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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Granskning av hållbarhetsredovisning : Revisorernas granskningsprocess vid de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige

Karlsson, Sara, Karlsson, Hanna January 2012 (has links)
As the media attention society on the world climate change, interest in the environment and social impact has increased. This has in turn made even more companies choose to maintain a sustainability report that contains the three aspects of economic, environment and social impact. The demand for sustainability reports has increased among stakeholders. It has made the companies that establish this form of reports experienced economic benefits. The sustainability report than became a useful way to compete among businesses. Since accounting has become a competitive tool, it has led many companies to describe the sustainability report in flattering terms to make the corporate brand stronger. The companies stakeholders wish to rely on the work that the company are supposed to do and this is where the role of auditors come in, to review and provide guidance on designing the report. The area is relatively new and a need for standards in the audit of the sustainability report has increased, there for the interest to investigate the auditor´s review process has occurred. Our main purpose of this study is to analyze and describe what the review process of the sustainability report looks like and how auditors apply the standards and guidelines contained within the subject.   We have chosen to apply a qualitative research strategy when we want to analyze how our respondents experience a given situation, how the auditors feel that the review process look like and what standards are in the area. Considering to this we have chosen the case study as research design, since we want to create an understanding of a specific situation. For the collection of data telephone interviews were made with auditors in the four auditing firms in Sweden; Deloitte, Ernst&Young, KPMG and PwC. The auditors interviewed are specialists in the review of sustainability reports.   Our conclusion is that the review process in the sustainability report is mostly similar to the financial audit. It is a process that generally includes the steps of planning, execution and reporting that is based on FAR´s recommendation RevR6. In situations where the recommendation is not providing enough support the auditors turn to their own audit methodology, which contains more detailed tools and models. We have also determined that GRI is the most common guidelines when firms establish a sustainability report. These are the guidelines the auditors review against at review assignments.   Keywords: Review process, sustainability report, audit, RevR6 and GRI.

Revisorns roll vid granskningsprocessen av goodwill / The auditor’s role in the auditing process of goodwill

Eliasson, Charlotte, Johansson, Marie January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Goodwill uppkommer som följd av rörelseförvärv, när köparen betalar ett överpris för förvärvet. Idag utgör goodwillposten en av de dominerande tillgångsposterna i bolags balansräkningar. Införandet av IFRS/IAS år 2005 har bidragit till en ökad efterfrågan på kvalificerade revisorer. Revisorn blir allt mer en värdefull ekonomisk resurs vars huvudsakliga uppgift är att kvalitetssäkra information och skapa förtroende. IFRS/IAS innehåller större inslag av subjektiva principer och bedömningar jämfört med tidigare lagstiftning. Redovisningen och värderingen blir därmed en bedömningsfråga, som läggs i revisorns händer. Uppsatsens övergripande forskningsfråga är: ”Hur ser granskningsprocessen av goodwillposten ut för revisorerna i praktiken?” Syfte: Syftet med denna forskningsstudie är att studera hur revisorerna granskar goodwillposten utifrån regelverket, IFRS/IAS. Vidare att uppmärksamma revisorernas uppfattningar om granskningsarbetet av denna allt mer viktiga tillgångspost och problematisera kring de risker och möjligheter som finns vid bedömningen av goodwillposten. Metod och metodologi: Forskningsstudien utgår ifrån ett induktivt tolkande perspektiv och en kvalitativ metod där 8 semistrukturerade intervjuer (med 2 experter, 4 revisorer och 2 värderingsspecialister) utgör undersökningsdesignen. Analys och slutsatser: Forskningsstudien identifierar 6 faser för hur granskningsprocessen av goodwill går till i praktiken, vilket styrker teorin. Respondenterna anser att goodwillposten är en svår post att granska då den innehåller subjektiva bedömningar, där inget rätt eller fel existerar. Vidare utgör goodwill ofta en prestigefylld fråga, där företagsledningens och revisorns åsikt ställs mot varandra. Det bakomliggande syftet med IFRS/IAS vid redovisning och värdering av goodwill är bra men tillämpas inte fullt ut i praktiken, vilket bidrar till att granskningsprocessen försvåras. / Background and problem: Goodwill arises as a result of a business combination when the purchase price exceeds the net book value of acquired assets. Today, goodwill represents one of the dominant assets recorded on the companies’ balance sheets. The introduction of IFRS/IAS in 2005 has contributed to an increase in demand for qualified auditors. The auditor is increasingly becoming a valuable economic resource who’s main role is to ensure quality of information and build trust between stakeholders. IFRS/IAS contains greater elements of subjective principles and assessments compared to the previous regulatory framework. The accounting and valuation therefore becomes a matter of judgment which lays in the auditors’ hands. The thesis research question is: “How is the auditing process of goodwill performed by auditors in practice?” Purpose: The purpose of this research is to study how auditors apply the regulatory framework, IFRS/IAS, when reviewing goodwill. Furthermore the purpose is to give attention to auditors’ perception of the audit work of this increasingly important asset and discuss the risks and opportunities in the assessment of goodwill. Method and methodology: The research is based on an inductive interpretive perspective and a qualitative approach in which 8 semi-structured interviews (with 2 experts, 4 auditors and 2 evaluation specialists) form the design of the study. Analysis and conclusions: The research indicates 6 phases in the auditing process of goodwill in practice, which corroborates the theoretical framework. The respondents in this study believe that goodwill is a difficult item to audit because it contains subjective assessments where no right or wrong exist. Furthermore goodwill is often a prestige issue, in which management’s and the auditor’s opinions differ. The underlying purpose of IFRS/IAS regarding the accounting and valuation of goodwill is good, but is not being fully applied in practice, which makes the auditing process more difficult.

