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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A profile of hanging deaths admitted to Polokwane and Lebowakgomo forensic pathology service laboratories, Limpopo Province

Matlala, Malekgopo Mologadi January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.Med. (Forensic Pathology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Introduction and background: Hanging deaths contribute to premature mortality locally and globally. Aim: The study aimed to provide a profile of hanging deaths in Polokwane and Lebowakgomo Forensic Pathology Service laboratories in the Limpopo Province. Method: A quantitative retrospective study was conducted using sample size of 141 hanging death victims that were selected using systematic random sampling from hanging deaths admitted to Polokwane and Lebowakgomo Forensic Pathology Service laboratories over a period of 2 years. Results: The study revealed that majority of hanging deaths were adults aged 20-29. There was male predominance and majority of the victims were unemployed. The hanging deaths victims were mostly discovered in the morning and the peak period was over the weekend. The peak season was summer. The post-mortem neck findings included visible ligature mark, located above the thyroid cartilage and there were few associated injuries on the internal neck structures. The alleged manner of death of the cases was predominantly suicide, few of the deaths were homicide hanging deaths and no there were no reported accidental cases. Conclusion: The profile of hanging deaths identified was similar to that of reviewed literature. .

In-vitro-Charakterisierung und kardiale Differenzierung von induziert pluripotenten Stammzellen der Maus / In vitro characterisation and cardiac differentiation of murine induced pluripotent stem cells

Lentzen, Max-Philipp 06 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Topicalization and Left Dislocation in English and Serbian / (Tematizacija i leva dislokacija u engleskom i srpskom jeziku)

