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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O batismo do coração no vaso do conhecimento; uma análise do Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a

David Pessoa de Lira 21 March 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A presente pesquisa do Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a trata de um objeto da História do Mundo Contemporâneo do Novo Testamento, da História das Antigas Religiões Mediterrâneas e da História da Filosofia. Sendo assim, objetiva-se analisar a concepção de βαπτίζω [baptizō] em Ὁ Κρατήρ (Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a), levando em consideração sua intertextualidade e sua correlação histórico-religiosa. Especificamente, analisa-se a concepção de βαπτίζω neste texto, com o intuito de examinar sua correlação com o hino da Aparição Onírica de Háthor (Estela Wien 8390) e sua intertextualidade, por meio da Alegoria da Cratera, com Timaeus 41D, De somniis II. 183, 190, 249, e Provérbios 9.1-6 (LXX). Em particular, esta pesquisa demonstra que o Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a descreve um banquete ou um simpósio (symposium). Ademais, ao cotejar frases em que ocorrem os verbos ϰεράννυμι e μίγνυμι em relação ao ϰρατήρ, percebe-se que a acepção do verbo βαπτίζω, na frase βάπτισον σεαυτὴν ἡ δυναμένη εἰς τοῦτον τὸν ϰρατῆρα (do Corpus Hermeticum IV.4a), significa misturar. Por último, a presente pesquisa afirma que o verbo βαπτίζω, nessa frase, com sentido de misturar, tem influência egípcia e correspondência com a palavra jʻj e a palavras tḫ e suas derivações. / The current inquiry into the Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a deals with an object of the History of the Contemporary World of the New Testament, the History of the Ancient Mediterranean Religions and the History of Philosophy. As such, it aims to analyze the conception of βαπτίζω [baptizo] in Ὁ Κρατήρ (Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a), taking into account its intertextuality and its religious-historical correlation. Specifically, the conception of βαπτίζω is analyzed in this text, with the intention of examining its correlation with the hymn of the Dreamlike Apparition of Hathor (Stela Wien 8390) and its intertextuality, through the Allegory of the Crater, with Timaeus 41D, De Somniis II. 183, 190, 249, and Proverbs 9.1-6 (LXX). In particular, this inquiry demonstrates that the Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a describes a banquet or symposium. Moreover, comparing sentences in which the verbs ϰεράννυμι and μίγνυμι take place in connection with ϰρατήρ, one perceives that the sense of the verb βαπτίζω, in the sentence βάπτισον σεαυτὴν ἡ δυναμένη εἰς τοῦτον τὸν ϰρατῆρα (of the Corpus Hermeticum IV.3-6a), means to mix. Finally, the present inquiry asserts that the verb βαπτίζω, in this sentence, with the sense of mixing, has Egyptian influence and correspondence with the word jʻj and the word tḫ and its derivations.

The emergent religiosity of post-traditional African thought

McClymont, John Douglas 11 1900 (has links)
There exists in the modern worlda form of non-Christianised religious thought which develops the basic ideas of indigenous African religion beyond their beginnings, and is represented in authorssuch as Kamalu, Osabutey-Aguedze, etc. The spheres of interest in such authors fiJay be analysed in terms of the following areas: Intervening ideological conditions bearing on African life (particularr; theological and cosmological ideas): The historical background of African life; The roots of African life, as manifested in its traditions, and tts ethical and cultural heritage; Means for the innovative development of African life, found in African concepts of knowledge, mysticism and magic; The perceived destiny of African life. The thesis concludes with an indication of areas of agreement and debate in post-traditional African thought, of problems faced by such thought; and of other possible priorities for future study. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Th. (Religious Studies)

Les années de voyage ou la recherche de l'unité : parcours initiatiques et utilitarisme dans "Les Années de voyage de Wilhelm Meister ou les Renonçants" de J.W. von Goethe / "Wilhelm Meister's journeyman years" or the research of unity : initiatory paths and utilitarianism in "Wilhelm Meister's journeyman years or the Renunciants" J.W. von Goethe

