Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brand’""
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Role evropských fondů při investicích v malých a středních podnicích na Madeiře / The Role of EU Funds in Investments in Madeira’s SMEHudek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá Evropskými Fondy a jejich roli při zmenšování rozdílů mezi chudšími a bohatšími regiony EU. Hlavním cílem práce je finanční analýza vybrané společnosti a navržení investičního projektu s důrazem na požadavky kladené na možnost čerpání dotací z evropských fondů. V práci jsou využity data poskytnuté společnosti, které jsou využity při tvorbě finanční analýzy, dále metody PESTL analýzy, Porterův pětifaktorový model, a SWOT analýza. Na závěr bude investiční projekt doporučen či zamítnut.
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Parler de "la Femme" au Moyen-Age. Comparaison épistémologique entre corpus d'auteurs universitaires du XIIIe et XVIème siècle / Talking about “Woman” in Middle Age. An epistemological comparison between academical corpora in the 13th and the 14th centuryPortes, Francois-Marie 14 December 2019 (has links)
Comment parler de « la femme » ? En effet, ce thème sollicite bon nombre de discours qui n’appartiennent pas au même domaine scientifique et n’ont pas la même méthode. Quelle science doit donc être employée pour déterminer la hiérarchie des discours qui ont la différence sexuelle pour objet ? Quelle est la place de la philosophie dans la constellation des savoirs que le XIIIème siècle a vu se croiser à l’occasion d’un tel « thème » ? Que ce soit dans les discours universitaires d’Albert le Grand, de Thomas d’Aquin, de Bonaventure ou de Gilles de Rome, il appert que l’objet d’étude qu’est la « femme » est épistémologiquement cohésif. Les autorités comme Aristote, Galien, Avicenne et Averroès sont confrontées à Augustin, Pierre Lombard, Paul de Tarse et aux « Saintes Ecritures ». Est-ce donc à la Révélation de donner les principes des discours sur « la femme », ou bien à la médecine de discriminer ou de prouver les thèses morales et politiques concernant la différence sexuelle ? Chaque auteur semble avoir une réponse qui témoigne de son épistémologie sous-jacente et c’est la cohérence scientifique pour parler de la sexuation et, en définitive, de la femme, qui est visée par ces auteurs du Bas Moyen-Age. / How can we speak about « woman »? Indeed, many discourses refer to this subject without belonging to the same scientific field and without sharing the same methodology. Which science should be selected to determine the hierarchy of the discourse about sexual difference? What part did philosophy play in this subject among the manifold fields of knowledge of the 13th century? In the academical corpus of Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, Giles of Rome and many others, the study of woman looks epistemologically cohesive. Authoritative voices such as those of Aristotle, Galen, Avicenna and Averroes are confronted with those of Augustine, P. Lombard, Paul, and with the “Holy Scriptures”. Is it hence up to the Book of Revelation to provide the principles underpinning the discourses on “woman”, or up to medical authorities to distinguish between or prove the moral and political theses on sexual difference? Each author’s answer to this question seems to testify to his underlying epistemology and it is the scientific consistency which characterizes the talk about the gender, and ultimately about the woman, which is targeted by these Late Middle Ages authors.
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Nonlinear Photonic Nanostructures based on Wide Gap Semiconductor Compounds / Nanostructures photoniques non linéaires basées sur des composés semi-conducteurs à grand gapMartin, Aude 24 November 2016 (has links)
La consommation d’énergie liée aux technologies de l’information augmente trèsrapidement et dans la mesure où la société a besoin d’être toujours plus connectée tout ens’appuyant sur des solutions durables, les technologies actuelles ne suffisent plus. La photoniqueintégrée s’impose dès lors comme une alternative à l’électronique pour réaliser du traitementdu signal économe en énergie. Au cours de cette thèse, j’ai étudié des structures sub-longueurd’onde en semiconducteur, les cristaux photoniques, qui présentent des propriétés non linéairesimpressionnantes. Plus précisément, le confinement fort et la propagation en lumière lente permettentun traitement sur puce de signal ultra-rapide tout optique, soit à partir de mélange àquatre ondes ou d’auto-modulation de phase. L’originalité est l’utilisation de nouveaux matériauxsemi-conducteurs ayant moins d’absorption non linéaires et par porteurs libres, effets qui limitentla pleine exploitation des effets non linéaires dans les structures photoniques en Silicium. Dansma thèse, des semiconducteurs III-V ont été utilisés pour développer des guides et des cavitéscristal photonique de grande qualité qui sont en mesure de supporter des densités de puissanceoptiques extrêmement élevées ainsi que de grands niveaux de puissance moyenne. J’ai amélioré laconductivité thermique des guides d’ondes grâce à l’intégration hétérogène de membranes GaInPavec du dioxyde de silicium. Cette plateforme permettra à terme de démontrer de l’amplificationsensible à la phase dans le régime continu que j’ai déjà démontré dans le régime pulsé en utilisant des membranes suspendues en GaInP. En parallèle, j’ai démontré des cristaux photoniques de grande qualité dans du Gallium phosphure, qui est un matériau très prometteur en raison de lagrande bande interdite et de la très bonne conductivité thermique. Les résultats préliminaires ontpermis la réalisation d’un régime non linéaire intense (mini-peigne