Miškeljin Ivana 06 September 2016 (has links)
<p>The aim of the dissertation entitled Topicalization and<br />Left Dislocation in English and Serbian is to describe<br />and offer a generative account of the syntactic and<br />information-structural properties of topicalization and<br />left dislocation in the languages in question, two<br />superficially similar preposing structures which<br />express the same propositions, but are not felicitous in<br />the same context. The analysis is not contrastive in the<br />sense that we are looking for English-Serbian<br />counterparts or vice versa, but the tertium<br />comparationis are the phenomena of topicalization<br />and left dislocation. The fundamental diagnostics of<br />differentiating between the two variants of left<br />dislocation identified in Serbian is laid out, viz.<br />Hanging Topic Left Dislocation and Contrastive Left<br />Dislocation. The dissertation also explores how<br />informational structuring of an utterance determines<br />contextual choices. The lexicon provides the input to<br />the computational system which by means of features<br />builds structure via phases and also gives rise to<br />displacement. The data related to information structure<br />come from the numeration. The results of the research<br />indicate that the notion of a topic should be<br />deconstructed in a combination of the features [+/-<br />a(nchored), +/-c(ontrastive)], similarly to L&oacute;pez<br />(2009), anchored in the sense of Birner &amp; Ward<br />(1998), and contrastive in the pragmatic sense of Titov<br />(2013), whereby [+/-c] is parasitic on [+a].<br />Topicalization in both English and Serbian, and<br />Contrastive Left Dislocation in Serbian mark topics<br />vii<br />[+a, +c], whereas Hanging Topic Left Dislocation<br />HTLD in both English and Serbian marks topic [+a, -<br />c]. It is argued that adding pragmatic features in<br />addition to formal ones relevant to the derivation by<br />the operation which forms the numeration does not<br />offend the Inclusiveness Condition either. The<br />interpretation of an element marked as a topic is the<br />result of its featural content and its syntactic position,<br />reflecting the interaction of syntax, prosody and<br />pragmatics. Pragmatic features are valued but<br />uninterpretable in the numeration rendering the<br />syntactic object containing it active for syntactic<br />operations. Probe (pragmatic) features trigger<br />Agree(ment), but not displacement. It is an edge<br />feature that drives movement or Internal Merge. It is<br />argued that topicalization in both English and Serbian<br />is generated by movement. The edge feature on C<br />(Force) licenses the TopP if it is required for the<br />interpretation and if it is structurally possible, as<br />observed by Jim&eacute;nez-Fern&aacute;ndez &amp; Miyagawa (2014).<br />Unlike in English, the non-phase head T in Serbian<br />can inherit an edge feature from C and license the<br />TopP in the Spec,TP in those structures which are said<br />to be incompatible with topicalization in English. The<br />head licensing the left-dislocated element is realized<br />as comma intonation, as argued by Emonds (2004). It<br />is argued that Hanging Topic Left Dislocation in both<br />English and Serbian is derived by base-generation of<br />the left-dislocated constituent in its surface position<br />(adjoined to a CP), whereas Contrastive Left<br />Dislocation in Serbian by movement (also to a<br />position attached to a CP). What moves is the<br />resumptive pronoun, and then co-reference is<br />established upon adjoining of the left-dislocated<br />element via the operation Match or Match+Agree of<br />Boeckx (2003), which is the only way not to violate<br />the Inclusiveness Condition. Although both<br />Topicalization and Contrastive Left Dislocation mark<br />contrastive topics, they have different discourse<br />distributions, as confirmed by our corpus, thus this<br />adjoining of a left-dislocated element is justified. In<br />the case of Hanging Topic Left Dislocation, coreference<br />between the left-dislocated element and the<br />resumptive pronoun is established via the operation<br />Match of Boeckx (2003). If the resumptive pronoun is<br />a clitic, it moves to the second position in its intonational phrase triggered by the phonological requirement. Hanging Topic Left Dislocation in both English and Serbian marks referential topics and it is</p><p>also a topic-promoting device in Serbian, as argued on<br />relying on our corpus.