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Ochrana hospodářské soutěže - spojování soutěžitelů / Competition Law - Control of Concentrations between UndertakingsLuptáková, Lucia January 2012 (has links)
Competition law - control of concentrations between undertakings Abstract The subject of this thesis is the control of mergers as it is regulated by Czech laws. Control of mergers is one of the cornerstones of competition law. Competition is an important attribute of the market oriented economies all over the world. Since it is not capable of self-regulation it is necessary to set limits for the behavior of the subjects that are taking part in this competition. These limits are set by competition law. The topic is divided into three chapters. The first chapter contains definition of the term competition, in the second there are described basic terms common to all areas of competition law, while at the end of this chapter there is a description of these areas. In the last chapter focus is on control of concentrations itself in the ambit of Czech law. The aim of this work is to describe merger control as it is provided by Act No. 143/2001 on Protection of Competition (ZOHS). The emphasis is on describing different forms of merger and their characteristics which must be met so that a certain transaction could be classified as a merger. Furthermore, this work provides information on conditions that must be fulfilled so that a merger, division of a company and termination of the company accompanied by transfer...
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Ochrana hospodářské soutěže - spojování soutěžitelů / Competition Law - Control of Concentrations between UndertakingsLuptáková, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the control of mergers as it is regulated by Czech laws. Control of mergers is one of the cornerstones of competition law. Competition is an important attribute of the market oriented economies all over the world. Since it is not capable of self-regulation it is necessary to set limits for the behavior of the subjects that are taking part in this competition. These limits are set by competition law. The topic is divided into three chapters. The first chapter contains definition of the term competition, in the second there are described basic terms common to all areas of competition law, while at the end of this chapter there is a description of these areas. In the last chapter focus is on control of concentrations itself in the ambit of Czech law. The aim of this work is to describe merger control as it is provided by Act No. 143/2001 on Protection of Competition (ZOHS). The emphasis is on describing different forms of merger and their characteristics which must be met so that a certain transaction could be classified as a merger. Furthermore, this work provides information on conditions that must be fulfilled so that a merger, division of a company and termination of the company accompanied by transfer of assets to its partner - according to the Czech law on...
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Paralely a rozdíly mezi Velkou Depresí a současnou finanční krizí / Parallels and differences between the Great Depression and the financial crisisOndruška, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines parallel and differences between the interwar Great depression and the financial crisis of 2007. Comparison is made for United States and the thesis succes-sively deals with comparison of economic conditions measured by fundamental economic indicators and their behaviour and correlations. Next topic is cointegration analysis of money-income hypothesis for both periods. We reach the conclusion that economic situation and sta-bility were different. Furthermore, the thesis reveals monetary policy actions and role of fiscal stimulus. The last topic is comparison of regulation and liberalization of financial markets. On the contrary to the first part of thesis the issues solved in the second part showed that there were similarities between the Great depression and financial crisis.
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Právní ochrana hospodářských zvířat proti týrání / Legal protection of farm animals against crueltyKaletová, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
Legal protection of farm animals against cruelty The thesis deals with the protection of farm animals against cruelty and its main goal is to evaluate the current state of legislation in this field, with respect to both theory and praxis. The thesis comprises of five chapters excluding introduction and summary. The summary sums ups all the findings introduced in the thesis and presents de lege ferenda ideas. The first two chapters define basic terms crucial for the topic and also introduce the historical basis of farm animal legal protection. The current legislation is dealt with at first at the international and European level in chapter three. More attention is naturally given to legal protection of farm animals in the Czech Republic, especially to enforcement of the farm animal protection laws. This enables the thesis to eventually evaluate how effectively farm animals are protected by law in our country. Chapter number five tries to answer the fundamental question behind this thesis; is the current legislation at such a level that would ensure that farm animals are indeed protected against cruelty and that would ensure their good welfare? The thesis uses knowledge from scientific fields such as ethology to be able to answer this question and evaluate the practical impact of the legislation on animal...
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Komentář za minutu pohledem komentátorů Hospodářských novin / Komentář za minutu by publicists of Hospodářské novinyRizikyová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
The thesis aims to examine the 'Komentář za minutu' format, published by the online offshoot of 'Hospodářské noviny' daily from November 2014 to January 2017. The theoretical part brings forward the Economia publishing house in context of corporate convergence, as well as attributes of comment genres, online videos, and particularities of audio-visual instruments. The practical part qualitatively analyses data acquired by interviews with journalists of 'Hospodářské noviny' daily who featured in Komentář za minutu. All interviews are included.
