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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Activité ambivalente du nicotinamide chez le parasite Leishmania : adjuvant thérapeutique dans le traitement des leishmanioses et précurseur majeur du NAD+ chez le parasite. / Ambivalent activity of nicotinamide against Leishmania parasites : therapeutic adjuvant and main NAD+ precursor

Gazanion, Elodie 16 December 2010 (has links)
Le nicotinamide est une vitamine fournie par l'alimentation et utilisée en thérapie dans le traitement de certaines pathologies humaines. Chez Leishmania, un protozoaire parasite responsable des leishmanioses, cette vitamine présente une action toxique contre le parasite et une action synergique avec l'antimoine, la principale molécule utilisée dans le traitement des leishmanioses. En recherchant le mode d'action de cette vitamine, nous avons observé qu'elle était en réalité un précurseur essentiel à la synthèse du NAD+ chez le parasite, un cofacteur responsable de la plupart des réactions d'oxydoréduction chez tous les êtres vivants. Leishmania étant en effet dépourvu des voies de synthèse de novo du NAD+, il doit le générer à partir de précurseurs qu'il importe depuis son environnement (nicotinamide, nicotinamide riboside, acide nicotinique). Cette auxotrophie du parasite pour le NAD+ révèle donc un rôle ambivalent du nicotinamide, à la fois toxique à fortes concentrations et pourtant essentiel à sa survie en tant que précurseur majeur du NAD+. À partir des bases de données, nous avons reconstitué l'ensemble de la voie de synthèse du NAD+ chez Leishmania. Parmi les enzymes impliquées, nous avons identifié une nicotinamidase qui n'a pas d'homologue chez les mammifères, et qui assure la conversion du nicotinamide en acide nicotinique, première étape à la synthèse du NAD+. Cette enzyme étant un candidat intéressant pour le développement de molécules ciblant spécifiquement le parasite, nous avons réalisé la caractérisation fonctionnelle de ce gène. Son inactivation induit une diminution importante de la concentration en NAD+ chez le parasite et provoque un arrêt de la prolifération en culture, ainsi qu'une incapacité des mutants à établir une infection durable chez la souris. L'obtention de la structure de la nicotinamidase de L. infantum nous offre désormais la possibilité de développer des inhibiteurs spécifiques contre cette nouvelle cible thérapeutique. / Nicotinamide is a vitamin provided by food that is already used in human therapy. In Leishmania protozoan parasites, this molecule shows toxic activity against parasites and has synergistic activity with antimonials, the main drugs used to treat leishmaniasis. By investigating the mode of action of this cheap vitamin, we discovered that nicotinamide is in fact the main precursor of NAD+ synthesis in Leishmania, a redox cofactor essential for all living cells. Leishmania are indeed devoid of a de novo NAD+ pathway and must synthesize it by scavenging precursors from their environment (nicotinamide, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide riboside). This NAD+ auxotrophy reveals a mixed pattern of activity of nicotinamide in Leishmania, i.e. toxic at high concentrations but also essential for parasite survival through its role in NAD+ synthesis. All enzymes of the Leishmania NAD+ salvage pathway were then identified from genome databases. We focused on a putative nicotinamidase, which has no homolog in mammals and governs the conversion of nicotinamide to nicotinic acid, the first step in the NAD+ salvage pathway. Since this enzyme could be considered as an attractive therapeutic target to develop specific parasite inhibitors, we performed a functional analysis of the corresponding gene. Targeted deletion of the nicotinamidase encoding gene induced a marked drop in parasite NAD+ content and a phenotype with strongly delayed growth. Additionally, these mutants are unable to establish durable infections in mice. The crystal structure of the nicotinamidase from L. infantum will allow us to develop specific inhibitors against this new therapeutic target.

Quantification et prévalence de Flavobacterium psychrophilum chez les truites arc-en-ciel d’aquaculture : relation hôte-pathogène et réponse immunitaire / Quantification and prevalence of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in farmed rainbow trout; host-pathogen : relationship and immune response

