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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pre-employment Polygraphs and Ohio Law Enforcement Officers' Perceptions of Police Misconduct

Piraino, Peter Thomas 01 January 2017 (has links)
Despite convincing evidence of the polygraph instrument's lack of scientific validity and reliability in assessing deceptiveness in individuals, public-sector organizations in the United States continue to use the polygraph examination as a pre-employment screening tool. In addition to its lack of acceptance in the scientific community, little is known about the effectiveness of polygraph examinations, given as part of pre-employment screening, in predicting future misconduct in law enforcement officers. Two theoretical frameworks, Baumgartner and Jones' punctuated equilibrium model of policy change and Alvesson and Spicer's theory of functional stupidity, provided the theoretical foundation for this study. The purpose of this correlational study was to investigate the relationship between use of the pre-employment polygraph and officers' perceptions of police misconduct, which is a suspected precursor to actual future misconduct. Survey data were acquired through a convenience sample of 190 Ohio police officers. Data were analyzed using logistic regression. Findings revealed no statistically significant relationship between the pre-employment polygraph examination and officers' perceptions of police misconduct. The findings of this study begin to erode conventional thought that there are only positive aspects of the pre-employment polygraph. Law enforcement leaders and public policy makers such as police chiefs, county sheriffs, and local government administrators may benefit from this study. As a potential for positive social change, this study provides public policy makers with empirical data, as opposed to reliance on conventional wisdom and anecdotal evidence, for informed decision making about use of the pre-employment polygraph in public-sector hiring.

Strategies to Recruit and Hire Military Veterans

Asoh, Chinyere 01 January 2016 (has links)
The inability of business owners to hire skilled employees affects the profitability of a small business. Small business owners may attain profitability by understanding the value of military veterans and cultivating strategies for the hiring and recruitment process. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies that business owners in Fayetteville, North Carolina used to recruit military veterans as a means to acquire skilled employees to maximize productivity, profitability, and sustainability. The conceptual framework of this study included human capital theory and recruitment theory. The purposive sample consisted of 6 participants who were small business owners. Data from interviews and supporting documents were processed and analyzed using data source triangulation to identify 3 emergent themes. Findings indicated that, for these 6 Fayetteville small business owners, job description and transition workshops, resume review and communication, and accommodations and benefits were key attributes related to the successful recruitment of military veterans as skilled employees. Specifically, streamlined hiring processes, relationship building, and access to resources were predictive of a successful hire. Knowledge barriers regarding hiring processes prevented efficient communication between small business owners and military veterans, but business owners cultivated strategies to help with hiring military veterans. The implications for positive social change include the potential for business owners to capitalize on the skills that military veterans bring to the civilian workforce, which in turn may improve the economy.

Exploring the Cybersecurity Hiring Gap

Pierce, Adam O. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Cybersecurity is one of the fastest growing segments of information technology. The Commonwealth of Virginia has 30,000 cyber-related jobs open because of the lack of skilled candidates. The study is necessary because some business managers lack strategies for hiring cybersecurity professionals for U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) contracts. The purpose of this case study was to explore strategies business managers in DoD contracting companies used to fill cybersecurity positions. The conceptual framework used for this study was the organizational learning theory. A purposeful sample of 8 successful business managers with cybersecurity responsibilities working for U.S. DoD contracting companies that successfully hired cybersecurity professionals in Hampton Roads, VA participated in the study. Data collection included semistructured interviews and a review of job postings from the companies represented by the participants. Coding, content, and thematic analysis were the methods used to analyze data. Within-methods triangulation was used to add accuracy to the analysis. At the conclusion of the data analysis, two main themes emerged: maintaining contractual requirements and a strong recruiting process. Contractual requirements guided how hiring managers hired cybersecurity personnel and executed the contract. A strong hiring process added efficiency to the hiring process. The findings of the study may contribute to positive social change by encouraging the recruitment and retention of cybersecurity professionals. Skilled cybersecurity professionals may safeguard businesses and society from Internet crime, thereby encouraging the safe exchange and containment of data.

