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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantum Chemical Investigation of the Interaction of Hydrogen with Solid Surfaces

Thomas, Mullan 05 August 2022 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden die Wechselwirkungen von Wasserstoff mit festen Materialien und Oberflächen untersucht. Zunächst wird der Kontext unserer Untersuchung durch eine kurze Einordnung in die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften im Allgemeinen, und der Oberflächenforschung im Speziellen, hergestellt. Anschließend wird der quanten- mechanische Apparat, welcher nötig ist um die betrachteten Systeme zu beschreiben, eingeführt um dann detailliert die Potentialhyperfläche der Entstehung von Wasser durch Adsoprtion von Wasserstoff auf einer teilweise oxidierten Ruthenium(0001) Metalloberfläche zu studieren. Zudem wird das gleiche System betrachtet, wenn die Metalloberfläche zusätzlich von einer biatomaren, kristallinen Lage Siliziumdioxid (SiO2 ) bedeckt ist, wodurch eine räumliche Beengung eintritt. Wir verwenden unsere Ergebnisse zusammen mit experimentellen Beobachtungen und mathematischen Metho- den um ein vollständig theoretisches Modell zu entwerfen und das System grundlegend verstehen zu können. In einem weiteren Schritt werden die chemischen Änderungen der Siliziumdioxid Doppellage untersucht, wenn das System Wasserstoffplasma ausgesetzt wird. Es werden diverse mögliche Defektstrukturen diskutiert und mithilfe experi- menteller Befunde die wahrscheinlichste Struktur isoliert. Im letzten Kapitel werden die typischen Näherungen untersucht, welche notwendig sind um quantenmechanische Methoden mit Hilfe von Computern durchführbar zu machen. Wir verwenden den sogenannten embedded-fragment Ansatz um die Diffusionsbarriere von Wasserstoff auf Aluminiumoxid mit chemischer Genauigkeit zu berechnen. Unsere Ergebnisse auf dem coupled-cluster with singles, doubles and perturbative triples (CCSD(T))- Niveau können sowohl als Referenz für experimentelle Untersuchungen, als auch für andere quantenmechanische Methoden wie z.B. die Dichtefunktionaltheorie, angesehen werden. / The present thesis aims at investigating the interactions of hydrogen with solid surfaces and materials. We first offer a brief historical context for surface science, as well as quantum mechanics and science is general, before deriving the mathematical appa- ratus necessary to investigate our systems of interest. We then move on to explore the potential energy surface of the water-formation-reaction on a partially oxidized ruthenium(0001) surface when confined under a two-atom thick sheet of silica (SiO2 ). We further employ our findings in conjunction with experimental observations and mathematical modeling to set up a fully theoretical model of the system in order to explain its behavior. In the second chapter we investigate the chemical alteration of the ultra-thin silica bilayer by means of exposing it to hydrogen plasma. We elucidate possible defects formed during the process and pin-point the most likely structure found. In the last chapter, we investigate the possible error sources that are inherent in quantum mechanical modeling and employ the so called embedded fragment approach to lift the approximations up to the coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturba- tive triples (CCSD(T)) level of theory. We then apply this methodology to the diffusion of hydrogen on aluminum oxide to obtain a diffusion barrier of chemical accuracy that may both be used to benchmark other approaches such as density functional theory, as well as experimental findings.

Spectroscopic Studies of Small Molecule Oxidation Mechanisms on Cu/TiO2 Aerogel Surfaces

