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A Performer’s Guide and Structural Analysis of Sergei Taneyev’s Concert Suite for Violin and OrchestraJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: This research paper is a study of Sergei Taneyev’s Concert Suite for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 28 and includes Taneyev’s biography, a brief musical analysis which benefits the interpretation, and performance suggestions from the perspective of a concert violinist. The purpose of this paper is to enable performers to achieve a better understanding of this artwork and make informed musical choices.
Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev (1856-1915) was a Russian composer. As a composition pupil of Tchaikovsky, and a teacher of Scriabin, Rachmaninoff, Lyapunov, and Glière, Taneyev is an important figure in Russian music. His compositions include operas, symphonies, chamber music, songs, and piano music. Taneyev’s style was influenced by Bach, Handel, Mozart, Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Wagner and various European composers. His cosmopolitan style, and wide-ranging compositional interests do not easily lend themselves generalization. This difficulty in categorizing his music along with his self-criticism and aversion to self-promotion, contribute to his lack of recognition when compared with his contemporaries.
The Concert Suite for Violin and Orchestra, composed six years before his death, is his only work for Violin and Orchestra and was his last large composition. This work is cast in an unusual five-movement structure and embodies various brilliant violin techniques and rich Romantic-era harmonies. Taneyev’s interests in “old fashioned” style and folk music are evidenced by some of the movements titled “Prelude,” “Gavotte,” and “Theme and Variation” which contains a double fugue. He also utilizes folk dances such as the mazurka and tarantella. This performance guide provides practical interpretational advice based on an analysis of harmony, form and structural divisions, stylistic considerations and violin techniques. A brilliant and charming work, it has sadly been neglected. Through the study and performance of this piece, the author hopes to provide performers with useful information that enables more musicians to know and enjoy this valuable masterwork. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2019
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Review of Getting Started with Cloud Computing: A LITA GuideTolley, Rebecca 01 May 2012 (has links)
Review of Getting Started with Cloud Computing: A LITA Guide. Eds. Edward M. Corrado and Heather Lea Moulaison. New York: Neal-Schuman Publisher, Inc., 2011. 214p. alk. paper, $65 (ISBN 9781555707491).
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A performance guide: new cello compositions by Serra Miyeun HwangSon, Eunkyung 01 May 2017 (has links)
Korean Canadian composer Serra Miyeun Hwang (1962-) has written three compositions for cello- Beckoning, Presence, and Hundredth View- inspired by Korean culture and traditional music. She infuses each piece with Korean elements, including special rhythmic patterns, text, and tone color, which are influenced and motivated by traditional Korean percussion music, religions, culture, combined with techniques of Western instrumental performance. The purpose of this study is to introduce Hwang’s music to other cellists and help them incorporate the historical and cultural aspects of Korean traditional music to their performance practices. By analyzing Hwang’s compositions in greater detail, this essay will provide cellists practice guidelines to achieve the desired tone and interpretive gestures of new cello repertoire.
This essay contains Hwang’s biography and her philosophy of music and a description of the Korean influences on her music, including the genres of traditional music in Korea, their cultural background, music in Shaman ceremonies, Buddhist music, and p’ungmul (folk drumming and dance). There is also a performance guide of Beckoning for Cello and two Korean Drums; Presence for Soprano, Cello, and Piano; and Hundredth View for Solo Cello with my own interpretation.
Learning Hwang’s pieces will bring cellists new experiences that are a mixture of music, culture, thoughts, and methods from Western and Eastern influences.