Effective Nurse Recruitment Methods for Long-Term Care Facilities

LaPrade, Keith 01 January 2019 (has links)
Nurse recruitment is a challenge for long-term care (LTC) leaders. Some owners of LTC businesses lack knowledge of how to attract, market, and hire qualified nurses to help ensure success. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the methods and strategies LTC leaders used to recruit nurses. The target population consisted of leaders of 3 LTC facilities who were responsible for recruiting nurses. This selection was based on findings that organization leaders experienced a downsizing of more than 20% of their personnel. The conceptual framework was the motivation-hygiene theory. Working conditions were influenced by Herzberg's 2-factor principles of job dissatisfaction. I focused on analyzing the participant data, public documents, and performance outcomes that demonstrated the effectiveness of participant recruitment strategies. Data were collected from semistructured interviews. I compared the motivational hygiene theory factors that influenced employee job satisfaction and dissatisfaction identified with the conceptual framework and any new studies published since beginning my study. Results of data coding and analysis revealed 3 major themes: communicating job descriptions to new LTC recruits, hiring for nurse–position fit to address turnover, and making the position attractive by offering competitive wages and benefits. Successful recruiting strategies included ensuring nurse position fit, contacting qualified candidates, and work conditions designed to meet candidates' needs, expectations, and requirements. Results of this study might contribute to social change by providing recruitment strategies to ensure quality nursing services in LTC and strategies necessary to sustain business operations.

Exploring Financial Management Practices of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Nigeria

Obazee, Alero Theodora 01 January 2019 (has links)
Most owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria are inadequately prepared to perform the financial management tasks required for business sustainability. This case study, guided by institutional theory, was conducted to explore how SME owners can be prepared to implement financial management effectively for business sustainability in Edo state, Nigeria. The research question addressed the understanding of experienced SME owners regarding how they can develop necessary financial management skills for sustaining a business in Edo state. Data were collected using semistructured interview, and field notes from 15 SME owners in Edo state who had prior knowledge of, experience with, and education on financial management and had been managing an SME for at least 3 years. Through Yin's 5-step data analysis process, member checking, and triangulation, the themes that emerged were strategic accounting practice, knowledge of financial planning, hiring an accountant, record keeping, obtaining accounting education, and embracing technology and financial management software. The study findings have the potential to contribute to positive social change by indicating how SMEs can be more effective in generating employment, ensuring sustainability, and improving the standard of living.

"They Are Hiring the White Women but They Won't Hire the Colored Women": Black Women Confront Racism and Sexism in the Richmond Shipyards During World War II

Tuft, Paige 01 May 2015 (has links)
During World War II, black women migrated largely out of the South to take advantage of the growing defense industries in California. Black women flocked to the shipbuilding industry in Richmond for the great economic opportunities industrial jobs offered. What they found when they arrived and attempted to secure jobs in the shipyards hardly lived up to their dreams and expectations. Black women found themselves faced with dual discrimination due to their race and gender. The shortage of available manpower opened up the traditionally white male shipbuilding industry to women and minorities but it did not guarantee them equal treatment or employment opportunities. Women faced hostile treatment from their male coworkers, especially in the form of sexual harassment, while black workers experienced racist comments and behavior. Black women experienced both gender and racial harassment. Yet, they chose not to fight against the interpersonal discrimination they experienced in the workplace. Black women fought against the dual discrimination that hindered their employment opportunities. The shipyards and the union worked together to limit the employment opportunities of black women. They practiced many methods of discrimination that denied black women jobs. The union used residency requirements and a quota system to limit black women’s access to shipyard jobs. This discrimination extended beyond hiring practices. The shipyards and union worked together to keep black women out of skilled occupations regardless of their training and prior experience. They also denied black women access to supervisory positions. These discriminatory policies and practices severely limited the employment opportunities of black women but they continuously fought for greater access to jobs and sought government support for their efforts. As black women confronted this double burden due to their race and gender, they fought most strongly against discrimination that affected their employment opportunities. They migrated to the Bay Area to take advantage of industrial jobs in the shipbuilding industry and they did everything in their power to acquire these jobs despite the many forms of discrimination that attempted to thwart their plans.

Political bias in hiring : people consider political opponents as less hireable than others without weighting criteria to justify why

Wiberg, Karin January 2019 (has links)
Previous studies have shown that characteristics like gender and ethnicity can affect the possibility to be hired. Decisions in hiring may also be justified by weighting the importance of hiring criteria and can thus seem unbiased. In other areas, bias due to political affiliation have been noted to be even more pronounced than bias due to ethnicity. However, effects of candidates’ political affiliation in hiring are not equally researched. This study aimed to fill this blank. Participants (N= 283) were randomized to a between-subjects design; A third read a resumé from a candidate affiliating with the The Left Party, a third read a resumé from a candidate affiliating with The Sweden Democrats, a party at the right end of the spectrum, and a third read a resumé from a candidate with no political affiliation. After reading the resumés, participants evaluated the hireability of their candidate. They also stated which hiring criteria, experience or education, was considered most important in this evaluation. Results showed that participants evaluated candidates with divergent political affiliation from the own as less hireable than candidates with unknown political affiliation, or a politicalaffiliation more similar to the own. Cues of political affiliation may thus be a disadvantage for an individual, applying for a job. However, biased evaluations were not justified to seem unbiased by weighting criteria. It is suggested that social norms do not imply hiding political bias to the same degree as bias due to for example gender or ethnicity.

