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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measurement and modelling of human sensory feedback in car driving

Nash, Christopher James January 2018 (has links)
With the growing complexity of vehicle control systems it is becoming increasingly important to understand the interaction between drivers and vehicles. Existing driver models do not adequately characterise limitations resulting from drivers’ physical systems. In particular, sensory dynamics limit the ability of drivers to perceive the states of real or simulated vehicles. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to understand the impact of sensory dynamics on the control performance of a human driver in real and virtual environments. A new model of driver steering control is developed based on optimal control and state estimation theory, incorporating models of sensory dynamics, delays and noise. Some results are taken from published literature, however recent studies have shown that sensory delays and noise amplitudes may increase during an active control task such as driving. Therefore, a parameter identification procedure is used to fit the model predictions to measured steering responses of real drivers in a simulator. The model is found to fit measured results well under a variety of conditions. An initial experiment is designed with the physical motion of the simulator matching the motion of the virtual vehicle at full scale. However, during more realistic manoeuvres the physical motion must be scaled or filtered, introducing conflicts between measurements from different sensory systems. Drivers are found to adapt to simple conflicts such as scaled motion, but they have difficulty adapting to more complicated motion filters. The driver model is initially derived for linear vehicles with stochastic target and disturbance signals. In later chapters it is extended to account for transient targets and disturbances and vehicles with nonlinear tyres, and validated once again with experimental results. A series of simulations is used to demonstrate novel insights into how drivers use sensory information, and the resulting impact on control performance. The new model is also shown to predict difficulties real drivers have controlling unstable vehicles more reliably than existing driver models.

Une approche pour l'ingénierie des systèmes interactifs critiques multimodaux et multi-utilisateurs : application à la prochaine génération de cockpit d'aéronefs / Engeeniring multimodal and multiuser critical interactive systems : application to the next aircrafts cockpits generation

