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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining the Effectiveness of Interactivity in a 3-Dimensional Web-Based Tutorial on Interference Phenomenon

Li, Qiaowu 11 May 2002 (has links)
In recent years there has been an increased interest on the role of web-based simulations in student learning. I have conducted a preliminary study on the effectiveness of interactivity in 3-Dimensional simulations to help students learn the interference phenomenon. The study was based on a Pretest-Posttest design with the experimental and control groups completing different but equivalent web-based tutorials. The experimental tutorial was based on the use of highly interactive 3-dimentional simulations developed by the WebTOP project. The only difference between the control tutorial and the experimental tutorial is that the control tutorial used static images instead of simulations. The content of both tutorials addressed the common misconceptions students usually have about waves and interference as identified in previous physics education research. The results suggest that student learning from both tutorials was significant with no significant difference in learning between the two groups. The study also identified several factors that might have affected the results and that should be the subject of further study.

Evaluación de la percepción de un programa tutorial dirigido a estudiantes de provincia en una Universidad de Lima

Marcelo Torres, Nohemí Estefani 06 1900 (has links)
Tutorial support has become more relevant in recent years because of its implications on the socio-emotional and academic performance of students. Consequently, many universities are implementing institutional plans designed to enable students to strengthen their skills and abilities. In that sense, the study seeks to examine the perception of a group of 30 inland students, between the ages of 15 and 18, with respect to the activities developed during the 2014-1 tutorial program. A qualitative phenomenological design was used, as well as focus groups and projective techniques for the data collection process. The results indicate that students view the tutorial program as a space for support and attention, which contributes to the college-life adjustment process; however, they indicate that it should be adapted to the group’s ever-changing needs. / El acompañamiento tutorial, en los últimos años, ha venido cobrando relevancia debido a la implicancia que tiene en el desempeño socioemocional y académico de los estudiantes, es por ello que muchas universidades diseñan planes institucionales que permiten a sus estudiantes fortalecer habilidades y capacidades. En ese sentido, el presente estudio pretende conocer cuáles son las percepciones que tiene un grupo de 30 estudiantes, entre 15 y 18 años, provenientes del interior del país, respecto a las actividades desarrolladas en el programa tutorial del semestre 2014-1. Se empleó un diseño cualitativo de tipo fenomenológico, y para la recolección de datos se emplearon grupos focales y técnicas proyectivas. Los resultados indican que el programa tutorial es concebido por los estudiantes como un espacio de apoyo, escucha que favorece al proceso de adaptación a la vida universitaria, aunque, también, señalan que éste debe ajustarse de acuerdo a las constantes necesidades del grupo.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação de tutoriais de moléculas como ferramenta de ensino: o caso dos tutoriais \"estrutura e estabilidade do DNA\" e \"estabilidade do DNA / Development and evaluation of molecular tutorials as a teaching tool: the case of the \"DNA Structure and Stability\" and \"DNA Stability\" tutorials