de fréquence, compression etfission de soliton ...). / The energy consumption of the whole ICT ecosystem is growing at a fast paceand in a global context of the search for an ever more connected yet sustainable society, a technologicalbreakthrough is desired. Here, integrated nonlinear photonics will help by providingnovel possibilities for energy efficient signal processing. In this PhD thesis, I have been investigatingsub-wavelength semiconductor structures, particularly photonic crystals, which have shownremarkable nonlinear properties. More specifically the strong confinement and slow light propagationenables on-chip ultra-fast all-optical signal processing, either based on four-wave-mixingor self-phase modulation. The main point here is the use of novel semiconductor materials withimproved nonlinear properties with respect to Silicon. In fact, it has now been acknowledgedthat the nonlinear and free-carriers absorption in Silicon integrated photonic structures is anissue hindering the full exploitation of nonlinear effects. In my thesis, wide-gap III-V semiconductorshave been used to develop high quality photonic crystal waveguides and cavities whichare able to sustain extremely high optical power densities as well as large average power levels.I have demonstrated PhC waveguides with much improved thermal conductivity through heterogeneousintegration of GaInP membranes with silicon dioxide. This will allow continuous wave phase-sensitive amplification, which I already demonstrated in the pulsed regime using GaInPself-suspended membranes. In parallel, I have demonstrated high quality PhC in Gallium Phosphide,which is a very promising material because of the large bandgap and the very good thermalconductivity. Preliminar results demonstrate the achievement of extremely large nonlinear regime(mini-comb, soliton compression and fission ...).
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De la réalisation d'une interface cerveau-ordinateur pour une réalité virtuelle accessible au grand public / Toward deploying brain-computer interfaces to virtual reality for the general publicCattan, Grégoire 27 May 2019 (has links)
Malgré des développements récents dans la conception des casques électroencéphalographiques (EEG) et dans l'analyse du signal cérébrale, les interfaces cerveau-machine (ICM) sont toujours restreintes au contexte de la recherche scientifique. Toutefois, les ICM gagneraient à intégrer la réalité virtuelle (VR) car elles diminuent la distance entre l'utilisateur et son avatar en remplaçant les commandes mécaniques, et donc améliorent le sentiment d'immersion. De plus, les ICM fournissent également des informations sur l'état mental de l'utilisateur comme sa concentration, son attention ou ses points d'intérêts dans l'environnement virtuel. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l'interaction entre ICM et VR, qui constituent une interface homme-machine dont les applications nous semblent prometteuses pour le grand public, particulièrement dans le domaine du divertissement. Nous nous concentrons sur l'utilisation d’une ICM basée sur l'EEG et sur une stimulation visuelle occasionnelle, autrement-dit une ICM basée sur la détection du P300, un potentiel évoqué positif apparaissant dans l’EEG 250 à 600 ms après l’apparition d’un stimulus. Nous étudions l’usage de cette ICM pour interagir avec un environnement simulé grâce à un casque de VR mobile utilisant un smartphone ordinaire, c’est-à-dire un matériel de VR approprié pour une utilisation grand public.Toutefois, l’intégration des ICM dans la VR pour le grand public rencontre aujourd’hui des défis d’ordre technique, expérimental et conceptuel. En effet, l’utilisation d’un matériel mobile pose des contraintes techniques considérables, et une telle technologie n’a pas encore fait l’objet d’une validation. Les facteurs influençant la performance des ICM en VR par rapport à une utilisation sur PC restent flous. Également, les caractéristiques physiologiques de la réponse du cerveau à des stimuli en VR par rapport aux mêmes stimuli présentés sous PC sont inconnues. Finalement, les ICM et la VR admettent des limites considérables, parfois incompatibles. Par exemple, l’utilisateur interagit avec la VR en bougeant, ce qui perturbe le signal EEG et diminue la performance de l’ICM. Il y a donc une nécessité d’adapter le design de l’application pour une technologie mixte ICM+VR.Dans ce travail, nous présentons une contribution dans chacun de ces domaines : une réalisation technique vers une ICM grand public en VR ; une analyse expérimentale de sa performance et une analyse des différences physiologies produites par des stimuli présentés dans un casque de VR par rapport aux mêmes stimuli sous PC - analyses menées à bien grâce à deux campagnes expérimentales portant sur 33 sujets ; une synthèse des recommandations pour un design adapté à la fois aux ICM et à la VR. / In spite of ongoing developments in the conception of electroencephalographic (EEG) headsets and brain signal analysis, the actual use of an EEG-based brain-computer interfaces (BCI) is still restricted to research settings. On the other hand, BCI technology candidates as a good complement to virtual reality as it may diminish the distance between the user and his/her avatar. A BCI can accomplish this by circumventing the usual muscular pathway between the brain and the machine, thus enhancing the immersion feeling in VR applications. Moreover, a BCI provides valuable information on the mental state of the user, such as concentration and attention for the task at hand and for the virtual objects of interest. In this thesis, we study the coupling of BCI and VR technology, a human-machine interface that is potentially ubiquitous, in particular