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Health Awareness on High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, and Risk for Cardiovascular DiseaseBibi, Innocent 01 January 2019 (has links)
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is responsible for 25% of the annual deaths in the United States and represents a major public health burden, as patients often require screening and lifestyle changes related to multiple risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to determine if there was a statistically significant association between high blood pressure and high cholesterol awareness (prevention and management) and cardiovascular health outcomes (angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, and heart attack). The theoretical framework that guided this study was the health belief model. Data from adults over the age of 18 from the 2017 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey dataset were used for this study. Logistic regression was used to analyze data. Results showed no statistically significant association between high blood pressure awareness (prevention and management) and cardiovascular health outcome (angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, and heart attack) based on race, age, level of education, and acculturation. There was also no statistically significant association between high cholesterol awareness (prevention and management) and cardiovascular health outcome (angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, and heart attack) based on race, age, level of education, and acculturation. This study may contribute to positive social change through an increase in individuals' level of awareness of their medical condition, which could lead to a reduction in the burden of cardiovascular disease.
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Arterielle Hypertonie und Diabetes mellitus in der allgemeinärztlichen Praxis in SachsenWittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Pittrow, David, Bramlage, Peter, Kirch, Wilhelm January 2004 (has links)
EINLEITUNG: Die „Hypertension and Diabetes Risk Screening and Awareness (HYDRA-)-Studie“ beschrieb und quantifizierte erstmals umfassend und bundesweit in einer Reihe von Publikationen1- 10 (siehe auch www.hydra-studie.de) die hausärztliche Versorgungssituation von Patienten mit arterieller Hypertonie und Diabetes mellitus. Mit Hilfe dieser Studie konnten neue Erkenntnisse zur Häufigkeit und Schwere, zu häufigen Begleit- oder Folgeerkrankungen, sowie zur Therapie dieser beiden Erkrankungen gewonnen werden. Insgesamt wurden im September 2001 in einer bundesrepräsentativen Stichprobe von 1.912 zufällig ausgewählten primärärztlichen Praxen (auf der Grundlage des IMS-Registers, Instituts für Medizinische Statistik, Frankfurt) eine Stichtagsbefragung von 45125 nicht-selektierter, konsekutiver Patienten ab dem 16. Lebensjahr durchgeführt (60,0 Prozent Frauen; Altersgruppen: 12,7 Prozent 16 bis 29 Jahre, 21,9 Prozent 30 bis 44 Jahre, 23,2 Prozent: 45 bis 59 Jahre, 42,2 Prozent: = 60 Jahre) und ihre Erkrankungen und Interventionen dokumentiert. Im folgenden Beitrag sollen die Ergebnisse für Sachsen gesondert berichtet und den bundesdeutschen Ergebnissen gegenübergestellt werden. In Sachsen nahmen an der HYDRA-Studie n=126 Ärzte teil, die an zwei aufeinander folgenden Studientagen insgesamt 2.407 Patienten dokumentierten. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte im Rahmen eines klinischepidemiologischen Stufendesigns: (i) Zunächst wurden die teilnehmenden Ärzte in einer Voruntersuchung hinsichtlich ihrer Ausbildungsund Praxismerkmale, ihren Erfahrungen und Problemen mit Hypertonikern und Diabetikern sowie ihren Einstellungen zu diesen Patientengruppen befragt. (ii) Am Erhebungstag wurden alle Patienten, die die teilnehmenden Praxen aufsuchten, ausführlich zu ihren Beschwerden, Krankheiten sowie zu ihrem Gesundheitsverhalten befragt (Patientenfragebogen). (iii) Die Ärzte dokumentierten dann für jeden Patienten die von ihnen vergebenen klinischen Diagnosen sowie die Therapie (Arztbogen); zudem wurden ausgewählte Messwerte am Studientag erfasst (Blutdruck, Mikroalbuminurie mit Micral-Teststreifen) und weitere Laborwerte aus der Akte entnommen. Für die ärztlichen Diagnosen wurden keine Vorgaben (zum Beispiel Nennung von Grenzwerten) gemacht. Die Methodik der Studie und wesentliche Ergebnisse wurden in einer Reihe von Originalarbeiten detailliert beschrieben.5
