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Divorced Parents’ Perceived Benefits and Risks of Dating and Sharing of Dating InformationKang, Youngjin, Ganong, Lawrence, Ko, Kwangman 13 July 2022 (has links)
In this study we explored the associations among divorced parents' perceptions of the benefits and risks of dating and parents' sharing of private information about dating, specifically information related to the timing of introducing dating partners to children and coparents and disclosures to children about dating activities.
Relatively little is known about how divorced parents decide how open they should be about disclosing information about dating partners.
A convenience sample comprised 284 divorced mothers and 117 divorced fathers recruited following a state-mandated divorce education program. Participants completed an online survey. Data were analyzed with regression analyses.
When parents perceive the dating partner as a benefit in coparenting their children, they are more likely to think that dating partners should be introduced earlier to children and that more information about dating relationships should be shared with children. Concerns about other's perceptions were related to later introductions between dating partners and children.
Some of the divorced parents' perceptions of possible dating benefits and risks are related to introducing a new partner and sharing dating information with children.
Family practitioners could help divorced parents evaluate both how to approach introduction of dating parents, as well as dating partners' potential to assist them in childrearing if the relationship becomes serious or long term. More research is needed on what goes into parental decisions to disclose information about dating to children.
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Access for All: Adapted Literacy Through Low-Tech Assistive TechnologyGalyon, Cathy L., Floyd, Kim K., Woods-Fields, Colleen F. 01 July 2023 (has links)
Three-year-old Kasey has cerebral palsy (CP) with seizures. He often pushes books away, putting his head down instead. Kasey is learning preliteracy skills and enjoys manipulating objects but has great difficulty with fine motor abilities.
Kasey’s twin, Kolby, also has CP. He enjoys having books read to him. He will often seek out books during check-out time, but he cannot interact with them on his own because of fine motor difficulties. His strengths include enjoying the computer with an adaptive switch, and he has the ability to understand key concepts in a story.
Chandler is an active four-year-old with language delay, who often engages in imaginary play where he fights with ninjas during storytime. He seldom initiates looking at books, and when he does, he folds the pages, bends the corners of the book, or even tears the pages. During sensory activities such as playing in sand, finger painting, and playing with play dough, he is very attentive and will not leave that area. His strengths include his sustained attention to the sensory area and manipulatives table, his imagination, and his understanding of simple plots.
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Overcoming Barriers: Use of Assistive Technology to Access CurriculumFloyd, Kim, Galyon, Cathy L., Floyd-Norris, Kolby 02 July 2020 (has links)
Assistive technology (AT) is defined as any piece of equipment that improves the functional skills of an individual with a disability. AT choices range from low tech (e.g., communication boards made of cardboard and felt, pencil grips) to high tech (e.g., computer applications, screen readers, specialized software or other curriculum aids; Center on Technology and Disability, 2018).
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Post-Conflict Recovery or Conflict Recurrence: A Comparative Analysis of Economics, Colonial Histories, and Natural Resource Mining in Burkina Faso and TogoFrechette, Izabela 20 October 2021 (has links)
Directed by: Professor Meredith Rolfe
What are the factors that contribute to peace after civil conflict? What are the factors that contribute to conflict recurrence after civil conflict? In this comparative analysis, Burkina Faso’s military coup in 1988 and Togo’s military coup from 1987-1990 provide two most similar cases that allow for a better understanding of what leads to peace or conflict recurrence. Colonial histories, economics, and natural resource mining are three major factors present in this comparative case analysis that explain why Burkina Faso’s conflict has ended with peace while Togo’s conflict has recurred.
Through a colonial history analysis, the importance of colonial extractive institutions becomes clear in both the economic development and the patterns of conflict of each country. The institutions from the colonial administration in each state have shaped the institutions after independence. This has resulted in poor levels of development and ineffective institutions and systems of governance. Moreover, colonial asymmetric intervention and the resulting treatment of ethnic groups connects to post-independence ethnic inequalities and tensions that have fueled conflict recurrence in Togo. The clear ethnic oppression of the Kwa peoples in Togo has fueled the continuation of conflict. In comparison, the lack of clear ethnic oppression in Burkina Faso contributes to how peace developed after conflict.
