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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influence of Fluorine, Chlorine and Water on the Rheology and Structure of Na2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 Melts

Baasner, Amrei 22 October 2013 (has links)
In dieser Studie wurde der alleinige und gemeinsame Einfluss von 1.6 bis 14.5 mol% Wasser, 1.1 bis 18.3 mol% Fluor (F) und 0.5 bis 1.4 mol% Chlor (Cl) auf die Struktur und Viskosität von peralkalinen und peraluminösen Na2O CaO Al2O3 SiO2 Gläsern und Schmelzen mit ~ 66 mol% SiO2 (auf volatilfreier Basis) untersucht. Die Zusammensetzung der peralkalinen Proben entspricht einem Modellsystem für Phonolithschmelzen. Die wasserfreien Proben wurden in 1 atm Öfen aus Oxid und Karbonatverbindungen sowie Halogeniden hergestellt. Die wasserhaltigen peralkalinen Proben wurden in einer innenbeheizten Gasdruckanlage und die wasserhaltigen peraluminösen Proben in einer Stempelzylinderpresse hergestellt. Die Viskosität der Proben wurde mit der Mikropenetrationstechnik (108.5 1013 Pa s) und der „parallel plate“ Methode (105.5 Pa s 109 Pa s) gemessen. Die Struktur der Gläser wurde mittels „magic angle spinning“ (MAS) Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie (NMR) anhand der Nuklide 19F, 23Na, 27Al, 29Si and 35Cl analysiert. Fluor und Wasser allein oder in Kombination verringern die Viskosität der Schmelzen, wobei der Effekt von Wasser stärker ist als der von F. Beide Volatile verringern die Viskosität von peraluminösen Schmelzen stärker als in den peralkalinen Schmelzen. Für die peralkalinen Schmelzen wurde eine Verringerung der Viskosität durch F bis zu einer Konzentration von 1.9 mol% F festgestellt, jedoch für eine Konzentration von 6.2 mol% F wurde keine weitere Verringerung der Viskosität festgestellt. In den peraluminösen Schmelzen hingegen wurde bis zu einer Konzentration von 18.3 mol% F ein stetiger Abfall der Viskosität mit zunehmendem Fluorgehalt beobachtet. Der gemeinsame Einfluss von F und Wasser ist auf Grund ihrer jeweiligen Einzeleffekte geringer als angenommen, was zeigt, dass die Effekte von F und Wasser auf die Viskosität nicht unabhängig voneinander sind. Der zusammensetzungs und konzentrationsabhängige Effekt von F auf die Viskosität der Schmelzen stimmt mit Unterschieden im Einbaumechanismus von F überein. 19F MAS NMR Spektren zeigen, dass in den peralkalinen Gläsern F sowohl in „salzartigen“ F Ca(n) und F Na(n) als auch in nicht brückenbildenden Si F Na(n), Al F Ca(n), Al F Na(n) und brückenbildenden Al F Al Umgebungen vorkommt („n“ bedeutet, dass die Anzahl der Atome unklar oder variabel ist). F Ca(n) ist die am häufigsten vorkommende Umgebung, obwohl Ca das am wenigsten häufige Kation in den Proben ist. In den peraluminösen Gläsern existiert F nur in Si F und Al F Umgebungen, wobei Al F Na(n) die am häufigsten vorkommende Umgebung ist. Die Bildung von salzartigen F Ca(n) und F Na(n) Umgebungen sollte zu einem Anstieg der Viskosität durch eine Verringerung der netzwerkmodifizierenden Kationen führen. Die Bildung von Si F und Al F Umgebungen sollte die Viskosität entweder auf Grund einer Reduzierung von brückenbildenden Sauerstoffen durch nicht brückenbildende F oder durch einen Austausch von brückenbildenden Sauerstoffen durch brückenbildende F, welche eine niedrigere Bindungsstärke haben, verringern. