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Mot hållbarhet och cirkuläritet i verksamheter: : En kvalitativ studie om implementering och utveckling av cirkulärekonomiska affärsmodeller i företag / Towards sustainability and circularity in organizations: : A qualitative study about implementation and development of circular economic business modelsJacobsson, Lisa, Uhrlander, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie behandlar dilemmat med ett konsumtionssamhälle som präglas av en linjär ekonomi och de negativa konsekvenserna det medför. Välstånd är i många fall starkt förknippat med en ekonomisk tillväxt vilket främjas av ett konsumtionssamhälle. Samtidigt kan inte ekonomin fortsätta växa i all framtid utan att miljön tar skada. För att lösa paradoxen behövs att företag är drivande i att ställa om till en cirkulär ekonomi. I en cirkulär ekonomi behålls resurserna i samhället i kretslopp istället för att förbrukas och bli till avfall. Genom att återanvända och återvinna produkter, material och resurser kan det ekonomiska värdet behållas. Ett tydligt problem är låg kunskap inom området, bristande affärsmodeller och att företag inte ser de ekonomiska fördelarna med en omställning till en cirkulär ekonomi. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur företag inom produktion och distributionssektorn kan utveckla och förbättra omställningen till en cirkulär ekonomi. Forskningen är baserad på en kvalitativ metod. Den litteraturöversikt som har använts i studien är baserat på litteratur inom cirkulär ekonomi och Green Supply Chain Management. Insamling av data till den empiriska undersökningen har utförts genom djupgående intervjuer tillsammans med försäljningschefer och vice direktörer på tre företag. Vidare ha insamlad data transkriberats och analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Studiens relevans har bekräftats av resultatet. Den empiriska studien styrker behovet av tydliga direktiv och riktlinjer för att utveckla och underlätta omställningen mot en cirkulär ekonomi och GSCM. Något som respondenter från de utvalda företagen anser vara nödvändigt för att utveckla och upprätthålla höga hållbarhetsstandarder som genomsyrar hela värdekedjan. Företag inom produktion- och distributionssektorn kan förbättra omställningsprocessen genom att bryta ned processen i mindre faser. Genom att analysera implementeringsprocessen utifrån fyra identifierade faser; drivkrafter, hinder, implementeringsmetoder och resultat, underlättas omställningen. Vilket även skapar förutsättningar för kontinuerlig utveckling och förbättring av cirkulärekonmiska modeller och gröna leveranskedjor. Denna studie kan ligga till grund för vidare forskning och utveckling av tydliga direktiv och riktlinjer för implementering och vidareutveckling av cirkulär ekonomi och GSCM. Identifierade implementeringsfaser såsom drivkrafter, hinder, implementeringsmetoder samt resultat kan nyttjas för att undersöka vidareutveckling av omställningsprocessen mot cirkulär ekonomi och GSCM som en del i affärsmodellen. Denna forskning har fokuserats till ett internt perspektiv på cirkulär ekonomi och GSCM, således skulle ett annat förslag till vidare forskning kunna vara inriktad på ämnesområdet sett ur ett externt perspektiv. / This thesis addresses the issue with a consumer society characterized by a linear economy and the negative consequences it entails. In many cases, prosperity is strongly associated to economic growth based on a consumer society. Simultaneously, the economy cannot continue to grow in eternity without harming the environment. In order to solve the paradox, corporations need to be driven in changing to a circular economy. In a circular economy all resources are kept in circulation instead of being consumed and turned into waste. By reusing products, materials and resources the economic value can be maintained. A problem is lack of knowledge in the area, inadequate business models and the fact that corporations do not see the economic benefits of switching to a circular economy. Thus, the purpose with this study is to investigate how corporations within the producing and distributing sector can develop and identify possibilities to improve the transition to a circular economy. This thesis is based on a qualitative method. The literature overview is based on literature in in circular economy and Green Supply Chain Management. Collection of data for the empirical investigation has been collected through in depth interviews together with sales directors and CEOs at three corporations. Further, the collected data has been transcribed and analyzed through a thematic analysis. The relevance of the study has been confirmed by the results. The empirical study clarifies the need demand of distinct directives and guidelines for development and to facilitate the transition towards a circular economy and GSCM. Which is an opinion shared by all respondents who each and every one considers necessary in order to develop and maintain high sustainability standards that permeate the entire value chain. Corporations within the production and distribution sector can improve the conversion process through a break-down-procedure. Through analysis of the implementation process by four smaller phases; drivers, barriers, implementation methods and performances, the transition will be facilitated. Which also enables continuous development and improvements of circular economy models and green supply chains. This study can form the base for future research and development of distinct directives and guidelines for the implementation process and further evolutions of circular economy and GSCM. Identified implementation phases such as drivers, barriers, implementation methods and performance can be used to study further development of the conversion process towards circular economy and GSCM as a part of the business model. An internal perspective on circular economics and GSCM has been the focus for this study, thus proposal for future research could be focused to the subject from an external perspective.