Cronel, Martin 18 October 2017 (has links)
Nos travaux contribuent au domaine de l'ingénierie des systèmes interactifs multimodaux critiques. Ils facilitent l'introduction de nouveaux périphériques (comme les tablettes multi-touch, les systèmes de reconnaissance de geste...) permettant l'interaction multimodale et multi-utilisateurs au sein des futurs cockpits. Pour le moment, les méthodes et les techniques de description des IHM (Interactions Homme Machine) existantes pour la conception des cockpits ne permettent pas de prendre en compte la complexité des techniques d'interaction multimodales. De leur côté, les méthodes de conception d'IHM grand public sont incompatibles avec les exigences de fiabilité et de certification nécessaires aux systèmes critiques. Les travaux proposent un modèle d'architecture logicielle et matérielle MIODMIT (Multiple Input Output devices Multiple Interaction Techniques) qui vise l'intégration de périphériques permettant l'usage de multimodalité au sein de systèmes critiques. Ce modèle décrit précisément les rôles de chacun des composants ainsi que les relations qu'ils entretiennent. Il couvre l'ensemble du spectre du système interactif multimodal qui va des périphériques d'entrée et leurs pilotes, vers les techniques d'interaction et l'application interactive. Il décrit aussi le rendu allant de l'application interactive aux périphériques de sortie en passant par les techniques complexes de présentation. Au-delà de sa capacité de description, ce modèle d'architecture assure la modifiabilité de la configuration du système (ajout ou suppression de périphériques au moment du design et de l'exécution). En outre, la modélisation des systèmes fait apparaitre qu'une partie importante du comportement est autonome c'est-à-dire qu'il évolue sans recevoir d'entrées produites par l'utilisateur. Les utilisateurs peuvent avoir du mal à comprendre et à anticiper ce genre de comportement autonome, qui peut engendrer des erreurs appelées automation surprises. Nous proposons une méthode d'évaluation à base de modèles des techniques d'interaction permettant d'analyser pour ensuite réduire significativement les erreurs d'utilisation liées à ces comportements inattendus et incompréhensibles. Enfin nous avons exploité le langage formel ICO (Interactive Cooperative Objects), pour décrire de façon complète et non ambiguë chacun des composants de l'architecture. Il est exploitable au moyen d'un outil d'édition et d'interprétation appelé Petshop, qui permet de faire fonctionner l'application interactive dans son ensemble (de l'entrée à la sortie). Nous avons complété cet environnement par une plateforme que nous avons appelée ARISSIM(ARINC 653 Standard SIMulator). Elle ajoute des mécanismes de sûreté de fonctionnement aux systèmes interactifs multimodaux développés avec Petshop. Plus précisément ARISSIM permet la ségrégation spatiale et la ségrégation temporelle des processus, ce qui accroît fortement la tolérance aux fautes durant l'exécution. Nos travaux proposent un socle aux équipes de conception pluridisciplinaires (principalement ergonomes spécialistes en IHM et développeurs) d'interaction homme-machine pour les systèmes critiques destinés aux cockpits d'aéronefs de prochaine génération. / The work of this thesis aims at contributing to the field of the engineering of interactive critical systems. We aim at easing the introduction of new input and output devices (such as touch screens, mid-air gesture recognition ...) allowing multi-user and multimodal interactions in next generation of aircraft’s cockpits. Currently, development process in the aeronautical filed is not compatible with the complexity of multimodal interaction. On the other side development process of wide spread systems cannot meet the requirements of critical systems. We introduce a generic software and hardware architecture model called MIODMIT (Multiple Input Output devices Multiple Interaction Techniques) which aim the introduction of dynamically instantiated devices, allowing multimodal interaction in critical systems. It describes the organization of information flux with a complete and non-ambiguous way. It covers the entire spectrum of multimodal interactive systems, from input devices and their drivers, to the specification of interaction techniques and the core of the application. It also covers the rendering of every software components, dealing with fission and fusion of information. Furthermore, this architecture model ensure the system configuration modifiability (i.e. add or suppress a device in design or operation phase). Furthermore, moralizing a system reveals that an important part of the interactive part is autonomous (i.e. not driven by the user). This kind of behavior is very difficult to understand and to foresee for the users, causing errors called automation surprises. We introduce a model-based process of evaluation of the interaction techniques which decrease significantly this kind of error. Lastly, we exploited ICO (Interactive Cooperative Objects) formalism , to describe completely and unambiguously each of the software components of MIODMIT. This language is available in an IDE (integrated development environment) called Petshop, which can execute globally the interactive application (from input/output devices to the application core). We completed this IDE with an execution platform named ARISSIM (ARINC 653 Standard SIMulator), adding safety mechanisms. More precisely, ARRISIM allows spatial segregation of processes (memory allocution to each executing partition to ensure the confinement of potential errors) and temporal segregation (sequential use of processor). Those adding increase significantly the system reliability during execution. Our work is a base for multidisciplinary teams (more specifically ergonoms, HMI specialist and developers) which will conceive future human machine interaction in the next generation of aircraft cockpits.

A Study of Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Learnability for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Command and Control