Maynes, Andrew John 12 May 2022 (has links)
The targeted design of new catalyst materials can only be accomplished once a fundamental understanding of the interactions between material surfaces and adsorbed molecules is developed. In situ infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry methods were employed to probe interactions at the gas-surface interface of oxide-supported metal nanoparticle materials. High vacuum conditions allowed for systematic investigations to describe detailed reaction mechanisms. Specifically, variable temperature infrared spectroscopy was utilized to uncover the binding energetics of CO to the oxide surface of TiO2-based materials. As binding energetics are related to the electronic structure of the adsorption site, differences in evaluated binding enthalpies are hypothesized to probe electronic metal-support interactions that describe charge transfer between the supported metal nanoparticles and TiO2. Cu/TiO2 aerogels were identified as a candidate for more in-depth studies. Flow reactor methods in combination with the surface-based infrared spectroscopy were utilized to elucidate the CO oxidation reaction mechanism over Cu/TiO2 aerogels. Bridging oxygen atoms on TiO2 regions of the material were identified as the active site for catalysis in a Cu-assisted Mars-van Krevelen lattice extraction mechanism. Methanol oxidation was then studied with similar methods to show the complete conversion to CO2 and H2O at high temperatures through the reduction of titania and formation of a formate intermediate. Higher-order carbonaceous alcohols were probed for adsorption and reactivity on Cu/TiO2 aerogels and were observed to follow a similar reaction pathway. The higher-order alcohols, however, were shown to undergo a partial oxidation pathway in the absence of gaseous O2 that is hypothesized to originate from enhanced binding to Cu sites. The decomposition of the chemical warfare agent simulant dimethyl chlorophosphate was also investigated. A hydrolysis pathway to form the significantly less toxic molecule CH3Cl was observed, highlighting the unique promotional effects and chemistry on Cu/TiO2 aerogels. The results presented exemplify both the influence of electronic metal-support interactions on catalysis and the versatile reactivity of Cu/TiO2 aerogels. / Doctor of Philosophy / Interactions between small gaseous molecules and material surfaces have very important implications for applications regarding the environment, industry, and military/public safety. The mechanisms in which gases interact with a solid surface can determine how the material can be functionally used as catalysts. Scientists and engineers start to build a fundamental understanding of what makes a catalyst successful for different applications by understanding the location and strength of interactions. A catalyst's surface acts to lower activation barriers and provide low-energy pathways for interacting molecules to chemically change, by breaking bonds for molecular decomposition and/or forming new bonds. The vibrations of chemical bonds that break and form on surfaces are probed with infrared spectroscopy at the gas-surface interface to study molecular adsorption and reactivity. In addition, a flow cell reactor is used to characterize reaction progress and identify products in real-time. A class of reactive nanoparticulate materials is utilized as a model system on which to study various chemical reactions for important applications including small molecule oxidation for industrial detoxification and clean energy applications, as well as the decomposition of chemical warfare agents. Reaction mechanisms for the oxidation of carbon monoxide and alcohols were elucidated through the utilization of the methods described above. In addition, the decomposition of a chemical warfare agent simulant is characterized. The discoveries and understanding of important chemical properties presented in this dissertation will aid in the synthesis of effective next-generation catalyst materials.

Sulfate and Hydroxide Supported on Zirconium Oxide Catalysts for Biodiesel Production

Abdoulmoumine, Nourredine 23 July 2010 (has links)
Biodiesel is currently produced by homogeneous catalysis. More recently however, heterogeneous catalysis is being considered as a cheaper alternative to the homogeneous process. In this research project, heterogeneous catalysts of zirconium oxide were produced by impregnation. Zirconium oxide impregnation with sulfuric acid produced acidic solid catalysts. It was determined that impregnation and calcination at 550<sup>o</sup>C (SO₄/ZrO₂-550<sup>o</sup>C) produced the best catalyst for palmitic acid esterification with 10 wt % as the optimum concentration in esterification of palmitic acid. SO₄/ZrO₂-550<sup>o</sup>C was successfully recycled for eight consecutive runs before permanent deactivation. Its sulfur content was 1.04 wt % using SEM-EDS and 2.05 wt % using XPS for characterization. BET surface area was 90.89 m2/g. The reaction mechanism over Brønsted acid (SO₄/ZrO₂-550<sup>o</sup>C) and Lewis acid (Al₂O₃) catalysts obeyed Eley-Rideal kinetics with palmitic acid and methanol adsorbed on the active site respectively. Zirconium oxide was also impregnated with sodium hydroxide to produce basic catalysts. The best catalyst was produced when zirconium oxide was impregnated with 1.5 M NaOH and calcined at 600<sup>o</sup>C. Soybean oil was completely converted to biodiesel with 10 wt % catalyst and 1:6 oil to methanol. A mixture of the base catalyst with 30 wt % SO₄/ZrO₂-550<sup>o</sup>C effectively converted soybean oil containing 5% oleic acid indicating that this mixture could be used for waste oils. The reaction was first order with respect to triglyceride and second order with respect to methanol. The activation energy was 49.35 kJ/mol and the reaction mechanism obeyed Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics. / Master of Science