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Leadership in Multi-Tier Green Supply Chains : A case study about how supply chain leaders and their followers cascade green sustainability throughout a multi-tier supply chainThorén, Matthias, Wehmueller, Matthew January 2022 (has links)
Motivation: Previous research has shown that the focal firm’s supply chain leadership styles could have an impact on the outcome of green supply chain management. However, previous studies of focal firms, such as multinational corporations, have shown that many govern their supply chains through an indirect approach, which needs further research due to the lack of research in the combination of different supply chain leadership and followership styles. Previous research has also indicated that little research has been done on barriers to green supply chain management from the supplier's perspective, especially concerning the followership style and governance mechanism. The context of the study is in the electric-automotive industry, and more specifically, on an original equipment manufacturer's multi-tier supply chain, where the increased use of printed circuit boards has shown to have a tremendous negative impact on the climate. Purpose: The study set out to investigate how supply chain leaders and followers, together with their respective styles and governance mechanisms, are cascading green sustainability throughout the printed circuit board’s multi-tier supply chain. An additional purpose is to find out the barriers to green supply chains from the suppliers’ perspective. Methodology: The study takes a qualitative approach with a single case study design. Further, the different members in the OEM's multi-tier supply chain were interviewed with a semi-structured interviewing method, and respondents were found by a snowballing technique. Finally, the interviews were recorded, transcribed, and then coded and thematized in NVivo. Findings: Interesting findings showed that all supply chain members used an indirect approach as the governance mechanism, which led to the suppliers simultaneously assuming both a leadership role and a followership role. Further, contrasting to previous research was that all the closest tier one suppliers assumed an opposite followership style than the OEM’s leadership style; however, what partly confirms previous research is that the supplier’s leadership style was the same as the OEM. In addition, interesting behavior from the tier two suppliers showed that they assumed a different leadership and followership style than the tier one, which was discussed as a potential reason that the tier one suppliers have lesser influence than the OEMs. Lastly, several barriers to reaching green supply chains were discovered. One of the most problematic was the transparency barrier, which complicated collaboration further down the multi-tier supply chain. Another finding indicated that the use of third-parties could harm the motivation of the followers.
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Exploring the impacts of green implementations in supply chain management in small medium enterprises. : A qualitative multiple case study.Mamic, Andrej, Andersson, Oliver January 2015 (has links)
Exploring the impacts of green implementations in supply chain management in small medium enterprises. Purpose: To explore what impacts green investments have in supply chain management. Research questions 1: What impacts have green implementations had on supplier relationships? Research question 2: What impacts have laws and regulations had on green supply chain management?
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Green Supply Chain Management Enablers and Barriers in Textile Supply Chains : What factors enable or aggravate the implementation of a GSCM strategy for textile and fashion companies?Stremlau, Kerstin, Tao, Joanne January 2016 (has links)
Purpose of this paper: The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the factors that enable or aggravate the implementation of a GSCM strategy for textile and fashion companies. Moreover, it shall be investigated how textile and fashion companies perceive their incentives of implementing GSCM and what their organizational responses regarding the perceived barriers and enablers look like. Design/methodology/approach: The report combines a literature study on previous research in the field of supply chain management, Green Supply Chain Management and the drivers and barriers of implementing a GSCM strategy, with an empirical study consisting of an online survey, a semi-structured interview and two case studies that are based on literature review. In order to analyze the survey results, a method to calculate a company’s GSCM incentive score has been developed. Findings: The factors that have been identified as the strongest or most important ones by many companies of the survey, as well as the interviewee and the case studies are supplier collaboration, the lack of supplier commitment, customer demand for more sustainability, customer desire for lower prices and top management commitment. Some companies also perceived the alignment of their company’s strategy as strong GSCM enabler. However, the calculation shows that the overall incentive score of most participants is in the neutral level; meaning that they in total perceive neither significant incentives nor barriers to implement GSCM. With mostly internal enablers and external barriers, more than half of the survey participants can be categorized as Agenda Setters. Research limitations: Due to the low response rate, the sample size of this study is very small. Moreover, the results strongly depend on the personal opinion and experiences of the interviewee and the individual situations of the companies. This means that the results of this study give an indication, but are not generalizable. Therefore, another study with a different sampling method and a larger sample size is needed. Practical implications: The outcomes of this study show that GSCM concerns every aspect of a supply chain. A company that wants to engage in GSCM needs to have good relationships with and control over its suppliers in order to ensure that they fulfill the sustainability requirements, and deal with pressure from NGOs. Additionally, the company needs to balance customer demands for low prices and sustainability, expect some (one-time) investments and sacrifice short-term profit in order to ensure sustainable production. Originality/value: This report identifies the most important GSCM barriers and enablers for textile companies. By evaluating how companies within the textile and fashion sector perceive their incentives of implementing GSCM and investigating their organizational behavior towards barriers and enablers of GSCM, this study indicates what the current situation in the textile industry looks like; shows where improvements are necessary and gives insight for companies that aim to engage in green practices. The development of the so called GSCM incentive score; a method to calculate a company’s perceived incentives to implement a GSCM strategy, can be useful for future studies within this field.