Orieux, Nicolas 23 February 2011 (has links)
Flavobacterium psychrophilum est l’agent pathogène des flavobactérioses d’eau froide touchant essentiellement les salmonidés dont la truite arc-en-ciel Oncorhynchus mykiss d’élevage. Cette bactérie Gram négative a un très fort impact économique en aquaculture car elle peut causer jusqu'à 70 % de mortalité dans les bassins d’élevage. La flavobactériose se décline sous deux formes pathologiques : la maladie de l’eau froide touchant les poissons adultes et le syndrome de l’alevin de truite arc-en-ciel touchant les juvéniles.Au cours de se travail, une méthode de PCR quantitative a été proposée. Elle permet en moins de trois heures de détecter et de quantifier un nombre de copies du gène codant l’ARNr 16S de la bactérie dans les tissus du poisson. Cette méthode a été testée sur différentes suspensions bactériennes (F. psychrophilum, autres flavobactéries, autres pathogènes) afin d’en valider la spécificité. La sensibilité de la méthode de détection a été évaluée à 1 et 2 bactéries par PCR en fonction de la matrice biologique utilisée.Une étude écotoxicologique a été menée et montre d’une part que F. psychrophilum est une bactérie hyper-sensible au cadmium comparée aux autres bactéries Gram négatives. Sa croissance est diminuée d’un facteur 2 en présence d’une contamination au Cd à 0,4 µM. D’autre part, nous avons constaté qu’une contamination de truites juvéniles par 1 µg CdCl2/L (2 mois) et une injection de 5 × 107 flavobactéries par individu (1 mois) ne provoque aucune mortalité. L’expression génique mesurée sur ses poissons démontre que le cadmium peut avoir des effets contradictoires sur le système immunitaire du poisson, pouvant soit exacerber ou diminuer la réponse immunitaire selon l’organe considéré. Un travail comparatif de la prévalence de la flavobactérie dans 7 sites aquacoles d’Aquitaine a démontré que la flavobactérie est omniprésente et que sa pathogénicité est contrôlée par le système immunitaire des poissons en bonne santé apparente. L’expression génique mesurée sur les poissons malades et apparemment sains nous apporte deux informations importantes : 1/ les gènes codant pour la métallothionéine A et l’interleukine 1-β sont de bons bio-marqueurs de la maladie et 2/ la répression des gènes codant pour le complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité 2-β, le facteur de croissance transformant β, le cluster de différentiation 8-α et l’immunoglobuline T dans la rate des poissons malades montre un effondrement du système immunitaire acquis nous permettant d’émettre l’hypothèse que ce phénomène déclenche l’apparition de la maladie. Ainsi, F. psychrophilum aurait un comportement de pathogène à virulence latente.Afin d’imaginer de nouvelles mesures prophylactiques et pour mieux comprendre la pathogénicité de la bactérie, une analyse du protéome de la membrane externe couplée à l’annotation du génome séquencé a été effectuée. Il a été identifié entre autres 1/ des protéines d’adhésion et d’invasion des tissus et 2/ des protéines d’acquisition de métabolites de l’hôte. De plus, un nombre important de protéines immunogènes chez la truite potentiellement utilisable dans un cocktail vaccinant a été détecté. Afin de chercher un vecteur pour ce cocktail, des nanoparticules d’acide γ-glutamique et phénylalanine d’environ 100 à 200 nm de diamètre ont été synthétisées. Ces dernières constituent une approche séduisante pour vacciner les poissons avec des antigènes de F. psychrophilum encapsulés puis incorporés dans la nourriture. / Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the causative agent of cold water flavobacteriosis, a condition affecting mostly salmonid fish, including the farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. This Gram negative bacterium can cause up to 70% mortality in breeding tanks and has a very strong economic impact on the fish farming industry. Flavobacteriosis can take two pathological forms: the cold water disease affecting adult fish and the rainbow trout fry syndrome affecting juveniles.In the present study, a method of quantitative PCR was devised that allowed for the detection and the quantification, within three hours, of the 16S rRNA copy number in fish tissues. This method’s specificity was confirmed through the use of various bacterial suspensions (F.psychrophilum, others flavobacteria and others pathogens) and its detection limit was estimated to be 1 and 2 bacteria in broth and in biological matrices, respectively.An ecotoxicological study was then performed that showed that, on the one hand, F. psychrophilum is cadmium hypersensitive compared to others Gram negative bacteria because its growth rate, compared to a control, is decreased by a factor 2 at a cadmium concentration of 0,4 µM. On the other hand, we observed that subjecting rainbow trout juveniles to a concentration of 1 µg CdCl2/L for2 months prior to an injection of 5 × 107 F. psychrophilum by fish didn’t lead to any mortality. The gene expression which was measured on these fish demonstrated that cadmium can have contradictory effects on the immune system of fish, which could enhance or decrease the immune response depending of the organ. A comparative work of the prevalence of flavobacteria in 7 fish farms within the Aquitaine region (France) demonstrated that the bacterium was endemic and present in asymptomatic fish. Gene expression levels were measured on diseased and asymptomatic fish and demonstrated that the genes metallothionein A and interleukine 1-β were good biomarkers of the disease and that repression of the genes major histocompatibility complex 2-β, transforming growth factor -β, cluster of differentiation α and immunoglobulin T in the spleen of diseased fish was indicative of a collapse of the acquired immune system. We therefore hypothesized that this event marked the beginning of the disease and that F. psychrophilum is mostly an opportunistic pathogen.To prepare the development of new prophylactic techniques and to understand better the bacterium pathogenicity, an analysis of the outer membrane proteome coupled with sequencing of the bacterial genome was also performed. Furthermore, a significant number of immunogenic proteins were identified as good candidates for the preparation of a vaccine. Finally, γ-glutamic acid and phenylalanine nanoparticles of about 100 - 200 nm in diameter were synthesized to serve as potential vector for this vaccine. These nanoparticles should be tested to administrate F. psychrophilum antigens to fish through the digestive route.

