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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Computational Study of Procyanidin Binding to Histatin 5 and Thermodynamic Properties of Hofmeister-Anion Binding to a Hydrophobic Cavitand

Shraberg, Joshua 18 December 2014 (has links)
Various studies suggest tannins act as antioxidants, anticarcinogens, cardio-protectants, anti-inflammatory agents, and antimicrobials. However, more investigation is needed to examine the bioavailability of tannins. Tannins bind to salivary peptides by hydrophilic and hydrophobic mechanisms. Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) has been used to assess both hydrophilic and hydrophobic components of protein complexes. ESI-MS could potentially be an effective tool for screening the bioavailability of tannins. Weaker binding tannins are predicted to be more highly absorbed by the body, and should therefore exhibit greater bioavailability. Rannulu and Cole have used ESI-MS to measure binding affinities of procyanidin tannin stereoisomers for salivary peptides in aqueous solution. The condensed tannins procyanidin B1, B2, B3, and B4 demonstrated significantly different binding affinities (binding strengths) for the Histatin 5 salivary peptide. The procyanidin-Histatin 5 binding mechanisms in the ESI-MS experiments by Rannulu and Cole were investigated using the FRED docking program combined with molecular dynamics optimization in the AMBER software suite. The simulations suggest residual liquid-phase binding interactions in procyanidin-Histatin 5 complexes are maintained in the gas phase under conditions resembling those in ESI-MS experiments, though the gas-phase interaction energies were enhanced. Increased hydrogen bonding and decreased π-π stacking interactions were also detected in gas versus liquid-phase procyanidin-Histatin 5 complexes. In addition, simulation results suggest multiple conformations of procyanidins bind Histatin 5 at several sites and procyanidin binding does not fix the Histatin 5 peptide backbone. The simulations agree with previous studies which indicate aromatic Histatin 5 residues are responsible for procyanidin-Histatin 5 binding and tannins can bind salivary peptides in multiple conformations. The effects of Hofmeister salts on complexation of an amphiphilic guest adamantane carboxylic acid to the hydrophobic surface of a deep-cavity cavitand have been investigated by Gibb et al. Adamantane-cavitand binding was found to be largely enthalpically driven, though adamantane binding in the presence of the salting-in anions perchlorate and thiocyanate was entropically driven. Gibb et al. also found that perchlorate-cavitand binding was enthalpically favorable, though entropically unfavorable. Potential-of-mean-force (PMF) calculations for perchlorate-cavitand and thiocyanate-cavitand complexation were performed using umbrella sampling with a modified version of the sander module from the Amber 9 software suite to further investigate the thermodynamic properties of Hofmeister-anion binding to the hydrophobic cavitand. The enthalpy for salting-in anion-cavitand complexation was calculated from the potential energy difference between the bound and unbound state (the potential energy of binding) along with the entropy. The binding entropy and enthalpy were also calculated using a finite difference approximation to the entropy. The enthalpy for perchlorate-cavitand complexation calculated from the binding energy and the finite difference approximation to the entropy was favorable with an unfavorable entropy. The binding enthalpy and entropy for thiocyanate-cavitand complexation calculated from the binding energy and finite difference approximation to the entropy were unfavorable and favorable, respectively, perhaps due to a classical hydrophobic effect. The orientation of the ligand, the number of water molecules displaced from the ligand and cavitand upon complexation, and the number of nearest-neighbor atom contacts between the ligand and the cavitand were also calculated. Additionally, the energetics of various interactions involved in salting-in anion-cavitand complexation including the anion-cavitand, anion-water, cavitand-water, and water-water interactions were assessed, though the data were inconclusive.

