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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação de tutoriais de moléculas como ferramenta de ensino: o caso dos tutoriais \"estrutura e estabilidade do DNA\" e \"estabilidade do DNA / Development and evaluation of molecular tutorials as a teaching tool: the case of the \"DNA Structure and Stability\" and \"DNA Stability\" tutorials

Fonseca, Larissa Assis Barony Valadares 06 May 2019 (has links)
Os tutoriais Estrutura e Estabilidade do DNA e Estabilidade do DNA são produtos da metodologia proposta neste trabalho para o desenvolvimento de tutorias de moléculas com animações interativas 3D, a qual estabelece as cinco diretrizes: i. Selecionar conteúdo de Bioquímica, Biologia molecular e Química; ii. Definir a distribuição do conteúdo e a estrutura do tutorial; iii. Integrar textos, diagramas, tabelas e animações moleculares 3D; iv. Desenvolver as animações integrando diferentes modos de representação 3D; e v. Exibir simultaneamente na página web animação molecular 3D associada com texto, diagrama ou tabela. A metodologia é fundamentada em Princípios de Aprendizagem por Multimídia de Mayer, no intuito de favorecer a aprendizagem da molécula, o que exige mais do que a mera exposição da estrutura molecular em três dimensões, sendo necessária a articulação da estrutura com mídias acessórias (3ª diretriz) para conduzir a exploração guiada e paulatina da molécula. No caso de biopolímeros, como o DNA, o aumento da complexidade estrutural torna mais necessário guiar o aprendiz pela exploração da molécula, sendo preciso explicar as interações químicas entre os monômeros e entre os monômeros com o meio aquoso para que o aprendiz compreenda a estrutura e estabeleça relações desta com as atividades biológicas do DNA. Assim, um dos princípios da metodologia é o estabelecimento de unidades conceituais que exploram gradativamente o biopolímero por meio de um texto constituído por pergunta e resposta e, em seguida, uma animação acionada pelo botão Visualize 3D. A estratégia de apresentar o conteúdo de forma segmentadaobjetiva favorecer o estabelecimento de conexões entre o conhecimento novo, apresentado na unidade conceitual, e os conceitos preexistentes do aprendiz. O texto de cada unidade possui uma organização hierárquica: i. Resposta resumida para a pergunta; ii. detalhamento da resposta; iii. estabelecimento de relação estrutura/atividade biológica. Além disso, existem hiperlinks para explicação adicional sobre conceitos químicos e bioquímico, tais como ligação de hidrogênio, fendas do DNA, etc. Também foram adotados princípios educacionais para a criação das animações. Os recursos utilizados para construção dos tutoriais foram ferramentas do Laboratório Integrado de Química e Bioquímica e estruturas moleculares obtidas do RCSB Protein Data Bank. Para avaliação do potencial instrucional dos tutoriais foram realizadas atividades com alunos de pós-graduação e graduação que responderam a um questionário antes e outro após usar os tutoriais. Também foram conduzidas entrevistas com alunos de graduação no intuito de averiguar a percepção destes sobre a metodologia de desenvolvimento de tutoriais e a aprendizagem com o uso de tutoriais de moléculas. A análise dos questionários evidenciou uma melhoria no desempenho dos estudantes após usar os tutoriais, além de eles considerarem que aprenderam e que gostariam de usar mais tutoriais de moléculas como ferramenta de ensino e aprendizagem, o que é um indicativo do potencial da metodologia proposta neste trabalho. / The \"DNA Structure and Stability\" and \"DNA Stability\" tutorials are products of the methodology proposed in this work for the development of molecular tutorials with 3D interactive animations, which establishes the five guidelines: i. Select contents of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Chemistry; ii. Define the content distribution and the structure of the tutorial; iii. Integrate texts, diagrams, tables and 3D molecular animations; iv. Develop the animations integrating different