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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rock bed thermal storage for concentrating solar power plants

Allen, Kenneth Guy 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Concentrating solar power plants are a promising means of generating electricity. However, they are dependent on the sun as a source of energy, and require thermal storage to supply power on demand. At present thermal storage – usually molten salt – although functional, is expensive, and a cheaper solution is desired. It is proposed that sensible heat storage in a packed bed of rock, with air as heat transfer medium, is suitable at temperatures of 500 – 600 °C. To determine if this concept is technically feasible and economically competitive with existing storage, rock properties, packed bed pressure drop and thermal characteristics must be understood. This work addresses these topics. No previously published data is available on thermal cycling resistance of South African rock, and there is limited data from other countries in the proposed temperature range for long-term thermal cycling, so samples were thermally cycled. There is rock which is suitable for thermal storage applications at temperatures of 500 – 600 °C. New maps of South Africa showing where potentially suitable rock is available were produced. Dolerite, found extensively in the Karoo, is particularly suitable. Friction factors were measured for beds of different particles to determine the importance of roughness, shape, and packing arrangement. Five sets of rock were also tested, giving a combined dataset broader than published in any previous study. Limitations of existing correlations are shown. The friction factor is highly dependent on particle shape and, in the case of asymmetric particles, packing method. The friction factor varied by up to 70 % for crushed rock depending on the direction in which it was poured into the test section, probably caused by the orientation of the asymmetric rock relative to the air flow direction. This has not been reported before for rock beds. New isothermal correlations using the volume equivalent particle diameter are given: they are within 15 % of the measurements. This work will allow a techno-economic evaluation of crushed rock beds using more accurate predictions of pumping power than could previously be made. Thermal tests below 80 °C show that bed heat transfer is insensitive to particle shape or type. A heat transfer correlation for air in terms of the volume equivalent diameter was formulated and combined with the E-NTU method. The predicted bed outlet temperatures are within 5 °C of the measurements for tests at 530 °C, showing that the influence of thermal conduction and radiation can be reasonably negligible for a single charge/discharge cycle at mass fluxes around 0.2 kg/m2s. A novel method for finding the optimum particle size and bed length is given: The Biot number is fixed, and the net income (income less bed cost) from a steam cycle supplied by heat from the bed is calculated. A simplified calculation using the method shows that the optimum particle size is approximately 20 mm for bed lengths of 6 – 7 m. Depending on the containment design and cost, the capital cost could be an order of magnitude lower than a nitrate salt system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gekonsentreerde son-energie kragstasies is n belowende manier om elektrisiteit op te wek, maar hulle is afhanklik van die son as n bron van energie. Om drywing op aanvraag te voorsien moet hulle energie stoor. Tans is termiese stoor – gewoonlik gesmelte sout – hoewel funksioneel, duur, en n goedkoper oplossing word gesoek. Daar word voorgestel dat stoor van voelbare warmte-energie in n gepakte rotsbed met lug as warmteoordrag medium geskik is by temperature van 500 – 600 °C. Om te bepaal of dié konsep tegnies gangbaar en ekonomies mededingend met bestaande stoorstelsels is, moet rotseienskappe, gepakte bed drukval en hitteoordrag verstaan word. Hierdie werk spreek hierdie aspekte aan. Geen voorheen gepubliseerde data is beskikbaar oor die termiese siklus weerstand van Suid-Afrikaanse rots nie, en daar is beperkte data van ander lande in die voorgestelde temperatuurbereik, dus is monsters onderwerp aan termiese siklusse. Daar bestaan rots wat geskik is vir termiese stoor toepassings by temperature van 500 – 600 °C. Nuwe kaarte van Suid-Afrika is opgestel om te wys waar potensieel geskikte rots beskikbaar is. Doleriet, wat wyd in die Karoo voor kom, blyk om veral geskik te wees. Wrywingsfaktore is gemeet vir beddens van verskillende partikels om die belangrikheid van grofheid, vorm en pak-rangskikking te bepaal. Vyf rotsstelle is ook getoets, wat n saamgestelde datastel gee wyer as in enige gepubliseerde studie. Beperkings van bestaande korrelasies word aangetoon. Die wrywingsfaktor is hoogs sensitief vir partikelvorm en, in die geval van asimmetriese partikels, pakkings metode. Die wrywingsfaktor het met tot 70 % gevarieer vir gebreekte rots, afhanklik van die rigting waarin dit in die toetsseksie neergelê is. Dit is waarskynlik veroorsaak deur die oriëntasie van die asimmetriese rots relatief tot die lugvloei rigting, en is nie voorheen vir rotsbeddens gerapporteer nie. Nuwe isotermiese korrelasies wat gebruik maak van die volume-ekwivalente partikel deursnee word gegee: hulle voorspel binne 15 % van die gemete waardes. Hierdie werk sal n tegno-ekonomiese studie van rotsbeddens toelaat wat meer akkurate voorspellings van pompdrywing gebruik as voorheen moontlik was. Termiese toetse onder 80 °C wys dat die warmteoordrag nie baie sensitief is vir partikelvorm en -tipe nie. n Warmte-oordragskorrelasie vir lug in terme van die volume-ekwivalente deursnee is ontwikkel en met die E-NTU-metode gekombineer. Die voorspelde lug uitlaat temperatuur is binne 5 °C van die meting vir toetse by 530 °C. Dit wys dat termiese geleiding en straling redelikerwys buite rekening gelaat kan word vir n enkele laai/ontlaai siklus by massa vloeitempos van omtrent 0.2 kg/m2s. n Oorspronklike metode vir die bepaling van die optimum partikelgrootte en bedlengte word gegee: Die Biot-getal is vas, en die netto inkomste (die inkomste minus die bed omkoste) van n stoomsiklus voorsien met warmte van die bed word bereken. n Vereenvoudigde berekening wat die metode gebruik wys dat die optimum grootte en lengte ongeveer 20 mm en 6-7 m is. Afhangende van die behoueringsontwerp en koste, kan die kapitale koste n orde kleiner wees as dié van n gesmelte nitraatsout stelsel

