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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The embedding of gauged N = 8 supergravity into 11 dimensions

Krüger, Olaf 16 December 2016 (has links)
Diese Doktorarbeit behandelt die bosonische Einbettung der geeichten N = 8 Supergravitation in elf Dimensionen. Die höher dimensionalen Felder müssen zuerst nichtlinear umdefiniert werden, sodass ihre supersymmetrischen Transformationen mit denen der vierdimensionalen Felder verglichen werden können. So wurden in der Literatur nichtlineare Beziehungen zwischen den neu definierten elfdimensionalen Feldern und den Feldern der N = 8 Supergravitation gefunden. Darauf basierend können nun direkte Ansätze gefunden werden, die eine vierdimensionale in eine elfdimensionale Lösung der Supergravitation einbetten. Die Arbeit präsentiert alle Ansätze für die skalaren internen Felder. Zuerst werden die schon bekannten Einbettungsformeln für die inverse Metrik, das Dreiform-Potential mit gemischter Indexstruktur sowie das Sechsform-Potential zusammengefasst. Danach werden neue Ansätze für die explizite interne Metrik, das vollständige Dreiform-Potential, den Warp Faktor, die Vierform Feldstärke sowie den Freund-Rubin Faktor gefunden. Die Einbettung der Vektorbosonen hängt dann nur von den skalaren Feldern ab. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit benutzt die gefundenen Einbettungsformeln, um gruppeninvariante Lösungen der elfdimensionalen Supergravitation zu finden. In solchen Fällen hängen die höherdimensionalen Felder ausschließlich von speziellen gruppeninvarianten Tensoren ab, die auf die jeweilige interne Geometrie angepasst sind. Als Beispiel wird zuerst die schon bekannte Einbettung der G2 invarianten Supergravitation zusammengefasst. Dann wird eine neue SO(3)×SO(3) invariante Löung der elfdimensionalen Supergravitation gefunden. Schließlich wird die Konsistenz der gefundenen Lösungen für eine maximal symmetrische Raumzeit überprüft. Die Ergebnisse können auf andere Kompaktifizierungen verallgemeinert werden, z.B. auf die nichtkompakten CSO(p,q,r) Eichungen oder auf die Reduzierung der Typ IIB Supergravitation zu fünf Dimensionen. / This thesis presents the complete embedding of the bosonic section of gauged N = 8 supergravity into 11 dimensions. The fields of 11-dimensional supergravity are reformulated in a non-linear way, such that their supersymmetry transformations can be compared to the four-dimensional ones. In this way, non-linear relations between the redefined higher-dimensional fields and the fields of N = 8 supergravity were already found in the literature. This is the basis for finding direct uplift Ansätze for the bosonic fields of 11-dimensional supergravity in terms of the four-dimensional ones. This work gives the scalar Ans¨atze for the internal fields. First, the well known uplift formulae for the inverse metric, the three-form potential with mixed index structure and the six-form potential are summarized. Secondly, new embedding formulae for the explicit internal metric, the full three-form potential and the warp factor are presented. Additionally, two subsequent non-linear Ansätze for the full internal four-form field strength and the Freund-Rubin term are found. Finally, the vector uplift can simply be found in terms of the obtained scalar fields. The second part of this thesis uses the obtained embedding formulae in order to construct group invariant solutions of 11-dimensional supergravity. In such cases, the higher-dimensional fields can be written solely in terms of certain group invariant tensors that are adapted to the particular geometry of the internal space. Two such examples are discussed in detail. The first one is the well-known uplift of G2 gauged supergravity. Furthermore, a new SO(3)×SO(3) invariant solution of 11-dimensional supergravity is found. In particular, the consistency of both solutions is explicitly checked for a maximally symmetric spacetime. The results may be generalized to other compactifications, e.g. the non-compact CSO(p, q, r) gaugings or the reduction from type IIB supergravity to five dimensions.

