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Visuomotor control of step descent : the importance of visual information from the lower visual field in regulating landing control. When descending a step from a stationary standing position or during on-going gait, is online visual information from the lower visual field important in regulating prelanding kinematic and landing mechanic variables?Timmis, Matthew A. January 2010 (has links)
The majority of previous research investigating the role of vision in controlling adaptive gait has predominantly focused on over-ground walking or obstacle negotiation. Thus there is a paucity of literature investigating visuomotor control of step descent. This thesis addressed the importance of the lower visual field (lvf) in regulating step descent landing control, and determined when visual feedback is typically used in regulating landing control prior to / during step descent.
When step descents were completed from a stationary starting position, with the lvf occluded or degraded, participants adapted their stepping strategy in a manner consistent with being uncertain regarding the precise location of the foot / lower leg relative to the floor. However, these changes in landing control under conditions of lvf occlusion were made without fundamentally altering stepping strategy. This suggests that participants were able to plan the general stepping strategy when only upper visual field cues were available. When lvf was occluded from either 2 or 1 step(s) prior to descending a step during on-going gait, stepping strategy was only affected when the lvf was occluded in the penultimate step. Findings suggest that lvf cues are acquired in the penultimate step / few seconds prior to descent and provide exproprioceptive information of the foot / lower leg relative to the floor which ensures landing is regulated with increased certainty. Findings also highlight the subtle role of online vision used in the latter portion of step descent to 'fine tune' landing control.
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The effect of a physical wellness pathway on the chronic absenteeism of shift workers at an Eskom power stationSchouw, Darcelle D 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For many companies, health care can consume half of corporate profits or more. Some
employers look to cost sharing, cost shifting, managed care plans, risk rating and cash
based rebates or incentives. These methods merely shift costs.
Absenteeism in South Africa claims 3.2% of all scheduled work hours, 43 000 work hours
per week, 9 days lost per employee per year and 1 employee in every 15 on a weekly
The main objective of this study was to establish the effect of a physical wellness
intervention on the chronic absenteeism of a governmental company like Eskom. Fiftyfour
males with a mean age of 42.13 years, participated in the program. Morphological and
physiological variables included fat percentage; body mass index (BMI), cholesterol, blood
pressure (BP), flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, waist circumference and muscle
The participants were divided into four groups consisting of 12-15 individuals. Data was
collected over a period of six months (March-August 2001). There were six sessions in
which the subjects participated namely: wellness awareness, general body wellness, heart
wellness, stress wellness, posture wellness and nutritional wellness. These sessions
focussed on education, testing and physical activity, with follow-ups and maintenance at
the Biokinetic rehabilitation station.
Trends for the group were traced using a statistical analysis for absenteeism tallying the
GSAR (gross sickness absentee rate) and AFR (absentee frequency rate) for the
participants. The GSAR and AFR were significantly lower during the intervention. The
return of investment was calculated based on the amount of hours worked per month on
the August 2001 payroll, where the increment figure is based on an average increase of
7.9%. The result of the study concluded that work-site body wellness is health care reform
that works, with absenteeism decreasing significantly and an improved employee health
status. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie maatskappye kan die helfte of meer van hul wins aan gesondheidsorg spandeer.
Sommige werkgewers oorweeg kostedeling, verskuiwing van kostes,
gesondheidsorgplanne, risikobepaling en kontantkortings of aansporings. Hierdie metodes
skuif eerder net koste.
In Suid-Afrika word 3.2% van alle geskeduleerde werksure as gevolg van afwesigheid
verloor, 43 000 werksure per week, 9 dae per werknemer per jaar en 1 werknemer uit elke
15 op 'n weeklikse basis.
Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die effek van 'n fisieke welstand intervensie op die
chroniese afwesigheid van 'n parastatale maatskappy soos Eskom daar te stel. Vier en
vyftig mans met 'n gemiddelde ouderdom van 42.13 jaar het aan die program
deelgeneem. Morfologiese en fisiologiese veranderlikes het vetpersentasie;
liggaamsmass-indeks (LMI), cholesterol, bloeddruk (BD), soepelheid, kardiovaskulêre
uithouvermoë, abdominale omtrek en spieruithouvermoë ingesluit.