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Demand Study For Dental Hygiene Bachelor Degree ProgramDriscoll, Annelise 01 January 2009 (has links)
The following is a study to determine if sufficient demand exists to start a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree program in dental hygiene through a joint agreement for completion degrees between Valencia Community College and the University of Central Florida. To accomplish this objective two survey instruments were administered to randomly selected licensed dentists and dental hygienists in the state of Florida. Dental hygienists represented the potential student base for the proposed programs, and dentists represented the potential and prospective employers of graduated students of the proposed programs. To determine demand and demand characteristics, one survey instrument was mailed to 1,000 dental hygienists who were randomly selected using SAS software from a population of N=12,066 dental hygienists actively licensed to practice in the state of Florida. This sample of hygienists was approximately 8.3% of the total population. Of the 1,000 samples, 134 (or 13.4%) were returned. Of the 134 surveys returned, 123 (n=123) were included in this study. Eleven surveys were not included because of a majority of missing data or because the respondent indicated he or she already possessed a Bachelor or Master degree. A Likert-scale questionnaire was sent to each group of actively licensed dentists and actively licensed dental hygienists from the state of Florida. Responses from dental hygienists were overwhelmingly positive towards the addition of the Bachelor of Science degree program with an online distance-learning component. Those in favor of the Bachelor of Science degree program also provided a favorable response towards adding a Master of Science degree program in dental hygiene. The dentists, as potential future employers, also showed strong support in their responses for the additional degree programs with an additional management track component and believed it would elevate the professional standards of the dental hygiene field.
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Efeitos da sobrecarga hemodinâmica pulmonar experimental no sistema cardiovascular e na estrutura e função pulmonar / Effects of experimental pulmonary hemodynamic overload on cardiovascular system and pulmonary structural and functionBrito Filho, Flávio 14 May 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A sobrecarga hemodinâmica pulmonar (SHP) está associada a entidades clínicas de elevada morbimortalidade como: o edema pulmonar pós-pneumonectomia, o tromboembolismo pulmonar, o transplante pulmonar e a situações fisiológicas como o exercício físico. Vários pontos da sua fisiopatologia não estão elucidados. OBJETIVOS: Estudar as alterações fisiopatológicas pulmonares e cardíacas induzidas pela SHP. MÉTODOS: Vinte porcos Large White foram anestesiados, intubados e submetidos à ventilação mecânica a volume seguida por toracotomia bilateral trans-esternal. Os elementos dos lobos pulmonares foram isolados através de dissecção cirúrgica, com reparo das artérias pulmonares do lobo inferior direito, lobo mediastinal e pulmão esquerdo. Os animais foram randômicamente alocados em 4 grupos de estudo (n=5), sendo um controle (C) e três de SHP (LI, LII e LIII) induzida através da oclusão das artérias pulmonares específicas. No grupo C (controle), todos os lobos tiveram sua perfusão mantida. No grupo LI, somente o pulmão direito foi perfundido. No grupo LII, o pulmão direito menos o lobo inferior e no grupo LIII, o pulmão direito menos os lobos mediastinal e inferior, obstruindo a vasculatura pulmonar em 42, 76 e 82% respectivamente. Variáveis de hemodinâmica e de trocas gasosas foram monitoradas durante 60 minutos de SHP. Ao final do regime de SHP o lobo médio foi ressecado para análise de variáveis estruturais: morfometria (alveolar e vascular) e cálculo da relação peso úmido / peso seco. Na análise estatística foram utilizados ajustes de modelos lineares mistos com