Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biodegradation""
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Architektonická studie kostela pro sídliště Líšeň-Vinohrady v Brně / The architectural study of the church for the estate Lisen-Vinohrady, BrnoHavlík, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of sacral space of Brno-Líšeň, where there is a request to build a church as a part the Salesian Center. Part of the problematics was the construction of the Parish house and the Community house as a part of the church mentioned above. The plot is situated at the site of the southern slope between Horáková and Molákova Street and in close proximity of the Salesi center. The project is conceived as a progressively graduating spiral rising from the mass of the community house to the sculpture of the cross at the tower of the church. Visually both building are separated from the north side but are partially connected thanks to the underground floor from the south side. The building of the community center shall be a three-story building. The design of the church itself is based on the centralization of space and due to progressive gradation to the center of the building, where all the events associated with the Christian year take place. The complex serves both as a place where the widespread society can fulfill their spiritual needs as well as a sanctuary of the Salesian community, where they can fulfill their mission.
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L’évaluation préopératoire de la profondeur d’invasion des carcinomes épidermoïdes de la langue mobile : connaissances actuelles et rôle diagnostique de la biopsie au poinçonVoizard, Béatrice 08 1900 (has links)
L’inclusion récente de la profondeur d’invasion (PI) dans la classification des carcinomes épidermoïdes de la cavité orale de l’American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) a des répercussions cliniques majeures. Plusieurs études ont récemment évalué la fiabilité de diverses modalités d’imagerie et techniques de biopsie pour mesurer la PI en préopératoire. L’objectif premier de ce mémoire est de réviser systématiquement la littérature et comparer les différentes méthodes décrites de mesure de PI en préopératoire pour les carcinomes épidermoïdes de la langue mobile. Le second objectif est d’étudier la précision et la fiabilité de la mesure de PI sur une biopsie au poinçon dans les carcinomes épidermoïdes de stade in situ (Tis)-T1-T2, N0 de la langue mobile.
Une revue systématique a été effectuée en suivant le guide PRISMA[1]. Les études évaluant la fiabilité de la PI mesurée sur la biopsie ou l’imagerie médicale, en les comparant à la PI histopathologique finale, ont été inclues dans une méta-analyse afin d’obtenir des coefficients de corrélation combinés pour chaque modalité d’imagerie. L’imagerie par résonnance magnétique (IRM) s’est avérée être la modalité d’imagerie la mieux étudiée et présente une bonne fiabilité. Le computed tomography (CT) scan est peu étudié, mais semble moins fiable. L’échographie linguale ne peut être comparée à ces deux modalités d’imagerie car elle est plus fréquemment utilisée pour mesurer l’épaisseur tumorale que la PI.
La seconde étude est une preuve de concept prospective. Un poinçon profond a été utilisé pour échantillonner la portion la plus profonde de carcinomes épidermoïdes de la langue mobile de stade Tis-T1-2, N0 chez 27 patients. Des coefficients de corrélation de Spearman ont été calculés entre la PI estimée à la palpation manuelle, mesurée à la biopsie, et à l’histopathologie. La sensibilité et la spécificité de la biopsie au poinçon pour distinguer le Tis du carcinome épidermoïde invasif ont été calculées. Bien que la PI mesurée à la biopsie ne corrèle pas fortement avec la PI histopathologique, cette preuve de concept est limitée par la taille d’échantillon. La biopsie au poinçon semble toutefois être un outil fiable pour distinguer le Tis de l’invasif. D’autres études sont nécessaires avant de pouvoir recommander l’utilisation systématique de la biopsie pour décider en préopératoire si un évidement cervical électif est nécessaire. / The inclusion of depth of invasion (DOI) in the American Joint Committee on Cancer’s staging system for oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) has major clinical impacts. Recent studies have evaluated the reliability of imaging modalities and biopsy techniques to measure DOI preoperatively. The first objective of this master’s thesis is to systematically review and compare the preoperative DOI measurement methods that have been studied so far in oral tongue SCC (OTSCC). The second objective is to prospectively study the precision and reliability of punch biopsy to measure DOI preoperatively in early (in situ (Tis)-T1-T2, N0) OTSCC, and its ability to distinguish Tis from invasive carcinoma.