Kogeneracinės jėgainės šilumos akumuliacinės talpos veikimo režimų tyrimai / Research of Heat Storage Tank Operation Modes in Cogeneration Plant

Streckienė, Giedrė 21 June 2011 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami būdingi šilumos akumuliacinės talpos veikimo režimai, susiformuojantys nedidelės galios kogeneracinėje jėgainėje, tiriamas šiluminės stratifikacijos susidarymas tokioje talpoje ir atliekamas jos modeliavimas. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – ištirti nedidelės galios kogeneracinės jėgainės šilumos akumuliacinės talpos veikimo režimų ypatumus, sudaryti algoritmą, padedantį parinkti tokios talpos tūrį ir pateikti modelį, leidžiantį nustatyti šiluminę stratifikaciją akumuliacinėje talpoje bet kuriuo jos veikimo metu. / The dissertation investigates typical operation modes of the heat storage tank in the small-scale cogeneration (CHP) plant, analyses formation of thermal stratifi-cation in such storage tank and presents the simulation of the stratification. The main aim of the dissertation is to investigate peculiarities of operation modes of heat storage tank in small-scale CHP plant, develop an algorithm allowing to choose the storage tank volume and present a model allowing determination of thermal stratification in the storage tank at any time of its operation.

Phase Change Materials as a Thermal Storage Device for Passive Houses

Campbell, Kevin Ryan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study describes a simulation-based approach for informing the incorporation of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in buildings designed to the "Passive House" standard. PCMs provide a minimally invasive method of adding thermal mass to a building, thus mitigating overheating events. Phase change transition temperature, quantity, and location of PCM were all considered while incrementally adding PCM to Passive House simulation models in multiple climate zones across the United States. Whole building energy simulations were performed using EnergyPlus from the US Department of Energy. A prototypical Passive House with a 1500 Watt electric heater and no mechanical cooling was modeled. The effectiveness of the PCM was determined by comparing the zone-hours and zone-degree-hours outside the ASHRAE defined comfort zone for all PCM cases against a control simulation without PCM. Results show that adding PCM to Passive Houses can significantly increase thermal comfort so long as the house is in a dry or marine climate. The addition of PCM in moist climates will not significantly increase occupant comfort because the majority of discomfort in these climates arises due to latent load. For dry or marine climates, PCM has the most significant impact in climates with lower cooling degree-days, reducing by 93% the number of zone-hours outside of thermal comfort and by 98% the number of zone-degree-hours uncomfortable in Portland, Oregon. However, the application of PCM is not as well suited for very hot climates because the PCM becomes overcharged. Only single digit reductions in discomfort were realized when modeling PCM in a Passive House in Phoenix, Arizona. It was found that regardless of the climate PCM should be placed in the top floor, focusing on zones with large southern glazing areas. Also, selecting PCM with a melt temperature of 25°C resulted in the most significant increases in thermal comfort for the majority of climates studied.

