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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Misunderstood Partnership: British and American Grand Strategy and the “Special Relationship” as a Military Alliance, 1981-1991

von Bargen, Max Anders 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

How do I play this? : A case study Looking into information overload within the grand-strategy game genre

Khamran, Nur January 2023 (has links)
The goal of the project is to explore the issue of information overload in grand-strategy games, specifically focusing on Paradox games,and utilizing Victoria 3 as the primary case study. The research delves into the background and theory of grand strategy games, includingthe user experience, tooltip design, tutorials, and think-aloud interviews.To accomplish this, the research methodology involves conducting preliminary interviews via the think-aloud method, as well as a surveybased study. In the survey, participants will be asked to share their understanding of tutorial information and their experience with tooltips.Data analysis will be conducted using both quantitative and qualitative methods.This study discusses information overload for players within the tutorial section and tooltips within, analyzing issues from playersperspective and discussing and highlighting these issues and the challenges of overcoming them.

Wittenova smyčka v jednoduchých rozšířeních Standardního modelu částicových interakcí / Witten's loop in simple extensions of the Standard Model of particle interactions

Miřátský, Václav January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this Master thesis is to demonstrate Witteńs mechanism in selected extensions of the Standard model based on the Pati-Salam gauge group. The purpose of this mechanism is to obtain an extremely large Majorana mass term for right-handed neutrinos at the two-loop level and consequently light physical masses of neutrinos using the type I see-saw mechanism. The existence of corresponding Feynman diagrams without any interactions of vector bosons is presented. While it is impossible to construct this type of corrections in minimal SO(10) or SU(5)xU(1) model in Pati-Salam model they may be even dominant. Subsequently, implications of possible partial gauge coupling unification or even embedding of the Pati-Salam group into a gauge group of "Great Unified Theory" are considered. At the end the possibility of unacceptably fast proton decay is inspected. The discussed models are concluded to be potentially realistic but only at the cost of predictivity, since completely unknown Yukawa couplings appear in numerous key relations. 1

Investigation of Potential Trapping Bias in Malaise Traps Due to Mesh Gauge, in Two Habitats

Betts, David Jensen 09 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Malaise traps are a common tool for collecting insects used by many researchers. Although there have been variations in the models and materials used for Malaise traps, the potential for sampling bias due to mesh gague has been explored inadequately. This study compared coarse and fine mesh Townes model Malaise traps in two habitats on the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. The two habitats next to the Lick Wash trailhead were defined by dominant vegetation type – sagebrush and grasses or Piñon-Juniper. We collected from three sites per habitat type, over three consecutive days in June in both 2006 and 2007. A pair of Malaise traps consisting of one coarse mesh and one fine mesh trap were used at each site in order to compare differences in the diversity and in the average size of individuals collected by each type of Malaise trap. We measured diversity using both presence-absence data such as richness scores and Jaccard's Index of Similarity, and abundance-based measures of comparison, including Simpson's Index of Diversity and non-metric multidimensional scaling. We identified all individuals according to Order, and because of our interest in flies and their abundance, we further identified the Dipter ta to the Family level. Average insect size was determined by categorizing individuals according to one of 14 distinct size-classes. In sum, 71 samples totaling approximately 62,500 insects were identified and sized. Because we sampled from two adjacent habitats, we also discuss beta diversity across the sample sites. Although mesh-size appears to have a significant effect on the diversity of the catch according to some tests, not all of our analysis agrees. In addition, the gain in the amount of diversity collected by incorporating both mesh-sizes may not be worth the costs of that kind of sampling. Other means of collection may adequately make up that difference. Habitat on the other hand was a clear marker for difference in diversity. Size was not found to be significant overall, but there still may be reasons to examine the effect of mesh-size with respect to the Hymenoptera.