estrutura de variâncias e covariâncias, ANOVA a um fator, regressão linear simples e regressão linear de efeitos mistos com intercepto e tendência aleatório. RESULTADOS: Nas comparações intergrupos houve diferenças significativas ao longo dos 60 minutos de SHP nas variáveis hemodinâmicas: Frequencia cardíaca (p=0,004), Pressão arterial média (p=0,01), Índice sistólico (p=0,002), Pressão arterial pulmonar (p=0,001) e Pressão capilar pulmonar (p<0,0001). Trocas gasosas: Relação PaO2/FiO2 (p=0,002), PaCO2 (p<0,0001), pH (p<0,0001), Índice de consumo tecidual de O2 (p=0,02), Fração de shunt (p=0,03). Estruturais: Edemas alveolar e perivascular (p<0,0001) em ambos e Relação peso úmido / peso seco (p=0, 005). Nas comparações intergrupos, não houve diferenças significativas das variáveis: Índice cardíaco (p=0,94), HCO3 (p=0,63), Índice de oferta tecidual de O2 (p=0,89) e Taxa de extração tecidual de O2 (p=0,08). CONCLUSÕES: A SHP promoveu disfunção pulmonar significativa em pulmões previamente hígidos com alterações estruturais (edema alveolar e perivascular) e elevação das pressões arterial e capilar pulmonar. A função cardíaca foi preservada apesar de grande redução no leito vascular pulmonar (82% no grupo LIII). No grupo LII houve melhora da disfunção pulmonar ao longo do tempo de SHP / INTRODUCTION: The pulmonary hemodynamic overload (PHO) is associates to high mortality and morbidity clinical entities as: postpneumonectomy pulmonary edema, pulmonary thromboembolism, lung transplantation and physiological situations as physical exercise. Some pathophysiological aspects related to PHO are not elucidated. OBJECTIVES: To study pulmonary and cardiac pathopysiological alterations induced by PHO. METHODS: Twenty Large White pigs were anesthetized, intubated and subjected to volume controlled mechanical ventilation followed to median sternotomy. Pulmonary lobes structures were isolated by surgical dissection and pulmonary arteries of left lung, right lower lobe and mediastinal lobe were completely isolated. The animals were randomized into 4 groups (n=5 each) with one control (C) and three of PHO (LI, LII and LIII) induced by pulmonary arterial occlusions specifics for each group. In the control group (C), all lobes were perfused, ie none of arteries were occluded. In the LI group, only the right lung was perfused; in the LII group, the right lung but the lower lobe; in LIII group, the right lung but the lower and mediastinal lobes, obstructing the pulmonary vasculature in 42, 76 and 82% respectively. Hemodynamics and gas exchange variables were monitored during 60 minutes of PHO. At the end of the study, the middle lobe was resected for analysis of structural variables: morphometry (alveolar and vascular) and calculation of the wet weight / dry weight ratio. Statistical analysis settings were used with mixed linear models of variance and covariance structure, a one-way ANOVA, simple linear regression and mixed effects linear regression with random intercept and trend. RESULTS: In intergroup comparisons there were significant differences during the 60 minutes of PHO in hemodynamic variables: Heart rate (p=0, 004), Systemic arterial pressure (p=0,01), Systolic index (p=0,002), Pulmonary arterial pressure (p=0,001) and Pulmonary capillary pressure (p <0,0001). Gas exchange: for PaO2/FiO2 ratio (p=0,002), PaCO2 (p<0,0001), arterial pH (p<0,0001), O2 consumption index (p=0,02), Shunt (p=0,03). Structural: perivascular and alveolar edema (p<0,0001) in both and the wet weight / dry weight ratio (p=0,005). There were no significant differences in intergroup comparisons of variables: Cardiac index (p=0,94), arterial HCO3 (p=0,63), O2 offer index (p=0,89) and O2 extraction (p=0,08). CONCLUSIONS: The PHO promoted significant pulmonary dysfunction in previously healthy lungs with structural changes (alveolar and perivascular edema) and increased arterial and pulmonary capillary pressures. Cardiac function was preserved despite the large reduction in pulmonary vascular bed (82% in group LIII). In LII group occurred reverse of pulmonary dysfunction with past of PHO time
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Peer Support Education for uncontrolled hypertension among African Americans adultsSemper, Melvina Juliana 01 January 2015 (has links)
