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Modelling habitat suitability index for golden eagleJohansson, Maya January 2020 (has links)
The aim in this study was to develop a model for the probability of finding active golden eagle nests during their breeding season. It was done by using environmental variables derived from expert models which were tested against empirical data. This resulted in a habitat suitability index (HSI), which in this case is assumed to indicate the probability of active nests of golden eagles. The study was conducted together with the County Administrative Board of Västernorrland with the purpose to improve golden eagle’s ecological status.To develop the model, different combinations of several explanatory variables were tested in a model selection process, where the most optimal and parsimonious model was chosen. The tested variables have earlier been shown to affect golden eagles, as slope, aspect, forest age, foraging habitat, suitable flight routes, human population density, roads, railways, power lines, wind power plants, hiking trails and clear cuts. The variables where applied in in ArcMAP at three different scales: nest scale (25 x 25 meter), proximate scale (a circle with the radius of 500 meter) and home range scale (a circle with the radius of 8253 meter). A preliminary test of the variables showed that all golden eagle nests were found in slopes with at least 5֯ degreesas well as in home ranges with human population density not more than 8 people/km2. Due to that a stratified analysis wasperformed. The variables where analysed by multiple logistic regression in R, where the occurrence of golden eagles’ nestswas compared towards random points in the landscape. All variables were also tested one by one by logistic regression. Afterperforming the multiple logistic regression, it was possible to apply its equation into ArcMap to obtain suitability maps withHSI values over Västernorrland’s county.The comparisons of different models show that it is better to combine different spatial scales in the model than only using one spatial scale. The result indicate that three different models might be the best, which all had different combinations of slope and aspect at nest scale and power lines at the proximate scale. Two of these models also include hiking trails and human population density, both at home range scale, in their equation. Since it was some unclarity about the causality between hiking trails and human population density, the conclusion was not to choose any of these as the final model. The final model was more parsimonious and had an additive effect from slope and southern aspect at the nest scale and an antagonistic effect from power lines at the proximate scale.This study clarifies that golden eagles’ habitat preferences for nesting sites during their breeding period is steep slopes (at minimum 5֯ degrees) in more southern aspects with few power lines in the proximate area surrounding the nest. Their homeranges are also situated in areas with less than 8 people/km2. The study also pinpoints a potential conflict between golden eagleand wind power planning, as golden eagles prefer steep slopes and remote areas, which also are valuable areas for wind powerplants. Golden eagles’ preference of remote areas also indicate that they might be affected by human persecution, why certainconservation effort should be focused into this issue. Out from the final model, you can find cluster in the landscape where youcan focus conservation management and restrict exploitation. Due to low number of wind power plants in the landscape, nothingcould be concluded about their effect on golden eagle in this study. An advice from the golden eagle’s perspective is to use theprecautionary principle and further plan wind power plants in areas which already have high disturbance, as for example closeto power lines or roads. The result also indicates that forest age from SLU Forest Map is not suitable for telling where to findgolden eagle nests. GIS-data over forest age would facilitate conservation management for plenty of species connected to theforest.Although good statistical results for the final model, cautions need to be taken in general, since neither population viability analysis have been included, nor changes over time in the landscape. Another issue is the low sample size, where a larger sample size would make it possible to perform profound calibration and validation of the data. To develop a more robust model, the advice is to include these into the model and use a larger sample size.