Liquid phase hydroformylation by zeolite supported rhodium

Schnitzer, Jill 15 November 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to directly compare the behavior of zeolites containing rhodium with that of homogeneous rhodium species as catalysts for liquid phase hydroformylation of 1-hexene in order to study the effects of zeolite immobilization. NaX zeolite was cation exchanged with several rhodium salts and used as hydroformylation catalysts at 50°C and 125°C in the presence of: triphenylphosphine (PPh₃), dimethylphenylphosphine (PMe₂Ph), and the poison for zeolite surface and solution rhodium: triphenylmethylmercaptan (Ph₃CSH). The results of these experiments were compared with those of several homogeneous catalysts under similar conditions. It was found that previously reported results of intrazeolitic activity with RhNaX at 50°C were probably incorrect, since, the addition of PMe₂Ph, Ph₃CSH, or both, virtually halted all reactivity of RhNax. The catalytic results at 125°C did not conclusively indicate the location of the active rhodium. Thus, intrazeolitic activity at 125°C may or may not have been observed, and needs further investigation. Reaction profiles were obtained for several of the catalyst systems, using an automatic sampling system. From these profiles, it was found that the addition of excess PMe₂Ph halted isomerization of 1-hexene to 2-hexenes for the zeolite-supported rhodium, and hindered, but did not stop isomerization for the homogeneous catalysts. Also, as expected, it was observed that the homogeneous catalysts reacted to completion faster than the heterogeneous catalyst. In addition, the effects of such treatments as preheating in air and precarbonylation of the heterogeneous catalysts were studied. Pretreatments had no effect upon the catalysis. Also, no activity was observed from the heterogeneous catalysts at 125°C unless phosphines were present. Finally, the hydrogenation of 1-hexene was studied. Heterogeneous and homogeneous rhodium catalysts showed hydrogenation activity which was accompanied by isomerization at 60°C and 125°C. / Master of Science

Structure sensitivity of H2/D2 Isotopic Exchange on Pt/Al2O3 catalysts

Pool Mazun, Ricardo 16 September 2022 (has links)
Pt-supported catalysts are widely used industrially for hydrogenation reactions. However, the kinetics of hydrogen activation, a critical step for any hydrogenation reaction, is still not well understood on supported Pt surfaces. Recent studies had shown that activity and selectivity vary with Pt nuclearity for the acetylene semihydrogenation reaction, increasing in activity and decreasing in selectivity while increasing the particle size from single atoms (SA) to sub-nanoclusters to nanoparticles (NP), attributing the cause of these differences on activities to the activity of H2 activation in the H/D isotopic exchange reaction. In this work, the kinetics of H2 is studied by performing the H2-D2 isotopic exchange reaction on Pt-supported catalysts with different nuclearity to extract the activation barriers and pre-exponential factors for dissociating adsorption and associative desorption (Eads, Edes, and vads, vdes respectively) from the microkinetic model derived from the Bonhoeffer Farkas mechanism, this to perform a more in-depth analysis regarding the differences in activity when comparing the H2 adsorption energy (Eads+ = Eads-Edes) and frequency factors as a function of nuclearity. Experiments were carried out in a quartz tubular fixed bed reactor coupled with a Mass Spectrometer to analyze the product gas by carrying out both, an integral analysis (from 0 to equilibrium conversion) by performing light-off experiments and differential analysis (low conversions) by performing Arrhenius experiments in the low and high coverage regions. / Master of Science / Hydrogenation is a chemical reaction widely used in the petrochemical industry for the refining process where a substance reacts with molecular hydrogen H2 adding pairs of H atoms to compounds. However, hydrogen is unreactive towards other substances in the absence of metal catalysts such as platinum (Pt), which dramatically accelerates the reaction rates making hydrogenation reaction possible. In industry, metallic catalysts are found as supported catalysts where the precious metal is supported on materials with higher thermal and mechanical stability to endure the operation conditions. Depending on the pretreatment conditions the size of metallic particles on the support can be manipulated, giving place to samples made of the same materials but different particle sizes with different properties. There are two critical steps during hydrogenation reactions the first one is the hydrogen activation which consists of the dissociation and adhesion of the two hydrogen atoms from the molecular hydrogen on the metallic surface and the second one is the reverse process where two hydrogen atoms recombine and are released from the metallic surface. Both steps involve a minimum amount of energy to dissociate and recombine hydrogen atoms which are strongly dependent on the metallic particle sizes. The goal of this thesis is to extract these dissociation and recombination energies of hydrogen on platinum particles of different sizes supported on alumina.

Spectroscopic Studies of Small Molecule Adsorption and Oxidation on TiO2-Supported Coinage Metals and Zr6-based Metal-Organic Frameworks

