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Vývoj československého zahraničního obchodu v letech 1945-1953 / Czechoslovak foreign trade 1945 - 1953Merta, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the development of international trade in Czechoslovakia from the end of World War II to the period of "sovietization". The author will examine foreign trade during the first post war years. He will concentrate on international trade in Czechoslovakia during 1945 -- 1953, especially on the problem of restricting trade with West European countries and strengthening ties with the Eastern bloc. The contribution of this paper consists mainly of creating a compact view of Czechoslovakian foreign trade after World War II until the end of the first five year plan (after the communist revolution).
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Soutěžní politika EU - Leniency Programme / Competition policy in EU - Leniency ProgrammePanáčková, Romana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze the efficiency of the leniency programme. This programme is currently the most important cartel fighting instrument in EU and Czech Republic. The first section deals with cartel agreements and their impact in general. It also shows reasons for implementation of the leniency programme and other cartel fighting instruments. Second section concerns on general principles of leniency programme and its position within current system of law. The next two parts contains description and history of leniency program in EU and Czech Republic. They also analyze decisions of European Commission and Office for the Protection of Competition in Czech Republic. This analysis creates the most important part of this section. The last section aims at juridical institutes able to endanger efficient functiong of leniency programme in future and defines their relation to this programme.
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Proměny agrární krajiny mikroregionu Sedlčanska v letech 1850-1943 / The Changes of agricultural Landscape of Microregion Sedlčany in the years 1850-1943Mašková Janotová, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the economic situation development in the Sedlčany region from the first half of the 19th century till second half of the 20th century. The period observes changes from the agrarian landscape. At the end of period of the Second Czechoslovak Republic the landscape could be described as agrarian-industrial landscape. Traditionally, the Sedlčany region is considered industrially influenced. The presented thesis deals with confirmation or disproof of this idea. The research tries to find the potential focuses of dynamic economic development. If the focuses existed in the past, the research deals with comparison economic development of the Sedlčany region with other parts of Bohemia and finds the circumstances of the development. The economic situation of this area is located into wider context of the industrialization in the Czech countries during given period. Of course, the phenomenon of industrialization process relates to many factors, such as demographic development, transportation, trade, banking, agriculture and administrative activities. The federation actions are followed up in the region. The main aim of the associations is economic development of this region. They emphasize mainly upward movement of the peasant status. Keywords Sedlčany, economic history,...
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Legalizace výnosů z trestné činnosti / Legalization of proceeds from crimeKříž, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with issues of legalization of proceeds of crime in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part is focused on defining terms and analysis of the general characteristics of organized crime, including its development since the late 20th century to the present. Further detail is aimed at analysis of the crime of money laundering focusing on stages of the process of money laundering.
The practical part describes the recover the proceeds of crime and compares previous and amended legal provisions concerning this issue. Further analyzes the statistical data of economic crime in the Czech Republic between 2008 and 2015, with a forecast of the years 2016 to 2018 and describes the analysis of actual cases of money laundering. At the end of the work deals with a summary findings and compare the characteristic features of the process of money laundering with the real practices recorded on specific cases.
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Ze světa podnikání do světa plánované distribuce. Sonda do vývoje českého spotřebního družstevnictví v letech 1945 - 1956 (kraj Ústí nad Labem) / From the Wold of Business to the World of Planned Distribution. A Look into Development of Czech Consumer Cooperatives: 1945-1956 (Ústí nad Labem Region)Slavíček, Jan January 2015 (has links)
From the Wold of Business to the World of Planned Distribution A Look into the Development of Czech Consumer Cooperatives: 1945 - 1956 (Ústí nad Labem Region) The dissertation deals with changes in the content, forms and roles of the Czech consumer co- operatives in the years 1945 - 1956. This issue is a theme in four surveyed areas (territorially - organizational structure, the role of co-operatives in the Czechoslovak economy, relations with the Communist Party, economic activity of co-operatives). These are prerequisites of the transformation of consumer cooperatives from autonomous business entities in the subordinate sections of the state-organized distribution. The dissertation analyzes this transformation in its various stages and puts it into a broader context of Sovietisation, creation of a system of centrally planned economy and the economic, social and political development of Czechoslovakia during the researched period. Keywords: economic history, co-operatives, consumer co-operatives, Sovietisation, centrally planned economy, 1945-1956
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Hospodářská kriminalita a její prevence / Economic crime and its preventionTrešlová, Johana January 2018 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to define the term "economic criminality" and the terms related; the role of economic crime within the legal doctrine itself as well as in the Czech legal system over the course of time; determining the specifics of economic crime while stressing the role of the offender, efficiency of punishment, control and prevention of this type of crime. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first part is dedicated to the definition of crucial terms on the national and international level. I also described the legislative evolution of economic crime and the protection of possession in the Czech legal system. I listed economic crimes de lege lata, while at the same time remembering the crimes that do not fall under the economic crimes section per se. Later on, I comment on some particular attributes of economic criminality with special focus on the profile of the perpetrator which is rather atypical. This fact unfortunately makes the efforts of the law enforcement authorities so much more difficult and it complicates their work especially towards construction of the adequate preventive measures etc. I also dedicate one section to the topic of corporate criminal liability which has a strong connection to the economic crime. The victims of economic crime find themselves in...