Diversité moléculaire des effecteurs antimicrobiens chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas : mise en évidence et rôle dans la réponse antimicrobienne / Molecular diversity of antimicrobial effectors in the oyster Crassostrea gigas and role in the antimicrobial response

Schmitt, Paulina 22 October 2010 (has links)
Ce travail a contribué à la compréhension des bases moléculaires de l'immunité de l'huître creuse par la caractérisation la diversité de trois effecteurs antimicrobiens de C. gigas et par l'appréhension du rôle de cette diversité dans les mécanismes de défense. Des analyses phylogénétiques de deux peptides antimicrobiens (AMPs), Cg-Défensines (Cg-Defs) et Cg-Proline rich peptide (Cg-Prp), et d'une protéine de type Bactericidal Permeability Increasing protein, Cg-BPI, nous a permis montrer la grande diversité pour les 2 AMPs, qui est générée par plusieurs mécanismes génétiques et par des pressions de sélection directionnelles, suggèrant une diversité fonctionnelle des variants. L'importance biologique de cette diversité a été étudiée pour trois variants de Cg-Defs. Une forte activité antimicrobienne a été mise en évidence contre les bactéries à Gram positive, mais celle-ci diffère selon les variants. De plus, nous avons démontré que le mécanisme d'action des Cg-Defs contre S. aureus repose sur l'inhibition de la biosynthèse du peptidoglycane par le piegeage de son précurseur, le lipide II. Finalement, l'expression des transcrits et la localisation de ces effecteurs en réponse à une infection par un Vibrio pathogène ont montré un réseau complexe des profils d'expression des différents antimicrobiens, au niveau des populations hémocytaires et des tissus d'huître, suggérant une interaction entre les antimicrobiens du fait de leur colocalization. La combinaison entre les familles ou entre les variants d'une même famille produit de fortes activités synergiques qui élargissent les spectres d'activité. Ainsi, la diversité produit par la coévolution entre hôte et pathogènes pourrait améliorer l'activité des AMPs d'huître, lui conférant une plus grande protection contre les pathogènes de son environnement. / This work contributed to the knowledge of the molecular bases of oyster immunity by the characterization of the diversity of three antimicrobials of C. gigas and the understanding of the role played by their diversity in the oyster antimicrobial response. Phylogenetic analyses of two antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), Cg-Defensins (Cg-Defs) and Cg-Proline rich peptide (Cg-Prp), and one Bactericidal Permeability Increasing protein, Cg-BPI, led us to the identification of a high diversity for both AMPs. Further analyses showed that this diversity is generated by gene duplication, allelic recombination and directional selection pressures, suggesting their functional diversification. The biological meaning of AMP diversity was investigated for the three major variants of Cg-Defs, which revealed a strong but variable potency against Gram-positive bacteria. We evidenced that oyster defensins kill S. aureus through binding to the cell wall precursor lipid II, resulting in the inhibition of peptidoglycan biosynthesis. Finally, transcript expression and localization of oyster antimicrobials after a pathogenic infection evidenced a complex network in their expression profiles in hemocyte populations and oyster tissues, suggesting a potential interplay between antimicrobials as a result of their colocalization. Indeed, the combination of oyster antimicrobials produced strong synergistic activities that enlarged their antimicrobial spectra. Thus, the diversity of oyster antimicrobials may provide significant means in acquiring functional divergence, probably concerned in the evolutionary arms race between hosts and their pathogens.From our data, it would provide oysters with a higher protection against the potential pathogens from their environment.