Driscoll, Darren Matthew 02 May 2019 (has links)
Developing a fundamental understanding of the interactions between catalytic surfaces and adsorbed molecules is imperative to the rational design of new materials for catalytic, sorption and gas separation applications. Experiments that probed the chemistry at the gas-surface interface were employed through the utilization of in situ infrared spectroscopic measurements in high vacuum conditions to allow for detailed and systematic investigations into adsorption and reactive processes. Specifically, the mechanistic details of propene epoxidation on the surface of nanoparticulate Au supported on TiO2 and dimethyl chlorophosphate (DMCP) decomposition on the surface of TiO2 aerogel-supported Cu nanoparticles were investigated. In situ infrared spectroscopy illustrates that TiO2-supported Au nanoparticles exhibit the unprecedented ability to produce the industrially relevant commodity chemical, propene oxide, through the unique adsorption configuration of propene on the surface of Au and a hydroperoxide intermediate (-OOH) in the presence of gaseous hydrogen and oxygen. Whereas, TiO2-supported Cu aerogels oxidize the organophosphate-based simulant, DMCP, into adsorbed CO at ambient environments. Through a variety of spectroscopic methods, each step in these oxidative pathways was investigated, including: adsorption, oxidation and reactivation of the supported-nanoparticle systems to develop full mechanistic pictures. Additionally, the perturbation of vibrational character of the probe molecule, CO, was employed to characterize the intrinsic µ3-hydroxyls and molecular-level defects associated with the metal-organic framework (MOF), UiO-66. The adsorption of CO onto heterogeneous surfaces effectively characterizes surfaces because the C-O bond vibrates differently depending on the nature of the surface site. Therefore, CO adsorption was used within the high vacuum environment to identify atomic-level characteristics that traditional methods of analysis cannot distinguish. / Doctor of Philosophy / The interaction between small gas molecules and solid surfaces is important for environmental, industrial and military applications. In order to chemically change molecules, surfaces act to lower activation barriers and provide a low energy plane to create new chemical bonds. To study the fundamental interactions that occur between gas molecules and surfaces, we employ infrared spectroscopy in order to probe the vibrations of bonds at the gas–surface interface. By tracking the chemical bonds that break and form on the surface of different materials, we can develop surface reaction pathways for a variety of different chemical reactions. We focus our efforts on two different applications: the conversion of propene to propene oxide for industrial applications and the decomposition of chemical warfare agents. Using the techniques described above, we were able to develop reaction pathways for both propene oxidation and chemical warfare agent simulant degradation. Our work is critical to the further development of catalysts that harness the specific structural and chemical properties we identify as important and exploit them for further use.

Tuning the Morphology and Electronic Properties of Single-Crystal LiNi<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>1.5</sub>O<sub>4-δ</sub>

Spence, Stephanie L. 27 October 2020 (has links)
The commercialization of lithium-ion batteries has played a pivotal role in the development of consumer electronics and electric vehicles. In recent years, much research has focused on the development and modification of the active materials of electrodes to obtain higher energies for a broader range of applications. High voltage spinel materials including LiNi<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>1.5</sub>O<sub>4-δ</sub> (LNMO) have been considered as promising cathode materials to address the increasing demands for improved battery performance due to their high operating potential, high energy density, and stable cycling lifetimes. In an effort to elucidate fundamental structure-property relationships, this thesis explores the tunable properties of single-crystal LNMO. Utilizing facile molten salt synthesis methods, the structural and electronic properties of LNMO can be well controlled. Chapter 2 of this thesis focuses on uncovering the effect of molten salt synthesis parameters including molten salt composition and synthetic temperature on the materials properties. A range of imaging, microscopic, and spectroscopic techniques are used to characterize structural and electronic properties which are investigated in tandem with electrochemical performance. Results indicate the Mn oxidation state is highly dependent on synthesis temperature and can dictate performance, while the molten salt composition strongly influences the particle morphology. In Chapter 3, we explore the concept of utilizing LNMO as a tunable support for heterogeneous metal nanocatalysts, where alteration of the support structure and electronics can have an influence on catalytic properties due to unique support effects. Ultimately, this work illustrates the tunable nature of single-crystal LNMO and can inform the rational design of LNMO materials for energy applications. / M.S. / The development of lithium-ion batteries has been fundamental to the expansion and prevalence of consumer electronics and electric vehicles in the twenty-first century. Despite their ubiquity, there is an ongoing drive by researchers to address the limitations and improve the quality and performance of lithium ion batteries. Much research has focused on altering the composition, structure, or properties of electrodes at the materials level to design higher achieving batteries. A fundamental understanding of how composition and structure effect battery performance is necessary to progress toward better materials. This thesis focuses on investigating the properties of LiNi<sub>0.5</sub>Mn<sub>1.5</sub>O<sub>4-δ</sub> (LNMO). LNMO material is considered a promising cathode material to meet the increasing consumer demands for improved battery performance. Through the synthesis methods, the shape of individual particles and the global electronic properties of LNMO can be tuned. In this work, specific synthesis parameters are systematically tuned and the properties of the resultant LNMO materials are explored. Electrochemical testing also evaluates the performance of the materials and offers insights into how they may fair in real battery systems. In an effort to potentially recycle spent battery materials, LNMO is also utilized as a catalyst support. Alteration of shape and electronic properties of the LNMO support can influence the catalytic properties, or the ability of the material to enhance the rate of a chemical reaction. Overall, this thesis explores how LNMO can be tuned and utilized for different applications. This work provides insights for understanding LNMO properties and direction for the development of future battery materials.