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Kockars uppfattning om Guide Michelin : Hur uppnås en stjärnstatus enligt yrkesutövare på Michelinrestauranger?Sparrman, Sebastian, Hallberg, Gustaf January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Caractérisation de composants de filtrage modal pour l'observation d'exoplanète par interférométrie annulante.Romain, Grille 18 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'interférométrie annulante permet l'étude d'exoplanètes dans l'IR (6-20 um) et la mesure de leur émission atmosphérique, reflet d'une possible activité biologique. Pour atteindre le contraste interférométrique nécessaire pour dissocier le signal planétaire du signal stellaire, les fronts d'onde issus des différents télescopes doivent se superposer parfaitement. La meilleure solution consiste à utiliser un guide d'onde monomode récupérant le flux planétaire indépendamment des aberrations optiques. Mon travail a consisté à caractériser de tels composants d'optique intégrée. J'ai mis en oeuvre pour cette étude trois méthodes : la distinction modale monochromatique par imagerie, la mesure de la plage de monomodicité par FTS et la mesure des performances de filtrage par interférométrie. Pour mener à bien ce travail, il a été nécessaire d'effectuer une analyse système de l'ensemble du banc optique, en particulier pour l'étude par interférométrie, dont les contraintes sur les vibrations, les flux lumineux ainsi que sur le positionnement des éléments optiques sont très fortes. L'étude porte sur des guides creux métalliques (HMW) et des guides diélectriques en halogénure d'argent (SH). Mon travail sur les HMW vient clore leur étude entreprise avant ma thèse. Les trois méthodes ont été utilisées pour caractériser des composants SH (guides plans et fibres optiques). Les HMW sont de bons filtres modaux mais nécessitent une fabrication très rigoureuse pour limiter les pertes en propagation. Les fibres SH nécessitent des longueurs plus conséquentes (avec des pertes linéiques plus faibles), pouvant être réduite par l'ajout de couche absorbante sur la gaine.
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Innovative design of high efficient polishing system for axial symmetric free surface: a line polishing method with adjustable pressure distributionNg, Lee-han 31 July 2007 (has links)
This article aims to design an innovative polishing method that can do polishing job to a complicated axial symmetric free surface. The main task of the system is to increase the precision of a middle size (diameter range from 50mm to 150mm) free surface with low precision (form error is larger than 10£gm, even reach few hundred £gm. By using the developed polishing system, the precision is expected to reach and order of sub-micron. It is a machining method which able to outcome a precise free surface, and also a high efficient free surface machining method compared to machining technique nowadays.
At the beginning of this article, a logical thinking method will be used to set up a number of sub-targets from the task of the article. From those sub-targets, the keys of the polishing method would come out to accomplish the task. They are: 1.The machining tool is deformable and able to match up the shape of the surface of the tool to enlarge the polishing area. This will increase the efficiency of the machining method; 2.The pressure distribution between the tool and work piece is controllable to let the surface area with larger error form has larger machining rate. By accomplish the sub-targets above, a set of form error compensate strategy can be use to remove the error profile of the free surface with high efficiency.
To increase the efficiency of the polishing system, the analysis of the force guide by ANSYS (a finite element analysis software) will be done to create a relation between the force applied and the pressure distribution. This will make the pressure distribution construction task easy and the efficiency of polishing will be increased. According to the machining method designed above, a prototype polishing machine will be designed, and a series of experiments will be done on the designed prototype polishing machine to test the workability of the polishing method.
The outcome of the experiments shows that the machine not only has good repeatability, but also has a very high machining efficiency. Besides, the machining distribution experiment shows that the machining method has ability to remove the error distribution from the free surface. It means that is able to do precision machining job to the free surface.
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Determining housing need in rural ManitobaSumner, Kevan 14 October 2005 (has links)
With the aim of developing a housing needs assessment tool for rural Manitoba, the research investigates definitions of ‘rural’, the concept of housing need, and approaches to its assessment. The main question is: how can housing need be identified and quantified at the community or regional level? The response comes in the development of a community-based rural housing needs assessment guidebook (documented in Volume 2).
Literature reviewed (Part 2) targets definitions of rural, and an examination of: methods of assessing housing need, the nature of housing need, trends in housing policy, housing services programming, and the determination of housing need at a local level. Throughout, there is a focus on application of relevant literature to informing the design and development of the guidebook. The key informant interview process and related ethical considerations are presented in Part 3. The precedents review, of prior housing needs assessments and guides, is also described. The results from these research methods interviews are presented in Part 4, again with a focus on identifying how each informed development of the guidebook.