Haritos, Tom 01 January 2017 (has links)
The operation of sophisticated unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) involves complex interactions between human and machine. Unlike other areas of aviation where technological advancement has flourished to accommodate the modernization of the National Airspace System (NAS), the scientific paradigm of UAS and UAS user interface design has received little research attention and minimal effort has been made to aggregate accurate data to assess the effectiveness of current UAS human-machine interface (HMI) representations for command and control. UAS HMI usability is a primary human factors concern as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) moves forward with the full-scale integration of UAS in the NAS by 2025. This study examined system learnability of an industry standard UAS HMI as minimal usability data exists to support the state-of-the art for new and innovative command and control user interface designs. This study collected data as it pertained to the three classes of objective usability measures as prescribed by the ISO 9241-11. The three classes included: (1) effectiveness, (2) efficiency, and (3) satisfaction. Data collected for the dependent variables incorporated methods of video and audio recordings, a time stamped simulator data log, and the SUS survey instrument on forty-five participants with none to varying levels of conventional flight experience (i.e., private pilot and commercial pilot). The results of the study suggested that those individuals with a high level of conventional flight experience (i.e., commercial pilot certificate) performed most effectively when compared to participants with low pilot or no pilot experience. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) computations for completion rates revealed statistical significance for trial three between subjects [F (2, 42) = 3.98, p = 0.02]. Post hoc t-test using a Bonferroni correction revealed statistical significance in completion rates [t (28) = -2.92, p<0.01] between the low pilot experience group (M = 40%, SD =. 50) and high experience group (M = 86%, SD = .39). An evaluation of error rates in parallel with the completion rates for trial three also indicated that the high pilot experience group committed less errors (M = 2.44, SD = 3.9) during their third iteration when compared to the low pilot experience group (M = 9.53, SD = 12.63) for the same trial iteration. Overall, the high pilot experience group (M = 86%, SD = .39) performed better than both the no pilot experience group (M = 66%, SD = .48) and low pilot experience group (M = 40%, SD =.50) with regard to task success and the number of errors committed. Data collected using the SUS measured an overall composite SUS score (M = 67.3, SD = 21.0) for the representative HMI. The subscale scores for usability and learnability were 69.0 and 60.8, respectively. This study addressed a critical need for future research in the domain of UAS user interface designs and operator requirements as the industry is experiencing revolutionary growth at a very rapid rate. The deficiency in legislation to guide the scientific paradigm of UAS has generated significant discord within the industry leaving many facets associated with the teleportation of these systems in dire need of research attention. Recommendations for future work included a need to: (1) establish comprehensive guidelines and standards for airworthiness certification for the design and development of UAS and UAS HMI for command and control, (2) establish comprehensive guidelines to classify the complexity associated with UAS systems design, (3) investigate mechanisms to develop comprehensive guidelines and regulations to guide UAS operator training, (4) develop methods to optimize UAS interface design through automation integration and adaptive display technologies, and (5) adopt methods and metrics to evaluate human-machine interface related to UAS applications for system usability and system learnability.

Predicting Human Behavior in Repeated Games with Attitude Vectors

James, Brian L. 06 August 2021 (has links)
As Artificial Intelligence systems are used by human users at an increasing frequency, the need for such systems to understand and predict human behavior likewise increases. In my work, I have considered how to predict human behavior in repeated games. These repeated games can be applied as a foundation to many situations where a person may interact with an AI, In an attempt to create such a foundation, I have built a system using Attitude Vectors used in automata to predict actions based on prior actions and communications. These Attitude Vector Automata (AVA) can transform information from actions in one game with a given payoff matrix into actions in another game. Results show that prediction accuracy was ultimately below other, similar work, in general in several repeated games. There are however some aspects, such as scenarios involving lying, in which my predictor showed potential to outperform these other systems. Ultimately, there is potential in using ideas presented as AVA to build a potentially more robust system for future efforts in human behavior prediction.

