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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure of Collisional Metamorphism, Soft-Sediment Deformation, and Low-Angle Normal Faulting in the Beaver Dam Mountains

Voorhees, Jacob Isaac 10 August 2020 (has links)
Precambrian metamorphic rocks in the Beaver Dam Mountains display asymmetric, isoclinal folds with consistent fold axes plunging to the NW. These folds are parasitic and have a recursive nature that occurs on wavelengths from centimeters to perhaps kilometers as part of a NW-SE striking shear zone. The vergence of the folds indicates oblique shearing with a transport direction plunging 29° to the south. This shear zone may be associated with the collision of Yavapai Province island arcs with Laurentia. Structurally overlying, and adjacent to the metamorphic rocks are allochthonous and attenuated Mississippian limestone blocks and other strata debated to be either the result of mega-landsliding or fragments of the hanging wall rocks above a low-angle normal fault. We document previously unreported cataclastic damage zones tens of meters thick, an anastomosing zone of greenschist facies alteration hundreds of meters thick, and polished low-angle fault surfaces beneath these blocks. Other observations previously used to support a mega-landslide hypothesis are blocks of Redwall Limestone structurally overlying what was interpreted as Tertiary conglomerate. However, this contact is depositional, and the conglomerate is likely a sedimentary breccia facies of the Mississippian Redwall Limestone which is documented in several locations within the region. Additionally, some of the deformation and attenuation that was wrongly attributed to mega-landsliding or low-angle normal faulting is due to previously undocumented soft-sediment deformation. This deformation was gravity driven and accommodated by ductile granular flow, resulting in recumbent folds within the Mississippian Redwall Limestone and a prominent non-brittle detachment surface between the Redwall Limestone and the Cambrian Bonanza King Formation at Castle Cliff. This detachment was previously interpreted as the Castle Cliff Detachment, a low-angle normal fault, or as the slip surface of a landslide.

Lord of the Nile : Explaining how the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has affected Ethiopian Foreign Relations / Nilens Härskare : Hur den Stora Etiopiska Renässansdammen har påverkat Etiopiens utrikesförbindelser

Lindqvist, Joseph January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to examine how the foreign relationships of Ethiopia has developed as a result of the construction and filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam between 2011 and 2021. This essay therefore asks: How has Ethiopia’s foreign relations with the EU, Egypt, Sudan and China changed, have those relationships become more conflictual or cooperative, and how could potential changes be explained using a constructivist perspective? Constructivism is used as a means of explaining changes in the statements, positions and policies of these countries through concepts such as “norms” and “identities”. It additionally utilizes concepts from other studies such as “Hydro-hegemony”, “Benefit Sharing” and “Ethiopian renaissance”. It uses the BAR-scale from Wolf et al. (2003) to determine the different stages of Ethiopia’s relationships. The study concludes that Ethiopia’s relationship with the EU and China have progressed positively as a result of the GERD, and they have now started considering Ethiopia a more equitable partner for further cooperation. The relationship with Egypt and Sudan initially improved, with new Ethiopian norms of cooperation and equitable utilization becoming mainstay. However, Ethiopia’s unilateral action during recent events broke these norms, and has turned the relations conflictual once again.

Le caractère politique du bruit : comprendre le bruit au sein du Grand Tintamarre acadien