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass F die Viskosität in peralkalinen Schmelzen weniger stark verringert als in peraluminösen Schmelzen, weil F in den peralkalinen Schmelzen in Umgebungen existiert, welche die Viskosität erhöhen oder erniedrigen können, während F in den peraluminösen Schmelzen nur in Umgebungen existiert, welche die Viskosität verringern. Der konzentrationsabhängige Einfluss von F auf die Viskosität in den peralkalinen Schmelzen scheint in Zusammenhang mit einer Änderung in der Fluorspeziation zu stehen: Der relative Anteil von F Ca(n) Umgebungen, von denen anzunehmen ist, dass sie die Viskosität erhöhen, steigt von 42 auf 53% bei einem Anstieg im F Gehalt von 1.2 auf 6.2 mol% F. Veränderungen in der Fluorspeziation scheinen ebenfalls verantwortlich dafür zu sein, dass der Effekt von F und Wasser in Kombination geringer ist als erwartet. 19F MAS NMR Spektren von fluor und wasserhaltigen Proben zeigen, dass der relative Anteil von Al F Umgebungen, von denen anzunehmen ist, dass sie die Viskosität verringern, mit zunehmendem Wassergehalt abnimmt und dass im Gegenzug der relative Anteil von F Ca(n) Umgebungen zunimmt. Mit IR Spektroskopie wurde in den peralkalinen Proben kein Unterschied im OH/H2O Verhältnis bei gleichem Gesamtwassergehalt durch die Präsenz von F beobachtet. Im Gegensatz dazu gibt es starke Hinweise darauf, dass F in den peraluminösen Proben das OH/H2O Verhältnis bei gleichem Gesamtwassergehalt verringert, was erklären würde, weshalb F und Wasser in Kombination die Viskosität weniger verringern als von ihren Einzeleffekten zu erwarten wäre. Der Einfluss von Cl auf die Viskosität und Struktur der Schmelzen und Gläser ist sehr unterschiedlich verglichen mit F. Cl erhöht die Viskosität in den peralkalinen Schmelzen und verringert die Viskosität in den peraluminösen Schmelzen. Viskositätsmessungen von wasserhaltigen, chlorfreien und chlorhaltigen peralkalinen Schmelzen zeigen, dass der Effekt von Cl auf die Viskosität nicht durch die Präsenz von Wasser beeinflusst wird. Das beobachtete 35Cl NMR Signal zeigt, dass sowohl in den peralkalinen als auch in den peraluminösen Gläsern Cl in Na Ca Cl Umgebungen mit einem hohen Na Anteil existiert, was auf Grund des Ca/Na Verhältnisses von 1/5 zu erwarten war. Die Cl Umgebung in den peralkalinen und peraluminösen Gläsern ist ähnlich, jedoch beinhaltet die Cl Umgebung in den peraluminösen Gläsern mehr Ca. In den 35Cl MAS NMR Spektren wurde im Vergleich zu einem Natriumsilikatglas nur ein Teil des 35Cl NMR Signals der peralkalinen und der peraluminösen Proben beobachtet. Das fehlende Signal deutet darauf hin, dass ein Teil der Cl Atome in verzerrten oder ungeordneten Umgebungen existiert, welche eine Signalbreite haben, die zu groß ist, um mit den verwendeten NMR Spektroskopie Methoden gemessen werden zu können. Der Anstieg der Viskosität durch Cl in den peralkalinen Schmelzen kann dadurch erklärt werden, dass Cl die Anzahl der netzwerkmodifizierenden Kationen reduziert, während mehrere Möglichkeiten zur Diskussion stehen, weshalb Cl die Viskosität in peraluminösen Schmelzen verringert. Die Effekte von F und Cl auf die Viskosität sind unabhängig voneinander und summieren sich auf. Es wurde mit NMR Spektroskopie kein Hinweis dafür gefunden, dass F einen Einfluss auf den Einbaumechanismus von Cl hat.