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Abundance and distribution of delphinids in the Red Sea (Egypt)Costa, Marina January 2015 (has links)
Knowledge about cetaceans in the Red Sea is limited with only a handful of sporadic or spatially-limited studies carried out to date. Funded by the Italian Cooperation through a Debt-for-Nature Swap programme and carried out in collaboration with the Egyptian NGO HEPCA, this thesis presents the results from the first ever systematic vessel-based surveys conducted in the southern Egyptian Red Sea from 2010 to 2013 using linetransect methodology. The main aims of the thesis were (a) to estimate cetacean abundance, (b) to determine distribution patterns and habitat use of the cetacean species, (c) to investigate movement patterns for species for which individual recognition techniques were suitable and (d) to identify areas of conservation concern for cetaceans with a particular focus on existing protected areas. Eight species were identified, of which five were commonly encountered (Stenella longirostris, S. attenuata, Tursiops truncatus, T. aduncus, and Grampus griseus) and three were rare (Pseudorca crassidens, Sousa plumbea, Balaenoptera edeni). Estimates of abundance using design-based line transect sampling techniques were obtained for five species: S. attenuata 10,268 (CV=0.26); S. longirostris 6,961 (CV=0.26); T. aduncus 659 (CV=0.69); T. truncatus 509 (CV=0.33), and G. griseus 367 (CV=0.37). Habitat modelling revealed that the two Stenella species were widely distributed across the study area. In contrast, T. truncatus was concentrated in waters around Ras Banas peninsula (in particular Satayah offshore reef), and T. aduncus was mainly found along the coast with possibly separate sub-populations in the northern and southern study area. G. griseus was only encountered in the southern part. The information provided in this study will allow the development of a conservation strategy for the protected areas and will serve as baseline information to carry out future survey work in the Red Sea.
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Nutzungsintegrierter Artenschutz für Feldlerche Alauda arvensis und Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus auf Äckern mit Wintergetreide oder WinterrapsSchmidt, Jan-Uwe 25 September 2018 (has links)
The populations of many farmland birds have severely declined during the past years. Even (formerly) common species such as the Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis) and the Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) are strongly affected. The declines were mainly caused by agricultural intensification.
In response to the declines, agri-environmental schemes (AES) that integrate protection objectives into agricultural practices are a promising strategy. Until 1992 all EU member states were obliged to develop agri-environment programmes and since this time, AES are widely used. AES are often criticised for being ineffective and expensive. However, good results have been achieved with measures targeted on one bird species and used in projects advising farmers where and how to apply AES. Despite legitimate criticism, AES can help to slow down the declines of farmland bird populations, at least for a transitional period until sustainable agriculture has been established. This requires species-specific AES which are easy to implement and work well for the target species.
In the German federal state of Saxony, such AES were developed and tested from 2009 to 2013 in a state-wide conservation project for ground-nesting farmland birds. Two of the studies with AES for the Skylark (study 1) and the Lapwing (study 2), which were part of scientific research, are presented here.
For the Skylark, Skylark plots were tested at conventionally managed fields with winter cereals (n=10) or winter oilseed rape (n=10). Each field was divided in a test site with skylark plots and a control site without treatment. Skylark plots are unsown plots about 20 m² in size and applied in a density of about two plots per hectare. Further ten fields with winter cereals were in the same way equipped with additional tramlines that were not used for crop management. Both measures aimed to open the otherwise closed crop canopy to allow Skylarks to reach the ground and improve habitat conditions. Skylark territory mapping was carried out to reveal effects of the treatment.
For the Lapwing, 61 lapwing plots were established within conventionally managed winter wheat and winter oilseed rape fields. These unsown fallow plots, mostly 1-2 ha in size, were created during autumn tillage and left bare until next summer. They were meant to provide a breeding site and a habitat for rearing the young. Lapwings and other bird species were mapped at the lapwing plots and nearby control sites. Factors influencing the success of the plots were modelled to obtain information on the design of a well-working AES.
All three measures proved to be working well for the target species. At sites with skylark plots or additional tramlines, Skylark territory densities were about twice as high as at untreated control sites. The lapwing plots were also used about twice as likely as the untreated control sites. The hatching success was significantly higher, too. Particularly successful were large (>2 ha), sparsely vegetated lapwing plots at damp sites traditionally used for breeding. Other species also benefitted, especially from lapwing plots.
The measures are therefore promising to provide positive effects on Skylark or Lapwing populations. They are relatively easy to implement and were repeatedly applied by the farmers involved in the project. Furthermore, synergy effects for other bird and plant species as well as for the biotope network can be expected by establishing lapwing plots at damp sites. The measures are suitable AES which, if widely adopted, have the potential to slow down, stabilise or even reverse the negative population trends. To promote these and to ensure their correct implementation, advise of farmers seems to be necessary, particularly for lapwing plots. / Bei vielen Agrarvögeln waren in den vergangenen Jahren starke Bestandsrückgänge zu verzeichnen, wobei mit Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus) und Feldlerche (Alauda arvensis) zwei der ehemals häufigsten Arten am stärksten betroffen sind. Hauptursache hierfür ist die Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft.