Analysis of the mechanism and the regulation of histatin 5 resistance in \(Candida\) \(albicans\) / Analyse des Mechanismus und der Regulierung von Histatin 5 Resistenz in \(Candida\) \(albicans\)

Hampe, Irene Aurelia Ida January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Antimycotics such as fluconazole are frequently used to treat C. albicans infections of the oral mucosa. Prolonged treatment of the fungal infection with fluconazole pose a risk to resistance development. C. albicans can adapt to these stressful environmental changes by regulation of gene expression or by producing genetically altered variants that arise in the population. Adapted variants frequently carry activating mutations in zinc cluster transcription factors, which cause the upregulation of their target genes, including genes encoding efflux pumps that confer drug resistance. MDR1, regulated by the zinc cluster transcription factor Mrr1, as well as CDR1 and CDR2, regulated by the zinc cluster transcription factor Tac1, are well-known examples of genes encoding efflux pumps that extrude the antimycotic fluconazole from the fungal cell and thus contribute to the survival of the fungus. In this study, it was investigated if C. albicans can develop resistance to the antimicrobial peptide histatin 5, which serves as the first line of defence in the oral cavity of the human host. Recently, it was shown that C. albicans transports histatin 5 outside of the Candia cell via the efflux pump Flu1. As efflux pumps are often regulated by zinc cluster transcription factors, the Flu1 efflux pump could also be regulated by a zinc cluster transcription factor which could in a hyperactive form upregulate the expression of the efflux pump, resulting in increased export of histatin 5 and consequently in histatin 5 resistance. In order to find a zinc cluster transcription factor that upregulates FLU1 expression, a comprehensive library of C. albicans strains containing artificially activated forms of zinc cluster transcription factors was screened for suitable candidates. The screening was conducted on medium containing mycophenolic acid because mycophenolic acid is also a substrate of Flu1 and a strain expressing a hyperactive zinc cluster transcription factor that upregulates FLU1 expression should exhibit an easily recognisable mycophenolic acid-resistant phenotype. Further, FACS analysis, quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis, broth microdilution assays as well as histatin 5 assays were conducted to analyse the mechanism and the regulation of histatin 5 resistance. Several zinc cluster transcription factors caused mycophenolic acid resistance and upregulated FLU1 expression. Of those, only hyperactive Mrr1 was able to confer increased histatin 5 resistance. Finding Mrr1 to confer histatin 5 resistance was highly interesting as fluconazole-resistant strains with naturally occurring Mrr1 gain of function mutations exist, which were isolated from HIV-infected patients with oral candidiasis. These Mrr1 gain of function mutations as well as artificially activated Mrr1 cause fluconazole resistance by upregulation of the efflux pump MDR1 and other target genes. In the course of the study, it was found that expression of different naturally occurring MRR1 gain-of-function mutations in the SC5314 wild type background caused increased FLU1 expression and increased histatin 5 resistance. The same was true for fluconazole-resistant clinical isolates with Mrr1 gain of function mutations, which also caused the overexpression of FLU1. Those cells were less efficiently killed by histatin 5 dependent on Mrr1. Surprisingly, FLU1 contributed only little to histatin 5 resistance, rather, overexpression of MDR1 mainly contributed to the Mrr1-mediated histatin 5 resistance, but also additional Mrr1-target genes were involved. These target genes are yet to be uncovered. Moreover, if a link between the yet unknown Mrr1-target genes contributing to fluconazole resistance and increased histatin 5 resistance can be drawn remains to be discovered upon finding of the responsible target genes. Collectively, this study contributes to the understanding of the impact of prolonged antifungal exposure on the interaction between host and fungus. Drug therapy can give rise to resistance evolution resulting in strains that have not only developed resistance to fluconazole but also to an innate host mechanism, which allows adaption to the host niche even in the absence of the drug. / Antimykotika wie Fluconazol werden häufig zur Behandlung von C. albicans Infektionen der Mundschleimhaut