Die deelnemers is in vier groepe verdeel wat uit 12-15 persone bestaan het. Data is oor 'n
periode van ses maande ingesamel (Maart-Augustus 2001). Die deelnemers het aan die
volgende ses sessies deelgeneem: bewustheid van welstand, algemene liggaamlike
welstand, hartwelstand, streswelstand, postuurwelstand en dieetwelstand. Hierdie sessies
het op die opvoeding, toetsing en fisieke aktiwiteit gefokus met opvolg-ondersoeke en
instandhouding by die Biokinetika rehabilitasiestasie.
Neigings vir die groep is opgevolg deur statistiese analise vir afwesigheid deur die TSAS
(totale siekte afwesigheidsyfer) en AFS (afwesigheidsfrekwensiesyfer) vir die deelnemers
aan te teken. Die TSAS en AFS was beduidend laer tydens die intervensie. Die
beleggingsopbrengs is bereken op die aantal ure per maand op die Augustus 2001
. betaalstaat met die toenamesyfer gebaseer op die gemiddelde verhoging van 7.9%. Die
resultaat van die studie is dat liggaamlike welstand by die werksplek voordelig is vir
gesondheidsorgverbetering en dat afwesigheid beduidend afneem terwyl daar ook 'n
verbetering in die gesondheidstatus van werknemers was.
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Whole body vibration training for multiple sclerosis patients : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment for the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandMason, Rachael Ruth January 2009 (has links)
Introduction: The purpose of this study was firstly to investigate whether 8 weeks of whole body vibration (WBV) training was an acceptable form of exercise for patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and secondly what effect it may have on measures of functional capacity. Methods: Fifteen participants with MS volunteered for WBV training three times a week on a commercialised Galileo Sport™ vibration machine with an oscillating platform. Training consisted of two four week blocks based on an increasing stimulus training programme (overload principle). The first fours weeks involving five sets of 1-min WBV with 1-min rest in between with increasing vibration frequency (15-25Hz, 2.6mm-4.1mm amplitude); the second four weeks training increased to eight sets of 1-min WBV (15-20Hz, 6.1mm amplitude). Functional performance measures (Timed up and Go, Standing Balance, Functional Reach and Timed walk) and quality of life questionnaire (SF-36) were conducted prior to training, at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 2 weeks (10wk) following the completion of the training. Results: The 10m walk test showed significant improvements at the 2m, 8m and 10m measure between pre vs. 8wk (P<0.05) and pre vs.10wk (P<0.05). Timed up and Go demonstrated a significant time effect (P<0.05). Standing balance showed significant improvements at pre and 4 week (p<0.05) and pre and 10 week (p<0.05). Conclusions: This is the first study to investigate WBV as an exercise training modality for MS patients. It was shown that not only is WBV training safe, well tolerated by MS patients but it also improved standing balance and walking speed in MS patients.
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Die geskiedenis van Matie-krieket 1865-2000Stander, G. B. (Gavin Barry) 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (MScSportSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the years the Maties have made an invaluable contribution to both Western
Province and Boland cricket. The purpose of this study is to document the origin,
formation and experiences of the Matie Cricket Club.
The nucleus of this study therefore documents the development of the Matie
Cricket Club. The history of the club dates back to 1865, perhaps the end of
1864, and an attempt has been made to reconstruct all gathered information as
accurately and thoroughly as possible.
Although there is much popular writing on sport in South Africa, very little
scientific documented information is available. Studies such as these are thus
hampered by the unavailability of primary information. Since this study is sporthistorically
orientated, the historic-scientific method has been implemented.
Preference has been given to primary sources of information. These sources
include minutes of the Matie Cricket Club, Stellenbosch Municipality, University
Council, Sports Committee, Colours Committee and the Stellenbosch College
Athletic Club, as well as University of Stellenbosch publications, such as the
Stellenbosch College Ramkie, Stellenbosch College Times, Stellenbosch
Students' Annual, Stellenbosch Students' Quarterly, Stellebosse Oud-Student,
Stellenbosse Student and the Stellenbosse Universiteitsblad, interviews with
those involved in the club and photos. Secondary sources of information include
books and newspapers.