Eine mögliche Gegenstrategie sind nutzungsintegrierte Artenschutzmaßnahmen, mit denen versucht wird, die Belange des Artenschutzes eng in den landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsprozess einzubetten. Bedeutendstes Umsetzungsinstrument sind hierbei die EU-geförderten Agrarumweltmaßnahmen (AUM), die es seit 1992 in allen Mitgliedsstaaten gibt. Diese erwiesen sich in der Praxis jedoch oft als teuer und wenig erfolgreich. Vielversprechende Resultate wurden meist dann erzielt, wenn die Maßnahmen eng auf die Erfordernisse der Zielart(en) zugeschnitten waren und die Landwirte Beratung und Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung erhielten. Trotz aller Kritik an den AUM können diese zumindest für eine Übergangsphase auf dem Weg zu einer tatsächlich nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft helfen, die drastischen Bestandsrückgänge vieler Agrarvogelarten zu vermindern. Dazu werden aber zielartenspezifische und einfach umsetzbare Maßnahmen benötigt.
Im sächsischen Bodenbrüterprojekt wurden von 2009 bis 2015 nutzungsintegrierte Artenschutzmaßnahmen entwickelt und erprobt. Zwei der projektbegleitenden wissenschaftlichen Studien zu AUM für Feldlerche (Studie 1) und Kiebitz (Studie 2) sind in der vorliegenden Arbeit zusammengefasst.
Für die Feldlerche erfolgten Siedlungsdichteuntersuchungen auf konventionell bewirtschafteten Feldern mit Wintergetreide (n=10) oder Winterraps (n=10), die jeweils etwa zur Hälfte mit Feldlerchenfenstern bestellt waren, während der Restschlag als Vergleichsfläche diente. Zehn weitere Felder, ausschließlich in Wintergetreide, dienten in gleicher Weise der Erprobung der Anordnung zusätzlicher, für die Bewirtschaftung nicht benötigter Fahrgassen. Feldlerchenfenster sind ca. 20 m² große Saatlücken, die in einer Dichte von etwa zwei Fenstern je Hektar, ebenso wie die zusätzlichen Fahrgassen, die ansonsten dichten Kulturbestände öffnen und dadurch die Besiedlung durch die Zielart erleichtern.
Für den Kiebitz wurden 61 Kiebitzinseln in konventionell bewirtschafteten Wintergetreide- und Winterrapsfeldern angelegt. Dies waren selbstbegrünte, meist 1-2 ha große Brachen, die bei der Herbstbestellung zwar bearbeitet, aber nicht gesät wurden. Im folgenden Frühjahr sollten die Flächen der Brut und Jungenaufzucht dienen. Die Untersuchungen beinhalteten Erfassungen der Zielart und weiterer Vogelarten auf den Kiebitzinseln und Vergleichsflächen sowie die statistische Modellierung verschiedener Faktoren für den Erfolg der Flächen.
Im Ergebnis erwiesen sich alle drei Maßnahmen als erfolgreich. Auf Flächen mit Feldlerchenfenstern und zusätzlichen Fahrgassen war die Territoriendichte der Zielart etwa doppelt so hoch wie auf den Vergleichsflächen ohne Maßnahme. Die Kiebitzinseln wurden gleichfalls annähernd doppelt so oft von Kiebitzen besiedelt wie die Kontrollflächen. Der Schlupferfolg war signifikant höher. Besonders erfolgreich waren große (ca. >2 ha), spärlich bewachsene Kiebitzinseln an traditionell als Brutplatz genutzten Nassstellen. Insbesondere im Falle der Kiebitzinseln profitierten auch andere Arten.
Die untersuchten Maßnahmen sind daher grundsätzlich geeignet, positive Effekte auf die Bestände von Feldlerche oder Kiebitz zu entfalten. Sie sind zudem vergleichsweise einfach umsetzbar und wurden von den am Projekt beteiligten Landwirten wiederholt realisiert. Mit der Anlage von Kiebitzinseln an Nassstellen lassen sich zudem Synergieeffekte für andere Tier- und Pflanzenarten sowie für den Biotopverbund erzielen. Die untersuchten Maßnahmen stellen damit geeignete AUM dar, die bei hinreichender Anwendung das Potenzial haben, die derzeit negativen Bestandstrends der Zielarten zu verlangsamen, zu stabilisieren oder sogar umzukehren. Zur Förderung der Umsetzung erscheint insbesondere im Fall der Kiebitzinseln eine fachliche Beratung der Landwirte unabdingbar.
