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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Development of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based System for Lean Six Sigma Implementation in Healthcare Environment: The Development of a Hybrid Knowledge-Based (KB)/Gauging Absence of Pre-Requisites (GAP)/Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model for Implementing Lean Six Sigma System in Healthcare Environment

Al Khamisi, Yousuf N.K. January 2018 (has links)
To improve their services and maintain patients’ satisfaction, healthcare organisations have adopted and applied different quality tools and models in recent times, with some even developing their own quality-based initiatives. For example, the approach of Lean Six Sigma (L6σ) has recently been gradually and slowly implemented in healthcare institutions. However, the nature and complexity of healthcare environment which directly impact on humans require leaders to carefully apply appropriate Quality Management (QM) systems suitable for this critical environment. The aim of this research project is to develop a Knowledge Based System (KBS) to assist healthcare managers and practitioners during decision-making process in the context of achieving excellent benchmark and action plans prioritisation. The system will be built based on a conceptual framework for Quality Management in Healthcare Environment (QMHE) which will be modified into a model. The KBS will be developed from this model with the integration of Gauging Absence of Pre-requisite (GAP) method for benchmarking and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for prioritisation. The contribution of this research is the use of KBS with GAP and AHP to develop an integrated Knowledge-Based Lean Six Sigma (KB-L6σ) in QMHE. This will accomplish the necessities of investigating quality problems and recommend suitable solutions according to international best practices. It will use a systematic approach that can be applied multiple times, follow defined steps to secure consistency in the approach and integrate different healthcare management levels to maintain strategic decision-making alignment. It consists of 964 KB rules that have been produced via a knowledge acquisition process from the literature and interviewing experts in the field of QM and L6σ in healthcare environment. Feedback from conferences and system testing were used for the verification of the model, whilst validation was carried out through three case studies implementation at three tertiary hospitals in Oman. The analysis of using the KB system in these hospitals has shown clearly that the developed system is a consistent and reliable methodology for assisting decision-makers in designing, planning, and implementing L6σ for QMHE.

Improving efficiency in logistics operations of the wood fiber supply chain

Fallas Valverde, Paula Daniela 01 April 2019 (has links)
There is a gap in the research regarding applications of Lean tools in the wood fiber supply chain. A Value Stream Map (VSM) tool that focused on identifying Lean waste in logistic operations was developed and applied to three case study firms: a paper mill, a sawmill, and a logger. Using the VSM tool an absence of structured methods to select and assess suppliers was found, which promotes a fluctuating environment for suppliers. Therefore, a tool that implements a hierarchy system to categorize suppliers was developed, verified and validated. Through the use of the VSM implementation the author found a lack of information sharing between supply chain stakeholders, which causes a reactive environment for the industry. Improvements in wood flow planning, tract allocation, truck scheduling, and communication were projected as a future state of the system. The annual potential savings by implementing the projected improvements in the total cost were as follows for the paper mill, the sawmill, and the logger respectively: $306,232, $312,085, $756,504. As a result of the findings obtained through the VSMs, a supplier selection model was designed. The tool was implemented into software for the wood industry. The tool was then verified and validated. The verification process consisted of comparing the output through previously known results and was performed through seven interviews with different stakeholders. The appropriate application of the supplier selection tool improves the way in which companies in the wood industry select and assess their suppliers and guarantee that the best alternatives are selected. / Master of Science / In the wood fiber supply chain, integration between different parties within a supply chain has proven to be a difficult task. An innovative lean-logistics tool value-streamed map (VSM) was developed to evaluate the current and future state of a supply chain Once the tool was developed it was used to map the wood fiber supply chain, determine and measure key performance metrics, calculate the cost of logistics operations, and identify potential sources of waste. Three case studies representing common wood fiber supply chains were conducted to develop three current VSMs for selected value streams. The lack of communication between supply chain partners was determined to be the most significant source of waste in all three cases. Lack of communication could lead to idle equipment, unnecessary waiting times, excessive inventories, overproduction, and excessive transportation and movement. As a result of the findings obtained through the VSMs, which revealed the absence of structured methods to select and assess suppliers, a supplier selection model was designed. The tool was implemented into software for the wood industry. The tool was then verified and validated. The verification process consisted of comparing the output through previously known results and was performed through seven interviews with different stakeholders. The appropriate application of the supplier selection tool improves the way in which companies in the wood industry select and assess their suppliers and guarantee that the best alternatives are selected, thus increasing the chance of a successful relationship and increasing the value that the company gets from its supplier base.

