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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Segredos de corpos nus: masculinidades, corpolatria e significados da prostituição entre garotos de programa de luxo / Secrets of naked bodies: masculinity, corpolatry and the meanings of prostituition among luxury male prostitutes

Santos, Renato Caio Silva 14 May 2019 (has links)
Introdução - O corpo, em diferentes perspectivas, é concebido como uma fonte de transmissão de mensagens, de maneira que, mais do que enaltecer a matéria, é prestigiado o teor implícito nela, o qual pode ser interconectado com a natureza e a personalidade de seu transmissor. No campo da prostituição, no qual o corpo vale como mercadoria, os garotos de programa filtram, incorporam e reproduzem os desejos dos clientes para então construírem personagens e desenvolverem o prisma teatral da prostituição. A prostituição de luxo é manifestada como um fenômeno ainda pouco explorado em pesquisas e no meio acadêmico, o que lhe confere um caráter emblemático nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. Objetivo - Compreender os sentidos atribuídos à masculinidade, ao uso do corpo e à prostituição entre garotos de programa de luxo da cidade de São Paulo. Método - Pesquisa qualitativa, mediante entrevistas com 8 garotos de programa de luxo. Foi utilizado um roteiro temático norteador para o levantamento do perfil socioeconômico dos participantes, assim como de relatos acerca da prática profissional e das concepções de masculinidade no campo da prostituição de luxo. Os dados foram transcritos, organizados e analisados por meio de uma aproximação com a análise de conteúdo. Resultados - Os garotos de programa, para se inserirem no mercado erótico de alto padrão, assumem um comportamento no qual encarnam aspectos caricaturais e marcantes da masculinidade hegemônica. Pode-se considerar que é no corpo e pelo corpo que eles demarcam e tornam visíveis aspectos ligados à masculinidade, à virilidade e à potência sexual. Corpos musculosos carregam os aspectos simbólicos inerentes e necessários à esta ocupação e é justamente esse reforço das normas e da performance de gênero que garante, entre outros aspectos, um lugar no mercado de luxo. Para tanto, o uso de anabolizantes é um dos principais recursos para a conquista do corpo considerado como ideal e valorizado economicamente. Observa-se que, dentre os entrevistados, a prostituição é legitimada como fonte de renda e que eles escolheram a entrada no ramo, realizando diferentes tipos de investimentos estéticos para permanecerem, já que consideram que o ganho financeiro obtido dificilmente seria possível por meio de outros empregos do mercado formal. Conclusão - A apropriação de estereótipos ligados à hegemonia pode ser interpretada como uma repetição de normas relacionadas à ideia da dominação masculina. Na busca por esses traços, clientes e profissionais do sexo tendem a reproduzir como ideais, para si mesmos e seus parceiros, os mesmos padrões excludentes aos quais foram submetidos, como uma possível fuga da feminização e de aspectos considerados desvirtuados. / Introduction - The body, in different perspectives, is conceived as a source of message transmission, so that, more than praising the matter, the content implicit in it is honored, which can be interconnected with the nature and the personality of its transmitter. In the prostitution field, where the body counts as merchandise, the male prostitutes filter, incorporate, and reproduce the clients\' desires for them to build characters and develop the theatrical prism of prostitution. Luxury prostitution is manifested as a phenomenon still little explored in research and academic environment, which provides an emblematic character in gender and sexuality studies. Purpose - To understand the meanings attributed to masculinity, the use of the body, and the prostitution among luxury male prostitutes in the city of São Paulo. Method - Qualitative research made by interviews with 8 male prostitutes of high standard . For such, a thematic guide was used to guide and collect data on socioeconomic and cultural profiles of the participants, reports regarding the professional practice, and aspects regarding the purpose. The data were transcribed, organized and analyzed by approximation with the content analysis. Results - In order to be inserted in the high standard erotic market, the male prostitutes assume a behavior in which they embody caricature like and relevant aspects from the hegemonic masculinity. It can be considered that it is in the body and for the body that they mark and make visible aspects related to masculinity, virility and sexual potency. Muscled bodies carry the symbolic aspects inherent and necessary to this occupation and it is precisely this reinforcement of rules and gender performance that guarantees, among other factors, a place in the luxury market. For such, the use of anabolic is one of the main resources for the achievement of the body considered as ideal and economically valued. It is observed that, among the interviewees, the prostitution is legitimized as a source of income and that they chose to enter the industry, performing different types of aesthetic investments to remain in the industry, provided they consider that the financial gain obtained would hardly be possible through other jobs in the formal market. Conclusion - The appropriation of stereotypes linked to hegemony can be interpreted as a repetition of rules related to the idea of male domination. In the search for these features, clients and sex professionals tend to reproduce as ideals, for themselves and their partners, the same excluding patterns to which they have been subjected, as a possible escape from feminization and aspects considered to be distorted.