Fonseca, Larissa Assis Barony Valadares 06 May 2019 (has links)
Os tutoriais Estrutura e Estabilidade do DNA e Estabilidade do DNA são produtos da metodologia proposta neste trabalho para o desenvolvimento de tutorias de moléculas com animações interativas 3D, a qual estabelece as cinco diretrizes: i. Selecionar conteúdo de Bioquímica, Biologia molecular e Química; ii. Definir a distribuição do conteúdo e a estrutura do tutorial; iii. Integrar textos, diagramas, tabelas e animações moleculares 3D; iv. Desenvolver as animações integrando diferentes modos de representação 3D; e v. Exibir simultaneamente na página web animação molecular 3D associada com texto, diagrama ou tabela. A metodologia é fundamentada em Princípios de Aprendizagem por Multimídia de Mayer, no intuito de favorecer a aprendizagem da molécula, o que exige mais do que a mera exposição da estrutura molecular em três dimensões, sendo necessária a articulação da estrutura com mídias acessórias (3ª diretriz) para conduzir a exploração guiada e paulatina da molécula. No caso de biopolímeros, como o DNA, o aumento da complexidade estrutural torna mais necessário guiar o aprendiz pela exploração da molécula, sendo preciso explicar as interações químicas entre os monômeros e entre os monômeros com o meio aquoso para que o aprendiz compreenda a estrutura e estabeleça relações desta com as atividades biológicas do DNA. Assim, um dos princípios da metodologia é o estabelecimento de unidades conceituais que exploram gradativamente o biopolímero por meio de um texto constituído por pergunta e resposta e, em seguida, uma animação acionada pelo botão Visualize 3D. A estratégia de apresentar o conteúdo de forma segmentadaobjetiva favorecer o estabelecimento de conexões entre o conhecimento novo, apresentado na unidade conceitual, e os conceitos preexistentes do aprendiz. O texto de cada unidade possui uma organização hierárquica: i. Resposta resumida para a pergunta; ii. detalhamento da resposta; iii. estabelecimento de relação estrutura/atividade biológica. Além disso, existem hiperlinks para explicação adicional sobre conceitos químicos e bioquímico, tais como ligação de hidrogênio, fendas do DNA, etc. Também foram adotados princípios educacionais para a criação das animações. Os recursos utilizados para construção dos tutoriais foram ferramentas do Laboratório Integrado de Química e Bioquímica e estruturas moleculares obtidas do RCSB Protein Data Bank. Para avaliação do potencial instrucional dos tutoriais foram realizadas atividades com alunos de pós-graduação e graduação que responderam a um questionário antes e outro após usar os tutoriais. Também foram conduzidas entrevistas com alunos de graduação no intuito de averiguar a percepção destes sobre a metodologia de desenvolvimento de tutoriais e a aprendizagem com o uso de tutoriais de moléculas. A análise dos questionários evidenciou uma melhoria no desempenho dos estudantes após usar os tutoriais, além de eles considerarem que aprenderam e que gostariam de usar mais tutoriais de moléculas como ferramenta de ensino e aprendizagem, o que é um indicativo do potencial da metodologia proposta neste trabalho. / The \"DNA Structure and Stability\" and \"DNA Stability\" tutorials are products of the methodology proposed in this work for the development of molecular tutorials with 3D interactive animations, which establishes the five guidelines: i. Select contents of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Chemistry; ii. Define the content distribution and the structure of the tutorial; iii. Integrate texts, diagrams, tables and 3D molecular animations; iv. Develop the animations integrating different modes of 3D representation; and v. Simultaneously display on the web page 3D molecular animation associated with text, diagram or table. The methodology is based on Mayer\'s Multimedia Learning Principles, in order to favor the learning of the molecule, which requires more than the mere exposition of the molecular structure in three dimensions, being necessary the articulation of the structure with accessory medias (3rd guideline) to conduct the guided and gradual exploration of the molecule. In the case of biopolymers, such as DNA, increasing structural complexity makes it more necessary to guide the learner through the exploration of the molecule. It is necessary to explain the chemical interactions between the monomers and between the monomers with the aqueous medium so that the learner understands the structure and establish relations between this and the DNA biological activities. Thus, one of the principles of the methodology is the establishment of conceptual units that gradually explore the biopolymer through a text consisting of question and answer and then an animation triggered by the button \"Visualize 3D\". The strategy of presenting content in a segmented way aims to favor the establishment of connections between the new knowledge presented in the conceptual unit and thepreexisting ones in the cognitive structure of the learner. The text of each unit has a hierarchical organization: i. Brief answer to the question; ii. detailing the response; iii. establishment of the relation between structure and biological activity. In addition, there are hyperlinks for further explanation about chemical and biochemical concepts, such as hydrogen bonding, DNA grooves, etc. Educational principles were also adopted for the creation of animations. The resources used to construct the tutorials were tools of the Integrated Laboratory of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the molecular structures obtained from the RCSB Protein Data Bank. In order to evaluate the instructional potential of the tutorials, activities were carried out with undergraduate and graduate students who answered a questionnaire before and after using the tutorials. We also conducted interviews with undergraduate students in order to ascertain their perception about the methodology of developing tutorials and the learning with the use of molecular tutorials. The analysis of the questionnaires evidenced an improvement in students\' performance after using the tutorials, in addition they also consider that have learned and would like to use more molecular tutorials as a teaching and learning tool, which is an indicative of the potential of the methodology proposed in this work.