The economic analysis here presents the issues of how poor economic performance and lower levels of development can fuel conflict and vice versa. Both countries are underdeveloped and suffer from poor institutions. In addition to this, there are also issues regarding protectionism. Burkina Faso has very strong economic protections which have prevented serious issues of economic volatility, but these protective measures have also contributed to limited growth. Togo on the other hand has very few economic protections which have resulted in a highly volatile and vulnerable economy. Additionally, economic decision making and diagnostics in both governments are considered. In Togo, a poor economic diagnosis had resulted in a serious economic crisis before the start of the conflict. Burkina Faso on the other hand did not suffer from poor economic issue diagnostics and therefore did not suffer the same consequences.
Finally, through an analysis of natural resource mining policies in both Burkina Faso and Togo, it become clear that there are very different opportunities for human development which is key in conflict prevention in this analysis. In Burkina Faso mining policies allow for better levels of human development while in Togo mining policies prevent opportunities for improved human development. Here, it becomes clear that economic growth is not as important as policies promoting human development in efforts to promote peace and prevent conflict recurrence.
The combination of colonial histories, issues of economics and economic development, and mining policies are studied in this research to clarify why Togo experienced conflict recurrence while Burkina Faso had lasting peace. Clearly, economic growth as evidenced by the Togolese experience does not prevent conflict recurrence. Instead, better opportunities for human development and a more stable economy provided the basis for peace in Burkina Faso. Mining policy in Burkina Faso is the source of the opportunities for human development. Moreover, colonial histories account for institutional quality, ethnic divisions, and levels of development in both Togo and Burkina Faso. By addressing colonial histories and generating a better understanding of their impact on present-day societies, peace and conflict can be better addressed. Moreover, it becomes clear that opportunities for human development present themselves as a way to obtain peace after civil conflicts.
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A holy grail in neuroscience is being able to control plasticity to facilitate recovery from insult in the adult brain. Despite success in animal models, few therapies have translated from bench to bedside. This thesis is aimed at addressing 2 major stumbling blocks in translation. The first gap is in our understanding of the mechanisms of plasticity-enhancing therapies, and the second is in our understanding the relevance of those mechanisms for human development.
In chapters 2 and 3, I address the first gap by asking whether fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which reinstates juvenile-like plasticity in adult animals, reinstates a juvenile-like synaptic environment. We found evidence to suggest that fluoxetine is neuroprotective, as it rescued all of the MD-driven changes, but surprisingly we found no evidence that fluoxetine recreated a juvenile-like synaptic environment, with the exception of Ube3A. Ube3A is necessary for critical period plasticity, indicating that Ube3A may play a crucial in enhancing plasticity in the adult cortex.
In chapter 4, I address whether D-serine, an amino acid that has similar effects to fluoxetine in terms of both plasticity and anti-depression, shares a common neurobiological signature with fluoxetine. I found that D-serine’s effects were strikingly similar to fluoxetine, with respect to markers of the E/I balance, indicating that it may be an effective alternative to fluoxetine.
In chapter 5, I address the second gap by studying the development of 5 glutamatergic proteins in human V1. Some changes occurred early, as would be predicted from animals studies, while other changes were protracted, lasting into the 4th decade. These results will help guide the use of treatments, like fluoxetine, which effect glutamatergic proteins.
Together the findings in this thesis significantly advances our understanding of the mechanisms involved in restating plasticity in the adult cortex, and their relevance to humans. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Neurons change to rewire, adapt, and recover. This plasticity is greatest early in development, so much research has focused on bringing it back in adults. There has been amazing progress in animal models, but this has not translated to humans. Two reasons for this are that we do not fully understand the mechanisms of these treatments in animals or whether those mechanisms are relevant for humans. My thesis addresses this by studying how 2 treatments, fluoxetine and D-serine, affect proteins that are important for plasticity, and how those proteins develop in the humans.