Hubner-Preney, Bettina 03 December 2012 (has links)
Les Lumières allemandes voient l’émergence d’une réflexion anthropologique spécifique qui envisage l’homme dans sa totalité, en dépassant les dualismes entre l’âme et le corps, l’esprit et la sensibilité, la nature et la culture. Le présent travail se propose d’analyser dans cette perspective "Les Années de Voyage de Wilhelm Meister ou les Renonçants" de Johann Wolfgang Goethe, ultime roman de l’auteur qui se situe au début du XIXe siècle en Allemagne. Nous démontrons que ce roman témoigne d’une unité de sens sous-jacente à la multitude apparente au premier regard. En focalisant notre recherche sur l’analyse du chemin initiatique, nous pouvons dépasser les significations communément admises. Nous pouvons montrer que tout un nouvel univers pour la compréhension de cette œuvre hermétique de vieillesse, élaborée en même temps que Faust II, de 1825 à 1829, s’ouvre alors. Goethe observe et dépeint les difficultés existentielles de son époque et propose une solution pour l’individu, celle de tendre vers une indépendance ontologique intérieure face aux incertitudes du monde extérieur. Son projet éducatif consiste à faire l’union entre la quintessence de la philosophie hermétique, tradition millénaire (die alte Wahrheit), inhérente à un accès à la maîtrise initiatique et les besoins de l’époque moderne : la capacité au dépassement de soi, acquise par une individuation réussie et l’unité en soi-même, peut être mise au service du bien commun. / The German Enlightenment witnessed the emergence of a particular kind of anthropological reflection considering man in its totality, going beyond the dualisms of soul and body, spirit and sensitivity, nature and culture. This work sets out to analyze Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s ultimate novel taking place in early nineteenth century Germany — Wilhelm Meister's Journeyman Years, or the Renunciants — through that perspective. It demonstrates how a sense of unity underlies the apparent multiplicity of this novel. Focusing my research on the study of the initiatory journey allowed me to transcend commonly accepted interpretations. Indeed, the reader is provided with a new context of understanding for this hermetic novel written in old age, in the same period as Faust II, from 1825 to 1829. Goethe observes and depicts the existential difficulties of his era and offers the following solution to the individual: one should strive towards an inner ontological independence in order to face the uncertainties of the external world. His educational project consists in uniting the quintessence of hermetic philosophy, a millenary tradition (“die alte Wahrheit”) inherent in initiatory masterhood, and the needs of the modern era. Goethe thus reveals how the ability to surpass oneself thanks to a successful individuation and a sense of unity within oneself can be put at the service of the common interest.

TEOLOGIE MAGIE - Magie jako (dosud) nereflektovaná část teologie pozemských skutečností / THEOLOGY OF MAGIC - Magic as (yet) unreflected part of the theology of earthly reality

PLOS, Michal January 2019 (has links)
To open a different perspective on the still-discussed difference between Christian religion and magic is the task of this work. In order to reach the end successfully, that is, the fourth part of this thesis, which deals with the principle of sanctity in the Catholic Church, it was necessary to first develop the following three blocks. 1) Religious-anthropological analysis of magic ? in this part we summarize basic anthropological views on magic according to the individual researchers J.G. Frazer, E.B. Taylor, R.R. Marett, B. Malinowski, and E. de Martino. The subject of this section was the analysis of animism and the inner power of creation. 2) Magic as a part of religion ? in which we analysed the content of the concept of magic, the area where it came from, and how it was perceived in the environment of the Mediterranean European culture of ancient Rome, and how magic was discredited in the ancient "pagan" and Christian environment. 3) The interest of the sages in the phenomenon of magic ? has created a space for the issue of the magic of "barbaric" tribes, whose faith traditions have become a legitimate part of the Catholic faith. This section has also developed a "story of overly" peculiar magic adepts of the "restored" Renaissance Platonic Academy, in which M. Ficino and P. della Mirandola worked. We paid more attention to their life stories and work, for they themselves stood at the birth of an "institutional" association in the area of a sort of "applied" magism in the form of esoteric neoplatonism, hermetism, and theururgy. At this point we also found the historical model of the later Czech hermetic society Universalia, which we mentioned at the end of the work. 4) Ex opere operato et ex opere operantis ? it represents the peak of our work, opening a whole new discussion in the critique of magic and religion. Magic and Christian religion have a common root, they co-exist side by side, complement each other, and even blend in some areas of universal piety as conditions of one and the same Catholic faith.