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Towards greener supply chains : Inclusion of environmental activities in relationships between logistics service providers and shippersMartinsen, Uni January 2014 (has links)
It is well-recognised that companies are under pressure to take responsibility for the environmental impact of their operations. Logistics service providers (LSPs), who through their transport and logistics operations have a large negative impact on the environment, are one type of supply chain actor that is under such pressure. However, in order for LSPs to be able to lower their environmental impact sufficiently, their customers, the shippers, also need to take responsibility. This thesis takes its starting point in the relationships between LSPs and shippers and argues that in order for LSPs’ environmental activities to reach their full potential, the shippers must be included in the activities. The purpose of this thesis is to describe and explain how supply chain actors, with a specific focus on logistics service providers and shippers, can include environmental activities in their relationships with each other. This comprises identifying those environmental activities that are relevant for relationships between LSPs and shippers, as well as describing the extent to which environmental activities are included in such relationships. By means of the theoretical perspective of power between supply chain actors, the thesis also sets out to further understand how power balances between LSPs and shippers can influence the extent to which they include environmental activities in their relationships with each other. Finally, the use of the theoretical perspective of coordination aims, through the analysis of coordination mechanisms, to shed light on how environmental activities are included in LSP-shipper relationships. The research in this thesis has mainly descriptive and explanatory aims, although due to the novelty of research into LSPshipper relationships in an environmental context, the research process as such is mainly exploratory. Following an abductive approach, the insights from literature are combined with empirical data from two cases studies, a homepage scan, a survey and a study of city logistics projects. Most of the applied research methods take a dual perspective of relationships between supply chain actors and thus include both LSPs and shippers. One conclusion from the research conducted for this thesis comprises the identification of environmental activities as well as a suggestion for a classification based on the activities’ role in the business between LSPs and shippers. With a starting point in the identified activities, a comparison of a market perspective and a relationship perspective of environmental activities in LSP-shipper relationships indicates that LSPs are able to fulfil the requirements set by shippers and that shippers’ requirement thus are met. The research does, however, point to a passiveness among LSPs in their relationships with shippers, who in turn would like the LSPs to be more proactive. Further, based on an analysis of power balances in LSP-shipper relationships, it is suggested that in an LSP-shipper relationship in which the shipper has a power advantage, the shipper’s environmental ambitions for logistics sets the agenda for the environmental activities in that relationship. An analysis of coordination of environmental activities in LSP-shipper relationships indicates that the mechanisms of direct supervision, which is when one actor tells the other actor in the relationship what to do, and mutual adjustment can be chosen to be used in order to include environmental activities in LSP-shipper relationships. While direct supervision is suggested to be a coordination mechanism that is easy for shippers to apply, mutual adjustment appears to hold greater potential for the development of environmental activities. Finally, these findings in combination are suggested to have implications for the coordination of environmental activities in LSP-shipper relationships. More specifically, this thesis offers a categorisation of different types of LSP-shipper relationships and the involved actors’ environmental ambition. Depending on whether the environmental ambition of the LSP and shipper in a specific relationship is high or low appears to have implications for the possibility to work towards greener supply chains for each type of relationship. / Många företag känner av pressen av agera för att minska sin miljöpåverkan. Flera företag har också insett att ett sådant agerande även har affärsmässiga fördelar. När det gäller miljöpåverkan så tillhör logistikföretagen, till stor del på grund av sina transporter, de företag som insett att något måste göras. Möjligheten för dessa företag att göra olika miljöåtgärder påverkas av varuägarna som köper