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Rozhodovací praxe Úřadu pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže ve věci prokazování kvalifikačních předpokladů ve veřejných zakázkách / Decision-making practice of the Office for the Protection of Competition in cases of proving qualification requirements in public tendersKřížová, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
RESUMÉ AJ "Decision-making practice of the Office for the Protection of Competition in cases of proving qualification requirements in public tenders" The annual report of the Office for the Protection of Competition for the year 2014 comes to a conclusion that the most frequent mistake of a contracting authority is stipulation of disproportional (discriminating) qualification requirements. The objective of my paper is shedding light on selected contentious areas that are dealt with by the Office for the Protection of Competition, by regional courts or by the Supreme Administrative Court respectively, thus illustrating the most frequent mistakes committed by contracting authorities when stipulating qualification requirements. The paper is structured into several chapters for addressing the selected topic. The first part of the paper introduces the basic concepts and the institute of public tenders closely related to subsequent setting of qualification requirements while also referring to elementary judiciary practice. The subsequent chapters describe particular categories of qualification requirements like elementary qualification requirements, vocational qualification requirements, economical and financial qualification requirements, as well as technical qualification requirements. Each chapter showcases...
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Leniency program v soutěžním právu / Leniency program in competition lawTupá, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide a legal framework concerning Leniency Program which is by far one of the most successful tools in detection and prosecution of criminal cartel conduct, which has been recently perceived as one of the most important and dangerous anticompetitive conduct. Under the current system, an applicant making a leniency application will apply to seek full immunity from sanctions. If full immunity is not available, the applicant can apply for a reduction of any fine levelled against it. The study examines the level of transparency, predictability and effectiveness in the Czech Republic, European Union and United States. Chapter three provides an overview of a historical aspect of a Leniency Program including case law and recent development in each of abovementioned jurisdiction. In order to take all aspects into account, an impact of this program on human rights and recidivism is also discussed in this paper. Final chapter contains a recent development concerning Antitrust Damages Actions and rules on disclosure of evidence on leniency.
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Rozhodnutí o závazcích v soutěžním právu EU / Commitment Decisions in EU Competition LawRott, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Regulation 1/2003 empowers the European Commission to issue a decision, by which it makes commitments offered by the parties to the proceedings legally binding. Although being an alternative to the prohibition decision, it has become a predominant type of decision the Commission uses to tackle various antitrust issues, save from the area of secret cartels. This thesis primarily focuses on the effectiveness of commitment decisions, exploring various features contributing thereof. The first chapter outlines the main changes to the enforcement of EU competition law brought by Regulation 1/2003. The second chapter provides a necessary background for the subsequent analysis by introducing the legal framework for the adoption of commitment decision, followed by an explanation of the importance of effectiveness in public enforcement of EU competition law. The fourth chapter analyses effectiveness of the commitment procedure, which is narrowed down to the quickness of the procedure leading to the adoption of the final decision. The author observes that the procedure provides for more rapid resolution of cases, but it contains various drawback negatively affecting the quickness of the procedure. The fifth chapter is devoted to the enhanced effectiveness of commitments, mainly in comparison to remedies which...
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Mediální obraz konceptu fair trade v českém denním tisku / The media image of the fair trade concept in the Czech pressHolinková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The thesis The media image of the Fair Trade concept in the Czech press examines media image of the Fair Trade business system in the most widely read newspapers Aha!, Blesk, Hospodářské noviny, Lidové noviny, Mladá fronta DNES, Právo and Sport. The aim is to find out whether newspapers report on Fair Trade in broader context and in which frames it is most likely presented. At the same time the thesis examines the extent to which newspapers inform about Fair Trade. There are two hypothesis formulated, one suggesting that the amount of articles referring about Fair trade has an increasing tendency and that articles do not address the issue in broader context. The answers to research questions and the validity of the hypotheses are examined through quantitative and qualitative content analysis based primarily on the framework theory. Deductive procedure using pre-formulated control questions is also used. The finding is that the newspapers most often present Fair Trade in economics frame followed by conflict frame and human impact frame. In addition, the thesis examines the presence of a critical frame, which is almost absent in the newspapers. The context is usually limited. The amount of articles about Fair Trade is decreasing during the monitored period of time. So the validity of the hypothesis...
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