The introductory section gives a broad outline of the history of Western Province
cricket from as early as 1808. The first chapter has been devoted to the aim and
statement of the problem, scope of the study, method of research and the
evaluation of the resources. The growth of the club is discussed in detail under the following headings: Cricket
during the 1800s, cricket before the First World War (1900-1913), cricket
between and during the World wars (1914-1945), and cricket after the Second
World War (1945-200). The progress and achievements of the club over 135
years are outlined. The club played in the Western Province since its formation
in 1865, whereafter they moved to the Boland in 1901 and competed there for the
following 60 years. However, there were, a couple of years in between when the
first side competed in the Western Province, but only on a friendly basis and
against sides in lower leagues, while the junior sides still competed in the Boland
leagues. During the 1960/61 season, the first side was allowed to compete on a
friendly basis against sides in the first league of the Western Province; at the end
of 1963 the club moved all four of its teams to compete in the Western Province
The sports fields of the University and especially the various venues of the cricket
club are dealt with. At first games were played at the "Braak", from where they
moved to the "Vlakteveld", Pavillion field and the famous Coetzenburg fields.
The Matie Cricket Club also contributed to the success of the South African
Universities' tournament. A brief history of the Matie Cricket Club since 1947
when the tournament was first played and their success in the national club
championships are outlined.
The role of the Stellenbosch College Athletic Club during the early history of the
cricket club is also briefly discussed. Since the formation of the Victoria-College
Cricket Club in 1912, only students were allowed to play in the matches against
the South African College and the last of these matches were played in 1917.
After the formation of the University of Stellenbosch in 1918, these matches were
played between Stellenbosch and the University of Cape Town. These
Intervarsity matches are discussed until the late 1960s whereafter it came to an
end. Due to the fact that the University goes to the South African Universities
tournament in December they do not undertake a lot of tours. Some tours
preceded the tournaments and they are only briefly discussed.
Coaching deserves its own section to show the progress made in this field. The
efforts of various coaches contributed to the success of the club and the fact that
so many players were included in representative sides. This section is followed
by those people who made a major contribution to the club over the years.
The Matie Cricket Club has 12 Springboks in its history, namely Nico
Theunissen, Izak Buys, Eddie Barlow, Mike Procter, Michael Melle, Peter Kirsten,
Garth Ie Roux, Denys Hobson, Adrian Kuiper, Darryl Cullinan, Kepler Wessels
and Dave Rundle. A player profile of each is given as well as a list of Matie
players in the various representative sides, as well as the players who regularly
played in the first side of the Maties. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die jare het die Maties 'n groot bydrae tot die Westelike Provinsie en Bolandkrieket
gelewer. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die oorsprong, stigting en
gebeure van die Matie-krieketklub na te vors en te dokumenteer.
Die kern van hierdie studie gaan oor die ontwikkeling van die Matie-krieketklub.
Die klub se geskiedenis strek vanaf 1865, moontlik einde 1864, tot op hede en
alle inligting wat bekom is, is so deeglik en akkuraat moontlik weergegee. Die
doel was dus om die oorspronklike gebeure te rekonstrueer.
Hoewel daar baie oor sport geskryf is, is die meeste inligting nie wetenskaplik
bewaar of gedokumenteer nie. Aangesien hierdie studie sport-histories van aard
is, is die histories-wetenskaplike metode van navorsing soos toegepas in
Menslike Bewegingskunde gevolg. Dit behels die versameling van inligting uit
veral primêre bronne. Onder hierdie bronne tel die notules van die Matiekrieketklub,
voorsitters- en bestuursverslae, jaarverslae, Universiteitspublikasies,
onderhoude met ooggetuies en foto's. Sekondêre inligting is uit boeke en
koerante verkry.
Die studie word ingelei deur 'n algemene oorsig oor die ontwikkeling en
geskiedenis van krieket in die Westelike Provinsie (WP) wat reeds so vroeg as
1808 gespeel is. Die eerste deel word aan die metodologie gewy. Daar word
onder andere na die doel en probleemstelling, afbakening van die studieterrein,
metode van ondersoek en die evaluering van bronne gekyk.
Daarna word die ontwikkeling van die Matie-krieketklub uiteengesit. Daar word
na krieket in die 1800's, krieket voor die Eerste Wêreldoorlog (1900-1913),
tussen en tydens die Wêreldoorloë (1914-1945), en krieket ná die Tweede
Wêreldoorlog (1945-2000) gekyk. Aandag word aan die groei van Matie-krieket
tot 'n volwaardige sport bestee. Daar word na die prestasies van die klub oor ongeveer 135 jaar gekyk. Die klub het vanaf sy stigting tot 1901 in die WP
gekompeteer, waarna hulle vir die daaropvolgende 60 jaar in die Boland
deelgeneem het. Daar was jare tussenin wat die eerstespan in die WP gespeel
het, maar al die wedstryde was op In vriendskaplike basis beslis en meestal teen
spanne in die laer ligas. Die junior spanne het egter steeds in die Boland
gekompeteer. Gedurende die 1961/62-seisoen is die eerstespan vir In
proeftydperk in die WP se eersteliga opgeneem en het die klub met vier spanne
sedert die einde van 1963 op In permanente basis in die WP gespeel.