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Population biology of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores archipelagoSilva, Monica Almeida January 2007 (has links)
The ranging behaviour, habitat preferences, genetic structure, and demographic parameters of bottlenose dolphins living in the Azores were studied using data collected from 1999 to 2004. Only 44 dolphins out of 966 identified were frequently sighted within and between years and showed strong site fidelity. The remaining individuals were either temporary migrants from within or outside the archipelago, or transients. Estimates of home range size were three times larger than previously reported for this species, possibly as a result of the lower availability of food resources. Mitochondrial DNA sequences showed very high gene and nucleotide diversity. There was no evidence of population structuring within the Azores. The Azorean population was not differentiated from the pelagic population of the Northwest Atlantic, suggesting the "unproductive" waters of the Atlantic do not constitute a barrier to dispersal. Population size, survival and temporary emigration rates were estimated using open-population models and Pollock's robust design. A few hundreds of dolphins occur in the area on a given year, though the majority should use it temporarily, as suggested by the high emigration rates. Bottlenose dolphins preferentially used shallow areas with high bottom relief. Temporal and spatial persistence of dolphin-habitat associations documented in this study further supports the idea of a close relationship between certain bathymetric features and important hydrographic processes and suggests the occurrence of prey aggregations over these areas may be, to some extent, predictable. Several results of this study suggest there are no reasons for concern about the status of this population. Yet, the resident group may be negatively affected by increasing pressure from the whale watching activity. Although the proposed Marine Park constitutes important habitat for resident dolphins, at present, the area is clearly insufficient to satisfy their spatial requirements and its conservation value may be limited.
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Ecology of the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in the Southern area of the Gulf of Morrosquillo, Colombia : implications for conservationDussán-Duque, Beatriz Salomé January 2013 (has links)
Sotalia guianensis is listed as “Data Deficient” by the IUCN and as “Vulnerable” in Colombia. This study aimed to advance understanding of the ecology of this species and its habitats, and to provide information to conservation management in the southern Gulf of Morrosquillo, Colombia. Systematic boat-based surveys were conducted during 395 days in 2002-2006 and 2009-2010, following established routes. Total survey effort was 15,199 km in an area covering ~ 310km². Fine scale habitat use and behavioural modelling, photo-identification and mark-recapture techniques were used to analyze the ecological patterns for this species. The most recent abundance estimate of dolphins using the study area during dry and rainy seasons, varied from 225 (CV = 0.34; 95% CI: 118-426) to 232 (CV = 0.32; 95% CI: 127-246). Annual survival rate is estimated at 0.948 (95% CI = 0.876-0.980). Overall density was 0.74/km². Dolphins were present year-round in the whole study area. Results indicate that they do not use the study area uniformly and that the use of particular zones is related to eco-geographic variables. Dolphins showed a preference for waters greater than 3m in depth with a slightly increased preference for waters about 5m and 15-25m deep. The average group size was nine individuals. Some individuals show long-term high site fidelity to some zones within the study site boundaries. Even though the site fidelity to feeding areas varied individually, all the individuals focused primarily on one specific area. Foraging was among one of the most predominant behaviours observed. The individual movements show that some dolphins use both bay and gulf waters. Dolphins show a range of surface cooperative foraging and feeding strategies. These cooperative behaviours were influenced by zone, group size and prey type. Based on these results an area of special management for the species will be created in Colombia.