Lixiviados en plantas de residuos. Una contribución para la selección del proceso de tratamiento

Reyes Medina, Manuel 30 October 2015 (has links)
[EN] Leachate from waste landfill or treatment plants is a very complex and highly contaminated liquid effluent. In its composition, dissolved organic matter, inorganic salts, heavy metals and other xenobiotic organic compounds, are found, so it can be toxic, carcinogenic and capable of inducing a potential risk to biota and humans. European law does not allow such leachate to leave the premises without being depolluted. There are many procedures that enable debugging, always combining different techniques. Choosing the best method to use in each case is a complex decision, as it depends on many tangible and intangible factors that must be weighted to achieve a balance between technical, cost, and environmental sustainability. A hybrid method for choosing the optimal combination of techniques to apply in each case, by combining a multi-criteria hierarchical analysis based on expert data, obtained by the Delphi method, with an analysis by the method of VIKOR to reach a consensus solution is presented. This thesis will perform a sensitivity analysis on the weights of the criteria involved in the decision and performance values of the alternatives, expressed both in terms of the decision criteria. / [ES] El lixiviado de los vertederos de plantas de residuos es un líquido muy complejo y altamente contaminado. En su composición se puede encontrar materia orgánica disuelta, sales inorgánicas, metales pesados y otros compuestos orgánicos xenobióticos, por lo que pueden ser tóxicos, cancerígenos y capaces de inducir un riesgo potencial en el medio ambiente y los seres humanos. La legislación europea no permite que tales lixiviados salgan de las instalaciones sin ser depurados. Hay muchos procedimientos que permiten la depuración, siempre combinando diferentes técnicas. Elegir el mejor método a utilizar en cada caso es una decisión compleja, ya que depende de muchos factores tangibles e intangibles que deben sopesarse para lograr un equilibrio entre la técnica, el costo y la sostenibilidad ambiental. Se presenta un método híbrido para la elección de la combinación óptima de técnicas de depuración de entre las disponibles, mediante la aplicación de un análisis jerárquico de criterios múltiples AHP sobre la base de datos de expertos, obtenidos por el método Delphi, junto a un análisis de resultados por el método VIKOR, para llegar a una solución de consenso, que pueda ser asumible por la mayoría de los expertos consultados como propia. En esta tesis se realiza un análisis de sensibilidad en los pesos de los criterios de decisión y en los valores de rendimiento de las alternativas, expresados ambos en términos de los criterios de decisión. / [CA] El lixiviat dels abocadors de plantes de residus és un líquid molt complex i altament contaminat. En la seua composició es pot trobar matèria orgànica dissolta, sals inorgàniques, metalls pesats i altres compostos orgànics xenobiòtics, per la qual cosa poden ser tòxics, cancerígens i capaços d'induir un risc potencial en el medi ambient i els éssers humans. La legislació europea no permet que aquests lixiviats isquen de les instal·lacions sense ser depurats. Hi ha molts procediments que permeten la depuració, sempre combinant diferents tècniques. Triar el millor mètode a utilitzar en cada cas és una decisió complexa, ja que depèn de molts factors tangibles i intangibles que han de sospesar-se per aconseguir un equilibri entre la tècnica, el cost i la sostenibilitat ambiental. Es presenta un mètode híbrid per a l'elecció de la combinació òptima de tècniques de depuració d'entre les disponibles, mitjançant l'aplicació d'una anàlisi jeràrquica de criteris múltiples AHP sobre la base de dades d'experts, obtinguts pel mètode Delphi, al costat d'una anàlisi de resultats pel mètode VIKOR, per a arribar a una solució de consens, que puga ser assumible per la majoria dels experts consultats com a pròpia. En aquesta tesi es durà a terme una anàlisi de sensibilitat en els pesos dels criteris de decisió i en els valors de rendiment de les alternatives, expressats tots dos en termes dels criteris de decisió. / Reyes Medina, M. (2015). Lixiviados en plantas de residuos. Una contribución para la selección del proceso de tratamiento [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/56763