Identifying Synergies and Trade-offs between the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Sustainable Development Goals / Identifiering av Synergier och Målkonflikter mellan Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam och de Globala Målen

Thengius, Sandra, Preston, Olivia January 2018 (has links)
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is a large hydropower project currently under construction in Ethiopia. Supposedly it will benefit the people of Ethiopia through an increased access to electricity, but it is also associated with complex political relations between Ethiopia and the neighbouring countries Egypt and Sudan. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the GERD project with regard to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 related targets, and to show what actions should be taken to improve the contribution of the GERD to sustainable development. A method developed for mapping synergies and trade-offs between targets in the SDGs was used. To identify how the GERD contributes to and/or hinders the fulfillment of the goals, published evidence was systematically searched. 83 synergies, 45 trade-offs and 16 instances when cooperation in the Nile River basin is needed were identified. By radically increasing the electricity access in Ethiopia and because of the dam itself, the GERD both potentially contributes to and hinders sustainable development in relation to environment, society and economy. Identified key actions to reinforce the synergies and minimise the trade-offs are to establish a secure and including cooperation between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan; to ensure increased transparency, public access to information and participatory processes; to investigate and carry out measures that benefit the ecology in the area; and to strengthen the positive outcomes of electrification through supplementary measures. / Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) är ett stort vattenkraftprojekt som är under uppbyggnad i Etiopien. Genom att radikalt öka tillgången till elektricitet förväntas GERD bidra positivt till det etiopiska samhället, men dammen är också associerad med komplicerade politiska relationer mellan Etiopien och grannländerna Egypten och Sudan. Målet med rapporten är att analysera GERD-projektet i förhållande till FN:s 17 Globala mål och dess 169 tillhörande delmål, samt att visa vilka åtgärder som bör vidtas för att GERD i större utsträckning ska bidra till en hållbar utveckling. En metod som utvecklats för att kartlägga synergier och målkonflikter mellan olika delmål av de Globala målen användes. För att undersöka hur GERD bidrar till och/eller förhindrar uppfyllandet av delmålen gjordes en systematisk sökning av publicerad litteratur. 83 synergier, 45 målkonflikter och 16 fall där dessa hänger ihop med att samarbete krävs i regionen identifierades. Genom att öka tillgången till elektricitet, och på grund av dammen i sig, potentiellt både bidrar till och förhindrar GERD hållbar utveckling i förhållande till miljö, samhälle och ekonomi. Identifierade nyckelåtgärder för att förstärka synergierna och minimera målkonflikterna är att etablera ett bestående samarbete mellan Etiopien, Egypten och Sudan; att säkerställa ökad transparens, deltagandeprocesser och allmän tillgång till information; att utreda och utföra åtgärder som är till nytta för områdets ekologi; och att förstärka de positiva resultaten av elektrifiering genom kompletterande åtgärder.

Influences on the Adoption of Climate Resilient Water Innovation in Agri-food System: A Construal Theory Approach

Puri, Parag 26 October 2022 (has links)
Global food systems are facing a grand challenge due to daunting food security targets, risk vulnerabilities (e.g., COVID-19 crisis), internal unsustainability regarding resource use and contribution to environmental degradation (e.g., GHG emissions, land degradation and biodiversity loss). Such a situation demands a transformation of the global food system towards more local, alternative, community, and sustainable food systems. Past studies of the food system have shown that major advances toward socio-environmental sustainability can be achieved through the application of technology and the push for innovation. Therefore, since water is at the center of all food system challenges this study focused on climate-resilient water innovation, which includes using hydroponics, aeroponics or aquaponics technologies within a Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) to bring about this change. This qualitative study was undertaken to uncover the individual, institutional, technological, and farm/organizational factors that influenced the adoption of such climate-resilient water technologies. Additionally, it also involved investigating the individual construals and their relation to sustainable water innovation adoption. The study was able to discover new constructs, namely- sustainability ethos, individual construals, land/soil characteristics, location of urban farm, farm size bias, inter-provincial variation, complex systemic technologies, localization, and all-year-round production, that act as barriers and facilitators to sustainable water innovation adoption. Finally, developed a sustainable water innovation adoption model using an inductive and deductive approach that can be used by technology providers, the government and policy institutions for insightful decision-making with respect to water innovation in the Canadian agri-food sector.