Applied Linguistics: First Tutorial - Handbook

01 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Instruktionsvideo som undervisningsform : En analys av dess pedagogiska betydelse i gymnasieämnet Medieproduktion.

Lindgren, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att analysera instruktionsvideon som undervisningsform i ämnet Medieproduktion. Tidigare forskning visade att interaktiva läromedel på ett positivt sätt kunde bidra till lärande. Med det som utgångspunkt var den övergripande frågeställningen i den här studien ifall interaktiva läromedel kunde fungera som komplement till dagens undervisning och i så fall på vilket sätt? Påverkade användandet av instruktionsvideo lärarens roll i klassrummet? Vidare var meningen med studien att undersöka om det redan idag skedde en inlärning utanför skolans ramar via interaktiva läromedel. Samt om det i så fall togs i beaktande av skolans lärare. Fältstudier gjordes i form av fyra fokussamtal, med sammanlagt 11 elever på gymnasiets program estetiska med inriktning estetik och media och medieprogrammet, samt en lärarintervju. Resultatet från fältstudierna analyserades utifrån en behavioristisk, konstruktivistisk och sociokulturell syn på lärande där olika syn på kunskap utgjorde analysverktyg. Därigenom belystes olika perspektiv på lärande med hjälp av instruktionsvideo. Litteraturbearbetningen och fältstudierna visade att eleverna hade tilltro till digitala läromedel. Resultatet från den här studien bekräftade tidigare forskning om ett tydligt samband mellan användning av interaktiva läromedel och effektiv inlärning. Däremot visade resultaten att sambandet var situationsbundet och att undervisningsformen kunde medföra didaktiska svårigheter. Exempel på sådana svårigheter var om humor borde användas i undervisningsformen eller inte samt hur en instruktionsvideo rent tekniskt borde framställas. Slutligen framkom behov av fortsatt forskning som redovisades.