Enlargement for residential trade and industry portfolio valuation and optimisation within the framework of the demographic development in the European Union

Preuss, Marion 16 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] This research presents a new methodology to evaluate the development trends of the residential trade and industry up until 2050. In the first step available data are analysed for the period 1970 - 2050. In the second step an expert assessment based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology is integrated to reflect the estimation of various expert forecasts of the future. The AHP methodology is based on different variables in the fields of demographic, social-environmental as well as build-quality characteristics to imply a widespread perception of the portfolio mix of habitations in 2050. There will mainly be a focus on several European Union countries with potential future-shrinking populations like Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Furthermore, they will be compared with Spain whose population is expected to increase. / [ES] Esta investigación presenta una nueva metodología para evaluar las tendencias de desarrollo del comercio y la industria de viviendas hasta el año 2050. En la primera etapa, los datos disponibles son analizados para el período 1970 hasta 2050 con el fin de establecer las tendencias generales de los mercados de bienes raíces en la Unión Europea. En el segundo paso se integra una evaluación de expertos sobre la base de la metodología analítica Hierarchy Process (AHP) para reflejar la estimación de las distintas previsiones de los expertos. La metodología AHP se basa en diferentes variables en los campos de la demografía, las características de calidad de construcción ambientales, así como sociales. El objetivo es inferir la percepción generalizada de la mezcla de la cartera de viviendas en 2050. El enfoque se ha desarrollado sobre varios países de la Unión Europea con un previsible descenso demográfico futuro: Bulgaria, Estonia, Alemania, Hungría, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, Rumania y Eslovaquia. Además, se comparan con España cuya población se espera que aumente en el futuro. / [CA] Aquesta recerca presenta una nova metodologia per avaluar les tendències de desenvolupament del comerç i la indústria d'habitatges fins a l'any 2050. En la primera etapa, les dades disponibles són analitzades per al període 1970 fins a 2050 amb la finalitat d'establir les tendències generals del mercat de béns inmobles en la Unió Europea. En el segon pas s'integra una avaluació d'experts sobre la base de la metodologia Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) per reflectir l'estimació de les diferents previsions dels experts. La metodologia AHP es basa en diferents variables en els camps de la demografia, les característiques de qualitat de construcció ambientals, així com socials. L'objectiu és inferir la percepció generalitzada del mix de la cartera d'habitatges en 2050. L'enfocament s'ha desenvolupat sobre diversos països de la Unió Europea amb un previsible descens demogràfic futur: Bulgària, Estònia, Alemanya, Hongria, Letònia, Lituània, Polònia, Romania i Eslovàquia. A més, es comparen amb Espanya la població del qual s'espera que augmenti en el futur. / Preuss, M. (2016). Enlargement for residential trade and industry portfolio valuation and optimisation within the framework of the demographic development in the European Union [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64068

The assessment of the quality of science education textbooks : conceptual framework and instruments for analysis

Swanepoel, Sarita 04 1900 (has links)
Science and technology are constantly transforming our day-to-day living. Science education has become of vital importance to prepare learners for this everchanging world. Unfortunately, science education in South Africa is hampered by under-qualified and inexperienced teachers. Textbooks of good quality can assist teachers and learners and facilitate the development of science teachers. For this reason thorough assessment of textbooks is needed to inform the selection of good textbooks. An investigation revealed that the available textbook evaluation instruments are not suitable for the evaluation of the physical science textbooks in the South African context. An instrument is needed that focusses on science education textbooks and which prescribes the criteria, weights, evaluation procedure and rating scheme that can ensure justifiable, transparent, reliable and valid evaluation results. This study utilised elements from the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to develop such an instrument and verified the reliability and validity of the instrument’s evaluation results. Development of the Instrument for the Evaluation of Science Education Textbooks started with the formulation of criteria. Characteristics that influence the quality of textbooks were identified from literature, existing evaluation instruments and stakeholders’ concerns. In accordance with the AHP, these characteristics or criteria were divided into categories or branches to give a hierarchical structure. Subject experts verified the content validity of the hierarchy. Expert science teachers compared the importance of different criteria. The data were used to derive weights for the different criteria with the Expert Choice computer application. A rubric was formulated to act as rating-scheme and score sheet. During the textbook evaluation process the ratings were transferred to a spreadsheet that computed the scores for the quality of a textbook as a whole as well as for the different categories. The instrument was tested on small scale, adjusted and then applied on a larger scale. The results of different analysts were compared to verify the reliability of the instrument. Triangulation with the opinions of teachers who have used the textbooks confirmed the validity of the evaluation results obtained with the instrument. Future investigations on the evaluation instrument can include the use of different rating scales and limiting of criteria. / Thesis (M. Ed. (Didactics))