A Content Analysis of “#MaleRape” on Twitter

Small, Tara 11 July 2019 (has links)
Rape has historically been constructed as a women’s issue and, as such, research has focused on female survivors of sexual assault. Current research on the topic indicates that the construction of female rape is structured by stereotypical gender roles and patriarchal/misogynistic structures. However, there is very little research on male rape. This exploratory thesis seeks to fill this gap by exploring how the meaning of male rape is constructed on Twitter posts that contain the hashtag “MaleRape”. Two thousand ninety-two tweets were collected. The final sample was comprised of 840 tweets and qualitative content analysis was the method used to code and organize the data. Preliminary analysis suggested that the constructions varied significantly by region; accordingly, the data were sorted into the following four regions: North America; Europe; Africa; and Asia. The analysis, rooted in critical feminism, explores how male rape is constructed in each region. The findings indicate that there is some consistency across regions, especially with respect to the ways in which patriarchal assumptions led to the denial of male rape and the silencing of survivors. However, there were interesting differences in the various regions. This thesis addresses the influence of heteronormative constructions and calls for more consideration of cultural differences when studying sexual violence.

Image repair and media coverage following sexual assault in college athletics: two case studies

Igram, Sarah E. 01 May 2017 (has links)
This thesis addresses universities’ image repair strategies when a student athlete is accused of sexual assault and the media’s coverage of these strategies. This is a particularly important issue due to the prevalence of campus sexual assault, as recent studies have shown that one in five women is sexually assaulted in college. Sexual assaults involving college athletes typically receive more media attention due to their high-profile nature. Athletic programs are typically sites of hegemonic masculinity, where men take action to maintain dominance over women. They may do this through misogynistic and homophobic talk or committing violence against women. Athletic departments’ image repair strategies when male athletes are accused of sexual assault also sometimes uphold hegemonic masculinity if their main goal is to maintain the team, which may generate significant revenue for the university. As such, their image repair strategies may allow male athletes to continue to partake in misogynistic practices, including committing violence against women. The media also has been accused of upholding masculine dominance by supporting rape myths or blaming the accuser in sexual assault incidents. This thesis consists of two case studies: the University of Colorado, which faced several allegations of sexual assault by football players in the early 2000’s; and Baylor University, which underwent a similar scandal starting in late 2015. It contains textual analysis of officials’ image repair strategies at both schools and the media’s responses to them. Ultimately, both Colorado and Baylor upheld hegemonic masculinity through their image repair strategies, though Colorado did so on a larger scale. In both instances, journalists were largely critical of their image repair strategies and argued that the strategies were not enough to change the structure of masculine dominance.

Fatherhood Experiences Of Lower-middle Class Men: The Case Of Eskisehir

Tecik, Zeynep 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Like femininity, there is not one type of masculinity. Since there are different kinds of masculinities, there are also various types of fatherhood. Historical, cultural, economic, and social factors can affect fatherhood experiences in different ways. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the fatherhood experiences of lower-middle class men who live in Eskisehir and have at least one son. Within this context men&rsquo / s relations with their sons and their fathers will be the focus of this study. Issues such as early childhood experiences, maturity, work life, education life, and domestic division of labor will also be included with reference to the fatherhood experiences of the men in the sample.