Modos quase-normais de buracos negros plano-simétricos anti-de sitter em d dimensões / Quasinormal modes of plane-symetric anti-de sitter black holes in d dimensions

Morgan, Jaqueline 22 August 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Quasinormal modes of plane-symmetric anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes in d spacetime dimensions are investigated. Following the gauge invariant prescription developed by Kodama, Ishibashi and Seto (2000), fundamental equations for gravitational perturbation in such a background are constructed. Within such a prescription, metric perturbations naturally split into three disjoint classes. Namely, tensor, vector and scalar perturbations. However, different gauge invariant quantities are chosen in the present work, because they are more suited to the particular boundary conditions usually imposed to find quasinormal modes in AdS spacetimes than those used by Kodama, Ishibashi and Seto. In particular, the quantities used here present also the so called hydrodynamic modes, i. e., shear modes for vector perturbations and sound wave modes for the scalar ones, what is not found using the former quantities. It is also shown that there is just one shear mode, which does not depend upon the number of spacetime dimensions (d). Moreover, it is also found a general expression for the sound wave modes in terms of the number of the parameter d for scalar perturbations, and that there is no such a hydrodynamic mode for the tensor sector. Horowitz-Hubeny power series method is used in numerical analysis to find the dispersion relations for the first few quasinormal modes, and also for the hydrodynamic modes. This analysis is performed for five and six spacetime dimensions in the case of tensor perturbations, and for four, five and six dimensions in the cases of vector and scalar perturbations. The dispersion relations of regular modes present the same general behavior for all kinds of perturbations, Re(w) → q and Im(w) → 0 in the limit q → ∞, where w and q are the normalized frequency and the normalized wave number, respectively. / Investiga-se os modos quase-normais gravitacionais de buracos negros plano-simétricos anti-de Sitter em d dimensões, cuja geometria das seções espaciais é plana e cuja topologia pode ser plana, cilíndrica ou toroidal. Deduz-se equações fundamentais de perturbação gravitacional para este background, seguindo o formalismo invariante de gauge desenvolvido por Kodama, Ishibashi e Seto (2000), segundo o qual as perturbações métricas são naturalmente separadas em três setores ortogonais: tensorial, vetorial e escalar. Entretanto, são escolhidas diferentes quantidades invariantes de gauge tais que sob condições de contorno apropriadas fornecem os modos quase-normais hidrodinâmicos do buraco negro em questão. Particularmente, no limite hidrodinâmico, os modos de cisalhamento nas perturbações gravitacionais vetoriais e modos de onda sonora nas perturbações escalares são encontrados explicitamente. Mostra-se que o modo de cisalhamento é único e independe do número de dimensões, apresenta-se uma expressão para o modo de onda sonora válida para qualquer dimensão e verifica-se que as perturbações gravitacionais tensoriais não apresentam modos hidrodinâmicos. Utiliza-se o método de Horowitz-Hubeny para calcular numericamente os primeiros modos quase-normais comuns para cada setor de perturbação e apresentam-se as respectivas relações de dispersão Re(w) × q e Im(w)×q, onde w são as freqüências quase-normais e q é o número de onda normalizados. Também obtêm-se numericamente os modos hidrodinâmicos e suas relações de dispersão. Os modos quase-normais das perturbações tensoriais são calculados para buracos negros plano-simétricos anti-de Sitter em cinco e seis dimensões, e os modos quase-normais das perturbações vetoriais e escalares são calculados para buracos negros em quatro, cinco e seis dimensões. Observa-se que as relações de dispersão apresentam um comportamento geral onde Re(w) → q e Im(w) → 0 conforme q → ∞ independentemente do tipo de perturbação, número de dimensões e do modo quase-normal analisado.

Geometrické vlastnosti algebraicky speciálních prostoročasů / Algebraically special spacetimes - geometrical properties

Kuchynka, Martin January 2016 (has links)
In the thesis, we set out to study a certain class of algebraically special spacetimes in arbitrary dimension. These are the so-called spacetimes of Weyl and traceless Ricci type N. Our work can be divided into two parts. In the first part, we study general geometrical properties of spacetimes under consideration. In particular, we are interested in various properties of aligned null directions - certain significant null directions associated with algebraic structure of the Weyl and the Ricci tensor. Since the obtained results are of geometric nature, they are theory-independent and thus hold in Einstein's gravity as well as in its various generalizations. In the second part of our work, we apply these general results in the Einstein-Maxwell p-form theory, within which spacetimes of traceless Ricci type N emerge naturally as a part of a solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations with a null Maxwell field. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Twistor theory of higher-dimensional black holes

Metzner, Norman January 2012 (has links)
The correspondence of stationary, axisymmetric, asymptotically flat space-times and bundles over a reduced twistor space has been established in four dimensions. The main impediment for an application of this correspondence to examples in higher dimensions is the lack of a higher-dimensional equivalent of the Ernst poten- tial. This thesis will propose such a generalized Ernst potential, point out where the rod structure of the space-time can be found in the twistor picture and thereby provide a procedure for generating solutions to the Einstein field equations in higher dimensions from the rod structure, other asymptotic data, and the requirement of a regular axis. Examples in five dimensions are studied and necessary tools are developed, in particular rules for the transition between different adaptations of the patching matrix and rules for the elimination of conical singularities.