Les macrophages d’ascendance européenne et africaine répondent différemment aux infections bactériennes

Pagé Sabourin, Ariane 12 1900 (has links)
Des études antérieures démontrent que les descendants de peuples européens et africains présentent des différences de susceptibilité à certaines maladies infectieuses. Ces différences suggèrent des variations interpopulationnelles de la réponse immunitaire qui résultent probablement de l’adaptation de ces individus aux pathogènes de leur environnement. Nous avons caractérisé la réponse immunitaire chez des descendants de peuples européens et africains à des infections bactériennes. Nous avons infecté des macrophages dérivés de monocytes de 30 Américains d’origine africaine (Africains) et de 31 Américains d’origine européenne (Européens) avec les pathogènes intracellulaires Listeria monocytogenes et Salmonella typhimurium pendant 4 heures, puis nous avons mesuré le niveau d’expression pangénomique des cellules infectées et non infectées par séquençage de l’ARNm. Nous avons estimé le niveau de contrôle de l’infection par les macrophages à 2, 4 et 24 heures post-infection en évaluant le taux de survie des bactéries. Nous avons observé que les Africains présentent significativement moins de bactéries intracellulaires après 4 et 24 heures que les Européens, suggérant que les Africains contrôlent mieux les infections bactériennes. Nous avons identifié des différences interpopulationnelles dans le niveau de sécrétion des cytokines et dans le niveau d’expression de certains gènes, ce qui suggère que les Africains modulent une réponse inflammatoire plus forte que les Européens. Nous avons démontré que plusieurs de ces gènes ont subi des évènements de sélection positive récents seulement chez les Européens. Notre étude a identifié plusieurs gènes candidats susceptibles d’influencer le cours des infections bactériennes chez les humains. Nos résultats indiquent que les différences dans la progression des maladies infectieuses entre les populations européennes et africaines seraient le résultat de la sélection naturelle. / Previous studies demonstrate that people of African and European ancestry differ in their susceptibility to certain infectious diseases. Differences in infection progression between these populations suggest inter-population variation in the immune response, possibly caused by adaptation to the pathogens of their historical environments. Here, we characterize the immune response of people of African and European ancestry to bacterial infections. Monocyte-derived macrophages from 30 African Americans (Africans) and 31 European Americans (Europeans) were infected with the intracellular pathogens Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella typhimurium for 4 hours and whole genome gene expression of infected and non-infected cells was measured by RNA-sequencing. Macrophage control of bacterial infection at 2, 4 and 24 hours was assessed by culturing infected cell lysate and counting colony-forming units to approximate bacterial survival rate. We found that macrophages derived from Africans presented fewer intracellular bacteria after 4 and 24 hours than Europeans, suggesting that Africans better control intracellular bacterial infections. Concordant with this observation, we identified inter-population differences in cytokine secretion and gene expression that might explain this pattern of increased infection control in Africans. Interestingly, several of those differences indicate that Africains have a stronger pro-inflammatory response than Europeans. We show that several of these genes appear to have been subject to recent selection in the Europeans population alone. We also identify multiple candidate genes that may affect the course of infection in these populations. Overall, our findings suggest that differences in infectious disease progression observed in Africans and in Europeans may be the outcome of natural selection.

Interplay of human macrophages and Mycobacterium tuberculosis phenotypes

Raffetseder, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is the pathogen causing tuberculosis (TB), a disease most often affecting the lung. 1.5 million people die annually due to TB, mainly in low-income countries. Usually considered a disease of the poor, also developed nations recently put TB back on their agenda, fueled by the HIV epidemic and the global emergence of drug-resistant Mtb strains. HIV-coinfection is a predisposing factor for TB, and infection with multi-drug resistant and extremely drug resistant strains significantly impedes and lengthens antibiotic treatment, and increases fatality. Mtb is transmitted from a sick individual via coughing, and resident macrophages are the first cells to encounter the bacterium upon inhalation. These cells phagocytose intruders and subject them to a range of destructive mechanisms, aiming at killing pathogens and protecting the host. Mtb, however, has evolved to cope with host pressures, and has developed mechanisms to submerge macrophage defenses. Among these, inhibition of phagosomal maturation and adaptation to the intracellular environment are important features. Mtb profoundly alters its phenotype inside host cells, characterized by altered metabolism and slower growth. These adaptations contribute to the ability of Mtb to remain dormant inside a host during latent TB infection, a state that can last for decades. According to recent estimates, one third of the world’s population is latently infected with Mtb, which represents a huge reservoir for active TB disease. Mtb is also intrinsically tolerant to many antibiotics, and adaptation to host pressures enhances tolerance to first-line TB drugs. Therefore, TB antibiotic therapy takes 6 to 9 months, and current treatment regimens involve a combination of several antibiotics. Patient noncompliance due to therapeutic side effects as well as insufficient penetration of drugs into TB lesions are reasons for treatment failure and can lead to the rise of drug-resistant populations. In view of the global spread of drug-resistant strains, new antibiotics and treatment strategies are urgently needed. In this thesis, we studied the interplay of the primary host cell of Mtb, human macrophages, and different Mtb phenotypes. A low-burden infection resulted in restriction of Mtb replication via phagolysosomal effectors and the maintenance of an inactive Mtb phenotype reminiscent of dormant bacteria. Macrophages remained viable for up to 14 days, and profiling of secreted cytokines mirrored a silent infection. On the contrary, higher bacterial numbers inside macrophages could not be controlled by phagolysosomal functions, and intracellular Mtb shifted their phenotype towards active replication. Although slowed mycobacterial replication is believed to render Mtb tolerant to antibiotics, we did not observe such an effect. Mtb-induced macrophage cell death is dependent on ESAT6, a small mycobacterial virulence factor involved in host cell necrosis and the spread of the pathogen. Although well-studied, the fate of ESAT6 inside infected macrophages has been enigmatic. Cultivation of Mtb is commonly carried out in broth containing detergent to avoid aggregation of bacilli due to their waxy cell wall. Altering cultivation conditions revealed the presence of a mycobacterial capsule, and ESAT6 situated on the mycobacterial surface. Infection of macrophages with this encapsulated Mtb phenotype resulted in rapid ESAT6-dependent host cell death, and ESAT6 staining was lost as bacilli were ingested by macrophages. These observations could reflect the earlier reported integration of ESAT6 into membranes followed by membrane rupture and host cell death. In conclusion, the work presented in this thesis shows that the phenotype of Mtb has a significant impact on the struggle between the pathogen and human macrophages. Taking the bacterial phenotype into account can lead to the development of drugs active against altered bacterial populations that are not targeted by conventional antibiotics. Furthermore, deeper knowledge on Mtb virulence factors can inform the development of virulence blockers, a new class of antibiotics with great therapeutic potential.