A systematic review was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. Studies that evaluated the reliability of DOI measured on biopsy or imaging (rDOI) by comparing it to DOI on histopathology (pDOI) were included in a meta-analysis to obtain pooled correlation coefficients for each imaging modality. Overall, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the better studied modality. It has a good reliability to measure preoperative rDOI in OTSCC. CT is less studied but appears to be less reliable. Ultrasound (US) cannot be compared to these imaging modality as it has been used more often to measure tumor thickness (TT) than DOI.
The second study is a prospective proof-of-concept. A deep punch biopsy was used to sample tumors preoperatively in the deepest part of the tumor in 27 patients with early (Tis-T12, N0) oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma. Spearman’s correlations were calculated between DOI measured on digital palpation (cDOI), biopsy (bDOI) and final pDOI. The sensitivity and specificity of punch biopsy to distinguish Tis from invasive carcinoma was also calculated. Although bDOI does not seem to correlate strongly with pDOI, this proof-of-concept was limited by a small sample size. Punch biopsy appears to be a reliable tool to distinguish Tis from invasive carcinoma.
Further studies on punch biopsy are needed to recommend its use to evaluate pDOI preoperatively and determine whether elective neck dissection is necessary in early OTSCC.
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[pt] As cascas cilíndricas possuem aplicações em diversas áreas da engenharia. Nas últimas décadas tem se observado o surgimento de novos materiais e suas técnicas de produção, levando a novas aplicações em estruturas de cascas. Dentre estas, as cascas sanduíche e cascas com gradação funcional têm levado, em muitas aplicações, a um melhor desempenho estrutural associado a uma redução de peso. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar as frequências naturais e as cargas críticas de cascas sanduíche com faces de metal e núcleo de espuma metálica e cascas com gradação funcional, onde as características da espuma metálica variam ao longo da espessura levando a uma estrutura similar à da casca sanduíche. Esses resultados são comparados com aqueles de cascas isotrópicas homogêneas. Para tanto, é utilizada a teoria linear de Donnell, que é uma das mais empregadas para análise de cascas. Primeiramente, derivam-se as equações de movimento assim como as equações de equilíbrio crítico. Utilizando as soluções analíticas para uma casca simplesmente apoiada, obtêm-se as matrizes de massa, de rigidez e de rigidez geométrica, possibilitando o cálculo das frequências naturais e cargas críticas da casca sob compressão axial e pressão lateral. Através de uma análise paramétrica, os resultados mostram a influência da geometria da casca, da variação do material ao longo da espessura, do cisalhamento no núcleo e dos termos de inércia nas cargas críticas e frequências naturais. Os resultados também ressaltam a influência do núcleo de espuma metálica no aumento da capacidade de carga e redução de peso das cascas sanduíche e com gradação funcional. / [en] Cylindrical shells are used in several areas of engineering fields. In the last decades has been observed the emergence of new materials and their production techniques, leading to new applications in shell structures. Among these, the sandwich shells and shell with functionally graded materials have led, in many applications, to a better structural performance associated to a reduction of weight. This work aims to study the natural frequencies and the critical loads of sandwich shells with metal faces and metal foam core and functionally graded shells, where the characteristics of the metallic foam vary throughout the thickness leading to a structure similar to that of the sandwich shell. These results are compared with those of homogeneous isotropic shells. For this, the linear theory of Donnell, which is one of the most used for shell analysis, is here used. First, the equations of motion as well as the critical equilibrium equations are derived. Using the analytical solutions for a simply supported shell, the mass, stiffness and geometric stiffness matrices are obtained, allowing the calculation of the natural frequencies and critical loads of the shell under axial compression and lateral pressure. Through a parametric analysis, the results show the influence of the shell geometry, material variation along the shell thickness, shear deformation of the core and the inertia terms on the critical loads and natural frequencies. The results also highlight the influence of the metallic foam core in increasing the load bearing capacity and reducing the weight of the sandwich and functionally graded shells.