Production optimization for district heating : Short-term planning of district heating grid in Gävle, Sweden

Lindgren, Nicolas, Brogren, Karl January 2019 (has links)
Energy systems with a high portion of renewable energy from wind and solar power can suffer from fluctuations in production due to weak winds or cloudy weather, which may affect the electricity price. When producing heat and power in a combined heat and power plant, an additional heat storage tank can be used to store the heat surplus which is obtained when the power production is high, and the heat demand is low. To optimize heat and power production economically, short-term planning can be applied. Short-term planning covers the production in the near future of 1-3 days. The optimization in this degree project is based on the district heating production, which means that the heating demand always needs to be fulfilled. The district heating production is based on the weather. Therefore a suitable period for simulation is three days due to the accuracy of the weather forecasts are reasonable. The optimization is performed on the district heat system in Gävle, Sweden. The system comprises several different production units, such as combined heat and power plants, backup plants, and industrial waste heat recovery. Two different models are made, one using linear programming and one using mixed integer non-linear programming. The model stated as a linear programming problem is not as accurate as of the one stated as a mixed integer non-linear programming problem which uses binary variables. Historical input data from Bomhus Energi AB, a company owned together by the local heat and power supplier Gävle Energi AB and the pulp and paper manufacturer BillerudKorsnäs AB, was given to simulate different scenarios. The different scenarios have various average temperatures and in some scenarios are there some issues with the pulp and paper industry affecting the waste heat recovery. In all scenarios is the heat storage tank charged when the demand is low and then discharged when the demand increases to avoid starting some of the more expensive backup plants if possible. The simulation time varies a lot between the two approaches, from a couple of seconds to several hours. Particularly when observing scenarios with a rather high demand since the backup generators use binary variables which take a lot of time to solve.

Domestic Heating with Solar Thermal : Studies of Technology in a Social Context and Social Components in Technical Studies

Lundh, Magdalena January 2009 (has links)
Research in solar heating has traditionally focused solely on increasing the system efficiency by improving the technical components. In this thesis the technical methodology and system boundaries are widened to connect the technical aspects with market actors that are highly influential on the implementation of solar technology. The research was focused on how social aspects can be brought into technical studies to improve the understanding of solar heating, and how solar thermal technology can be optimized in a larger energy system. Both heat storage and different system solutions have been investigated. The thesis is built on a number of sub-projects exploring different aspects of solar heating. Improved components and system configurations may result in higher fractional energy savings and thereby make solar energy go from a marginal contribution to be the main energy supplier. Both components and systems are considered in this thesis. The solar heating technology has been shown to work well, also in unique system solutions. Technical possibilities with medium-sized stores for single-family houses and seasonal stores for residential areas are presented. Methods to bring studies of technology and actor studies together are also proposed; domestic hot water use has been modelled based on time-use data, while a multifaceted market situation, in which new system solutions must find their way, has been described by the solar and pellet industries. The complexity of assessing installation and use of a particular heating system in relation to the overall energy system is also discussed. Overall, this thesis shows that successful use of solar heating does not only come down to proper technical solutions, but also depends on the interaction between technology and market actors. A widened perspective, including the social context in which the heating system appears, is then essential. This thesis constitutes a step in that direction.

Experimental Investigation Of Phase Change Materials Used In Prototype Military Shelters

Erkal, Zafer 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the possible usage of phase change materials in military shelters with the aim of decreasing the heating effect of the solar radiation is presented. In order to meet the rapidly growing demand for energy in military applications, a passive cooling technique, specifically, storing thermal energy with phase change materials is analyzed by using experimental approach. Not only different types of phase change materials but also different amounts of them are examined during the solar loading experiments. In order to simulate solar heat loading on prototype military shelters, solar radiation test or in other words sunshine test that is stated in military standard MIL

Heat Transfer Enhancements Using Laminate Film Encapsulation for Phase Change Heat Storage Materials