Cognitive Load Estimation with Behavioral Cues in Human-Machine Interaction

Goeum Cha (9757181) 14 December 2020 (has links)
Detecting human cognitive load is an increasingly important issue in the interaction between humans and machines, computers, and robots. In the past decade, several studies have sought to distinguish the cognitive load, or workload, state of humans based on multiple observations, such as behavioral, physiological, or multi-modal data. In the Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) cases, estimating human workload is essential because manipulators' performance could be adversely affected when they have many tasks that may be demanding. If the workload level can be detected, it will be beneficial to reallocate tasks on manipulators to improve the productivity of HMI tasks. However, it is still on question marks what kinds of cues can be utilized to know the degree of workload. In this research, eye blinking and mouse tracking are chosen as behavioral cues, exploring the possibility of a non-intrusive and automated workload estimator. During tests, behavior cues are statistically analyzed to find the difference among levels, using a dataset focused on three levels of the dual n-back memory game. The statistically analyzed signal is trained in a deep neural network model to classify the workload level. In this study, eye blinking related data and mouse tracking data have been statistically analyzed. The one-way repeated measure analysis of variance test result showed eye blinking duration on the dual 1-back and 3-back are significantly different. The mouse tracking data could not pass the statistical test. A three-dimension convolutional deep neural network is used to train visual data of human behavior. Classifying the dual 1-back and 3-back data accuracy is 51% with 0.66 F1-score on 1-back and 0.14 on 3-back data. In conclusion, blinking and mouse tracking are unlikely helpful cues when estimating different levels of workload. <br>

The Neck Hammock : A First-Person Soma Design Project on the Experience of Rocking

Kidder-Wolff, Aidan January 2022 (has links)
Estetiker inom design är ofta subjektiva, då vad som definierar interaktionens kvaliteter skiljer sig åt mellan dem. Vissa estetiker kan dock visas distinkt genom kroppsspråk, vilket påståendevis skulle vara en mer konkret metod för att förmedla upplevelser och intryck. Detta arbete utforskar trivsamt passivt gungande, ur perspektivet av en dansare och massör, genom first-person research. Den dokumenterar sedan designprocessen av en artefakt som har förmågan att kunna återskapa denna sensation. Gungande valdes på grund av personliga erfarenheter och intresse för hur det kan visas genom att endast använda kroppen, till skillnad från många andra estetiker. Genom att använda metoder inom Soma Design kombinerat med first-person research började denna process med brainstormingaktiviteter kring gungande och fortsatte sedan med att genom Feldenkrais-inspirerade aktiviteter främmandegöra konceptet. Med den nyvunna förståelsen av gungning skapades en formförändrande nackkudde kallad "The Neck Hammock" för att framkalla en gungande sensation hos en dansare eller en massör. Kvantitativt utforskande av rörelserna som skapades av "The Neck Hammock" placerade gungande längs et spektrum av olika upplevelser och visade även att den djupt själviaktagande upplevelsen kan resultera i starka minnesbilder och associationer av tidigare upplevelser. Dessa associationergjorde det enkelt at kategorisera en session med "The Neck Hammock", då framgångsrika sessioner väckte minnen från erfarenheter av gungstolar, hängmattor mm. Detta tyder på att individuella responser på "The Neck Hammock" kommer att vara unika och baserade på varje användares tidigare erfarenheter av gungande, trots att allmänna egenskaper som t.ex. behagligheten i det hela lär finnas kvar. Trots att många sessioner förmedlade en sensation av gungande var det fåsom passade perfekt in i det sökta ,trivsamma, passiva gungandet. De sessioner som var framgångsrika och framkallade tydliga minnesbilder hade en betydande känslomässig påverkan och orsakade stundom långvariga känslor i hela kroppen. / Aesthetics in design are often subjective because definitions of the qualities of interaction differ. Some aesthetics, however, can be distinctly shown with body movement, perhaps offering a more concrete method to communicate experience. This thesis explores a first-person understanding, as a dancer and masseuse, of pleasant passive rocking. It then documents the design process of an artefact capable of conveying the same experience. Rocking was chosen due to personal history and interest in how it can be shown explicitly using the body, unlike many other aesthetics. Using first-person Soma Design methods, this process began with brainstorming attributes of rocking and later utilized defamiliarization through Feldenkrais-inspired activities. With the newfound understanding of rocking, a shape-changing neck pillow named the Neck Hammock was created to evoke a dancer’s and masseuse’s rocking. Quantitative exploration of the Neck Hammock movement placed rocking along a spectrum of experience, and also revealed that the deeply introspective experience can result in vivid mental visualizations of past lived experiences. These visualizations made categorizing a session with the Neck Hammock simple, as successful trials evoked memories of hammocks, rocking chairs, etc. This suggests that individual responses to the Neck Hammock will be unique based upon the user’s past associations with rocking, though general qualities like pleasantness ought to remain. While many trials conveyed rocking, few aligned perfectly with the targeted pleasant passive rocking. The trials that were successful and caused a mental visualization had significant emotional impact and sometimes caused long-lasting full body experiences.