</p> / <p>Cilj doktorske disertacije pod nazivom Tematizacija i<br />leva dislokacija u engleskom i srpskom jeziku je da<br />opi&scaron;e i ponudi generativni prikaz sintaksiĉkih i<br />informacijsko strukturnih osobina tematizacije i leve<br />dislokacije u pomenutim jezicima, dveju naizgled<br />sliĉnih struktura za pomeranje reĉeniĉnog elementa u<br />prednje polje koje izraţavaju iste propozicije, ali ne<br />odgovaraju istom kontekstu. Analiza nije kontrastivna<br />u smislu da traţimo englesko srpske ekvivalente ili<br />obratno, već je tertium comparationis pojava<br />tematizacije i leve dislokacije. PonuĊeni su i osnovni<br />dijagnostiĉki testovi za razlikovanje dva oblika leve<br />dislokacije identifikovana u srpskom, naime leve<br />dislokacije odvojene teme i kontrastne leve<br />dislokacije. Disertacija takoĊe istraţuje kako<br />informacijsko strukturiranje iskaza odreĊuje<br />kontekstualne izbore. Leksikon obezbeĊuje ulaznu<br />informaciju sistemu sintaksiĉkih operacija koji putem<br />obeleţja gradi strukturu u fazama i takoĊe dovodi do<br />pomeranja. Podaci vezani za informacijsku strukturu<br />su dati u numeraciji. Rezultati istraţivanja ukazuju na<br />potrebu da se pojam teme ra&scaron;ĉlani na kombinaciju<br />obeleţja [+/-a, +/-c], sliĉno L&oacute;pezu (2009), anaforiĉno<br />u smislu Birnera &amp; Warda (1998), i kontrastno u<br />pragmatiĉkom smislu Titove (2013) pri ĉemu je [+/-c]<br />zavisno od [+a]. Tematizacija i u engleskom i u<br />srpskom jeziku i kontrastna leva dislokacija u srpskom<br />obeleţavaju teme kao [+a, +c], dok leva dislokacija<br />odvojene teme i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku<br />obeleţava teme kao [+a, -c]. U radu se dokazuje da ni&nbsp;dodeljivanje pragmatiĉkih obeleţja pored formalnih obeleţja relevantnih za derivaciju putem operacije koja formira numeraciju ne naru&scaron;ava uslov ukljuĉenosti. Interpretacija elementa obeleţenog kao tema je rezultat njegove kombinacije obeleţja i njegove sintaksiĉke pozicije, &scaron;to odraţava interakciju sintakse, prozodije i pragmatike. Pragmatiĉka obeleţja su vrednovana, ali netumaĉiva u numeraciji ĉineći sintaksiĉki objekat koji ih sadrţi aktivnim za sintaksiĉke operacije. Upravna (pragmatiĉka) obeleţja uzrokuju slaganje, ali ne i pomeranje. Obeleţje ivice je ono &scaron;to pokreće pomeranje ili interno spajanje. Argumentujemo da je tematizacija i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku generisana pomeranjem. Obeleţje ivice na upravnom elementu C (Force) dozvoljava TopP ako je to neophodno za interpretaciju i ako je strukturno moguće, kao &scaron;to su formulisali Jim&eacute;nez-Fern&aacute;ndez &amp; Miyagawa (2014). Za razliku od engleskog, nefazni upravni element T (upravni element obeleţja vremena) u srpskom jeziku moţe da preuzme obeleţje ivice od C i dozvoli TopP u Spec,TP u onim strukturama za koje se smatra da nisu kompatibilne sa tematizacijom u engleskom jeziku. Upravni element koji dozvoljava levu dislokaciju se realizuje kao intonacijska pauza, kao &scaron;to predlaţe Emonds (2004). Argumetujemo da je leva dislokacija odvojene teme i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku nastala generisanjem levo dislociranog konstituenta u mestu realizacije (pridruţenom CP projekciji), dok je kontrastna leva dislokacija u srpskom nastala pomeranjem (takoĊe u poziciju pridruţenu CP projekciji). Ono &scaron;to se zapravo pomera je rezumptivna zamenica i onda se po pridruţivanju levo dislociranog elementa uspostavlja koreferentnost putem operacije uskladi ili uskladi+sloţi Boeckxa (2003), &scaron;to predstavlja jedini naĉin da se ne naru&scaron;i uslov ukljuĉenosti. Iako i tematizacija i kontrastna leva dislokacija obeleţavaju kontrastne teme, one imaju razliĉite diskursne distribucije, &scaron;to je potvrdio na&scaron; korpus, stoga je ovo pridruţivanje levo dislociranog elementa opravdano. U sluĉaju leve dislokacije odvojene teme, koreferentnost izmeĊu levo dislociranog elementa i rezumptivne zamenice se uspostavlja putem operacije uskladi (Boeckx 2003). Ako je rezumptivna zamenica klitika, ona se pomera u drugu poziciju u svojoj intonacijskoj frazi, &scaron;to je&nbsp;uzrokovano fonolo&scaron;kim zahtevom. Leva dislokacija odvojene teme i u englesko i u srpskom jeziku obeleţava referencijske teme i takoĊe je sredstvo unapreĊivanja teme u srpskom, kao &scaron;to se argumentuje na osnovu na&scaron;eg korpusa.</p>