verwendet. Dabei stellt eine langzeitige Behandlung der Pilzinfektion mit Fluconazol ein Risiko zur Resistenzentwicklung dar. C. albicans kann sich an solche Umweltveränderungen anpassen, indem es die Genexpression reguliert oder genetisch veränderte Varianten produziert, welche in der Population entstehen. Adaptierte Varianten tragen häufig aktivierende Mutationen in Zink-Cluster-Transkriptionsfaktoren, welche die Hochregulierung der Expression von Genen verursachen, darunter solche, die für Multidrug-Effluxpumpen kodieren und dadurch Antimykotikaresistenz verleihen können. MDR1, reguliert durch den Zink-Cluster-Transkriptionsfaktor Mrr1, sowie CDR1 und CDR2, reguliert durch den Zink-Cluster-Transkriptionsfaktor Tac1, sind bekannte Beispiele für Effluxpumpen, die das Antimykotikum Fluconazol aus der Pilzzelle extrudieren und somit zum Überleben der Pilzzelle beitragen. In dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob C. albicans eine Resistenz gegen das antimikrobielle Peptid Histatin 5 entwickeln kann, das in der Mundhöhle des menschlichen Wirtes als erste Verteidigungsbarriere gegen den Pilz dient. Kürzlich wurde gezeigt, dass C. albicans Histatin 5 über die Effluxpumpe Flu1 aus der Candia-Zelle heraustransportiert (Li et al., 2013). Da Effluxpumpen häufig durch Zink-Cluster-Transkriptionsfaktoren reguliert werden, könnte auch die Flu1-Effluxpumpe durch solch einen Transkriptionsfaktor reguliert werden, der in einer hyperaktiven Form die Expression der Effluxpumpe hochregulieren könnte, was wiederrum zu einem erhöhten Export von Histatin 5 und folglich zur Histatin 5 Resistenz führen könnte. Um einen Zink-Cluster-Transkriptionsfaktor zu finden, der die FLU1-Expression hochreguliert, wurde mit Hilfe einer Bibliothek von C. albicans-Stämmen, die künstlich aktivierte Formen von Zink-Cluster-Transkriptionsfaktoren enthält, nach geeigneten Kandidaten gesucht. Das Screening wurde auf Mycophenolsäure-haltigem Medium durchgeführt, da Mycophenolsäure ebenfalls ein Substrat von Flu1 ist. Folglich sollte ein Stamm mit hyperaktivem Zink-Cluster-Transkriptionsfaktor, welcher die FLU1-Expression hochreguliert, einen leicht erkennbaren Mycophenolsäure-resistenten Phänotyp aufweisen. Weiterhin wurden FACS-Analysen, quantitative real-time RT-PCR-Analysen, Broth microdilution-Assays sowie Histatin 5-Assays durchgeführt, um den Mechanismus und die Regulierung der Histatin-5-Resistenz zu analysieren. Mehrere Zink-Cluster-Transkriptionsfaktoren verursachten Mycophenolsäure-Resistenz und erhöhten die FLU1-Expression. Von diesen war nur hyperaktives Mrr1 in der Lage, eine erhöhte Histatin-5-Resistenz zu verleihen. Das Auffinden von Mrr1 als Regulator der Histatin 5-Resistenz war hochinteressant, da fluconazolresistente Stämme mit natürlich vorkommenden MRR1 gain-of-function Mutationen existieren, die aus HIV-infizierten Patienten mit oropharyngealer Candidiasis isoliert wurden. Diese gain-of-function Mutationen sowie künstlich aktivierendes Mrr1 verursachen Fluconazol-Resistenz durch Hochregulation der Effluxpumpe MDR1 und anderer Zielgene. Im Verlauf der Studie wurde herausgefunden, dass verschiedene natürlich vorkommende MRR1 gain-of-function Mutationen im SC5314 Wildtyp Hintergrund eine erhöhte FLU1-Expression und eine erhöhte Histatin-5-Resistenz verursachten. Das Gleiche galt für Fluconazol-resistente klinische Isolate mit Mrr1 gain-of-function Mutationen, welche die Überexpression von FLU1 verursachten. Zellen dieser Isolate wurden, abhängig von Mrr1, weniger wirksam durch Histatin 5 abgetötet. Überraschenderweise trug FLU1 nur wenig zur Histatin-5-Resistenz bei, vielmehr trug die Überexpression von MDR1 hauptsächlich zur Mrr1-vermittelten Histatin-5-Resistenz bei, aber auch weitere Mrr1-Zielgene waren daran beteiligt. Diese Mrr1-Zielgene gilt es nun noch zu entdecken. Ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen diesen noch unbekannten Mrr1-Zielgenen hergestellt werden kann, die zur Fluconazolresistenz sowie zu einer erhöhten Histatin-5-Resistenz beitragen, wird erst nach dem Auffinden der verantwortlichen Zielgene geprüft werden können. Zusammenfassend trägt diese Studie zum Verständnis der Auswirkungen einer anhaltenden antimykotischen Exposition auf die Interaktion zwischen Wirt und Pilz bei. Eine medikamentöse Therapie kann zu einer Resistenzentwicklung führen, aus der Stämme hervorgehen, welche nicht nur eine Resistenz gegen Fluconazol entwickelt haben, sondern gleichzeitig eine Resistenz gegen einen angeborenen Wirtsabwehrmechanismus, der eine Adaption an die Wirtsnische auch in Abwesenheit des Antimykotikums ermöglicht.