for gaming. We focus on the use of EEG-based BCI with occasional visual stimulation, i.e., BCIs based on the detection of the P300, a positive evoked potential appearing in the EEG 250 to 600 ms after the presentation of a stimulus. We investigate the use of such a BCI to interact with VR environments obtained using a mobile head-mounted display based on an ordinary smartphone, material suiting well the general public.The fusion of BCI technology with VR faces technical, experimental and conceptual limitations. Indeed, the integration of BCI with a mobile head-mounted display is technically burdensome and has not been fully validated. The factors impacting the performance of the BCI in VR remains still unknown. Also, unknown are the physiological characteristics of the brain responses to VR stimuli as compared to the same stimuli displayed on a PC screen. Finally, both BCI and VR technologies are limited, and these limitations sometimes appears contradictory. For example, the EEG is perturbed by the user’s movements while s/he is interacting with the virtual environment, but this movement may be an essential aspect of the VR experience. Thus, it is necessary to operate a synthesis of the existing design recommendations for BCI and VR technologies from the perspective of a mixed BCI+VR application.In this work, we presents three contributions: a technical implementation of a BCI+VR system, paving the way for a general public use; an analysis of its performance and an analysis of the physiological differences produced by VR stimuli as compared to the same stimuli on a PC by means of two experimental campaigns carried out on 33 subjects; a synthesis of the recommendations to adapt the application design to BCI and VR.
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Pravoslavná civilizace? Geneze ruského politického náboženství prizmatem civilizační analýzy / The Orthodox civilization? Genesis of Russian political religion through the prism of civilizational analysisSeliverstova, Evgeniya January 2015 (has links)
Thesis "The Orthodox civilization? Genesis of Russian political religion through the prism of civilizational analysis" has a historico-theoretical character. It presents an analysis of origins and evolution of two most important Russian ideologies which were expressed in religious terms. Using the civilizational perspective and by reconstructing of factual and mental context of two Russian ideologies, this thesis polemizes with religious determinant of Russian civilization. Instead, it establishes an issue of religio-political nexus, which seems to be more successful for thinking about civilizational specifics of Russia. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Kavalírská cesta Filipa Zikmunda Ditrichštejna do Španělska 1671-1672 / The Grand Tour of Philipp Sigmund of Dietrichstein to SpainJudina, Valerija January 2020 (has links)
This thesis analyses the Spanish part of Philipp Sigmund of Dietrichstein's grand tour which took place from 1671 to 1672, examining various archival sources, such as correspondence, spending overviews, instructions, and route plans. It looks into the motivations behind and circumstances of the grand tour, describing its participants, course, and Philipp Sigmund's activities in Spain. A key part of the thesis is an edition of transliterated correspondence from the journey to Spain, including an analysis of internal and external characteristics of the letters. Keywords: grand tour, traveling, Spain, Dietrichstein, Philipp Sigmund of Dietrichstein, 17th century, aristocracy
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Triple Nexus – Assessing the HDP view of its functionality and implementation / Trippel Nexus - Bedömning av synen på dess funktionalitet och implementering från Humanitär-Utvecklings- och FredsperspektivetGleisner, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
What are appropriate and relevant ways for collaboration and coordination between the three sections of aid work, humanitarian, development, and peace? This question has been topical for the aid community for decades when working in places where all three entities are present (Guinote, 2019). It is sometimes rejected, neglected but some times it is also considered and pursued (Hövelmann, 2020). This study aims to assess and analyze the arguments and breeding grounds for the triple nexus approached work in the DRC, the dynamics of promoting and receiving directions in a headquarters-field office relation exploring the challenges and opportunities between the three sections of HDP. Assessments have been done through conducting interviews remotely with people working on-site in the DRC at national or local offices and headquarters in Sweden and Central Europe. By interviewing eleven people with experience from all three HDP sectors, where a few people come from the donor sector, the goal has been to provide a broad picture of the aid community's perspective. This study's findings and inferences are related to funding structures where a more flexible funding system is requested. There are local involvement findings where signs through this study indicate local initiatives have been implementing the nexus approach for years. In environments such as presented in this study, of interrelating groups of people with differences in working culture, there are also challenges of clashing organizational principles, hegemonic approaches, and the ever topical issue of clear and relevant communication presented in the thesis. Through this assessment, power structures are pertinent to analyze to understand how the triple nexus approach can be further implemented. The agency theory will, in this study, be used as an eyeglass to assess these power relations.