Lévesque-Filiatreault, Élodie 11 1900 (has links)
Le Grand Tintamarre Acadien est célébré depuis plus de 40 ans par les Acadiens. Il s’agit d’un événement politisé se voulant un véhicule identitaire, où les participants déambulent dans les rues en faisant le plus de bruit possible grâce à l’utilisation d’objets du quotidien comme des casseroles et des cuillères de bois. Le bruit, pourtant souvent perçu comme nuisance dans l’opinion publique, semble contribuer à donner du sens à l’événement. En effectuant une analyse thématique d’articles de quatre journaux importants en Acadie sur une période de cinq ans, ce mémoire explore dans quelle mesure le bruit créé lors du Grand Tintamarre offre un cadre d’action collective, permettant aux participants d’exprimer leur identité au sein de l’espace public, transformant les spectateurs en citoyens engagés, le temps d’une déambulation en ville. Le Grand Tintamarre acadien offre ainsi un terrain de recherche intéressant pour comprendre l’usage du bruit lors d’une manifestation publique. / The Grand Acadian Tintamarre has been celebrated for over 40 years by Acadians. It is a politicized event intended to be a cacophonous identity vehicle, during which participants roam the streets making as much noise as possible through the use of everyday objects such as pots and wooden spoons. The noise, although perceived as a nuisance in public opinion, seems to help give meaning to the event. By carrying out a thematic analysis of articles from four major newspapers in Acadia over a period of five years, this thesis will attempt to elucidate whether the noise created during the Grand Tintamarre can offer a framework for collective action, powerful and unique, allowing participants to express their identity, to claim public space, thereby transforming spectators into committed activists, if only for the duration of the demonstration. The Grand Acadian Tintamarre thus offers an interesting field of research in order to understand the use of noise during a public event.

Fatigue models for life prediction of structures under multiaxial loading with variation in time and space. / Tenue des structures en fatigue multiaxiale : prise en compte des variations de chargement en temps et en espace

Ma, Zepeng 18 December 2017 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail est de proposer une approche multi-échelle de la fatigue fondée sur l'énergie, et susceptible d'estimer les durées de vie associées à des chargements multidimensionnels variables. Le fondement de la démarche consiste à supposer que l'énergie dissipée à petite échelle régit le comportement à la fatigue. À chaque point matériel, est associée une distribution stochastique de points faibles qui sont susceptibles de plastifier et de contribuer à la dissipation d'énergie sans affecter des contraintes macroscopiques globales. Ceci revient à adopter le paradigme de Dang Van en fatigue polycyclique. La structure est supposée élastique (ou adaptée) à l'échelle macroscopique. De plus, on adopte à l'échelle mésoscopique un comportement élastoplastique avec une dépendance de la fonction de charge plastique non seulement de la partie déviatorique des contraintes, mais aussi de la partie hydrostatique. On considère également un écrouissage cinématique linéaire sous l'hypothèse d'une plasticité associée. Au lieu d'utiliser le nombre de cycles comme variable incrémentale, le concept d'évolution temporelle du chargement est adopté pour un suivi précis de l'historique du chargement réel. L'effet de la contrainte moyenne est pris en compte dans la fonction de charge mésoscopique ; une loi de cumul non linéaire de dommage est également considérée dans le modèle. La durée de vie à la fatigue est ensuite déterminée à l'aide d'une loi de phénoménologique fondée sur la dissipation d'énergie mésoscopique issue du cycle d'accommodation plastique. La première partie du travail a porté sur une proposition d'un modèle de fatigie à gradient de mise en oeuvre plus simple que les précédents modèles. / The aim of this work is to propose a multi-scale approach to energy-based fatigue, which can estimate lifetimes associated with variable multidimensional loading. The foundation of the approach is to assume that the energy dissipated on a small scale governs the fatigue behavior. Each material point is associated to a stochastic distribution of weak points that are likely to plasticize and contribute to the dissipation of energy without affecting global macroscopic stresses. This amounts to adopting Dang Van's paradigm of high cycle fatigue. The structure is supposed to be elastic (or adapted) on a macroscopic scale. In addition, we adopt on the mesoscopic scale an elastoplastic behavior with a dependence of the plastic load function not only of the deviatoric part of the stresses, but also of the hydrostatic part. Linear kinematic hardening is also considered under the assumption of an associated plasticity. Instead of using the number of cycles as an incremental variable, the concept of temporal evolution of the load is adopted for a precise follow-up of the history of the actual loading. The effect of mean stress is taken into account in the mesoscopic yield function; a law of nonlinear accumulation of damage is also considered in the model. Fatigue life is then determined using a phenomenological law based on mesoscopic energy dissipation from the plastic accommodative cycle. The first part of the work focused on a proposal for a fatigue model with a simpler implementation gradient than the previous models.

