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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Women's rights and reform in provincial Morocco : from disenfranchisement to lack of empowerment

Zvan Elliott, Katja January 2012 (has links)
Morocco is oftentimes praised by academics, development workers, and women’s rights activists as a trailblazer for the empowerment of women in the Middle East and North African region. Its reforms in the realm of family legislation and progress made in human development place the country at the helm of liberalising Arab Muslim-majority societies, even more so after the Arab Spring and Morocco’s peaceful transition to a ‘new’ constitutional order. However, a closer look at women’s rights discourses, legal reforms, its texts and implementation, and the public attitudes towards the enhancement of women’s rights reveals a less empowering situation. The purported goals of the Family Code, as the extolled document showcasing Morocco’s attempt at ameliorating (married) women’s rights, of ‘doing justice to women’ while ‘preserving men’s dignity’ mask the reformed law’s reconsolidation of patriarchal family relations. Many legal grey areas within this particular law, as well as clashing principles emanating from other laws such as the Penal Code, allow judges and the ʿaduls (religious notaries) to exercise discretion and apply the law as they see fit and, to a large extent, as it conforms to their and the community’s vision of the ideal moral order. Moreover, because ‘doing justice to women’ affects men’s and family’s honour, the project of the enhancement of women’s rights has had as a result retraditionalisation of family relations and hierarchical gender structures. Nowhere is this more poignant than in the status of educated single adult girls from provincial areas. They may be poster girls for the development community, but they are pitied by their own communities because they fail to become complete women––married (non-employed) mothers. The story of Morocco’s professed progress is a story of empowering its citizens, but one which does so on paper only. It is also a story which hides the salient details of poorly written reformed laws, obstructed access to justice, continuing widespread misogyny, material poverty and social marginalisation, and cohesive socio-economic programmes, which are rarely followed through.

Impact du stress hyperoxique en période néonatale sur la structure vasculaire : implication des phénomènes de sénescence et rôle possible dans la programmation développementale de l'hypertension artérielle

Huyard, Fanny 05 1900 (has links)
Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université de Lorraine (France) / Ce projet traite de la programmation développementale de l’hypertension artérielle (HTA) à travers des influences néonatales précoces pouvant moduler le développement vasculaire. Les bébés prématurés présentent des défenses antioxydantes diminuées comparés aux nouveau-nés à terme et sont exposés à la naissance à des concentrations élevées en oxygène (O2) engendrant la production d’espèces réactives de l’O2 (ERO). Les conséquences vasculaires à long terme de dommages liés aux ERO en période néonatale et les mécanismes impliqués sont très partiellement compris. Les précédents résultats du laboratoire ont montré qu’un stress hyperoxique néonatal conduit chez le rat adulte à de l’HTA, une dysfonction endothéliale et une rigidité artérielle, éléments de vieillissement vasculaire. Nous émettons l'hypothèse qu'un stress hyperoxique néonatale conduit à long terme à l'altération de la structure vasculaire et à un vieillissement vasculaire précoce. Nous avons démontré une diminution de la prolifération cellulaire, une capacité angiogénique altérée, des dommages à l’ADN et une augmentation de l’expression de protéines de sénescences (des indices de sénescence cellulaire) au-delà de la période néonatale suite à une exposition brève à l’O2 au niveau vasculaire dans un modèle animal (ratons Sprague-Dawley exposés à 80 % d’O2 du 3ème au 10ème jour de vie comparés à des ratons restés à l’air ambiant) et cellulaire (cellules musculaires lisses d'aortes thoraciques d'embryon de rat exposées à 40% O2 pendant 24h ou 48h, puis remises en normoxie pendant 96h). De plus, des altérations des composants de la structure vasculaire indiquant un remodelage vasculaire aortique ont été mises en évidence. Ces changements précèdent tous l’HTA et la dysfonction vasculaire observées dans le modèle animal à l’âge adulte et pourraient y contribuer. L’étude de jeunes adultes nés < 29 semaines comparés à des jeunes adultes nés à terme indique une augmentation de marqueurs de rigidité artérielle (indices d’un vieillissement vasculaire précoce) chez la population prématurée. L’ensemble des résultats démontre un vieillissement vasculaire précoce après une exposition néonatale transitoire à un stress hyperoxique permettant une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques impliqués dans la survenue des troubles vasculaires retrouvés chez l’adulte et contribue à la mise en place de moyens de prévention chez des patients prématurés. / The scope of this thesis is developmental programming of arterial high blood pressure (HBP) hypertension through early neonatal stimuli that may alter vascular development. Premature newborns have decreased antioxidant defenses compared to term babies and are exposed upon birth to high oxygen (O2) concentration, causing reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Long term vascular consequences of ROS related damage during the neonatal period and the mechanisms involved remain unknown. Recent data from the laboratory show that neonatal hyperoxic stress leads in adult rat to HBP, endothelial dysfunction and arterial rigidity, characteristic features of vascular aging. We hypothesize that a neonatal hyperoxic stress leads to long term vascular structure alteration explained by an early aging of the vascular system. We showed a decreased proliferation rate, an altered angiogenic capacity, as well as long term DNA damage and increased expression of senescence proteins at a vascular level following O2 exposure in the animal (male Sprague-Dawley pups kept at 80% O2 from postnatal days 3 to 10 vs. rats remained in room air) and cellular models (embryonic vascular smooth muscle cells from rat thoracic aorta exposed to 40% O2 for 24h or 48h followed by 96h recovery in control conditions). In addition, alterations of vascular structure components indicating vascular remodeling was shown before the onset of the HBP at adult age. Those changes precede the HBP and vascular dysfunction observed in our animal model at adult age and could contribute to them. Study of young adults born before 29 weeks vs. young adults born at term showed that young adults born preterm present indices of arterial stiffness vs. term controls. Results of the present thesis demonstrate a major role of premature vascular aging in the surge of vascular diseases in adulthood and contribute to a better understanding of the patho-physiological mechanisms involved and could put into practice new prevention strategies among preterm patients.