Hierna word die verskillende terreine waar krieket gespeel is, behandel, by name
die Braak, Vlakteveld, Pawiljoenveld en Coetzenburg. In hierdie hoofstuk word
die geskiedenis en die gebruik van die velde uiteengesit. Matie-krieket het ook In
bydrae gelewer tot die sukses van die Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite-toernooi en
In kort geskiedenis hiervan word uiteengesit. Die sukses wat Maties in hierdie
toernooi behaal het, word vanaf 1947 bespreek. Daar word ook na die klub se
deelname aan die nasionale klubkampioenskappe verwys.
Die rol wat die Stellenbosch College Athletic Club in die vroeë geskiedenis van
Matie-krieket gespeel het, word ook bespreek. Sedert 1912 toe die Victoriakollege
krieketklub gestig is, was die inter-kollege wedstryde tussen Victoriakollege
en die South African College In suiwer kollege aangeleentheid en die
laaste wedstryd tussen dié twee instansies is in 1917 gespeel. Met die stigting
van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch in 1918 is dié wedstryde teen die
Universiteit van Kaapstad gespeel. Hierdie Intervarsity-wedstryde word tot en
met die laat 1960's bespreek toe die wedstryde doodgeloop het.
Omdat die klub jaarliks in Desember na die Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite-toernooi
gegaan het, is daar nie baie toere onderneem nie. Daar word net kortliks na dié
toere verwys wat wel deur die klub op pad na die toernooie ingepas is. Afrigting wat 'n baie groot rol in enige klub se sukses speel, geniet ook aandag.
Die harde werk van verskeie afrigters het onder andere daartoe bygedra dat
Matie-krieket 'n aantal nasionale en provinsiale spelers opgelewer het. Dié
afdeling word opgevolg deur ander persone wat ook 'n groot rol in die sukses van
die klub gehad het.
Die Matie-krieketklub het tot op hede 12 Springbokke, naamlik Nico Theunissen,
Izak Buys, Eddie Barlow, Mike Procter, Michael Melle, Peter Kirsten, Garth Ie
Roux, Denys Hobson, Adrian Kuiper, Darryl Cullinan, Kepler Wessels en Dave
Rundle opgelewer. 'n Sportprofiel word van elkeen gegee. 'n Lys van die Maties
in verteenwoordigende spanne, asook Maties wat vir die eerstespan op 'n
gereelde basis gespeel het, is saamgestel.
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The relationship between the development of motor skills on the self-concept of at-risk childrenHugo, Karin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of participation in a sport
development programme on the sport skills and self-concept of28 at-risk primary school
children from a disadvantaged community. All 28 participants were pre-tested, then received a
six-week (12 lesson) intervention programme, after which all children were post-tested. Data
collection for the dependent variables was completed using the Latchaw Motor Achievement
Test and the Catty Self-Concept Scale.
Results of this study revealed that at-risk children realised the following outcomes of
participation in a sport skill development programme:
• Four of six components of motor achievement improved significantly.
• The self-concept of the children did not show a significant improvement.
• Three of six components of motor achievement showed a significant correlation with
Based on the results, it was concluded that participation in a sport skill development
programme could not make a significant contribution to the motor development of at-risk
primary school children. However more research is needed in this specific area in order to
determine how skill development can be implemented to enhance the self-concept of at-risk
children. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die invloed van deelname aan 'n sport
ontwikkelings program op die sportvaardighede en self-konsep van 28 hoë-risiko laerskool
kinders vanuit 'n minderbevoorregte gemeenskap te ondersoek. Al 28 deelnemers was gepretoets
en daarna 'n intervensie program van ses weke (12 lesse) gevolg, waarna die kinders
weer almal gepost-toets is. Dataversameling vir al die afhanklike veranderlikes is voltooi deur
die gebruik van die Latchaw Motoriese toets vir die toetsing van motoriese vaardighdede en
die Cratty Selfkonsep toets.