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Comportement d'une discontinuit?? dans un g??omat??riau sous sollicitation chemo-m??canique : exp??rimentations et mod??lisationsNouailletas, Olivier January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Ces travaux de th??se s'int??ressent ?? l'??tude du comportement d'une discontinuit?? dans un g??omat??riau sous sollicitations chemo-m??caniques ?? l'??chelle du laboratoire. Des essais de traction-compression cyclique ??tudient la refermeture d'une fissure. Ils indiquent que les d??formations in??lastiques seraient gouvern??es en partie par les frottements g??n??r??s lors du r??-embo??tement des l??vres de la discontinuit??, non correspondantes du fait des contraintes internes. Des joints rocheux alt??r??s chimiquement sous sollicitation tangentielle sont ??tudi??s au travers d'essais de cisaillement direct : le comportement des joints d??grad??s est profond??ment modifi?? du fait de la diminution des propri??t??s m??caniques du mat??riau de part et d'autre de la discontinuit?? et de l'accentuation de la non-correspondance des profils rugueux. Le comportement d'une discontinuit?? est mod??lis??e par le couplage d'un mod??le ??lasto-plastique endommageable continu avec une r??solution discr??te du probl??me de contact/frottement (code calcul aux ??l??ments finis Cast3M). Les r??sultats num??riques confirment les ph??nom??nes constat??s exp??rimentalement.//Abstract: To probate the technology of CO[indice inf??rieur 2] geological storage, the integrity of the site must be assure over time. This industruial problematic involves the study of the mechanical properties alteration of geomaterials in the presence of CO[indice inf??rieur 2]. The scenario at the origin of this thesis illustrates the possibility of a CO[indice inf??rieur 2] leakage on a fault located in the caprock. This geological problem is complicated by the many parameters to consider: in situ temperature and pressure, scale effect, heterogeneities of the geomaterial, geofluide composition, chemical reactions ... These works focus on the behavior of a discontinuity in a geomaterial solicited chemomechanically at the laboratory scale. They were realised in cotutelle between SIAME laboratory at the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (France) and the laboratory of rock mechanics and engineering geology from the University of Sherbrooke (Quebec, Canada). The first part of the experimental program was defined to characterize the reclosing of a crack under cyclic uniaxial stress. The second experimental campaign has studied the shear behavior of a rock joint chemically degraded. The data obtained were used to model the behavior of a discontinuity by the finite element method. The mechanical behavior of a crack under normal stress is assessed with cyclic tension-compression tests. Stress curve showed hysteresis during opening and closing cycles of a discontinuity in concrete, it indicated inelastic deformations The analysis of displacement field by image correlation indicated that theses deformations were partially governed by the friction generated during the closing of the discontinuity lips. Frictional phenomena are due to asperities mismatching induced by the internal stresses in the concrete. The shear behavior of a rock joint chemically damaged was studied through direct shear tests. Rough surfaces were immersed in acid solution during 6 hours at constant pH. Digitalization of these surfaces befor and after immesion, with a lase profilometer, indicates little modifications of the geometry induced by dissolution of material. Results of tests pointed out significant modifications for altered joints illustred by a of the peak shear strength and an increased of contractancy. They are induced by: 1) the mismatch enhancement of the rough profiles of the discontinuity and, 2) the degradation of the mechanical properties of the material on both sides of the discontinuity due to the chemical attack. Numerical contribution of the thesis lies in modeling the behavior of a discontinuity by the coupling of an continuous elastic-plastic damaged model with a discrete resolution of the contact/friction problem. The model is developed with the finite element code Cast3M. Geometries lips discontinuities are modeled directly from the roughness profiles from experimental scans. The numerical results correctly represent the friction phenomena observed experimentally. Finally, a model of the shear test altered joints is performed by coupling the mechanical model with chemical damage model.