Survey on Senior High School Teachers and Tutorial systems

Su, Hsin-Chi 05 August 2003 (has links)
Abstract This study aims to investigate the attitude of senior high school teachers toward the present tutoring system. It includes attitudes toward system-related regulations, the importance of the system, satisfaction in tasks included in the system, and possibility of exercising multiple tutors. The study is based on the survey on public and private senior high school teachers by the use of questionnaires. Some major findings, which are concluded from 541 out of 800 teachers, are listed below. The suggestions based on this finding are also provided, as a reference to future planning of tutoring systems. Major findings are as follows. 1. From the perspective of related regulations of the present system Most teachers understand the responsibilities of being a tutor. But the details included vary, due to teachers¡¦ different backgrounds. Most senior high schools exercise traditional ¡§class-based tutoring system¡¨; few exercise ¡§dual-tutor system¡¨. ¡§Guidelines of Tutoring Systems in Middle Schools¡¨, set by Ministry of Education cannot be fully carried out in senior high schools. 2. From the perspective of importance of the system in teachers of different backgrounds Teachers¡¦ viewpoints toward the importance of the system are similar, regardless of school locations, school characteristics, teachers¡¦ genders, and years of service. Teachers of different titles show different viewpoints toward a tutor¡¦s tasks. Dean-teachers show higher expectation in administrative cooperation as well as life and academic counseling, and classroom management. Those who have never been a tutor put more emphasis on enriching teachers¡¦ professionals, and meeting the needs of students and parents. 3. From the perspective of satisfaction in exercising the system in teachers of different backgrounds Different school characteristics and school types don¡¦t affect teachers¡¦ degrees of satisfaction in being a tutor. Teachers from senior high schools of different locations and of different titles both show significant differences, in terms of satisfaction in administrative cooperation as well as life, academic and career counseling. Dean-teachers show higher satisfaction. Teachers of different years of service and different years of being a tutor show significant differences in the respect of satisfaction in life, academic performances, and classroom management. 4. From the perspective of the possibility in exercising multiple-tutor system in teachers of different backgrounds Teachers¡¦ viewpoints are similar. ¡§Dual-tutor system¡¨ is widely preferred; others like ¡§group-based tutoring system¡¨, ¡§family-based tutoring system¡¨, ¡§mix tutoring system¡¨ and ¡§teamwork tutoring system¡¨ are also preferred in some degree. As to the traditional ¡§class-based tutoring system¡¨, teachers value less on ¡§responsibilities clarification¡¨ and ¡§ease of administrative management¡¨. 5. From the perspective of difficulties encountered in the present program and suggestions a. Possible reasons for teachers¡¦ unwillingness to be a tutor are too many problems from students, heavy workload, demanding from school, low stipend and reward. Shortcomings in the system are too many students, heavy workload, tutors¡¦ passive attitude. b. To improve the program, teachers think that measures such as encouraging teamwork among tutors, sharing and exchanging experiences, examining administrative process can all be taken. c. As to the evaluation, teachers prefer self-evaluation, multi-dimensional feedback evaluation, and in-campus administrative staff evaluation. d. Teachers suggest lowering the number of students in each class. The number of 21 to 30 students in each class is widely preferred. e. Teachers¡¦ suggestions for future planning are: (1) Offer counseling teachers, to help guide and counsel students. (2) Set up counseling centers for tutors, and build internet resources. (3) Promote in-campus seminars to enrich teachers¡¦ professionals. Based on this study, some suggestions are as follows. 1. To education-related administrative institutions a. Revise ¡§Guidelines of Tutoring Systems in Middle Schools¡¨. b. Enhance educational visiting and supervising. Trace and examine the tutoring system in each school. c. Set up fair evaluation guidelines, and encourage good tutors from time to time. d. Lower the number of students in each class, and increase the number of professional counseling teachers. e. Set up internet resources and counseling centers for tutors. f. Allow good tutors to take turns for a break and encourage them to attend off-campus seminars. 2. To administrative staff in schools a. Based on educational regulations and school characteristics, set up guidelines and goals for tutors. b. Collect teachers¡¦ opinions and set up guidelines for appointing tutors. c. Offer tutors necessary academic resources and administrative support. d. Promote ¡§dual-tutor system¡¨. e. Enforce fair evaluation for tutors. f. Plan and develop a culture of quality in schools. 3. To tutors a. Keep on further studies and enrich professional skills. b. Be close to students actively and offer what the students need. c. Help students develop good study habits, to increase their learning efficiency. d. Enforce emotional education, and help develop students¡¦ dealing with frustration. This study from questionnaires is limited. Future studies may widen sampling, add in qualitative analysis, and include subjects from administrative staff, parents, and people in the community. As to exercising multiple-tutor system, a small scale of exercise is suggested in the very beginning. Further examination and evaluation is necessary before a wide scale of exercise.

Using Systems Thinking to Discuss the SMEs¡¦ Business Model¡XTake A Tutorial School for Example

Chen, Chun-fu 11 September 2007 (has links)
This study is to discuss the small and medium enterprises¡¦ business model through systems thinking. In the study, we try to find the casual loop diagrams of all art tutorial schools¡¦ business models first. Then we use systems thinking to analyze how the art tutorial school leaders¡¦ business concepts help him to run the art tutorial school so well. And we get two points. Firstly, through casual loop diagrams¡¦ analysis, we found that a constantly growing art tutorial school must prepare enough both high quality and quantity teaching resources. Do not extend before you prepare your teaching capacity, otherwise you¡¦ll lose customers¡¦ trust. Secondly, in daily business running, the leader should tell his employees what his business concepts are and how to fulfill them to overcome the business¡¦s limitation. In this case, the leader thinks one must have these three business concepts: (1) The more you give, the more you¡¦ll get; (2) People should consider others before themselves; (3) With virtue, people can create great artistic creations. Through good business concepts and an integral dynamic cooperation, the business would grow up in a constant way.