logistikföretagens tjänster. Som en följd av detta blir länken mellan dessa företag – relationen – viktig för att möjliggöra förbättringar när det gäller påverkan från logistiken. Denna avhandling har som syfte att beskriva och förklara hur aktörer i försörjningskedjan, med ett speciellt fokus på relationer mellan logistikföretag och varuägare, kan inkludera miljöåtgärder i sina relationer med varandra. För att över huvud taget kunna diskutera miljöåtgärder i relationer mellan logistikföretag och varuägare så är det viktigt att veta vad för typer av miljöåtgärder detta kan röra sig om. Första forskningsfrågan i avhandlingen behandlar detta och i avhandlingen identifieras ett antal sådana åtgärder. Det kan röra sig om relativt tekniska åtgärder så som alternativa bränslen, olika typer av fordon och energieffektiv körning, till åtgärder som handlar om styrning av logistiken, så som design av logistiksystemen, till åtgärder som är väldigt relationsspecifika som exempelvis specifika projekt eller miljögrupper. Med avstamp i de identifierade åtgärderna analyseras sedan relationerna mellan logistikföretag och varuägare i några olika steg. En jämförelse mellan logistikföretagens och varuägarnas perspektiv på de miljöåtgärder som erbjuds, efterfrågas samt ingår i relationerna dem emellan visar att logistikföretagen ofta kan tillgodose sina kunders önskemål. Samtidigt som detta visar att varuägarnas önskemål verkar vara uppfyllda, så finns det en frustration från varuägarnas sida över att logistikföretagen inte är mer proaktiva. En av anledningarna till detta kan vara maktbalansen mellan logistikföretag och varuägare. Resultaten i avhandlingen pekar nämligen på att varuägarna oftast har makten över logistikföretagen, vilket verkar leda till att varuägarens ambitioner gällande miljö ofta är det som sätter agendan för vilka miljöåtgärder som inkluderas i relationen mellan dessa företag. Vidare så kan de miljöåtgärder som ingår i en relation mellan logistikföretag och varuägare koordineras på olika sätt och flera sådana tas upp i avhandlingen. Resultaten pekar även på att maktbalansen i relationerna påverkar i vilken grad miljöåtgärder inkluderas i relationer mellan logistikföretag och varuägare samt hur dessa koordineras. En matris, som bygger på logistikföretagets och varuägarens ambitioner gällande miljö för en specifik relation, sammanfattar resultaten i avhandlingen. Beroende på om denna ambition är hög eller låg för de båda aktörerna påverkar i sin tur möjligheten för varje typ av relation att arbeta mot gröna försörjningskedjor.
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Green Supply Chain Management e sustentabilidade na agroindústria canavieira: o caso Jalles Machado S/AAndrade, Marta Cléia Ferreira de 14 June 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 14 / Nenhuma / A Sustentabilidade de forma crescente passa a ser um fator estratégico para os negócios de uma empresa. Portanto, a responsabilidade da empresa se estende para além de suas fronteiras, no que diz respeito a seus processos e produtos e envolve um relacionamento compartilhado com os demais constituintes da cadeia de suprimentos na qual se insere. Optando pelo Estudo de Caso, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a gestão da cadeia de suprimentos de uma empresa do setor sucroalcooleiro, à luz dos conceitos de Sustentabilidade aplicados ao enfoque de Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). Um dos maiores desafios impostos às empresas do setor sucroalcooleiro é conciliar o desenvolvimento econômico com as questões sociais e ambientais. Assim, as conclusões apontam que tudo indica que a empresa pesquisada persegue a sustentabilidade de suas operações, realizando seu desenvolvimento com menor impacto possível ao meio ambiente e com ações que visam minimizar as disparidades sociais. E o conjunto de todas essas ações s / Sustainability increasingly has become a strategic factor for business. Based on this assumption, companies’ responsibilities extend beyond their borders, ranging products, processes and partners. Based on a single case study the objective of this research is to analyze the supply chain management of an Etanol plant based on the concepts of sustainability and Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). One relevant challenge for this industry is to integrate economic results with social and environmental issues. The case suggests that the analyzed company pursues sustainability along its operations, seeking to minimize environment impact and to develop actions that aim to reduce social unbalances. All these environmental initiatives have allowed the company to obtain environmental accreditations and awards. These actions influences differently aspects such as image improvement, market competitiveness, new business opportunities, access to international markets and financial performance.