Kinetic and mechanistic studies of CO hydrogenation over cobalt-based catalysts

Schweicher, Julien 25 November 2010 (has links)
During this PhD thesis, cobalt (Co) catalysts have been prepared, characterized and studied in the carbon monoxide hydrogenation (CO+H2) reaction (also known as “Fischer-Tropsch” (FT) reaction). In industry, the FT synthesis aims at producing long chain hydrocarbons such as gasoline or diesel fuels. The interest is that the reactants (CO and H2) are obtained from other carbonaceous sources than crude oil: natural gas, coal, biomass or even petroleum residues. As it is well known that the worldwide crude oil reserves will be depleted in a few decades, the FT reaction represents an attractive alternative for the production of various fuels. Moreover, this reaction can also be used to produce high value specialty chemicals (long chain alcohols, light olefins…).<p>Two different types of catalysts have been investigated during this thesis: cobalt with magnesia used as support or dispersant (Co/MgO) and cobalt with silica used as support (Co/SiO2). Each catalyst from the first class is prepared by precipitation of a mixed Co/Mg oxalate in acetone. This coprecipitation is followed by a thermal decomposition under reductive atmosphere leading to a mixed Co/MgO catalyst. On the other hand, Co/SiO2 catalysts are prepared by impregnation of a commercial silica support with a chloroform solution containing Co nanoparticles. This impregnation is then followed by a thermal activation under reductive atmosphere.<p>The mixed Co/Mg oxalates and the resulting Co/MgO catalysts have been extensively characterized in order to gain a better understanding of the composition, the structure and the morphology of these materials: thermal treatments under reductive and inert atmospheres (followed by MS, DRIFTS, TGA and DTA), BET surface area measurements, XRD and electron microscopy studies have been performed. Moreover, an original in situ technique for measuring the H2 chemisorption surface area of catalysts has been developed and used over our catalysts.<p>The performances of the Co/MgO and Co/SiO2 catalysts have then been evaluated in the CO+H2 reaction at atmospheric pressure. Chemical Transient Kinetics (CTK) experiments have been carried out in order to obtain information about the reaction kinetics and mechanism and the nature of the catalyst active surface under reaction conditions. The influence of several experimental parameters (temperature, H2 and CO partial pressures, total volumetric flow rate) and the effect of passivation are also discussed with regard to the catalyst behavior.<p>Our results indicate that the FT active surface of Co/MgO 10/1 (molar ratio) is entirely covered by carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms, most probably associated as surface complexes (possibly formate species). Thus, this active surface does not present the properties of a metallic Co surface (this has been proved by performing original experiments consisting in switching from the CO+H2 reaction to the propane hydrogenolysis reaction (C3H8+H2) which is sensitive to the metallic nature of the catalyst). CTK experiments have also shown that gaseous CO is the monomer responsible for chain lengthening in the FT reaction (and not any CHx surface intermediates as commonly believed). Moreover, CO chemisorption has been found to be irreversible under reaction conditions.<p>The CTK results obtained over Co/SiO2 are quite different and do not permit to draw sharp conclusions concerning the FT reaction mechanism. More detailed studies would have to be carried out over these samples.<p>Finally, Co/MgO catalysts have also been studied on a combined DRIFTS/MS experimental set-up in Belfast. CTK and Steady-State Isotopic Transient Kinetic Analysis (SSITKA) experiments have been carried out. While formate and methylene (CH2) groups have been detected by DRIFTS during the FT reaction, the results indicate that these species play no role as active intermediates. These formates are most probably located on MgO or at the Co/MgO interface, while methylene groups stand for skeleton CH2 in either hydrocarbon or carboxylate. Unfortunately, formate/methylene species have not been detected by DRIFTS over pure Co catalyst without MgO, because of the full signal absorption.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Study of shape effect of Pd promoted Ga2O3 nanocatalysts for methanol synthesis and utilization