Desgrosseilliers, Louis Richard Joseph 27 July 2012 (has links)
A model is proposed to predict the heat spreading behaviour experienced by laminate materials when heated over only a part of the domain, which is broken up into two regions, known as the heated and fin regions. The 2D, steady-state, two-region fin model is unique in its treatment of multilayer conduction heat transfer, giving the exact solution in the heat-spreading layer only, in both Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates. The experimentally and numerically validated two region fin model can help designers to assess improved heat transfer rates for laminate pouches for use to encapsulate supercooled salt hydrate phase change materials for long-term heat storage. Waste aseptic cartons (e.g. Tetra Brik) are a potentially useful resource for making laminate heat storage pouches since value-added end-uses are largely absent in Canada and in many other countries. The model is also useful for assessing improved temperature uniformity in heat spreading devices with applied heat fluxes.

Identifying the optimum storage capacity for a 100-MWe concentrating solar power plant in South Africa

Madaly, Kamalahasen 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Central receiver power plants generate renewable electricity by exploiting the energy provided by the sun. The conditions experienced in the Northern Cape region of South Africa provide the ideal conditions for the development of these plants. Without a storage medium these plants have capacity factors in the range of 25-30%. The inclusion of a thermal energy storage medium provides the ability to increase the capacity factors of these plants. Although storage increases the costs, it results in better utilisation of the power block and a decrease in the levelised electricity cost (LEC). Eskom intends building a 100MWe central receiver dry cooled power plant in the Upington region. This research identifies the appropriate storage medium and ideal storage capacity to achieve the lowest LEC. A literature survey was performed to identify the different methods of storage that are available. The different storage methods were evaluated and the best storage medium for a central receiver power plant based on the developments of the various storage technologies was identified. To determine the costs associated with a central receiver power plant, data published by NREL was used. Different plant parameters were required to evaluate the costs. A power plant model based on efficiencies and energy balances was created to determine the required plant parameters. It provided the ability to determine the effect of changing different plant parameters on the LEC and estimate the plant output. The power block parameters were initially varied to determine the most efficient power block configuration. Once the most efficient power block configuration was identified the solar field and storage parameters were varied to determine the plant configuration which resulted in the lowest LEC. The most efficient power block configuration of 0.4206 was found for a system comprising of six feedwater heaters with the feedwater temperature of 230°C, main steam pressure 140 bar and an exit steam generator salt temperature of 290°C. A solar multiple of 3.0 with 16 hours of storage resulted in a LEC of R1.41/kWh with no system constraints. A capacity factor constraint of 60% resulted in a solar multiple of 1.8 with 8 hours of storage and a LEC of R1.78/kWh. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sonkragaanlegte met sentrale ontvangers wek hernubare elektrisiteit op deur sonenergie te ontgin. Die klimaat in die Noord Kaap-streek van Suid-Afrika is ideaal vir die oprigting van hierdie aanlegte. Sonder ’n bergingsmedium is die kapasiteitsfaktore van sulke aanlegte ongeveer 25-30%. Met die insluiting van ’n bergingsmedium vir termiese energie kan die kapasiteitsfaktore egter verhoog word. Hoewel berging aanlegkoste verhoog, lei dit terselfdertyd tot beter aanwending van die kragblok en ’n afname in die konstante eenheidskoste van elektrisiteit (LEC). Eskom beplan om ’n droogverkoelde kragaanleg van 100 MW met ’n sentrale ontvanger in die Upington-streek op te rig. Hierdie navorsing was dus daarop toegespits om die mees geskikte bergingsmedium en ideale bergingskapasiteit te bepaal om die laagste moontlike LEC uit die aanleg te verkry. ’n Literatuurstudie is onderneem om die verskeie beskikbare bergingsmetodes te bestudeer. Die verskillende metodes is beoordeel, waarna die beste bergingsmedium vir ’n kragaanleg met ’n sentrale ontvanger op grond van die ontwikkelings in die verskillende bergingstegnologieë bepaal is. Om die koste van ’n kragaanleg met ’n sentrale ontvanger te bepaal, is gepubliseerde data van die Amerikaanse Nasionale Laboratorium vir Hernubare Energie (NREL) gebruik. Verskillende aanlegparameters was egter nodig om die koste te beoordeel. Dié parameters is gevolglik bepaal deur ’n kragaanlegmodel op grond van doeltreffendheidsfaktore en energiebalanse te skep. Sodoende kon vasgestel word watter uitwerking veranderinge in die verskillende parameters op die LEC sou hê, en kon die aanleguitset geraam word. Die kragblokparameters is aanvanklik afgewissel om die doeltreffendste kragbloksamestel te bepaal. Nadat dít bepaal is, is die sonenergieveld en bergingsparameters weer afgewissel om vas te stel watter aanlegsamestel die laagste LEC tot gevolg sou hê. Die beste termiese benuttingsgraad is behaal vir ʼn stoom siklus met ses water verhitters en ʼn water temperatuur van 230 °C by die ketel se inlaat, ʼn stoom druk van 140 bar, en sout uitlaat temperatuur van 290 °C. ʼn Vermenigvuldigingsfaktor van drie vir die heliostaat veld, en 16 uur termiese energie storing gee ʼn opwekkingskoste van R 1.41/kW/h indien daar geen beperkings op die grootte of koste van die stelsel geplaas word nie. Indien die kapitaal uitgawe ʼn perk van 60 % op die kapasitiet van die stelsel plaas, verander die optimale ontwerpspunt na ʼn vermenigvuldigingsfaktor van 1.8, en die termiese stoorkapasitiet verlaag na 8 uur. In hierdie geval is die opwekkingskoste R 1.78/kWh.

