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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Peněžní expanze a ekonomické krize: Rakouský pohled / Monetary Expansion and Economic Crises: An Austrian Perspective

Jára, Karel January 2014 (has links)
The study of economic crises has been a major topic of interest in economics since at least the Great Depression and it has come to the fore once again after the latest crisis of late 2000s. It has also been one of the key themes for the Austrian school of economics in the form of the Austrian Business Cycle Theory (ABCT), which puts emphasis on monetary factors influencing capital structure of the economy. In this thesis we provide a comprehensive exposition of the distinctive points of Austrian approach to the study of markets, the ABCT's propositions and conclusions and also the most important criticism of the theory and replies to it. The theoretical part is accompanied by an empirical illustration on the economy of the United States of America in the period starting at the end of the latest crisis. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Ochrana hospodářské soutěže - dohody narušující soutěž / Protection of business competion - agreements interfering with competition

Šimek, David January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyse two issues arising out of the European and Czech competition law provisions prohibiting agreements which restrict competition. First, I shall examine the issue of distinction between prohibited agreements and allowed unilateral conduct. Furthermore, I shall explore the definition of the concerted practice as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Union and Czech administrative courts focusing again on the distinction between such practice and unilateral conduct. Second, I shall elaborate on the structure of Article 101 TFEU. As a consequence of the "more economic approach" taken by the Commission and the repeal of the individual exemption system under Article 101(3) TFEU, the distinction between the concept of object offences and the concept of effect offences is slowly disappearing while having detrimental implications for legal certainty. Moreover, the conceptual distinction between considerations of ancillary restraints under Article 101(1) TFEU and consideration of pro-competitive and anti-competitive effects under Article 101(3) TFEU is slowly disappearing as well. The economics take their role in the assessment, and that is also the reason why I chose this topic because I am interested in the overlap between law and economics. My thesis is...

Ochrana dodavatele proti postupu zadavatele při zadávání veřejných zakázek / Protection of a supplier against conduct of the contracting agency in public tenders

Blažková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Protection of a supplier against conduct of the contracting agency in public tenders The aim of this thesis is to analyze the legal instruments by which suppliers can defend against unlawful practises of contracting entity. The reason of choosing this theme is my deep interest in this sphere. Ever year, more than eight thousand tenders are announced in the Czech Republic. There are more than fifteen thousand contracting authorities. The public sector expends more than 600 billion Czech crowns on public procurement every year. The acting of subjects involved in the procurement proces is often unlawful. It is therefore necessary to set the legal framework of competition for public contracts so that it will be ensured prevention the unlawful procedures of subjects affecting the procurement process and ensure the most efficient spending of public funds. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first concerns the most important principles associated with public procurement. There are also examples of practical reflection of these principles to various statutory provisions. The second chapter is devoted to the juridical institut of objections to acts of the contracting authorities. Chapter three is focused on the public procurement supervision held by the Office for the Protection of Competition. The...

Politika soudržnosti EU a její vliv na Pardubický kraj / Cohesion and Regional Policy of the EU and its influence over the Region of Pardubice

Čeřenská, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
The aim of my thesis Cohesion and Regional Policy of the EU and its influence over the Region of Pardubice is to find out if the subjects from the Region of Pardubice have learnt to use the financial means from the funds of the EU and to benefit from them to realizing their projects which they could not probably execute only with use of their financial sources. At first I am concerned with the development of this policy since the time when six european countries have started to cooperate, this cooperation was found advantageous and was getting deeper and wider, till present programming period 2007 - 2013. The second chapter is focused on the Czech Republic which has been involved in using of financial means from the fund for the pre-entry help already during the existence of Czechoslovakia and then other using of the funds of the EU for pre-entry help followed. On the 1st May 2004 the Czech Republic gained the EU membership and since then the Czech Republic has been engaged in the Cohesion and Regional Policy of the EU. By entry to the EU the Czech Republic has won more financial means which the Czech Republic can use. I was interested in operational programmes which have taken place in the Czech Republic and distribution of the financial means assigned for the Czech Republic. The third chapter is aimed at the Region of Pardubice, its characteristics, I focus on the operational programmes which are significant for this region, I am interested in the biggest applicants and realized projects. In conclusion I can say that the subjects from the Region of Pardubice have learnt to use the financial means from the funds of the EU for their development and realization of their projects. There is some possibility to improve using the financial means from some operational programmes, the example can be improvement of the using financial means of operational programme Research and Development for Innovations. The most significant applicants for the financial supports from the funds of the EU in the Region of Pardubice are the Region of Pardubice, city Pardubice, Employment office in Pardubice, University of Pardubice, towns Ústí nad Orlicí, Svitavy, Chrudim, Králíky. Also many primary, secondary and special schools, many associations and companies.

