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Human capital resources, human resource management policies, and employee perceptions : an investigation of young professionals in the banking sector of PakistanSaqib, Syed Imran January 2018 (has links)
Situated within the human resource management and performance (HRM-P) link literature, this thesis explores the 'black box' of the mechanisms that link HRM practices and performance. By doing so, it sheds light on how and why HRM practices can lead to superior firm performance. Heeding calls for more nuanced and contextual work on understanding this link, this study uses qualitative responses from 79 industry experts, HR/senior managers, and young professionals, as well as artefacts and documents, to analyse the causal mechanisms that connect HRM policies, aimed at human capital resource (HCR) accumulation, to employee outcomes in five banking organizations in Pakistan. Using the strength of HR process conceptualization and the process model of HR, the thesis looks at the entire chain that connects intended, actual, and perceived HR policies to understand why HR managers' and young professionals' perceptions of both the content and the process of HR implementation varies, and how this is connected with the employee outcomes of turnover intentions and job satisfaction. The first set of findings reveals that there is considerable difference in how the quality of the content of HR systems is perceived from the point of view of young professionals in comparison with HR practitioners. Young professionals have strong negative perceptions of HR policies related to their long-term career development, which is explained in part by the incongruence and the lack of focus of HR on the goal of HCR accumulation. The second set of findings show that there are several processual factors that help to explain these varying perceptions, which dilute the implementation of HR practices. The analysis reveals that the competency of HR departments, the role of line managers, elements of the Pakistani culture, and the role of top management shape the quality of the HR system that is implemented. Connecting this to employee outcomes, the analysis reveals that the link between HR and performance is not straightforward; this helps to explain the moderate statistical effects noted in the extant HRM-P link research. Employee reactions are more related to their personal circumstances and other organizational factors rather than HR factors. The third set of findings expands the analysis to individual contexts of the five banks, further revealing that the mission of the organization, the presence of a strong HR leader, external economic factors, and the historical legacy of the organisation also shapes employee perceptions and, thus the effectiveness of HR policies and their implementation. The thesis makes a theoretical contribution to the HRM-P link literature by revealing that the competitive advantage that stems, in part, from the actions of HR departments derives from how well they navigate the various processual factors that can impede HR system implementation. It makes a methodological contribution by responding to calls for more in-depth qualitative research on the phenomenon, by using a specific segment of employees within the under-represented context of Pakistan. It makes a practical contribution by highlighting that many western prescriptions, such as talent management and bell curves, may be less effective if prevailing cultural constraints are not accounted for, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. Existing HRM-P link studies have not adequately considered these contextual and cultural factors in their analyses.
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Inovácia oblasti riadenia ľudských zdrojov / Inovation of the human resource management systemBaluch, Igor January 2011 (has links)
Igor Baluch, Inovation of the human resource management system, Department of information technology at the Faculty of informatics a statistics at the University of economics in Prague, head of the dioploma work doc. Ing. Norbert Žid, CSc., Prague 2011, 77 pages The diploma work brings and systematize the latest knowledge at the field of human resource management and it`s support by information technology. Focus of this work is addressed to the most suitable solution of a human resource information system in the VUB Bank, inc. Great attention is paid to the individual phases of the implementation of HRIS: HR strategy, company analysis, selection and implementation of appropriate solutions. The possible structu-re of the RFP is suggested for potential suppliers of solutions.
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Řízení lidských zdrojů v malých a středních podnicích / Human resource management in small and medium-sized enterprisesVáclavková, Lucie January 2005 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation thesis is human resource management in small and medium-sized enterprises, in the context of various internal and external conditions for their functioning. The main objective of this thesis is based on the identification and assessment of the current approaches of small and medium-sized enterprises to human resource management propose the model of human resource management in Czech small and medium-sized enterprises, including recommendations to improve the quality of human resource management.