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Modelling distributions of rare marine species : the deep-diving cetaceans / Modéliser les distributions des espèces marines rares : les cétacés grands plongeursVirgili, Auriane 11 January 2018 (has links)
Les cétacés grands plongeurs, cachalots Physeteridae et Kogiidae, et baleines à bec Zipiidae, sont des espèces marines rares. Leur faible densité, aire de distribution étendue et faible disponibilité en surface génèrent de faibles taux d’observations. Cette particularité constitue un défi pour la modélisation d’habitat de ces espèces, préalable à leur conservation. Les modèles doivent gérer l’abondance de zéros qui limitent leur capacité à inférer des résultats écologiquement cohérents. Cette thèse vise donc à trouver une méthodologie adaptée aux jeux de données abondants en zéros, à déterminer comment les variables environnementales influencent la distribution des grands plongeurs et à prédire les zones potentielles qu’ils utilisent. Tester la capacité de prédiction de différents modèles d'habitat confrontés à un nombre décroissant d’observations a permis de souligner la pertinence d’un modèle, même si un minimum de 50 observations est nécessaire pour fournir des prédictions fiables. Des données issues de différentes campagnes visuelles ont été assemblées afin de produire les premières cartes de densités de grands plongeurs à l’échelle de l’océan Atlantique Nord et la mer Méditerranée. Les densités les plus élevées sont prédites dans les eaux entre 1500 et 4000 m de profondeur et près des fronts thermiques, particulièrement le long des pentes continentales et à l'ouest de l'océan Atlantique Nord. Par ailleurs, l’analyse de la transférabilité des modèles a montré une variation des habitats préférentiels en fonction des écosystèmes. Finalement, cette thèse permet de discuter les défis de la modélisation statistique appliquée aux espèces rares et les applications de gestion associées. / Deep-diving cetaceans, sperm- and beaked whales Physeteridae, Kogiidae and Ziphiidae, are rare marine species. Due to their low densities, wide distribution ranges and limited presence at the water surface, visual surveys usually result in low sighting rates. This paucity of data challenges the modelling of their habitat, prerequisite for their conservation. Models have to cope with a great number of zeros that weakens the ability to make sound ecological inferences. Consequently, this thesis aimed at finding a methodology suitable for datasets with a large number of zeros, determining how environmental variables influence deep-diver distributions and predicting areas preferentially used by these species. By testing the predictive performance of various habitat models fitted to decreasing numbers of sightings, I selected the most suitable model and determined that at least 50 sightings were needed to provide reliable predictions. However, individual surveys can rarely provide sufficient deep-diver sightings thus I merged many visual survey datasets to produce the first basin-wide deep-diver density maps in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Highest densities were predicted in waters from 1500-4000 m deep and close to thermal fronts ; hotspots were predicted along the continental slopes, particularly in the western North Atlantic Ocean. In addition, a model transferability analysis highlighted that habitat drivers selected by the models varied between contrasted large ecosystems. Finally, I discussed challenges related to statistical modelling applied to rare species and the management applications of this thesis.
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STAMM, un modèle individu-centré de la dispersion active des tortues marines juvéniles : applications aux cas des tortues luths du Pacifique Ouest et de l'Atlantique Nord-Ouest et aux tortues caouannes de l'ouest de l'océan Indien / STAMM, an individual based model for simulating the active dispersal of juvenile sea turtles : case studies on the western Pacific and the north-western Atlantic leatherback turtle populations and on the loggerhead turtle populations of the western Indian oceanLalire, Maxime 26 June 2017 (has links)
Les tortues marines, espèces emblématiques des écosystèmes marins, sont de plus en plus menacées par les effets directs et indirects des activités humaines. Leur cycle de vie est complexe, partagé entre divers habitats, souvent très éloignés les uns des autres. Leur conservation nécessite donc d'identifier les habitats occupés à chaque stade de vie et les routes migratoires empruntées entre ces différents habitats. Si l'écologie spatiale des tortues adultes est relativement bien connue, notamment grâce au suivi par satellite, il n'en va pas de même pour les juvéniles qui se développent plusieurs années en milieu pélagique sans pouvoir être suivis. Dans ce contexte, les simulations numériques constituent un outil adapté pour explorer la dispersion des tortues juvéniles à partir de leurs plages de naissance. Jusqu'à présent il a le plus souvent été supposé dans ces simulations que les juvéniles dérivaient passivement avec les courants marins. Dans ce travail de thèse nous présentons