The role of halogen bonding in biomolecules

Hogan, Simon William Leslie January 2018 (has links)
This study concerns halogen bonding between small molecules. Except where otherwise stated herein this investigation was performed exclusively using the M06-2X density functional, in conjunction with the 6-31+G* basis set except for iodine and astatine which were treated using the aug-cc-pVDZ-PP basis set with relativistic pseudopotentials. All calculations were performed in the gas phase. The counterpoise procedure was employed for all full geometry optimisations. Statistical analysis of the Cambridge Structural Database, wherein the frequency of structures as a function of halogen bond angle and distance constituted the sole part of this study not to be based on density functional theory. Except in chapter 5, all halogens from fluorine to astatine are investigated. In chapter 3, halogen bonding between halobenzene and a single water molecule is discussed. Competition between R – X•••OH2 halogen bonding and R – X•••H-O-H hydrogen bonding interactions is described. This system is analogous to the more elaborate microsolvated 1- methyl-5-halouracil system described in chapter 4. In this latter system one 1-methyl-5- halouracil molecule interacts with either one or two water molecules. A central feature of the investigation into this system is competition between R – X•••OH2 and R=O•••H-O-H hydrogen bonding. In chapter 5, halogen bonding is discussed in the context of the thyroid system. In particular halogen bonding between a thyroxine iodine atom and the protein backbone as well as crystal water molecules is the subject of this chapter. The effect of substitution of the iodine atom with an astatine atom is presented. Chapter 6 is concerned with halogen bonding in halogenated DNA base pairs. Interaction energies are compared with those of the canonical base pairs, and the effect of halogen bonding on geometry is also discussed. For each system, halogen bonding was found to become stronger and more tolerant of non- linear bond angles going down the halogen group.

Decomposição de suplemento mineral por piroidrólise para a determinação de halogênios / Halogens determination in mineral supplements after sample decomposition by pyrohydrolysis

Taflick, Ticiane 10 March 2006 (has links)
In this work it is proposed a method for fluorine (F), bromine (Br) and iodine (I) determination in mineral-feedingstuff after sample decomposition by pyrohydrolysis. Fluoride is determined potentiometrically by means of ion selective electrode (ISE) while Br and I are determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The sample decomposition is based on heating the sample at ca. of 1100 0C in presence of water vapor and vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) used as accelerator of the pyrohydrolysis reaction. During the heating step the analytes are vaporized and released from the sample and react with water vapor producing HF, HBr and HI. While HF vapor is simply condensed, HBr and HI need to be condensed and then trapped in a basic solution. Parameters like amount of sample + accelerator, gas flow rate (air), decomposition time, kind and concentration of trapping solution (for Br and I) were investigated for sample decomposition by pyrohydrolysis. It was observed that best results are obtained when the amount of sample + accelerator is 1 + 5, the sample decomposition is carried out during 10 min (producing approximately 10 mL of condensed solution) and the gas flow rate is 200 mL min-1. Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH), ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) and a mixture of sodium carbonate/sodium bicarbonate (Na2CO3/NaHCO3) were tested as trapping solution for Br and I. Best analyte recoveries were obtained by using a 50 mmol L-1 sodium carbonate/sodium bicarbonate solution. Therefore, the aforementioned conditions were established in the proposed method. The limits of detection (LD) of F, Br and I were 12.0 μg g-1, 0.28 μg g-1 and 0.68 μg g-1, respectively, while the relative standard deviation (RSD) was typically lower than 14%. The method was validated by analyte recovery tests, whose recoveries ranged from 88% to 109%. The method was applied for the determination of F, Br and I in several samples whose concentrations were in the range of 600 to 1800 μg g-1, 26 to 30 μg g-1 and 10 to 58 μg g-1 for F, Br and I, respectively / Neste trabalho foi proposto o desenvolvimento de metodologia analítica para a decomposição de suplemento mineral para a determinação de flúor (F) por potenciometria com eletrodo íon seletivo (ISE) e de bromo (Br) e iodo (I) por espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS). O método consiste na decomposição da amostra por piroidrólise, cujo princípio está baseado no aquecimento da amostra em um reator de quartzo a aproximadamente 1100 ºC, na presença de vapor d água e de um acelerador (V2O5). Os analitos são liberados da amostra e formam seus respectivos ácidos em contado com vapor d água, os quais podem ser simplesmente condensados (no caso do flúor) ou condensados e absorvidos numa solução básica (no caso do bromo e iodo). Para o desenvolvimento da metodologia, foram avaliadas diferentes condições para a decomposição da amostra, dentre elas, a relação amostra + acelerador, a vazão do gás de arraste (ar atmosférico), o tempo de decomposição, a solução absorvedora (para o bromo e iodo) e sua concentração. Foi constatado que as melhores condições de piroidrólise foram mediante o uso de uma relação amostra + acelerador de 1 + 5, tempo de aquecimento de 10 min (o que produz um volume de aproximadamente 10 mL de solução condensada) e vazão do gás de arraste em torno de 200 mL min-1. As soluções absorvedoras testadas foram hidróxido de tetrametilamônio, hidróxido de amônio e carbonato de sódio/bicarbonato de sódio. Melhores recuperações de bromo e iodo foram obtidas com solução de carbonato de sódio/bicarbonato de sódio 50 mmol L-1. Nas condições estabelecidas, os limites de detecção (LD) foram 12,0 μg g-1 de F, 0,28 μg g-1 de Br e 0,68 μg g-1 de I. A metodologia foi validada a partir de testes de recuperação do analito, cujas recuperações ficaram na faixa de 88% a 109%. O método foi aplicado para a determinação dos analitos em suplemento alimentar bovino, onde foi constada a presença de flúor, bromo e iodo na faixa de 600 a 1800, de 26 a 30 e de 10 a 58 μg g-1, respectivamente