Granskningsprocessen avbygghandlingar / The checking process of construction documents

Gäfvert, Felix, Hollbeck, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Granskning av bygghandlingar och beräkningar är en väsentlig del av projekteringen. På grund av dagens stressiga och tidspressade arbetsmiljö negligeras ibland granskningen. Vanliga konsekvenser på grund av undermålig granskning är en ökning av tid och kostnader. I denna rapport har det undersökts hur granskningen går till på olika konstruktionsföretag i Sverige. Detta har gjort genom kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. Detta för att kartlägga eventuella brister och ge förslag på hur granskningsprocessen kan förbättras. Resultaten från enkät och intervjuer visar tydligt att tidsbrist är den största orsaken till att granskning inte utförs enligt de fastställda riktlinjerna. Det har också framkommit att trots att majoriteten av konstruktörerna som deltagit i studien påpekat vikten av ett väl utfört granskningsarbete, förbises den i många fall. För att upprätthålla en tillfredsställande kvalitet på bygghandlingar är stickprovskontroller från myndigheter en tillämpbar lösning. Konstruktionsföretagen skulle då tvingas producera handlingar av högre kvalitet. Vid undermålig handling ges företaget ett vite. Det bör också ställas krav på företagen att avsätta tid för granskning. För att förbättra granskningsprocessen inom företaget bör slutmöten vara obligatoriska på alla projekt då återkoppling är grundläggande för utveckling. / Checking of construction documents and calculations is an essential part of the design. Due to today's stressful and time-consuming work environment, the audit of construction documents is often neglected. Common consequences due to inadequate checking are an increase of time and costs. In this report, quantitative and qualitative methods have examined how the audit is conducted at various engineering companies in Sweden. This is to identify possible shortcomings and provide suggestions for how the checking process can be improved. The results from surveys and interviews clearly show that lack of time is the main reason for checking not being conducted according to the established guidelines. It has also been found that, despite the fact that the majority of designers who participated in the study pointed out the importance of a well-conducted audit work, it is overlooked in many cases. In order to maintain a satisfactory quality of construction documents, random checks from authorities are an applicable solution. Engineering companies would then be forced to produce higher quality documents. In case of malpractice, the company is given a fine. It should also be imposed on companies to set aside the time for checking. To improve the checking process within the company, final meetings should be compulsory on all projects as feedback is fundamental to development.

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