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Hur begriplig är historien? : Elevers möjligheter och svårigheter i historieundervisningen i skolan / Making History Understandable : Problems and Possibilities Facing Students When Learning HistoryStymne, Anna-Carin January 2017 (has links)
The thesis focuses on how students learn history in the classroom, more precisely on their possibilities and difficulties in developing competence in the school subject of history. There is a particular emphasis on how they explain and understand historical processes and concepts within the subject of history. Participants are students of different grades, 8–19 years old. The purpose of the study is to explore how students learn history in concrete learning situations and my focus is on the types of knowledge students understand, learn, develop and use in comparison with what they are expected to learn. This is done based on three fundamental and well-established principles of learning. To examine what kinds of knowledge students need I use three main types of knowledge: declarative content knowledge (facts and concepts), procedural knowledge (knowledge about how to do things) and self-regulatory knowledge (knowledge about how to regulate our memory, thought and learning). I also use concepts and insights from systemic functional linguistics (SFL) in order to explain why the students use language and communicate the way they do. The thesis shows that history is challenging for young students. Young students have difficulties with complex and abstract concepts in history as they treat concepts as facts. Older, more competent, students use concepts on a more abstract level and use different kinds of linguistic resources when formulating explanations of higher complexity, more similar to the way explanations in the domain of history are commonly written. The youngest students and some of the older students lacked factual knowledge, concept knowledge, domain specific self-regulatory knowledge and linguistic resources. Declarative content knowledge and facts are more important and more difficult for young students to understand, develop, organize and learn than previous scholars have shown empirically. Students’ abilities to understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework and to organize and structure facts with the help of concepts at different level of abstraction (conceptual understanding) are crucial. Students also need linguistic resources, both lexical knowledge and knowledge of text structures. Language is crucial both in the process of acquiring knowledge and in the process of communication. In the learning process, teaching is crucial, since individual students’ potential to develop competence depend on the potential of the teacher to discover and engage their preconceptions and arrange for learning in a way that give students the kind of knowledge they need.
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L'exercice de la méthode historique proposé par les ensembles didactiques d'histoire du 1er cycle du secondaire pour éduquer à la citoyennetéBoutonnet, Vincent January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Historické učivo v primární škole / Historical curriculum at primary schoolŠulcová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses the historical curriculum in primary school and looking for ways to teach it effectively. Its aim is to analyze the educational goals of the historical curriculum of primary school. The introduction deals with the question of why history should be part of education in the first grade of primary school. Furthermore, it compares the historical conception of education at primary school in our conditions with the concept of the state, whose aims and methods of historical thinking are inspiring for us. Based on the findings and recommendations of domestic and foreign researches are in the empirical part of the thesis didactic designed tutorials selected topic historical subject matter with regard to diagnosis and development of historical thinking. Proposed lessons were implemented in the second year of primary school. At the end of each lesson is to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed schemes through analysis worksheets and comparing the results of the input and output mind maps and chalk talk. The entire set of lessons is evaluated through analysis of the final evaluation sheets pupils.