Synthèse de monohalocyclopropanes et étude de carbénoïdes de zinc

Taillemaud, Sylvain 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est centrée sur le développement de méthodologies d’halocyclopropanations énantiosélectives et sur l’étude des mécanismes de formation de carbénoïdes de zinc ainsi que de leur comportement. Nous avons tout d’abord développé une méthodologie de bromocyclopropanation énantiosélective d’alcools allyliques en modifiant les conditions précédemment décrites par notre groupe pour la synthèse d’iodo- et de chlorocyclopropanes. Désirant améliorer cette réaction -notamment en termes de déchêts générés- nous avons mené plusieurs expériences RMN nous permettant d’élucider la nature de l’espèce carbénoïde active ainsi que le mécanisme de sa formation. Grâce à ces informations, nous avons alors développé plusieurs jeux de conditions menant à de meilleurs résultats tout en limitant les ressources utilisées. Nous avons alors réalisé qu’il était possible d’améliorer les réactions d’halocyclopropanation décrites précédemment par notre groupe de la même façon. Nous nous sommes donc penchés sur la réaction d’iodocyclopropanation dans un premier temps, et avons réussi à augmenter son efficacité générale tout en caractérisant le carbénoïde actif. L’amélioration de la chlorocyclopropanation s’est quant à elle révélée plus ambitieuse : l’association de réactifs devant normalement générer le carbénoïde a mené à l’obtention d’un mélange de composés organométalliques selon des mécanismes d’échanges d’halogènes jusqu’à présent peu étudiés. Afin de contrer ces chemins réactionnels non désirés, un sel de zinc organique a été utilisé et a finalement permis l’amélioration de la réaction de chlorocyclopropanation. Nous avons par la suite décidé d’investiguer ces mécanismes d’échanges d’halogènes sur un large panel de carbénoïdes afin d’en comprendre les raisons et de potentiellement pouvoir les prévoir. / This thesis is focused on the development of enantioselective halocyclopropanation methodologies and the study of both the formation and behaviors of zinc carbenoids. Initially, we developed an enantioselective bromocyclopropanation reaction of allylic alcohols by modifying previous conditions described by our group for the synthesis of iodo- and chlorocyclopropanes. To further improve this reaction with particular regard to mitigating wate production, we performed several NMR experiments that elucidated both the active zinc carbenoid structure and the mechanism of its formation. Based on these findings, we developed modified conditions, providing improved yields without the need for excess reagents. Cognizant of a similar mechanistic pathway for previously developed halocyclopropanations, we applied these mechanistic findings towards improving both the iodocyclopropanation and chlorocyclopropanation reactions. Much to our delight, we successfully improved the efficiency of the iodocyclopropantion and characterized the active zinc carbenoid species. In contrast, the chlorocyclopropanation presented more challenges due to the complex mixture of various organometallic species obtained from the mixing of carbenoid reagents. These results suggested scrambling mechanisms were occuring, which were not really understood until now. In order to avoid those mechanisms, an organic zinc salt was used, providing access to an improved, more efficient chlorocyclopropanation reaction. Finally, we conducted an in-depth investigation into the observed scrambling mechanisms using a wide panel of carbenoids to both understand the causes of such scramblings and to potentially predict when they will occur.