Hypertension is a major chronic health problem that can lead to heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. African Americans disproportionately suffer from the morbidity and mortality of hypertension-related illnesses. The purpose of this comparative project was to determine the impact of peer support educational workshops as an avenue for lifestyle modification, using changes in blood pressure (BP) before and after participation. The target population consisted of 64 African Americans with hypertension in Brooklyn NY, aged 20 to 65 years old. BP measurements were taken within 1 month before and after participating in a weekly peer support educational workshop facilitated by designated healthcare providers. The health belief model, using the tenets of lifestyle modification, societal support and health education, was used to guide the study. Demographic data were collated and categorized, considering numeric values used to represent age, income level, and education. Normality testing of the study variables was performed to ensure that the data followed a normal distribution. The study variables included the pre- and post-test systolic and diastolic BP. A t test was used in order to compare the 2 groups, revealing a statistically lower significant score from African Americans who participated than those who did not. African Americans who adhered to peer support educational regimens in the workshops revealed a statistically significant lower diastolic BP than those who did not participate. This research contributes to social change by providing evidence-based recommendations that government and health care professionals may use to create strategic plans to promote the well-being of individuals and communities.
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Atypical depression, body mass, and left vetricular mass analysis of data from CARDIA /Schwartz, Sari D. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 2005. / Typescript (photocopy).
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Effect of rooibos and red palm oil supplementation, alone or in combination, on cardiac function after exposure to hypertension and inflammation in an ischaemial/reperfusion injury modelThamahane-Katengua, Emma Tutu Masechela January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree
Doctor of Technologiae (Biomedical Technology)
in the
Faculty of Health and Wellness Sciences
at the
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Supervisor: Prof J van Rooyen
Co-supervisor: Prof JL Marnewick
October 2013 / Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is without a doubt one of the most challenging health issues of our time and accounts for the highest number of deaths in both developed and developing countries. Despite the huge strides that have been achieved in the diagnosis and therapeutic intervention of CVD, the disease burden still remains enormous. Therefore, this calls for novel and innovative interventions to curb the surge of CVD. The use of plant based food with bioactive phytochemicals,has a great potential to reduce the incidence of CVD, specifically in resource-strained countries. Red palm oil (RPO) and the indigenous herbal tea, rooibos have previously been shown to exhibit potential cardioprotective effects. Their health promoting properties have largely been attributed to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities and emerging evidence also showed that they have the potential to modulate cell signalling events. Substancial scientific evidence proposes oxidative stress and inflammation to play an important role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Hence, natural plant extracts such as RPO and rooibos could be recommended as adjuvants to clinical therapy to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with CVD.
This thesis reports on three studies investigating the cardiovascular protective effects that chronic feeding of either RPO, rooibos or their combination have on 1) antioxidant enzymes and the NO-cGMP pathway in myocardial tissue of spontaneous hypertensive rats, 2) the modulation of systemic and myocardial inflammation and 3) the myocardial ischaemic/reperfusion tolerance in a rat model of lypopolysaccharide induced inflammation.