Misrepresenting the Shoah in American Film

Read, Madeleine Erica 01 September 2017 (has links)
How should we, Americans, confront our complicity in reproducing the Shoah? For complicit we are, if consumerism is any metric: Steven Spielbergs 1993 film Schindlers List had grossed $321 million as of 2012; more than 40 million people have made the pilgrimage to the sacred US Holocaust Museum; at last count, The Diary of Anne Frank had sold 30 million copies. These numbers are stale staples in the debate over the ethics of Shoah representation, of course, but they bear out the skepticism of critics who have questioned American Holocaust consumer culture. And consumerism is only the first of many such ethical quandaries, which include how to deal with the trauma that audiences experience upon viewing Holocaust films and what happens when secondary witnesses overidentify with Holocaust victims.This paper takes up an unusual form of Holocaust art: misrepresentative film. I discuss two films, Quentin Tarantinos Inglourious Basterds and Wes Andersons The Grand Budapest Hotel, to argue that intentional misrepresentations not only call attention to the pitfalls of traditional representation but also encourage audiences to work through the transhistorical trauma of the Shoah. Released in 2009, Tarantinos was perhaps unique in cinema for its radical alteration of history, intended to give audiences the sheer pleasure of seeing the Nazi regime go up, literally, in flames. Though the film is undoubtedly a revenge fantasy that, using Dominick LaCapras terms, embodies acting out€ in response to historical trauma, it does so by flipping the traditional narrative: unlike most depictions of the Shoah, it complicates the victim-perpetrator binary, identifies audiences with the transgressors, and constantly calls attention to its own fictionality. Movies like The Grand Budapest Hotel are evidence that Tarantino really did shatter the constraints of the genre. Basterds certainly makes no effort toward historical accuracy, but since its appeal depends on the audiences awareness of its inaccuracies, Tarantino is still elbow-deep in real history. Anderson is not. Budapest is a troubled film, haunted by invasions, wars, arrests, and displays of arbitrary power, many of which recall the Third Reich. The function of these ominous forces, however, is not to offer commentary on the Shoah but simply to recreate the illusory world of Stefan Zweig, on whose writings it was based. In producing a movie about Nazi-occupied Europe in which the troubles of the period are relegated mostly to the background, Anderson furthers the deconstruction of the Holocaust film genre, raising the possibility that such films can be historically serious without being bound by restrictive rules.

Misrepresenting the Shoah in American Film

Read, Madeleine Erica 01 September 2017 (has links)
How should we, Americans, confront our complicity in reproducing the Shoah? For complicit we are, if consumerism is any metric: Steven Spielbergs 1993 film Schindlers List had grossed $321 million as of 2012; more than 40 million people have made the pilgrimage to the sacred US Holocaust Museum; at last count, The Diary of Anne Frank had sold 30 million copies. These numbers are stale staples in the debate over the ethics of Shoah representation, of course, but they bear out the skepticism of critics who have questioned American Holocaust consumer culture. And consumerism is only the first of many such ethical quandaries, which include how to deal with the trauma that audiences experience upon viewing Holocaust films and what happens when secondary witnesses overidentify with Holocaust victims.This paper takes up an unusual form of Holocaust art: misrepresentative film. I discuss two films, Quentin Tarantinos Inglourious Basterds and Wes Andersons The Grand Budapest Hotel, to argue that intentional misrepresentations not only call attention to the pitfalls of traditional representation but also encourage audiences to work through the transhistorical trauma of the Shoah. Released in 2009, Tarantinos was perhaps unique in cinema for its radical alteration of history, intended to give audiences the sheer pleasure of seeing the Nazi regime go up, literally, in flames. Though the film is undoubtedly a revenge fantasy that, using Dominick LaCapras terms, embodies œacting out in response to historical trauma, it does so by flipping the traditional narrative: unlike most depictions of the Shoah, it complicates the victim-perpetrator binary, identifies audiences with the transgressors, and constantly calls attention to its own fictionality. Movies like The Grand Budapest Hotel are evidence that Tarantino really did shatter the constraints of the genre. Basterds certainly makes no effort toward historical accuracy, but since its appeal depends on the audiences awareness of its inaccuracies, Tarantino is still elbow-deep in real history. Anderson is not. Budapest is a troubled film, haunted by invasions, wars, arrests, and displays of arbitrary power, many of which recall the Third Reich. The function of these ominous forces, however, is not to offer commentary on the Shoah but simply to recreate the illusory world of Stefan Zweig, on whose writings it was based. In producing a movie about Nazi-occupied Europe in which the troubles of the period are relegated mostly to the background, Anderson furthers the deconstruction of the Holocaust film genre, raising the possibility that such films can be historically serious without being bound by restrictive rules.