A combined noble gas and halogen study of orogenic gold mineralisation in the Alpine and Otago schists, New Zealand

Goodwin, Nicholas Robert John January 2010 (has links)
Quartz and pyrite samples from Pliocene-recent, sub-economic orogenic gold mineralisation in the Southern Alps and Mesozoic economic deposits in the Otago Schist Belt have been analysed for noble gases and halogens. Palaeo-hydrothermal fluids preserved in fluid inclusions were released by crushing and analysed by mass spectrometry. Helium isotope measurements confirm the absence of a mantle-derived fluid component in gold-bearing veins from the Southern Alps and at the large gold deposit at Macraes in Otago. A possible minor mantle helium component is observed in veins within 10km of the Alpine Fault that do not contain gold. Halogen ratios support the absence of mantle-derived fluid and support the presence of a crustal fluid derived from sediments, indicated by high I/Cl ratios. Mixing trends between 40Ar/36Ar and Cl/36Ar indicate mixing between a meteoric-derived fluid or air and crust-derived fluid in all sample types. A correlation between 40Ar/36Ar and 132Xe/36Ar shows that xenon is also sourced from the crustal fluid. Despite a strong crustal-radiogenic Ar signal in some samples, measured neon isotope ratios are atmosphere like. Noble gas elemental ratios show strongly fractionated 20Ne/36Ar away from air-saturated water and air values in deeper formed veins, suggesting air contamination is not dominant. Evidence for the presence of a significant trapped vapour phase is provided by calculated noble gas concentrations in water. Formation of this vapour phase using a two-stage model of de-gassing of meteoric water, and subsequent partial re-dissolution by a Rayleigh fractionation process could account for fractionated 20Ne/36Ar and atmospheric neon isotope ratios. In the Southern Alps, three main types of mineralisation can be identified by noble gas and halogen properties. Deep forming veins contain the most gold and are characterised by 20Ne/36Ar greater than air, 132Xe/36Ar ratios up to 75 times the air value, indicating metamorphic and meteoric fluid components. Some deep ankeritic type veins that display evidence of a CO2-rich component fluid show the highest 20Ne/36Ar ratios. Shallow, late veins have 20Ne/36Ar between air-saturated water and air values, and lower xenon and iodine contents. These veins formed from a boiling rock-exchanged meteoric fluid with a minor metamorphic fluid component and contain less gold. The characteristics of the Nenthorn deposit in Otago are similar to those of the shallow Alpine veins. The economically significant Macraes deposit possibly formed from a meteoric component and a strong metamorphic fluid component derived from the original sediments. This is indicated by the highest levels of excess xenon (relative to air) determined in this study. There is some potential for xenon to be used to fingerprint gold bearing fluids sourced from similar metasedimentary piles in orogenic belts.

Interatomic interactions and dynamics of atomic and diatomic lattices

Touqan, Khaled Awni January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, 1982. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND SCIENCE. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Khaled Awni Touqan. / Ph.D.

Algal and bacterial interactions in producing precursors of trihalomethanes and other halogenated organics

Shorten, Charles Victor January 1983 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to determine: (1) whether or not heterotrophic microorganisms exert an effect on the trihalomethane (THM) or total organic halogen (TOX) formation potentials of algal extracellular products (ECP), and (2) whether or not diurnal cycling of THM and TOX precursors occurs in vitro. These objectives were addressed through culture studies of heterotrophic microorganisms and pure algae from both the green and blue-green divisions. Culture conditions were varied to study different aspects of algal and bacterial interactions. Results from continuous light assays indicated that heterotrophs, grown in the same culture vessel with algae, affected an increase in the potential of chlorinated culture filtrate to form THMs. No significant changes in TOX-formation potential were observed. Heterotrophs grown in volumes of algal ECP (cell-free filtrates of algal cultures) used the algal-produced organic carbon as their sole carbon source. These microorganisms further reduced both the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and the concentration of the DOC fraction that reacted to form TOXs. The fraction which produced THMs was not reduced. Heterotrophic microorganism metabolic activity increased the rate at which THMs fanned from chlorinated algal ECP but did not alter the seven-day THM-formation potentials. Their activity also increased the initial rate of TOX formation, but decreased the seven-day formation potential of these compounds. Attempts to demonstrate diurnal cycling of the concentration of THM precursors and other halogenated organic precursors, a phenomenon previously demonstrated in a eutrophic reservoir, were unsuccessful. / M.S.