STAMM (Sea Turtle Active Movement Model), un nouveau modèle de dispersion active des tortues juvéniles qui s'attache à dépasser l'hypothèse initiale d'une dérive purement passive. Dans STAMM, les juvéniles simulés se déplacent sous l'influence de la circulation océanique et d'une nage motivée par la recherche d'habitats favorables. Ce modèle est appliqué ici à l'étude de la dispersion des juvéniles de trois populations de tortues marines : les tortues luths (Dermochelys coriacea) du Pacifique Ouest et de l'Atlantique Nord-Ouest puis les tortues caouannes (Caretta caretta) de l'ouest de l'océan Indien. Nos résultats montrent que, même si la circulation océanique détermine, à grande échelle, les zones de dispersion, la prise en compte des mouvements motivés par l'habitat augmente considérablement le réalisme des simulations et impacte profondément la distribution spatiale et temporelle des individus simulés à l'intérieur de leur zone de dispersion. Les mouvements motivés par l'habitat induisent notamment des migrations saisonnières en latitude qui réduisent la mortalité par hypothermie. Ces mouvements induisent également une concentration des individus simulés dans des zones productives (comme les upwellings de bord Est) inaccessibles en dérive passive. Ces résultats questionnent la vision classique des juvéniles circulant passivement autour des gyres océaniques et devraient rapidement être pris en compte pour la mise en place de mesures de conservation ciblées visant les tortues marines juvéniles. / Sea turtles are increasingly threatened by the direct and indirect effects of human activities. Their life cycle is complex, shared between various, and often very distant, habitats. Their conservation therefore requires identifying the habitats occupied at each stage of life and the migration routes between these different habitats. While the spatial ecology of adult turtles is relatively well known, particularly through satellite monitoring, the situation is not the same for juveniles which pelagic development phase remains largely unobserved. In that context, numerical simulation constitutes an appropriate tool to explore the dispersal of juvenile sea turtles from their natal beaches. Until now, simulations were mostly performed under the assumption that juveniles disperse passively with oceanic currents. In this PhD thesis we present STAMM (Sea Turtle Active Movement Model), a new model of active dispersal that aims to go beyond the initial hypothesis of passive drift. In STAMM, juvenile sea turtles move under the influence of ocean currents and swimming movements motivated by the search for favorable habitats. This model is applied here to the study of the dispersal of juveniles from three sea turtle populations: leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) of the Western Pacific and the Northwest Atlantic Oceans, and loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) of the Western Indian Ocean. Our results show that, although ocean currents broadly shape juvenile dispersal areas, simulations including habitat-driven movements provide more realistic results than passive drift simulations. Habitat-driven movements prove to deeply structure the spatial and temporal distribution of juveniles. In particular, they induce seasonal latitudinal migrations that reduce cold induce mortality. They also push simulated individuals to concentrate in productive areas that cannot be accessed through pure passive drift. These results challenge the classical view of juveniles circulating passively around oceanic gyres. They should rapidly be taken into account for the implementation of targeted conservation measures concerning juvenile sea turtles.
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Utilisation des prédateurs supérieurs pour déterminer les zones d'importance pour la biodiversité : comparaison de différentes méthodes de mise en évidence de "hotspots" / Use of top predators to determine important areas for biodiversity : comparison of different methods to highlight "hotspots"Thiers, Laurie 13 October 2014 (has links)
Les nombreuses menaces qui pèsent sur le milieu marin et les preuves d’une perte de biodiversité globale au cours des dernières décennies ont rendu indispensable la mise en place de mesures de conservation dans les années à venir. Au sein des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAFs) en particulier, qui offrent une biodiversité exceptionnelle et sont le cadre d’activités anthropiques intensives à travers les grandes pêcheries industrielles, la délimitation d’Aires Marines Protégées (AMP) serait extrêmement bénéfique pour la conservation du milieu. Pour définir les zones d’importance pour la biodiversité, qui représenteraient de bonnes candidates pour un statut d’AMP, l’utilisation des données de distribution de prédateurs supérieurs apparait idéale. En effet, leur position dans le réseau trophique en fait de bons intégrateurs des niveaux inférieurs, et de plus, ils sont facilement observables lors des campagnes d’observations et offrent des facilités pour l’équipement de dispositifs télémétriques puisqu’ils reviennent régulièrement à terre pendant la période de reproduction. Grâce