Zhou, Xiwen January 2013 (has links)
The area of methanol synthesis and utilization has been attracting research interests due to its positive impact on the environment and also from energy perspectives. Methanol synthesis from CO<sub>2</sub> hydrogenation not only produces methanol which is a key platform chemical and a clean fuel, but can also recycle CO<sub>2</sub> which is one of the major greenhouse gases causing global warming. As a mobile energy carrier (particularly as a hydrogen carrier), methanol is a versatile molecule which is able to generate H<sub>2</sub> via its decomposition. Catalysis plays a decisive role in the success of both methanol synthesis from CO<sub>2</sub> hydrogenation and its reverse decomposition reaction. Pd/Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> binary catalyst has recently been identified as an active catalyst for the methanol synthesis reaction. In this thesis, it is reported the shape effect of Pd promoted Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> for this reaction. The catalytic H<sub>2</sub> evolution from methanol photodecomposition has also been studied over these catalysts. Three shapes of Ga<sub>2</sub>O</sub>3</sub> nanomaterials (i.e. rod and plate β-Ga<sub>2</sub>O</sub>3</sub>, and particle γ-Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) have been synthesized, followed by doping with Pd metal to form corresponding Pd/Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> nanocatalysts. It was found that a (002) polar Ga2O3 surface which was dominantly presented on the plate form was unstable, giving a higher degree of oxygen defects and mobile electrons in the conduction band than the other non-polar (111) and (110) surfaces of the rod form. It was shown that a significantly stronger metal support interaction was found between the (002) polar Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> on the plate form and Pd, which gave higher methanol yield and selectivity. For methanol photodecomposition, it was found that, for pure Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> catalysts of different shapes, the plate form with a highest degree of defects (unstable polar surface) could encourage a non-radiative catalytic recombination of electron and hole pairs upon irradiation, hence giving a highest photocatalytic activity for H<sub>2</sub> production. Once Pd was introduced onto these oxide surfaces, it was noted that there was a fast and readily electron transfer from the conduction band of Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> to Pd due to the formation of a Schottky junction between the two materials. This produces metal sites for hydrogen production and further enhances the rate of the photocatalytic reaction over the radiative recombination of excitons. However, it was also found that at higher Pd content (>1%), the significantly shortened exciton lifetimes reduce the catalytic rate hence giving an overall volcanic response of activity to increasing Pd content for each shape of Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>. At the higher Pd content, the plate form appeared to sustain a longer lifetime for photocatalysis compared to the other forms at the equivalent Pd loading.

Immobilized Ru(II) catalysts for transfer hydrogenation and oxidative alkene cleavage reactions