Expressão da proteína imunomodulatória CD200 em macrófagos murinos infectados com Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi. / Expression of the CD200 immunomodulatory protein in murine macrophages infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi.

Bressan, Albert da Silva 29 May 2015 (has links)
A leishmaniose é um termo global para doenças causadas por parasitos do gênero Leishmania, sendo a Leishmaniose Visceral (LV) a forma mais grave da doença. No Brasil é causada pelo parasita Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi. Para garantir a sua sobrevivência, alguns parasitas são capazes de manipular respostas de defesa das células do sistema imune. Recentes estudos demonstraram a participação da proteína imunomodulatória CD200 durante o processo de infecção de L. (L.) amazonenses. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar se os parasitos L. (L.) infantum chagasi são capazes de induzir a expressão da proteína CD200 durante o processo infeccioso. Em ensaios de infecção ex vivo, não foi observado proliferação de parasitas intracelulares. Apesar disso, L. (L.) infantum chagasi foi capaz de induzir a expressão do gene CD200. De maneira interessante, diferente de infecções por L. (L.) amazonenses, a indução de CD200 nessas células foi observada em tempos mais tardios de infecção. Ensaios de imunoprecipitação e Western blot indicaram a síntese da proteína, que atingiu os seus maiores níveis a 120 horas pós-infecção. A presença de CD200 sugere o envolvimento dessa molécula em tempos mais tardios de infecção por L. (L.) infantum chagasi. / Leishmaniasis is a global term for diseases caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania, and Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) are the most severe form of the disease. In Brazil is caused by the parasite Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi. To ensure their survival, some parasites can handle defensive responses of the cells of the immune system. Recent studies have demonstrated the participation of immunomodulatory protein CD200 during the infection process of L. (L.) amazonenses. This study aimed to investigate whether the parasites L. (L.) infantum chagasi are capable of inducing the expression of CD200 protein during the infectious process. In trials of ex vivo infection, there was no proliferation of intracellular parasites. Nevertheless, L. (L.) infantum chagasi was able to induce the expression of CD200 gene. Interestingly, unlike infection by L. (L.) amazonenses, CD200 induction of these cells was observed at later times in infection. Immunoprecipitation assays and Western blot indicated protein synthesis, which reached their highest levels at 120 hours post-infection. The presence of CD200 suggests the involvement of this molecule at later times of infection with L. (L.) infantum chagasi.

Host factors and compartments accessed by Salmonella Typhimurium for intracellular growth and survival