Voltametrické stanovení pentritu pomocí rtuťových a stříbrných amalgamových elektrod / Voltammetric Determination of Penthrite Using Mercury and Silver Amalgam Electrodes

Vyvadil, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis is focused on investigation of the voltammetric behavior of the explosive penthrite (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) (PETN) and on searching for optimum conditions for its determination using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) at a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) (this part of the Diploma Thesis follows the topic investigated in the author's Bachelor Thesis; in this Diploma Thesis, the results of the Bachelor thesis are applied to the determination of PETN in environmental matrices) and at a mercury meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE) and on investigation of voltammetric behavior in real samples (deionized, drinking, and river water). For investigating the behavior of PETN in aqueous-methanolic media on the m-AgSAE, mixtures of Britton-Robinson buffers (BR-buffers) and methanol in various volume ratios were used. In non-aqueous media, methanolic solutions of tetramethylammonium bromide (TMAB), tetrabutylammonium iodide (TBAI), and tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC) were used as supporting electrolytes. Firstly, the influence of pH (in the range of 2 - 13) and methanol content (10 - 90 vol. %) on voltammetric responses of PETN was studied. The best response was obtained at each of those pH values at the volume ratio of BR-buffer - methanol of 1:9 or...

Studium elektrochemického chování kyseliny tauroursodeoxycholové na elektrodách na bázi rtuti / Study of electrochemical behaviour of tauroursodeoxycholic acid at mercury-based electrodes

Pišnová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with electrochemical behaviour of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) at silver solid amalgam electrode modified by mercury meniscus (m-AgSAE), polished silver solid amalgam electrode (p-AgSAE) and hanging mercury dropping electrode (HMDE). This thesis is a part of a bigger scientific research that deals with synthesis and characterization of supramolecular systems based on natural steroid compounds and its conjugates. TUDCA offers one reduction peak at m-AgSAE in the environment of Britton - Robinson buffer in range of pH 6.0 - 13.0. The potential of this peak is around −1200 mV. Using cyclic voltammetry was determined that the process on the electrode surface is quasireversible, the reduction is controlled by diffusion and the anodic process is controlled by adsorption. Concentration dependence measured at HMDE by direct current voltammetry in 0.04 mol∙l-1 borat buffer (pH 9.1) is linear in two concentration intervals - 1∙10-3 - 2∙10-4 mol∙l-1 and 1∙10-4 - 8∙10-6 mol∙l-1 of TUDCA. There was no linear dependence between the increase of concentration of TUDCA and the height of the peak obtained on amalgam electrodes by methods DC, DP, cyclic and "square-wave" voltammetry. On HMDE was in several short concentration intervals measured by a CV method a linear dependence of cathodic and...

Exposing the Spectacular Body: The Wheel, Hanging, Impaling, Placarding, and Crucifixion in the Ancient World

Foust, Kristan Ewin 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation brings the Ancient Near Eastern practice of the wheel, hanging, impaling, placarding, and crucifixion (WHIPC) into the scholarship of crucifixion, which has been too dominated by the Greek and Roman practice. WHIPC can be defined as the exposure of a body via affixing, by any means, to a structure, wooden or otherwise, for public display (Chapter 2). Linguistic analysis of relevant sources in several languages (including Egyptian hieroglyphics, Sumerian, Hebrew, Hittite, Old Persian, all phases of ancient Greek, and Latin) shows that because of imprecise terminology, any realistic definition of WHIPC must be broad (Chapter 3). Using methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches drawn from art history, archaeology, linguistic analysis, and digital humanities, this work analyzes scattered but abundant evidence to piece together theories about who was crucified, when, how, where, and why. The dissertation proves that WHIPC records, written and visual, were kept for three primary functions: to advertise power, to punish and deter, and to perform magical rituals or fulfill religious obligations. Manifestations of these three functions come through WHIPC in mythology (see especially Chapter 4), trophies (Chapter 5), spectacles, propaganda, political commentary, executions, corrective torture, behavior modification or prevention, donative sacrifices, scapegoat offerings, curses, and healing rituals. WHIPC also served as a mode of human and animal sacrifice (Chapter 6). Regarding the treatment of the body, several examples reveal cultural contexts for nudity and bone-breaking, which often accompanied WHIPC (Chapter 7). In the frequent instances where burial was forbidden a second penalty, played out in the afterlife, was intended. Contrary to some modern assertions, implementation of crucifixion was not limited by gender or status (Chapter 8). WHIPC often occurred along roads or on hills and mountains, or in in liminal spaces such as doorways, cliffs, city gates, and city walls (Chapter 9). From the Sumerians to the Romans, exposing and displaying the bodies consistently functioned as a display of power, punishment and prevention of undesirable behavior, and held religious and magical significance. Exposure punishments have been pervasive and global since the beginning of recorded time, and indeed, this treatment of the body is still practiced today. It seems no culture has escaped this form of physical abuse.