Part 4 concludes with a description of the design of the housing needs assessment guidebook, addressing the structure and scope of the assessment process, key considerations and components included in the guide, the two-phase process that constitutes the main information-generating component of the tool, and the discrepancy model used to guide the user through the assessment process. Design of a sample survey (an optional component of the guide) is also briefly discussed, as well as perceived limitations of the guide including the need for a complementary strategic planning process that picks up where the assessment leaves off, which might merit a second guide that details such further steps. Certain realities of housing needs assessment in rural Manitoba, and complicating aspects of the discrepancy model, are also discussed.
Part 5 details the early stages of application of components of the housing needs assessment guide in the Minnedosa area of Manitoba. Strengths and weaknesses of the components are identified, and associated refinements and changes are noted. It is concluded (Part 6) that the rural housing needs assessment guide is a viable means of identifying housing need in rural Manitoba. Possible benefits of its application are noted, but there are also cautions regarding further desirable or necessary research. / February 2006
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Claudius Madrolle et l'introduction du tourisme colonial en Indochine française 1898-1914 : entre propagande économique et légitimation politiqueLemaire, Nicolas 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Publiciste, explorateur, fonctionnaire colonial, Claudius Madrolle est le promoteur du tourisme en Extrême-Orient. Avec la publication du Guide du voyageur en 1902, puis celle de plusieurs autres guides jusqu'à la Grande Guerre, il s'impose comme un pionnier, ouvrant la voie à l'implantation d'un mouvement appelé à prendre une ampleur considérable, particulièrement à partir de l'entre-deux-guerres. Si plusieurs historiens se sont déjà intéressés au mouvement touristique des années 1920, qu'en est-il du tourisme indochinois spécifique à l'avant-guerre, dans une colonie tout juste conquise? À travers le personnage clé de Claudius Madrolle, nous voulons faire la démonstration que l'introduction du tourisme en Indochine est intimement liée au contexte impérialiste et qu'il constitue un moyen de propagande servant à légitimer la présence française en Indochine, à justifier la gestion de l'administration coloniale et à souligner l'abondance des ressources disponibles. C'est d'un tourisme officiel qu'il s'agit, destiné d'abord à l'élite économique et scientifique, mais qui se démocratise dès les années 1910. Dans le premier chapitre, nous mettons en évidence le contexte géopolitique spécifique de la France coloniale au tournant du XIXe siècle, indissociable de l'introduction du tourisme en Indochine. Dans le second, nous démontrons l'importance du personnage de Claudius Madrolle comme acteur clé du lobby colonial, comme militant de l'Empire. Enfin, le troisième chapitre met l'accent sur les guides touristiques et leur contenu afin d'apprécier le discours qu'ils véhiculent et de constater la réalité coloniale propre à l'époque d'avant-guerre. Les sources dont nous avons pu bénéficier sont essentielles à ce travail de recherche, notamment pour les guides de la collection Madrolle ainsi que les papiers privés de l'auteur. Même s'ils étaient déjà connus, ces documents n'avaient encore fait l'objet d'aucune étude spécifique. Par ce travail de mémoire, nous espérons contribuer à combler cette lacune.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Madrolle, Indochine, tourisme, colonie, guide, propagande
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Le sens de la nature dans le discours du guide en contexte de tourisme nature : une étude de casMartineau, Sébastien 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Le tourisme constitue un des phénomènes socio-économiques les plus importants du début du XXIe siècle. Jusqu'à maintenant, de nombreux chercheurs se sont attardés au rôle communicationnel du guide touristique. Cependant, si le tourisme Nature représente une part de plus en plus grande des activités touristiques à l'échelle mondiale, et en dépit du fait que plusieurs auteurs se veulent critiques à l'endroit des pratiques et des discours du tourisme Nature de manière générale, aucune recherche n'a été menée spécifiquement à ce jour sur le discours du guide en contexte de tourisme Nature. Notre recherche vise ainsi à répondre à la question générale suivante : quel est le sens de la Nature dans le discours du guide en contexte de