Estimating the effectiveness of a mobile phone network's deferred revenue calculated through the use of a business automation and support system

Smuts, Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mobile phone networks form an integral part of economic and social development globally. Mobile phones have become an everyday part of life and it is hard to imagine a competitive economy without the availability of mobile communications. Emerging markets benefit most from the implementation of mobile technology and growth trends are outperforming earlier predictions. The most popular and sustainable payment model used by mobile phone networks in emerging markets is the pre paid mechanism used for the distribution of airtime. This mechanism brings about unique challenges for networks in emerging markets. In this thesis the importance of the mobile phone network pre paid value channel is introduced through an analysis of pre paid revenue. A brief introduction is given to the systems and products that contribute to the functioning of the pre paid value channel. The revenue generation process is described with regards to the pre paid sector of the market and an in-depth explanation of the importance of deferred revenue is given, how it is recorded and what role it fulfils in the generation of revenue. The complexity of the network environment, both technical and operational makes the use of a business automation and support system (BSS) a necessary tool for effective execution of tasks and processes within the network environment. These systems record information from a wide spectrum of available technical network resources and use this information to automate the flow of network products. The use of such a system for the calculation of deferred revenue is suggested. Saaty‟s Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) algorithm and the Elimination and Choice Expressing Reality (ELECTRE) method are used to compare the newly proposed method for the calculation of deferred revenue using a BSS. Using Saaty's algorithm to estimate the effectiveness of deferred revenue as reported through the use of a BSS yields favourable results for the proposed method. This helps to bridge the gap in the poorly researched mobile telecommunications industry. ELECTRE is used to substantiate the findings of the model using AHP and meaningful tests are done to motivate correctness and accuracy of the results obtained throughout. Most importantly, the findings were shared with academic and industry experts, adding meaningful resemblance to the goals set out to achieve. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mobiele foon netwerke is wêreldwyd 'n onlosmaakbare deel van ekonomiese en sosiale ontwikkeling. Mobiele fone is deel van ons alledaagse lewe en dit is moeilik om 'n kompeterende ekonomie te bedink sonder die beskikbaarheid van mobiele kommunikasie. Ontluikende markte trek die meeste voordeel uit die implementering van mobiele tegnologie en groeitendense vertoon beter as wat vroeër voorspel is. Die mees gewilde en volhoubare betaalmetode wat deur mobiele foon netwerke in ontluikende markte gebruik word, is die voorafbetalingsmeganisme wat vir die verspreiding van lugtyd gebruik word. Hierdie meganisme bring unieke uitdagings vorendag in ontluikende markte. Die tesis beskryf die belangrikheid van die mobiele foon netwerk voorafbetalingswaardekanaal deur 'n analise te maak van vooruitbetalingsinkomste. 'n Kort oorsig oor die sisteme en produkte wat bydra tot die funksionering van die vooruitbetalingswaardekanaal word verskaf. 'n Beskrywing van die inkomste-genereringsproses vir die vooruitbetaling-sektor van die mark word verskaf en 'n in-diepte verduideliking van die belangrikheid van uitgestelde inkomste, hoe dit vasgelê word en watter rol dit speel in die generering van inkomste word verduidelik. Die kompleksiteit van die netwerkomgewing, beide op 'n tegniese en operasionele vlak, maak die gebruik van 'n besigheidsoutomatisering en ondersteuningsisteem (BSS) 'n noodsaaklike instrument vir die effektiewe uitvoer van take en prosesse binne die netwerkomgewing. Hierdie sisteme stoor informasie vanuit 'n wye spektrum van beskikbare tegniese netwerkbronne en gebruik die inligting om die vloei van netwerkprodukte te outomatiseer. Die gebruik van sodanige sisteem word voorgestel vir die berekening van uitgestelde inkomste. Saaty se Analitiese Hierargie Proses-algoritme (AHP) en die Eliminasie en Realiteit-Deur-Keuse Uitdrukkingsmetode (ELECTRE) word gebruik vir die vergelyking van die voorgestelde metode vir die berekening van uitgestelde inkomste deur middel van 'n BSS. Die gebruik van Saaty se algoritme om die effektiwiteit te bereken van uitgestelde inkomste soos gemeld deur die gebruik van 'n BSS, lewer gunstige resultate vir die voorgestelde metode. Dit vul 'n leemte in die swak nagevorsde mobiele telekommunikasie industrie. ELECTRE word gebruik om die bevindinge van die AHP-model te substansieer en betekenisvolle toetse word deurentyd gedoen om die korrektheid en akkuraatheid van die resultate te motiveer. Die belangrikste aspek van die navorsing is dat die bevindinge gedeel is met kenners binne die akademie sowel as die industrie, wat nou aansluit by die doelstellings wat aanvanklik beoog is.