Chaotic transport by a turnstile mechanism in 4D symplectic maps

Hübner, Franziska 13 October 2020 (has links)
Many systems in nature, e.g. atoms, molecules and planetary motion, can be described as Hamiltonian systems. In such systems, the transport between different regions of phase space determines some of their most important properties like the stability of the solar system and the rate of chemical reactions. While the transport in lower-dimensional systems with two degrees of freedom is well understood, much less is known for the higher-dimensional case. A central new feature in higher-dimensional systems are transport phenomena due to resonance channels. In this thesis, we clarify the complex geometry of resonance channels in phase space and identify a turnstile mechanism that dominates the transport out of such channels. To this end, we consider the coupled standard map for numerical investigations as it is a generic example for 4D symplectic maps. At first, we visualize resonance channels in phase space revealing their highly non-trivial geometry. Secondly, we study the transport away from such channels. This is governed by families of hyperbolic 1D-tori and their stable and unstable manifolds. We provide an approach to measure the volume of a turnstile in higher dimensions as well as the corresponding transport. From the very good agreement of the two measurements we conclude that these structures are a suitable generalization of the well-known 2D turnstile mechanism to higher dimensions. / Viele Systeme in der Natur, z.B. Atome, Moleküle und Planetenbewegungen, können als Hamilton'sche Systeme beschrieben werden. In solchen Systemen bestimmt der Transport zwischen verschiedenen Regionen des Phasenraums einige ihrer wichtigsten Eigenschaften wie die Stabilität des Sonnensystems und die Geschwindigkeit chemischer Reaktionen. Während der Transport in niedrigdimensionalen Systemen mit zwei Freiheitsgraden gut verstanden ist, ist für den höherdimensionalen Fall deutlich weniger bekannt. Eine zentrales neues Merkmal von höherdimensionalen Systemen sind Transportphänomene aufgrund von Resonanzkanälen. In dieser Arbeit verdeutlichen wir die komplexe Geometrie von Resonanzkanälen im Phasenraum und identifizieren einen Drehkreuzmechanismus, der den Transport aus einem solchen Kanal heraus dominiert. Zu diesem Zweck betrachten wir die gekoppelte Standardabbildung für numerische Untersuchungen, da sie ein generisches Beispiel für 4D symplektische Abbildungen ist. Zuerst visualisieren wir Resonanzkanäle im Phasenraum und zeigen ihre höchst nicht-triviale Geometrie. Zweitens untersuchen wir den Transport weg von solchen Kanälen. Dieser wird durch Familien von hyperbolischen 1D-Tori sowie deren stabile und instabile Mannigfaltigkeiten bestimmt. Wir stellen einen Ansatz zur Messung sowohl des eingeschlossenen Volumens in höheren Dimensionen als auch des entsprechenden Transports vor. Aus der sehr guten Übereinstimmung der beiden Messungen schließen wir, dass diese Strukturen eine geeignete Verallgemeinerung des bekannten 2D Drehkreuzmechanismus in höheren Dimensionen sind.

Nevakuová přesná řešení / Exact solutions with matter fields

Kokoška, David January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate Robinson-Trautman solutions of Einstein's gravity cou- pled to a matter field in higher dimensions, specifically a conformally invariant and non- linear electromagnetic field. The latter possesses in general a non-zero energy-momentum tensor, which provides a source term in Einstein's equations. We focus concretely on an electromagnetic field aligned with the null vector field generating the expanding con- gruence of Robinson-Trautman spacetimes. At the beginning, we review the concept of optical scalars for a null vector field in higher dimensions and we use those to define the higher-dimensional Robinson-Trautman class of spacetimes. Next, we solve the corre- sponding Einstein's equations and present the complete family of exact solutions of the theory under consideration. We then contrast the obtained results with the known ones for the linear Maxwell theory in higher dimensions. As a check, we also compare our results to the well-known results in D = 4, since in this case our matter theory reduces to the standard linear Maxwell theory. Finally, we study properties of a subfamily of solutions which represent the static black holes within our class. In particular, we ana- lyze the asymptotic behaviour, we show that a curvature singularity is always present for r → 0 and the...

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