Dimensions of Enterprise Hypocrisy with Specifics to Recruitment & Selection

Bhaur, Amer, Mulač, Jakub January 2007 (has links)
<p>The increase in white-collar crimes has become a common feature around the globe and</p><p>its impact has left many conglomerates despaired affecting businesses, economies,</p><p>employees and families that are somehow related to these organizations. The famous</p><p>money laundering and accounting scandals such as; Parmalat, Adelphia, Yukos Oil</p><p>Company, Qwest Communications International, Tyco, and WorldCom, are true bitter</p><p>realities of the corporate world. The dilemma is costing enterprises great amounts of</p><p>money to set the image right that keeps on getting wrong. People are hired on loads of</p><p>relevant work experience with excellent academic backgrounds, yet the strain of</p><p>dishonesty lurks within the individual worker of an organization.</p><p>The purpose of the research is to investigate the dismal realities that occur within the</p><p>recruiters’ conscious or subconscious mind during a recruitment and selection process</p><p>(the gateway to an organization). Our objective is to identify the dimensions of enterprise</p><p>hypocrisy and to understand and explain the scenarios and the ways professionals are</p><p>trying to cope with the matter.</p><p>The recruiters see the white collar crimes as a potential rising concern and are using</p><p>personality test such as the OPQ 32 (Occupational Personality Questionnaire) together</p><p>with other methods (interviews, references, intuition, education, etc.) in hiring the right</p><p>candidate for the job, which hopefully would be potentially harmless to the organization.</p><p>The findings are not based on a systematic comparative study and can therefore only be</p><p>interpreted as indicative.</p>

Dimensions of Enterprise Hypocrisy with Specifics to Recruitment &amp; Selection

Bhaur, Amer, Mulač, Jakub January 2007 (has links)
The increase in white-collar crimes has become a common feature around the globe and its impact has left many conglomerates despaired affecting businesses, economies, employees and families that are somehow related to these organizations. The famous money laundering and accounting scandals such as; Parmalat, Adelphia, Yukos Oil Company, Qwest Communications International, Tyco, and WorldCom, are true bitter realities of the corporate world. The dilemma is costing enterprises great amounts of money to set the image right that keeps on getting wrong. People are hired on loads of relevant work experience with excellent academic backgrounds, yet the strain of dishonesty lurks within the individual worker of an organization. The purpose of the research is to investigate the dismal realities that occur within the recruiters’ conscious or subconscious mind during a recruitment and selection process (the gateway to an organization). Our objective is to identify the dimensions of enterprise hypocrisy and to understand and explain the scenarios and the ways professionals are trying to cope with the matter. The recruiters see the white collar crimes as a potential rising concern and are using personality test such as the OPQ 32 (Occupational Personality Questionnaire) together with other methods (interviews, references, intuition, education, etc.) in hiring the right candidate for the job, which hopefully would be potentially harmless to the organization. The findings are not based on a systematic comparative study and can therefore only be interpreted as indicative.

Att anställa en chef : Svenska platsannonsers utveckling de senaste tio åren

Andersson, Henrik, Hildonen, Mattis January 2008 (has links)
Rekrytering är en viktig komponent för alla organisationer oavsett om det handlar om ett företag, ett fotbollslag, en sekt eller dylikt. Det är i grund och botten rekrytering som skapar en organisation. Ledare är viktiga personer för ett företag, det är de som sammanfogar de anställda, driver företaget framåt och utgör stommen i en organisation. Vi har valt att sammanfoga dessa två genom att undersöka hur företag rekryterar ledare genom platsannonser; dess utformning och hur de har utvecklats över de senaste tio åren. Utifrån befintlig rekryteringsteori har vi, för att underlätta en kvantifiering av platsannonserna, utformat en analysmodell som kategoriserar den teoretiska utvecklingen i tre olika generationer. Generation ett syftar bakåt i tiden och letar efter färdigheter och erfarenheter, annonser som faller under generation två fokuserar mer på relevanta personliga egenskaper medan generation tre blickar framåt och ser vad personen i fråga kan uträtta. I en kvantitativ analys av platsannonser i Dagens Nyheter fann vi först och främst att vår kategorisering var relevant. Vi fann vidare att utvecklingen tenderar att följa vår indelning, från generation ett, mot generation två till generation tre som dock ännu inte fått något större genomslag. Internetboomen i samhället har öppnat upp för en stor del annonser som i princip endast länkar till företagens hemsida.

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