Nygnosticism i Matrixtrilogin : en studie av vårt gnostiska arv i dagens mediala berättande

Söderhäll, Marie January 2004 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen består framför allt av en jämförelse mellan de nygnostiska inslagen i filmerna Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions samt Animatrix och den antika versionen av gnosticism. Jag har speciellt använt mig av Valentinus kosmogoni hämtad ur H. Jonas bok ”The Gnosic Religion”, för denna jämförelse. Hela arbetet sträcker sig dock över flera områden och ämnen som historia, genus, sociala och politiska förändringar, våra media och existentiella spörsmål i västvärlden idag mm.</p><p>Eftersom gnosticismen delvis uppstod och formades i nära förhållande till kristendomen, samt levde vidare under ytan av det etablerade fram till nyligen, finns det flera paralleller mellan dåtid och nutid. Idag är ett tydligt tecken på detta New Age, det samlingsbegrepp som rymmer så mycket men som likt gnosticismen delar på många föreställningar. T.ex. människans vilja till förmåga bortanför och utöver materien/kroppen, hennes eget inre gudomliggörande och behovet av en transcendent messias mm. Profana likheter kan vara pessimism, nihilism, känslan av en konstgjord och overklig verklighet, verklighetsflykt mm.</p><p>På ett annat plan handlar uppsatsen om människans mytologiserade/andliga psykologi, dels om Jungs arketypiska psykologi och dels om nyandlig mystik. Hur de kliver in och tar över tomrummet i den traditionellt vetenskapliga och rationella värld vi ”mytlösa” lever i. Den religiösa mystiken var en allmän realitet förr i tiden, men blev s.a.s. bortrationaliserad i upplysningens och senare protestantismens era. Människans belägenhet i den tekniskt avancerade världen har förändrat mycket, också hennes psyke. Bröderna Wachowskis filmverk visar också tydligt på den gnostiska versionen av uppdelningen mellan omedvetna, medvetna och upplysta. Att ”felet” med människan är hennes okunskap om den yttre verkligheten, och att räddningen ligger i ett introvert sökande efter sanningen. Uppsatsens helhet rör sig alltså både i det yttre och det inre, likt Matrixtrilogin och ny/gnosticismen, över tid och rum samt mellan olika tekniska mediala medel.</p>

Nygnosticism i Matrixtrilogin : en studie av vårt gnostiska arv i dagens mediala berättande

Söderhäll, Marie January 2004 (has links)
Uppsatsen består framför allt av en jämförelse mellan de nygnostiska inslagen i filmerna Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions samt Animatrix och den antika versionen av gnosticism. Jag har speciellt använt mig av Valentinus kosmogoni hämtad ur H. Jonas bok ”The Gnosic Religion”, för denna jämförelse. Hela arbetet sträcker sig dock över flera områden och ämnen som historia, genus, sociala och politiska förändringar, våra media och existentiella spörsmål i västvärlden idag mm. Eftersom gnosticismen delvis uppstod och formades i nära förhållande till kristendomen, samt levde vidare under ytan av det etablerade fram till nyligen, finns det flera paralleller mellan dåtid och nutid. Idag är ett tydligt tecken på detta New Age, det samlingsbegrepp som rymmer så mycket men som likt gnosticismen delar på många föreställningar. T.ex. människans vilja till förmåga bortanför och utöver materien/kroppen, hennes eget inre gudomliggörande och behovet av en transcendent messias mm. Profana likheter kan vara pessimism, nihilism, känslan av en konstgjord och overklig verklighet, verklighetsflykt mm. På ett annat plan handlar uppsatsen om människans mytologiserade/andliga psykologi, dels om Jungs arketypiska psykologi och dels om nyandlig mystik. Hur de kliver in och tar över tomrummet i den traditionellt vetenskapliga och rationella värld vi ”mytlösa” lever i. Den religiösa mystiken var en allmän realitet förr i tiden, men blev s.a.s. bortrationaliserad i upplysningens och senare protestantismens era. Människans belägenhet i den tekniskt avancerade världen har förändrat mycket, också hennes psyke. Bröderna Wachowskis filmverk visar också tydligt på den gnostiska versionen av uppdelningen mellan omedvetna, medvetna och upplysta. Att ”felet” med människan är hennes okunskap om den yttre verkligheten, och att räddningen ligger i ett introvert sökande efter sanningen. Uppsatsens helhet rör sig alltså både i det yttre och det inre, likt Matrixtrilogin och ny/gnosticismen, över tid och rum samt mellan olika tekniska mediala medel.