Modélisation de l'habitat des tétraonidés dans le massif du Jura : apport de la télédétection LiDAR aéroportée / Habitat modeling of Tetraonidae in the Jura massif : contribution of LiDAR airborne remote sensing

Glad, Anouk 14 December 2018 (has links)
Dans le contexte général de l’érosion de la biodiversité, deux espèces d’oiseaux forestiers, le Grand Tétras (Tetrao urogallus) et la Gélinotte des bois (Bonasa bonasia), présentes dans le massif Jurassien sont menacées par la perte et la fragmentation de leur habitat à l’échelle régionale. En particulier, dans le massif Jurassien l’extension progressive des tâches de régénération du hêtre induit la transformation du couvert végétal constitué de myrtilles et d’herbacées favorable en un habitat fermé défavorable. Le destin de ces deux espèces emblématiques dépend pour la première d’actions de gestions et pour la seconde d’une meilleure connaissance de la distribution et de la dynamique des populations. La coupe des zones de régénération fait partie des principales actions envisagées pour restaurer l’habitat forestier. Cependant ces actions de gestion ou de suivi des populations sont couteuses en temps et en argent. Ainsi, l’opportunité d’utiliser deux jeux de données LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) couvrant la majorité de l’aire de distribution des deux espèces dans le massif Jurassien a initié le projet de cartographie des habitats de chaque espèce et de la présence des tâches de régénération du hêtre en utilisant des modèles de distribution d’espèces (SDMs). L’objectif est de soutenir les gestionnaires dans leurs décisions et actions grâce à la production de prédictions spatiales adaptées. La réalisation de cet objectif dépend de la fiabilité des modèles produits, mais aussi de la bonne transmission des résultats par le chercheur aux gestionnaires qui ne sont pas familiers avec les méthodes utilisées. Dans un premier temps, le choix d’une méthode de modélisation appropriée (correction du biais d’échantillonnage, échelles, algorithmes) par rapport aux caractéristiques des jeux de données et aux objectifs a été évalué. Dans un second temps, l’utilisation de variables environnementales LiDAR orienté-objet (arbres et trouées) pour faciliter l’appropriation des résultats par les gestionnaires a été testée. Enfin, les résultats obtenus ont permis la création de modèles multi-échelles et de carte de prédictions pour chacune des espèces démontrant la capacité du LIDAR de représenter la structure de la végétation qui influence la présence des espèces d’oiseaux forestières étudiées. Des modèles de distribution de la régénération du hêtre ont pu aussi être créés à une échelle fine. / In the general context of biodiversity erosion, two forest bird species occurring in the French Jura massif, the Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and the Hazel Grouse (Bonasa bonasia), are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation at the regional scale. In particular, intensive beech regeneration patches extension in the Jura massif is leading to the transformation of the understory cover, once suitable with bilberry and herbaceous vegetation, to closed unfavorable habitat. The fate of those two emblematic species is depending for the first on future management actions and for the second on a better knowledge of the species population’s dynamics and occurrences. In particular, the cutting of the beech regeneration patches is one of the efficient management actions undertaken to restore the habitat. However, management actions and surveys are money and time consuming due to the large area that need to be covered. The opportunity to use two Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) datasets covering a major part of the distribution of the two species in the Jura massif initiated the phD project, with the objective to support managers in their decisions and actions by the creation of adapted distribution predicted maps using Species Distribution Models (SDMs) (Hazel Grouse, Capercaillie and beech regeneration). The realization of this objective is depending on the reliability of the models produced and on the capacity of the researcher to transfer the results to managers who are not familiar with modeling methods. In a first step, the choice of the appropriate modeling method regarding the datasets characteristics and the objectives was investigated (sampling bias correction, scales, and algorithms). In addition, the use of object-oriented LiDAR predictors (trees and gaps) pertinent from both species and managers point of view to facilitate the results transfer was tested. The results obtained were used to create appropriate multi-scale SDMs and to predict distribution maps for both target species, demonstrating the capacity of LiDAR to represent vegetation structures that influence the targeted forest bird species occurrences. Models at a fine scale were also created to map the beech regeneration distribution in the Jura massif.