The aim of the first study was to investigate the effect of RPO on cardiac function in sponteneously hypertensive rats. The role of the nitric oxide cyclic-guanosine monophosphate(NO-cGMP) pathway, (as determined by the nitric oxide (NOS) activity) and the antioxidant defence system (selected antioxidant enzymes) were also investigated. Cardiac function was monitored at stabilization and reperfusion using the Langendorff perfusion system. Antioxidant enzymes were determined from left ventricular tissue, while total NOS activity was determined in the aorta and left ventricular tissue. The results show that RPO offered cardiac protection as evidenced by improved left ventricular developed pressure (LVDevP), maximum velocity of pressure rise (+dp/dt) max and fall (-dp/dt) max during reperfusion in sponteneously hypertensive rats (SHR) compared to their control counterparts. Improved function in SHR was associated with increased myocardial superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) protein expression compared to the normotensive rats. There was differential modulation of the NOS activity by RPO, an increase in NOS activity was observed in the aorta while a reduction in the activity of NOS was observed in the left ventricular tissue of both RPO supplemented normotensive and hypertensive rats compared
to their respective control groups. These results argue a role for elevated NO production in the aorta for endothelial function maintenance. Increased SOD2 protein might lead to reduced oxidative stress. Thus, NO-cGMP pathway and antioxidant defense systems synergistically acted to restore cardiovascular function in SHR.
The aim of the second study was to investigate the effect of RPO and rooibos supplementation on the modulation of systemic and myocardial inflammation in a rat model. As RPO and rooibos contain different types of antioxidants which reside and exert their biological effects in different cellular compartments, the combination of these two natural food compounds has the potential to enhance the spectrum of available dietary antioxidants in different cellular compartments, which could result in a better protection against certain pathological conditions such as inflammation. The Langendorff system and the lypopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory model were used to determine if RPO and rooibos could protect against the negative effect of LPS-induced inflammation on baseline cardiac function. Both inflammation and dietary supplementation did not have any effect on baseline cardiac functional parameters. Our results show that administration of LPS resulted in elevated plasma levels of IL-1β in supplemented and non-supplemented rats indicating that an inflammatory response was triggered in the LPS-treated rats. However, this increase in IL-1β was counteracted by concurrent elevation of plasma IL-10 in LPS-induced rats consuming either rooibos or RPO alone. Furthermore the combination of RPO and rooibos enhanced myocardial IL-10 levels in LPS-induced rats. This data shows a difference in response to LPS injection between the myocardium and the systemic circulation. The results indicate that the combination of these two natural food substances exhibit potential anti-inflammatory properties which could be beneficial in clinically relevant conditions where inflammation plays a role.
Having shown that dietary intervention with RPO and rooibos had the potential to modulate the inflammatory response in the model of inflammation at basal conditions, we then proceeded to the third study to specifically establish if dietary RPO when supplemented alone will improve functional recovery and reduce infarct size in LPS-treated hearts. The Langendorff perfusion system was employed for determination of cardiac function and infarct size. The roles of NFkB, p38 MAPK and the myocardial antioxidant defence systems were investigated as potential mechanisms of protection. LPS-treatment caused significant increases in myocardial IL-1 β indicating that inflammation was induced. However, the levels of myocardial IL-10 was reduced in LPS-treated hearts compared to the non-treated hearts. Intervention with dietary RPO resulted in improved functional recovery and reduced infarct size, in both healthy hearts and in the LPS-treatment group. The RPO-induced cardio-protection was associated with increases in myocardial protein expression of the antioxidant
enzymes, SOD1, SOD2, GPX1 as well as increased p38 phosphorylation during reperfusion. LPS treatment increased myocardial protein expression of NFkB p65 which was reversed by RPO supplementation. Reduction of myocardial NFkB protein expression, increased p38 phosphorylation and elevated mitochondrial antioxidant (SOD2 and GPX1) as well as cytosolic enzymes (SOD 1) are proposed as potential mechanisms underlying the RPO-induced cardio-protection in this model.
Based on these study results, for the first time, having included vasculature aspects in the cardio-protective effects of RPO we have shown that the NO-cGMP pathway and antioxidant defense systems may act synergistically to restore cardiovascular function in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Results from the second study also provide the first scientific evidence that RPO in combination with rooibos (a flavonoid rich endemic herbal tea) could have potential anti-inflammatory activities at systemic as well as myocardial level, which may be beneficial in clinically relevant conditions where inflammation plays a role. From the third study it can be concluded that dietary RPO improved myocardial tolerance to ischaemia-reperfusion injury in a model of inflammation.