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The study of Green Supply Chain Management : A case study of BYD, a Chinese car manufacturerWANG, MEIZI, LUO, XIYU January 2010 (has links)
<p>Traditional manufacturing industries develop the contradiction between human beings and the environment is becoming more and more serious. In order to solve this problem, the establishment of green supply chain management can to be a way, to introduce the idea of sustainable development in practice. The pollution from the car industry is a problem today, so developing green supply chain management is important. The purpose of this thesis is to establish green supply chain management supplier evaluation index system by taking BYD as an example. In this thesis, we study the problem by using primary and secondary data, by combining the reality with the theories. First, we introduce the principle and basic situation of green supply chain management in China now, then we analyze the aspects that green supply chain management should include in BYD. We propose a plan for the improvement of green supply chain management in BYD and construct the GSCM performance index system. Eventually we proformce a plan for the establishment of green supply chain management in BYD.</p>
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The study of Green Supply Chain Management : A case study of BYD, a Chinese car manufacturerWANG, MEIZI, LUO, XIYU January 2010 (has links)
Traditional manufacturing industries develop the contradiction between human beings and the environment is becoming more and more serious. In order to solve this problem, the establishment of green supply chain management can to be a way, to introduce the idea of sustainable development in practice. The pollution from the car industry is a problem today, so developing green supply chain management is important. The purpose of this thesis is to establish green supply chain management supplier evaluation index system by taking BYD as an example. In this thesis, we study the problem by using primary and secondary data, by combining the reality with the theories. First, we introduce the principle and basic situation of green supply chain management in China now, then we analyze the aspects that green supply chain management should include in BYD. We propose a plan for the improvement of green supply chain management in BYD and construct the GSCM performance index system. Eventually we proformce a plan for the establishment of green supply chain management in BYD.
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A Study on the Implementation of Green Supply Chain- A Comparative Analysis between Small Scale Industries in India and Developed NationsSelvaraj, Ranjith Karthick January 2011 (has links)
Environmental pollution is the major problem that mankind faces in present state, the major emission of toxic gases is from vehicles and manufacturing industries. The thesis study focuses on three different types of Small Scale Industries (SSI) in India that are bumper manufacturing industry, dyeing industry and food processing industry. The product life cycles of the process for each industry are identified and their final green waste disposal methods are investigated. The industries are identified with more lean wastes within their product life cycle process. The major green wastes from their disposal methods have high influence on environment. These wastes have to be reduced or eliminated by practicing a suitable supply chain. In present the companies doesn’t practice any supply chain in their organization. The implement of supply chain could reduce the environmental pressures and wastes of the companies to some extent. The lean wastes identified in the process could be eliminated by practicing suitable lean tools and methods. The final disposal wastes are considered to be the green wastes. The method of disposal practiced by the SSIs in India shows an evidence of how much they concern towards the environment. The research tries to explain some suitable waste management techniques for the industries and discusses about importance of government role on making this techniques possible. The small scale industries experiences both wastes, so it has to integrate lean for practicing green supply chain, the implementation of lean would pay a way for green supply chain management. As a result of it a comprehensive lean and green model is suggested for the industries because the model is composed of both lean and green waste reduction techniques and it also helps in achieving both lean and green business results.
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Core Enterprise's Partner Selection in a Green Supply ChainXiang, Tingting, Xu, Sujing January 2011 (has links)
Core enterprise is the center of Green Supply Chain (GSC) and it helps partners to meet the environmental standards and to improve GSC’s performance. However there are two questions for core enterprise when it establishes GSC: What roles do core enterprise play in GSC? How does core enterprise improve GSC’s performance? What criterions are considered when core enterprise chooses partners in GSC? In order to answer these questions, this paper will use following methods: firstly, Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Analytic network process (ANP) have be used to study on three research companies (IKEA, TOYOTA and Apple); Secondly, six interviews with research companies’ employees. After case study, the results show that when core enterprise chooses partners, it will draw up some criterions and sub-standards for partners to fulfill. Furthermore, core enterprise plays the roles as GSC’s builder, director, coordinator, and designer in the system. Finally, this paper answered the research questions: Firstly, in order to improve the performance of GSC, core enterprise should direct all partners in GSC to save materials and recycle waste in each link of GSC. Secondly, core enterprise can use four criterions to choose partners. These criterions are: environmental management performance, product-related elements, production-service levels, and enterprise culture.
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