Probing protein - Pili interactions by optical tweezers and 3D molecular modelling

Shirdel, Mariam January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Desenvolvimento e caracterização de lipossomas com diferentes composições lipídicas contendo o peptídeo antifúngico 0WHistatina-5 / Development and characterization of liposomes with different lipid compositions containing the anti-fungal peptide 0WHistatin-5 / Desarrollo y caracterización de liposomas con diferentes composiciones lipídicas que contienen el péptido antifúngico 0WHistatina-5

Zambom, Carolina Reis 02 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Carolina Reis Zambom null (carolinarz@gmail.com) on 2018-03-20T17:16:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Carol_versão correçãotodos_versãofinalpósdefesa-edit.pdf: 2874016 bytes, checksum: 09ff8b1558d91035a2e106afc33f8bd8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Carolina Gonçalves Bet null (abet@iq.unesp.br) on 2018-03-23T17:38:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 zambom_cr_me_araiq_int.pdf: 2737311 bytes, checksum: 4eca302db8e9f1efe9d15f6049d7aa9a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-23T17:38:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 zambom_cr_me_araiq_int.pdf: 2737311 bytes, checksum: 4eca302db8e9f1efe9d15f6049d7aa9a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-02 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Atualmente aproximadamente 75-88% das infecções fúngicas são causadas por espécies de Candida, que geram um custo de 1,7 bilhões de dólares para a saúde pública, somente nos EUA. Candida albicans é o principal microrganismo causador da candidíase bucal, uma infecção da mucosa oral do organismo humano. A patogenicidade dessa espécie está relacionada com a formação de biofilmes, que agem como um revestimento impermeável e protetor, e tornam o microrganismo resistente a medicamentos convencionais. Neste caso, os antifúngicos mais comumente utilizados, não apresentam ação eficaz. Por esse motivo, a busca por novas opções de tratamento e por novos medicamentos está em constante desenvolvimento, principalmente na área da biotecnologia. Um exemplo disso são os peptídeos antifúngicos da família das Histatinas, entre eles a Histatina-5. Trata-se de um peptídeo naturalmente encontrado na saliva humana, mas que sofre rápida degradação quando presente na cavidade bucal, que é seu local de ação. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de lipossomas de diferentes composições lipídicas, na intenção de proteger o peptídeo e melhorar sua ação, preservando seu potencial antifúngico. Para isso foi sintetizado o peptídeo 0WHistatina-5, um análogo do peptídeo Histatina-5, que contém o aminoácido triptofano em sua sequência. Foi utilizado o método de síntese em fase sólida, seguido de clivagem e purificação, com confirmação da massa molecular utilizando HPLC e ESI-MS. Os lipossomas foram produzidos pelo método de hidratação do filme lipídico, em 3 composições lipídicas diferentes, denominadas de F1, F2 e F3. F1 possui somente DPPC e Chol em sua composição, F2 contém, além desses componentes, PEG e F3 contém DPPC, Chol e POPG. Os lipossomas foram submetidos a processo de extrusão e sonicação para padronização do tamanho das vesículas, e estudo da melhor técnica para sua produção. Os lipossomas foram caracterizados por espalhamento de luz dinâmico determinação da eficiência de encapsulação, cinética de liberação, estabilidade e avaliação da atividade antifúngica. O método de síntese do peptídeo 0WHistatina-5 foi adequado e o processo de purificação possibilitou a obtenção do peptídeo com alto grau de pureza. Os lipossomas obtidos por extrusão apresentaram tamanho médio na faixa de 100 nm, enquanto os lipossomas obtidos por sonicação apresentaram tamanho menor, na faixa de 90 nm. Os lipossomas contendo 0WHistatina-5, apresentaram aumento em seu tamanho médio, indicando que o peptídeo está contido no compartimento interno aquoso dos lipossomas. A eficiência de encapsulação foi maior para os lipossomas obtidos por sonicação, sendo de 34,5% para a formulação F1, que contém DPPC e Chol em sua composição. A composição lipídica dos lipossomas está relacionada com a sua eficiência de encapsulação, e a presença de colesterol dificultou a encapsulação do peptídeo. A estabilidade das formulações também está relacionada com sua composição, sendo a formulação F3, obtida por sonicação e com POPG em sua formulação, a que apresentou melhor estabilidade quando armazenada por 60 dias a temperatura de 4°C. As formulações desenvolvidas apresentaram capacidade de liberar o peptídeo pelo tempo total de 96 horas, com o primeiro pico de liberação após 5 horas, e novo aumento do conteúdo liberado após 30 horas. O ensaio antimicrobiano foi realizado utilizando C. albicans ATCC 10231, e demostrou que no tempo de 4 horas a inibição para F1 foi de 66,5%. Assim, este trabalho demonstrou que a utilização de sistemas nanoestruturados é de grande importância para viabilizar a aplicação do peptídeo Histatina-5 em estudos terapêuticos, e em estudos in vivo no futuro. / Currently, approximately 