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Efeitos da sobrecarga hemodinâmica pulmonar experimental no sistema cardiovascular e na estrutura e função pulmonar / Effects of experimental pulmonary hemodynamic overload on cardiovascular system and pulmonary structural and functionFlávio Brito Filho 14 May 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A sobrecarga hemodinâmica pulmonar (SHP) está associada a entidades clínicas de elevada morbimortalidade como: o edema pulmonar pós-pneumonectomia, o tromboembolismo pulmonar, o transplante pulmonar e a situações fisiológicas como o exercício físico. Vários pontos da sua fisiopatologia não estão elucidados. OBJETIVOS: Estudar as alterações fisiopatológicas pulmonares e cardíacas induzidas pela SHP. MÉTODOS: Vinte porcos Large White foram anestesiados, intubados e submetidos à ventilação mecânica a volume seguida por toracotomia bilateral trans-esternal. Os elementos dos lobos pulmonares foram isolados através de dissecção cirúrgica, com reparo das artérias pulmonares do lobo inferior direito, lobo mediastinal e pulmão esquerdo. Os animais foram randômicamente alocados em 4 grupos de estudo (n=5), sendo um controle (C) e três de SHP (LI, LII e LIII) induzida através da oclusão das artérias pulmonares específicas. No grupo C (controle), todos os lobos tiveram sua perfusão mantida. No grupo LI, somente o pulmão direito foi perfundido. No grupo LII, o pulmão direito menos o lobo inferior e no grupo LIII, o pulmão direito menos os lobos mediastinal e inferior, obstruindo a vasculatura pulmonar em 42, 76 e 82% respectivamente. Variáveis de hemodinâmica e de trocas gasosas foram monitoradas durante 60 minutos de SHP. Ao final do regime de SHP o lobo médio foi ressecado para análise de variáveis estruturais: morfometria (alveolar e vascular) e cálculo da relação peso úmido / peso seco. Na análise estatística foram utilizados ajustes de modelos lineares mistos com estrutura de variâncias e covariâncias, ANOVA a um fator, regressão linear simples e regressão linear de efeitos mistos com intercepto e tendência aleatório. RESULTADOS: Nas comparações intergrupos houve diferenças significativas ao longo dos 60 minutos de SHP nas variáveis hemodinâmicas: Frequencia cardíaca (p=0,004), Pressão arterial média (p=0,01), Índice sistólico (p=0,002), Pressão arterial pulmonar (p=0,001) e Pressão capilar pulmonar (p<0,0001). Trocas gasosas: Relação PaO2/FiO2 (p=0,002), PaCO2 (p<0,0001), pH (p<0,0001), Índice de consumo tecidual de O2 (p=0,02), Fração de shunt (p=0,03). Estruturais: Edemas alveolar e perivascular (p<0,0001) em ambos e Relação peso úmido / peso seco (p=0, 005). Nas comparações intergrupos, não houve diferenças significativas das variáveis: Índice cardíaco (p=0,94), HCO3 (p=0,63), Índice de oferta tecidual de O2 (p=0,89) e Taxa de extração tecidual de O2 (p=0,08). CONCLUSÕES: A SHP promoveu disfunção pulmonar significativa em pulmões previamente hígidos com alterações estruturais (edema alveolar e perivascular) e elevação das pressões arterial e capilar pulmonar. A função cardíaca foi preservada apesar de grande redução no leito vascular pulmonar (82% no grupo LIII). No grupo LII houve melhora da disfunção pulmonar ao longo do tempo de SHP / INTRODUCTION: The pulmonary hemodynamic overload (PHO) is associates to high mortality and morbidity clinical entities as: postpneumonectomy pulmonary edema, pulmonary thromboembolism, lung transplantation and physiological situations as physical exercise. Some pathophysiological aspects related to PHO are not elucidated. OBJECTIVES: To study pulmonary and cardiac pathopysiological alterations induced by PHO. METHODS: Twenty Large White pigs were anesthetized, intubated and subjected to volume controlled mechanical ventilation followed to median sternotomy. Pulmonary lobes structures were isolated by surgical dissection and pulmonary arteries of left lung, right lower lobe and mediastinal lobe were completely isolated. The animals were randomized into 4 groups (n=5 each) with one control (C) and three of PHO (LI, LII and LIII) induced by pulmonary arterial occlusions specifics for each group. In the control group (C), all lobes were perfused, ie none of arteries were