Singh, Vikash 23 March 2015 (has links)
Salmonellen spp. sind invasive, intrazelluläre Pathogene, die in einem membranumhüllten Kompartiment innerhalb der infizierten Wirtszelle überleben. Wie auch andere intrazelluläre Pathogene repliziert Salmonella in dieser intrazellulären Nische, obwohl es anscheinend von sowohl extra- als auch intrazellulären Nährstoffquellen isoliert ist. Wir zeigen hier, dass intrazelluläre Salmonella den Proteinabbau des Wirts ausnutzen, um Aminosäuren in Form von Peptiden zu erhalten. Dieser spezielle, auch als Chaperon-vermittelte Autophagie bekannte, Abbauweg spielt eine Rolle im Transport zytosolischer Proteine zum Abbau im Lysosom. Ein Salmonellenmutant, der nur in Anwesenheit von Peptiden im Medium als Aminosäurenquelle wächst, wies intrazellulär eine Wachstumsrate auf, die der des Wildtyps ähnlich war. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Peptide intrazellulär für Salmonella zugänglich sind. Wir fanden heraus, dass die Salmonella-enthaltende Vakuole (SCV, Salmonella containing vacuole) die Wirtproteine LAMP-2A und Hsc73, Kernkomponenten von CMA, anzieht, jedoch nicht lysosomale Proteine wie LAMP-2B und LIMP-2. Im Gegensatz zum Salmonellawildtyp zeigte der peptidabhängige Mutantentstamm stark verringertes Wachstum, wenn die Wirtszellen mit CMA-Inhibitoren behandelt wurde. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen einen neuen Mechanismus auf, durch den ein intrazelluläres Pathogen vom membranumhüllten Kompartiment aus Zugriff auf Cytosol der Wirtzelle zur Beschaffung von Nährstoffen hat. Wir schlagen vor, dass diese Ergebnisse eine Erklärung für die Rückfälle von persistenten Salmonellainfektionen liefern können. Des Weitern schlagen wir diesen Mechanismus als moegliches Ziel antibakterieller Therapeutika zur Bekämpfung intrazellulärer Pathogene vor. / Salmonella spp. are invasive, intracellular pathogens which survive and proliferate within a membrane-bound compartment inside infected host cells. Like other intracellular pathogens, Salmonella replicates within this intracellular niche, despite its apparent isolation from both extra- and intracellular sources of nutrients. Here, we show that intracellular Salmonella acquire amino acids in the form of peptides by co-opting the host protein degradation pathway known as chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) involved in the transport of cytosolic proteins to the lysosome for degradation. A mutant of Salmonella strictly dependent upon peptides in growth media as a source of amino acids, showed intracellular growth similar to the wild-type strain in host cells, indicating intracellular access to peptides. We found that the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV) acquires the host cell proteins LAMP-2A and Hsc73, key components of CMA, but excludes lysosomal proteins such as LAMP-2B and LIMP-2. In contrast to wild-type Salmonella, the peptide-dependent mutant strain showed a severe reduction in growth when host cells were treated with inhibitors of CMA.. These results reveal a novel means whereby an intracellular pathogen can access the host cell cytosol to acquire nutrients from within its membrane-bound compartment. We suggest these results may provide an explanation for relapse infections resulting from persistent Salmonella infections, and suggest a possible means of targeting antibacterials against intracellular pathogens.

Rôle de la température dans l'interaction huître creuse / Ostreid Herpesvirus de type 1 : réponses transcriptomiques et métaboliques / Effects of temperature on the interaction between Pacific oysters and OsHV-1 : transcriptomic and metabolic responses

Delisle, Lizenn 18 December 2018 (has links)
Crassostrea gigas est la principale espèce d’huître cultivée dans le monde. Depuis 2008, de sévères épisodes de mortalités affectent les huîtres âgées de moins d’un an en Europe et en Océanie et sont associées à l’émergence de l’Ostreid herpèsvirus μVar (OsHV-1 μVar). En Europe, ces mortalités sont saisonnières et surviennent lorsque la température de l’eau de mer est comprise entre 16°C et 24°C. Dans le cadre de ce travail, l’effet des hautes températures (21°C, 26°C et 29°C) est évalué sur la sensibilité des huîtres à OsHV-1 mais aussi sur la persistance et la virulence du virus. La survie des huîtres infectées maintenues à 29°C (86%) est supérieure à la survie des huîtres placées à 21°C (52%) et à 26°C (43%).Les températures élevées (29°C) diminuent la sensibilité des huîtres à OsHV-1 sans altérer l'infectivité du virus et sa virulence. L’exposition des huîtres infectées à 29°C pourrait réduire l’expression des gènes viraux et la synthèse de virions par la réduction de l’expression de gènes hôtes codant pour des protéines impliquées dans la transcription et la traduction, la réduction de l’expression de gènes impliqués dans le catabolisme, le transport des métabolites, et synthèse de macromolécules.Finalement, l’induction conjointe de l’apoptose, des processus d’ubiquitinylation et de la réponse immunitaire, pourrait permettre l’élimination d’OsHV-1. / Crassostrea gigas is the main species of oyster cultivated in the world. Since 2008, mass mortality events have been affecting oysters aged less than one year old in Europe and Oceania and have been associated with the emergence of the Ostreid herpes virus μVar (OsHV-1 μVar). In Europe, these events are seasonal and occur when the seawater temperature is between 16°C and 24°C. In this work, the effect of high temperatures (21°C, 26°C and 29°C) was evaluated on the susceptibility of oysters to OsHV- 1 but also on the virulence of virus.High temperatures (29°C) reduce the susceptibility of oysters to OsHV-1 without altering the infectivity of the virus and its virulence. High temperature could reduce viral infection and virus synthesis by reducing the expression of host genes that encode proteins involved in transcription and translation, catabolism, metabolites transport, and macromolecules biosynthesis. Finally, the induction of apoptosis, ubiquitinylation processes and immune response could lead to the elimination of OsHV-1.