Le développement positif des jeunes en contexte sportif parascolaire : évaluation du programme d’intervention psychosociale Bien dans mes Baskets

Simard, Stéphanie 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif général de cette thèse était d’explorer le développement personnel de jeunes à risque de délinquance et de décrochage scolaire à travers leur participation à un programme d’intervention psychosociale nommé « Bien dans mes Baskets » (BdmB). Ce programme utilise le basketball parascolaire comme outil d’intervention et il a comme particularité qu’une bonne partie de ses entraineurs-intervenants détiennent une formation professionnelle en travail social ou domaines connexes. Cette thèse présente les résultats de trois études faisant partie d’un projet de recherche plus vaste portant sur l’évaluation du programme BdmB. Une première étude a exploré le processus de transfert, à d’autres domaines d’activités, des habiletés de vie ciblées par le programme BdmB. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés auprès de 14 anciens participants et sept anciennes participantes du programme. Nos résultats suggèrent que trois principaux facteurs semblent avoir joué un rôle dans le processus de transfert des habiletés de vie développées au sein de BdmB, soit la présence de contextes favorisant l’apprentissage expérientiel, la valeur relative accordée aux différents domaines d’activités et la trajectoire de vie. Il ressort également de nos données qu’au-delà du processus de transfert sur une base individuelle, il est possible qu’un transfert puisse s’opérer dans la communauté. L’objectif de la deuxième étude était d’explorer comment et dans quelle mesure les expériences au sein de BdmB ont pu servir de levier au processus d’empowerment. Des entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés auprès de sept anciennes participantes de BdmB. Nos résultats suggèrent que la pratique sportive, combinée à une intervention psychosociale, peut contribuer au développement d’un plus grand contrôle sur sa vie. Cette amélioration serait la résultante cumulative de divers apprentissages, dont le développement et le transfert d’habiletés de vie et la capacité à résister aux influences externes négatives présentes dans leurs milieux de vie respectifs, ainsi que l’impact positif des expériences vécues au sein de BdmB sur la persévérance scolaire et les aspirations professionnelles. Une troisième étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer l’impact du programme BdmB sur le sentiment d’appartenance à l’école et la perception de soutien social. Un devis quasi expérimental a été utilisé pour évaluer l’impact du programme auprès des athlètes-étudiants(es) actuels. Le groupe d’intervention était composé des athlètes-étudiants de BdmB et les groupes de comparaison étaient constitués des étudiants de la même école ne participant pas au programme et pratiquant ou non un autre sport. Les individus ont été sondés à deux reprises à l’aide d’un questionnaire auto administré sur une période de deux années scolaires. Les résultats de l’étude indiquent que le groupe BdmB a développé un meilleur sentiment d’appartenance et a perçu un meilleur soutien social par rapport aux groupes de comparaison. / The main objective of this thesis was to explore the personal development of youth at risk of delinquency and dropout through their involvement in a psychosocial intervention program named "Bien dans mes baskets" (BdmB). This program uses extracurricular basketball as an intervention tool among youth facing various difficulties. It is worth noting that almost all the coaches have professional training in social work or related fields. This thesis presents the results of three studies as parts of a broader research project dealing with the evaluation of the BdmB program. The first study explored the transfer process of the life skills targeted by the BdmB program to other activity fields. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 men and seven women former athlete-students. Our results suggest that, throughout the adult life, three main factors seem to have played a role in the transfer process involving life skills developed as part of BdmB, namely the presence of contexts favoring experiential learning, the relative value granted to the different activity fields and the life trajectory. Our data also shows that beyond the transfer process on an individual scale, a transfer can also occur within the community. The aim of the second study was to explore how participation in BdmB could foster the process of empowerment. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven former female participants of BdmB. Our results suggest that a team sport can lead to empowerment through positive socialization, especially when combined with psychosocial intervention. This improvement was most likely the result of cumulative learning experiences including the development and transfer of life skills, the capacity to resist negative external influences as well as the positive impact of experiences in BdmB on their academic aspirations and persistence. The aim of the third study was to evaluate the impact of BdmB program on sense of belonging to school and the presence of social support. A quasi-experimental design was used to evaluate the impact of the program among current participants. The intervention group consisted of the athlete-students of BdmB and the comparison groups consisted of the students from the same school who are not participating in the program, and taking into account whether they are involved or not in sport participation. Individuals were surveyed two times using a self-administered questionnaire over a period of two academic years. Results indicate that the intervention group has developed a better sense of belonging to school and has a better social support compared to comparison groups.