Design and Realization of Wearable Haptic Devices for Improved Human-Machine Interaction in Neurofeedback and Robot-Assisted Surgery / ニューロフィードバックとロボット外科手術におけるインタフェース改善のための装着型触カ覚提示装置の設計と実現

SHABANI, FARHAD 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第24608号 / 工博第5114号 / 新制||工||1978(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻 / (主査)教授 松野 文俊, 教授 小森 雅晴, 教授 森本 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

Designing an EV Charger &amp; Battery Storage Unit : Adapted to Scandinavian Residential Environments

Hörnström, Linnea, Nilsson, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
The global automotive industry is currently experiencing a shift as the sector converts from fossil fuels to electric vehicles (EVs). However, the existing infrastructure for EV charging is facing difficulties in meeting the growingdemand in terms of accessibility and technical performance. In response, companies such as Zpark EnergySystems are actively engaged in the development of chargers to cater to the needs of the next generationchargers. As part of their efforts, Zpark has introduced a new product segment specifically tailored to thegrowing market demand, by creating a fast charger for the residential market. This thesis aims to create anexterior design for the charger and battery storage unit (BSU) suited to Scandinavian residential environments.The project has been divided into three main focus areas. The first area concerns design where primarily formtheory, material science and ergonomics have been researched. To validate the theory which established thedesign elements and features of the charger and BSU, extensive user testing was performed. The second areaconcerns adaptation in terms of how the product design will suit the intended home market. Scandinavian-architecture, -design, -colours and -climate has been studied for this area. The final focus area concerns theinteraction between users and mainly the charger. Research has been conducted to explore the integration ofuser interactive features into the design. The usability of these features has also been thoroughly examinedthrough user testing. Which has been combined with theories related to colour, human-machine interaction, andform theory in order to create a user-friendly interaction experience.The project approach has been divided into the following steps; exploration, ideation, evaluation andimplementation. For the explore phase background theory to the project was researched and methods such asbenchmarking, white space analysis, customer journey, placement analysis, and user research were conductedto gain an understanding of the market and the current pain points. For the ideation phase the goal was togenerate a large number of design concepts for both the charger and BSU. This was achieved through variousinternal ideatios methods within the team as well as external methods at workshops. To narrow down betweenthe design concepts an evaluation matrix was used which resulted in a final concept that was brought forward tothe next project phase, namely the evaluation. The evaluation phase concerned testing the final conceptsthough user testing and making technical specifications according to theory. At the end of this stage a finaldesign was achieved where all details were specified and loose ends tied together. The last phase concerningimplementation was then performed in correlation with the specified design through producing digital 3Dvisualisations and creating an animation of the final designs.The project resulted in an exterior design for the charger as well as the BSU which fulfils the aims of the projectscope. The design incorporates the features found to be necessary in the background research. Further auser-friendly design was established through various user tests investigating the integrated features and revisingthem according to the user test results. Adaptation to the home market is achieved through customisablecolours and modularity of the BSU. The design incorporates the characteristics of Scandinavian design boththrough its form elements and by the use of materials which makes the charger and BSU suit a Scandinavianresidential environment in a visually cohesive and aesthetically pleasing way. / Fordonsindustrin genomgår en omfattande förändring