Modélisation dynamique d’un dispositif de stockage par chaleur sensible intégré à un système énergétique / Dynamic modeling of a sensible heat storage device integrated into an energy system

Terzibachian, Elie 10 July 2017 (has links)
Dans les années récentes, des politiques visant à promouvoir l’efficacité énergétique ont été instaurées en réponse aux obligations réglementaires européennes et internationales. Le stockage d’énergie thermique s’est révélé être une technologie qui permet une amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique, en particulier celle des installations techniques pour le conditionnement d’air, le chauffage et l’eau chaude sanitaire pour le bâtiment. Parmi les différents types existants, le stockage thermique par chaleur sensible est le plus ancien et le plus répandu sur le marché. Or, l’intégration du ballon de stockage dans les installations énergétiques s’avère délicate tant dans la phase de conception que de l’exploitation de ces installations. Par ailleurs, il convient d’évaluer – pour les systèmes et équipements techniques du bâtiment – leurs consommations énergétiques annuelles (ou saisonnières). Pour répondre à l’ensemble de ces exigences, le recours à la modélisation et simulation dynamique des composants et systèmes énergétiques devient indispensable. Le travail de la présente thèse présente une approche de modélisation et de simulation dynamique d’un ballon de stockage d’eau par chaleur sensible qui répond aux contraintes particulières suivantes : assurer une modélisation fine à partir de la résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes d’un composant – le ballon de stockage – dans lesquels les mécanismes de transfert et d’écoulement sont complexes et réaliser une modélisation dynamique d’un système thermique associant des divers composants techniques d’un circuit et ceci avec des temps de calcul raisonnables, compatibles avec les pratiques courantes des bureaux d’étude spécialisés en conception d’installations . Le travail réalisé associe donc une analyse fine du comportement dynamique du ballon grâce au développement d’un modèle CFD, la détermination d’un modèle réduit à partir de ce modèle – qui permet la construction d’un champ dynamique de température – et enfin une modélisation sous Modelica adaptée à la simulation d’un système énergétique complexe. Dans les différentes phases de cette étude, les résultats issus de la simulation sont alors confrontés aux résultats déduits de divers travaux expérimentaux. La validation de la démarche suite à cette confrontation calculs/expériences permet d’envisager l’application des outils présentés à des projets techniques notamment au projet « PV cooling » de climatisation des bâtiments avec une ressource solaire photovoltaïque, projet réalisé en parallèle de ce projet de thèse et porté par les acteurs industriels qui soutiennent cette recherche. / In recent years, policies to promote energy efficiency have been introduced in response to European and International regulatory obligations. Thermal Energy Storage has proven to be a technology that improves energy efficiency, particularly for the air conditioning, heating and domestic hot water utilities in buildings. Among the existing types, sensible heat storage is the oldest and most widespread on the market. The integration of the storage tank into energy installations may be tricky in both the design and operation phases of these installations. Moreover, the annual (or seasonal) energy consumption of the building's technical systems and equipment should be evaluated. To meet all these requirements, dynamic modeling and simulation of energy components and systems becomes essential. The work of this thesis presents a dynamic modeling and simulation approach of a sensible heat water storage tank which respond to the following particular constraints: To ensure a fine modeling based on the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations of a component – the storage tank – in which the flow and transfer mechanisms are complex, and to carry out a dynamic modeling and simulation, with reasonable computational time, of a thermal energy system associating various technical components of a circuit and compatible with the usual practices of the specialized system design offices. Thus, the carried out work combines a detailed analysis of the dynamic behavior of the storage tank through the development of a CFD model, the development of a reduced model from the previous CFD model that allows the construction of temperature dynamic fields and finally a Modelica modeling adapted to the simulation of a complex energy system. In the different phases of this study, the results from the simulation are compared to the results deduced from various experimental works. The validation of the approach following this comparison between calculations and experimental results makes it possible to consider the application, of the presented tools, in technical projects and in particular the project “PV cooling” for buildings air conditioning with a photovoltaic solar resource, a project that is carried out in parallel with this thesis by the industrial players supporting this research.