I found that these treatments are neuroprotective, but do not recreate a younger state. One interesting standout is an increase in Ube3A, which is essential for juvenile plasticity. I also found that much of human development is similar to animals, but the time course for some proteins is uniquely prolonged in humans. These findings have implications for the use of plasticity-enhancing treatments at different ages.
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Using Video Prompting and Modeling on Mobile Technology to Teach Daily Living Skills: a Systematic ReviewStierle, Jordan, Ryan, Joseph, Katsiyannis, Antonis, Mims, Pamela 16 August 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this systematic review was to investigate the effectiveness of video prompting and modeling with handheld devices/mobile technology to increase the ability of individuals with ID to engage in daily living skills. Methods
A comprehensive systematic search in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) standards to identify relevant experimental studies utilizing video prompting or modeling on handheld devices to teach daily living skills for individuals with ID was conducted. Results
Twenty-four SCRD studies met criteria for inclusion involving 64 participants with varying levels of ID with 79% (N = 19) of studies involving domestic skills (e.g., cleaning, cooking, doing laundry), and 21% (N = 5) involving community skills; 75% (N = 18) used video prompting, 21% (N = 5) used video modeling, and 4% (N = 1) used both. Conclusions
Effect sizes and visual analysis indicated that video prompting or modeling through handheld devices were effective in teaching daily living skills to individuals with ID. Future research for this population should include studies to teach personal skills (e.g., dressing, grooming, toileting) as there were no studies in this domain.
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Whose Pictures, Whose Reality? Lines of Tradition in the Development of Topics, Negativity, and Power in the Photojournalistic CompetitionWorld Press PhotoGodulla, Alexander, Seibert, Daniel, Planer, Rosanna 17 January 2024 (has links)
Initially founded in 1955 as a platform for Dutch photojournalists to increase international
exposure, the World Press Photo competition has grown into the most prestigious contest of photojournalism
worldwide, making it an important arena for journalism research. Using qualitative and
quantitative content analyses, this study examines all photos shown in the competitions from 1960 to
2020 (N = 11,789) considering the origin of jury members (N = 686), participants (N = 132,800), placements
(N = 2347) and the Human Development Index (HDI) of the countries. The topics displayed
on the photos, their degree of negativity, and potential power structures in the photos are analysed
over time both in terms of continental and HDI-related differences. Significant results show that
Africa, Asia, and South America are more frequently depicted by the topic conflict and characterised
by negative images than continents with industrialised nations (Australia/Oceania, Europe, North
America). Participating European countries have a significantly higher average number of jury members,
participants, and placements than participating countries from Africa, Asia, and South America,
which seems to account for a dominant Eurocentric view. Implications and critical discussions are
summarized in three interim conclusions at the end of this extended paper.
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The Creation of a 3D Interactive Human Neural Development Resource and Its Evaluation Through a Video Analytic Usability StudyDetton, Alan James 25 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Regional Growth in the United States: A Spatial Study of Convergence Comparing Real GSP per capita and the Human Development IndexGillespie, Noah Nehemiah 14 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Calidad de vida, desarrollo humano, participación y territorio en las comunidades negras de los Consejos Comunitarios de la Caucana y Gamboa, Colombia: un análisis desde el enfoque de capacidadesTobar Otero, Hugo Arley 31 July 2023 (has links)
[ES] El documento fue el resultado de una investigación en la que se buscó comprender las nociones en torno a la calidad de vida y al desarrollo humano de los Consejos Comunitarios de la Caucana y Gamboa en Buenaventura, desde el enfoque de capacidades. Esto sugirió la selección de una metodología de enfoque cualitativo con un alcance interpretativo-hermenéutico, debido a la necesidad de abordar aquellos significados que los participantes de la investigación elaboraron acerca de las nociones de calidad de vida y desarrollo humano; al mismo tiempo, se consideró analítico-reflexivo, puesto que se hizo una jerarquización de dichas nociones. Los participantes de la investigación fueron líderes sociales, habitantes de los Consejos Comunitarios y personajes que tienen algún tipo de reconocimiento dentro de la comunidad, pero que no tienen ningún tipo de liderazgo formalizado dentro de ella; para recolectar la información se realizaron dos grupos focales, uno en el Consejo Comunitario de Gamboa y otro en La Caucana, en ambos casos se diseñó y aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada que abordó las nociones propuestas.