Essays on human capital formation in developing countries

Singh, Abhijeet January 2014 (has links)
This thesis consists of a short introduction and three self-contained analytical chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on the question of learning gaps and divergence in achievement across countries. I use unique child-level panel data from Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam to ask at what ages do gaps between different populations emerge, how they increase or decline over time, and what the proximate determinants of this divergence are. I document that learning gaps between the four countries are already evident at the age of 5 years and grow throughout the age trajectory of children, preserving country ranks from 5 to 15 years of age. At primary school age, the divergence between Vietnam and the other countries is largely accounted for by substantially greater learning gains per year of schooling. Chapter 2 focuses on learning differences between private and government school students in India. I present the first value-added models of learning production in private and government schools in this context, using panel data from Andhra Pradesh. I examine the heterogeneity in private school value-added across different subjects, urban and rural areas, medium of instruction, and across age groups. Further, I also estimate private school effects on children's self-efficacy and agency. I find modest or insignificant causal effects of attending private schools in most test domains other than English and on children's academic self-concept and agency. Results on comparable test domains and age groups correspond closely with, and further extend, estimates from a parallel experimental evaluation. Chapter 3 uses panel data from the state of Andhra Pradesh in India to estimate the impact of the introduction of a national midday meal program on anthropometric z-scores of primary school students, and investigates whether the program ameliorated the deterioration of health in young children caused by a severe drought. Correcting for self-selection into the program using a non-linearity in how age affects the probability of enrollment, we find that the program acted as a safety net for children, providing large and significant health gains for children whose families suffered from drought.

Lifescapes of a pipedream : a decolonial mixtape of structural violence & resistance along the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline

Murrey-Ndewa, Amber January 2015 (has links)
People's narratives, interpretations and understandings of the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline and pipeline actors emphasise the uneven exercise of power through which structural violence is effected and experienced. The complexity of the processes of structural violence along with local socio-political context and peoples' dynamic understandings thereof play major roles in shaping resistance practices, in complex ways in Kribi and Nanga-Eboko. Working from these narratives, I offer a theoretical re-articulation of structural violence as (i) tangible through the body, (ii) historically compounded, (iii) spatially compressed and (iv) enacted in a globalised geopolitical nexus by actors who are spatially nested within a racialised and gendered hierarchy of scale. Drawing from critical interdisciplinary work on violence, my theory of a triad of divergent, often interrelated and co-existing, distinguishable indexes of structural violence includes: infra/structural violence, industrial structural violence and institutionalized structural violence. The particular processes and mechanisms of uneven power within structural violence, local socio-political contexts and the epistemologies through which power is conceived (in this case I consider epistemologies of la sorcellerie, or witchcraft) inform resistance practices; I illuminate key operations (within geographies characterised by high levels of infra/structural violence) within the spatial practices of power that influence the tendency for resistance struggles to be quiet, spontaneous and/or labour-based. I conclude with a discussion of the political and intellectual value of academic work on life and being amid structural violence, emphasising the need to move beyond the invisible/visible dichotomy that has often informed intellectual work on structural violence.