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Historické myšlení žáků primární školy / Primary pupils' historical thinkingKopecká, Karolína January 2012 (has links)
PRIMARY PUPILSʼ HISTORICAL THINKING Abstract This thesis deals with development of childrenʼs historical thinking in primary school. At the beginning of the theses, changes in the Czech history curriculum are presented. Moreover, it discusses psychological relations of historical thinking and introduces important Czech and foreign works presenting researches in this field of study. The thesis depicts the course of the qualitative research focusing on the level of historical thinking skills of the fifth graders, especially their historical understanding. The research also contains four lesson plans including special tasks for children. At the end of the thesis, the influence of these tasks on childrenʼs historical thinking is examined and described. The suggested methods should be not only an inspiration source for teachers, but also a possible way of development of historical thinking of primary school pupils. Key words: historical thinking, historical inquiry, evidence and artefacts, child as a historian, historical inquiry question, history at school Vedoucí diplomové práce: Ing. Michaela Dvořáková Autor diplomové práce: Karolína Kopecká Studijní obor: učitelství pro 1. stupeň ZŠ Forma studia: prezenční Diplomová práce dokončena: červen, 2012
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Tudo isso antes do século XXI: estruturas e significados em narrativas da história do Brasil por estudantes do ensino fundamental / All this before XXI century Structures and Meanings in Narratives of Brazils History by Basic Education StudentsRibeiro, Regina Maria de Oliveira 12 September 2012 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi compreender como estudantes do ensino fundamental mobilizam elementos e operações do pensamento histórico suscitados pelo desafio de narrar a história do Brasil. A tarefa enfrentada pelos sujeitos da pesquisa provocou uma série movimentos cognitivos: selecionar eventos, personagens, períodos e conceitos na longa temporalidade, interpretá-los e articula-los num relato explicativo que servisse de orientação para o interlocutor. Para consecução dos objetivos propostos, a investigação partiu da reflexão sobre as relações entre pensamento e linguagem, tomando as formas narrativas como ferramentas culturais fundamentais no processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo e na aprendizagem. Com essa premissa, foram discutidas as especificidades da narrativa na produção do conhecimento histórico, suas relações com a aprendizagem histórica e a formação do pensamento/consciência histórica, tendo como referencial teórico principal as proposições de Jörn Rüsen (2001, 2009) sobre a constituição narrativa do conhecimento e pensamento histórico e das estruturas da consciência histórica. No percurso metodológico de caráter qualitativo buscou-se articular os aportes de Rüsen com referenciais oriundos de pesquisas empíricas, notadamente as realizadas pela Educação Histórica no Brasil e em Portugal, de modo que subsidiassem a análise dos materiais escritos recolhidos em oito turmas da oitava série/nono ano de uma escola da rede municipal de São Paulo em 2010 e 2011. Foi realizada a descrição e análise dos marcadores históricos (acontecimentos, agentes, temporalidades e espaços), caracterizados como conteúdos e conceitos históricos substantivos estruturantes e das formas de sua articulação nas narrativas coletadas. A análise e reflexão desses elementos possibilitaram a identificação de perfis das estruturas narrativas dos estudantes e das perspectivas de atribuição de significância histórica. Desse modo foi possível evidenciar a compreensão e interpretação dos estudantes sobre o passado e a história, auxiliando no entendimento de elementos e processos de formação do pensamento e da consciência histórica no grupo investigado. / The aim of this study was to understand how students from basic education mobilize elements and historical thinking operations raised by the challenge of narrating the History of Brazil. The task faced by the researched actors led to a series of cognitive movements: events selection, characters, periods and concepts in long temporality, interpret them and articulate them in a explanatory account that would provide guidance to the interlocutor. For the attainment of the proposed aims, the research started from a reflection about the relations between think and language, taking the narrative shapes as fundamental cultural tools in the cognitive development process and learning. By this premise, was discussed the specificities of narrative in historical knowledge production, their relations with historical learning and the historical thinking /consciousness, taking as main theoretical the propositions of Jörn Rüsen (2001, 2009) about the creation of knowledge and historical thinking, and structures of historical consciousness. In a qualitative methodological approach sought to articulate the contributions of Rüsen with references from empirical research, especially those carried out by history education in Brazil and Portugal, so that subsidize the analysis of written materials collected in eight classes of eighth grade / ninth year of a municipal school of Sao Paulo in 2010 and 2011. Was performed an analysis and description of historical markers (events, agents, temporalities and spaces), characterized as substantive historical content and structuring concepts and forms of its articulation in the narratives collected. The analysis and discussion of these elements allowed the identification of profiles of the narrative structures of students and assignment prospects of historical significance. Therefore it was possible to demonstrate the students understanding and interpretation of the past and history, assisting in the understanding of elements and formation processes of historical thinking and consciousness in the investigated group.