Risk assessment of technology-induced errors in health care

Chio, Tien-Sung (David) 02 May 2016 (has links)
This study demonstrates that hybrid methods can be used for measuring the risk severity of technology-induced errors (TIE) that result from use of health information technology (HIT). The objectives of this research study include: 1. Developing an integrated conceptual risk assessment model to measure the risk severity of technology-induced errors. 2. Analyzing the criticality and risk thresholds associated with TIE’s contributing factors. 3. Developing a computer-based simulation model that could be used to undertake various simulations of TIE’s problems and validate the results. Using data from published papers describing three sample problems related to usability and technology-induced errors, hybrid methods were developed for assessing the risk severity and thresholds under various simulated conditions. A risk assessment model (RAM) and its corresponding steps were developed. A computer-based simulation of risk assessment using the model was also developed, and several runs of the simulation were carried out. The model was tested and found to be valid. Based on assumptions and published statistics obtained by publically available databases, we measured the risk severity and analyzed its criticality to classify risks of contributing factors into four different classes. The simulation results validated the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed methods with the sample problems. / Graduate / 0723 / 0680 / 0769 / tschio2011@gmail.com

Generator maintenance scheduling models in power systems : integrated cost models for generator maintenance strategy under market environment

Al-Arfaj, Khalid Abdulaziz January 2009 (has links)
Change from a regulated to deregulated structure means that, the centralized maintenance system is not valid any more. In the surveyed published literature, there is not a single model which incorporates all maintenance cost components to analyze the effect of different maintenance strategies for generator companies (GENCOs). The work enclosed in this thesis demonstrates that there is a considerable requirement for accurately modelling cost components of the maintenance model, to be used in maintenance scheduling for deregulated power system, in order to attain a superior schedule with major financial and operational impact. This research investigates and models most cost factors that affect the maintenance activities of the deregulated GENCOs, and demonstrates the utilization of the developed cost models in maintenance scheduling. It also presents the data gathering process for the developed maintenance cost model. A generator maintenance scheduling model that considers direct and indirect maintenance costs, opportunity costs (i.e. loss of customer goodwill), effective maintenance strategies, failures, and interruptions is developed. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) based approach is employed to achieve maintenance schedules to various generators maintenance scenarios. An Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach is proposed for modelling customer goodwill. The maintenance model was redeveloped under the Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) strategy to analyze the effect of a maintenance strategy on maintenance costs. Case studies are presented to demonstrate the utilisation of the developed models.The investigation shows that the market prices, opportunity costs and maintenance strategy have an effect on the final maintenance schedule. The research demonstrates that the cost components are critical factors to achieve an effective maintenance schedule, and they must be considered and carefully modelled in order to reflect more realistic situation for maintenance scheduling of generator units in deregulation environment.