modes of 3D representation; and v. Simultaneously display on the web page 3D molecular animation associated with text, diagram or table. The methodology is based on Mayer\'s Multimedia Learning Principles, in order to favor the learning of the molecule, which requires more than the mere exposition of the molecular structure in three dimensions, being necessary the articulation of the structure with accessory medias (3rd guideline) to conduct the guided and gradual exploration of the molecule. In the case of biopolymers, such as DNA, increasing structural complexity makes it more necessary to guide the learner through the exploration of the molecule. It is necessary to explain the chemical interactions between the monomers and between the monomers with the aqueous medium so that the learner understands the structure and establish relations between this and the DNA biological activities. Thus, one of the principles of the methodology is the establishment of conceptual units that gradually explore the biopolymer through a text consisting of question and answer and then an animation triggered by the button \"Visualize 3D\". The strategy of presenting content in a segmented way aims to favor the establishment of connections between the new knowledge presented in the conceptual unit and thepreexisting ones in the cognitive structure of the learner. The text of each unit has a hierarchical organization: i. Brief answer to the question; ii. detailing the response; iii. establishment of the relation between structure and biological activity. In addition, there are hyperlinks for further explanation about chemical and biochemical concepts, such as hydrogen bonding, DNA grooves, etc. Educational principles were also adopted for the creation of animations. The resources used to construct the tutorials were tools of the Integrated Laboratory of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the molecular structures obtained from the RCSB Protein Data Bank. In order to evaluate the instructional potential of the tutorials, activities were carried out with undergraduate and graduate students who answered a questionnaire before and after using the tutorials. We also conducted interviews with undergraduate students in order to ascertain their perception about the methodology of developing tutorials and the learning with the use of molecular tutorials. The analysis of the questionnaires evidenced an improvement in students\' performance after using the tutorials, in addition they also consider that have learned and would like to use more molecular tutorials as a teaching and learning tool, which is an indicative of the potential of the methodology proposed in this work.

打破第四道牆: 以敘事理論為基礎之個人化3D互動敘事創作系統 / Breaking Into the Fourth Wall: Generating Personalized Interactive Narratives for 3D Drama Environments

吳蕙盈, Wu, Hui Yin Unknown Date (has links)
互動敘事為敘事創作開啟了許多新的可能性,不論是在各種多媒體敘事創作平台上或是提供更擬真、更深刻的說故事體驗,是傳統敘事所無法提供的。透過日新月異的傳播工具,要在各種平台上創作出這類多媒體互動敘事,對於各種敘事創作者來說是一項相當大的挑戰,也引發了許多相關議題的探討:要如何開發出好用的創作工具,不但是可以降低創作技術門檻,同時也提升創造力。如何設計出一個創作模型是能夠讓故事建構者(包含原創作者、中介創作者、體驗者等本系統目標使用者)對於故事內容、結構以及像長度、複雜度、主軸、文類等故事特性有更多的控制權。 為了探討這議題,本研究提出一個多媒體敘事創作以及互動敘事腳本產生的框架,結合 3D 戲劇平台建立一個具有創作環境,以故事建構者設定的條件與敘事理論為基礎的故事篩選與腳本產生機制,及3D虛擬模擬環境的互動敘事系統。在創作與故事產生方面,故事建構者可以針對各種條件的篩選(像是故事主軸、長度、敘事架構、時間順序等等)由同一組故事片段產生各種敘事上的可能性。本研究設計一個演算法,有效重組既有的故事片段以產生符合作者所有條件設定的互動敘事腳本。 這種機制的另一個特色就是所產生的互動敘事腳本與敘事平台是獨立的,不受到特定平台的技術門檻、創作格式所侷限。為展現此腳本產生系統在各種敘事表現形式上的彈性,在本研究的系統實作中,可以同時產生故事的文字形式並在3D敘事系統 The Theater 上以即時的動畫、攝影機規劃與簡易互動呈現結果。最後,此研究設計一個質化前導實驗,以了解使用者面對具互動、動畫與個人化的敘事內容時,會有甚麼看法與反應。 此次研究的貢獻為設計一個建構在3D虛擬環境上的互動敘事創作的架構,並提供適當的故事腳本產生機制,讓創作者的故事片段擁有重複利用價值。此外,透過故事內容的篩選過程,我們能提供故事建構者在故事結構與內容上有高度的控制,讓產生出來的敘事腳本符合故事建構者所設定的條件、具有良好的敘事理論基礎,並即時在3D虛擬環境中以角色動畫演出。以這次建立互動敘事平台的經驗以及於使用者測試中所得到的回饋,本研究也對於敘事創作介面與輔助工具提供一些設計原則,並提出一些互動敘事系統未來可再延展的議題。 / Interactive storytelling opens a world of possibilities for narrative creation on multimedia platforms, allowing a more compelling and immersive experience compared to traditional narratives. With the emergence of new storytelling technologies, the authoring of such narratives in complex virtual environments becomes an issue critical in the domain of multimedia storytelling platforms: How can we reduce the authoring effort as well as enhance creativity for interactive narratives? How can we design a flexible framework to allow creators of the story (including authors and experiencers at various stages of the interactive story) to have control over the story content and structure based on characteristics such as length, complexity, plot line, and genre? In order to address these issues, we propose the design of an interactive storytelling platform with models for authoring, story generating based on narrative theory and constraints set by story creators, and simulation in virtual environments. In the platform the creators of the story can specify characteristics (such as plot, length, narrative structure, time sequence, and etc.) on story fragments in order to generate variations of interactive stories. An algorithm we devise will filter and recombine story fragments from these characteristics, generating a high-level interactive script that satisfies all authorial and structural constraints. This mechanism provides sufficient abstraction from the technical implementation in that it is platform independent, and can be highly expressive in various forms of discourse. To implement the results of the story generation and demonstrate the abstraction from the virtual environment, we simulate the generated interactive narrative both in text form and in the 3D animation environment of The Theater. The Theater platform is complete with autonomous character animation, simple interaction methods, and automatic camera planning. Finally, we carry out a qualitative pilot study to understand how users would perceive and react to the animated, interactive, and personalized narrative content. Through this implementation, our contributions are to design a flexible framework for authoring interactive narratives for 3D environments, and also provide story generating tools that allow easy reuse and recombining of existing story fragments. Moreover, the filtering and selection process provides high-level control over the story content and structure, thus enforcing the authorial control as well as ensuring the generated stories have a basis in narrative theory. From the experience of implementing this platform and feedback obtained from the user experiment, we hope to suggest design principles for authoring tools and interfaces of interactive narratives.

The Impact of a Web-Based Virtual Lab on the Development of Students' Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skills / Die Auswirkungen eines „Web-Based Virtual Lab“ auf die Entwicklung des konzeptionellen Verständnisses und wissenschaftlichen Prozessskills

El-Sabagh, Hassan A. 14 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last few years, the use of the web and simulation technologies in school education has become widespread. The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of a web-based Virtual Lab (WVL) environment with that of traditional educational experience in relation to conceptual understanding and science process skills in natural science for fourth grade primary school students. Using an instructional design model, the author developed a WVL; the design consisted of 3D animations and interactive experimental activities. The research instruments for the study were also developed; two online pre/post tests on conceptual understanding and science process skills were used to collect data. The sample used in the study consisted of 70 students from two primary language schools in Mansoura city, Dakahlyia Governorate, Egypt. The sample was divided into an experimental group and a control group. The author used an experimental design wherein the experimental group was exposed to the WVL, while the control group studied in a traditional setting and performed related activities. The pre-test results indicated that the entry-level for conceptual understanding in science and science process skills of