75-88% of fungal infections are caused by Candida species, which generate a cost of $ 1.7 billion for public health in the US. Candida albicans is the main microorganism that causes oral candidiasis, an infection of the oral mucosa of the human organism. The pathogenicity of this species is related to the formation of biofilms, which act as an impermeable and protective coating, and make the microorganism resistant to conventional drugs. In this case, the most commonly used antifungals, have no effective action. For this reason, the search for new treatment options and new drugs is in constant development, especially in the biotechnology area. The antifungal peptides of the Histatin family, including Histatin-5, are an example. The Histatin-5 is a peptide naturally found in human saliva, but it undergoes rapid degradation when present in the oral cavity, which is its place of action. For this reason, this work aimed at developing liposomes of different lipid compositions, in order to protect the peptide, improve its action, and preserve its antifungal potential. For this, the peptide 0WHistatin-5, an analog of the peptide Histatin-5, was synthesized, which contains the amino acid tryptophan in its sequence. Therefore, the peptide was synthesized manually by the solid phase synthesis method, followed by cleavage and purification. The molecular weight was confirmed by using HPLC and ESI-MS. The liposomes were produced by the lipid film hydration method, with three different lipid compositions, named F1, F2 and F3. F1 has only DPPC and Chol in its composition, F2 contains, in addition to these components, PEG and F3 contains DPPC, Chol and POPG. The liposomes were submitted to extrusion and sonication processes, in order to standardize their vesicle size, and determine the best technique for their production. The dynamic light scattering technique was used to characterize the liposomes, which were tested for encapsulation efficiency, release kinetics, stability and evaluation of the antifungal activity. The synthesis method of the Histatin-5 was adequate and the purification process allowed to obtain the peptide in high purity. The liposomes obtained by extrusion presented average size in the range of 100 nm, while the liposomes obtained by sonication presented a smaller size, in the range of 90 nm. Liposomes loaded with Histatin-5 showed an increase in their mean size, which indicated that the peptide was contained in the intern aqueous compartment of the liposomes. The encapsulation efficiency was higher for the liposomes obtained by sonication. The F1 formulation presented an encapsulation efficiency of 34.5%, which contains DPPC and Chol in its composition. The lipid composition of the liposomes was related to their encapsulation efficiency, and the presence of cholesterol hindered the encapsulation of the peptide. The stability of the formulations was also related to their compositions. The F3 formulation obtained by sonication and containing POPG presented a higher stability when stored for 60 days at 4°C. The formulations showed the ability to release the peptide in the total period of 96 hours. The first release peak was observed after 5 hours, and a further increase of the released content was verified after 30 hours. The antimicrobial assay was performed using C. albicans ATCC 10231. It demonstrated that the inhibition for F1 was 66.5% after four hours of incubation, and it was maintained at 30% until the end of the experiment. Thus, this work conclusions showed that the use of nanostructured systems is of great importance to enable the application of Histatin-5 in therapeutic studies, and in vivo studies in the future. / 132393/20166

Metallopeptides As Model Systems For The Study Of Cu(II)-Dependent Oxidation Chemistry

Tay, William Maung 01 April 2008 (has links)
Copper is one of the essential metal ions for aerobic organisms. Two well known functions of copper in the biological systems are electron transfer and molecular oxygen interaction. Thus, this metal can be found in haemocyanin, an oxygen carrier protein, and superoxide dismutase, an enzyme that involves in electron transfer. In addition, having a positive redox potential allows copper to be involved in redox chemistry. It is the redox properties of copper that are responsible for many important biochemical processes. Although the copper-containing oxidases have been well studied over the years, certain mechanistic details such as reaction intermediates remain to be elucidated. Several research groups have been trying to study this by trying to mimic the native systems, synthesizing bulky organic molecules with copper-binding and oxidative capabilities. However, these model systems are only applicable in organic solvents at low temperatures. In this study, three naturally occurring peptides, amyloid-ß, bacitracin, and histatin 5, have been shown to display the oxidative chemistry when complexed with CuII. A combination of spectroscopic (UV-Vis and NMR) and reactivity was used in studying their metal-binding properties as well as in elucidating their catalytic mechanism.