Tribal constructs and kinship realities : individual and family organization on the Grand Ronde Reservation from 1856

Teverbaugh, Aeron 01 January 2000 (has links)
This project examines marriage and residence patterns on the Grand Ronde Reservation between 1856 and the early 1900s. It demonstrates that indigenous cultural patterns continued despite a colonial imagination that refused to see them. Members of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde continued to live in family groups much as they had in the pre-reservation era. They continued to exhibit patterns of marriage and kinship that were described in the ethnographies and by the earliest explorers in the Oregon area.

The Strait Defense: A Case Study Comparison of Global Straits

Endicott, Travis Wayne January 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The global climate is creating more ice-free waters in the Arctic. These new navigation possibilities around the Arctic lead to increased global trade, tourism, and oil and gas exploration. With the foreseeable increased nautical transportation through the Northwest Passage, the United States needs to revisit its security posture in and around the Bering Strait. At least five different grand strategies are potentially relevant in addressing this question. By comparing the suggestions of these leading grand strategy approaches to what has actually been implemented by the United States in the Strait of Hormuz, the Strait of Malacca, and the Panama Canal, similarities emerge that can help the United States shape their strategy for the defending of its national interests in the Bering Strait. By testing the different grand strategies against three reasonably similar cases, I find that a forward military presence and supporting a liberal institutionalist approach are the two key aspects that the United States should employ in the Bering Strait. Increasing and improving the military presence that the United States has in the region should be a top priority. In addition, supporting the Arctic Council would provide an increased level of security to the United States and other nations in the region. This strategy is not without its challenges and it will require artful statecraft in order to be successful.

Leopold II., velkovévoda toskánský, a bonifikace Maremmy (1824 - 1859) / Leopold II., Grand Duke of Tuscany, and bonification of Maremma (1824-1859)

Kovaříková, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The thesis describes a period of the government of Leopold II Grand Duke of Tuscany and his affiliation to the swampy territory along the Tuscany coastline called Maremma and its bonification. He was able to change fundamentally the most underdeveloped areas of his country during thirty years of his government. He succeeded even though political changes during the revolutionary years of 1847-1849, and though his government was finished by the unification of Italy and the incorporation of Tuscany into the newly established Kingdom of Italy, which was the goal of Italian risorgimento. This work further describes biography of Leopold II in short, his policy focused on overall development of Tuscany, and last but not least life fates and the principal works of his three closest collaborators - personalities with major influence at the realisation of the bonification works - Vittorio Fossombroni, Gaetano Giorgini and Alessandro Manetti. The thesis describes the bonification works in Maremma themselves, their organisation and results achieved. Part of the bonification overall plans of Leopold II was construction of the road network as well, with necessity of numerous bridges over canals and regulated watercourses. It was also necessary to solve the health problems in the region, especially malaria, where...

Objekt hlavní tribuny a ředitelství Velké ceny Brna / Building of the main grandstand and head office Grand Prix Brno

Snášel, Michal January 2012 (has links)
The master's thesis was to design a new head office grand prix of racings circuit, located near Brno. That was the aim. Racing circuit was built in 1987. Grand prix have a tradition here since 1930. The current buildings (1987) do not meet the needs of riders, especially in European and world competitions. The proposed building is based on the technical design and logical design, which was formulated with the knowledge of the operation in the newly built premises for the F1 cars in the World.

Galerie Velké ceny města Brna / The Gallery of Brno Grand Prix

Ježková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of the diploma project is to redesign an object of the Brno Grand Prix areal. The design case study is a second step after an urban project analyses created in the pre - diploma project phase. The main aim of the diploma design studio is to produce a new impulse in the whole nearby area of the Brno Grand Prix by finding a new purpose for the city's iconic areal and creating a decent and representative place for exhibition of the extensive history of Czechoslovak Motor sport.

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