Strategy Research on Tutorial Teaching Applied in Supplementary School

Yang, Tsung-pao 10 July 2009 (has links)
The number of supplementary schools in Taiwan has been amazingly increasing from 2,700 to more than 18,000 since the educational reform began in 1996. Some regard the growing number of supplementary schools as the result of educational reform; however, others believe it is because parents hope their children can have a better competitiveness. No matter how it describes, it is a solid fact that the number of supplementary schools has been increasing enormously. In Taiwan, a huge number of supplementary schools results in severely competitive environment. In addition, because young couples are not willing to have children, the birth rate in Taiwan declines rapidly; as a result, each supplementary school all gives its best to recruit students. Conventional supplementary schools only put emphasis on better faculty and lower tuition to compete with others so that there is barely any difference between those conventional supplementary schools. Therefore, it is almost out of questions for those supplementary schools to achieve high competitiveness only with the two attractions above. With the market circumstance stated previously, this study analyzes Strategy on Tutorial Teaching Applied in Supplementary School. This study adopts qualitative research method with interviewing; the information gathered and analyzed from each interviewee values. There are two categories of interviewees: supplementary school owners and teachers. Interviewing with owners provides the first-hand experience and explicit idea of core competitiveness when running a supplementary school. From interviewing with teachers, problems and solutions can be obtained from what they have encountered in Whole-Class Teaching. Furthermore, it is essential to understand whether the student loss is closely related to teaching effectiveness and how Tutorial Teaching and Whole-Class Teaching influence students on learning effectiveness. This study adopts qualitative research method with interviewing and reveals that Tutorial Teaching relatively promotes students¡¦ competence and improves learning obstacles. However, Tutorial Teaching meets quite a few concerns if it puts into practice. This study combines the data analyzed from qualitative research with the theory and reference of tutorial teaching as well as takes the cost of running a supplementary school into account so as to develop a ¡§Tutorial Teaching Program¡¨ which is suitable for supplementary schools. It will be a great satisfaction if this study establishes a guideline for supplementary schools to enhance competitiveness and promote learning effectiveness.

Webbaserade kollegor, vad säger ni? : En receptionsstudie kring videolektioner som bildpedagogisk resurs

Therén, Julia January 2014 (has links)
Som blivande bildlärare har jag i detta examensarbete intresserat mig för hur jag kan använda mig av den stora resursbank av webbaserade videolektioner som visar bildskapande tekniker. Bildämnet är oerhört brett och komplext när eleverna ska lära sig skapa med olika bildtekniker och material, analysera och vara uppmärksam på sin egen process. Att det på internet finns mängder av videoklipp som kan visa varierande sätt att lösa en uppgift och använda sig av en teknik kan verka revolutionerande för en bildlärare som ska hjälpa en hel klass elevers frågor under 60 min. En intressant fråga som kommer med detta är vad som egentligen visas och sägs i dessa videor och hur eleverna tolkar och därmed lär sig av dem. Jag har därför fokuserat innehållet i videorna och hur det avkodas med frågeställningen: Hur avkodas webbaserade videolektioner för bildundervisning och hur skiljer sig olika användares avläsningar? Genom intervjuer med fyra informanter i gymnasiet år 3 samt en vuxen ekonomistudent har jag fått syn på vad som kan vara viktigt i skapandet av videolektioner för att vinna förtroende och hålla kvar tittarens uppmärksamhet. Jag har använt mig av Stuart Halls modell för encoding/decoding (kodning och avkodning) för att se hur informanterna avkodar innehållet i enlighet med hur jag tolkat att avsändaren av videolektionen har kodat in olika budskap i videon. Jag har också använt mig av teorier om retorik för att förstå varför det är viktigt att se personen som talar i videon. Undersökningen har också visat att genuskonstruktioner följer traditionella mönster i videolektioner på nätet och att detta har konsekvenser för avkodningen och för intresse, känsla av tillhörighet och fokus hos tittaren. Detta har jag undersökt i gestaltningsarbetet där jag utifrån två videolektioner tagna från internet har skapat ett tredje videoklipp där jag satt samman olika visuella tecken från de två ursprungsklippen. I det tredje, sammansatta klippet har tecknens betydelser förskjutits på olika sätt, främst genom att traditionella genuskonstruktioner har problematiserats.