Fatherhood Experiences Of Lower-middle Class Men: The Case Of Eskisehir

Tecik, Zeynep 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Like femininity, there is not one type of masculinity. Since there are different kinds of masculinities, there are also various types of fatherhood. Historical, cultural, economic, and social factors can affect fatherhood experiences in different ways. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the fatherhood experiences of lower-middle class men who live in Eskisehir and have at least one son. Within this context men&rsquo / s relations with their sons and their fathers will be the focus of this study. Issues such as early childhood experiences, maturity, work life, education life, and domestic division of labor will also be included with reference to the fatherhood experiences of the men in the sample.

Den medierade mannen : En ideologikritisk studie om maskulinitetsideal i svenska podcasts / The mediated man

Boberg, Evelina January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån teorier om hegemonisk maskulinitet och homosocialitet studera hur normer för maskulinitet reproduceras i tre svenska populära podcasts. Uppsatsen innehåller tre frågeställningar som är följande: Hur förhandlas maskulinitetsnormer hos Alex & Sigge, Filip & Fredrik och Luuk & Lokko?, genom vilka rollprestationer upprätthålls eller omförhandlas normer för hegemoniska maskulinitetsideal? och vad innehåller dessa podcasts för specifika strukturer och hur återfinns maskuliniteter i detta innehåll? Mitt teoretiska och analytiska perspektiv grundar sig i forskning om maskulinitetsprocesser och hegemonisk maskulinitet. Vidare utvecklar jag mitt teoretiska ramverk med genreteoretiska anknytningar där den ideologiska funktionen inom dessa blir central. Analysen består av samtalscitat från mitt material där jag transkriberat relevanta delar för att kunna gå nära texten. Ut efter tematiseringar grundade på huvudpersonernas relationer till varandra och till personer utanför texten analyserar jag sedan mitt material i två delar. Maskuliniteten konstrueras i och med olika rollprestationer som huvudpersonerna sätter i spel gentemot varandra och andra. Dessa rollprestationer blir talande i min analys och bidrar till min slutdiskussion. Sammanfattningsvis avslutar jag med en slutdiskussion där jag anknyter till mitt teoretiska ramverk och diskuterar vilka maskulinitetsnormer som är rådande inom min text. Jag lyfter även det teoretiska perspektivet till en större samhällelig kontext i och med att jag anser att maskulinitetsnormer ingår i ideologiska strukturer i samhället. / The purpose of this paper is: based on theories of hegemonic masculinity and homosociality to, study how masculinity is reproduced in three popular Swedish podcasts. The paper contains three research questions: Which values around masculinity exists and is represented in the three podcasts that I have chosen? How is masculinity represented based on defined performances of Alex & Sigge, Filip & Fredrik and Luuk & Lokko? What content does these podcasts have and which specific structures around masculinity is found in this content? My theoretical and analytical perspectives are based on research in masculinity representations and hegemonic masculinity. Furthermore, I develop my theoretical framework with genre theories, where the ideological functions of these become central. The analysis consists of conversation quotes from my material, which I transcribed the relevant parts in order to get close to the text. I have thematically constructed two levels of analysis based on the characters' relationships to each other and to the persons outside the text. Masculinity is constructed with various performances by the main characters put in play against each other and others. These performances will be critical in my analysis and contribute to my final discussion. In the chapter called conclusion I end with a final discussion, in which I relate to my theoretical framework, and discuss which masculinity values that are present in my text. I also broaden my theoretical perspective to a larger social context, in that I believe masculinity norms are included in the ideological structures of society.

Manlighet i mellanstadiet : En kvalitativ studie om maskulina ideal bland pojkar i mellanstadiet / Masculinity in primary school : A qualitative study about masculine ideals among boys in primary school