Resultate van hierdie studie het aangetoon dat die hoê-risiko kinders die volgende
uitkomste met betrekking tot deelname aán die sport ontwikkelings program, behaal het:
• Vier van die ses motoriese prestasie komponente het beduidend verbeter
• Die selfkonsep van die kinders het nie 'n betekenisvolle verbetering getoon nie.
• Drie van die ses motoriese prestasie komponente het 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie
getoon met selfkonsep.
Gebaseer op hierdie resultate, is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat deelname aan 'n
sport vaardigheid ontwikkelings program geen defnitiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die motoriese
ontwikkeling van hoë-risiko laerskool kinders nie. Verdere navorsing word benodig in hierdie
spesifieke area om vas te stel hoe 'n vaardigheids ontwikkeling program geimplimenteer kan
word om selfkonsep van hoë-risiko kinders te verbeter.
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Pseudoephedrine and its effect on performance : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandBetteridge, Scott Sheng-yi January 2007 (has links)
Pseudoephedrine is a mild stimulant which partially mimics the action of noradrenaline and adrenaline. Recently, pseudoephedrine has been removed from the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) prohibited substances list. This occurred despite limited research in regards to its effects on sporting performance, and no studies on prolonged exercise performance (>2hrs). There is some evidence to suggest pseudoephedrine may have an ergogenic effect at dosages exceeding therapeutic levels, possibly by masking fatigue. This study investigated the possible ergogenic effects of pseudoephedrine on endurance cycling performance. Using a double blind, randomised cross over design, eight well-trained cyclists (VO2max 69 ± 2 ml×kg-1) performed two self- paced performance time trials at least 6 days apart. Ninety minutes prior to the trial, subjects consumed either placebo or pseudoephedrine (2.5 mg×kg-1) capsules. Diet and exercise were controlled for 48 hrs prior to each trial. The time trial required completion of a set amount of work, equivalent to riding at two and half hours at a power output calculated to elicit 70% VO2 max. Power output was measured using a Powertap system (Cycle Ops Power, Saris Cycling Group, USA). Venous blood samples were collected prior to capsule ingestion, just before starting the trial, and at every 20% increment in completed work until completion and were analysed for glucose and lactate. Heart rate was recorded throughout the trial. There was no significant effect of pseudoephedrine on average performance (p=0.235). Heart rate was significantly higher with pseudoephedrine consumption compared to placebo (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference in glucose or lactate between trials. Pseudoephedrine does not significantly improve self-paced endurance cycling performance, though the individual response was variable. However, exercising heart rate was significantly higher during exercise after ingestion of the stimulant.
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Att ha eller vara kropp? : En textanalytisk studie av skolämnet idrott och hälsa / To have or to be body. A textanalytical study of the compulsory subject physical educationSwartling Widerström, Katarina January 2005 (has links)
<p>The overall aim of this study is to analyze how the body is understood in the compulsory school subject physical education during the period 1976-2002. With pragmatism as the point of departure the texts of curricula, syllabi and articles from the physical education teacher's specialist press are analyzed. The analytical tools used are two perspectives of the body and human movement, one based on dualistic ideas and the other on Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of the lived body. The analysis shows that there are differences in how the embodied person is understood in three different types of text. In the curricula the dualistic ideas where the individual is seperated into body and soul prevail. The picture is more complex in the syllabi whilst in the articles from the specialist press the lived body is found more often. In the articles from the specialist press there is a pattern that shows change over time where phenomenological ideas are more prominent towards the end of the period studied. The dissertation consists of three parts. In the first part there is an introduction to the study and theoretical perspectives are introduced, the second part consists of the analysis of the texts and in the third part these are discussed and possible didactic consequences presented.</p>
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The physiological effects of pseudoephedrine on endurance cycling : a thesis submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science, Massey University (Palmerston North, New Zealand)Mouatt, Joshua Roger January 2008 (has links)