The adsorption of sulfur and halogen containing materials on nickel studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thermal desorption spectroscopy

Battrell, Charles Frederick January 1976 (has links)
The chemical adsorption and reaction of methyl fluoride, methyl chloride, methyl bromide, methyl iodide, methyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, and bis(trifluoromethyl) disulfide on clean, polycrystalline nickel surface (at 25°C) were investigated using an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) and a thermal desorption system with mass spectrometric analysis (TD). The ion implantation of the methyl halide series on nickel was investigated by XPS. The nickel surface was cleaned by high temperature heating in vacuum or argon ion sputtering. An industrial lubricant, FC-43 (tri-hepta-fluorobutyl amine), was adsorbed on a gold-plated nickel surface at 25°C. Tne FC-43 adsorption system was investigated by TD. The adsorption of the methyl halide series on nickel was predominantly dissociative with several co-existing surface species being observed. The XPS results show that two carbon and two halogen species are formed. The possible structures for carbon are a CH₃-type and a CH₂-type or CH<sub>n</sub>X (n = 0-3) adsorbed species. The halogen species appear to be neutral and ionic species. The TO results support the dissociative adsorption process for methyl halides on nickel. The adsorption of methyl fluoride and methyl chloride on nickel studied by TD resulted in the corresponding nickel halide being detected. The adsorption of methyl bromide and methyl iodide on nickel studied by TO resulted in the corresponding hydrogen halide, HX, being detected. The XPS results of the ion implantation of the methyl halides resulted in only one type of carbon that is similar to graphite. A halide type of halogen was also formed upon ion implantation. The XPS results for the adsorption of methyl sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide on nickel showed that only one carbon and one sulfur were observed. The possible structure for carbon is a CH₃-type of adsorbed specie. lhe sulfur species appears to be a sulfide S<sup>=</sup>-type adsorbed specie. The XPS results for the adsorption of bis(trifluoromethyl) disulfide on nickel showed that only sulfur was observed on the nickel surface. The TD results- for the methyl sulfide adsorption process was shown to be predominantly an associative type. The TO results for the dimethyl sulfide adsorption process were a mixture of dissociative and associative adsorption processes. The dimethyl disulfide adsorption process was determined by TD to be predominantly a dissociative type. The bis(trifluoromethyl} disulfide was determined by TD to be completely dissociative upon adsorption and reacted with nickel to form nickel sulfide. The TD results of FC-43 adsorption on gold-plated nickel showed that the predominant adsorption process was the associative type. / Ph. D.

Synthesis of some cryptolepine analogues, assessment of their antimalarial and cytotoxic activities, and consideration of their antimalarial mode of action

Wright, Colin W., Onyeibor, O., Phillips, Roger M., Shnyder, Steven, Croft, S.L., Dodson, Hilary I. January 2005 (has links)
No / A series of analogues of cryptolepine (1) have been synthesized and evaluated for their in vitro antiplasmodial and cytotoxic properties. The IC50 values of several compounds (11a, 11k¿m, 11o, 13) against Plasmodium falciparum (strain K1) were <0.1 ¿M, 5¿10-fold lower than that of 1 but their cytotoxicities were only 2¿4 times greater than that of 1. Compounds with a halogen in the quinoline ring and a halogen or a nitro group in the indole ring have enhanced antiplasmodial activity. In mice infected with P. berghei, the 7-bromo-2-chloro (11k) and 2-bromo-7-nitro (13) derivatives of 1 suppressed parasitemia by >90% at doses of 25 mg kg-1 day-1 with no apparent toxicity to the mice. 2,7-Dibromocryptolepine (15) was evaluated at several dose levels, and a dose-dependent suppression of parasitemia was seen (ED90 = 21.6 mg kg-1 day-1). The antimalarial mode of action of 1 appears to be similar to that of chloroquine and involves the inhibition of hemozoin formation. A number of analogues were assessed for their effects on the inhibition of ß-hematin (hemozoin) formation, and the results were compared with their antiplasmodial activities having taken account of their predicted accumulation into the acidic parasite food vacuole. No correlation was seen (r2 = 0.0781) suggesting that the potent antimalarial activity of compounds such as 15 involves other mechanisms in addition to the inhibition of hemozoin formation.