Nacismus versus okultismus v protektorátu Čechy a Morava: Osudy Jiřího Arvéda Smíchovského a Jana Kefera / Nazism versus occultism in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia: Lives of Jiří Arvéd Smíchovský and Jan Kefer

Bernardová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis entitled Nazism versus Occultism in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia: The Fate of Jiří Arvéd Smíchovský and Jan Kefer, deals primarily with the life of two Czech hermeticians, Jan Kefer and Jiří Arvéd Smíchovský, on the background of their relation to occultism and Nazism. In addition to describe the lives of both persons, with a closer focus on their fates during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the master thesis also brings a chapter on the almost unknown Nazi action against the secret sciences and occultists which took place in the territory of the Protectorate in 1941. At the beginning of the text, reader gets familiarized with some basic concepts from occult science and the relationship between Nazism and occultism in general. Then follows the aforementioned chapter on the occultists' persecution in the protectorate. The main pillars of the thesis are the biographies of J. A. Smíchovský and J. Kefer which focus more closely on the Protectorate period. In my thesis I work with many sources, especially from historical sources stored in state and private archives or interviews with a witness. The chapter on the methodology of work deals with the used information sources. The contribution of this diploma thesis is collecting a number of sources to the fate of both...

Spolek Universalia a její časopis Logos jako nositel alternativní spirituality / The society of Universalia, review "Logos" and the alternative spirituality

Plass, David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to present society of Universalia which first appears in era of the First republic and uses it's journal Logos in attempt to prove whether Universalia is society of alternative spirituality. Thesis is also interested in some authors of spiritual articles in this periodical and tries to describe impact of these authors on the community of Universalia. The introduction of this thesis describes society of Universalia and its purpose. Another chapter mentions many traditions which Universalia follows-up. Ensuing is the presentation of Logos journal, which serves as communication stream for its members and other societies. Focus point of the thesis lies in analysis of spiritual articles in Logos journal. Forty-two specific articles have been chosen to introduce its authors and try to derive from their contents, whether they aim to create comprehensive picture of spiritual live. The attachments bring some of to this day unpublished research instruments, such as complete bibliography of Logos journal or list of texts published by Universalia.

Musique et hermétisme après le concile de Trente: astrologie et canons énigmes

Wuidar, Laurence 21 May 2007 (has links)
Etude des relations entre musique et astrologie par (1) un panorama européen de la présence de l’astrologie dans les traités de théorie musicale de la fin du 15ème siècle au début du 18ème siècle (Burzio, Gaffurio, Finck, Zarlino, Mersenne et l’horoscope du parfait musicien, Bartolus, Werckmeister) et dans les « Accademie » italiennes (l’Academia Ortolana d’Antonfrancesco Doni et l’Academia dei Gelati de Bologne), (2) l’étude des écrits astrologiques manuscrits et édités de compositeurs Italiens du 17ème siècle (Zacconi, Osio, P. F. Valentini) et (3) le décodage de l’astrologie dans un corpus de partitions musicales (analyse de Milleville, « Madrigali », 1617 ;Strozzi, « Elementorum », 1683 ;des sonates « Zodiacus Musicus »…). Lue en parallèle avec les énigmes musicales et « canoni enigmatici » italiens du 17ème siècle étudiés sous l’angle de l’expression de l’hermétisme et de l’ésotérisme musical. Les fonctions sociales, sacrées et symboliques de cette forme musicale ainsi que des caractéristiques esthétiques et herméneutiques propres au 17ème siècle se dégagent de l’analyse des sources (analyses détaillées des œuvres de Romano Micheli, du manuscrit de canons de P. F. Valentini et du manuscrit des « Hiéroglyphes musicaux » de Zacconi ;présentation des manuscrits de canons énigmes conservés au Museo Civico Musicale de Bologne (Nanino, Agostini, Costanzo Porta, Milanta, Martini, Mattei) et analyse des énigmes dans les messes romaines, Anerio, Soriano, Agostini…). Plus de 80 sources manuscrites (Venise, Pesaro, Milan, Bologne, Rome, Vatican, Londres) et de 120 sources anciennes (Agrippa, Bruno, Cardano, Ficino, Kircher ;Banchieri, Cerreto, Liberati, Rodio, Steffani…), 44 reproductions hors texte. / Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation histoire de l'art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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