Evropské hospodářské zájmové sdružení / European Economic Interest Grouping

Kubíčková, Dagmar January 2009 (has links)
The thesis contains a description and a legal analysis of the European Economic Interest Grouping. The goal is achieved through the method of description, analysis and comparison. The first chapters of the thesis are devoted to incorporation of the Grouping, development of legislation relating to the Grouping, applicable system of law and the topic of legal nature of the Goruping. The way of how to incorporate a Grouping is described in the following chapter. Furthermore, the rights and obligations deriving from the membership in a Grouping are explained. The final chapters are devoted to the process of dissolution of the Grouping and to popularity of the Grouping throughout the EU countries.

Právní úprava ochrany hospodářských zvířat proti týrání / Legal regulation of protection of farm animals against cruelty

Váňová, Barbara January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis - Legal regulation of protection of farm animals against cruelty This diploma thesis on Legal regulation of protection of farm animals against cruelty divides into five chapters (excluding the introduction and conclusion). The first chapter explains the relevant terminology. The second chapter concentrates on history of animal rights and philosophical aspects of these rights as well as on animals as subjects of law. The following chapters focus on applicable relevant legislation. The third chapter deals with international animal welfare agreements and relevant EU legislation. The fourth, most important, chapter summarizes the legislation on the protection of farm animals against maltreatment in the legal order of the Czech Republic. This chapter gradually focuses on both public and private law. Finally, the fifth chapter brings a comparison of the domestic legislation on the protection of farm animals against cruelty with the legislation of the Hellenic Republic.

Československý tužkárenský průmysl v centrálně řízeném hospodářství 1948-1968

BOHDÁLEK, David January 2019 (has links)
The submitted doctoral thesis focuses on the development and transformation of the Czechoslovak pencil industry in the period after the onset of the planned economy. The major pencil manufacturer Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth was at the heart of the analysis. The annual reports, annual financial statements, business trip reports, and minutes of the director's and production meetings formed the source base. The correspondence with individual domestic institutions or foreign business partners, memories and a company magazine were also used. The preserved image archival documents - promotional leaflets and price lists - were not left out. The work is based on the methodological basis of the business history. The organization, operation and management strategies of the pencil industry in the historical background of economic changes and reforms have become the subject to examination. The national enterprises Centropen, Gama and Logarex, which were engaged in the production of office supplies, were also included into the research in terms of the comparison. The emphasis was placed on the role of individual managers conducting entrusted enterprises next to the analysis of turnover, production level and a number of employees. Advertising and promotional activities and their importance in the socialist economy was not left behind. In this context, the impact of extensive litigation regarding the trade mark and the name of Hardtmuth, which affected the export, production and advertising sectors, have not been overlooked. The interrelationship between the manufacturing enterprise and export organizations became one of the key topics.

Neziskové právnické osoby v SRN / Non-profit formal entities in FRG

Nesvadbová, Nora January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis is dedicated to german non-profit formal entities with one special chapter about theaters. Another issue dealt with in this master thesis is the non-profit sector in Germany. In the second chapter had been the concept of "non-profit" defined and advantages, disadvantages and alternatives of this sector have been described. The main topic is put into the context of the environment, which non-profit organizations are formed in. My main aim was to analyse the current state of non-profit organizations in Germany and to compare it with conditions in Czech republic. Finaly I tried to apply the resulting positives to our environment. I have compared cultural sectors of both countries (definition of these sectors, the issue of financing), their cultural policy, non-profit organizations and their legal forms, and theater itself including the transformation of public theaters. Attempts of such transformation are in progress in both countries.

Identifikace a krytí rizik ve školním zemědělském podniku

Nerudová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims to identify the risks associated with conducting business School Farm Žabčice and the list of risks to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the method and their coverage in terms of agricultural insurance. The operational objective is to analyse the situation of agricultural insurance in the Czech Republic and European Union.

Právní aspekty dominantního postavení / Legal aspects of dominant position

Topinková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Smyslem práce bylo popsat a kriticky zhodnotit právní úpravu dominantního postavení a s ním úzce spojené vymezení relevantního trhu v prostředí České republiky, Evropské unie a kolébky moderního antitrustového zákonodárství Spojených států amerických. Důraz byl kladen na komparativní analýzu systémů, zejména co se týče vymezení klíčových pojmů a celkového přístupu. Nastíněn byl historický vývoj soutěžního práva se zaměřením na dominantní postavení, jehož určení může mít pro soutěžitele nepříjemné následky a nutnost větší opatrnosti. Následně byly podrobněji představeny úpravy ve vymezených systémech s ohledem na zásadní otázky stanovení dominantního postavení na trhu současně s podrobným představením vymezování relevantního trhu, kde se následně dominance určuje, přes průběžné objasňování a diskutování dalších pojmů v právních předpisech využívaných. Značný prostor byl věnován problematice substituovatelnosti výrobků a služeb, který představoval základní úskalí při vymezování relevantního trhu. Při výkladu bylo pracováno zejména s právními předpisy, klíčovými rozhodnutími soudních orgánů, doplňkovými výkladovými materiály a odbornou literaturou. Práce také částečně hodnotí účelnost a funkčnost úpravy. V praktické části práce byly rozebrány dva vzorové případy Úřadu pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže,...

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