Kotze, Hendrik de Vries 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The synthesis of a range of siloxane functionalized Ru(arene)Cl(N,N) complexes allowing for the synthesis of novel MCM-41 and SBA-15 immobilized ruthenium(II) catalysts, is described in this thesis. Two distinctly different approaches were envisaged to achieve successful heterogenization of these siloxane functionalized complexes. Condensation of the siloxane functionalized complexes, C2.4-C2.6 (siloxane tether attached to imine nitrogen) and C3.5-C3.7 (siloxane tether via the arene ring), with the surface silanols of the synthesized silica support materials MCM-41 and SBA-15, afforded immobilized catalysts IC4.1-IC4.6 (siloxane tether attached to imine nitrogen) and IC4.7-IC4.12 (siloxane tether via the arene ring). Model and siloxane functionalized complexes C2.1-C2.6 were prepared by the reaction of diimine Schiff base ligands L2.1-L2.6 with the [Ru(p-cymene)2Cl2]2 dimer. A second, novel, approach involved the introduction of the siloxane tether on the arene ligand of the complex. Cationic arene functionalized Ru(arene)Cl(N,N) complexes, C3.1-C3.4, were prepared with varying N,N ligands including bipyridine and a range of diimine ligands, with either propyl or diisopropyl(phenyl) substituents at the imine nitrogen (greater steric bulk around the metal center). The reaction of these propanol functionalized complexes with 3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl isocyanate, afforded urethane linked siloxane functionalized complexes C3.5-C3.8, where the siloxane tether is attached to the arene ring of the complex. The complexes were fully characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, NMR (1H and 13C) spectroscopy, ESI-MS analysis and microanalysis. Suitable crystals for the alcohol functionalized complex C3.1 were obtained and the resultant orange crystals were analyzed by single crystal XRD. The heterogenized catalysts, IC4.1-IC4.12, were characterized by smallangle powder X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and nitrogen adsorption/desorption (BET) surface analysis to name but a few. ICP-OES allowed for direct comparison of the model and immobilized systems during catalysis ensuring that the ruthenium loadings were kept constant. The application of the model complexes C2.1-C2.3 and C3.1-C3.3, as well as their immobilized counterparts, IC4.1-IC4.12, as catalyst precursors in the oxidative cleavage of alkenes (1-octene and styrene), were investigated. The proposed active species for the cleavage reactions was confirmed to be RuO4 (UV-Vis spectroscopy). In general it was observed that at lower conversions, aldehyde was formed as the major product. Increased reaction times resulted in the conversion of the formed aldehyde to the corresponding carboxylic acid. For the oxidative cleavage of 1-octene using the systems with the siloxane tether attached to the imine nitrogen, the immobilized systems outperformed the model systems in all regards. Higher conversions and selectivities of 1-octene towards heptaldehyde were obtained when using immobilized catalysts IC4.1-IC4.6, as compared to their non-immobilized model counterparts (C2.1-C2.3) at similar times. It was found that the immobilized catalysts could be used at ruthenium loadings as low as 0.05 mol %, compared to the model systems where 0.5 mol % ruthenium was required to give favorable results. Complete conversion of 1-octene could be achieved at almost half the time needed when using the model systems as catalyst precursors. The activity of the model systems seems to increase with the increase in steric bulk around the metal center. These model and immobilized systems were also found to cleave styrene affording benzaldehyde in almost quantitative yield in some case (shorter reaction times). The systems, with the siloxane tether via the arene ring, were found to be less active for the cleavage of 1-octene when compared to the above mentioned systems (siloxane tether attached to the imine nitrogen). The immobilized systems IC4.7-IC4.12 performed well compared to their model counterparts, but could not achieve the same conversions at the shorter reaction times as were the case for IC4.1-IC4.6. This lower activity was ascribed to the decreased stability of these systems in solution compared to the above mentioned systems with the tether attached to the imine nitrogen. This was confirmed by monitoring the conversion of the complex (catalyst precursor) to the active species in the absence of substrate (monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy). It was observed that model complex C3.1 could not be detected in solution after 1 hour, compared to complex C2.2 which was detected in solution even after 24 hours. Experiments were carried out where MCM-41 was added to a solution of model complex C2.2 under typical cleavage reaction conditions. A dramatic increase in the conversion was achieved when compared to a reaction in the absence of MCM-41. An investigation into the effect of the support material on the formation of the expected active species was carried out using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The presence of the active species, RuO4, could be observed at shorter reaction times in the presence of MCM-41. This suggested that the silica support facilitates the formation of the active species from the complex during the reaction, therefore resulting in an increased activity. It was also observed that RuO4 is present in solution in reactions where the immobilized catalyst systems are used after very short reaction times, compared to the prolonged times required for this to occur as is the case for the model systems. Model and immobilized catalysts, C2.1-C2.3 and IC4.1-IC4.6, were also applied as catalysts for the transfer hydrogenation of various ketones. The immobilized systems could be recovered and reused for three consecutive runs before the catalysts became inactive (transfer hydrogenation of acetophenone). Moderate to good conversion were obtained using the immobilized systems, but were found to be less active their model counterparts C2.1-C2.3. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sintese van `n reeks siloksaan gefunksioneerde Ru(areen)Cl(N,N) komplekse, wat die sintese van nuwe MCM-41 en SBA-15 geimmobiliseerede rutenium(II) katalisatore toelaat, word in hierdie tesis beskryf. Twee ooglopend verskillende metodes is voorgestel om die suksesvolle immobilisering van die siloksaan gefunksioneerde komplekse te bereik. Die kondensasie van die siloksaan gefunksioneerde komplekse, C2.4-C2.6 (siloksaan ketting geheg aan die imien stikstof) en C3.5-C3.7 (siloksaan ketting geheg aan die areen ligand), met die oppervlak silanol groepe van die silika materiale MCM-41 en SBA-15, laat die sintese van geimmobiliseerde katalisatore IC4.1-IC4.6 (siloksaan ketting geheg aan die imien stikstof) en IC4.7-IC4.12 (siloksaan ketting geheg aan die areen ligand) toe. Model en siloksaan gefunksioneerde komplekse C2.6-C2.6 is berei deur die reaksie tussen Schiff basis ligande, L2.1-L2.6, en die [Ru(p-simeen)2Cl2]2 dimeer. `n Tweede, nuwe benadering wat die sintese van komplekse met die siloksaan ketting geheg aan die areen ligand behels, is ook gevolg. Kationiese areen gefunksioneerde Ru(areen)Cl(N,N) komplekse, C3.1-C3.4, is berei deur die N,N ligande rondom die metaal sentrum te wissel vanaf bipiridien tot `n reeks diimien ligande met propiel of diisopropielfeniel substituente by die imien stikstof. Hierdie propanol gefunksioneerde komplekse is met 3-(triëtoksiesiliel)propiel-isosianaat gereageer om sodoende die uretaan gekoppelde siloksaan gefunksioneerde komplekse C3.5-C3.8 op te lewer. Al die komplekse is ten volle gekaraktariseer deur van FT-IR spektroskopie, KMR (1H and 13C) spektroskopie, ESI-MS analise en mikroanalise gebruik te maak. In die geval van model kompleks C3.1, is `n kristalstruktuurbepaling ook uitgevoer. Die heterogene katalisatore, IC4.1- IC4.12, is gekaraktariseer deur poeier X-straaldiffraksie, skandeer- en transmissieelektronmikroskopie, termogravimetriese analise (TGA), induktief gekoppelde plasma optiese emissie spektroskopie (IKP-OES) en BET oppervlak analises, om net `n paar te noem. IKP-OES het ons toegelaat om `n direkte vergelyking te tref tussen die model en geimmobiliseerde sisteme tydens die katalise reaksies. Model komplekse C2.1-C2.3 en C3.1-C3.3, sowel as hul geimmobiliseerde eweknieë IC4.1- IC4.12, is vir die oksidatiewe splyting van alkene (1-okteen en stireen) getoets. Die voorgestelde aktiewe spesie wat tydens hierdie reaksie gevorm word, RuO4, is bevestig deur van UV-Vis spektroskopie gebruik te maak. Oor die algemeen is dit gevind dat aldehied oorheersend gevorm word by laer omsetting. Wanneer die reaksietyd verleng is, is daar gevind dat die aldehied na die ooreenstemmende karboksielsuur omgeskakel is. Wanneer die geimmobiliseerde katalisatore gebruik is tydens die oksidatiewe splitsing van 1-okteen, het die sisteme, met die ketting geheg aan die imien stikstof, deurgangs beter as die model sisteme gevaar. Hoër omskakelings van 1-okteen en hoë selektiwiteite vir heptaldehied is behaal wanneer die geimobiliseerded katalisatore IC4.1-IC4.6 met die nie-geimmobiliseerde model sisteme (C2.1- C2.3) vergelyk is by dieselfde reaksietye. Die geimobiliseerde sisteme kon by rutenium beladings van so laag as 0.05 mol % gebruik word. Dit is in teenstelling met die model sisteme waar 0.5 mol % rutenium nodig was om die reaksie suksesvol te laat plaasvind. Die totale omskakeling van 1-okteen is bereik in die helfte van die tyd wat nodig was wanneer die model sisteme gebruik is. Dit is gevind dat die aktiwiteit van die model sisteme toeneem met `n toename in die steriese grootte van die ligand rondom die metaal. Beide die model en geimmobilseerde sisteme kon ook gebruik word vir die oksidatiewe splyting van stireen. Bensaldehied kon in kwantitiewe opbrengs gevorm word in sommige gevalle. `n Laer aktiwiteit vir die oksidatiewe splyting van 1-okteen is vir die sisteme waar die siloksaan ketting aan die areen ligand geheg is, waargeneem. Hoewel die geimmobiliseerde sisteme IC4.7-IC4.12 beter as hul model eweknieë gevaar het, kon die aktiwiteite wat met IC4.1-IC4.6 bereik is nie geewenaar word nie. Hierdie laer aktiwiteit is toegeskryf aan die verlaagde stabiliteit van dié sisteme in oplossing in vergelyking met IC4.1-IC4.6 (ketting geheg aan die imine stikstof). Die stabiliteit van beide sisteme is getoets deur die omskakeling van die model komplekse (C2.2 en C3.1; katalise voorgangers) na die aktiewe spesie te monitor (UV-Vis spektroskopie). Na 1 uur kon die model kompleks C3.1 nie meer in die oplossing waargeneem word nie. In teenstelling kon model kompleks C2.2 nog selfs na 24 uur in die oplossing bespeur word. Om die rol van die silika materiale tydens die reaksie te ondersoek, is `n eksperiment uitgevoer waar MCM-41 by `n oplossing van kompleks C2.2 gevoeg is. `n Toename in die omskakeling van 1-okteen is waargeneem in vergelyking met `n reaksie waar geen silika teenwoordig was nie. UV-Vis spektroskopie is gebruik om die invloed van die silika op die vorming van die aktiewe spesie te ondersoek. In eksperimente waar MCM-41 teenwoordig was, kon die aktiewe spesie, RuO4, by baie korter reaksietye waargeneem word. Dit wil blyk of die silika materiaal die vorming van die aktiewe spesie vanaf die kompleks aanhelp en sodoende `n toename in die spoed van die reaksie bewerkstellig. RuO4 kon ook by baie korter reaksietye waargeneem word wanneer die geimmobiliseerde sisteme gebruik is. Beide model en geimmobiliseerde sisteme, C2.1-C2.3 en IC4.1-IC4.6, is getoets vir die oordrag hidrogenering van verskilende ketone. Dit was moontlik om die geimmobiliseerde sisteme drie keer te herwin en vir daaropvolgende reaksies te gebruik. Vir die geimmobiliseerde sisteme kon egter slegs gemiddelde omskakelings verkryg word en het swakker gevaar as hul model ekwivalente sisteme, C2.1-C2.3.

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