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L'exercice de la méthode historique proposé par les ensembles didactiques d'histoire du 1er cycle du secondaire pour éduquer à la citoyennetéBoutonnet, Vincent January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Téma středověk v rámci historického učiva vzdělávací oblasti člověk a jeho svět / The Topic of Middle Ages in the Curriculum of the Educational Theme a Human and his World.Kubelková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis "The topic of Middle Ages within a historical curriculum of the educational area Humans and their world" deals with the issue of children's development of historical thinking and its usage in the historical teaching, which is focused on Middle-Ages, at primary school. The theoretical part of this thesis aims at the educational area Humans and their world, its development through history and its analysis. This educational area is compared with teaching of historical topics at primary school involved in selected foreign educational curriculums. The theoretical part deals with historical thinking and psychological theories. The practical part of this thesis depicts set up and realization of thematic unit which is focused on the period of the house of Přemyslovci. This thematic unit aims at the development of historical thinking competence, which should be achieved by completion of particular goals. These goals focus on working with sources, various interpretations of historical events and also on deepening of pupil's relationship to history. At the end of this thesis, the thematic unit is assessed. KEY WORDS historical thinking, Humans and their world, foreign school curriculums, thematic topic, house of Přemyslovci, pupil of primary school age
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Historical Consciousness, Historical Media, and History Education / Historiemedvetande, historiska medier och historieundervisningThorp, Robert January 2014 (has links)
This thesis by publication contains an introductory summary chapter and three papers. The first paper presents a study of how the concept of historical consciousness has been defined, applied, and justified in Swedish history didactical research. It finds that there is consensus regarding the definition of what a historical consciousness is, but that there is variation in how the concept is applied. It is suggested that this variation makes historical consciousness a complex and vague concept. The second paper uses the results presented in the first paper as a point of departure and from thence argues for a broadened understanding of the concept of historical consciousness that incorporates its definition, application, development, and significance. The study includes research about historical consciousness primarily from Sweden, the UK, the USA and Canada. The paper presents a typology of historical consciousness and argues that level of contextualisation is what distinguishes different types of historical consciousnesses and that an ability to contextualise is also what makes historical consciousness an important concept for identity constitution and morality. The third paper proposes a methodological framework of historical consciousness based on the theory of historical consciosusness presented in the second paper. It presents arguments for why the framework of historical consciousness proposed can be useful for the analysis of historical media and it discusses how aspects of the framework can be applied in analysis. It then presents a textbook analysis that has been performed according to the stipulated framework and discusses its results regarding how textbooks can be used to analyse historical consciousness and its development. / Forskarskolan Historiska Medier (ForHiM)
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Tudo isso antes do século XXI: estruturas e significados em narrativas da história do Brasil por estudantes do ensino fundamental / All this before XXI century Structures and Meanings in Narratives of Brazils History by Basic Education StudentsRegina Maria de Oliveira Ribeiro 12 September 2012 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi compreender como estudantes do ensino fundamental mobilizam elementos e operações do pensamento histórico suscitados pelo desafio de narrar a história do Brasil. A tarefa enfrentada pelos sujeitos da pesquisa provocou uma série movimentos cognitivos: selecionar eventos, personagens, períodos e conceitos na longa temporalidade, interpretá-los e articula-los num relato explicativo que servisse de orientação para o interlocutor. Para consecução dos objetivos propostos, a investigação partiu da reflexão sobre as relações entre pensamento e linguagem, tomando as formas narrativas como ferramentas culturais fundamentais no processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo e na aprendizagem. Com essa