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Modelling syntactic gradience with loose constraint-based parsing: Modélisation de la gradience syntaxique par analyse relâchée à base de contraintes / Modélisation de la gradience syntaxique par analyse relâchée à base de contraintesProst, Jean-Philippe January 2008 (has links)
Thesis submitted for the joint institutional requirements for the double-badged degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Docteur de l'Université de Provence, Spécialité : Informatique. / Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Information and Communication Sciences, Department of Computing, 2008. / Includes bibliography (p. 229-240) and index. / Introduction -- Background -- A model-theoretic framework for PG -- Loose constraint-based parsing -- A computational model for gradience -- Conclusion. / The grammaticality of a sentence has conventionally been treated in a binary way: either a sentence is grammatical or not. A growing body of work, however, focuses on studying intermediate levels of acceptability, sometimes referred to as gradience. To date, the bulk of this work has concerned itself with the exploration of human assessments of syntactic gradience. This dissertation explores the possibility to build a robust computational model that accords with these human judgements. -- We suggest that the concepts of Intersective Gradience and Subsective Gradience introduced by Aarts for modelling graded judgements be extended to cover deviant language. Under such a new model, the problem then raised by gradience is to classify an utterance as a member of a specific category according to its syntactic characteristics. More specifically, we extend Intersective Gradience (IG) so that it is concerned with choosing the most suitable syntactic structure for an utterance among a set of candidates, while Subsective Gradience (SG) is extended to be concerned with calculating to what extent the chosen syntactic structure is typical from the category at stake. IG is addressed in relying on a criterion of optimality, while SG is addressed in rating an utterance according to its grammatical acceptability. As for the required syntactic characteristics, which serve as features for classifying an utterance, our investigation of different frameworks for representing the syntax of natural language shows that they can easily be represented in Model-Theoretic Syntax; we choose to use Property Grammars (PG), which offers to model the characterisation of an utterance. We present here a fully automated solution for modelling syntactic gradience, which characterises any well formed or ill formed input sentence, generates an optimal parse for it, then rates the utterance according to its grammatical acceptability. -- Through the development of such a new model of gradience, the main contribution of this work is three-fold. -- First, we specify a model-theoretic logical framework for PG, which bridges the gap observed in the existing formalisation regarding the constraint satisfaction and constraint relaxation mechanisms, and how they relate to the projection of a category during the parsing process. This new framework introduces the notion of loose satisfaction, along with a formulation in first-order logic, which enables reasoning about the characterisation of an utterance. -- Second, we present our implementation of Loose Satisfaction Chart Parsing (LSCP), a dynamic programming approach based on the above mechanisms, which is proven to always find the full parse of optimal merit. Although it shows a high theoretical worst time complexity, it performs sufficiently well with the help of heuristics to let us experiment with our model of gradience. -- And third, after postulating that human acceptability judgements can be predicted by factors derivable from LSCP, we present a numeric model for rating an utterance according to its syntactic gradience. We measure a good correlation with grammatical acceptability by human judgements. Moreover, the model turns out to outperform an existing one discussed in the literature, which was experimented with parses generated manually. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xxviii, 283 p. ill
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Slovní úlohy o penězích ve 2. ročníku ZŠ / Word problems about money in the 2nd year of primary schoolVodrážková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The principal objective of this thesis is the comprehension of students' mental processes while solving verbal math problems about money. There searchis focused on pupils in the first stage of primary school and in particular verbal math problems, in which nominal value of coins, quantity of coins and their total particular verbal math problems, in which nominal value of coins, quantity of coins and their total sum play a key role. There fore, the objective of this diploma thesis is to lay out classify mony-related exprecises in thee currently used lies of elementary school mathematics text books for grade. The theoretical part consist of demarcation of early school age, a certain number of fanticipate dacts by RVP ZV for the first and second educational period, numeracy, literacy, verbal math problems, various strategies on how to solve such problems, basic is sues pipils encounter whilw solving those problems, coments on the topic of verbal math problems which appear in theree volume soft text books in tended for primary schools (Prodos, Taktic, H-mat). Their division into three types (a total sum of coins, nominal value of coins and number of coins) and their mutual comparision. The goal of the practial part is to analyse thought processes of and grade pupils when solving word problems about...
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