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Požadavky na informační systém pro řízení lidských zdrojů z pohledu manažerů, personalistů a zaměstnanců / Requirements for Human Resource Information System from the perspective of managers, personnel managers and employeesPejzlová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on information systems for human resources management. These information systems represent connection of human resources management and information technologies. Information systems simplify decision-making process and make people management more efficient. An aim of the diploma thesis is evaluation of information systems for human resources management in Unicorn Systems a.s. - Unicorn Universe on basis of comparation with other chosen information systems from this area.
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1994 human resource management strategic plan of the South African Department of LabourMadzivhandila, Thiambiwi Eunice January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2001 / Refer to ducument
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Relationship Between Employee Wages, Number of Employee Referrals, and Employee Turnover IntentionBrown, Robert 01 January 2018 (has links)
Employee turnover is a significant contributor to the overall loss of hundreds of billions of dollars in profitability for many business organizations in the United States and abroad combined. Grounded in Maslow's theory of human motivation, the purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between employee wages, number of employee referrals, and employee turnover intentions. The population was composed of employees working in the Southeastern region of the United States. A convenience sample of 92 participants answered questions regarding their wages, number of employee referrals, and completed the Turnover Intention Scale. Results of the multiple regression analysis indicated the model as a whole was able to significantly predict turnover intentions, F(2, 89) = 5.462, p = .006, R2 = .109. Within the final model, employee wages was a statistically significant predictor (t=-2.769, p=.007) and the number of employee referrals was not a statistically significant predictor (t=-1.712, p=.090). The knowledge gained from the findings in this study could have implications for social change among employees and consumers in society. Satisfied employees in low turnover work environments can provide the foundation for a more enjoyable customer experience. Both non-profit and for-profit organizations can implement business practices that will reduce turnover and increase job satisfaction among employees.
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The Influence of Perceived Psychological Contract Violations on Expatriate Attitudes: The Moderating Role of Individual, Organizational, and National FactorsKim, Kowoon 22 March 2018 (has links)
As a business becomes dependent on knowledge and intellectual capabilities, human resource management is undoubtedly a key driver of an organization’s success. In the same vein, the importance of managing human resources for the multinational enterprise (MNE) cannot be overstated (Dowling, 1999; Hiltrop, 1999; Tung, 1984). Since a large number of MNEs depend on expatriates to run their global operations despite their relatively high costs, it is essential for MNEs to develop a better understanding of expatriate management. In this regard, the psychological contract has received recent attention as an underlying mechanism for managing expatriates. However, existing psychological contract studies have paid little heed to the unique contexts of expatriate employment relationships (Ng & Feldman, 2009; Lub, Bal, Blomme, & Schalk, 2016), which are different from domestic employment relationships. Expatriates are often exposed to more complex environments than their domestic counterparts, such as different cultures. Moreover, expatriate contracts usually involve multiple parties and are directed by various interests (Kraimer & Wayne, 2004; Mendenhall & Oddou, 1985). Therefore, the current understanding of psychological contracts in the expatriation context is not well understood. This could potentially hinder the ability to manage expatriates on international assignments. Using social exchange theory and equity theory, this dissertation seeks to explore expatriates’ psychological contracts in the multi-contextual nature of expatriation. More particularly, this dissertation aims to examine the effects of psychological contract violations on attitudinal outcomes in the expatriation context and also discover potential moderators of that relationship at the individual, organizational, and national levels. Using an expatriate sample, this dissertation employs two questionnaires within a two-week interval. The findings of this dissertation contribute to a clearer understanding of expatriate management by answering essential questions of what impact perceived psychological contract violations have on expatriate attitudes and how individual, organizational, and national factors influence the effects of perceived psychological contract violations.