premissa, foram discutidas as especificidades da narrativa na produção do conhecimento histórico, suas relações com a aprendizagem histórica e a formação do pensamento/consciência histórica, tendo como referencial teórico principal as proposições de Jörn Rüsen (2001, 2009) sobre a constituição narrativa do conhecimento e pensamento histórico e das estruturas da consciência histórica. No percurso metodológico de caráter qualitativo buscou-se articular os aportes de Rüsen com referenciais oriundos de pesquisas empíricas, notadamente as realizadas pela Educação Histórica no Brasil e em Portugal, de modo que subsidiassem a análise dos materiais escritos recolhidos em oito turmas da oitava série/nono ano de uma escola da rede municipal de São Paulo em 2010 e 2011. Foi realizada a descrição e análise dos marcadores históricos (acontecimentos, agentes, temporalidades e espaços), caracterizados como conteúdos e conceitos históricos substantivos estruturantes e das formas de sua articulação nas narrativas coletadas. A análise e reflexão desses elementos possibilitaram a identificação de perfis das estruturas narrativas dos estudantes e das perspectivas de atribuição de significância histórica. Desse modo foi possível evidenciar a compreensão e interpretação dos estudantes sobre o passado e a história, auxiliando no entendimento de elementos e processos de formação do pensamento e da consciência histórica no grupo investigado. / The aim of this study was to understand how students from basic education mobilize elements and historical thinking operations raised by the challenge of narrating the History of Brazil. The task faced by the researched actors led to a series of cognitive movements: events selection, characters, periods and concepts in long temporality, interpret them and articulate them in a explanatory account that would provide guidance to the interlocutor. For the attainment of the proposed aims, the research started from a reflection about the relations between think and language, taking the narrative shapes as fundamental cultural tools in the cognitive development process and learning. By this premise, was discussed the specificities of narrative in historical knowledge production, their relations with historical learning and the historical thinking /consciousness, taking as main theoretical the propositions of Jörn Rüsen (2001, 2009) about the creation of knowledge and historical thinking, and structures of historical consciousness. In a qualitative methodological approach sought to articulate the contributions of Rüsen with references from empirical research, especially those carried out by history education in Brazil and Portugal, so that subsidize the analysis of written materials collected in eight classes of eighth grade / ninth year of a municipal school of Sao Paulo in 2010 and 2011. Was performed an analysis and description of historical markers (events, agents, temporalities and spaces), characterized as substantive historical content and structuring concepts and forms of its articulation in the narratives collected. The analysis and discussion of these elements allowed the identification of profiles of the narrative structures of students and assignment prospects of historical significance. Therefore it was possible to demonstrate the students understanding and interpretation of the past and history, assisting in the understanding of elements and formation processes of historical thinking and consciousness in the investigated group.
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História de vida, história local, formação do pensamento histórico: experiências na utilização de projetos no ensino de História / History of life, local history, formation of historical thought: experience in the utilization of projects in the teaching of historyOliveira, Maria Aparecida Gonçalves Pereira 03 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-09-25T13:48:34Z
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Dissertação - Maria Aparecida Gonçalves Pereira Oliveira - 2017.pdf: 1782299 bytes, checksum: 647f928ebbed7d98a55d13194604dc25 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-09-25T13:49:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Maria Aparecida Gonçalves Pereira Oliveira - 2017.pdf: 1782299 bytes, checksum: 647f928ebbed7d98a55d13194604dc25 (MD5)
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Dissertação - Maria Aparecida Gonçalves Pereira Oliveira - 2017.pdf: 1782299 bytes, checksum: 647f928ebbed7d98a55d13194604dc25 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2017-08-03 / This research aims to introduce pedagogical experiences with disciplinary projects, through
documents, searching to reflect on the sources for the research, teaching and learning. The projects
are realized in the schools where I am a teacher of the discipline history, whose aim is the study of