both groups of students were equal, which guaranteed the reliability of the research. The findings of the post-test highlighted the following points: (a) Students in the experimental group had significantly higher mean scores in conceptual understanding especially in two of cognitive levels. (b) The experimental group performed better in science process skills, especially in five of these skills. (c) There was no significant difference in the performance of boys and girls within the experimental group for science process skills. (d) The estimation of the effect sizes (indication of the level of difference between the post-test scores of the experimental and control group) revealed that, the effect size was large for two skills, medium for three skills, and small for only one skill. In conclusions, the WVL provided considerable support for fourth grade students and helped them to improve their conceptual understanding in science and science process skills. These results go beyond previous research results, which did not focus on very young learners. The use of WVL contributed considerably in elevating learning outcomes; the results provided an empirical evidence of the advantages of web-based learning (WBL) for education policy makers. / In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Verwendung der Web-und Simulations-Technologien in der Schulbildung weit verbreitet. Der Zweck dieser Studie ist es, die Auswirkungen einer web-basierten Virtual Lab (WVL) Umgebung mit der traditionellen Lehr-Erfahrung in Bezug auf das konzeptuelle Verständnis und wissenschaftliche Prozessfähigkeiten in den Naturwissenschaften der vierten Klasse der Grundschulstudenten zu vergleichen. Mit einem didaktischen Design-Modell entwickelt der Autor ein WVL, gestaltet 3D Animationen und interaktive experimentelle Aktivitäten. Die Forschungsinstrumente für die Untersuchungen wurden auch entwickelt, zwei Online-Pre/Post-Tests zum konzeptionellen Verständnis und wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten wurden verwendet um Daten zu sammeln. Die Uuntersuchungs besteht aus 70 Studenten aus zwei primären Sprachschulen in Mansoura Stadt, Dakahlyia Governorate, Ägypten. Diese wurden in eine experimentelle Gruppe und eine Kontrollgruppe aufgeteilt. Der Autor verwendet ein experimentelles Untersuchungsdesign, wobei bei der experimentellen Gruppe die WVL eingesetzt wurde, während die Kontrollgruppe in einem traditionellen Rahmen studierte. Die Pre-Test Ergebnisse zeigten, dass des Anfangsstadium des konzeptuelles Verständnisses von Wissenschaft und wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten beider Gruppen von Studenten gleich sind. Die Ergebnisse nach dem WVL-Einsatz haben folgende Punkte hervorgehoben: (A) Studierende in der experimentellen Gruppe haben signifikant höhere Mittelwerte im konzeptionellen Verständnis vor allem in zwei der kognitiven Ebenen erreicht. (B) Die experimentelle Gruppe hat in den wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten besser abgeschnitten, vor allem in fünf von diesen Fähigkeiten. (C) Es gab keinen signifikanten Unterschiede in den wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten von Männern und Frauen innerhalb der experimentellen Gruppe. (D) Die Abschätzung der Wirkung des WVL-Einsatzes durch die Höhe der Differenz zwischen dem Pre- und Post-Test-Noten hat ergeben, dass die Wirkung für drei der Fähigkeiten mittelmäßig ist, für zwei Fähigkeiten sehr groß und nur für eine Fähigkeit klein ist. Die Schlussfolgerung ist, dass die WVL beträchtliche Unterstützung gewährt und hilft den Studenten der Klasse vier, ihr Verständnis für die Begriffe der Wissenschaft und der Prozessfähigkeiten zu entwickeln. Dieses Ergebnis geht weit über die bekannten Veröffentlichungen auf diesem Gebiet hinaus. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie vertiefen das Verständnis über Lernergebnisse des Virtual Lab und sind eine Evidenz für die Vorteile von Web-Basiertem Lernens (WBL) mit Relevanz für politische Entscheidungsträger, auf diesen Ausbildungsgebiet.