då branschen konverterar från fossila bränslen tillelektriska fordon (EF). Branschen står inför utmaningar de kommande åren då den befintliga infrastrukturen förelbilsladdning har svårigheter att möta den ökande efterfrågan när det gäller tillgänglighet och tekniskprestanda. Därav är företag som Zpark Energy Systems aktiva i utvecklingen av innovativa laddare för atttillgodose dessa behov hos nästa generations laddare. I linje med deras satsningar har Zpark introducerat en nyproduktkategori specifikt anpassad till den växande marknadsefterfrågan genom att skapa en snabbladdaresom är skräddarsydd för bostadsmarknaden. Detta examensarbete syftar till att skapa en exteriör design försnabbladdaren samt tillhörande batterilagringsenhet (BLE) anpassad till Skandinavisk bostadsmiljö.Projektet har delats upp i fyra huvudsakliga fokusområden. Det första området centrerar kring design där främstformteori, materialvetenskap och ergonomi har studerats. För att validera teorin som designelement ochfunktioner för laddaren och BLE har baserats på så utfördes användartester. Det andra fokusområdet i projektetavser anpassning i form av hur produktens design ska anpassas till den avsedda bostadsmiljön. Teori gällandeskandinavisk arkitektur, design, färger och klimat har studerats för att skapa en akademisk grund för dettaområde. Det sista fokusområdet för projektet rör interaktionen mellan användare och främst laddaren.Användartester har genomförts för att utforska integrationen av interaktiva funktioner i designen och dessanvändbarhet. Detta har kombinerats med teorier relaterade till färgsättning, människa-maskin-interaktion ochformteori för att skapa en användarvänlig upplevelse under laddningsprocessen.Projektets tillvägagångssätt är uppdelat i tre huvudmoment: utforskning, idégenerering, utvärdering ochimplementering. Under utforskningsfasen undersöktes bakgrundsteori för projektet och metoder sombenchmarking, white space analysis, customer journey, placeringsanalys och användarstudier användes för attfå en förståelse för marknaden och befintliga utmaningar. Under idégenereringsfasen var målet att generera ettstort antal designkoncept för både laddare och BLE. Detta uppnåddes genom olika interna och externaidégenereringsmetoder och workshops. För att välja bland designkoncepten användes en utvärderingsmatrissom resulterade i ett slutgiltigt koncept vilket sedan togs vidare till nästa projektfas. Utvärderingsfaseninnefattade utvärdering av det valda design konceptet genom användartester och tekniska specifikationer enligtteorin. Vid slutet av denna fas uppnåddes en slutlig design där alla detaljer specificerades och lösa ändar knötsihop. Den sista fasen rör implementering och utfördes i enlighet med den specificerade designen genom attproducera digitala 3D-visualiseringar och skapa en animering av de slutgiltiga designerna.Projektet resulterade i en exteriör design för laddaren och BLE:n som uppfyller projektets mål: Designeninkluderar de funktioner som identifierats som nödvändiga i bakgrundsundersökningen. När det gällerfunktionaliteten skapades en användarvänlig design genom olika användartester som utvärderade deintegrerade funktionerna vilka reviderades utifrån resultatet i testerna. Anpassning till hemmamarknaden uppnåsgenom anpassningsbara färger och modularitet för BLE. Designen innehåller kännetecknen för skandinaviskdesign både genom sina formelement och genom användningen av material vilket gör att laddare och BSUpassar i en skandinavisk bostadsmiljö på ett estetiskt tilltalande sätt med hög funktionalitet.

Designing Computer Agents with Facial Personality to Improve Human-Machine Collaboration

Tidball, Brian Esley 11 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis of Driver's Mental Workloads for Designing Adaptive Multimodal Interface for Transition from Automated Driving to Manual / 半自動運転時の権限移譲を支援する適応型マルチモーダル・インタフェースのデザインのためのドライバの心的負荷の分析

Chen, Weiya 23 March 2023 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: デザイン学大学院連携プログラム / 京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第24607号 / 工博第5113号 / 新制||工||1978(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科機械理工学専攻 / (主査)教授 椹木 哲夫, 教授 小森 雅晴, 教授 泉井 一浩 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

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