A capability approach to understanding the efficient conversion of health resources into health outcomes : piloting a mixed-methods methodology in northern Vietnam

Radin, Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
Achieving efficiency, or maximizing the outputs achieved per unit of resource invested, is of great interest to governments, donors and other stakeholders in the health sector. Many studies consider efficiency in public health using Cost Effectiveness Analyses which estimate the health outcomes achieved per unit of cost. Others employ Technical Efficiency Analysis to understand which health system units, usually hospitals, provide the most health services per unit of resource. However, very little is known about demand-side efficiency or how efficiently individuals convert available health resources into health outcomes. To address this gap, I developed and piloted a two-stage methodology using Amartya Sen's Capability Approach as a theoretical framework mapping the process by which individuals convert resources into outcomes. The first stage estimates conversion efficiency using Order-m Efficiency Analysis then identifies the social groups most likely to be efficient using regression analysis. The second stage undertakes focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews to investigate how and why the social groups identified in the quantitative stage were more likely to be efficient. I conducted my analysis in Ba Vi district, northern Vietnam looking specifically at how efficiently pregnant women converted maternal health resources—including health facilities and human resources for health—into both appropriate care and healthy pregnancy and delivery. I found that ethnic minorities and women in non-mountainous areas were more likely to be efficient at achieving appropriate care while ethnic minorities and less educated women are more likely to be efficient at achieving healthy pregnancy and delivery outcomes. Through qualitative feedback, women who were ethnic majorities, better educated and generally more affluent expressed stronger technology preference, greater use of the private sector, less continuity of care, tendencies towards overnutrition, less focus on mental and emotional health and more varied sources of health information including advertising and the internet. Evidence links each of these themes to adverse care and/or health outcomes. Consequently, the more affluent populations, who also have a greater endowment of public health resources, may be less likely to achieve good outcomes—explaining at least in part why they are found to be less efficient. My findings highlight that the development process and attendant epidemiological and nutrition transitions give rise to a new set of challenges not solely for public health, but also for the efficiency with which it is achieved using existing health system resources.

The connection between household savings ratio and human development index : Which factors affect the household savings ratio?

Persson, Sanna, Pettersson, Jerry January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates which factors affecting savings behavior by using a fixed effect regression model. To see what affects the household savings rate the following independent variables is considered: Natural logarithm of trend per capita income, natural logarithm of deviation from trend per capita income, growth of disposable income, real interest rate, inflation, wealth in relation to household disposable income, foreign savings in relation to disposable income, dependency ratio and human development index. To see whether changes of human development within a county impacts the household´s savings ratio this variables was included in a separate regression. To avoid possible biasedness from ordinary least square, a panel data technique called fixed effect regression model is used. The investigated time period is between year 1999 and 2016 and to make a restriction, variables from 25 developed countries were studied. The involved economic theories in this work are Keynesianism, permanent income hypothesis and the savings theory behind Maslow´s behavioral pyramid. The result made by using this study is that growth in income and foreign savings in relation to disposable income is insignificant and can´t be used in explaining the differences between household´s savings. Human development index within a country has a negative effect on the savings ratio but a conclusion regarding whether changes in HDI´s does affect savings can´t be made and more research within that field is needed.

Limites de critérios econômicos na aplicação do direito: hermenêutica e análise econômica do direito / Limits of economic criteria in the application of law: hermeneutics and the economic analysis of law