AdsorÃÃo de Ãtomos alcalinos e halogÃnios em uma superfÃcie de Grafeno: um estudo de primeiros princÃpios. / Adsorption of alkaline and alogen atoms on a graphene surface: a frist principle studie

Josà JÃnior Alves da Silva 11 February 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / O grafeno à atualmente o tÃpico mais corrente em fÃsica da materia condensada e ciÃncia dos materiais e foi isolado pela primeira vez a menos de quatro anos. O grafeno tem sido proposto como um material alternativo aos nanotubos de carbono em diversas aplicaÃÃes, devido a sua fÃcil sintetizaÃÃo e seu baixo custo. A fim de explorar uma potencial aplicaÃÃo dessas nanoestruturas em dispositivos eletrÃnicos, atravÃs de cÃlculos de primeiros princÃpios baseados na teoria do funcional da densidade, estudamos a interaÃÃo entre uma superfÃcie de grafeno e Ãtomos alcalinos (Li, Na e K) e halogÃnios (Cl, I e I2). Verificamos que a adsorÃÃo desses Ãtomos na superfÃcie do grafeno provoca significativas modificaÃÃes na estrutura eletrÃnica do grafeno. Observamos uma grande transferÃncia de carga entre os Ãtomos alcalinos (halogÃnios) e a superfÃcie do grafeno. Essas transferÃncias foram da ordem de 0,65-0,85 e- dos Ãtomos alcalinos para o grafeno e 0,37 (0,27) e- do grafeno para o Ãtomo de cloro (iodo). Os metais alcalinos apresentaram uma maior estabilidade sobre o centro de um hexÃgono do grafeno, tendo energias de ligaÃÃo entre -1,47 e -1,03 eV, onde a ordem de intensidade à dada por Li > K > Na. Essa predisposiÃÃo por um sÃtio especÃfico nÃo foi observada para os dois halogÃnios estudados. O Ãtomo de cloro apresentou uma maior estabilidade quando adsorvido sobre um Ãtomo da superfÃcie do grafeno, com energia de ligaÃÃo da ordem de 0,98 eV, no entanto, isso nÃo foi visto no caso do Ãtomo de iodo onde energias de ligaÃÃo equivalentes para todos os sÃtios estudados foram encontradas da ordem de 0,42 eV. A molÃcula I2 tambÃm nÃo apresentou uma predileÃÃo por uma sitio especÃfico da superfÃcie do grafeno, mas mostrou-se mais estÃvel quando adsorvida com seu eixo perpendicular ao plano do grafeno. / Graphene is currently the hottest topic in condensed-matter physics and materials science and was isolated less than four years ago. Graphene layers have been proposed as alternative materials for replacing carbon nanotubes in some applications, due to its easy synthesis and low costs. In order to explore potential applications of those nanostructures in electronic devices, through first principles based on the density functional theory, we studied the interaction between graphene surface and alkaline (Li, Na and K) and halogens (Cl, I and I$_2$ ) atoms. We verified that the adsorption of these atoms on the graphene surface cause significant modifications in the graphene electronic structure. We observed a large charge transfer between the alkaline (halogens) atoms and graphene surface. These charge transfers were found to be 0,65 - 0,85 e- from the alkaline atoms to graphene and 0,37 (0,27) e- from the graphene to chlorine (iodine) atoms. The alkaline atoms presented a larger stability on the center of one of the graphene hexagons, presenting binding energy in the range -1, 47 and -1, 03 eV, where the order of intensity is given by Li > K > Na. This predisposition for a specific site was not observed for the twostudied halogens. The chlorine atom present the larger stability when adsorbed on a top atom of the graphene surface with binding energy about 0, 98 eV, however this behavior was not be seen in the iodine atom case where equivalent binding energies for all the studied sites were found to be about 0,42 eV. The I2 molecule also does not present predilection for a specific site on the graphene surface, however it showed more stable when adsorbed with its axis perpendicular to the graphene surface plane.

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