occluded. In the LI group, only the right lung was perfused; in the LII group, the right lung but the lower lobe; in LIII group, the right lung but the lower and mediastinal lobes, obstructing the pulmonary vasculature in 42, 76 and 82% respectively. Hemodynamics and gas exchange variables were monitored during 60 minutes of PHO. At the end of the study, the middle lobe was resected for analysis of structural variables: morphometry (alveolar and vascular) and calculation of the wet weight / dry weight ratio. Statistical analysis settings were used with mixed linear models of variance and covariance structure, a one-way ANOVA, simple linear regression and mixed effects linear regression with random intercept and trend. RESULTS: In intergroup comparisons there were significant differences during the 60 minutes of PHO in hemodynamic variables: Heart rate (p=0, 004), Systemic arterial pressure (p=0,01), Systolic index (p=0,002), Pulmonary arterial pressure (p=0,001) and Pulmonary capillary pressure (p <0,0001). Gas exchange: for PaO2/FiO2 ratio (p=0,002), PaCO2 (p<0,0001), arterial pH (p<0,0001), O2 consumption index (p=0,02), Shunt (p=0,03). Structural: perivascular and alveolar edema (p<0,0001) in both and the wet weight / dry weight ratio (p=0,005). There were no significant differences in intergroup comparisons of variables: Cardiac index (p=0,94), arterial HCO3 (p=0,63), O2 offer index (p=0,89) and O2 extraction (p=0,08). CONCLUSIONS: The PHO promoted significant pulmonary dysfunction in previously healthy lungs with structural changes (alveolar and perivascular edema) and increased arterial and pulmonary capillary pressures. Cardiac function was preserved despite the large reduction in pulmonary vascular bed (82% in group LIII). In LII group occurred reverse of pulmonary dysfunction with past of PHO time
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Etudes phytochimique et pharmacologique de Ziziphora clinopodioides (Lamiaceae), Nitraria sibirica (Nitrariaceae) et Echinops integrifolius (Asteraceae), plantes anti-hypertensives de la Pharmacopée ouïghoure / Phytochemical and pharmacological studies of Ziziphora clinopodioides (Lamiaceae ), Nitraria sibirica (Nitrariaceae) and Echinops integrifolius (Asteraceae), antihypertensive plants from the Uighur Pharmacopoeia.Sénejoux, François 02 December 2011 (has links)
Affectant près d'un milliard de personnes dans le monde, l'hypertension artérielle représente un facteur de risque majeur de pathologies cardiovasculaires et d'insuffisance rénale et constitue l'une des principales causes de mortalité. L'identification de traitements anti-hypertenseurs efficaces et tenant compte des particularités des différentes populations du globe présente ainsi un intérêt capital en termes de santé publique. Notre travail a été consacré à l'étude de plantes anti-hypertensives de la Pharmacopée ouïghoure, principale ethnie de la Région autonome du Xinjiang, vaste territoire montagneux et désertique situé au Nord-Ouest de la Chine. L'objectif de la thèse a été d'apporter des arguments scientifiques, phytochimiques et pharmacologiques, permettant de valider et valoriser l'utilisation traditionnelle de ces plantes. La première partie du travail a démontré sur le modèle d'aortes isolées de rat l'effet vasodilatateur de Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. (Lamiaceae). L'étude des mécanismes impliqués a permis d'identifier une action indépendante de l'endothélium vasculaire et secondaire à une modification des conductances calciques et potassiques. La réalisation d'un fractionnement bioguidé a permis l'identification de 7 métabolites vasoactifs d'origine phénolique. Dans une deuxième partie, les propriétés vasodilatatrices et hypotensives des fruits Nitraria sibirica Pall. (Nitrariaceae) ont été démontrées. L'endothélium vasculaire et la voie du monoxyde d'azote ont été identifiés comme les éléments fondamentaux de cette action vasodilatatrice. Dans une troisième partie, nos travaux ont étudié pour la première fois les effets vasorelaxants et la composition chimique d'Echinops integrifolius Kar. & Kir. (Asteraceae) et ont permis de caractériser 11 métabolites incluant des triterpènes, des flavonoïdes ainsi qu'une