Pietropaolo, Joao Carlos 14 June 2010 (has links)
Esta tese volta-se para conflitos de sentido normativo que a análise econômica do direito (AED) traz para o ambiente jurídico ao aplicar métodos econômicos na interpretação jurídica, métodos estes que colocam como deve ser o direito. A AED associa-se ao método econômico como portador de verdade racional de índole científica, criando uma espécie de metalinguagem jurídica com pretensões explícitas de fixar juridicidade precisa. O direito nunca teve ambições tão extensas e totalizadoras. Ele se ajusta às necessidades históricas do conhecimento e vida do homem, e é, por isso, fracamente científico. A hipótese de trabalho é a de que a análise econômica pode ter usos viáveis no direto, se respeitar as condições fundamentais de entendimento jurídico. Sendo capaz de assumir que o direito, necessariamente, predica a correção do agir, tendo por referência o justo, as normatividades econômica e jurídica têm uma direção unívoca. Daí ser possível a interferência da economia no direito como padrão argumentativo empírico consequencialista, direcionado a resultados jurídicos que concretizem a distribuição do produto social, elemento de base da justiça socioeconômica nos estados liberais contemporâneos. O trabalho pretende, primeiramente, investigar as causas de incorreções, apontar para os equívocos e indicar as circunstâncias em que eles ocorrem, de modo a estabelecer, ao final, usos possíveis do método econômico no direito. A tese conclui que a AED adequada para o direito é a que consegue demonstrar, pela empiria, que uma decisão deve ser tomada porque tem efeitos distributivos concretos, patrocinando a justiça. Desenvolvimento do homem e não só crescimento econômico tem que ser a fórmula de integração interdisciplinar. Por se tratar de um problema de significado, optou-se pela perspectiva da hermenêutica jurídica como ponto de partida para o trabalho. A preocupação central da hermenêutica é o entendimento jurídico, não como método para tratar objetos jurídicos observados, mas como forma de revelar o sentido jurídico correto. Pela hermenêutica é que se mostram as dificuldades mais profundas da AED e as perspectivas mais promissoras de uso da economia no direito. / This thesis is aimed at dealing with normative conflicts that the economic analysis of law (EAL or, law and economics) brings to the legal knowledge applying economic methods to legal reasoning. Such methods determine how the law should be. The EAL is associated to the economic method as a bearer of rational truth of scientific nature, creating a kind of legal metalanguage with a clear intent of precision when bringing law into existence. The Law has never had such extensive and totalitarian ambitions. It adjusts itself to the historical needs of mans knowledge and life and this is why it is weakly scientific. The hypothesis of this work is that the economic analysis can have viable uses in law, if it complies with the fundamental conditions of legal knowledge. Being capable of establishing that the law mandatorily preaches the correction of action, having justice as a main reference, both economic and legal standards must have a common direction. That is why the interference of economy in law is possible as a consequential empirical standard argument, aimed at legal results that materialize the distribution of the social product, a base element for socioeconomic justice in contemporary liberal States. The work initially intends to investigate the causes of errors, pointing out the mistakes and indicating the circumstances in which they occur, in order to establish, in the end, the possible uses of the economic method in the law. The thesis concludes that the adequate EAL for the law is one that is able to demonstrate, through empirical arguments, that a decision should be taken because it has concrete distributing effects, sponsoring justice. The development of men and not only economic growth should be the form of interdisciplinary integration. Since the thesis reflects a question of meaning we have decided to establish the legal hermeneutics perspective as a starting point for the work. The main concern of hermeneutics is legal understanding, not as a method to treat observed legal objects, but as a way to reveal the correct legal sense. Through hermeneutics we can find the most profound difficulties of EAL and, at the same time, the most promising perspectives of use of economics in law.

Exploração lúdica e afetividade em crianças de creche / Ludic exploration and affectivity on daycare