Caracterização bioquímica, patogênica e molecular de isolados de Ralstonia solanacearum biovar 2 de batata e berinjela. / Biochemical, pathogenic and molecular characterization of Ralstonia solanecearum biovar 2 isolates of potato and eggplant.

Bringel, Jose Magno Martins 08 November 2002 (has links)
A murcha bacteriana, causada por Ralstonia solanacearum, afeta principalmente as solanáceas, destacando-se as culturas da batata, berinjela, jiló, pimentão e tomate. No presente trabalho foi conduzida a caracterização molecular de isolados de R. solanacearum e sua possível relação com características relacionadas à morfologia, bioquímica, patogenicidade, agressividade e distribuição geográfica. Foram utilizados 51 isolados pertencentes à biovar 2, sendo 9 provenientes de berinjela e 42 de batata, coletados em diversas regiões brasileiras. A análise molecular permitiu separar os isolados em quatro grupos distintos de padrões de bandas para os iniciadores BOX e ERIC, e em cinco para o iniciador REP. Não foi encontrada relação dos grupos de isolados caracterizados molecularmente com tamanho de colônias, ocorrência de mutantes, produção de melanina, capacidade de colonização do sistema radicular e resistência a antibióticos/fungicidas. A identificação de isolados de batata, como biovar 2-A, e de berinjela, como biovar 2-T, com base em teste bioquímico do uso de trealose, foi confirmadas pela análise molecular. Não houve variação de agressividade entre os isolados inoculados em batata e berinjela, exceção feita ao isolado avirulento CNPH-65. Portanto, isolados das biovares 2-A e 2-T podem infectar estas duas hospedeiras com a mesma intensidade sob altas temperaturas. Para todos os isolados, o desenvolvimento da população bacteriana foi significativamente maior no sistema radicular de plantas das cultivares suscetíveis, tanto para batata como para berinjela. No entanto, dentro de cada cultivar, os isolados se comportaram de maneira semelhante, não sendo possível fazer distinção entre os mesmos. A tentativa de se associar grupos de isolados caracterizados molecularmente com os locais de origem revelou alguns aspectos interessantes. O grupo I agregou somente isolados do Paraná. No grupo II ficaram isolados da Bahia, Distrito Federal e do Paraná. No Grupo III, foram reunidos todos os isolados de berinjela e um único de batata, sendo todos procedentes do Distrito Federal. O grupo IV, de forma semelhante ao grupo II, reuniu isolados de locais diversos como Paraná, Goiás, Rio Grande do Sul e Distrito Federal. Portanto, nos grupos I e III parece haver uma tendência de relação entre grupamento molecular e local de origem, enquanto que para os grupos II e IV, isolados de características genéticas similares são provenientes de locais distintos, apontando considerável diversidade genética do patógeno. / The bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solonacearum affects mainly the solanaceous species, specially potato, eggplant, peppers, tomato and brazilian gilo (Solanum gilo). This work reports the molecular characterization of R. solanacearum biovar 2 isolates and the possible relationship of this molecular data with other characteristics related to morphology, biochemistry, pathogenicity, aggressiveness and geographical distribution. Fifty-one biovar 2 isolates were studied, 9 isolated from eggplant and 42 from potato, all of them collected from different regions of Brazil. According to the molecular analysis, the isolates were clustered in four different groups, with distinct band patterns to the primers BOX and ERIC, and five groups to the primers REP. There was no relationship between the groups clustered through molecular analyses and phenotypic characteristics, such as colony size, presence of mutants, melanin presence, capability of root system colonization and antibiotic/fungicide resistance. The identification of potato isolates as the biovar 2-A, and the eggplant isolates as biovar 2-T, based on biochemical tests using trealose were confirmed with the molecular analyses. There was no variation of aggressiveness in the isolates inoculated on potato an eggplant, except the avirulent isolate CNPH-65. Consequently, isolates of biovars 2-A and 2-T are able to infect both hosts with the same aggressiveness under high temperatures. The population of all isolates developed in significant levels at the root system of susceptible cultivars of both hosts, potato and eggplant. However, considering each cultivar tested, there was no difference between isolates. Interesting results were observed when the isolates clustered based on molecular data were associated with the geographical region of their collection. The group I clustered only the isolates collected in Paraná. The group II clustered the isolates collected in Bahia, Federal District and some in Paraná. The group III clustered all isolates from eggplant and only one of potato, all of them collected in the Federal District. The group IV, as the group II, clustered isolates from different regions, like Paraná, Goiás, Rio Grande do Sul and Federal District. These results suggest a relationship between the isolates clustered through molecular analysis in the groups II and III and their geographical region of collection. The isolates clustered in the same way, with similar genetic background in the groups II and IV, were however collected in different regions, showing the great genetic variation of this pathogen.