Entre los hallazgos más destacados se observó el hecho de que las comunidades negras pertenecientes a los dos Consejos Comunitarios consideraron que la tranquilidad es una capacidad propia, vinculada a su dinámica de vida, la cual puede verse afectada por las situaciones ajenas a los territorios habitados por ellas; al mismo tiempo, se determinó que las condiciones de desigualdad afectan la definición sobre la calidad de vida y desarrollo, situación acentuada en las necesidades insatisfechas y los funcionamientos faltantes para el desarrollo.
Palabras clave: calidad de vida, desarrollo humano, Consejos Comunitarios, enfoque de Capacidades. / [CA]
El document va ser el resultat d'una investigació en la qual es va buscar comprendre les nocions entorn de la qualitat de vida i al desenvolupament humà dels Consells Comunitaris de la Caucana i Gamboa en Buenaventura, des de l'enfocament de capacitats. Això va suggerir la selecció d'una metodologia d'enfocament qualitatiu amb un abast interpretatiu-hermenèutic, a causa de la necessitat d'abordar aquells significats que els participants de la investigació van elaborar sobre les nocions de qualitat de vida i desenvolupament humà; al mateix temps, es va considerar analític-reflexiu, ja que es va fer una jerarquització d'aquestes nocions. Els participants de la investigació van ser líders socials, habitants dels Consells Comunitaris i personatges que tenen algun tipus de reconeixement dins de la comunitat, però que no tenen cap mena de lideratge formalitzat dins d'ella; per a recol·lectar la informació es van realitzar dos grups focals, un en el Consell Comunitari de Gamboa i un altre en La Caucana, en tots dos casos es va dissenyar i va aplicar una entrevista estructura parcial que va abordar les nocions proposades.
Entre les troballes més destacades es va observar el fet que les comunitats negres pertanyents als dos Consells Comunitaris van considerar que la tranquil·litat és una capacitat pròpia, vinculada a la seua dinàmica de vida, la qual pot veure's afectada per les situacions alienes als territoris habitats per elles; al mateix temps, es va determinar que les condicions de desigualtat afecten la definició sobre la qualitat de vida i desenvolupament, situació accentuada en les necessitats insatisfetes i els funcionaments que manca per al desenvolupament. / [EN] The document resulted from an investigation that sought to understand the notions around the quality of life and human development from the capabilities approach of the Community Councils of La Caucana and Gamboa in Buenaventura. This suggested the choice of a qualitative approach methodology with an interpretative-hermeneutic scope due to the need to address those meanings that the research participants elaborated about the notions of quality of life and human development. At the same time, an analytical-reflexive scope was considered since a hierarchy of these notions was made. The research participants were social leaders, inhabitants of the Community Councils, and characters with some recognition within the community but no formalized leadership within it. Two focus groups were held to collect the information, one in the Gamboa Community Council and the other in La Caucana; in both cases, a semi-structured interview was designed and applied to address the proposed notions.
Among the most outstanding findings was that the black communities in the two Community Councils considered that tranquility is their capacity linked to their life dynamics, which can be affected by situations outside their territories. At the same time, it was determined that inequality affects the definition of the quality of life and development, a situation accentuated by unsatisfied needs and missing functions for development. / Tobar Otero, HA. (2023). Calidad de vida, desarrollo humano, participación y territorio en las comunidades negras de los Consejos Comunitarios de la Caucana y Gamboa, Colombia: un análisis desde el enfoque de capacidades [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195740
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