The development of a hybrid knowledge-based Collaborative Lean Manufacturing Management (CLMM) system for an automotive manufacturing environment : the development of a hybrid Knowledge-Based (KB)/ Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)/ Gauging Absences of Pre-Requisites (GAP) Approach to the design of a Collaborative Lean Manufacturing Management (CLMM) system for an automotive manufacturing environment

Moud Nawawi, Mohd Kamal January 2009 (has links)
The automotive manufacturing facility is extremely complex and expensive system. Managing and understanding the dynamics of automotive manufacturing is a challenging endeavour. In the current era of dynamic global competition, a new concept such as Collaborative Lean Manufacturing Management (CLMM) can be implemented as an alternative for organisations to improve their Lean Manufacturing Management (LMM) processes. All members in the CLMM value chain must work together towards common objectives in order to make the LMM achievable in the collaborative environment. The novel research approach emphasises the use of Knowledge-Based (KB) approach in such activities as planning, designing, assessing and providing recommendations of CLMM implementation, through: a) developing the conceptual CLMM model; b) designing the KBCLMM System structure based on the conceptual model; and c) implementing Gauging Absences of Pre-requisites (GAP) analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach in the hybrid KBCLMM. The development of KBCLMM Model is the most detailed part in the research process and consists of five major components in two stages. Stage 1 (Planning stage) consists of Organisation Environment, Collaborative Business and Lean Manufacturing components. Stage 2 (Design stage) consists of Organisation CLMM Capability and Organisation CLMM Alignment components. Each of these components consists of sub-components and activities that represent particular issues in the CLMM development. From the conceptual model, all components were transformed into the KBCLMM System structure, which is embedded with the GAP and AHP techniques, and thus, key areas of potential improvement in the LMM are identified for each activity along with the identification of both qualitative and quantitative aspects for CLMM implementation. In order to address the real situation of CLMM operation, the research validation was conducted for an automotive manufacturer's Lean Manufacturing Chain in Malaysia. Published case studies were also used to test several modules for their validity and reliability. This research concludes that the developed KBCLMM System is an appropriate Decision Support System tool to provide the opportunity for academics and industrialists from the fields of industrial engineering, information technology, and operation management to plan, design and implement LMM for a collaborative environment.

Development of a model for performance measurement in just-in-time enabled manufacturing environments

Sandanayake, Yasangika Gayani January 2009 (has links)
In this era of globalisation and fierce competition amongst businesses, there is a need to improve advanced operations management philosophies such as just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing to enhance business performance. Literature review shows that there is no mechanism so far to identify key JIT drivers relevant to a given organisation and its production processes, and their impact on enterprise performance. The research carried out here therefore involved the development of a generic performance measurement model to identify and capture the influence of JIT practices on enterprise performance. A conceptual performance measurement model, which was designed based on comprehensive literature review and informal interviews/discussions with both academic researchers and industry practitioners describes the link between JIT drivers (Xi) and measurable performance (Y). This mathematically determined model is aimed at assisting managers in the systematic identification of the influence of key JIT drivers on enterprise performance using a multidimensional tool such as the extended balanced scorecard. The case study approach was selected as the most suitable methodology for testing and validating the conceptual model in JIT enabled production plant and was applied to the production process of Denso Manufacturing (UK) Ltd., a global automotive component manufacturer. A novel eight-step implementation procedure was designed to collect data, which were analysed and validated by design of experiments, linear mathematical modelling, computer based dynamic simulation and analytic hierarchy process tool. The performance measurement model was then successfully applied to a non-automotive component production plant (Risane Ltd.). In conclusion, the performance measurement model can now be suitably applied to JIT enabled manufacturing environments using relevant organisation specific JIT drivers and key performance indicators to optimise system performance. The contribution to knowledge is an innovative, user friendly, robust and multidimensional performance measurement model enabling industry practitioners to optimise JIT processes with substantial performance enhancement. The model could also be applied by future researchers to other operations management philosophies and industries, and at a higher level could be developed into a self-optimising software package, which will enable rapid determination of the key control parameters needed to optimise process performance just in time.

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