coumarine. En conclusion, notre travail de thèse a permis d'apporter, pour la première fois, des arguments expérimentaux soutenant l'usage anti-hypertensif des espèces Ziziphora clinopodioides et Nitraria sibirica. L'étude phytochimique d'Echinops integrifo/ius a également offert des informations chimiotaxonomiques utiles concernant cette espèce et le genre Echinops / Affecting nearly one billion people worldwide, hypertension is the most important risk factor for cardiovascular disease and kidney failure and it is also one of the leading causes of death. The identification of efficient antihypertensive treatments taking into account the specificities of different populations of the world is an important public-health challenge. Our work has been dedicated to the study of anti-hypertensive plants from the Uighur Pharmacopoeia, one of the major ethnie groups in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, a large desert and mountainous area from the northwestern China. The aim of this work was to provide phytochemical and pharmacological evidences to validate and to enhance the traditional use of these plants. First, the vasodilating properties of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. (Lamiaceae) have been shown by using the in vitro model of isolated rat aortic rings. Our data reported an endothelium-independent effect related to changes in calcium and potassium conductances. ln addition, a bioguided fractionation has been carried out and led to the identification of seven vasorelaxant phenolic compounds. Second, the vasodilating and the hypotensive effects of the fruits of Nitraria sibirica Pail. (Nitrariaceae) have been demonstrated and the contribution of vascular endothelium and nitric oxide pathway has been pointed out. Finally, the vasorelaxant properties and the chemical composition of Echinops integrifolius Kar. & Kir. have been investigated for the first time. Eleven secondary metabolites have been isolated including triterpenes, flavonoids and coumarins. ln conclusion, our results provide scientific evidences supporting the traditional use of Ziziphora clinopodioides and Nitraria sibirica as antihypertensive therapy. Additionaly, the phytochemical study of Echinops integrifolius gives chemotaxonomical data about that species and Echinops genus
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<p>Research examining the relationships between religious indicators and the cardiovascular health of individuals and populations has been relatively understudied in the Canadian context. This thesis contains three main studies, developed from a sequential explanatory mixed method research design.</p> <p>The first study examined the association between the frequency of religious service attendance (RSA) and prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD), diabetes and high blood pressure in Canada. The Saskatchewan sample of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS-4.1) was used to build multivariable logistic regression models. The analysis revealed participants who attended religious services more than once a week had lower prevalent odds of CHD (OR= 0.82, 95% CI 0.61-1.11, p>0.05), diabetes (OR=0.60, 95% CI 0.45-0.80, p</p> <p>The second study was qualitative and undertaken to help interpret and explain the quantitative results from the CCHS. Twelve semi-structured interviews with ordained pastors and three focus groups with parishioners in Catholic, Anglican and United churches were conducted in Canada. The findings suggest that attending religious services: (1) promotes mental health; (2) provides social support and activities; and (3) promotes health and lifestyle behaviours to lower CHD risk.</p> <p>Qualitative data from the second study was used for the third study, which identified relevant factors associated with the implementation of heart health promotion programs in churches. Among the various factors identified, pastor leadership, funding for a parish nurse, community-focused interventions, secured infrastructure and social support were important to facilitate health promotion programs in churches.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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