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Perspektiva hospodářských vztahů ČR s Vietnamem s přihlédnutím ke kulturním odlišnostem / Perspecitve of Czech-Vietnamese economic relations with looking on cultural differencesSobolíková, Jitka January 2008 (has links)
In the first chapter basic information about Vietnam such as natural determinats, population, history and economic situation is described. Next chapter contains detailed description of political, economic and cultural Czech-Vietnamese relations. The conception of export support for years 2006-2010 is clarified in chapter three. The next chapter analyses Vietnamese enterprise environment and atmosphere for foreign direct investment. Last chapter describes Vietnamese culture and bussines negotioations between Czech and Vietnamese partners.
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Operační program Podnikání a inovace: vybrané oblasti přípravy a realizace / Operating Program Bussiness and Innovation: Chosen Domain of Preparation and RealizationZelinková, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Práce objasňuje problematiku čerpání strukturálních fondů v programovacím období 2007 - 2013 a především na vybraném operačním programu popisuje proces vzniku tohoto programu a jeho jednotlivých částí. Jsou zde také rozebrány související evropské a národní dokumenty včetně Lisabonské strategie a jejich návaznost na OPPI a je zde také analýza socioekonomického prostředí ČR se zaměřením na průmysl a podnikání a výstupy SWOT analýzy provázané s charakteristikou jednotlivých programů podpory OPPI.
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Hospodářské vztahy ČR s JAR s přihlédnutím ke kulturním odlišnostem / Economic Relations between the Republic of South Africa and the Czech Republic with Regard to Cultural DifferencesMachovská, Gabriela January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis is diveded into 4 parts: basic information about the Republic of South Africa, Export of the goods to the Republic of South Africa, Import of goods from the Republic of South Africa, cultural differences. The thesis focuses on the atractivity of the Republic of South Africa as a business partner for the Czech companies.
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Československo a Rada vzájemné hospodářské pomoci v padesátých letech 20. století / Czechoslovak and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in the 1950s.Huf, Vladimír January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is devoted to the Czechoslovakian entry into the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) and the consequences of this membership on Czechoslovak economics in the following ten years. The thesis discourses about the reasons for the entry into the COMECON by analysing the postwar economic and political situation as well as the elements Czechoslovakia was expecting from it. The emphasis of this dissertation is on the first two years of the functioning of the COMECON, during which it was revealed to be primarily an instrument of Soviet politics, and which affected the transformation towards the preference for heavy indrustry. The intention of the thesis is to confirm that Czechoslovakia was suiting its economical structure to the needs of the Eastern Bloc, which were pursued through COMECON. The study also focuses on the analysis of changes in COMECON activity and their impact on the Czechoslovak economy over the years. The purpose of the thesis is to review the motives behind the Czechoslovak entry into COMECON along with the consequences COMECON membership had on Czechoslovakia in the first ten years of its existence.
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Vliv světové finančí krize na hospodářské vztahy ČR s Izraelem / The impact of global financial crisis on bilateral economic relations between Czech republic and IsraelGerlová, Iveta January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the bilateral economic relations between Czech republic and Israel in the context of global financial crisis. The first part includes the theoretical approach to financial crisis, its origins and impact on world economy. I continue with description of procedures adopted in EU in order to overcome the financial crisis as qickly as possible. Third part analyzes the economy of Israel, above all its development in last five years and shows, how did Israel deal with the impacts of crisis. This will predetermine the development of bilateral economic relations with Czech republic, that are analyzed in the last part of the thesis.
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Hospodářský cyklus z pohledu monetárních a úvěrových veličin / Business Cycle from The Viewpoint of Monetary and Credit VariablesMetrah, Samy January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis critically analyses the works of John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich August von Hayek concering the explanation of business cycles based on monetary determinants. The analysis is primarily based on J. M. Keynes's Treatise on Money (1930) and Prices and Production (1935) author of which is F. A. Hayek. The thesis, on one hand, refutes the main explanation of the cause of business cycles of the Austrian business cycle theory and, on the other hand, it argues the imcompatibility of the main analytical tool of Treatise with the theory of innovation by J. A. Schumpeter.
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Analýza nejčastějších pochybení v procesu zadávání veřejných zakázekŠenkýřová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is based on individual decisions and annual reports of the Office for the Protection of Competition and the Ministry of Regional Development. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the most prevalent mistakes that occur in the public procurement process, specifically in the last five years. The partial objective is also to evaluate the reasons why the failures occur and to compute their impacts on the efficiency of the procurement process and the cost-effectiveness of the public funds spent. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical part. The first part provides the theoretical background of the professional information that is the subject of this work and is necessary for the interconnection with the practical part. The thesis itself analysis the most frequent mistakes, including the measures of the Office contributing to the elimination of errors. In the end there is a recommendation for the contracting authorities.
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Nekonkurenční doložky v soutěžním právu Evropské unie a vybraných členských států. / Non-compete clauses in the competition law of the European Union and selected member states.Klímová, Eva January 2021 (has links)
Non - compete clauses in the competition law of the European union and selected member states This diploma thesis is focused on the use and regulation of non-compete clauses in the competition law of the European Union, the Czech Republic and Great Britain. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the applicable regulation and decision-making practice of the relevant authorities concerning the non-compete clauses in the selected jurisdictions, draw a comparison between them and, at the end of each chapter, make an evaluation to what extent does the relevant practice differ on the level of European law, the law of the Czech Republic or Great Britain. The thesis is mainly dedicated to the use of non-compete clauses in lease and acquisition agreements. The first chapter is focused on the theoretical introduction to the matter, containing a short summary of the fundamental regulation and soft law of the competition authorities. The second chapter is centred around the analysis of decisions concerning the non-compete clauses in lease agreements. The individual decisions are examined and compared at the end of the second chapter. The comparison is made by using the division of the anti-competitive agreements to the categories of "object-type agreements" and "effect-type agreements". The third chapter is concentrates...
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Omezování hospodářské soutěže prostřednictvím zakázaných dohod mezi podnikateliHlavenková, Magda January 2017 (has links)
Hlavenková, M., Restriction of economic competition through the prohibited agreements between businnessmen. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2017. This thesis is about illegal agreements between businessmen, who are disrupting competition between companies and who are decreasing the prosperity of consumers. The first part of this thesis describes basic concepts of issues with economic competition within the competition law in the Czech Republic and in the EU. In the second part of this thesis is done analysis of economic impacts in particular cases where prohibited agreements were used between businessmen. Based on the acquired information from the analysis, the thesis gives recommendations to entrepreneurial subjects on how to recognize this behaviour among competitors and how to avoid it.
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Povinnosti člena statutárního orgánu kapitálové společnosti v hospodářských potížích / Duties of a member of governing body of a limited company in financial difficultiesLangr, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Duties of a member of governing body of a limited company in financial difficulties Abstract This thesis discusses duties of a member of governing body of a limited company in financial difficulties, specifically chosen institutes not only from corporate law but from insolvency law as well. The main goal of this thesis is to define period of financial difficulties and to create a basic overview of legal duties that are connected to this period. When analysing individual duties, where I take into consideration conclusions from specialised literature and from decisions of the courts, I focus on problematic parts of the enacted law. The thesis proposes de lege ferenda propositions and also reflects on the amendment to the Business Corporations Act. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the due managerial care and diligence. It is the key duty, which is imposed on the members of governing body of a limited company. In the second chapter I discuss the state of financial trouble of the company. The Czech lawmaker tries to reflect on this economical state by the institutes of insolvency and impending insolvency, which I focus on within this part. These institutes are linked to a number of legal duties. Chapters three and four constitute the core of the thesis. Chapter three...
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