The Impact of a Web-Based Virtual Lab on the Development of Students' Conceptual Understanding and Science Process Skills

El-Sabagh, Hassan A. 28 January 2011 (has links)
Over the last few years, the use of the web and simulation technologies in school education has become widespread. The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of a web-based Virtual Lab (WVL) environment with that of traditional educational experience in relation to conceptual understanding and science process skills in natural science for fourth grade primary school students. Using an instructional design model, the author developed a WVL; the design consisted of 3D animations and interactive experimental activities. The research instruments for the study were also developed; two online pre/post tests on conceptual understanding and science process skills were used to collect data. The sample used in the study consisted of 70 students from two primary language schools in Mansoura city, Dakahlyia Governorate, Egypt. The sample was divided into an experimental group and a control group. The author used an experimental design wherein the experimental group was exposed to the WVL, while the control group studied in a traditional setting and performed related activities. The pre-test results indicated that the entry-level for conceptual understanding in science and science process skills of both groups of students were equal, which guaranteed the reliability of the research. The findings of the post-test highlighted the following points: (a) Students in the experimental group had significantly higher mean scores in conceptual understanding especially in two of cognitive levels. (b) The experimental group performed better in science process skills, especially in five of these skills. (c) There was no significant difference in the performance of boys and girls within the experimental group for science process skills. (d) The estimation of the effect sizes (indication of the level of difference between the post-test scores of the experimental and control group) revealed that, the effect size was large for two skills, medium for three skills, and small for only one skill. In conclusions, the WVL provided considerable support for fourth grade students and helped them to improve their conceptual understanding in science and science process skills. These results go beyond previous research results, which did not focus on very young learners. The use of WVL contributed considerably in elevating learning outcomes; the results provided an empirical evidence of the advantages of web-based learning (WBL) for education policy makers. / In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Verwendung der Web-und Simulations-Technologien in der Schulbildung weit verbreitet. Der Zweck dieser Studie ist es, die Auswirkungen einer web-basierten Virtual Lab (WVL) Umgebung mit der traditionellen Lehr-Erfahrung in Bezug auf das konzeptuelle Verständnis und wissenschaftliche Prozessfähigkeiten in den Naturwissenschaften der vierten Klasse der Grundschulstudenten zu vergleichen. Mit einem didaktischen Design-Modell entwickelt der Autor ein WVL, gestaltet 3D Animationen und interaktive experimentelle Aktivitäten. Die Forschungsinstrumente für die Untersuchungen wurden auch entwickelt, zwei Online-Pre/Post-Tests zum konzeptionellen Verständnis und wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten wurden verwendet um Daten zu sammeln. Die Uuntersuchungs besteht aus 70 Studenten aus zwei primären Sprachschulen in Mansoura Stadt, Dakahlyia Governorate, Ägypten. Diese wurden in eine experimentelle Gruppe und eine Kontrollgruppe aufgeteilt. Der Autor verwendet ein experimentelles Untersuchungsdesign, wobei bei der experimentellen Gruppe die WVL eingesetzt wurde, während die Kontrollgruppe in einem traditionellen Rahmen studierte. Die Pre-Test Ergebnisse zeigten, dass des Anfangsstadium des konzeptuelles Verständnisses von Wissenschaft und wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten beider Gruppen von Studenten gleich sind. Die Ergebnisse nach dem WVL-Einsatz haben folgende Punkte hervorgehoben: (A) Studierende in der experimentellen Gruppe haben signifikant höhere Mittelwerte im konzeptionellen Verständnis vor allem in zwei der kognitiven Ebenen erreicht. (B) Die experimentelle Gruppe hat in den wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten besser abgeschnitten, vor allem in fünf von diesen Fähigkeiten. (C) Es gab keinen signifikanten Unterschiede in den wissenschaftlichen Prozessfähigkeiten von Männern und Frauen innerhalb der experimentellen Gruppe. (D) Die Abschätzung der Wirkung des WVL-Einsatzes durch die Höhe der Differenz zwischen dem Pre- und Post-Test-Noten hat ergeben, dass die Wirkung für drei der Fähigkeiten mittelmäßig ist, für zwei Fähigkeiten sehr groß und nur für eine Fähigkeit klein ist. Die Schlussfolgerung ist, dass die WVL beträchtliche Unterstützung gewährt und hilft den Studenten der Klasse vier, ihr Verständnis für die Begriffe der Wissenschaft und der Prozessfähigkeiten zu entwickeln. Dieses Ergebnis geht weit über die bekannten Veröffentlichungen auf diesem Gebiet hinaus. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie vertiefen das Verständnis über Lernergebnisse des Virtual Lab und sind eine Evidenz für die Vorteile von Web-Basiertem Lernens (WBL) mit Relevanz für politische Entscheidungsträger, auf diesen Ausbildungsgebiet.

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