Estudos de adsorção e equilíbrio nos sistemas Cd(II) / SCN-/ C6H12N4 e Cd(II)/I-/SCN-. aperfeiçoamento de métodos e eletrodo / Adsorption and equilibrium studies of the systems Cd(II)/SCN-/C6N12H14 and Cd(II)/I-/SCN-. Improvement of methods and of the electrode

Angnes, Lucio 07 December 1987 (has links)
Na presente tese investigou-se a adsorção induzida de um cátion metálico (cádmio(II)) na presença simultânea de dois ligantes (um pseudo-haleto e uma amina ou haleto) na interface eletrodo de mercúrio/solução aquosa, com vistas a uma melhor compreensão desse processo. Os estudos de adsorção foram precedidos por estudos de equilíbrio dos compostos de coordenação formados em solução aquosa. Medidas experimentais foram feitas por potenciometria com eletrodo de amálgama, em força iônica 1,00 M, ajustada com NaCl04. Análise dos dados por programas computacionais adequados levou à quantificação das constantes de estabilidade de 7 espécies binárias e 9 espécies mistas para o sistema Cd(II)/ SCN-/C6H12N4 e de 8 espécies binárias e 6 mistas para o sistema Cd(II)/I-/SCN-, sendo todas estas espécies mononucleares. Para possibilitar um maior grau de automação das medidas cronocoulométricas de adsorção, o eletrodo de gota pendente de mercúrio, anteriormente desenvolvido no IQ-USP, teve seu sistema mecânico aperfeiçoado e passou a ser controlado por computador. O \"software\" se incumbe de calcular e comandar o tempo de abertura da micro-válvula do eletrodo para gerar gotas com a área solicitada. Aproveitando a possibilidade de realizar aquisição (de dados de carga durante e após a formação das gotas de mercúrio, introduziu-se um novo método para corrigir a componente faradaica que interfere nos experimentos de determinação da carga absoluta do eletrodo por extrusão. Após provar o bom funcionamento do método, conseguiu-se a combinação inédita do método de extrusão de gotas com acronocoulometria num único experimento automatizado feito com a mesma gota de mercúrio. Com as informações assim geradas, torna-se possível conhecer e optar entre o potencial e a carga absoluta como parâmetro que define o estado elétrico da interface eletrodo/solução. Com esta combinação de técnicas, foi investigada a adsorção de cádmio induzida por tiocianato e hexametilenotetramina. Este sistema apresentou um interessante comportamento: a hexametilenotetramina, ao contrário do tiocianato, não induz a adsorção de ions cádmio, mas na presença desse pseudo-haleto provoca um intenso reforço na adsorção induzida que pode alcançar um fator de 50 vezes. Também foi possível realizar estimativas sobre as espécies que adsorvem preferencialmente, e da área média ocupada pelos complexos na condição de máxima adsorção. A energia livre de adsorção pode ser estimada pela isoterma de Henry, para baixas concentrações de ligantes. A adsorção de cádmio induzida por iodeto e tiocianato foi investigada de maneira preliminar. Nos estudos deste sistema ficou bem evidenciada a importância da utilização da carga como variável independente, ao invés do potencial. / The induced adsorption of a metallic cation (cadmium (II)) in the presence of two ligands, simultaneously (a pseudo-halide and an amine or halide), has been investigated at the mercury electrode/aqueous solution interface with the purpose of gaining a better understanding about such kind of process. The adsorption studies have been preceded by studies of the equilibria of the coordination compounds formed in aqueous solutions. Experimental measurements have been made by potentiometry with an amalgam electrode with 1,00 M ionic strength adjusted with NaClO4. Analysis of the data with adequated software allowed the quantification of the stability constants of 7 binary and 8 mixed species for the system Cd(II)/ SCN-/C6H12N4</sub and 8 binary and 6 mixed species for the system Cd(II)/I-/SCN-, all species being mononuclear. To provide a greater degree of automation of the chronocoulometric measurements of adsorption, the hanging drop mercury electrode, formely developed at the Chemistry Institute-USP, has had its mechanical parts perfectioned and wasput under computer control. A software was written to calculate and control the opening and closure of the micro-solenoid valve of the electrode to generate drops with the required area. A new method for the correction of the faradaic component that interferes with the absolute electrode charge during extrusion experiments was introduced and applied to charge measurements obtained making data aquisition during and shortly after the drop formation. Once proved that the method works, efforts were directed to combine the extrusion with the chronocoulometric measurements in one automated experiment dane with the same mercury drop. As a result, it is now a simple matter to make a choice between potential or charge on the electrode to define the electric state of the electrode/solution interface. With this combination of techniques, the adsorption of cadmium(II) induced by thiocyanate and hexamethylenetetramine has been investigated. An interesting behavior whas observed: the hexamethylenetetramine alone, doesn\'t induce adsorption of cadmium (II) as does the thiocyanate but provides a strong reinforcement (up to a factor of 50) of the induced adsorption when it is present simultaneously with the pseudo-halide. Some estimatives about the species that can adsorb preferentially has been made, as well as an evaluation of the mean area ocupied by the complexes at the maximum adsorption condition. The free energy of adsorption has been calculated, considering an Henry isotherm for the lowest concentration range. Preliminary studies of the induced adsorption of the Cd(II)/I-/SCN- system revealed a slight reinforcement of the adsorption, when both ligands are presente. The iodide always controls the process. The advantage of using the charge in place of potential as the independent variable is evident for this system.