O Pet-Filosofia como um caminho outro na formação do professor de Filosofia na UFBA: uma análise teórica

Maia, Rosangela 09 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosângela Maia (rosa.maia77@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-15T07:59:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertarosappgeisu.pdf: 2186592 bytes, checksum: a49b558a50973909fa980373c967ff92 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Patricia Barroso (pbarroso@ufba.br) on 2017-08-16T00:35:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertarosappgeisu.pdf: 2186592 bytes, checksum: a49b558a50973909fa980373c967ff92 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-16T00:35:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertarosappgeisu.pdf: 2186592 bytes, checksum: a49b558a50973909fa980373c967ff92 (MD5) / Considerando a importância do papel desempenhado pela tríade ensino, pesquisa e extensão na formação universitária, este trabalho procura trazer à tona uma discussão heurística e transdisciplinar sobre o potencial enriquecimento da formação do graduando em Filosofia quando este integra o Programa de Educação Tutorial – PET, especialmente os que optam pela licenciatura. Para tal, foi considerada a trajetória histórica da constituição do currículo de graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal da Bahia, desde a fundação do curso, até a atual composição curricular e inserção do PET. A formação em Filosofia é analisada desde as pesquisas feitas em âmbito federal sobre seu ensino e de suas atribuições legais, além do diálogo necessário entre formação universitária e a sociedade contemporânea. Para tanto, uma ampla revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema foi realizada. O campo definido para a pesquisa considerou a graduação em Filosofia na Universidade Federal da Bahia. A realização de uma análise documental apontou as principais mudanças que a inserção do PET-Filosofia possibilita na formação do graduando. Assim, esta pesquisa propõe apresentar um relatório da formação em Filosofia na Universidade contemporânea. Pretendendo ampliar a discussão sobre formação, foi feita uma análise relacional dos componentes curriculares da graduação em Filosofia e das atividades desenvolvidas no grupo tutorial. A análise teve sua validação completada a partir da categorização das atividades planejadas para mensurar a transdisciplinaridade e a difusão dos conhecimentos possíveis no grupo PET-Filosofia/UFBA. Desta forma, esta pesquisa procura contribuir para a discussão sobre as mudanças que a contemporaneidade exige na formação em Filosofia sobre três vertentes: 1) uma pesquisa parametrizada do campo de estudo sobre ensino de Filosofia nos grupos de estudo de Filosofia; 2) a investigação do processo formativo em Filosofia dentro da Universidade; 3) da apresentação do Programa de Educação Tutorial como agente potencial de mudanças curriculares. / Considering the importance of the role played by the triad teaching, research and extension in the university formation, this work tries to bring up a heuristic and transdisciplinary discussion on the potential enrichment of the formation of the graduate in Philosophy when this integrates the Program of Tutorial Education - PET, especially Those who opt for the degree. For that, the historical trajectory of the graduation curriculum in Philosophy of the Federal University of Bahia was considered, from the foundation of the course to the present curricular composition and insertion of PET. Training in Philosophy is analyzed from the research done at the federal level on its teaching and its legal attributions, in addition to the necessary dialogue between university education and contemporary society. In order to do so, a broad bibliographic review on the subject was carried out. The field defined for the research considered the graduation in Philosophy at the Federal University of Bahia. The accomplishment of a documentary analysis pointed out the main changes that the insertion of the PET-Philosophy allows in the formation of the graduating. Thus, this research proposes to present a report of the formation in Philosophy in the contemporary University. Intending to broaden the discussion about formation, a relational analysis was made of the curricular components of the graduation in Philosophy and of the activities developed in the tutorial group. The analysis was validated by categorizing the planned activities to measure transdisciplinarity and the dissemination of possible knowledge in the PET-Philosophy / UFBA group. In this way, this research tries to contribute to the discussion about the changes that the contemporaneity demands in the formation in Philosophy on three slopes: 1) a parametrized research of the field of study on teaching of Philosophy in the groups of study of Philosophy; 2) the investigation of the formative process in Philosophy within the University; 3) the presentation of the Tutorial Education Program as a potential agent of curricular changes.

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