Effets combinés des dinoflagellés toxiques du genre Alexandrium et d'agents pathogènes sur la physiologie des bivalves / Combined effects of toxic dinoflagellates of Alexandrium genus and pathogens on bivalve physiology Abstract

Lassudrie, Malwenn 10 December 2014 (has links)
Les populations de bivalves exploités subissent régulièrement des épizooties qui affaiblissent voire déciment les stocks, et qui peuvent avoir des conséquences majeures pour l’aquaculture. Ces maladies, dues à des virus, bactéries, ou parasites, se développent particulièrement au printemps et en été. Ces périodes de l’année offrent également des conditions propices aux efflorescences de micro-algues toxiques, dont des dinoflagellés du genre Alexandrium. Ainsi, le risque de co-occurrence d’efflorescences d’Alexandrium sp. et de maladies infectieuses chez les bivalves est élevé. Or, ces micro-algues synthétisent et excrètent des neurotoxines et des composés cytotoxiques responsables d’altérations physiologiques chez les bivalves. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer les effets combinés d’une exposition à Alexandrium sp. et d’une infection par des agents pathogènes sur la physiologie des bivalves, à travers l’étude de différentes interactions tripartites bivalve – pathogène – Alexandrium sp. Les résultats de ce travail indiquent que différents profils de réponse existent en fonction des espèces impliquées dans ces interactions. Ainsi, une exposition à Alexandrium sp. peut augmenter le taux d’infection par des agents pathogènes chez des bivalves ou au contraire le diminuer. Les réponses hémocytaires associées peuvent traduire l’implication des défenses immunitaires dans ces modulations hôte-pathogène. De plus, l’exposition à des agents pathogènes peut interférer avec le processus d’accumulation de toxines algales dans les tissus des bivalves, illustrant la complexité de ces interactions. Ces résultats, associés à l’observation de lésions tissulaires chez les bivalves peuvent traduire l’altération des activités de nutrition (filtration, digestion…). Ce travail de thèse apporte une meilleure compréhension de l’implication des efflorescences toxiques dans le développement des maladies touchant les bivalves d’intérêt commercial, mais également de l’implication de l’environnement biotique des bivalves sur l’accumulation de phycotoxines réglementées. / Bivalve populations undergo regular epidemics that weaken or decimate exploited stocks and thus limit aquaculture. These diseases are caused mainly by viruses, bacteria or parasites, and occur primarily during spring and summer. This period of the year also provides favorable conditions for toxic dinoflagellate blooms, including species of the genus Alexandrium. Thus, the risk of Alexandrium sp. blooms and infectious diseases co-occurring in bivalves is high. However, these micro-algae synthesize and excrete toxins and cytotoxic compounds responsible for physiological changes in bivalves and could lead to an immuno-compromised status.The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the combined effects on bivalve physiology of exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium sp., and infection by pathogens, through the study of different bivalve - pathogen - Alexandrium sp. tripartite interactions. The results of this work highlight the species-specific nature of these impacts.Thus, exposure to Alexandrium catenella reduces the herpesviruses infection in oyster Crassostrea gigas, whereas the dinoflagellate A. fundyense increases the susceptibility of C. virginica oyster to the parasite Perkinsus marinus, probably via immuno-suppression, as suggested by the partial inhibition of hemocyte responses. Additionally, the effect of a toxic algal bloom on oyster susceptibility to opportunistic diseases when exposed to a new microbial environment (simulating a transfer) was evaluated. Hemocyte responses to a changing microbial environment were suppressed by exposure to A. catenella, although no new bacterial infection was detected.Finally, exposure to pathogens or to a new microbial environment interferes with the processes by which oysters exposed to A. catenella accumulate algal toxins, illustrating the complexity of these interactions. These results provide a better understanding of the involvement of toxic algal blooms in the development of diseases affecting commercial bivalve species, but also of the involvement of the bivalve biotic environment in the accumulation of regulated toxins.

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