tourisme Nature? Notre recherche s'inscrit dans le paradigme du constructionnisme social et notre cadre d'analyse s'attarde aux différentes conceptions socio-historiques que l'Occident a entretenues face à la Nature, de la Grèce antique à nos jours. Nous avons effectué une étude de cas en nous attardant au discours d'un guide touristique que nous avons enregistré à l'aide d'une caméra vidéo. Aussi, nous avons mené un entretien semi-dirigé avec ce guide afin d'approfondir notre analyse et pour confronter nos propres interprétations du discours du guide à celles de ce dernier. Nous avons procédé à une analyse thématique afin de cerner à quelle(s) conception(s) socio-historique(s) le guide puise lorsqu'il se fait le représentant d'un discours contemporain sur la Nature. Notre analyse démontre qu'en terme de contenu, le guide est majoritairement influencé par une conception technoscientifique de la Nature et ce, bien qu'il ait aussi recours à des « espèces vedettes » et à l'exploitation de la Nature comme paysage, dans une perspective romantique. Néanmoins, nous constatons qu'en ce qui a trait à la forme, le discours du guide est soutenu par l'humour, les émotions et les mises en scènes de toutes soties et se veut grandement influencé par une conception romantique de la Nature afin de satisfaire les touristes. Lorsque le guide quitte cette forme de discours afin d'emmener les touristes à une vision plus complexe de la Nature qui sous-tend des divergences d'opinions, il y revient rapidement afin de répondre aux exigences du contexte touristique dans lequel il travaille ; l'harmonie dans le groupe est plus importante qu'une réflexion sur la relation à la Nature. Puisque le discours du guide apparaît comme plus important dans l'expérience touristique que l'expérience de la Nature elle-même, le guide convie les touristes au spectacle d'une Nature absente et leur offre une relation télévisuelle à la Nature au cours de laquelle le rapport au temps limite les possibilités de réflexions sur la relation à la Nature. De ce fait, notre recherche vient confirmer en partie les propos des critiques du tourisme Nature.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Nature, Sens, Discours, Guide, Contexte, Tourisme, Cas
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Lacrosse : The development of Lacrosse in Sweden and the Netherlands : A trainers guide wayHoffer, Laurens January 2012 (has links)
Summary Lacrosse is a developing sport in Sweden and the Netherlands at the moment. Both countries have their initiatives and are playing the game for approximately 12 to 15 years. They are competing at World- and European tournaments and trying their best to professionalize their leagues. Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go for both countries before they can measure themselves with the top Lacrosse countries Canada and the USA. In these countries Lacrosse is played for many years, the level of professionalization and trainings methods are more developed and thereby maybe helpful to develop the level in Europe as well. Aim During this research a comparison is made between the (different) approaches in the sport of Lacrosse, by the four ‘investigated countries’. Where does opportunities occur for developing Lacrosse in Sweden and the Netherlands? Main aim of this research is to find out where the possibilities are for the development of Lacrosse. Both Sweden and the Netherlands want to compete on a higher level of Lacrosse, but at the moment the knowledge about the sport is not sufficient enough. Method During this research several sources are consulted for getting information. Seven semi-structured interviews were being held among Swedish and Dutch Lacrosse trainers. Besides these interviews the Canadian Lacrosse Federation was contacted by mail, and the Strategic Plan 2008 – 2012 was examined. Third source of collection information was by searching online databases for evidence-based researches. Results The outcomes showed that there are many opportunities to start with the development of Lacrosse. Position specific Lacrosse training could provide more structured training design and thereby increasing the level of Lacrosse players. Coaches should be trained, and the federations should start professionalizing as well. Besides these results trainers spoke about the importance of starting a youth Lacrosse initiative. Conclusion If the approach in Sweden and the Netherlands is compared to the level of Lacrosse in Canada both countries need to start putting actions into efforts. Both federations have good intentions but they both are unsure about how to start the development of Lacrosse.
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