Contribution à l'étude des performances d'un séchoir serre avec stockage de chaleur dans des matériaux à changement de phase. / A study on thermal performance of a solar greenhouse dryer with heat storage in phase change materials

Aumporn, Orawan 07 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail concerne une étude numérique des performances thermiques d’un séchoir- serre équipé d’une unité de stockage de chaleur solaire dans des matériaux à changement de phase (MCPs). L'unité de stockage de chaleur solaire, placée sous le sol de la serre, est composée d’une couche de MCPs (paraffine) disposée entre une plaque en acier et une couche de béton. L'écoulement de l'air asséchant se déroule par convection forcée et le produit disposé sur les claies du séchoir est la banane (Bananas Musa ABB CV. Kluai "Namwa"). Les équations de transfert de chaleur dans la serre, basées sur la méthode nodale, sont déduites d'un bilan thermique établi pour les différents composants du séchoir-serre. Les transferts de chaleur dans les couches de MCPs et de béton sont décrits respectivement par le modèle enthalpique et l'équation de la conduction. Le modèle de cinétique de séchage de la banane est celui d’Oswin modifié. Les équations de transferts sont résolues par une méthode implicite aux différences finies et les algorithmes de Gauss et de Thomas. Nous analysons l'influence du débit d'air asséchant et de l’irradiation solaire sur les distributions spatio-temporelles des températures des composants de la serre et de l'unité de stockage, la durée de séchage, les efficacités thermiques du séchoir-serre et de l'unité de stockage d'énergie. Cette modélisation est complétée par des simulations du fonctionnement du séchoir serre-unité de stockage de chaleur en utilisant la notion de journée type et les données météorologiques de Nakorn Pathom (Thaïlande) et par une analyse de faisabilité technico-économique. Les résultats montrent notamment que l’unité de stockage de chaleur contribue à la réduction de la durée de séchage et augmente les performances thermiques du séchoir et l’unité de stockage. / This work is about a numerical study of the thermal behavior of a solar greenhouse dryer and a heat storage unit in phase change materials (PCMs). The heat storage unit containing of PCMs (paraffin) is disposed between a metal plate and a concrete layer and placed under the floor of the greenhouse. The air drying flows along the greenhouse by forced convection and the products placed on the dryer's rack is bananas (Bananas Musa ABB CV Kluai "Namwa"). The heat transfer equations in the greenhouse are based on the nodal method and deduced from a thermal balance on the different components of the solar greenhouse dryer. The heat transfers in the PCMs and the concrete slab are described by the enthalpy method and the conduction equation, respectively. The banana drying kinetic is described by the model modified of Oswin. Transfer equations are solved using an implicit finite difference method associated to Gauss and Thomas algorithms. We analyze the effects of the air drying volumetric flow rate and the solar irradiance on the temperature distribution of the greenhouse dryer and the heat storage unit, the drying time, the solar greenhouse dryer and heat storage unit efficiencies. This modeling is complemented by simulations of the solar greenhouse dryer with the heat storage unit using the day type and the meteorological data of Nakorn Pathom (Thailand) and by an economic analysis. The results show that the heat storage unit provides the reduction of the drying time and increases the thermal performances of the solar greenhouse dryer and the heat storage unit.

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