Voltametrické stanovení genotoxických nitrobifenylů / Voltammetric Determination of Genotoxic Nitrobiphenyls

Horáková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis is devoted to study of determination of 4-nitrobiphenyl (4-NBP) in model river water by DC voltammetry (DCV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) at m-AgSAE (diploma thesis relates to bachelor thesis, in it DCV and DPV methods for determination of 4-NBP in deionized water were developed). Limit of determination (LOD) is 2·10-7 mol·l-1 by DCV and 4·10-7 mol·l-1 by DPV. The adsorptive stripping DPV (AdSDPV) technique was tested to archive lower LOD the AdSDPV, optimal conditions were not found. Electrochemical behavior of 2-nitrobiphenyl (2-NBP) at m-AgSAE was studied. Optimal conditions for its determination by both techniques DCV and DPV were found in methanol-0,01 mol·l-1 LiOH (1:9) and in this medium peak current dependence in 1·10-7 mol·l-1 to 1·10-4 mol·l-1 2-NBP (LOD ≈ 2·10-7 mol·l-1 by DCV and 1·10-7 mol·l-1 by DPV) concentration range was measured. Developed methods were successfully tested for determination of 2-NBP in drinking and river water samples. For both mediums obtained LODs were 2·10-7 mol·l-1 by DCV and 1·10-7 mol·l-1 by DPV. AdSDPV technique was unsuccessfully tested to achieve lower LOD. Optimal conditions for simultaneous determination of 4-NBP and 2-NBP by DPV technique at m-AgSAE were found: methanol-0,25 mol·l-1 acetate buffer (pH = 6,0) 3:7....

Písmo a obraz v českom a slovenskom umení 50. a 60. rokov 20. storočia / Word and Image in Czech and Slovak Art in the 50's and 60's of 20th Century

Hachlincová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
(in English) This dissertation paper deals with the transformation of the relationship letter and image in the Czechsoslovakian art in the 1950s and 1960s, interpreted from the point of view of the cultural and social events not as the history of art, but history of reality representation. The objective of the paper is to create a more complex view of various levels of integration of letter and image in domestic environment, so it approaches the phenomena of letter and image from a specific interpretation point of view based on three main lines. Mapping the phenomena of letter and image in the context of that period in Czechoslovakia, which preceded work structuralizing, was the base of the first interpretation line which bases the core of work on four social "activators", which, in the mind of an artist, activated the need to incarnate letter and image. Since the subject of the paper is the letter as a material manifestation of the language, the second interpretations line follows the purposeful modification of the language structure between the signifiant and signifié, which occurs in visual imaging. The third interpretation line puts the first two into a broader, aesthetic and philosophical context due to which, more complex language structures entering the art of work can be identified. Using...