Birchal, Paula de Souza 25 February 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a Exploração Lúdica e Afetividade, em criança de zero a dois anos de idade, atendida em berçários de creche. Para tanto, utilizaram-se as concepções teóricas de Jean Piaget que possibilitaram compreender tanto a Exploração Lúdica - na discussão dos conceitos de Repetição, Prazer Funcional, Jogos de Exercício e Reação Circular Terciária -, quanto o Desenvolvimento Afetivo - através dos conceitos de Afetos Perceptivos e Afetos Intencionais. Este foi um Estudo de Caso desenvolvido através do Método Clínico de Piaget e da Microgenética. Foram realizadas 10 observações com registros fílmicos, em um total de 44 crianças pequenas, presentes nos berçários de duas creches comunitárias e conveniadas com a Rede Municipal de Belo Horizonte, a partir da apresentação de um kit de objetos/brinquedos. Desse processo resultaram 5 filmes sobre as ações afetivas manifestadas pelas crianças pequenas: o primeiro foi elaborado com o foco nas ações das crianças, no ambiente de berçário sem o kit de objetos/brinquedos. O segundo contempla as ações das crianças, no ambiente de berçário, com a introdução do kit de objetos /brinquedos. O terceiro, quarto e quinto filmes focam a trajetória individual de três crianças, de idades diferentes. Os cinco filmes possibilitaram perceber as ações das crianças pequenas com e sem o kit de objetos/brinquedos, suas relações - entre si, com os objetos/brinquedos e com as professoras - além da comparação entre os períodos de Exploração Lúdica e de não exploração. A pesquisa confirma a hipótese de que a introdução do kit de objetos/brinquedos promove a Exploração Lúdica e esta se constitui em um recurso fundamental de manifestação e desenvolvimento da Afetividade das crianças pequenas. Através do conceito de Interesse em Piaget e Claparède e de sua relação com o conceito freudiano de Pulsão, pode-se perceber e melhor avaliar a importância da Exploração Lúdica como a possibilidade ofertada à criança pequena de se relacionar com o mundo, desenvolver sua afetividade e estruturar-se na sua condição de sujeito / This research has a purpose to investigate the Ludic Exploration and Affectivity on 0 - 2 years children, attended on daycare nursery. For this, was used the Jean Piaget conceptions that enabled to understand as the Ludic Exploration - discussion of concepts of Repetition, Functional Pleasure, Practice Game and Tertiary Circular Reaction, as the affective development - through the concepts of Perceptive Affectivity and Intentional Affectivity. This was a Case Study developed through of Piaget Clinic Method and Microgenectic. There were been done 10 movie observations with 44 children, attended at two Community Daycare Nursery contracted by Belo Horizonte City Hall, from the introduction of a Toy kit. From this process resulted 5 movies about the affective behavior of the children: the first was done with focus on child behavior without Toy Kit. The second movie shows child behavior with the introduction of Toy Kit. The third, fourth and fifth movie focus the trajectory of tree children with different ages. The five movies enable to perceive the children behavior with and without Toy Kits, their relationship with each other, the relation with the toys and with the teachers - beyond the comparison between Ludic Exploration and no Exploration. The research confirms the hypothesis that Toy Kit introduction promotes the Ludic Exploration and this is a fundamental resource of development and manifestation of children affectivity. Through the Interest concept of Piaget and Clàparrede and the relationship with Drive Freud Concept we can perceive better evaluation the importance of Ludic Exploration to allow children to make contact with the world, develop the affectivity and built structure as a person

Da onipotência ao universo dos possíveis: aspectos da travessia humana em Winnicott e Piaget / From the omnipotence to the all possible universe: aspects of human journey in Winnicott and Piaget

Schor, Daniel 27 March 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo alavancar uma discussão sobre as concepções de Donald W. Winnicott e Jean Piaget acerca do desenvolvimento humano. A despeito das inegáveis distinções relativas a seus propósitos investigativos, bem como às tradições teórico-epistemológicas sobre as quais se apóiam suas teorias, a presente pesquisa parte do pressuposto de uma ligação constitutiva entre os caminhos de objetivação e de subjetivação traçados pelo ser humano ao longo da vida. Desde o ponto de vista do sujeito em desenvolvimento, assume-se a existência de uma indiferenciação primordial entre as noções de si-mesmo e do mundo externo, a qual, segundo ambos os autores, seria característica dos primeiros meses de vida. Daí em diante, o caminho do desenvolvimento seria capaz de conduzir, pouco a pouco, a uma distinção entre esses dois termos, levando à percepção de si-mesmo como um ente de dimensões limitadas, concomitantemente à concepção de um universo exterior sólido e permanente. Considera-se, de um lado, a teoria piagetiana como um sistema de pensamento ocupado em investigar o desenvolvimento da capacidade humana em apreender as leis do universo externo. De outro, a teoria winnicottiana é reconhecida como um ponto de vista acerca dos processos de formação da personalidade e conquista da singularidade. A partir da suposição de uma ligação inevitável entre tais caminhos, admite-se o diálogo entre ambas as teorias, e propõe-se investigar o alcance de uma eventual possibilidade de articulação entre as mesmas. / The present work aims at raise a discussion about the Donald W. Winnicott and Jean Piagets conceptions of the human development. In spite of the undeniable distinctions relative to their searching purposes, as well as the theoretical-epistemological traditions which support their theories, the present research starts from the presupposition of a constitutive link between the ways of the objectification and subjectification traced by the human being trough the life. Since developing subjects point of view, it is assumed the existence of a primordial indifferentiation between the notions of self and external world, which, according to both authors, would be characteristic of the first months of life. From this moment the way of development would be able to lead, little by little, to a distinction between these two terms, leading to a self perception as a being of limited dimensions, concomitantly to a conception of a permanent and solid external universe. It is considered, on the one hand, the Piagetian theory as a system of thought occupied with searching the development of human capacity to apprehend the laws of external universe. On the other, the Winnicottian theory is recognized as a point of view on the processes of personality formation and the achievement of singularity. From the supposition of an inevitable link between such ways, it is admitted the dialogue between both theories, and it is proposed to search the extent of the occasional possibility of connection between them.

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