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The role of school management teams in human resource management in selected township schools in the Mpumalanga Province / Nhlapo Job MphikeleliNhlapo, Job Mphikeleli January 2008 (has links)
Education in South Africa faces many challenges; among them is the betterment of teaching and learning in order to improve the performance in schools, particularly in township schools where the results of learners are still not up to the required standard. For schools to function effectively, the School Management Teams (Principal, Deputy Principal, HODs), need to understand the importance of the effective management of human resources. The proper and effective management of people cannot be neglected if the schools as organisations want to attain their goals. School Management Teams as managers of schools are accountable for the effective running of the schools and the task of proper management of human resources rest on their shoulders. In this study an investigation into human recource management in selected township schools in the Gert Sibande Region (Mpumalanga Province) was done. Central to the study is the School Management Team's (SMTs) understanding of the concepts management and leadership, human resource management and related aspects. An investigation was also done regarding the knowledge, skills and strategies needed to improve education in township schools. With regard to the proper training of SMTs, various recommendations are made to expose them to more rigorous training, especially in Human Resource Management as this is the cornerstones of effective school management. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.
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Decentralisering : förändring i företag och arbetslivSödergren, Birgitta January 1992 (has links)
I denna avhandling presenteras resultaten från en empirisk undersökning med syfte att granska effekterna av decentralisering. Hur påverkas organisationen – "bakom fasaden av ord"? Vilka positiva och negativa effekter kan urskiljas? Boken innehåller också en genomgång av tidigare teorier om decentralisering. I undersökningsresultaten kan ett flertal faktorer urskiljas, med möjliga effekter för arbetsliv och konkurrenskraft. Decentralisering påverkar inte bara de formella strukturerna utan också den grundläggande organisationslogiken. Den lokala affärsverksamheten prioriteras vad gäller utveckling, resursuppbyggnad och handlingsutrymme, ofta på bekostnad av mellanchefs- och stabsnivåer. Breddade ansvarsområden prioriteras och specialiseringen i arbetet minskar. En ny syn på kunskapsutveckling kan skönjas, mer marknadsbaserad och verksamhetsnära. Flexibilitet prioriteras framför stordrift – eller handlar det om att vinna "småskalefördelar"? Decentraliseringen ger också upphov till förändrade kunskapsmönster och yrkesroller genom hela organisationen. Arbetet förändras, inte bara för personalen utan kanske framför allt för chefer och specialister. Decentralisering ställer också nya krav på ledarskapet. Hur leder man en organisation som egentligen klarar sig själv? / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 1992</p>
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Internal Branding in Multinational Firms : A gap analysis of internal stakeholder perceptionsCaster, JoAnna, Linnes, Dana January 2013 (has links)
Authors: JoAnna Caster & Dana Linnes Tutor: Setayesh Sattari Title: Internal Branding in Multinational Firms- A Gap Analysis of Internal Stakeholder Perceptions Background: As globalization increases, the topic of internal branding has grown in popularity, particularly as a way for firms to secure a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. The topic is quite new however, and there are many aspects that have not been fully explored, including the influence of internal stakeholder perceptions on a firm’s internal brand and related support activities. Purpose: The purpose of this research study is to 1) identify whether a gap exists between employee and manager perceptions of a firm’s internal brand and internal branding activities and 2) investigate the influence of a firm’s country of origin on those perceptions. Delimitations: The study was limited to only medium and large sized firms that have international operations. Additionally, only internal stakeholders were included in the study and the research was limited to respondent’s perceptions, and not necessarily the actual internal brand and related supporting processes or structures. Method: The research was qualitative and data was collected via 24 in-depth interviews of managerial and non-managerial employees at 10 medium and large sized firms. The data was then analyzed using a pattern-matching technique. Conclusions: Perceptions of both managerial and non-managerial employees did not indicate significant gaps, however there seemed to be an unclear understanding of what an internal brand is and what respondent’s firm’s internal brand represents. Also, the country of origin did not have a significant influence on those perceptions, as most respondents indicated that they perceived their firm’s internal brand as primarily “global.” Keywords: internal branding, internal brand, international marketing, marketing strategy, stakeholder perceptions, internal marketing orientation, human resource management, country of origin
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