Estudos estruturais de histatina-5 e seu análogo, TOAC0-histatina-5: interação com metais e sistemas biomiméticos / Structural studies of Histatin-5 and its analogue, TOAC0-Histatin-5: interaction with metals and biomimetic systems

Dyszy, Fábio Henrique 09 September 2008 (has links)
O mecanismo de ação da Histatina-5 (Hst-5), um peptídeo antimicrobiano da saliva humana com ação fungicida, não está esclarecido. Dicroísmo circular (CD), fluorescência e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) foram empregados para examinar as propriedades conformacionais de Hst-5 e seu análogo contendo o aminoácido paramagnético TOAC N-terminal (TOAC0-Hst-5) em solução aquosa, em função do pH, de TFE, e de íons metálicos, e em presença de membranas modelo de composição. Foi examinada a atividade dos dois peptídeos em membranas lipídicas planas, na permeabilização de membranas modelo e frente o fungo Candida albicans e eritrócitos humanos, com o objetivo de estabelecer correlações entre a atividade e a estrutura dos peptídeos. Estudos de fluorescência mostraram a capacidade de TOAC de suprimir a fluorescência e que o pK dos resíduos de Tyr foram deslocados. Espectros de CD mostraram pequenas flutuações conformacionais, mas foram mantidas estruturas ao acaso. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 mostraram a coexistência de duas populações, protonada e desprotonada, em troca lenta. A partir de medidas de desdobramento hiperfino (aN), foram calculados pKs de TOAC; a relação de altura dos picos de campo central e alto também foi sensível à titulação do peptídeo. Em TFE os peptídeos adotaram conformação α-helicoidal (CD). Espectros de fluorescência de Hst-5 mostraram aumento da fluorescência, e os de TOAC0-Hst-5 mostraram supressão, indicando aproximação de TOAC dos resíduos de Tyr. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 também refletiram as mudanças conformacionais. Estudos de fluorescência mostraram a interação de Hst-5 e TOAC0-Hst-5 com Cu2+, Mn2+ e Zn2+, permitindo o cálculo de constantes de ligação. Espectros de CD refletiram pequenas variações conformacionais, sem aquisição de estrutura secundária. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 na presença dos íons paramagnéticos Cu2+ e Mn2+ indicaram interações spin-spin, permitindo o cálculo das distâncias metal-nitróxido. Curvas de tempo de correlação rotacional em função da concentração dos íons permitiram calcular constantes de ligação da mesma ordem de grandeza daquelas obtidas por fluorescência. Hst-5 e TOAC0-Hst-5 ligaram-se em maior extensão a micelas negativas do que a zwitteriônicas num processo pH-dependente. Estudos de supressão de fluorescência por acrilamida confirmaram esses resultados, indicando a modulação por interações eletrostáticas. Espectros de CD mostraram que os peptídeos adotam conformação em dobra β tipo I. Estudos de RPE da interação de TOAC0-Hst-5 com vesículas de composição lipídica mimetizando membranas de E. coli e C. albicans (carga líquida negativa) e eritrócitos (carga líquida zero) confirmaram essa modulaçao. Na presença das membranas negativamente carregadas os espectros apresentaram extremos externos e internos, indicando que o eixo z do nitróxido orienta-se paralelamente à normal à bicamada. Estudos funcionais utilizando bicamadas lipídicas planas mostraram que TOAC0-Hst-5, mas não Hst-5, forma poros. Também, TOAC0-Hst-5, mas não Hst-5, permeabiliza vesículas carregadas negativamente. Ainda, a atividade fungicida de TOAC0-Hst-5 foi maior do que a de Hst-5 na ausência de íons, porém foi a mesma na presença de Mn2+ e Zn2+. Finalmente, TOAC0-Hst-5 mostrou maior atividade hemolítica que Hst-5. Esses resultados sugerem uma possível diferença nos mecanismos de ação de Hst-5 e seu análogo marcado, apesar da semelhança no comportamento conformacional dos peptídeos. / The mechanism of action of histatin-5 (Hst-5), an antifungal antimicrobial peptide from human saliva is not completely clarified. Circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) were used to examine the conformational behavior of Hst-5 and its analogue containing the paramagnetic amino acid TOAC at the N-terminus (TOAC0-Hst-5). Conformational properties were investigated in aqueous solution, as a function of pH, TFE, and addition of metal ions, and in the presence of model membranes of variable lipid composition. The activity of both peptides was examined in planar lipid membranes and with regard to permeabilization of model membranes. Activity was also tested towards the fungus Candida albicans and human erythrocytes, with the scope of establishing structure-function correlations. Fluorescence studies showed that TOAC0-Hst-5 is able to quench the peptide fluorescence and that the pK of the Tyr residues was shifted to lower values. CD spectra indicated that small conformational fluctuations occurred with increasing pH, but the overall unordered structure of the peptides was kept. EPR spectra of TOAC0-Hst-5 showed the coexistence of two populations, one protonated and one unprotonated, in slow exchange. The pK of TOAC was calculated from measurements of the isotropic hyperfine splitting (aN); the ratios of heights of the mid-field line and the high-field line were also sensitive to the peptide titration. In TFE, the peptides acquired -helical conformation (CD). Fluorescence spectra of Hst-5 showed an increase of fluorescence, while those of TOAC0-Hst-5 revealed quenching, indicating that, on the average, the TOAC residue becomes closer to the Tyr residues as a consequence of the peptide acquiring α-helical conformation. EPR spectra also reflected the conformational changes undergone by the peptide. Fluorescence studies indicated that Hst-5 and its spin labeled analogue interacted with Cu2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+ ions, allowing the calculation of binding constants. CD spectra reflected the occurrence of small conformational fluctuations, without acquisition of stable secondary structure. EPR spectra of TOAC0-Hst-5 in the presence of the paramagnetic ions Cu2+ and Mn2+ evinced the occurrence of spin-spin interactions, allowing the calculation of metal-nitroxide distances. Curves of rotational correlation times as a function of ion concentration yielded values for the binding constants of the same order of magnitude as those calculated from fluorescence measurements. Hst-5 and TOAC0-Hst-5 bound to a larger extent to negatively charged than to zwitterionic micelles, in a pH-dependent process. Studies of fluorescence quenching by water soluble acrylamide confirmed these results, pointing to the fact that binding is largely modulated by electrostatic interactions. CD spectra indicated that, upon binding to micelles, the peptides acquire a type I β-turn conformation. EPR studies of the interaction between TOAC0-Hst-5 and lipid vesicles whose composition mimicked those of E. coli and C. albicans (both with net negative surface charge) and erythrocytes (net zero surface charge) confirmed this modulation. In the presence of negatively charged membranes, the spectra presented outer and inner extrema, indicating that the nitroxide z axis is oriented parallel to the bilayer normal. Functional studies with planar lipid bilayers showed that TOAC0-Hst-5, but not the native peptide, forms pores. Also, TOAC0-Hst-5, but not Hst-5, permeabilizes negatively charged vesicles. Moreover, the fungicidal activity of TOAC0-Hst-5 was greater than that of Hst-5 in the absence of metal ions. However, in contrast with the native peptide, whose activity increased in the presence of Zn2+ and Mn2+, that of the analogue was the same in the absence and presence of the ions. Finally, TOAC0-Hst-5 had a more pronounced hemolytic activity than Hst-5. These results suggest a possible difference in the mechanisms of action of Hst-5 and its spin labeled analogue, in spite of the similarity of their conformational behavior.

Estudos estruturais de histatina-5 e seu análogo, TOAC0-histatina-5: interação com metais e sistemas biomiméticos / Structural studies of Histatin-5 and its analogue, TOAC0-Histatin-5: interaction with metals and biomimetic systems

Fábio Henrique Dyszy 09 September 2008 (has links)
O mecanismo de ação da Histatina-5 (Hst-5), um peptídeo antimicrobiano da saliva humana com ação fungicida, não está esclarecido. Dicroísmo circular (CD), fluorescência e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) foram empregados para examinar as propriedades conformacionais de Hst-5 e seu análogo contendo o aminoácido paramagnético TOAC N-terminal (TOAC0-Hst-5) em solução aquosa, em função do pH, de TFE, e de íons metálicos, e em presença de membranas modelo de composição. Foi examinada a atividade dos dois peptídeos em membranas lipídicas planas, na permeabilização de membranas modelo e frente o fungo Candida albicans e eritrócitos humanos, com o objetivo de estabelecer correlações entre a atividade e a estrutura dos peptídeos. Estudos de fluorescência mostraram a capacidade de TOAC de suprimir a fluorescência e que o pK dos resíduos de Tyr foram deslocados. Espectros de CD mostraram pequenas flutuações conformacionais, mas foram mantidas estruturas ao acaso. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 mostraram a coexistência de duas populações, protonada e desprotonada, em troca lenta. A partir de medidas de desdobramento hiperfino (aN), foram calculados pKs de TOAC; a relação de altura dos picos de campo central e alto também foi sensível à titulação do peptídeo. Em TFE os peptídeos adotaram conformação α-helicoidal (CD). Espectros de fluorescência de Hst-5 mostraram aumento da fluorescência, e os de TOAC0-Hst-5 mostraram supressão, indicando aproximação de TOAC dos resíduos de Tyr. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 também refletiram as mudanças conformacionais. Estudos de fluorescência mostraram a interação de Hst-5 e TOAC0-Hst-5 com Cu2+, Mn2+ e Zn2+, permitindo o cálculo de constantes de ligação. Espectros de CD refletiram pequenas variações conformacionais, sem aquisição de estrutura secundária. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 na presença dos íons paramagnéticos Cu2+ e Mn2+ indicaram interações spin-spin, permitindo o cálculo das distâncias metal-nitróxido. Curvas de tempo de correlação rotacional em função da concentração dos íons permitiram calcular constantes de ligação da mesma ordem de grandeza daquelas obtidas por fluorescência. Hst-5 e TOAC0-Hst-5 ligaram-se em maior extensão a micelas negativas do que a zwitteriônicas num processo pH-dependente. Estudos de supressão de fluorescência por acrilamida confirmaram esses resultados, indicando a modulação por interações eletrostáticas. Espectros de CD mostraram que os peptídeos adotam conformação em dobra β tipo I. Estudos de RPE da interação de TOAC0-Hst-5 com vesículas de composição lipídica mimetizando membranas de E. coli e C. albicans (carga líquida negativa) e eritrócitos (carga líquida zero) confirmaram essa modulaçao. Na presença das membranas negativamente carregadas os espectros apresentaram extremos externos e internos, indicando que o eixo z do nitróxido orienta-se paralelamente à normal à bicamada. Estudos funcionais utilizando bicamadas lipídicas planas mostraram que TOAC0-Hst-5, mas não Hst-5, forma poros. Também, TOAC0-Hst-5, mas não Hst-5, permeabiliza vesículas carregadas negativamente. Ainda, a atividade fungicida de TOAC0-Hst-5 foi maior do que a de Hst-5 na ausência de íons, porém foi a mesma na presença de Mn2+ e Zn2+. Finalmente, TOAC0-Hst-5 mostrou maior atividade hemolítica que Hst-5. Esses resultados sugerem uma possível diferença nos mecanismos de ação de Hst-5 e seu análogo marcado, apesar da semelhança no comportamento conformacional dos peptídeos. / The mechanism of action of histatin-5 (Hst-5), an antifungal antimicrobial peptide from human saliva is not completely clarified. Circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) were used to examine the conformational behavior of Hst-5 and its analogue containing the paramagnetic amino acid TOAC at the N-terminus (TOAC0-Hst-5). Conformational properties were investigated in aqueous solution, as a function of pH, TFE, and addition of metal ions, and in the presence of model membranes of variable lipid composition. The activity of both peptides was examined in planar lipid membranes and with regard to permeabilization of model membranes. Activity was also tested towards the fungus Candida albicans and human erythrocytes, with the scope of establishing structure-function correlations. Fluorescence studies showed that TOAC0-Hst-5 is able to quench the peptide fluorescence and that the pK of the Tyr residues was shifted to lower values. CD spectra indicated that small conformational fluctuations occurred with increasing pH, but the overall unordered structure of the peptides was kept. EPR spectra of TOAC0-Hst-5 showed the coexistence of two populations, one protonated and one unprotonated, in slow exchange. The pK of TOAC was calculated from measurements of the isotropic hyperfine splitting (aN); the ratios of heights of the mid-field line and the high-field line were also sensitive to the peptide titration. In TFE, the peptides acquired -helical conformation (CD). Fluorescence spectra of Hst-5 showed an increase of fluorescence, while those of TOAC0-Hst-5 revealed quenching, indicating that, on the average, the TOAC residue becomes closer to the Tyr residues as a consequence of the peptide acquiring α-helical conformation. EPR spectra also reflected the conformational changes undergone by the peptide. Fluorescence studies indicated that Hst-5 and its spin labeled analogue interacted with Cu2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+ ions, allowing the calculation of binding constants. CD spectra reflected the occurrence of small conformational fluctuations, without acquisition of stable secondary structure. EPR spectra of TOAC0-Hst-5 in the presence of the paramagnetic ions Cu2+ and Mn2+ evinced the occurrence of spin-spin interactions, allowing the calculation of metal-nitroxide distances. Curves of rotational correlation times as a function of ion concentration yielded values for the binding constants of the same order of magnitude as those calculated from fluorescence measurements. Hst-5 and TOAC0-Hst-5 bound to a larger extent to negatively charged than to zwitterionic micelles, in a pH-dependent process. Studies of fluorescence quenching by water soluble acrylamide confirmed these results, pointing to the fact that binding is largely modulated by electrostatic interactions. CD spectra indicated that, upon binding to micelles, the peptides acquire a type I β-turn conformation. EPR studies of the interaction between TOAC0-Hst-5 and lipid vesicles whose composition mimicked those of E. coli and C. albicans (both with net negative surface charge) and erythrocytes (net zero surface charge) confirmed this modulation. In the presence of negatively charged membranes, the spectra presented outer and inner extrema, indicating that the nitroxide z axis is oriented parallel to the bilayer normal. Functional studies with planar lipid bilayers showed that TOAC0-Hst-5, but not the native peptide, forms pores. Also, TOAC0-Hst-5, but not Hst-5, permeabilizes negatively charged vesicles. Moreover, the fungicidal activity of TOAC0-Hst-5 was greater than that of Hst-5 in the absence of metal ions. However, in contrast with the native peptide, whose activity increased in the presence of Zn2+ and Mn2+, that of the analogue was the same in the absence and presence of the ions. Finally, TOAC0-Hst-5 had a more pronounced hemolytic activity than Hst-5. These results suggest a possible difference in the mechanisms of action of Hst-5 and its spin labeled analogue, in spite of the similarity of their conformational behavior.

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