à l’analyse spatiale des données de distribution obtenues pour un grand nombre de prédateurs supérieurs au sein d’écosystèmes subantarctiques aussi bien qu’en milieu tropical et grâce au développement de modèles d’habitat, nous avons ici déterminé des ‘hotspots’ de biodiversité pour les prédateurs supérieurs des TAAFs. Ces travaux pourraient ainsi servir de base aux propositions de limites pour de potentielles futures AMPs. / The numerous threats that marine environment face, coupled with the evidence for a global biodiversity loss during last decades have lead to an increasing need for setting up conservation measures. Particularly, delimiting Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) within the French Southern Territories, which are home to an exceptional biodiversity and extensive human activities through industrial fisheries, would be extremely beneficial for species conservation. In order to identify areas of ecological significance for biodiversity, which could be good MPA candidates, the use of distribution data from top marine predators seems to be ideal. Thanks to their high position in trophic network, they are likely to integrate lowers trophic level species distribution. Moreover, they are easy to observe trough at-sea observation campaigns, and easy to equip with telemetric devices thank to their central place foraging that lead them to return regularly to their colony during breeding season. Here, we analyse distribution data and develop habitat models from several top predators species in both subantarctic and tropical regions to highlight biodiversity hotspots within the French Southern Territories. This work could thus be use as a basis to define potential boundaries for a future MPA.
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Top predators in marine ecosystem : their response to ocean spatio-temporal variability / Les prédateurs supérieurs dans l’écosystème marin : leur réponse à la variabilité spatio-temporelle de l’océanLambert, Charlotte 06 October 2016 (has links)
Le milieu marin est un espace difficile à étudier et notre connaissance des cétacés et des oiseaux marins présente encore de nombreuses lacunes, notamment concernant leur distribution au large. Le milieu marin pélagique est caractérisé par une forte variabilité spatiotemporelle, les différents processus écologiques composant cet écosystème étant très dynamiques dans le temps et l'espace. Il est donc crucial pour ces espèces marines d'anticiper ces variations afin de se maintenir dans le milieu. Grâce à des campagnes en mer à grandes échelles réalisées en Manche, Golfe de Gascogne et Méditerranée occidentale, cette thèse vise à améliorer la connaissance de la distribution des cétacés et oiseaux marins dans ces régions, et explorer l'impact de la variabilité spatiotemporelle de l'océan sur leur écologie. Ce travail se focalise notamment sur deux échelles temporelles, les variations saisonnières et interannuelles. Dans un premier temps, nous étudierons les variations de préférences d'habitats des espèces étudiées à ces deux échelles. Les cétacés et oiseaux marins étant des espèces longévives caractérisées par de longues périodes d'apprentissage au début de leur vie, nous explorerons également comment la réponse à la saisonnalité varie en fonction de l'expérience chez une espèce commune dans la région, le fou de Bassan. Enfin, nous finirons par explorer les liens prédateurs-proies dans le Golfe de Gascogne, en considérant notamment l'accessibilité de ces proies en termes de taille et de profondeur. Ainsi, cette thèse nous permettra de discuter les implications de ce travail concernant l'écologie des cétacés et oiseaux marins, ainsi que leur conservation. / Marine ecosystem is hard to study and several gaps remain in our understanding of cetaceans and seabirds, particularly regarding their at-sea distributions. The pelagic ecosystem is characterised by an important spatiotemporal variability, thanks to the space and time dynamics of its constituting ecological processes. Top predators thus have to anticipate this variability to sustain themselves in the ecosystem. Based on large-scale surveys across waters of the English Channel, Bay of Biscay and north-western Mediterranean Sea, this thesis aimed at improving knowledge regarding the distribution of cetaceans and seabirds in the area, and to explore the impact of ocean spatiotemporal variability on their ecology. This work focused on two temporal scales, the seasonal and interannual variability. We first explored the variations of habitat preferences of studied species at these two temporal scales. Cetaceans and seabirds being long-lived species characterised by long learning periods in their early life, the response to seasonality was investigated according to age and experience in northern gannets, the most abundant seabird species in the area. Finally, the predator-prey association within the Bay of Biscay was also explored, by contrasting prey accessibility in terms of size and depth. The implications of this work regarding the ecology of marine top predators, as well as their conservation, are finally discussed.
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