Background: Pseudoephedrine (PSE) is a mild central nervous system stimulant that when consumed at a high dosage has the potential to alter physiological and psychophysical responses. PSE is widely accessible as over-the-counter medication and despite limited research into PSE at high dosages or its effects on prolonged exercise (>2 hours) is no-longer on the World Anti-Doping Association’s banned substance list. Currently unrestricted in sport and with no real understanding of the abovementioned responses during endurance exercise there is a high potential for abuse in sport. A recent study performed in our laboratory found PSE to improve self-paced cycling performance in some individuals, however no physiological measurements were taken Purpose: The primary purpose of this study was to determine the physiological effects of PSE at a dosage previously shown to improve performance (2.5 mg/kg) in some individuals during prolonged cycling. A secondary purpose of this study was to assess the effect on endurance cycling performance. Methods: In a randomized, double-blind and counter-balanced design, ten welltrained cyclists participated in two trials, consisting of 120 min of fixed-intensity cycling at 65% VO2max followed by a set work, self-paced time-trial (TT) of ~30 min, following ingestion of either 2.5 mg/kg PSE or visual-matched glucose placebo. Venous blood samples were collected before and during exercise, along with body temperatures and heart rate. Perceived effort and expired gas samples were collected during exercise. Exercise and diet was controlled ~48-hours prior to the trials. Results: Mean heart rate was significantly higher with PSE (P = 0.028) during fixed-intensity exercise. Blood glucose concentrations were significantly lower with PSE (P <0.001) for the first 40 min of fixed-intensity exercise. Respiratory exchange ratio was lower in the final 20-min of fixed-intensity and TT with PSE. Blood lactate, perceived effort, ventilation, and body temperatures were not significantly different between conditions during exercise, nor was TT performance; however individual response was variable. Conclusions: PSE ingestion increased heart rate during endurance cycling and initially suppressed carbohydrate release into the bloodstream while increasing fat oxidation in the later stages of exercise. Despite individual responses, endurance cycling performance remained unchanged with PSE ingestion.
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The physiological and molecular response to repeated sprints in male and female team-sport athletes : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandDent, Jessica January 2009 (has links)
Background: Due to the unique demands of the sport, athletes playing football perform a variety of differing training methods to improve physiological performance. These include strength, endurance and sprint training. While the effects of strength and endurance training have been well researched, the effects of repeated-sprint training on blood and muscle variables in well trained males and females are not well known. An understanding of changes to the blood and muscle during and following an exercise bout are important, so to gain an understanding of the type of stress and resulting adaptations that may occur. Also, while a large volume of research in training adaptations has been performed on males; little has been done on females. To date, some research indicates metabolism during moderateintensity exercise may differ between males and females; however, no study has compared repeated-sprint exercise. Therefore, it is unclear as to whether males and females would have a differing physiological response to repeated-sprint training. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a repeated-sprint bout on molecular signalling in muscle and blood measures and heart rate in well-trained footballers. Additionally, we compared running times and sprint decrement (%). Research Design: Eight female senior University football players (Mean ± SD, age, 19 ± 1 y, VO ? 2peak 53.0 ± 5.1 ml·kg-1min-1) and seven male senior University football players (Mean ± SD, age, 19 ± 3 y, VO ? 2peak 59.0 ± 6.6 ml·kg-1min-1) volunteered to participate in this study. Participants performed four bouts of 6 x 30 m maximal sprints spread equally over a 40 min period. Sprint time was measured (at 30 m) for each sprint and sprint decrement was also calculated for all bouts. Muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis muscle at rest, 15 min following exercise and 2 h into recovery. Venous blood samples were taken at the same time points as the biopsies while capillary blood lactate was measured at rest and 3 min following each sprint bout. Repeated measures ANOVA and Post hoc t-tests were performed to determine significant differences between the two groups (male vs. female) and time points. Findings: Both groups had a significant (P<0.05) increase in blood lactate (mM) after the first bout of repeated sprints, with no differences between females (pre 0.9 ± 0.4 mM – post 10.0 ± 1.6 mM) and males (pre 0.8 ± 0.3 mM – post 10.0 ± 3.5 mM). Blood lactate remained elevated compared to rest (P<0.05) following bouts 2, 3 and 4 for both females (12.0 ± 3.6, 12.0 ± 3.3, 12.2 ± 3.8 mM respectively) and males (11.9 ± 2.9, 11.6 ± 2.3, 11.5 ± 4.0 mM respectively), with no differences between groups or time points (P>0.05). There were no differences (P>0.05) between the female and male athletes in mean heart rate attained at the end of each bout of repeated sprints (187 ± 2 v 190 ± 2 bpm respectively) or during recovery between sprints (140 ± 2 v 130 ± 2 bpm respectively). There were no differences between groups or time points in blood insulin (P>0.05). Fastest 30 m sprint time and mean 30 m sprint time during the repeated-sprint bout was faster for the males than females (4.58 ± 0.12 v 5.26 ± 0.27 s respectively; (P>0.05)). However, there were no differences in running velocity during the sprints between the males and females (165 ± 0.4 % vs. 155 ± 0.05 %; P>0.05) when expressed relative to velocity at VO ? 