the relationship with themselves, all influence their ability to handle negative peer pressure. From these findings the description of participants of negative peer pressure is explained in full. Suggestions are made to better equip parents, teachers and other professional people who work with adolescents in order to support and advise grade nine learners more successfully in their handling of negative peer pressure. / Thesis (MA (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Development and evaluation of a psychological well-being programme for university students in Tanzania / J. Rugira.

Rugira, Janvier January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the description of negative peer pressure by grade nine learners. The study took place within the context of adolescence, which is often described as a phase where negative peer pressure plays a significant role in the lives of adolescents. A literature study on the topic showed that peer pressure is a complex phenomenon that is experienced by all adolescents at some point. Literature also indicated that the voice of adolescents regarding their own unique and subjective description of negative peer pressure has not been recorded often enough. It became evident that especially grade nine learners are vulnerable to negative peer pressure. This grade or age group forms part of the middle adolescent phase, which is especially characterised by the forming of an own identity. The forming of an own identity is influenced by the different develop-mental tasks that are associated with adolescence, namely their emotional, cognitive, moral and social development. During this developmental phase the membership of a peer group becomes increasingly important and exclusion from the group is feared. This fear often leads to conforming to negative group norms and behaviour. From this context, the study is necessary. The researcher has undertaken a qualitative, phenomenological study, during which unstructured interviews were conducted with twelve grade nine learners from public high schools in the Drakenstein area of the Boland, Western Cape. These interviews were transcribed and the data analysed so that specific themes concerning negative peer pressure could be identified. From these empirical findings it was evident that the mutual relationships of the participants as well as the dynamics and norms within their respective groups, impacted severely on their description of negative peer pressure. Group formation in the middle adolescent years seems to be a complex process. It appears as if the smaller, more intimate group of friends can protect adolescents against negative peer pressure on the one hand, but can also exert pressure on group members to partake in negative activities. Therefore smaller groups often change as members move in and out of the group to find a group where they feel at home. According to the participants, conforming to negative behaviour and norms takes place more readily in the bigger or wider and more diverse peer group. Within these bigger groups it is easier for individuals to lose their identity, and therefore adolescents that are still in search of a personal identity and value system, give in to negative pressure and behaviour easier. A wide range of causes are named for this giving in to pressure, but according to the participants, their need for acceptance and recognition by the peer group as well as the accompanying fear of exclusion are the most important causes. From the study it was further evident that the relationships that adolescents find themselves in, play a deciding role in their description of negative peer pressure. The participants indicated that their relationship with their parents, their peer group, as well as the relationship with themselves, all influence their ability to handle negative peer pressure. From these findings the description of participants of negative peer pressure is explained in full. Suggestions are made to better equip parents, teachers and other professional people who work with adolescents in order to support and advise grade nine learners more successfully in their handling of negative peer pressure. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Graad nege-leerders se beskrywing van negatiewe groepdruk / H.M. Roux.

Roux, Hilda Maria January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the description of negative peer pressure by grade nine learners. The study took place within the context of adolescence, which is often described as a phase where negative peer pressure plays a significant role in the lives of adolescents. A literature study on the topic showed that peer pressure is a complex phenomenon that is experienced by all adolescents at some point. Literature also indicated that the voice of adolescents regarding their own unique and subjective description of negative peer pressure has not been recorded often enough. It became evident that especially grade nine learners are vulnerable to negative peer pressure. This grade or age group forms part of the middle adolescent phase, which is especially characterised by the forming of an own identity. The forming of an own identity is influenced by the different develop-mental tasks that are associated with adolescence, namely their emotional, cognitive, moral and social development. During this developmental phase the membership of a peer group becomes increasingly important and exclusion from the group is feared. This fear often leads to conforming to negative group norms and behaviour. From this context, the study is necessary. The researcher has undertaken a qualitative, phenomenological study, during which unstructured interviews were conducted with twelve grade nine learners from public high schools in the Drakenstein area of the Boland, Western Cape. These interviews were transcribed and the data analysed so that specific themes concerning negative peer pressure could be identified. From these empirical findings it was evident that the mutual relationships of the participants as well as the dynamics and norms within their respective groups, impacted severely on their description of negative peer pressure. Group formation in the middle adolescent years seems to be a complex process. It appears as if the smaller, more intimate group of friends can protect adolescents against negative peer pressure on the one hand, but can also exert pressure on group members to partake in negative activities. Therefore smaller groups often change as members move in and out of the group to find a group where they feel at home. According to the participants, conforming to negative behaviour and norms takes place more readily in the bigger or wider and more diverse peer group. Within these bigger groups it is easier for individuals to lose their identity, and therefore adolescents that are still in search of a personal identity and value system, give in to negative pressure and behaviour easier. A wide range of causes are named for this giving in to pressure, but according to the participants, their need for acceptance and recognition by the peer group as well as the accompanying fear of exclusion are the most important causes. From the study it was further evident that the relationships that adolescents find themselves in, play a deciding role in their description of negative peer pressure. The participants indicated that their relationship with their parents, their peer group, as well as the relationship with themselves, all influence their ability to handle negative peer pressure. From these findings the description of participants of negative peer pressure is explained in full. Suggestions are made to better equip parents, teachers and other professional people who work with adolescents in order to support and advise grade nine learners more successfully in their handling of negative peer pressure. / Thesis (MA (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Development and evaluation of a psychological well-being programme for university students in Tanzania / J. Rugira.