Gummesson, Axel, Göransson, Anton January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to examine, describe and analyze how masculinities can be represented and understood among boys in a Swedish primary school context. The study was conducted within a school located in a small community on the country side. Through the use of a qualitative research design we interviewed 13 boys from the fifth grade of this school, who all got to express and reason their perspectives of what it meant to them to be a boy in primary school and how that could impact their social life. For a wider understanding of the different dimensions of masculinity we used R.W. Connell's (2008) theoretical framework, hegemonic masculinity, which implies that there are multiple definitions of masculinities that are constructed in relation to each other in a hierarchical order. Hereby every man is positioned in a hierarchical order depending on to which degree he embodies the ideal conceptions of how a man should be within the specific context. These ideal conceptions are further more constantly changing and therefore alter through both time and space. The results of this study could show that ideals more commonly related to the concept of being a man from a regional perspective in society also could be found in the specific and local school context. In line with previous studies, this research could also indicate that boys who deviate to far from the existing ideal conceptions of how a boy should be, was combined with a much greater risk of being excluded from the fellowship among the boys in the class. This was made identifiably distinctive in cases where boys surpassed the masculine ideals and instead practiced such ideals that were more commonly associated with girls. The study could also show that in order to reach a high level of status as a boy in school seemed to imply that you had to adapt to the norms being set by the dominating group. This concludes that the dominating group of boys in the class also, to a high degree, was in power of controlling and changing the ideals that all the other boys then in some ways had to relate to.

Vad är en man? : En kvalitativ studie om hur unga män kan konstruera maskulinitet

Stiernstedt, Elisabet, Jawara, Ami January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the study has been to examine how young men from Stockholm construct "Masculinity". This has been done by examining what men think is an ”ideal man”, what "makes a man a man", which expectations they meet as men and how the life of a man differs from the life of a woman. This has been examined through three semi-structured group interviews with the total of ten men. The results have been analysed with Raewyn Connells Theory of Masculinities, the idea of “Doing Gender” by Candace West and Don. H Zimmerman and the "Conception of Homosociality" described by Jari Kuosmanen and Karin Holmberg. R. Connell’s Theory of Masculinities provides a description of the “Ideal Man” and reveals what men think "makes a man" along with which expectations a man can meet. Our results show that men have clear opinions of how an "ideal man" should be,  thus reinforcing the construct of masculinity as described by Connells. Furthermore results indicate that men can see more benefits to being a man than a woman. This can be explained by the fact that men value what men do more than what women do, which can affect the equality between the sexes.

Manliga veganer : En narrativanalys om manliga veganer och maskulinitet

Eriksson, Linn January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the subject field of male vegans and masculinities through empirical method interviews and narrative analysis. The starting-point for this essay is animal ethics, feminist ethic vegetarianism and theories that suggest that eating meat is one part of the social construction of masculinities. The problem formulation is such as follows: How do male vegans construct masculinity? In an attempt to answer such a question there are three problem formulations: What do male vegans think about the connection between manhood and eating meat? How do male vegans relate to the norms in society? What do male vegans think of stereotype conceptions about vegans? I will come to the conclusion that male vegans think that eating meat, as well as drinking beer, is one part of the social construction of masculinities. Male vegans are aware of norms in the surroundings and the strong attachment of meat normativity in the western culture. They are also conscious about the stereotype conceptions about vegans, which affect how they talk about and perform their own veganism.

Wilde – Mannen som föll offer för den hegemoniska maskuliniteten : En begreppshistorisk analys av fem författares framställning av Wildes homosexualitet / Wilde – the man who fell victim to hegemonic masculinity : A conceptual analysis of five authors’ portrayals of Wilde’s homosexuality

Al-Mansour, Nawal January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to examine six books about Oscar Wilde’s homosexuality during the years 1906 – 2003. I have been analyzing their descriptions about his sexual orientation and compared them to each other to see the changes through time. In order to see some clear changes the main focus was to choose time differences between the books. It was clear that the earlier writers had negative opinions and thoughts about his sexual deviation the way they described it. The writers from the older books focus on Oscar Wilde’s achievements more than his sexual orientation. The analysis was made through two theories, Michel Foucault’s theories about sexuality, power and knowledge, and the second Raewyn Connell’s theory about hegemonic masculinity. The theories have been fundamental for this study on the basis of the changes through time and how societies viewed masculinity and sexual orientations. They have also been important for the descriptions of Oscar Wilde’s feminine attitude and his addiction to his looks. My method for the essay has been a conceptual analysis. The choice of this method was not hard because it has been important to the comparison and the analysis for the writers’ usage of word descriptions of Oscar Wilde’s homosexuality. The results showed a large amount of resemblances and differences between the books, which can be seen against the background of the society and its view on homosexuality.

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