2peak (vVO ? 2peak). Also, mean % decrement during the repeated-sprint bout was lower in the males then females (4.9 ± 1.3 v 7.1 ± 1.9 % respectively; P<0.05). No changes were observed in total or phosphorylated Akt at any time-point or between genders. However, while total 4E-BP1 was lower, the ratio of total to phosphoryalated 4E-BP1 at rest was greater in males than females (P<0.05). Finally, there was also a significant decrease in 4E-BP1 phosphorylation post-exercise in males (P<0.05), but not females. Conclusions: There were no sex differences in blood lactate or heart rate throughout the repeated-sprint bout. These findings suggest that there were no cardio respiratory or lactate production/clearance differences in the response to a repeated-sprint-training bout between sexes. However, while males were faster than their female counterparts, the average relative speed was similar between sexes, suggesting a similar relative volume of work was performed during the sprint bouts. However, the females did have a greater decrement in sprint performance indicating a greater ability to recover sprint performance in the males. Sex differences in resting total and phosphorylated 4E-BP1 may indicate greater potential for muscle growth in the male athletes during basal conditions. However, differences could be due to factors other than sex, including previous training history. There was a lack of change in plasma insulin or Akt, but, similar to resistance exercise, a significant decrease in post-exercise 4E-BP1 phosphorylation for the males, but not females. The sex differences in the 4E-BP1 phosphorylation response post-exercise could be due to differences in the metabolic disturbance in the muscle during and following maximal sprints. Keywords: blood lactate, heart rate, muscle
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The development of a reliable and valid netball intermittent activity test : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Science at Massey University, Auckland, New ZealandRyan, Helen Joanne January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation was to identify the exercise intensity of netball match play in order to assist in the development of a Netball Intermittent Activity Test (NIAT). A further aim was to assess the criterion validity and the test-retest reliability of the NIAT. Eleven female netball players (21.4 ± 3.1 years, 1.73 ± 0.06 m, 69.3 ± 5.3 kg and 48.4 ± 4.9 ml•kg-1•min–1 mean ± SD, age, height, body mass and VO2max, respectively) volunteered to participate in the study. Heart rate data was recorded for all participants from at least two full 60 minute games during Premier Club competition. Individual maximum heart rate values were acquired for all subjects from the performance of the Multistage Fitness Test, and used to transform heart rate recordings into percent maximum heart rate (%HRmax). Patterns in %HRmax were used to indicate positional grouping when developing the NIAT from time motion analysis data. Subjects performed two trials of the NIAT separated by at least seven days. Physiological and performance markers were measured systematically throughout the NIAT. Exercise intensity as denoted by %HRmax significantly decreased from the first half of match play to the second half (90.4 ± 2.7% v 88.3 ± 2.8%; p<0.05). Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed between positional groups and led to the grouping of Defence (D), Centre Court (CC), and Attack (A) players for NIAT performance. Comparisons of %HRmax between match play and NIAT performance indicated that the NIAT had good criterion validity for D (match Mdn = 92.52% vs. NIAT Mdn = 86.27%, p>0.05) and A (match Mdn = 86.95% vs. NIAT Mdn = 82.93%, p>0.05) players, but that %HRmax during the NIAT (Mdn = 79.70%) was significantly lower than match play (Mdn = 89.70%) for CC group (p<0.05). Measures of 5 m sprint performance (1.27 ± 0.06 s v 1.25 ± 0.06 s; p>0.05; r=0.66, p<0.001), vertical jump height (29.12 ± 4.17 cm v 28.82 ± 3.60 cm; p>0.05; r=0.91, p<0.001), circuit time (107.49 ± 3.22 s v 107.89 ± 4.27 s; p>0.05; r=0.72, p>0.001) and %HRmax (82.56 ± 4.66% v 81.03 ± 4.13%; p>0.05; r=0.82, p<0.001) for NIAT1 vs. NIAT2 indicated good test-retest reliability. These data suggest that netball players experience a reduction in exercise intensity over the duration of a game, with exercise intensity being related to on-court position. Whilst the NIAT appears to be a repeatable activity pattern, it is not a good simulation of physiological strain for all positional groups. More work is required in order to create a netball simulation that is both reliable and valid for all players.
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