Rugira, Janvier January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the description of negative peer pressure by grade nine learners. The study took place within the context of adolescence, which is often described as a phase where negative peer pressure plays a significant role in the lives of adolescents. A literature study on the topic showed that peer pressure is a complex phenomenon that is experienced by all adolescents at some point. Literature also indicated that the voice of adolescents regarding their own unique and subjective description of negative peer pressure has not been recorded often enough. It became evident that especially grade nine learners are vulnerable to negative peer pressure. This grade or age group forms part of the middle adolescent phase, which is especially characterised by the forming of an own identity. The forming of an own identity is influenced by the different develop-mental tasks that are associated with adolescence, namely their emotional, cognitive, moral and social development. During this developmental phase the membership of a peer group becomes increasingly important and exclusion from the group is feared. This fear often leads to conforming to negative group norms and behaviour. From this context, the study is necessary. The researcher has undertaken a qualitative, phenomenological study, during which unstructured interviews were conducted with twelve grade nine learners from public high schools in the Drakenstein area of the Boland, Western Cape. These interviews were transcribed and the data analysed so that specific themes concerning negative peer pressure could be identified. From these empirical findings it was evident that the mutual relationships of the participants as well as the dynamics and norms within their respective groups, impacted severely on their description of negative peer pressure. Group formation in the middle adolescent years seems to be a complex process. It appears as if the smaller, more intimate group of friends can protect adolescents against negative peer pressure on the one hand, but can also exert pressure on group members to partake in negative activities. Therefore smaller groups often change as members move in and out of the group to find a group where they feel at home. According to the participants, conforming to negative behaviour and norms takes place more readily in the bigger or wider and more diverse peer group. Within these bigger groups it is easier for individuals to lose their identity, and therefore adolescents that are still in search of a personal identity and value system, give in to negative pressure and behaviour easier. A wide range of causes are named for this giving in to pressure, but according to the participants, their need for acceptance and recognition by the peer group as well as the accompanying fear of exclusion are the most important causes. From the study it was further evident that the relationships that adolescents find themselves in, play a deciding role in their description of negative peer pressure. The participants indicated that their relationship with their parents, their peer group, as well as the relationship with themselves, all influence their ability to handle negative peer pressure. From these findings the description of participants of negative peer pressure is explained in full. Suggestions are made to better equip parents, teachers and other professional people who work with adolescents in order to support and advise grade nine learners more successfully in their handling of negative peer pressure. / Thesis (PhD (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Onderwyseresse se verwagtinge van tweede of addisionele taal graad R-leerders se kommunikasievaardighede in 'n bepaalde geografiese area van Bloemfontein (Afrikaans)

Harmse, Ottilie Henriette 16 April 2007 (has links)
Abstract in Afrikaans Onderwyseresse is dikwels onseker oor die wyse waarop hulle tweede of addisionele taal graad R-leerders behoort te onderrig. Gevolglik stel hulle dieselfde kommunikasie-eise en op dieselfde wyse aan tweede taal leerders as aan moedertaalleerders. `n Groot aantal Suid-Afrikaanse graad R-leerders se basiese interaktiewe taalvaardighede in Engels as onderrigtaal, is dikwels nie op peil aan die einde van graad R nie, omdat hulle nie Engels magtig is by toetrede tot graad R nie. Gevolglik kan hierdie leerders se kognitiewe akademiese taalvaardighede nie toereikend ontwikkel in Engels nie en beskik hulle nie aan die einde van graad R oor doeltreffende kommunikasievaardighede vir skool-gereedheid nie. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is daar spesifiek gefokus op graad R-onderwyseresse asook op leerders se kommunikasievaardighede vir skoolgereedheid. `n Transformerend-opeenvolgende ontwerp bestaande uit `n gemengde metodiek van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe benaderings in drie fases is vir die uitvoer van die studie geselekteer. Fase een het bestaan uit `n literatuurstudie, vir fase twee is graad R-onderwyseresse as deelnemers geselekteer en by fase drie is data van fases een en twee met mekaar vergelyk. Data-insameling het deur middel van vraelyste, `n onderhoudskedule vir semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, en `n skedule vir die fokusgroepbespreking geskied. `n Omvattende ontwikkelingsgebaseerde lys voorvereistes van kommunikasievaardighede (die lys), is in die literatuur vir spraak-taalpatologie geïdentifiseer asook kommunikasievaardighede wat deur die amptelike graad R-kurrikulum geïmpliseer word. Resultate van fase twee het getoon dat graad R-onderwyseresse nie al die kommunikasievaardighede van graad R-leerders in ooreenstemming met die lys vereis het nie. Volgens fase drie se bevindinge het die onderwyseresse meer kommunikasievaardighede van leerders verwag as wat deur die graad R-kurrikulum geïmpliseer word. Die kliniese waarde van die studie is geleë in die feit dat riglyne verskaf word vir interaksie tussen graad R-onderwysers en leerders vir die fasilitering van taalontwikkeling by die leerders. Die navorsingsbevindinge beaam vorige bevindinge dat graad R-onderwysers kan baat by addisionele opleiding oor spraak-taalontwikkeling en kommunikasievaardighede vir skoolgereedheid. Hierdie addisionele opleiding kan gesamentlik volgens die model van samewerkende dienslewering deur die onderwysers en die spraak-taalterapeut beplan word. Die navorsingsresultate kan aangewend word as uitgangspunt vir toekomstige navorsing oor die problematiek wat deur hierdie navorsing geïdentifiseer is. Op grond van die gevolgtrekkings is kliniese implikasies en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing geïdentifiseer. Die data wat tydens die navorsing ingesamel is, word as betekenisvol beskou vir die ontwikkeling van `n aanvullende program vir onderwysers om jong kinders se taalontwikkeling te fasiliteer. / Dissertation (Master of Communication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted

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