the documentary sources such as oral history, which is seen as a source of knowledge production
and reconstruction of individual and collective memories, so that we can think in the students and
in the study of the local community. Take care of the memories of the local community from
personal documents, photographs, personal objects and, especially, of orality, as sources to the
construction of knowledge in the classroom and development of historical thinking. The
methodology with projects aimed at the same time, research and teaching, because the students
were able to rebuild your life story, as well as the memories and pictures of weddings of the
community with which they coexist. To do this, we worked with the concept of time, in order to
show the notion of temporality present in these subjects and the perceptions of the time lived. The
work with the methodology of projects was proposed with the intention of students can establish
relations of time and space, understanding changes, transformations and stays in your own way of
life and of individuals in different spaces, with activities of everyday life, where the history
happens. So, we got to make them understand that they are builders of your history time. We
worked two projects: First, History of my life, with two classes: The first of sixth grade, with
nineteen students. In the school Escola Municipal Dorvalino Fernandes de Castro, in the
municipality of Orizona, that is located in the rural area, about twenty-five kilometer of the city. It
was practically the same class of the Project History of my Life, being that little students left or
arrived of others schools. It had sixteen students. The research was divided into two moments: the
first deals with the discussions about the documentary sources that based the realization of the
projects; and then, worked the practice developed in the classroom, with use of projects such as
research, teaching and learning. Finally, we made a pedagogical proposal, through the
methodology of class, to be developed with students in the ninth grade of elementary school, about
memories of the survivors of Second World War. The data for this activity already had been
collected in previous researches. / Esta pesquisa visa apresentar experiências pedagógicas de trabalho com projetos disciplinares, por
meio de documentos, procurando refletir sobre as fontes para a pesquisa, ensino e aprendizagem.
Os projetos são realizados nas escolas onde sou professora regente da disciplina de História, cujo
objetivo é o estudo das fontes documentais como, por exemplo, a história oral, que é vista como
fonte de produção do conhecimento e reconstrução das memórias individuais e coletivas, de forma
que podemos pensar nos alunos e no estudo da comunidade local. Tratamos das lembranças da
comunidade local a partir de documentos pessoais, fotografias, objetos pessoais e, principalmente,
da oralidade, como fontes para a construção do conhecimento em sala de aula e desenvolvimento
do pensamento histórico. A metodologia com projetos visou, ao mesmo tempo, pesquisa e ensino,
pois os alunos puderam reconstruir sua história de vida, bem como as memórias e imagens de
casamentos da comunidade com as quais convivem. Para tanto, trabalhamos, também, com o
conceito de tempo, a fim de mostrar a noção de temporalidade presente nesses sujeitos e as
percepções do tempo vivido. O trabalho com a metodologia de projetos foi proposto com o intuito
de os alunos conseguirem estabelecer relações de tempo e espaço, compreenderem mudanças,
permanências e transformações em seu próprio modo de vida e dos indivíduos em diferentes
espaços, com atividades corriqueiras do quotidiano, onde a história acontece. Assim, pudemos
fazê-los perceber que são construtores da história de seu tempo. Trabalhamos dois projetos: o
primeiro; História da Minha Vida, com duas turmas: a primeira do 6º ano, com 19 alunos. No
Colégio Municipal Dorvalino Fernandes de Castro, no munícipio de Orizona, que se localiza no
meio rural, cerca de 25 quilômetros da cidade. A outra turma era da Educação de Jovens e Adultos,
do 1º Semestre do Segundo Segmento, que corresponde ao 6º ano, do ensino Fundamental II, que
se localiza no meio urbano, na Escola Municipal Francelino Nunes de Paula. O segundo projeto
que se intitula Memórias e Imagens de casamento na região da Firmeza, foi trabalhado com a
turma do 8º ano, no Colégio Municipal Dorvalino Fernandes de Castro, no quarto bimestre, 2012.
Era praticamente a mesma turma do projeto História da Minha Vida, sendo que poucos alunos
saíram ou chegaram de outras escolas. Tinha 16 alunos. A pesquisa foi dividida em dois
momentos: o primeiro trata das discussões acerca das fontes documentais que embasaram a
realização dos projetos; e, em seguida, trabalhamos a prática desenvolvida na sala de aula, com uso
de projetos como pesquisa, ensino e aprendizagem.
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