Fluctuations thermiques - un outil pour étudier les fluides simples et binaires à l'échelle du micron / Thermal fluctuations – a tool to study simple liquids and binary mixtures at micrometric scale

Devailly, Clémence 16 December 2014 (has links)
Les transitions de phase près d'un point critique - dites du second ordre - sont un sujet toujours d'actualité en raison des nombreux phénomènes critiques intéressants tels que la force de Casimir critique, les problèmes de confinements ou les phénomènes hors d'équilibre suivant une trempe au point critique. Cette thèse vise à étudier expérimentalement certains phénomènes engendrés près d'un point critique. La thèse est divisée en deux axes : le premier consiste à développer plusieurs systèmes expérimentaux qui permettront de mesurer essentiellement la viscosité, par l'intermédiaire des fluctuations thermiques à l'échelle micrométrique. Le deuxième axe consiste à trouver et caractériser des mélanges binaires présentant une transition de phase du second ordre dans lesquelles on souhaite faire des mesures. Les enjeux de ces systèmes expérimentaux sont d'avoir une régulation en température précise, une sonde de mesure sensible aux fluctuations thermiques et/ou à des forces de l'ordre du pN, et un échantillon fiable et reproductible présentant un point critique accessible expérimentalement. Nous avons ainsi monté à partir d'un microscope à force atomique (AFM) déjà présent au laboratoire, un système de mesure de viscosité à sonde AFM fibrée. Malgré sa faible efficacité en terme de sonde de mesure métrologique, nous avons pu décrire et développer un modèle de couplage de modes de vibration permettant de comprendre la mécanique de microleviers AFM fibrés. J'ai également développé au laboratoire la mesure de microscopie dynamique différentielle qui permet de faire des mesures à sondes multiples contrairement au premier montage. J'ai discuté de la précision de la mesure dans le cadre de notre objectif d'étude des fluctuations critiques. En ce qui concerne l'échantillon de mesure, nous avons étudié plusieurs mélanges binaires que nous avons caractérisés par des méthodes classiques de turbidité et diffusion statique de la lumière. Cette caractérisation nous a permis de connaître les mélanges binaires pour les utiliser dans un troisième système de mesure : billes micrométriques piégées dans des pinces optiques déjà monté au laboratoire. Nous y avons rajouté un système de régulation thermique fait maison pour être exploité avec les contraintes de la pince optique. Ces tests ont fait apparaître un phénomène inattendu d'oscillations de transition de phase induites par laser. Nous avons développé un modèle pour les décrire. Enfin, des expériences préliminaires - toujours avec les pinces optiques dans les mélanges binaires - nous ont permis d'observer qualitativement des effets de l'approche au point critique par des mesures de viscosité et d'interaction type force de Casimir critique. / Phase transitions near a critical point, or second order phase transitions, are still a recent object of studies because of the large amount of interesting critical phenomena as the critical Casimir force, confinements problems or out of equilibrium phenomena following a quench at the critical point. This thesis experimentally studies phenomena near a critical point. This manuscript is divided in two parts : the first one consists in building several experimental set-up which measure viscosity through thermal fluctuation at micrometric scale. The second part consists in finding and characterize binary mixtures which show a second order phase transition. Preliminary results have been done in these samples. One of the principal points of these experimental set-up are a well regulated temperature, a probe sensitive to thermal fluctuation and/or pN forces and a reproducible binary mixture which presents a critical point easy to reach experimentally. We mounted from an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) already built in the laboratory, a hanging-fiber probe to measure viscosity of liquids. Despite its weak efficiency as a metrologic probe, we described and developed a mode coupling model which let us understand mechanics of hanging-fiber probes. I also developed in the lab the dynamic differential microscopy technique (DDM) which do measurements with several probes. I discussed about the measure precision with in mind the aim of studying critical fluctuations. For the choice of the sample, we studied several binary mixtures. We characterized them by classical methods as turbidity measurements and static light scattering. These characterizations let us learn about binary mixtures in order to use them in a third experimental set-up : beads trapped in an optical tweezers already built in the lab. We added to it a home-made thermal regulation which can be used with the constraints of optical tweezers. These tests showed an unexpected phenomenon of oscillating phase transition induce by laser. We developed a model to describe it. At last, preliminary experiments with optical tweezers in binary mixtures showed qualitative effects of an approach near a critical point on the viscosity and on interactions between beads as critical Casimir force.

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