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Leopold II., velkovévoda toskánský, a bonifikace Maremmy (1824 - 1859) / Leopold II., Grand Duke of Tuscany, and bonification of Maremma (1824-1859)Kovaříková, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The thesis describes a period of the government of Leopold II Grand Duke of Tuscany and his affiliation to the swampy territory along the Tuscany coastline called Maremma and its bonification. He was able to change fundamentally the most underdeveloped areas of his country during thirty years of his government. He succeeded even though political changes during the revolutionary years of 1847-1849, and though his government was finished by the unification of Italy and the incorporation of Tuscany into the newly established Kingdom of Italy, which was the goal of Italian risorgimento. This work further describes biography of Leopold II in short, his policy focused on overall development of Tuscany, and last but not least life fates and the principal works of his three closest collaborators - personalities with major influence at the realisation of the bonification works - Vittorio Fossombroni, Gaetano Giorgini and Alessandro Manetti. The thesis describes the bonification works in Maremma themselves, their organisation and results achieved. Part of the bonification overall plans of Leopold II was construction of the road network as well, with necessity of numerous bridges over canals and regulated watercourses. It was also necessary to solve the health problems in the region, especially malaria, where...
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Studies of effective theories beyond the Standard ModelRiad, Stella January 2014 (has links)
The vast majority of all experimental results in particle physics can be described by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. However, neither the existence of neutrino masses nor the mixing in the leptonic sector, which have been observed, can be described within this model. In fact, the model only describes a fraction of the known energy in the Universe. Thus, we know there must exist a theory beyond the SM. There is a plethora of possible candidates for such a model, such as supersymmetry, extra dimensional theories, and string theory. So far, there are no evidence in favor of these models. These theories often reside at high energies, and will therefore be manifest as effective theories at the low energies experienced here on Earth. A first example in extra-dimensional theories. From our four-dimensional point of view, particles which propagate through the extra dimensions will effectivel be perceived as towers of heavy particles. In this thesis we consider an extra-dimensional model with universal extra dimensions, where all SM particles are allowed to propagate through the extra dimensions. Especially, we place a bound on the range of validity for this model. We study the renormalization group running of the leptonic parameters as well as the Higgs self-coupling in this model with the neutrino masses generated by a Weinberg operator. Grand unified theories, where the gauge couplings of the SM are unified into a single oe at some high energy scale, are motivated by the electroweak unification. The unification must necessarily take place at energies many orders of magnitude greater than those that ever can be achieved on Earth. In order to make sense of the theoru, ehich is given at the grand unified scale, at the electroweak scale, the symmetry at the grand unified scale is broken down to the SM symmetry. Within these models the SM is considered as an effective field theory. We study renormalization group running of the leptonic parameters in a non-supersymmetric SO(10) model which is broken in two steps via the Pati-Salam group. Finally, the discovery of the new boson at the LHC provides a new opportunity to search for physics beyond the SM. We consider an effective model where the magnitudes of the couplings in the Higgs sector are scaled by so-called coupling scale factors. We perform Bayesian parameter inference based on the LHC data. Furthermore, we perform Bayesian model comparison, comparing models where one or several of the Higgs couplings are allowed, to the SM, where the couplings are fixed. / <p>QC 20141020</p>
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Los aportes del Gran Guignol en la búsqueda de una mirada escénica contemporánea de Edipo ReyPerez Heredia, Alejandro Enrique 06 December 2021 (has links)
La siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo proponer una lectura contemporánea de la obra
Edipo Rey desde la perspectiva del Grand Guignol. A través de la revisión del Grand Guignol
como estilo teatral propio del género de terror, y de las características esenciales de la obra de
Sófocles, imaginamos cuáles serían las bondades de utilizar el universo del Guignol para ofrecer
lineamientos hacia una puesta en escena que conversase con nuestro aquí y ahora. Sin duda, la
monstruosidad en el ser humano, como concepto fundamental, será un pilar para la propuesta
final; sin embargo, los aportes del Guignol se circunscriben también al uso del espacio, la
actuación, los efectos sonoros, el trabajo con el público, los efectos especiales, el gore, etc. No es
nuestra intención hacer un mero ejercicio estético, sino dar cuenta de cómo el Grand Guignol es
un estilo vigente con un lenguaje y una estética propia, capaz de ayudar a potenciar discursos
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