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Veřejná podpora v mezinárodním právu / State Aid in the international lawTraurig, Vojtěch Pavel January 2011 (has links)
State aid law is one of the most important categories of the competition law in the European Union. The state as such has an unprecedented advantage compared to other competitors: the state disposes of a huge amount of funds which could be easily distributed in favor of the privileged undertakings. The risk of the distorting effect on competition is high; thus, strict rules are necessary. The thesis is divided into five parts: introduction, the part focusing on international treaties, the general part, specific provisions and the conclusion. Part two of this thesis deals with the respective international treaties relevant for the aid schemes. There are three groups of such international treaties: the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures adopted in the WTO system, the anti-aid measures in the European Economic Area and the anti- subsidies mechanism towards the third countries (i.e. non-members of EEA or WTO). This part describes these three mechanisms and their common principles. Part three of the thesis is dedicated to the general provision. Section 3.1 deals with the term "state aid", describes the main criteria for qualification of the aid as a state aid incompatible with the internal market. I also focused on two judgments of the Tribunal which I considered important for the used...
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Právo veřejné podpory se zaměřením na ocelářský průmysl / The Law of State Aid Focusing on Steel IndustryKuthanová, Blažena January 2018 (has links)
The Law of State Aid Focusing on Steel Industry Abstract The law of state aid is one of the fundamental pillars of the competition law. The task of this branch of law is to ensure healthy competitive environment. State interferences with the economy may, however, create unequal conditions between the competition on the market. It is therefore necessary to ensure and enforce strict regulation of state aid by law. The first part of the thesis focuses on explaining the concept of State aid under Article 107 of the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union in accordance with the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Prohibited State aid is granted by State or through state resources, directly or indirectly. In addition, the measure must be attributable to the State and selectively favor only certain sectors. State does not act as reasonable private investor when providing the aid, and is not aimed at maximizing profits but at supporting the undertaking. Lastly, the aid distorts, or has the ability to distort, competition which adversely affects trade between Member State. If the notified or planned measure appear cumulatively, such aid is prohibited and may not be granted. However, the prohibition on providing State aid is not absolute though. The thesis also deals with exemptions from the...
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Spojování soutěžitelů v rámci ochrany české hospodářské soutěže / Concentration of Undertakings within Protection of Czech CompetitionRadvanovská, Alice January 2018 (has links)
Concentration of Undertakings within Protection of Czech Competition The subject of this diploma thesis is to define the subject of concentration of undertakings, which is one of the parts of competition protection, and to define the way of control of such concentration in the Czech legal order. Without the functioning of competition, the functioning of trade cannot be imagined, and since self-regulation of trade has proved to be inadequate over time, there was nothing else to do than to introduce a regulation regulating the behavior of market players. These standards gave rise to a new branch of law, i.e. competition law. The thesis is divided into nine chapters, the first four being rather interpretative, because they explain the basic concepts and terms used by the Act on the Protection of Competition and the European Commission. The fundamental issue of this work is to explain the definition of the concentration as such, in which, without knowing the various forms of concentration, it would not be possible to correctly identify the operation and properly notify the competition authority. Next, I deal with the procedure of the competitors and subsequently of the Office for the Protection of Competition (hereinafter referred to as "the Office") in the proceedings. I consider significant the adaptation of...
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Evropský sociální fond v rámci podpory politiky zaměstnanosti a vzdělávání na území hl.m.Prahy / Policy of employment and education of European social fund in capital city PragueDlouhá, Barbora January 2006 (has links)
Hlavním cílem práce je analýza systému čerpání finančních prostředků, které do České republiky proudí ze strukturálních fondů EU. Zejména vytipování hlavních rizik souvisejících s čerpáním prostředků alokovaných do jednotlivých strukturálních fondů na programovací období 2004-2006. Práce je zaměřena na Jednotný programový dokument pro cíl 3 region NUTS 2 hl.m. Praha.
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Evropské právo obchodních společností / European company lawDrahorádová, Kamila January 2006 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá především novými nadnárodními formami obchodních společností. Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je právní rozbor aspektů evropského hospodářského zájmového sdružení a evropské společnosti. Právní rozbor je doplňen také o analýzu aktuálního využití těchto právních forem v praxi. Okrajově se tato diplomová práce zabývá také svobodou usazování společností. Práce dále podává přehled o platných právních normách regulujících aspekty obchodních společností na evropské úrovni.
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