The Shoreline of Lake Huron, From Grand Bend to Port Franks, And The Problems At the Mouth of The Ausable River / The Lake Huron Shoreline, Grand Bend to Port Franks

Gregor, Dennis 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The Ontario shoreline of Lake Huron is one of the most populated areas, with reference to recreational purposes, in Ontario. However, with the rising water levels of the Great Lakes during 1972 and again in 1973, serious problems of beach erosion have resulted, particularly in the area of Grand Bend and Port Franks. This loss of sand has threatened cottages built on the dunes in addition to destroying breakwalls, steps, and boat launching ramps along the beach. It was with the idea of learning more about the beach, and possibly suggesting some methods of beach protection, that the research for this thesis was initiated. During the course of study, the author also became interested in the Ausable River and the associated flooding and erosion problems, with reference to past, present, and future attempts to solve or at least alleviate these difficulties. Thus, one section of the thesis is concerned with the Ausable River alone. </p> <p> The beach studied is actually the culmination of a series of raised beaches, formed during higher post-glacial lake stages. These raised beaches formed a bar separating the now non-existent Ausable Bay from Lake Huron, forming a lagoon eastward of the beach. This bar extends from Grand Bend, in a southwest direction, and culminates at Kettle Point. However, for the purposes of this thesis, that section between Grand Bend and Port Franks received the greatest amount of concentrated study. Over the years, the lagoon, formed by the growth of the bar has silted up, and is now drained for agricultural purposes. </p> <p> The modern beach was observed during the summer of 1972. This involved, profiling of a portion of the shore and offshore topography, procuring beach samples for later analysis, the use of sequential air photographs for observing changes over time, and the analysis of wind and wave data, along with many conversations with local residents and personal observations. </p> <p> The subsequent study of the above factors revealed several major conclusions regarding the beach. First, that it has good natural protection against erosion due to the abundance of sand s tored by the dunes. Second, the beach appears to be in an equilibrium state, however as lake levels fluctuate, so must the beach level, thus destroying the equilibrium for a period of time. With the lowering of the water level, the beach will become wider, exposing sand to the onshore winds, which will in turn rebuild the dunes with the blowing sand. Finally, because of the prximity of man-made structures to the beach, on the unstable dunes, some method of stabilizing the beach is necessary. That suggested is a groin system, designed and constructed by the local authorities. This would help prevent erosion and would eliminate the often vain and possibly dangerous, (to the natural environment), attempts by individuals to halt erosion. </p> <p> This is by no means a complete study of the area and its problems. Further consideration should be given to proposals which have been presented to the local conservation authority, and which were designed to alleviate some of these problems, particularly at Port Franks. The suggestions made here should also be given further thought. In addition to these practical problems, the actual growth of the original bar would provide an interesting subject for study. </p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Effects of phosphorus-binding agents on nutrient dynamics and a <i>Planktothrix</i> bloom in a shallow, semi-enclosed lake area

Davidson, Joseph Lee 31 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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